Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 05, 1922, Night Extra, Image 12

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    ghfe, , tit i ffiiiinl
"h?&fcVrVfi'W te'-VV ' V' t ''&
conscious emner : bachelor
I'lr'Aircicr (idfcn Clee KidecMd
ttf htm, nntt ichcn'the refute.
ntr a henrtlett JIM, nnd lell$
le Kid be serru all her life.
frightened at the threat and
It maifteiih the thought that
tt net' lore him. nees te hit
fltttji ' ffint Ja mY lil Ufa.
je Interrupted by a ring of
mr'eeu, ana In forced te admit
Mrdian, Carey Phelps.
WP4W Revenge
Iv mis amazement dick tetinu tnc
?tlVknat,tAl lifnrnflu hflt liml nnrpeil
, .... l,....(,l, ...(. .. .!'"
Vup te the point of doing a des-
te tmng wan dropping nwny irem
. he steed there before the limn
Ewlfment the catastrophe.
$ I'f Am m fAiintfufni tin It nil nltt-nva lnnbnil
i.4.u"Vir" "?...; . .: v.v ' . ." i
(w v.nre,v l'ueips; in1 nnu irn 11 uey- ,
'admiration for him, nnd when
t father lux I died nnd Carey find
appointed his legal guardian, n
kfahln had developed between the
liaen which hud persisted long
Dick hud come of nse.
Bight It seemed te Dick as If he
onre mere the boy
D8 the elilnr. morn
; nnd the reaction that had bc-
ln made It impossible for
OiBUB e lie out of the situation. Ills
!j?5wi were going bark en him nnd he
ruFJiad begun te tremhle. evpn his leetli
ieiW'lcliatterivl. mwl nnnllv m If li n l.nlf.
I A Jtttterel exclamation, he sank into a
11 , tCBalr and buried his head In his arms.
s Me felt suddenly rarer h strenc tin-
cywteW uii inn Mieuiucrs
quickly. "Why, you're young, Dick,
you have all of life before you. Who
Is this woman? You'll feel better after
you've made n clean breast of every
thing, and, believe me, old man, wrnic
dny you'll remember this Incident as
merely a part of life's experience.
Walt nnd see." ... , ..
Dick shook his head. "Never! leu
don't knew Clee. You've never met
any one Just like her. She a the kind
of woman who tangles herself up vJ"
a man's life; she's the kind a man
never forgets, nnd, Ged, Cnre.v, I was
se sure of her, that's what hurts! I
was struck all In a heap tonight when
she said she didn't care. I was sure
she enred because she seemed te llke
te be with me. We've been together
constantly, and tonight I made her con
fess that I was only one of a number
of men. It drove me wild. I dldn t
rare what happened after thnt; I think
1 must have been mud with misery."
Dick's disjointed sentences had
ev ra
3pi'te set
Mm te no
painted a picture In Carey's Imagine
tien of the kind of a girl Clee wai.
In his mind's eye he snw Dick in the
clutches of u designing woman, a kind
of professional vampire, and he wai
suddenly possessed with n cold fury.
Seener or leter he had expected that
and Cnrev I something of the kind would happen
experienced , te Dick. The boy was het-headed ana
impresiiennDie; ne weum ee puny in
i the hands of n clever woman, and ns
' he thought, n sudden determination
1 leaped Inte Carey's brain, n fierce dc
I sire te avenge the boy and make the
' wemnn pay.
"See here. Dick." he said quickly,
".veti're tired out tonight, and you must
I get te bed. Tomorrow we'll talk the
shaking him ' whole thing ever, but first I want your
pienuse net te ue nnytmng (icspernic.
,HJ,tl --- 1 f
vif jyT
r& S -lit- "-V:
wpAf ether .
'Come en. old fellow, null veursclf i Don't be n coward; don't make me
you mustn't give win. you ashamed of jeu!"
it s nil eer. L)n you ' Dick looked up suddenly. "ou
needn t tell me I'm a coward, I ad
you can tell me about It. Pick;
Switmew, new: that
A JttIiWk you con t
; V-A you In trouble of any kind'
fi'-Vfl- JIn tfO'ihlcV" The boy looked up
r?tf'l,l,'denly and hU blue eyes were stark
S . With ilserv. I'm In lm., ith n
.,4. Vjweman, Cnre.v, a woman who hen't
Vt Jny,.use for ihh. I've reached a neint
r'i sfcwrhmrm 1 .lin't- .. , it... ..... i.s. ......
'fit' lirT1 yeu: -1 ''""'' "ve witIleut her !
it. r""y ceumn 1 you nnve let me n one;
jwhy did you have te come around heie
1 . - Heme day you II thank me for com-
iVfhV here tentrht.'' Inrpl rnllirnml
r v.. " " ' ' "" "
li .
mlt it. Hut you needn t worry. I
1 won't sheet myself tonight. I linven't
the strength te go through with It."
The attempted humor wns ghnstly.
And again Carey felt the desire for re
, venge sweep ever him. Whnt a til
umph If lie could think out 11 Hum
whereby he could make the woman pay
ler Dick's sufferings! And even ns
the thought occurred te him he hud
a sudden inspiration.
Tomorrow The Plan
PleJse Tell Me
What te De
Wlhe 'Heaven' Eye 8eme Cheer
Dear Cynthia Although I've read
your column for quite some time, 1 ve
never had the courage te write until I
saw "Puppy's" letter. 1 pity the future
(feneratien If they have te depend en
them for mothers, What she needs Is n
geed spanking. It docs my heart geed
te read a letter like "Heaen' Kyes." I
think she has a whole let te be thankfut
for. I've always been opposed te the
use of make-up. the way they smear It
en nowadays. I hope te hear mero from
her In the future nnd l'e no doubt that
there are some scnslble men left. I also
echo "Mutt nnd Jeff's" sentiments. A
geed, sensible girl Is Indeed a great
treasure these days.
She's Ashamed of Her Heme
Dear Cynthia Will you plense help
me out beciuse I am lonely? Am Eight
pen pnr.i tilil nnd work eterv day from
eeven In the morning until five-thirty 1
nnu once In n while I go te unnccs
during the week, nnd go most every
Saturday night. I am net what any one
would call, beautiful, but nm Just an
ordinary looking girl At most of the
times that 1 attend these dances I meet
very nice young men and they nlwnys
tnnt te call en me, but, dear Cynthia,
my home Is net at all like all of my
girl friends' houses, se 1 always refuse
te allow them te call en me : therefore.
I nccr go out ulth any fellows' and I
nm se lonely sometimes, because nil of
my girl friends have one or two fellows
at a ttme at their homes and I de net
llke te bring any fellow at all te my
Shall 1 forget about my shabby sur
roundings and bring all of my men
friends te my house ' I have turned se
many nice young men down Just for that
reason Will you pleae, dear Cynthia,
help me out und tell me what te de'.'
.l dear little gill, don't you know knew
that the boys want te come see you nnd
net your home? If they give you un be-
! cause your home Is shabby, then they
are net worthy of your friendship. But
you cannot expect te keep your friends
if ou de net let them come te see you.
Let the next one who asks come, and
de net apologize for an thing. If you
are cordial and entertaining he will net
notice our surroundings Ne doubt you
ale eerly sensitive about them anj hew.
Hew deen,
the world's
keep her hair
in such
Hew does she
that lovely
JPquI and VivsiTiici By i,elena ht grant
r-T :
Grains of Sand
fllI7HAT the trouble is with
S ," people."
fJUt-' tComDesltion of
began Paul,
"Nng xeuV Why, dearest. I never
He threw her a hasty suspicions
glance but he was ns sober ns could
mercy, dear- 1 always tneugnt
est, den t start in like jeu and the chief
that tonight. I just1 were eij ftlendly.
knew semethlns unset ! personal y
1 - . . . . .
T nut s tue
. .. .... U- 11 .."" 1 ....
you ut kip mucc nmu.r.
but de try te forget
It : you k n e w per
fectly well, y en old
'bear, that fifteen min
utes after yeu'vu had
dinner you'll be per
fectly all right again."
He subsided, but
such is the spiritual he was awfull
mt our ir- I ant." mur;
trouble." suid Paul
again bitterly. "I'm
tee friendly with him.
He he takes advan
tage of It."
lie lapsed into a
moody siiem e.
I'm sure I
woman, thii
y pleas-
'.if viinh could net stifle her curiosity aslginln easily.
murmured Vir-
. !7VSmml
In Leve With Three Men at
Deat Cynthia 1 hae read your
letters for a number of w eeks sij I have
decided te bring te jeu one of my per
sonal problems. 1 l'ae leached the
"Free Age," Cynthia, and by the rest of
mv letter you will lenin thnt I am a
Klrl. Having thus described myself, I
will proceed
This letter m.iy sound lmbesible, Cyn
thia, but I assure you that It Is only
tee true. Well new, the real problem Is
I am In lee with three boys. The boys
are chums, and ale exceedingly geed
looking. They are all about the same
height, and while their eye and hair
are net all the same shade, they all ha
light hair nnd blue pyes Knelt enn
knows thut 1 go with the ether two. nnd
each has asked me te marry him New
Cynthia. I love them all, and would like
te marry all if that werp possible. It
will be utterl.v Impossible for me te
cheese one by character because they
are nil a man nheuld be They each have
11 college education nnd each Is morally
.line. I de net knew if they liae told
each ether that they hae "Denned the
. ., ,, .... r ., ... L.ti .- ' . I
question, nui i 110 nut ueneve xney ime. , nas
i nae given eacn one two mentns te
wait for an answer, and the two months
of the first bev will have ended en May
20 What am I te de? Oh, that it were
possible for a woman te have many
husbands '. Why Is there net a state
like Utah, where a woman can have as
many men as she loves? P. I. CJKE
.. J-,'..'.k" "' ..-.. ,1 r .- H 4 S
a . M' , .. ;.:::".
mmmmmmmmmwSm:r'',.Jmmmmm I
HpffiHHHHi '' WrvfflHHHHHHKffl
l in jl i.k. it -y,F iri k iiaaauB iaiawLeiBniinBm.. 1 ij . ij . : 1 11 in inii M1 , 1 m r 1 ,aui
many marcels,
with much
and a weekly
makes hair
girls happy
and is wise.
That's hew!
rn'W "' tfiSi'-iKv'Wi'r'j W. 1Vvjllv V ' 1tt
I he XJldcst, Uapgnter snese ine way
That he Thought Would Be thefiasiest
But It Wasn't Leng Before She Found; Like Everybody Else
Who Tries This, That It Whs Even Harder '
Than the Other Way
WHEN the faintly moved away te
another city, the eldest daughter
decided that her geed position and her
friends meant tee much te her te be
Se she stayed behind, took a room
In a bearding house and held en te her
Jeb. '
Her friends were very nice te her,
but, after all, there was no change in
her condition as far us they were con
cerned, nnd It wasn't long before things
went back te their old casual state
IS"1'1' ,, u.i
And then she began te realize what
she had done.
She couldn't expect people te treat
her as a guest always, and. yet when
It just happened that there were ue
parties te go te In the evening, and
no friends chanced te drop in, why, she
was the loneliest person In the world I
Whenever she happened te paes the
ehl house where the family had. .been se
happy together sue icu n " "-
alone in the world. i..,iMn'
Even letters from the new hemcdldnj
cheer her up ns they should hnvc: they
en y made iter renlfxe m""'"
distance between her nnd the family,
the difference between a room in a
benrdlng house nnd n room in her own
Ye. the ihnrmlng nctiess.
nrlist nnd layman the most
voted bv net affect the color of the hair.
beautiful) specllng her hair drcscr s claim.
girl In the world, has her own little actress believes it preserves the natural
hnlr troubles tee.
Te begin with, her hair Is of that
extremely fine texture thnt lcqulres
mere attention by reason of its v-ilki-ness.
It Is net of great length, com
ing a little below the shoulder blades
but growing quite abundantly from out
her scalp. It Is quite without natural
curl, much Ui- the benuty's great sor
row, for therein lies most of her treu
bles of lelffuie. She lias te have it
marcelled frequently, as the curl re
mains net se long as if the hair were a
bit mere wiry or coarse.
' She nuts a powerful let of faith In
the hair brush ns n. comeback. She
tone of her hair nnd Is healthful
"It actually takes longer te dry my
hair thnn te wash it." says the beauty,
"because I insist upon its being rubbed
dty nfter a preliminary procedure -of
swathing it in het towels, Xliat's
where my girl sets in her most excel
lent work en my hair. She massage
my scalp until the hair Is perfectly dry.
which is equivalent te one complete
nnd consistently regular sculp massage
every week." '
The lovely contour of Iter head is
due in part te the studied line of be
coming coiffure. Tills is hew she docs
TEFOUE'leng even the feoed position
TKeeplc in'.'he office didn't seem te
care w cHier she was unhappy or net!
they just went heartlessly en telling her
t,rj. ."...,... .... .w hnd at home last
were planning a
sire te carry out that idea than tt is
faith In the plan that make us se
Very often tt is just nn eK., forgotten
vow made half In enrnest, that holds us.
"Well, If you people move away. I
won't go with you. Ne. sir, I'll stay,
It I have te live In a bearding-house
and go te work," we may have said.
And then, when they de move, we
remember thnt threat which everybody
c'se has forgotten and think that we
must live up te It.
IT WOULD be se much easier te live
nnd move and have our being if we
nhvaya did what we knew is right, in
stead of trying te de something else and
pretend that we think It right.
Half the time we cheat our con
sciences by, meklng believe that we hav
intcprctcd their warnings, wheirall the
time we knew wc are just putting our
hands ever their mouths and going en
regardless of them.
The eldest daughter must have known
that she should have gene ,wtlh the
family, te help them get settled, te
break In the new home, .te get ac
quainted with the new neighbors along
with the rest of (hem.
But Bhe was established there in the
old home town, she had her friends nnd
her position nil made.
It was the easiest thing te de!
And hew often we cheese that tn a
weak moment, only te find It harder
than anything we ever dreamed of.
' : ' 'l
, . Hew te De U )
Te the Editor 0 Weman' Paet: '
Dear Madam Threnrh t.t...
werb a dark brown trtcetlne dress itv'
out shields. New I find that ; une? Jta
Hriiia ui me uicun ine mAIM.I L-T.
turned sort of white. WenM ..." nj
be se kind its tp let me knew threSmM
your very helpful column If therinS if
anyining 1 can ae te remedy thlsj
" J' r.
Spenge these spots with plain w
and ycti'll find they will d'sappta"1
The Egg Shampoo
Te the Editor 0 Weman' Panel
Dear Madam Will you pleasa tell m.
hew te wash the hair with an ee w2
should one de thla using. only en m,
Is there any result when using the el.
egg? Should the white be separated tnS,
the yolk? a Reader!
Use only the white of the eg. .hj
when you have beaten It with a tall'
pour It en the hair Just before you rin
it. One egg Is all that Is ,.,!?
give the hair a flufflness. Take ea t.
the hair a geed
afterward, and don't use
many, rlnainn
very het wuS
for this purpose, because that will maK
h. nw farm Intn ivtitfa n.Ht.i.: "MHO
iv -.op ...! .i..w .la.i.w 1..1 iitiea,
Fer the Teeth
Te the Editor of Weman' Paet:
Dear Madam I would llke te knew
what would whiten yellow teeth. J havt
very yellow teeth and have tried dlf
ferent teeth pastes. What Is the belt
one for the teeth, which will clean thtin
without hurting them? n,m
Can you please tell me the munlnr
of the following pames? Sarah, Nauilf
Dcfrethy, Helen and Fannie? 3. d. p.
If you use prepared chalk en your
teeth it will whiten them censlderiblv
Yeu may buy .this at any drug tort
where they will also recommend te you
a geed teeth paste.
The meaning of Sarah Is a prince
Dorethy signifies the gift cf aed. Helen
stands for alluring and Kannle Is
nickname for Frances, which metns
free. , Dees any reader knew a special
meaning for Natalie? "'
! it. She begins by makinc a part from
ni ,, . aii 1 , i 1 . i
M: !' JZL ' Li- m!K. of the .,ack?seg in
t rd line during the dny she gives Itl !.P.U'?'"imrts ami leaving the front
nn additional brushing bcfeic it gees
his wrath.
l V
p vIsMr ns Paul quieted
v. A 'Wns It the chief?'
ft ?r "Huh?"
,V' "Wan it something the chief did
' V1.. 'jaatM nfr !, ndti.i. 4, wilt' llmt nnnniiiil
1 r-m..
: mz .i"
r Mi. V"Of course." said Paul bhertly.
x e resumwl his newspaper.
f" V ,'!.. i ..!,. ,. nc If l.nnn.-V'
T . U Ia. a.iuI ,1.a tiniui. nnd stni.nd
- .!- ivncitu HIT- ."..in Ml... vu.'x.
rier deliberately, ominously.
.' "I thought you said I should step '
St and forget about it "
, She shrugged. I
p "Well, I don't want you te rave)
I.beut It, Paul. dear, but you might tell
Imt that's all. It's probably of no
- SAwiMnitpnr- nnvwflv." I
t "V'l Tati1 Imiifhrid hitfprlv. t
i "I dare say the be-s would agree
Un you."
k "Well, henev.
"Oh eh well, nothing.
Anyway. I sues you're right. I'll Just
"Jerget about it."
"Hut ilnrlin' it must havp been
or veu il net be all fussed
what was it, this
AS i- "Hut ilnrlin
.- . A.... ....-..
i aemetliinsr.
-f Jp when jeu come home, insisted lr-
!& atnla.
HA '. 'f. 1m linen't int nnv tnct." said
F'y , ,.'.. I llmr'tlv
. r.,w......
J "Tact?"
X k "Sure didn't you ever hear of it'
Hia tone wns actually nide.
', "Why Paul!"
"Aw, well, don't un2 me, then
Of (eurse he's nlcnsanl : that s what
makes me se peeved when he pul's till"
high and mighty stuff."
"High and mighty stuff?"
"Yes! He had some tiguriii" te de
today and I went in te ask him about
getting the mnll out te the branch of- I
(ices, nnd gee whiz, he baiked at me us
if I wns a bone and he was a bull
dog." Vliginia tittered nervously.
".Maybe he was busy mid forget. '
"That's just ir." said Paul, darkly.
"He hasn't nuy right te forget. Sup
posing I forget, some time, und when lie
cnnie out te my desk I should sneer ut
him or or something like that?"
The telephone bell, trilling Its shrill
summons. Interrupted him.
He was cngnsed at the phone for
several minutes, but when he returned
te the living room lie wns smiling nnd
yet just a little bit weighted with u
certain subtle air of grave importance.
"The boss," lie snld crisply. "He's
in nn awful jam e' work down at the
office and phones up te ask if I'd mind
coming down te help him out. I'll have
te nsk jeu te just cook me up some eggs
or any old thing that's quick, dear, and
I'll hurry down there." He paused ns
he lummnged for a freh cellar, "fiec
whiz, tlie boss certainly does depend
en me, nt that, honey."
I And Vliginia well, she just miltl
wisely and patted her bis little boy
as she kissed him geed -by ut the deer.
Te morrow Anether Complex
Every Friday morning for jenrs slua.
had the hair dresser come te her
The truth of the matter prebablv Is
my dear that you love all three and are
net in love with any of them. There's
a difference, veu knew Yeu are still
I veiv veunjr. ask them te wait another
yeai But de net let an.v of them get
the Idea that he U engaged te you.
hair nil ftec. She tukes the left side
of the back and pins thnt pretty well
Inward the middle of the bnck head.
Then she makes whnt she calls a two
Inch pait en the left front, leaving the
light front te be taken care of later.
Frem the two-inch part she weaves
the left hnlr into becoming lines, pin
home and dive her u shampoo. lhe
(eremenv begins with a thorough brush
ing by the visiting hnlr drer.ser. Then
her head is Immersed in a new tot wninii ..,,. if ... ., .. .. hip lrnws
water-net het. A lather is produced ,J(u.k evcr ,,, )eft enr ,, twMng ,le
by reducing u white soap te liquid. ,,, , .,, tlle lctt ,,,.,. T(m the
pouring it ever iiie niiir nnii i m. i.frent rj-llt t ta).cll ., urrnnM,i
Adventures With a Purse I
ECENTI.Y somebody I knew gave
ten. nnd ns the guests numbered
Mound fifty the mnklng of s,mdwichei
became quite un Item in a busy house house
(held. That's hew I found out ubeut
,Vh iHiterpr vvlni will make vnur sand-
et tne common gnruen
EVil4l..)iH fnt- vnil
KiSipliitv nf'flat. suuare or oblong sand
Si-.C'iicbes : eh dear, no! These ere dnint.v
tfeSJitlled pnndwiches. like miniature pieces
r-VT"V.. ,, in :n.i ...i.i. n...,
I AiVlL jelly TOIL lirev art- mini ".in .,,...
t.k1W,'?k33l mnvennnlse. some hove lettuce.
hKrJ l.AtTZ-. .kAuta nnrl III fllpf t fnlll'V
WH tuevnv ---
:s& M.it1l cheese veur tilllngs. Alse
I letters cheese nnd.
.,:-m OUu wuuunc -. - -
fn hnve white or blown bread or semi
.M-h. The surmising part is thnt.
AilBtr and delicious as these sandw tenet,
(UBdeubtedly nre. their price is net high. ""
Read Your Character
?. liiqbii Phillip)
Selling the I'p-rressed "t"
What would jeu de in a situation
like this'.'
Seme time age you had a business
disiigieenicnt with n man who hn since,
jeu iinve reason te lielieve, a peer
opinion of jeu. It mm net have been
jour fault, bur fiem nis point of view
he had an excuse te suspect veu of net
liavlns been fair. New the situation
has niien when, lie needs goods jeu
ve for sale He has even written
Anether Letter Frem "Puppy"
Dear C.vnthla A littl epistle te mv
cunning little "Patent Leather Hejs."
Thanks for them kind words. I certainly
needed these after reading ether letter
Yeu yourselves get me, but I will en-1
deaver te explain te these who don't I
livery normal girl at my age is like
me I'm net bad. far from it I knew
exactly where te call a halt. I am very
enthusiastic about evetj thing, that 8
why every one who knows me likes me.
riirls like me are usually the ones who
get the pick of husbands. When I
am married I intend te be true te mv
husband and de the right thing by him
in every case.
I am very much amused at some of
the jeung men of today They go out,
kiss a glil. smell .1 cork and the tiet
morning te their specjal friends, "Wild
paiiy last night." Then all his friends
tnke It for granted that the young lady
whnse life he had brightened in the way
of supper and a few wicked steps is abso
lutely taboo Oftentimes It is the man
who make the Klrl's rpputatlen nnd net
she herteit ir n few mere or you were
like, and had as bread a view of thlnns.
as the "J'atent Leather Beys" the world
would go around much mere smoothly. I
"Sir llpcter" I don't have te wear.
iaui.-. uuaiei. iu .iiuiici uieiiuuii in my
limbs , thev are geed looking enough
without them. Yeu are wrong nbeut my
doing the .Scandal Walk. I don't. I have
a little creation all my own. Quite sirn
pie te get en te. but appearB very tricky
te onleokets. My power te Interest Is
net artificial either, It Is perfectly nntu
ral. And. I) I (' , 1 re te Just cobs of frat
dances with young men who come from
. . . . .,i u ..a. u ... , iiuiil HfiiiL it? mni:ii uuu UlillllMvll
sen p. and rubbing. I hrce different i ,,ew , fnre)l(,(, ,. ,,, (
lathers and rinsings are Indulged In. i)nck evpr rars nmI expl. tlu, baik nnlr
then a spraying with lukewarm wut- , .ompIcte the French swirl. After
Is given, and a final rinse In . vveakUI ,ms bct,n pI1Ilp,i ,own llc lakc8
soutlen of white vinegar. This, she flnp comb pu)g lhe llnir OV(.r fhf
believes, provides flufnness nnd luster, j ,.,.8,1, nm nllffH lr 01It ,, the front
The final rinse with every feurthi part of the head until it assumes jiwt
shampoo Is of n different nature. The' the right degtee of height and line bc
halr dresser buys henna leaves- hi fnie the net is put ever It; It may
whole quantity, n handful of whlili sound much mere complicated than the
she a'dds te a blf pall of water, steepsi ptecedure really Is, and the success of
it se t lint the liquid has no led or brown it is in practicing until you get the
cast te it but nn ivory color, which decsl lines that suit your face.
Weman s Life and Leve
Wanted "Nice" Husbands
TWO jeung girls write me thnt they
find no city men te their liking!
They me disgusted with modern men.
evidently the last,
dissipated, the ma
terialistic J oil ng
men whom they find
In modern metro
politan life seem te
tliem lucking in
these attributes dc
slinble in u hub
build nnd father.
(ilrls, ulse, seem
te them r n t It er
"fresh" nnd bra
zen, in their enter
ing frankly te these
ideal less fellows
They the two sis
ters, aged twenty
Where theie's mere of singing nnd less
of sighing,
Wlietc there's mere of giving and less
' of buying.
And n iiihii makes friends without half
I trying,
There's where the West begins!"
ONE can only wonder If the modern
gill, equipped with n business or u
profession, would net be wise te become
a feminine knight errant, und go fertli
into the bread prairies, seeking a legiti
mate, wholesome Western existence,
finding 1 1 lends and work, eh seems nor
mal, Hither thnn te die of dry ret in
Ik stilling Enrtcrn cities, perhaps In
eness, attending tens nnd matinees,'
Such a break from one s old environ
ment involves initiative, and some risk
but the fining fertli Inte the un
known would huve Its advantages, und
be n gient breadencr nnd developer of
. . ,1. . .l.nt
nisurtv for InotheVenher birth-
UnyV ...... ... .,..,n. beifan te come
,e ,he old it daughter he thought her
work and her friends meant mere te
her than her home. -mllv the
And nt Inst she wrote the family tne
new" that they had. known would come
sooner or later. . mn't
"I've get te come home, l ran t
stand It alone any longer.
WHAT a let of trouble we de gtve
ourselves just Im-ceusc we cling se
hard te an idea of our own !
Sometimes I think It is mere thedcj-
Can Yeu TellY
By R. '. "' ' 1V' ttedm(r
What Makes Us Hungry J
Have veu ever wondered what causes
the hungry feeling, and the .thing we
knew as hunger pains: . hen his
happens the stomach W having pwl'tal
tie or "worm-like" contractions. These
movements or contractions ";.
nil similar te the musculer contractions
which take place in the stomach when
feed is going through the process et di
gestion. The contractions of the stom
ach during the preceis of digestion are
comparatively slew, but when the stom
ach Is empty these movements or con
tractions ere stronger, und after n Jittlc
time become si sfvere that we become
quite conscious of them. The first feel
ing we have is ew of hunger.
If these contractions increase In se
verity ns thev will if we de net supply
the stomach with feed, wc notice a
ft cling of pain. This is caused bv the
contraction of the "pylorus" the lower
and right opening of the stomach lead
ing te the small Intestine. As n rule
these hunger pains are felt three or four
hours after eating, nnd disappear very
,,,,1,.1K. u-linn fnnd is taken. Hunger
pains are sometimes felt early in the
morning, but are mere apt te be felt nt
Inter hours In the day. if we go a long
time without entlng.
The lower and right opening of the
stomach, cnllcd the "pylorus," makes
f i ein 2.")0O te liOOO contractions during
the digesting of n meal. Thes-c contrac
tions begin just as seen us the liquefied
particles of feed reach this part of the
stomach. Hungei pnins an be stepped
immediate! by drinking water, or tak
ing acid or sugar into the mouth.
Tomorrow Why Dees Blue Serge Loek
Best en .Ment .Men?
Cotten Wash Goods
Sale Extraordinary
Less than wholesale costs values up te 45c yd.
A wonderful opportunity te secure these splendid summer
materials just in time for spring sewing.
Mostly remnant lengths but large enough for a dress or
apron pattern, and the price alone will clean them out quickly,
se better come early.
Included are: Voiles, Ginghams. Chambrays, Muslins, Demet
Flannels, Ripplettes, Outings, Eden Cleths, Romper Cleths, Cheviots
and Percales for Shirts and Dresses.
Ne Mail or Phent Order en Thtte
W. H. SMITH & SONS, 914 Walnut St.
Atlantic City
The Sheps of Sensible Prices
Fer Clearance!
Tweed Cape and Dress Costumes
in all the wanted colors
nnd twnntv-twe resnectlvelv find that
thev nre lenelv and forlorn, bemuse of
,i. .. n ,-.-ni H.I..I. ,i .i.i, I tlmi, I1I0I1 stiinnarils. in suite et bellic
m- irai .Ji i.iiimii-a, ineu iiiuiiiera liuilK ...... . -" - -. . .,. .-- , is-, i r
me Biuuy nt times, but nice me te be attractive ami wen cuiium-ii. m i-- rPJU'll LiOStuniC Of DGltlC
with their sons because I am se frank. the mutter? Ue girls demand tee much. ' ' . y .
modern uej rc.iuy luuim nun
WliAr. (i .HjA,iKtf,rllv
EW .i. r. finlv slvtv rents n dozen, veu an lnnulrv en hnve his letter
.l . Ji .l.ll. rC .1.1, , ,.1'L' flf.lt fllWw Jlt.'fl 1.- . I . ... -.1 ,t... .....
J .AQfl IJlinis "i- l"'- ""' "" - -.... j-k i i- ,utu, mm iiiiiuii euir ilium, juu
S Hjtem you nre glv'lng n party I have Um a t
V M NB1S Ol liinii ami i uui i.ii' ."; i
Is Sw are unexcelled. an upward slanting stroke. i.u are
T. 'V
Sem tlme nn some imp mpiitlnnpil
n trls column the fact that a geed-
loeltliiB girl had no brains Th.it is im im
lessible A girl could net be geed-looking
unless she had the brains' tee. Often,
times ou see a girl who could be very
pretty If she enlv had the brains It
tnkes brains te arrange one's hair be
coming! v cheese clothes that will suit
one's style of beauty, etc. Yes indeed,
it takes lualns te he coed-lookinir
Well. Patent Leather KlddleB," deiOA
write te ine again I would love te e ,i
nr aic
ins? , , ,
l'hev tell me that they Tend mj
nrtlcle's about Western men en the big
ranches being of bread, fine Ideal", nml
the crowded cities breeding n i at her
abnormal type, nnd nrtlficial conditions
net leuducive te matrimony.
YS the sister who writes; "I never
lid like city life me for the fiesh
Crepe and Black Meire
hear from veu I am net such a badi , ...., . i,r., , n. ,,.,.,.). ,n
sort when jeu Unew me. .JX,." gustwl wllh the modern num. nnd the
' i,.. .m , ,,.mH(.,H , iKirK who enter te him Ve are
Minn of hlinim nddrrss 1 Oman i rnce
Cf PHOnr Mtlinui; eimu or ,.itii, .v,
tne neurft 01 v uuu ...
MlThinas Yeu II Leve te Make
tiymt'rzir.t i
isrmwM i
cuing te see him und try te i-cll him.
What tnaies sli0U veu pursue'.' Shall
jeu attempt te explain nwny the. past I
mls'indei standing? Shall veu take elab- '
orate pains in some roununDeut way te
regain his confidence in veu?
Iletter net waste veur time doing anv
of these things. Tills man is hopeful. ,
fanciful and Imaginative. His ten
dency is te kf ep his mind fixed en the
future rather than en the present or the p
past. He's net the tvpe of man te
harbor resentment His hopeful atti- I
tude toward the future in many cases,
amounts te a fault, He's net a hard
man te sell if jeu paint a plnuslble
picture for hlin. Ferget the past. Ig- ,
nere It nnd go in and sell him.
Tomorrow Werk for the long and
the short headed I
These who stem te misunderstand veu
would be mere sympathetic if j-eu would
be net quite se smart dear. Cynthia
unilArlnniL llii.r nil urn nnt rpfltlv lmlf
se shocking as ve'u like te make people ' hive, nnd care, and who knew
think, but veu may get yourself Inte , Klr wjicn they sec her
Ltuuuie Mjljie UdJ' u.v nun nil.. iiuiiuiil-,
anleus te meet the kind jeu describe.
We would like real men, tne men et
the great outdeors: men who feel nnd
a icui
liy Helen Dear
Remember This
Slie had cut her finger, and cense-
I innli liiut liml if ririilarir It- nffnn.
.VETjVKT FLOW Ml A(Vi8 ward with adhesive plaster. Hut. the
hlnar new 111 the bllC field, "wilt tlVC .,,... .1,,,. .l,nn .U fnnn.l Ir .iu mih.l.
rlrfinped pieces of velvet (hce Ilia- ,nK H ,,nm,R, te leave thlH off, she
-A'"l. lilllC IllflH IHI "in "
It Is a trite statement te say that
this Is a large country. Hut, because
of Its enormous size, Its difference in
climates and In the ancestral bablta et
ltn vnrled neenles. certain little by-laws
of one latitude are net followed strictly
v. . . ," ..i.i. . .... .... ei one mi
,'". ,f..- l.'ltl.n.. fee., tliem'"". .':' ti :'.., ... ... "Hi oneinei. rer lOBinuce, in uuniun nr
lOr juu ii.-:.. V, ;,. '"i trying te remove iiie niurns ei tne stick- teiiiadelnhla It Is net customary te or
Monhelu the edges wnn mik or ine(W Funny hew there's always
PHff- w iu..l w AHlnwil "lli - . i '
C'.CUt n circie in ii. kind friend wnn conies nieng with
n . fer refreshments te callers, unless nt a
ian nr ripntlnri iiltneiiErn el en in theso
tr of tne circle sueuiu ue ihj.iiu WigzCstlen, isn't It Hut It was rather two citaeem ei Leiieivuuiii cup m
ue aUc.ai the length of each petal. . ...,." i tH ,.hC Decaup nil she hud te tea mliy ,1B effere(1 '?, il ,v'Hl,er w'10
he circle with velvet en one side "V" te np S.ly a ..peek of ttiwnt ,.e . !!!L,e S0'."? " ?.,t,n,'levnf,er"00" Ua
Rtlk nn the Other, amr tU0,nil,i tlwrf. uhk n nrrfi.tlv ilnnn (ine (1U-V V... Li i i i t rv..iui..r,n (. iu
' mvi I--..---V.J ''( nils' '! iiri ma ULiiui iiuiiu. ill liuuinu m i v w
Veu stnte that such men eie tn he
found In the Northwest. Where me
1 thev I We lire meuesi gins, nut wc see
'ue harm in seeking fine diameters rise
where, as modern crowded city tendi- i
tiens preclude girls finding such In the
I big, selfish cities. Yeu cannot Imagine1
I the loneliness nnd stupidity of the aver
I n go girl's life, when she holds herself
aloof from the cheap, guy men."
I This fine, frank letter shows a great
change In womankind. Theie cer
tainly Is something new under the sun!
! (Ilrls nre new. A few years nge. In
'this dnjs of our grandmothers or even
I of our mothers, girls would have died i
rnthcr than admit ireeiy nnu simpij
thut they Wanted male companionship
und love. Hut why should ,net woman
seek n mate? It is beautiful and nut
ural. mllK nreblcm of finding geed litis-
! bands Is indeed n serious one. mid
nn outsider Is at a less In advise, i
Theoretically, one knows of the needs
of the thousands et w estcrn men ler
wlvec but ''ew nre Eastern glrlR te ,
meet them? It is doubtless true that
there is a certain real breadth and n
warm-hearted generosity in the people
of the meuntuln and plain. A poem
expresses this rather charmingly
"Out vhere the skies nre a trltle bluer,
Out where friendship's n little truer,
There's where tne west uegins.
I edges OI uc peiuin. nuicii iiirni
circle.' overlapping the petals at
" i Jll I-..I. UtU,1. .!. Mini)'
M-liail lirsu. .Jl.ltM i.,n ,,.....
.bere tney overlap, .viase tvvu
tltciunc tnreugu me prinis
: te 'term a casing, xnen
b te form the trlncii
1 t
II ifiUI ki) iLll '
lUuUUUiiil i
i m m mi - m m - ik v
mr. t k m..a ' pvs,v v- ii
, wmmmmm,
Is?! ' I ?" - in-", I Isf
I I A. I
II 111 I iiBmI I i I
wwmekm m mm m?rm &: m ?,-
iHHTiHiMiii mWA H k km iuimiii a H A ?. sr Jmx .Hbkux
tPI 1BHH ii ml
w immmijuwrn y XZm-
i! WBf
V.1 2 s. ,Wsj-v ---
Tweed Sports Suits
Man'tailered and Silk-lined
A Few Cape Suits
These values are below cost
for final clearance
127 ' 1117
S. 13th St. A - Chestnut St,
Breadwalk Shep Atlantic City Brighten Bleck
The "GoedMorning" Cup
There is nothing better te help one
start the day right than a geed cup of
coffee. It is a mental stimulus, a dissem
inator of optimism. It dispels the morning
frown and leaves in its place the smile
that breeds accomplishment the cheer
fulness that really makes the morning a
"geed morning."
But, of course, it must be geed coffee.
Asce Coffee has a rich full flavor, a
fragrant aroma a most delicious quality
of satisfaction that can't fail te put one in
a better frame of mind.
And Asce Coffee is always the same
the same high-grade coffees the same
careful blend the same unvarying roast.
Try a cup you'll learn what geed coffee
really means.
"Little drops of wuter. little grains
of sand" no, It is net the mighty
ocean or the pleasant land which they
make newiulnvs. It's enlv a frock
Out where a fresher breeze is blowing, from I'nteu, and If jeu de net grasp
!!' nlmple an A' Jl C Thera'n nnthtn
difficult about It Prcne It yeun.lf by read,
ina lli-nry it. Neely'i dally radio artlclei,
entitled ''Radie In the Heme." Neely la an
apart. but be explain the detalla of radio
wai aiir ung can iinuvraiie. .Biairi reia-
nanie in me jiem" in ine btbvikq
In the Heme''
H...I?,!f,B "YW, .
'eulte all right" te offer coffee te the
visitor who calls at nny hour or tne
day. (And, eh, some of us would travel
a thousand miles for a cupful of that
Louisiana French coffee!) Western and
.Southern hospitality Is mere pronounced
t,, n it.. Nnrth-eiiKicrn enulvalent. even
at thin date, ie thmthere ! NO 1rt
frccdiinent rule" whlcnjr,Pjl!JVlll,e4Ul
a.. l, ulliii.a m d i ...ajilna
AVhere there h inugiiter in every
streamlet flowing,
Where there's mere of reaping nnd less
of sewing
There's where the A est begins,
"Out where the world Is In the making,
Where fewer hearts In despair an
aciung, ., ... , , ,
'(' gUiV .yMft-'.Wwi btfiM,
the fact from the drawing Itself hear
the description.
The inn Inland of this costume Is coin-
posed of Knnd colored crepe de chine,
which Is partially surrounded by
watered silk otherwise, ihnire. In ad
dition te the combination of materials
please note the shape of the sleeves.
You'll taste the difference!"
AO. Sed j? A"0, st0,r" 'y. nil ever Philadelphia, and through- H ;
rfi out Pennsylvania, New Jersey. Delaware and Maryland i '
MU. " - " -- - w .
'Jr ASCO , , , ASCO - 'i'ASCO lj
tervv uim kw.
.i 7-u
v i
wmmii&L&k. Au..ai