Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 08, 1922, Night Extra, Image 19

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t- t f '
Fermer WesfPhlla. H. S. Star
Wins 2 Events Along With
Levr and Brender
il r';'
..-.. 7r"
fikvel&nd Indians Hare te Meet
; Mack In First Intersec
.' ' tienal Clash
( -
ilFTER nearly a month of sectional
'A i.1l Ini fllA ht Iftaviljlu tllfc
DBneuBii - " "..., ...v.
' teams In the American and National
eirculfa bc,n thc flr8t Efl8t V8, Wcst
cl.Vhes today.
All the clubs In Ban Jehnsen's clr
edit are cchedulcd te perform, but 1n
AeHeydler ring the Robins and Pirates
done clash at Pittaburgli, all thc ether
EMtern teams being en their way West.
The flret Weitcrn club te make Its
appearance here Is Trls Bpeaker ami his
'Oereland Indians. Speke and his
nirly arrived this morning and arc
euartewd at the Aldlne. They meet the
jUekmen at Sblbe I'ark this afternoon,
Tie visitors are In third place, Just
uhalf fame ahead of Boten and Ohl Ohl
eue, and' their record forlthe season
lit trifle above the .500 mark. They
hire v-en eleven eit of twenty-one
lames played. Out of the ten defeats
Htjttered against the Indians, rtlx were
it the hands of the St. Leuis Browns.
Anlnst Detroit and the White Bex
Speaker's clan has by far thc better
tf the games played te date.
In the party that reached here today
Vtre three catchers, eight pitchers,
KTtn inflelders and five outfielders, In
Siding Manager Speaker himself, .for
t total 01 iwcmy-inrciHuj-rra.
Almest Perfect Game
Mlnsinx n perfect game by thc nnrrew
Btrgln of a bnse en balls te "Cy" WH
Bimiln the fifth, Jesse Barnes, hurling
tee of the Glnntn find a here of the
lut World Series, In in the ne-blt, no
ran hall of fame today.
vThe Phillies, blanked (1-0, were
tiffed down with monotonous regular
ity by Barnes, who fanned five am) al
lowed only four balls te get te thc eur1
Barnes' performance, thc sixth of its
kind registered by n Olant pitcher
Ames Itusic, Christy Mnthewsen
(twice), Red Ames and .Tcff Tcsreau
belttr. th,e ethers gave the McUraw men
t commanding lead of three and a half
times as they start West te open n
(cries tomorrow with one of their
rtrengest rivals, thc St. Leuis Cardinals.
Duplicate Mays' Feat
gam Jenes duplicated Carl Mays'
two-hit allowance of the day before
tad enabled the Yankees te easily bent
Wuhlngten, 8-1. The victory kept the
New Yerk club a step nhend of the
Browns, vhe defeated Cleveland in a
httry-hltting contest, driving three of
Speaker's hurling' aces, Mulls, Morten
and Bngby, from the box.
Ty Cobb went en one of his old-time
hatting rampages, collecting five hits,
Including three doubles nml n homer,
ln,as many times at bat, but Detroit
lest te Chicago 0-7, although hitting
Faber fer f-eventeen binglcs.
Powell's ninth-inning home run gave
Barten u 4-!i decision ever Brooklyn.
Pittsburgh knocked Alexander from the
box and hit three ether Cub twirlcrs
hard for nn 11-5 victory. Deak hnd
Cincinnati at his mercy except for enu
Inning, and thc Cardinals wen handily,
Topercer's hitting proving a feature.
Middy Oarsmen Easily Defeat
Princeton and Harvard in Var
sity and Freshman Races
The Middies are at It again. With
A intercollegiate rowing hcunen In
foil swing Dick Glenden's cightfl are
for the third successive year proving
tie right te being called the best of
n. Saturday the future ensigns out
rowed both Princeton and Hnrvard en
Ike Charles Hlvcr in Bosten, and did
it (0 convincingly thnt there was little
doubt of the merits of the three crews.
Six lengths separated the Middles
worn the Tigers, who in-turn had two
Injlths en the Hnrvrrfil eight. In the
irtthmen race the Annapolis plebcs had
Wand one-half lengths en Princeton,
and the latter defeated the Crimson
JJjJgatcrs by one-half length.
The Middles had everything Saturday
J weir first appearance of the tensen.
two eights showed n smoothness
ad rhythm In their bladcwerk that
Bade the old-timers sit up nnd tnke
wtjee. The powerful sweeps of the
-Middy oarsmen sent their beat liter
JwcInimlng ever the water.
The varsity race was n runaway from
"start, Hiid after the first mile It
wed as though Princeton would be
far in the rear. With -the Mld-
i rS? far 0,,t Jn front the morale of
! Tigers crumbled, and It was only
S -BUPThuinan effort in the Inst
wee-fourths mile of the race that they
able te row together and beat out
.The downfall of Princeton makes
fenn the favorite for the Childs Cup
ft,Vt,tbl,Satijrdnyen Carnegie Lake.
Jlumbla, the ether entrant, like Penu,
gited en Saturday. Betli the Red and
rt?M a.nd ,hc . Mernlngsldc Helghtb
Jfi ,,ilvc "m(,e Hit times ever
bn .iley C01lrse rt'htnncc ni should
M'e it out Saturday.
t JL2.t'ct,en', however, has been known
na? Bri, fHk' n.n'1 i mny be tlmt wlth
" wlftljc in the seating of the
ini kJ?0."1 (1"rlnK the coming week they
lumVu '' H,,nmj t0. ,ve Pen nl fo fe
Jtntta cn ,n the C,,,,d, Cup
tW.?,,.Wr,!,t' .t,,e ne'1 nml "l"0
?ePJ L""tl;m fep the '!',c' th0 M
nrsitv f f?r l"- All three eights,
elhJu,i,er """' nl freriinwn
Uve wf,e.,'.Vpiccpl,,:nt condition and
. " " "-IIUIKIII,
Earl Thomsen Fails te'
Break Twe Hurdle Marks
ln?heIl,m!l!,l,"S0,, OI'"")lu 'n'Hlen
m coHcge ranks, fulled Saturday in
" effertH te lower the recentt for
hrdta Wnly .and Tventy-fivc-yurd
BMie events. In the former
"nl his own mark made last venr.
Thm venty-live-ynrd event
Ffc".w" t"-ftl of second
Jf- in the recent Pcnn reluvs
-yard event en the grass of 15
fTIHE University of Pennsylvania track
team will face its biggest test of the
season next Saturday at Ithaca, when
It engages Jack Menkley's Cernell team.
The meet was originally scheduled for
Franklin Field, but.reconstructlen work
there made It necessary te switch the
meet te thc shores of Lake Cayuga.
The Penn runners and field men will
be handicapped from new en by net
having their own trnck te practice en.
Ceftch Robertsen wilt probably take his
squad out te the Btrawbrldge & Clothier
field dally. The track there Is net a
quarter-mile one, but is said te be one
of thp best In the city.
The Held men will de their practicing
en Museum Field, where they will have
plenty of room te threw the' javelin,
discus and shot. The jumpers and
hurdlers will nccempany the runners.
After the brilliant victory ever Dart
mouth en Haturday, when Larry Brown
nnd his mates wen n dual meet, 80 te
fift, Penn's chances against Cernell have
been greatly enhanced. The perform
ances made bv Powers, the former West
Philadelphia High Hchoel star, in the
nurciics wasnotewerthy.
Running as n varsity man In n meet
for the first time. Powers skipped across
the 120 high and the !0 low for first
nlnces. His time in the former. IB 4-5
seconds, and In the latter, 25 3-5 sec-J
uuun, nrp hoi vrry mm, pui iut :iiuusii
te mhke him dangerous te Kimball, thc
Cernell star.
Rese Makes Great Jump
Albert Rese, who has been steadily
improving in the running bread jump,
made his best leap of his career at
Hanover. He skimmed through space a
distance of 23 feet 7V6 inches.
If the Chester lad continues his pres
ent improvement Penn will have a first
place winner in thc event In thc inter inter
celleglatcs, for the mark made by Rese
en Saturday was the best turned in by
n celleginn this season.
Beets Lever showed he Is returning te
form bv remDinc home n winner in thp
100 and 220. The former he covered !
in 10 1-15 seconds, nnd thc latter in
22 4-5. fthnttuck, who rnn as a mem- I
ber of the 440-yard relay team, mushed
second in thc century, with Altmnler,
another member of the relav team, in a
dead hent for second with Rny Jack.
Geerge Brender, the former Brooklyn
Polytechnic star, marked his first per
fermance for the varsity by winning (
first plnbe in two events. The husky
sll-nrnund stnr heaved the 10-pound i
shot 42 feet 0 inches, nnd threw the
javelin 107 feet 11 Vt Inches. The latter
mark was twenty feet shorter than the
new record established bj Brender in
the Penn relays.
Brown Wins Mile
Captain Larry Brown, after n hard
race with Sherburne, of Dartmouth,
captured the mile In 4 minutes 34 4-fi
seconds, net the fastest time thc Red
nnd Blue skipper lias mnue tins season, ;
but speedy considering track cendl- i
Den Head lest the two-mile run br
a few feet after a sensational finish
with Yeung, of Dartmouth. Johnny
Helden's defeat In the quarter was a
big surprise, considering the time, fil j
seconds. Kd. McMullcn surprised by
romping home n winner In the half '
ahead of ueorge Jiereuim, who nun ie
be content with third place. The time
was 2 minutes 1 4-6 seconds.
Frank, Penn's l."2-pound hammer
thrower, edged in with a win in ins
favorite event when he heaved the
pellet 133 feet 5 Inches.
Easy for Princeton
Princeton scored almost as easy a
trnck victory ever Yale as did Penn
ever Dartmouth. The Tigers rolled up
71 1-3 points te 48 -'-a for tne Kits.
The times made by thc winners in
almost every event were better than
theso made nt Hanover. Stevenson
wen the 440 In 40 0-10; Jehnsen, of
Princeton, thc half. In 1 minute 57'
::.1I! DeubIbs. of Yale, the mile, in i
4 minutes 20 3-10 seconds, within one- I
tenth of the record. !
The day marked flic real opening e t
the outdoor trnck season with meets
nil ever the KnBt and Seuth. With '
Jimmy Patterson, who ran for Penn
fresh last yeur in the stellar role with
three first places, Colgate wen the trl- ,
angular meet with Pittsburgh and)
Syracuse. i
Allan iicinncn wim wins iu uie
quarter and half, nnd Larry Shields in
the mile nlded Penn State in defeating
the University of Virginia.
The result of thc ether meets follew:
Lnfnvette bent Bucknell, Rutgers
smothered Lehigh. Brown trounced
Bowdoin. Stevens humbled ('. ('. N. Y..
West Virginia surprise! Washington
and Jeffersen, nnd Union trounced
Athletjcs Hit Hard In 10-8 Victory
Over Newark Club
Newark. N, .1., Mny 8. Hammering
out a tetnl of nineteen bnse hits, Cennie
Mack's Philadelphia Athletics registered
n 10-tn-H lctery ever the Newark
Benrs here ycktcrday in nn exhibition
game. , . .
The Bears jumped home from Buffalo
nnd left immediately nfter their game
with the Athletics for Terente. In
rlmldl in tln Mackmen's base-hit bar-
raise were n pnir of home runs by
Miller, two triples by jsrneer. u triple
and it two-begger by Heuscr and a
triple by Welch.
Star Track Athlete May Be Missing
for Rett of Season
Washington, Pa., Mny . C'onstcr C'enstcr C'onstcr
natien was caused In track circles at
Washington and JefferFen when It was
learned thut Charles West, stur Negro
athlete, would likely be missing from
competition for the remainder of the
West, who iinlnhed third in the pen
tathlon at the Penn games, uns de
clared Ineligible a few hours before thc
team left for Morgnntewn te compete
with West Virginia In a dual meet.
Reach A. A. Signs Players
The Reach A. A.'hns signed "Uescy"
Devlin, who pitched for Stetson Inst
ear; Oetz, of Hagerstown, Md. ;
Shulta, of Spring City j Moffett brothers
of Illusion, and McDcrmett, of thc old
Stetson Club. Reach is n first clas.s
traveling club, and can be secured
through Art Summers, 1524 Chestnut
street, or by addressing J. II. Dnlley,
710 Belgrade street. Phene Kensington
1301 W.
Minn Anna Jarvla, the feunJr of Mether n
Day, tell why hf believe In the flapper
also ten llilnis rery irlrl uf fourteen wheuUI
knew In a full-pene Interview lhlcli up
nam in the Uln Section of next flun-
day's Fi'Dtie Lispess. "Mane it a Habit."
TS- v &
A New
Recerd for
The Time
Sat, May 6, 1922
The Place
1307 Market St.
The Recerd
10,000 hats
in one day
in one store;
A Recetd Breaking
Radie Carnival
When I sent out the Cede Signal Q S T last Saturday,
which was a General Call for "All Persons te Stand By" and get
the Styl-Flash, I expected a rush, but I didn't leek for a riot.
I guess every Live-Wire in Philadelphia caught this
Flash, plugged in his Loud Speaker, and invited all his friends
te "listen in," because the response resulted in a Record Recerd
Breaking Radie Carnival and my store was a Receiving Station
for all Philadelphia.
Last Friday night at 8.30, W G L, one of the most pow
erful Broadcasting Stations in Philadelphia, in a Style Fore
cast, said that "The most startling . new style feature intro
duced this Season was a White Sennit Sailor with a thick edge
te the brim." This Style Prophet must have referred te the
Styl-Flash, as it is the only hat in Philadelphia with a light
Radie Amplified Edge.
Incidentally, the Styl-Flash has the "edge" en any new
style introduced this year, and was responsible for my Phila
delphia store making a New Recerd for the Opening Day of the
Straw Hat Season and breaking the World's Recerd for the
number of straw hats sold in any one store in any one day.
The enthusiasm of the crowd was contagious. Even the
salesmen who had all waited en mere than a hundred cus
tomers apparently enjoyed the evening performance as much
as the matinee.
Although I was in the store during the whole perform
ance, it was impossible te speak te you all and thank everyone
personally for coming te my Radie Party, se I want te take
this opportunity te publicly express my appreciation.
I thank you all 10,000 times.
P. S. If it was impossible for you te "listen in" last Sat
urday, I just want te remind you that we are going te have a
continuous performance every day this week.
Mrs Kjer
1307 Market Street (Opposite Wanamaker's)
The Greatest Men's Hat Stere in the World
:&'t Jrl
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