R!9 was:? WEWiM.ll m f? If t"S f for Sunday Meal Sa Well-Seasoned Omelet, a fl' rhverlv Concocted Tomate t&F t:,u and a Delicious Des W'$crt Are Featured B, MBS. M. A. WILSON -.HK .wntlal Ilt ter the neus-- T .Me l te make the wt b um ' . ,imhi no ft "im. bringing ?'?:Z2w crop.. A ri t. Mn e" red, -en ..e.ep, the if rnenif. V qCNDAY BnKAKFABT 1 DINNKK ' I'uiep of l.rttme naked ami HtnlfcH Tomntee ' . I'ntntncs AM.n re Henitsef l.ettiiec , Krcncli Dressing iW-bw, Dumpling Slinrpf CoITep st'Prrcn (Vw nn.l Nut 8nnilwli-lip , f!crv flnd Petate Salmi "Kig 8nmlh Stiawbcrry nml Knlain Pie ,. Ta Baited Omelft of ftne Herbs Mlacc fit"" Tkirr ircli. , , , su b,ai,ihc of pmnlrii. ( SufBiieiil I'l'lvr I" J"miii e one-half Xn Jlwln nml tiim " ileth te absorb 'th Meow water. I New pimp II ir tiiblopeons of butter th'tklllrr nnd pinto en stove wheie tlif L "ill h"nt ilely. WI.He the ykt Irr ! heating, -pparat' six egg. Placing ft, "hltf f thr eggs In the largest Cwl. beat until the whites of the eggs ire Miff. H' ntltl te the yolks 7Arrr tablespoon of ield tcatfi. One ttaipoen of nail, (hr-hnlf Icnipoen of iiliilv prppn. rtfat I" illv- ,hen """ '""', "' ""' ,0U nnd p f 'the 1'rbs Jinil fold In te the Milflj henten whlte of egg: repeat. iHns tilt hnlmit'e of jelkt nnd herb, anil tnin (it enre Inte the het Alllet. plai'e In moderate even anil Me for twmilv mlnule". t'nt nnd frn In five poi tiens. with nlcelj biewnvtl kiren for gnrnlsli. Te pan tomatee-. rut tomatoes In 'inlf, lemming the Htem pnit. nml dip In flour, brew it nltelv In het bacon fnt, nd kfrtp ns n Burnish for the eiiipIpI. Straw berry Dumplings PIkp in mlxins bowl umfe9m&''w ui4, w . ,. ... sj . . " jjwj-11 -.'j iMHw p - -n , W " - W ANAM AKER'S ' :: Tice jit e fluur, One -l nlj tfimpoen of soil. Twe frotieowi of bakiiHl peittiri, i i I 81ft tn mix. new nib l.'ile tlie flour right tablipoeiis of MhertPnlng hiiiI ne clx tablfitpoeiiH of peld water ite form a ileiigh. Divide into ,three inrtK nnd mil eat li part out about one ene ihiif inili thlik. and te form an oblong. ftl In tue plppi" nnd fill center with liiKfl) tlpiini'd heriipi. and fold the il'aMrj aheui the ben'K. plnee e;i Jbaklng pin knd iuic-li e nlth ice told wnlci. nnd irnkt in moderate evpn for tenl ininiilex. Serve with vn nlllt i-.uhv ttipti'iiip. IMPORTED TAPESTRIES VTIth Herklnf Material In Weel or lleadn Genuine Canadian Homespun (S3 rolerlnn. X4.R0 il.. 33 In. ldf). ftr Rlllla. 4Ulrl. Urartu. Th nnil.. -I Undwupr Htcm wlili Pmiernn fop nmf. Virginia Candlewick Spreads iSpcclnll Priced! BEADS GIFTS WOOL Germantown Novelty Shep w. chu.ikn wr. !.. e6 ICELAND WOOL 35 c an Ounce Wound en a Tube Ready te Knit Yarm for Every Purpete HO SampUt upon Rque$t Colonial Yarn Heuse 1231 Cherry St. , Tflin Mattresses Buy diicct from manufneturer "p. sve middleman's profit. " lb all pure potion mattrpss m h.fav.y .,UM"B- $5.50 iiffii I,..,llk nns lnattrea in beau mul paitprm special e- p (Jft hell. "I .'.'"'f'1 ,,alr' mnttifbB in ftr v, A r a " $i8.oe J,.er.,r7;,e1?.,llprr.,"', Fr, CROWN BEDDING CO. '29 N. 2d St. "rii rniiM:s Hosiery Specials"-" rwtay Saturday Only $1.00 $1.50 $1.65 $2.75 t 'ItL "inter llrewn. I'urp .Ilk. j'lrnmld H..I. pur Him. . . ''Iieer lunr. 'lanil mh. .Int M.ne ml... .. I lmt rh....... liniltf Mn. Mun.lnr,V:i. SSSSN li n STORE ORDERS increase Your Personal Value jtnn. STSTnaW"?"!. 7'P fiethin. ,;.:.": tbeirfi da;. - u iu tMrmmm avaiii I'll Meri, "ff TulL "' ilMdi" " HUr .rnl.,V. ' Win n write It2 M KOR DCTAtLS TONIGHT iu:j DROS. ABRIOTT DOWN STAIRS STORE TT. .. i 17 TTTrj 7 ,.1 .'.F,.kJ n t tot LL imt l..niT. 'jiijj - WW WTv 'i rvV' rJvKfJTl WAINAMAMSK ! ' fiSSri - , - " Fresh Come New Summer Pouring Inte Merchandise Wanamaher's at Lew Down Prices Ha Stairs Sten . . $2.50 $2.50 $25 $16.50 $2.50 $2.50 1200 New Gingham Dresses Half Price at $2.50 Checks, club checks and plaids in pink, light blue, green, brown, lavender and black-and-white all fresh, all new and all as sunshiny as a May morning. Seme are in tailored coat effect, trimmed with white pique. Others are Huffy with gay organdie sashes, cellars, insets and bands. Squares of gingham are appliqued en white organdie and there are Wese flying panels caught with crochet buttons. All sizes from 16 te 46. . Levely New Silk Frecks, $16.50, $18.75, $20 te $27.50 They start with some remarkable beaded Canten crepe dresses in navy blue or black which have quite short sleeves, making them suitable1 for dinner wear. In young women's sizes a third less at $16.50. Charming dresses of plain, heavy blue crepe de chine with three roses of self material at the hem are $25. Summery gowns of printed silk crepes in light colors, foulards and crepes de chine, are $16.50 te $27.50. New French linens and dotted Swisses and organdies are arriving at $16.50 te $25. Dresses at Special Lowered Prices S8.75 for tweed capr frocks and wool jeraeys. S10 for taffeta dresses and crepes de chine made in pretty ways. $12 for navy blue and black cipe de chine ill esse?, some beaded. Sl. for Canten crepe dresses, plain or combined with Georgette crepe,' or embroidered with steel, colored or wooden beads. AI:-e for embreideied taffeta dresses. All were originally marked at higher prices-, most of them a third mere. (Market) Sale of Beautiful Silk and Leather Hand-Bags at $3 And such bags! Under erdmary circumstances the same kinds would be ever se much higher in price. In fact, we have never seen such beautiful bags at anywhere near this small price. Beautiful, fresh, fashionable bags, far superior te the average. Among the leathers are pin seal, pin Morocco, alligator calf, grained or beaver calf, in the lovely dull blues, fashionable tans and browns, purple and green, as well as navy and black. Heavy moire silks are in navy, black, brown and brighter colors. Virtually every kind of bag is here swagger shapes, envelopes, vanities and pretty gathered bags, as well as the smart tailored silk ones. Frames are very hand some, linings are lovely and many of the ba', have quite elaborate fittings. (Central) Mersilks in the White Sale They aren't white at all but the loveliest apple-blossom pink ! ' But, they are White Sale quality -at White Sale prices, which are very low. Silk Envelope Chemises, $1.65 are of geed pink crepe de chine with taileied or lace-trimmed top; and built-up shoulders or strap. 5 Styles of Exquisite Chemises, $2.50 Beautiful ciepp dp chine is ' in delicate pink in four styles and alue in the fifth. They are trimmed with fllpt lace, ether pretty laces and shirring. Georgette casings nnd fine tucks, two-tone ribbon shoulder straps or hematitchinx and little ribbon rosebuds. Pink Satin Bleemers at $2 ate cut full and re-enforced. The . satin 'is excellent quality. In ' extra sizes, tiimmed with hem stitching, thev are $3. Beautiful Nightgowns Unusual at $3.85 In a White Sale, one naturally expects geed and unusual values, but these stand euf, even among the special values' of the Sale. The materials aic e geed, the nightgown are cut se full nnd the trimming" arc se delightfully dainty! Manv are of eiepu de chine shirred below bands of lace or trimmed with large butterfly me dallions of filet lace. Tailored nightgowns are of radium fin ished with hemstitching. All ate Springtime pink. (Central) Dimity 38c Yard Tissue, 30c Yard . Dimities colors and signs that fnhiened. Tissue ginghams are in cool, clear stripes in a variety of widths and colors Beth are 36 inches wide and specially priced. M'pntrnl) A 0h are in lovely plain in small all-ever de are delightfully old- I Suit Value te Make a Man Smile With Pleasure! The knowledge of extra money in pocket usually does bring a smile te a man's face! It will get te be a bread grin when he sees these suits and realizes that they mean considerable money in his pocket and a mighty geed-looking suit en his back! Fine All- WoelSuits, Special at $25 Well-tailored, well-fitting suits are of such desirable fabrics as dark pin stripes, closely woven herringbones and fine mixtures. Net usually found in suits at this price ! There's a care in finish that distinguishes these suits and is in keeping with the superior quality of the fabrics. Many of the suits show quite a bit of hand work, including! buttonholes. All conservative and semi-conservative of style. A Clearaway Sale of Men's Half Hese 10c te 50c (All Have Been Considerably Mere in Our Own Stocks) 10c Pair 3 Pair for 25c for plain cotton, mercerized cotton or fiber silk plated 'half Jiose in navy and black. First and second qualities; sizes 9Vt te 101j. 18c Pair 3 pair for 50c for seamless or full-fashioned mercer ized cotton half hose. First and second qualities; sizes 9'2 te lO'j. Men's Athletic Union Suits, 75 c k Of checked white nainsoek of a geed quality. Men will want te buy them by Wie half dozen. Men's Madras and Percale Shirts, $1.50 Every kind of stripe a man can think of and in the right colorings. Shirts are of printed percale and madras and of woven madras. All have soft cuffs and are splen did value for the money. Men9s Geed Oxfords at $5 Pair Beth blucher and straight-lace. The leathers are sturdy brown, black and tan, thick yet soft and pliable. Seles are made for hard wear and all are welted. Seme of the oxfords have rubber heels. Any pair from this let would be a sound investment, .uist about as geed value as a five-dollar bill could get in anything. Beys' Oxfords, Special at $4.75 Just as geed value here ! Of brown and tan leathers in blucher and straight-lace styles, some with well rounded tees. One has a wing tip and all have rubber heels. Glance at these soles! Loek as if they'd last a little longer than the usual kind, don't they? Sizes 1 te '6. Fer smaller boys, who wear sizes 10 te 10'-, there are special brown oxfords, with ruoeer neeis, ai $s.ze. M.Rllrr.i, Mnrkptl A -Vi J 25c Pair for artificial silk-plated half hose in black, cordovan and navy; sizes 9Jj te 11. 50c Pair for full-fashioned black silk half hose, "seconds ;" for seamless silk half hose in black, navy, cordovan, Russian calf and white. First quality. Beth kinds have cotton tops and soles. fcsk AJlWft ". i A l A fV .f rVAT-i. i tw . mi rse va ,i . '' i met 4Y p ' Pretty Hand-Made Blouses Special at $2.25 The filet late, hemstitching and embieidered dots are all done 1 hand (exquisite ueedlew;erk), as well as every wee stitch. The blouses are of fine white batiste and fit nicely about the necks and wrists. There aie Peter Pan, squaie and V-neck models. About a dozen ether models, of bapste, dimity and Fiench voile, man. trimmed with ciecheted picot edging, filet nnd Irish laces, are S3 te $4.25. Frilly Blouses of Georgette, $5.90 Sheit sleeves and full frills are the new points about these blouses Georgette ciepe in flesh or white. The cellars are trimmed with lace in lese design. I Mnrkrl I ssSssaawtlB-S'-'-uiaaaMaytev S- L ' 1 Sale of Silk Scarfs Special at $5.75 Pute silk with the "cieepy" feeling that only teal silk has, they are in the most fashionable coleimgs with border of centinsting colei or Reman stupes. All aie finished with deep silk fringe. Eaetl the kind that all young women like. Navy with Reman Buff with navy Navy with gray Buff with brown Navy with buff Henna with gray Silver with Reman Orchid with Reman Black with Reman Blaek with white tOnirnl) New Skirts, Middies and Shirtwaists for Girls and Juniors Levely Airy Hats at $8 .Something patticularly eh.irmmg and feminine about hats with iranxpaicnt brim.' Nothing will ever take their place. aiieus booming shapes have gleaming black sports satin erewns with malum and haircloth brims. Seme show sniurt finishing touches of gljcenned estnch Hxie'lent for evening wear! As Suinmnrj and light as a late .Ma, afternoon aie the hats of new colorful haircloth with wreaths or clusters of bright field flowers. Seme are in gingham plaids. Seme have glittering tinsel interwoven and ethers are combined with straw braid. All are thoreughl.v new and delightful Beautiful white hats of ( .nituri trepe aie heie, also, arid straws almost ceveied with fluffy ostrich I Mill-Let $15 $10 $18.75 $8.75 $16.50 $10.75 Sports Coats, $8.75, $10.75 and $16.50 Capes and Wraps, $10, $15 te $28.50 Dozens of Interesting Medels in All the Fashionable Materials at Great Savings in Price Capes and Wraps Sports Coats ' $8.75 is a mighty little price for one of .these pretty coats of light brown or rebin'a-egg blue burella tweed. The coats are trimmed witbJ self-covered buttons and loops. Sizes 14 te 38. $10.75 this is of light tan tweed, cut en overcoat lines, with raglan shoulders, muff pockets and a buckled belt. $16.50 tan pole coats, silk lined and cut en .man nish lines. , SIO for pretty, rather military capes of ve.leur in reindeer or Soi Sei Soi rente, gathered into a standing cellar which is finished with piped buttniheles. $15 for capes of velour in Pekin and henna with embroidery and tassels marking the arm-opening at the sides, Many one-of-a-kind capes are included in this special gieup $16,50 for enpes and dolmans of veleur in Pekin, henna and rein deer, and for some odd sports capes which have been higher in price. Half lined of lined throughout with silk. $18.75 for fringed velour capes with wide shawl cellars trimmed with rows of stitchery. In blue and reindeer, lined with change able silk. Navy Blue Capes and Wraps at $22.50, $25 and $28.50 Theic Is an undoubted vejrue for these daik canes mwl u-mnn. softly lined with silks and crepes. They are sometimes quite plain, semetimes heavily fringed. Of tricetinc, Peiret twill and serge. (Markat Shirtwaists, $1.50 Crisp white lawn waists arc trimmed around the Peter Pan cellar, cuffs and center pleat with a wee pleated frill. Plain tai lored dimity waists, also. Sues 8 te 14 years. Special for Juniors Jersey Frecks, $10 One und two piece dresses of the better grades of jersey in brown, henna and navj. Seme are embroidered, seme are in the form of slip-en di esses with pongee guimpcs. Sires 12 te lt years. (MnrUrl) Pleated Skirts $1 te $2.50 White jean skuts, pleated onto it belt, are $1 and W. Skiits of cadet blue gingham aie S2 and $2.50 Sizes 12 te 1(5 in enih. Middie Blouses $1 te $3 They're in brown with black braid; white jean with orchid, blown, cadet, red ei navy col cel lars nnd all-white middies." Size 6 te 10 years. HbIS'bW. VC & "" bbHBbbibW. TLLLbbbW. $7.50 New $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 Mary Jane Pumps . at $7.50 comfortable nnd all pxeellcnt value Beys' All-Weel Suits With Twe Pair of Knickers at $12 Hie Hti-weni rnevintc nml ,.m. -3, ,.,.... i the coats are plain belted Norfelks or show knife or rnvciteu lui-uis. huui imir 01 KiucKeis are lined thiougheut and .-iMiiii is wiped. Sizes 8 te 18, yeais. ((Ullfrjk, Market) eve i j All nc. all fnslmnabl De.ause of the geed leather and excellent werkinanshin! Theie aie all sizes m all four tyles fei women and elder glrU. Mary Jane pumps with low covered heeln aie in black satin I black patent leather ami the fashionable combination of pearl irrayv bucde with black pntent. t ...,-,..,, Hum un memneri nuhv ! tench heels ure of black '( puicnv reamer with gray suede backs, straps and tevered heels. All have carefully turned sek's. Children's and Girls' White Canvas Mary Jane Pumps wet ay, ie 2, $3.25 Size 22 te Q, $4 f Black patent leathur Oxfeids anil Mary lane pumps of whit' . " ' vnanni, ... mum patent leather ate in izUH 8U te gi'm m . w t I1HC . l? ,! iYI .11 vji , .. .' u..- W' r i r4 y.'A 'I li 1 1 J 4l m 'il a .. ,N W'S1 kl 4 - lV v.a "M t.A. .Ml "f" , m Jixa VI 'VI ". 1 . " '?! ! iJJS 111I0HHTKUT ITIKTpJ " Tfiu i" jt.ev, accertring ie size, - (Cheat n til) ,f , V.' iaa&ikt .itt '!" . , , . r ' i ' ' T , V( i ''"''''IMBaliiBBlBMaaMJ .'Ht'-vr f -it. '- ' " VV X .!' i &A 4 .j j . t , IK . t- Kj. ,