Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 05, 1922, Night Extra, Image 5

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Wf ,r ks-aii'. iH--irfri. ivfavrr;y7
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Important News of
Springtime Apparel
.New Cotten Frecks
$9.75 te $19.75
Dark blue, brown and black Voiles, with
white clots or figures; in plaited and tunic
styles, some with lace cellar and cuffs and
vestce, and plaited ribbon trimming. (One
ribben-trimiricd sketched.) Alse light tissues
in stripes and plaids, in blue, rose, lavender
and canary, with dainty white organdie
trimming. And hand-made Dresses in deli
cate tints, with hand-work for trimming
$9.76 te $19.75.
Crepe de Chine Dresses
$15.00 te $18.75
With plaited skirts, plaited tunic, plaited
panels; some models trimmed with beads.
Black, navy blue and brown.
Various Silk Frecks
$20.00 te $25.00
Tricelette, crepe de' chine and Canten
crepe, in tunic and plaited models, many
witii the irregular sides and panels. Seme
elaborately beaded and embroidered. Black,
white, rust, brown and navy blue. t
Tailored Weel Dresses
Reduced $10 te $15
Many of these were originally special at
double these prices. Chiefly tweeds and
duvet de , laine, a few of beige tricetine.
Beaded, embroidered and plain-tailored.
Straw bridle & Clothier Second Kleer. Market Street
Homespun and Tweed
Suits, Special, $18.75
Belted models and ethers that can be worn
with or without the belt. Various shades
of blue, tan and heliotrope.
The Fine Skibo Tweed
Suits, Special, $22.50
Blue, gray, tan, russet, henna and rose.
Coats in box and semi-fitting styles. High
grade peau de cygne linings. Blue, gray,
tan, russet, henna and rose.
Tweed SuitsSpecial
Frem $25.00 te $35.00
Plain, two-tone and herringbone effects.
A variety of the most faveied models. Tans,
blues and russet shades.
One Hundred Capes
Extraordinary $16.50
Many of these were feimerly specially
priced at $22.50. Plain-tailored, scalloped
and fringe-trimmed models, of twill and
tricetine, lined throughout.
Mixed Tweed Coats,
The last let hardly stayed long enough fei
tis te get acquainted with them. All in geed
medium colorings, plain-taileted and yoke
Capes, Special, $20.00
Youthful cowl-cellar Capes, dne of the
best-selling numbeis of the season. Of a
beautiful pile fabric.
$22.30 J
M i
W J Sports Coats, $25.00
Tan cloaking, silk-lined, made in the style
sketched. Otheis of chinchilla cloth in shades
of tan one in oveueat style, the ether de
cidedly Tuxedo; both lined throughout.
WoelVelourWraps, $35
Cape-sleee Coats en easy wiap lines,
in tan, brown, navy blue and black; ele
gantly lined. -d
lr- Straw bildse S. Clothier Second Floei. Centie
Summer Rugs
Nationally known Crex de
fuxe, Herringbone and Imperial
Crex-ueavc Rugs in a profusion
of effective color combinations.
Rattania and Demus Fibre
and Woel-and-FIbre Rugs, in
many sizes. Colonial Rugs are
Hand-made Oval Rujjs have
a dihtmct individuality. Plenty
of sizes and designs.
fe,Rusl Rubs seem te lead in
.-j thl? seisen for sun parleis
andperches. We have a great
nu0rOS.n"wcave RuSs come !n
units is inches square, and can
shape you like.
Slianbrlilir A Clothier
I'eurth Fleer. Wet
Trout Fishermen!
,3" 'ly Heds. Heme with
wm r"."dea a.ml "s nm' tnM
l!.60reteeraBBUl,,eB Rml UP8
da?e(!tlKin0v,f ' famous Brook Broek
Br atm meni?nBhfr' ''"Prlal and
te i a 60? 8! '" "" ''nBtlm-V.'.OO
neerslble Steel Heds $3.50.
rnl" ?f.u" WniU-12.26 te $15.
Himi. -.B0 a "Peel,
a deie,, ' many '"nls-BOc te 8Se
flMlnnevNS and ring Halts-10c te
koxeTcreetf llnl,"' lcaU'rs- taclle
nett'aenrrIJ1-,?lealer ". In fact,
want. "snlng equipment jeu
i"" Clothler-Feuvth Floei
Cord Tires
SUe S0X-3Y2, with Inner Tube
Ferd-size Tires, 30x3 , Cord
Tires with non-skid tread, com
plete with inner tube for the
price of casing alone. Heavy
side walls and thick tread
A special combination at u
special price. A five-pound can
Whiz Oil Seap, ene-quait can
Tep Dressing, large size tube
of Patching Outfit ?2.75.
Straw brlde 4 Olnthter Olnthter
leuilh Fleer, Market Strett
Express Wagons
Aero Ceaster Wagons, seme
with wooden wheels, some with
disc wheels, and some with disc
wheels und rubber tires $4.00
te $12.00.
Slrawbrldge i. Clothier Fourth Fleer
The Philadelphia Music League Presents '
A Festival Performance with Music, Verse, Tableaux and
Costume Dances the Closing Feature of Music Week by the
btrawbridge & Clothier Chorus
Augmented by Prominent Singers and
with an Orchestra of Eighty Members.
Philadelphia Ice Palace
Saturday Evening at 8:15
Admission Charcrnd rnrdn for rnservprl nnnfa tinvn u
tribute by the Music League. After eight o'clock all scats
It is expected that, in addition te the audience' of
I 8,000 at the Ice Palace, this Concert will be heard by tern
vj invuauiiua vy i uuwpnunv specwi arrangements nave
been completed for
Relaying by land wire te Strawbridge & Clothier
W. F. I. and directly connecting with our powerful radio
m 4BSRfe.
v xk. i tws a..:
win v . 'gpjPfa.-'Tavm liy" &
Millinery at Special
and Reduced Prices
Hundreds of Trimmed Hats under regular prices te-morrow.
Hats that are right en the high tide of fashion the kind of Hats
for which every woman will find use from new en until September.
Trimmed Hats About Half Price at $3.00
Alse in this group some Ready-te-Wear Hats. A variety of
shapes, colors and trimming effects.
Fine Trimmed Hats Reduced te $5.00
Many of these were formerly double this price. Late spring
shapes of straw, of fabrics, or a combination of both; trimmed with
flowers and ribbons.
Special Purchase of Trimmed Hats, $8.00
Wonderful value. A recent purchase from a manufactuiing
milliner, made at. a price concession. Alse Hats of the same kind
from our regular stock, reduced te meet this price.
One Hundred Ostrich Feather Hats, $2.25
Of fancy straw mesh with ostrich feather trimming.
Girls Sports Hats Reduced te $2.50
Weel-and-straw combinations in crochet effects. Various colets.
Girls' Leghorn Hats, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00
New summer styles in natural Leghorn Hats for juniors.
Seme with ribbon edges, ethers with long ribbon streamers.
-5-- Stiawbrldee A Clothier Second Fleer. .Market Street, West
Pe Leng
Hair Nets,
Twe for 25c
And an
Net Free
'I he finest and best-made Hair Nets in both cap and fringe
styles, single and double mesh. All shades of blown, also auburn,
blend and black. Most women will buy 8 for $1.00 and secure
4 Nets free. - Stianbrlditu & Clothier Filbert Stieel Cieh Aisle
May Time is Blpuse Time
And Blouses such as never befeie have gladdened
suit or sweater, are gathered here for May purchase! s.
variety et inexpensive Bleuses:
Tailored and Semi-tailored Pongee Blouses &?.S.5
Semi-tailored White Habutai Silh Blouses $3.00
Crepe Georgette Blouses and Ovev-Bleuses $5,00
White Crepe de Chine Peter Pan' Blouses $5.50
Black and Blue Mignonette Tunic Blouses $5.00
Plain-tailored White Dimity Blouses $1.50
White Voile Peter-Pan Slip-en Blouses $1.50
Lace-trimmed White French Voile Blouses $2.00
Celer-touched White Voile Batiste Blouses $2.00
Perte Rican Hand-made Batiste Blouses $2.00
jr Stuwbrldee . Clothier Second Floei .
n tailored
Nete the
Pansy Girdles, Unusual, $2.00
Just the corseting se many women like is afforded by supple,
pliant, but firm, Girdles such as these. Of pink brocade and elastic,
in 14-inch length and with closed or laced back. Exceptional value
at $2.00.
Pansy Cerslette Brassiere-and-Hip
Cenfiner8, $1.50
Of pink brocade, with clastic ever the hips; hooking in back.
'ink Satin Corsets, semi-clastic top f.i.OO
Elastic Ghdles and Seft-top Corsets 7.efl te $15.00
Cesf(s and Girdle in Fourteen Well-Known Makes, for Women
and Misses $1.50 te $35,00
Saturday, the Last Day of NEMO WEEK
ly Straw lirldre 4 Clothier TMrd Fleer, .Market Street, Weil
Hundreds of Men's & Yeung Men's
Spring Suits Reduced
Many of our best-selling lines arc new marked at one-third te one-half less than former prices
because they have been depleted in range of sizes by early spring selling. Five important price-groups
every Suit in each group marked many dollars less than formerly.
Spring Suits of Worsted and ether Fabrics- $14.50
Alce, Wickham and ether fine Suits new $19.50
Suits of Alce and ether geed makes new $24.50
Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Alce Suits $33.50
Spring Suits from our finest lines new $38.50
TOP COATS for men and
young men. Spring weights and
styles, special $25.00, $34.50
and $37.50. Oxford gray
Chesterfields at $25.00.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
Tweeds at $34.50. Londen-made
Coats at $37.50.
uator-preofed, at considerably
less than regular prices $21.50,
$29.50 and $34.50.
SUITS with extra trou
sers. Of all - wool fabrics
special, $21.00 and $27.50.
men and young men, in an ex- '
tensive assortment, at these
prices $3.95, $5.00 and $G.50.
It is well te note that we arc i
the exclusive Philadelphia dis- '
tributers of Hart, Schaffner & i
Marx and Stein-Blech Clethes.
irr-y Strawbridge Clothier Second Fleer. Bait
Ready for "Straw Hat Day"!
With thousands of spic-span, brand-new Straw Hats
carefully selected te conform te the tastes of men and
young men seeking- something above the ordinary.
A wide variety of styles, shapes and braids. Yeu can buy an imported English Sennit Hat for
as little as $1.95 you can pay $8.00 for one of the finest Hats made, or you can buy a Hat at one of
the many prices in between but, no matter what you pay, you can test assured that you are getting
the best Hat value obtainable anywheie at the price.
Wickham Straw Hats are $2.85
A Straw Hat that in every way meets thp expectations of men who have decided te pay four
dollars or meie. Supreme in style and there are a number of smart shapes te cheese from and
matchless quality. V Slrabridse 4. Clothier Second Fleer .Market Street. Kaal
New Neckwear
Tuxedo style; white and
cieam, 85c; Sets $1.50.
In Peter Paa and Tuxedo
styles 85c.
Of crepe de chine, in plaids,
polka dots and stripes 50c and
silk; in Reman stripes, $3.75
te $8.50; in plain colors, $3.50
te $6.00. Silk Scarfs in bor
dered effects, $7.50 te $12. Im Im
petted Reman-stripe Silk Scarfs
f IO.UU,
Stranbi due 4
II Centie
Pullman Baby
Coaches, $27.00
Comfortable and roomy Blech
Coaches with reversible gear,
cordurev cushions and heavy
lubber tires. This is a geed
time te buy one, for the price is
unusuall low.
Fourth Fliwi t'entre
Misses' New High-Grade
Gingham Frecks, $15.00
flBHk Levely Frecks of checked ginghams, some in
ym the style sketched with velvet ribbon belt and tie
"T and fluted organdie cellar and cuffs; etheis with
? ) walloped ever-skiit and silk sash. Sizes 14, 16
and 18 years.
Misses' New Checked
, Gingham Frecks at $8.50
Stiaight-line belted Dresses with linen cellar
and cuffs; skirt pockets and panels piped in white
Misses' Silk Frecks of
All Kinds, $13.75 te $25.00
'laffeta, figuied and plain coleied ciepe de chine;
also Kiepe-Knit Spotts Dresses, light and dark.
Si.es 14 te 18 yeai.
Misses' Tailored Coats
and Capes, $19.50 te $29.50
Belted Raglan-sleeve Coats of tweeds, velum s,
novelty cleakings and camel's-hair cloth. Stiaight
line and circular Capes of tweeds, blue and btewn
cloaking and everplaid. Sizes 14 te 18 years.
- Mr.-ittL.ndsr leihir - .tcend Floei .VUtket Streei
. filV :tl-P!Mv
Sheeting Muslins
Bleached Sheeting Muslin, 81
inches wide, 65c a yaid. Bleached
Pillow Case Muslin, e inches
wide, 38c a ard.
fiOO Original Ten-yard
Pieces of Fine-spun
Leng Cleth, $1.85
MIAUbl.dRR &
V lie
Ctulhier -1.1
50 Silk Negligees
Sharply Reduced
Of crepe de chine, -atin anil
taffeta in light and dark shades.
Seme slightly rumpled or soiled
new $3.95 te $11.50.
Ihlrd Fleer, Filbert sireci West
Beys' Suits Reduced
incomplete in,
activity. The
'A swift clearance of lines rendered
range of sizes by unusual spring selling
clearance prices speak for themselves.
Suits with extra trousers $8.75
uf all-wool fanrics, with mehair-lincd Ceat and two pan- of
full-lined Knickerbockers. Sizes fi te 1(5 years.
Suits of all-wool serge $8.50
Fine-twill, all-wool blue serge, curefully tailored. Yeke and
plaited back. Sizes 8 te 17 ycais.
Suits, extra trousers $10.50
L'Ntra value, tee. Plenty of shndes and
styles. Ceat mehair-lincd, both pairs of Knickei Knickei
beckers full-lined. Si.es 7 te 18 years.
Excellent Suits,
extra trousers $14.50
Que and two of a kind, net all sizes in each
style but all 8- te 17-year sizes in the group.
Exceptional Suits $23.50
Absolutely the best Suits in our stocks, all
with extra trousers, many made by Hart.
Schaffner & Marx. Expertly tailored, sizes 10
te 18 ycais.
Wash Suits, Special $1.95
i .Middy and Oliver Twist models in all
popular colors. Sizes 3 te 9 years.
Vr-r awawwiuge rieinier Second Fleer, Filbert Street, Kait '
Girls' New White Frecks
$3.00 te $5.00
Uaint.v, new lew-vvaisted Di esses with elbow
.sleev es. Made of sheei batistes, voile.- and ei gandiei,
trimmed with Valenciennes laces and insertions and
fine tucks, mid finished with white or colored ribbon
sashes. Sizes, ti te 14 .veais. The model sketched,
5.1.00. Mnn.v etliei atti active st.vles $3.00 te $5.00.
Girls' Taffeta Dresses
Reduced $10.75 te $19.50
l.ew-waisted, straight-line and blouse model-, m
navj blue, blown and henna. Sues (i te 14.
Intermediate Girls' Wash
Frecks, Special, $3.75
i nameiay in irteen. blown, bun. nmL j.,,1 !.....
i hocked gingham cellar, cuffs and estee.
1 1 and 10 yeais.
Convertible Middies. $1.50
ana uirn Middies of white jean; full-length stiaichi
:nn be wen, straight or turned un 11!
sLs81?ycIrt SlCeVCS' $,-5- 0f .U-color d,iri;
-r 'traubndue
tier with
Sizes 12,
line style-
( loihie
.'''or Flni
Sale of Toilet Goods
At Savings of About One-third
Dental Picparatiens, Face Powders Cimi,,, i ,.. n. ,
Powders Sear Diessing Table' An'S-.l l" he' hi g "vel," n Z
and need all the time at a SAVING OK OVK Tlfinn iv m-ITc
GREAT SALE. A few of the many values: IR IN 1H'S
Dentalt Preparations
Lyen's Teeth Powder 18c
Pebeco Teeth Paste .'12c
Kolynes 19c
Pepsedent 32c
Listerine 75c
Chalk and Orris 13c
Toilet Goods
Rubber Combs 25c
Nail Brushes 18c
Teeth Brushes 15c
lrwbrlde & Clothier Aisle, j
Fact Powders
lava Face Powder 33c
La Denne en Peudie 35c
Coty Fate Powders, ahseunient
of odets 69c u box
Talcum Powders, etc.
.lohnsen & Jehnsen Baby Talcum
L'Ame Talcum 23c
.Mavis 15c
Piver's Extracts. A.urca, Le
TreHe, Floramye, etc. $1.39
Odoreno 23c and 45c
Orange Blessem 17c
10, Centre) and Filbert Street Cre. Aisle
r.lti.k Trimm wl ;
w .- i. j
With Cluny Lace 1
Oval Doilies, from 10x14 ,
Inches at 7Gc each, te 16xJ4;
inches at $1.25.) , ,fM
Rectanarular Ueiites, na
10x14 inches at 85c, te 16;
inencs at ?i.ae. -j-j
Round Centrepieces, 24-incW
an nn. no !V. f Cfl F
K.UU OU-llltll, fnini ,01
Scarfs, 18x36 inches, $2.6tJ
18x45 at- S2.75. and 18x64' tl
$3.00. HlrawbildM lb Clethrirwf
Alii. H. CMtrtvl
Men's Shirts ,
Special at 85c .
Werth one-third mere. Geed-'
loekincr Shirts of handsome
durable materials. Incempleted
size range. Seft, turn-baelCi
Special at $1.25
Attractive Shirts of itcntfi
percale, with soft cuffs.
Special at $1J50
Smart-looking stripe effects.
The quality of the material !
pleasing, tee. ' .
Special at $1.65
Of woven-stripe madras
corded or plain, -and of white
cheviot. strawbridge & Clothier
East Stere, Elchth Street
Women's Linen
Handkerchiefs .
We secured 600 dozen of
these practical imported linen
Handkerchiefs, sturdy and fine1
and neatly hemstitched. Werth
ever one-half mere 30c each,
or 23.60 a dozen.
Names marked in indelible
ink witluut extra charge whtfi;
purchased by the dozen.
Strawbrldre le Clothier
Aisle 12, irnrket Street
Misses' and Cluldrerts
Muslin Underwear
New, fresh lets of merchan-
dise purchased specially for the
May Sale. All at worth-while;
savings. '
Combinations 65c te $2J5
Sizes 4 te 16 years. Of nain-..
soek or barred muslin, with
bloomer-style knees. ,
Sight Gowns tic te $1.95
Sizes 4 te 16 years. vSlip vSlip
ever style, ef'white nainsoek.
Pajamas $1.00 te $335
One-piece models of crepe or
batiste, in sizes 10 te 16 years.
Twe-piece White Crepe
Pajamas, 10 te 16 years, .$2.96.
Bleemers 45c te 95c
Of satine or crepe, in white
or pink; 4 te 14 years.
Pink Satine Bleemers, 4' te
lO-year sizes 35c.
Strawbridge A Clothier
'I'l'rd Fleer. Weet
Lawn Swings
These Lawn Swings spell
comfort and pleasure through
long summer days spent out-of-doers.
And they aie attractive
in price: r-
Feur-Passengei $10 te $U.75'
A timings for swings $.1.50 '
Gliding Settees $19.50
Aienings for settees $9.00
Stran budge t Clothier
Fourth Fleer, Centre
Neck Furs
One-skin and tvve-3kin styles,
all full-furred, soft skins.
Mink, $15,00 te $2.50
Fitch, $10.00 te $-20.00
OpeKium, $1.7J te $9.5e
Squirrel, $8.50 te $22.50
Stene Marten, $,iO te $100
American Fer, $15 te XS.'t
Alaska Fer, $J5 te $67.50
Patagetuan Fex Scarfs, $9.75 te
$22 50 '
The Fex Scarfs arc shown in
nil the fashionable new shades.
srrawbildge Clothier
vn.end FIeji, Fllbei t Street
A Man's Bew Tie
Reveals His Shirt
Ne man tan hide n geed-looking
Shirt when he is wearing a
bow tie. Which is why Bew Ties
are se popular in warm, vestless
weather. Bew Ties here in
plentiful assortment of stripes,
figuies and dots, or plain. At
these prices 50c, 75c, $1.00,
?1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and .$2.50.
.Straw ht d( & ( lethler
An d I, Market Street
Nevels, 75c
Florence Barclay.
Hualneas, Geer.
Der, Rebert
Helm ned Kmpt),
M.iiv Mlucls Hei
The .Man in the Jury
The Law of Hemlock
Hugh I.uiidferd
Frem Out the Vasty Oeep,
Peer Man'i Heck, Bei trand
Prologue, t'h IIIh Duvnnne.
I'rlncens Saleme. Jlurrln .lenklna.
The Mantle of Silence, K. J. Itatb.
The Air Pirate, Hanger Oull
The Firt Sir Percy, Bareness
The Kenst of Jantern. Lblee
Jerdnn Mllti. J
nu many tuners. fi?
. Ntrawbrldge A Clethlefj-v
'" k
i !
r '
.1 1
ni( ueri street, weft
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Oflj3&M&w fc . 4( .t ?i &.&M&V.SS , JSa feu u
a-Aiaeaukii-L. w-m r, hj.'w.jiti Ji"M lwr.vy v.?' iV3.'ttr.-."'i'i Lkuru, r v- 4.
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