BirnN' jti msnrvr ' r ri'wl?jnT?xiirai l;-' pYOUTH IS SUICIDE s yiffgjff 'vlJt '?TT7Wg7F pvh t i . elld Every Turn ey u.r. s Father, Serbian mews , ft Out Brains I .,rn CCAD CflMF FND QUAHU ncn, i umi ,..- -, brought In n vrmia l( it' ii' nv' i Paried by Suicide wwras-r'v,isAWTOWW! i i i -. .. x.rj.' 'i f " . i.-mn ..F nr -wnt . .J mlnnllnii ln-t r.lKlit wlicn ? 50,,,.M n II. WpW '" h,H brn,n" M i ,hODfllel nit Hi" fru-l ration of lilt JfftT k'!'-"'"""' rislueci-jnir-eM "Amlli'p. by Jirr fnllipp'-i r .1 t, iH'inill tin innrrlngp, lies III "'!,! I i l!2l North Third Mreet. In .1 kiufVliMlRe of Hip jmiiigmnirM yh.'h V I frenf bcr lit the four W'ffWnln line , I'ler liii" i millps came le IbN mm try in thrir fanu'r.,.V' lHi. ...... llnln iri If IC iP' rt r ii , Vrrenic bl" wlfr. "! nlHiiM ffi'rVmnwl '" wmr nnswpp: "Ask in) I front frimii "'"" ffiJ but. IIU nil Beiilliptii n.iieprans. h i'flt.ircl enrli. nnd three Jriin, ngu fiiFkpte& tlit rrtinnpii rninrr liut a dflcn if lip up- I cnniml iPt bPr mniry you turn. Meri nml H",'' " ,h,",f,"s '" '"' Wi?niiB IteBlnn wns In le.imlr n ', . . !1 jaHKJf,'?.. K B MMMMiilUMM MB j... . . H i (as MTi-i 1.; fcnJWPfcvhwi-V- vfr ' v x BRUNEN MURDER ALARM DELAYED t tiipie Ills swppt- in LuuiiriT tcfnmN. nnd told Ills hpi "'rJ Jim.. H.i.1 hp neiilil Kill III ..if if iiif pr'' n1 n",n m,c fJ HhV Mill llml If he dlil, lic e" 1,1 Mil liprwlf nle. U Uft hr pt te llldrpil nnd xnld: 'Vp mii'l Plni"'' TIipip Is no ethpr ,,r Vp "I" w " ,:,1ten npst Wo'1 We'1 Bfrinr nml Iip mnrilpd." Slip nspntpil, inrf he betiRht thp milrend llfkcte. YfMcnlm f-hp piiI n mpHKP te Iipi metlifftrt'Milns Iipp fntlipr, lu-iicri-Inr her Itilrntlen. hnd tlirrntPHPil Iipp life nlmiiM hn iiinm nllhnnt hN ron ren i?iil, nml tbal hp ns nfrnld te go. Itnclnn PHt te Iipp lienir te plpnil h lier, hut she bh III with dlcap nnlnlininl nml fmi nnd be jeubl lint wehfi. Up iPlmiiPd te lil liemp nnd hut hlmpf In hlx loom en i,Iip -piend fleer. At neon hi innilii ellinhpil tin rtaits llh f"ed. but Huslnn from bp Hnd lli IeiKpiI deer told lu-r te re Supper limp mnip nnd Piit. nnil finnlH Slrplirii Kilsuneltr. flip boy's futhcr. went iipniir nnn iiipiip(i ni , ihp ilenr. Alnnnpil nt thp pontlnued ' iili-m-i. Ih fmi iil the tlnet- nnd found 1 1 i ' Kin fin I lie llnm with n bullrt weiiinl In H right temple nnd n rcoUer brsiclp lilni. , lit his stiffpupil blind wns cliiwliril n jieli trlln' of hi" liepplpsviiP" nnd of lil uniPi-inc lei- nml of bis wh tbnt her pli'tiiri Iip burli'd with liiiu. TimIhj thp mniill fnmilj sits In sileiup in the ilnikened pallor of thp little three-room lieii'u while iiiijikimI wemnn preimres i ipip hands te plme upon theii leeies. A white oippe ribbon lluttPis frnm t he fmiit deer nnd within five tell (.iniilei in n Kilt stnml breucbt from the (lunch hunt for the dppnrtcd. Detective Parker Says Wife Waited rjatf Heur, Then Ran Screaming Frem Heuse Mm, Deris limnen. widow nf Jehn Ttruiipn. thp mnrileted elrpus man, I declared In Detertive F.llli Pnrkpr te bne wnlted nlmnl half nn be." nfter thp sbnetlne before slip rnn shrleUing from the house nnd sprpnd the alarm. Tinmen wns tnt ns Iip mi! in thp kitphen nf hi home ill Klprlilp. Mrs. Hrunpn rushpil fiem t'ue beup n it jfienrj. deetnrlnit her husband bad lnt neen snot, oenvpen i :;i., nnu i :t r, m.. en the nlRbt of Mnrcb 10. Wltnessp bnp been found who distilled heard the shot nt rxn-tl 7:12 P. M. Kurtlicrmnre, ITnrrv Meltr's alibi Is deelnrpd bv Detvcthp Pnrker te b" "idiot te pppp." Mehr Is iipeiiseil of linUntt InstlRnted the rrlnip. Het h he nnijHHpvBmj4PHr'av,4vwM,, w "T.pvvisiscspiViKPT r ! ij m,Xtm '.a mgr r. i vJ) y " ,v " tsh "',ir' h , .," 'T'yr 'r1 .Plrr.-rl--j .. . r.T--LE Tix'H Is Midi rorrespen.d with tiip number nf Harry MelirV car. i r Dr. H. It, Miltll, nf Itlvprsidp, llrillien family phjslelnn, nirlveil nt the heusn at 7:."0, The npxt day lip Is cnld te 1ibp lefused le sn lunv long Kronen bad been dend when he nrihed. At that limp liplpptlvp I'urKpr exi ihni nlttht. nnd e tire trails pettUl b rmind flic tiexl morning. , , , , . t.l ,,. ,,,,,, Ixtlnr Kl'lll III l.lllll III PeIIip Wlillnm Voshell. of HIvjmIiIp.4 Iiiim ii henillijr iipnn iiu; ii-r. n " Iippii tnkpii le .Mount Helly iitnl v;t; Flnlref in Pniicr, TUP ii'lier is rum i nnd Charles i. Powell, tbp renfessed tnurilerer. nrc l'i jnll nt Mount Helly. ' Four llptprly ipsldpnti, In an auto mobile, were mi their way te. Camden, and ttrrl"ve,d nt Hlvrrslcle at 7:f)S P. M. the night of flip murder. TIipv stepppil nt a km sol I tie Htnllnn, four snunips from thp Itrur.p' np, but lindlng their tniih almost full, they went en. Thought Tire Mew Out When oppeslto fbp tthineti home, en River read, a shot was heard. It wns ,.. . - . .. , , . , . jtliuilll'l unit III III, imii, i , , uir " n ieiiii irperr. sum ns nine e i)y n sum- i .. "" , i.,i hi n minimi nf fumlirlilir,. 'I"' i'"p" '"" """ " gun. .A bev In the ear pic lnlme.1 : '".'"" hp' 2,?"" 1 '"'' V, .?f , ., " "ViT ,' f.H: .etrrlng ten .1emcI LMi-wiIMpm P - , l,,r ,,.,-, ii""" ..,-,.....,. .... .......... , in- t "iitm nii" rN Of filllicn, HU'(r ll".ll nliniil IihfMisII fm, m,,in f-n nml 'nirticK in i)i l?!'!.-.! ffle in flHiill Melir'n mrivi-iiivtilH en llic liiitr uiiir irirriivr i imu-i rArijiimm ; ". , , . .....i-. 'Til bet Sten Ilinnpii wns .Ipe.1 half mi ' '"?,'',', ' inV tl hour before the alarm wns .Ivph." MHrH..nnnH aAi.V Weman Anether I.luk Anether link In the .h.iln of Pildene.. l ,f'' , ,. . i 1.1...1 k. n ,..,,,.., r i u,. Mis. MitilfPii lull' Iip munler both iriivi' ii (let n I led iine'iiiit of their movements In I'w'f ItitrlliiBteii fount) T WIOTP II MIIIIUIIIHIII "Dnddy, n ttre hns blown out." ri.i. ......i.i.-.. .. . .. i , -i,i tlrps found le I, ur ZS, Ven U "' .!r.t " .-- '-& "lL"r At 'la.Mers Innp. ('atuhridge, just be- Imlisp wIipii Hip murdprpr Hrpil the slmt. Slie Insists then' wns no Inigp teiirin .nr In fient of the house nt t lint time lewHIshi;, n'n.rn'upe.urnPd I l7e ' Mrs. nri.nen has Insisted that nfter N-r;- ;r sr ;;-,? Itlver drle. gelnc In the dirpctlen of tiring the shot the murderer inn e the ,M(n"MI1,t P,. wh.n i.;mi mil- iiin Cnnnien, nnd wns beliiR drhpn at brctk- 'front of the house nn.I. jumping Inte n i.rn.kinc feiun i ',','"1Irl)d;-1r neck speed The i.-nr light wns net Inigp touring tnr, urein iiwnj. n r.inieii Vk"H ";; i,,,,.,;..-,.. ImrninKi but bv the lMits of thp Hpv- I, prl.x car, It Is mlil, (Iip miinbpr of the spfpillng l'eid wns tnkpii, owing te Its suspicious nctlrtns. That number, It resll Htf, Kp ppr na. FINE FRAMING Etchings Prints Water Celers Painting THE ROSENBACH GALLERIES 18:0 Wstnnt strrtt Blankets Cleaned !'AW'aW i MISS MII.nitKI) KKACIlt NK rtOtiLVN KKISTONSlT,' He blew out Ills brains Inst nlxbt aftrr elepempnt plain hail been frustrated. BLUECOAT SHOOTS BOY L!aSS3t H SJ B f iSBHH I iT ) 'Att THIS WEEK ONLY $1.00 A filr Krt. I'rlri. n I'nlr I OYKtl A VKSTVKY OF SKRVWK Barrett, Nephews & Ce. mil Htalru lelnnd Of.lne N.W.Cer.l2th & Sinism (118 S. 12th) rnnnr m.m Uninnt :th) RMHeW s SiLVEP.3MrrH3 sTAT TtOk,.. w,,tas Pearls Jewels' :"VLVi n tas 1 I I Finder Rings &3arPirts Pendants JVecklaccs Bracelets Earrrnga The highest standard or quality Saturday ccsmg hour-I2neon dfrll l i if I II WW M WiMHMM. JLl'lj 5iw u "lla . :W Failed te Halt at Camden Patrel man's Command A htillpt from a pellpemnn's rpveher. q Hied nt random nfter two 1h who flpil I ,l,l. :u. nicy ic iigin, White shirts a stock as Let them carry the name1 Ferre and you knew nftpr his lemmnnd te linlti stiuck eiip of the ieutbs In thj. feel. Tiip sheet- I liiK took plni'p near St. Jehn Strei-t yfr gg the ValllCS. Thentre in CiiiikIpii ItI night. I White oxford, madras, poplin, .lampi Mnitln. sevpittppn, of (ill) broadcloth, silk - and - cotton, silk; Seuth Sixtii stiret. wns running pnst some with soft cellars -some with thp tliPiitie witli u conipanieu wtieu or- i self-figures, derpd te step in Mounted Pellppuinn I rtilJ4.'. Quinten. Hip heis (entinueil tliplr flight, nnd n shot firpil In their dirpe dirpe tlen sinnrcd frnm t he sidewalk nnd lilt Mm tin. iVS5 FOR AUTOMOBILES rROMTT SERVICE REASONABLE PRICES Found-d ISM HIRES TURNER GLASS COMPANY 30m ft Walnut PHitinnrrm PASTOR CHASED AS BANDIT: BULLETS GIVE HIM WINGS TACONY-PALMYRA FERRY -LINE WILL START SATURDAY Sharen Hill Police Make Hasty and Incerrett Deduction Rectified Toe much lii'duptien plus ud imnginntien cnuspil the police of Shnien Hill te arrpst the Hev. Samuel Jpii nings, n Npgie. in mistake for n burglnr. And wrong impressions also miid" tbliigs iiupemfnrtnhlp for (lie i lergj mnn. He thought that the two patrol men who werp using him for n tnrset were two men In Dniln who hnd pre- I iets tliiPiileiipil te nttnrk lilm. That's Inte i vtht he kept dodging between bullets i nil i'i iiuren. 'I lie leinplli nliens Quality we like te have worn with our Rogers Peet suits and overcoats. FERRO & COMPANY Rogers Peet Clethes Chestnut St. at Juniper weie unrnelPii Girls Will Threw Flowers Water en First Trip of Beat rieweis girls en t lie (lei ks of two li .lutlre of trie I'encp Jenes. I lie ' fern holts will strew blossoms en the trouble brgnn when the home of Mrs tl , .,, ,, , , , .. I'lenner niidetepr. of Slinien Hill. I Df-bniiiie Itliei. Nitunlnj nffpi neon. M ,,,,,,, lnestlKntlen pnnpil that inniiRiiiutiiiB firi serlip belwpcn j,0 leblier.v was i nmmlttPil b n Negro. Tuentij nml I'nliimn. , Mr. .lennliiRs, en Ills win home from n (In the simlvP of L' P. M., thp fern lme meetiiiR. wns inking n slmrt out , Tarem will lcni the slip nt the feel I1( r, 1( field. ' of !.itk striet. Tiiimiii, while nt t he The two patrolmen saw him. Mine moment the fen PitlniM.'i will "Steti!" they shouted. ltut the I Marl (liuriilne its wn iiiiess fiem the prem her rnn nnd seetnl shot enlj N .lcrsp Mile. liic reused his speed. The i lerRMtian IHreitm Sproule. of the llepnitmeijt ueiibIiI shelter In n house nml told the of Whnnrs. Meeks nml KpiiIps, nnd i en upniits he wns being based hi high high ether eili eflii lals me expected te ul- win men. Thru the pntieluun nnlied t'ml the opening (hi pinnules. Tbei will I nnd iiuested him. When be wns llde up en the polite bout Ashbriilge. I brought befeie Sipilre Jenes the mallei fin the New Jere side, the feir.i'wns explnlned nnd the pmiilnt te vill inniieit with n hlgliw.M lending te ' leased. the White lleise pike, tlius glxing eilsy &ri,c,",,,ni "- f ' '""j ROBBED OF $3000 IN GEMS WON'T PAGE MR. VOLSTEAD We8t phlla- APartment l8 Looted by I Sneak Thief Wets Mass-MeetlnB Tonight, Hew-, A -uenk ilinf InM niglii stele VKMltl ever, Will Discuss His Law 'worth of leweln from the npnriment ever, win uiscuss His Law Samuel Dicksen. SIM? -thiid nnd .. .' .V.0', '"V101 r'..V1 .,l.,fl.t ' XV1- llxfnid stieets. Anelhet eiiupnnl of Run ' " ' "iinupipniii tonight. , h,. npnriment house miw n jniing mnn Btiwilil he .eme. hi.WPier. It misht lie Wenilng n gun suit nnd i np lemlng ki i "' ' "n iieiii i in .nei- Phil Itiinf. it. nt eis, urn j,, ieu(tlilte mi pimp witneiit nil .Hluiilllte ( -- Itui-p. Tllp (ii ill i il ('emiiiiIiiki, ,,f il,, !,,,,,. Arnlnwi it,,, !.... i. ii. 1. 1.... i I ,". " iiuiiii .iiii-iiiimeiii Aninsi the IMhihitieii Anuniliiiint wl1' ""pi t! nml Hudsen Maxim Mil ei hi i minus will wn eloquent f e the irpiiil r the Inw limilng Mr. elpid s nnme mid liuleiseiiii nt. , Pllife tin (iiuciill Ciimmittee is nun Wwl of L'O.Olltl iitlen., it expeited tlie "iiui w he w, nttinded. H Watt u Who is the builder? Upen the answer te this question depends lftrRely the satisfaction which both owner and atchitcct shaie. Such co-operation de mands experience, plus adherence te building ideals and standards. F. L. HOOVER & SONS Ivcnrpaattfl BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Since 1869 1021-23 CHERRY STREET ItsaMlhrBt VJI2W poeds In new boxes bring new customers. WALTER P. MILLER CO., INC. 448-452 Yerk Ave., PhiU. .lfaiiuarrurrrs nf SPECIAL PAPER BOXES t Let us suggest a slogan or trade-mark for your goods. It will be a geed investment. The Helmes Press, 'Printers 131529 Cherrv Street Philadelphia I thp house. r M" t ,. fl u ... . kefi"n.''sM' n-r I-"" k,m- s "Sntn. Cen " vATft 1i"'"?.,M!,r nrifornwren th. tl. ;.''", lf V lilfMM. I'I III II I.HK LM. hiihiu,f1" SL-"rt I'ibiic I.riMirn hi I... . I '".,"" " '"'P ' niWln. s S ,.r,i. ion en sundlyM "Mat, It a Hntlt." Adv. J Kcstene Window Cleaning t Ii a Cheap Service iJSJ-r1 :""iiiii i .,1,,1, i, ' NtYftTONE ''"sp '"i'i w'lmiim i."lVJi",UT sr,1 '"" '''"'''" ! MlflfllfllflIflIflIflIflIflWfljV!fl'fllBiiiiiiiiiiMflIIIMHW I It Will Lighten Her Laber SUPEUP .VACUUM CLEANER. r neriiiiis rm, hiil Wll.l. nut nnh mnr lie nml pliMiliul rue in H Up ii ilennrr, mnrr liriillliFiil liDinr sump Minium tinnier ure piMllheh Imrniful In r"V iHrpel. nml niCK. The fV -si I'l.iut" i iiirrcr- flk"V P'". .(nine mi e It, t HAH. V. EMERY AM) SONS I slnh, 1 1107 1304 Diamond St. i till. HHl'U RUGS i i. nv i'i.nn,(i (.iiiitii Weel Seamleis Velvet 1U rr snrrlnl et SI 7 .10 T.fllll SI3MI Al SI.OO Werted Seamlen Bruneli ll.1li. leri siif,u ii SI" 110 0I2 Sl.l ' t fl . s..iinn si?.ihi en High Grade Axmintter W. li.-l .eflll SJl All nn S.-jllKI .!.. Ml II 3t1 ,S3.'0 ,6H Sift 00 fl Uv 13 ,'S.dll nvt stt.oe ftzi Beautiful Seamless Roie llrlenlul .Wmlnsler, l.'xl", fl. Sim, no Itlinnrr.. 10 ft. 11 In. A I" Fl. Inns J7..VI Fine Seamless Wilteni ii. i sin nn 8.:iie,n sis. en Royal Superfine Seamless Wiltens llt! SII.WI S..HIIU1 S.IU..MI FOR THEM ALL! Right Frem The Factory Fleer! WILTONS, AXMINSTERS VELVETS & BRUSSELS Extraordinary Quality and Dtiign In An Sut. Biggett Bargains in Town tlits-n. Hnnner. Carpet. hT th vaul 32'u. 27 unit ."1 Inrlies w-lde nil ttTrtilri. LO! RUG MILL MAY S'" Jnnrurr Ahere rniubrin 81. Take Rnnl 3. i or ,1 le Cambria St ripen linn, licit, I rl t ntll in P.M. Open Rat. nnd Other Out l'ntll 13I. V. Mxll Dril. r. I lllril I i it- lulu llrllvrlv !! i ;i i ! r: Ihe creek comes prepared MODERN thieves go te their night-work equtp Pedwuh efficient tools -the wrdwareef their trade. Helmes weetne Protection is fearless, d viRilant. At the moment of :"ack it Rees into instant action w protect yeut property. HOLMES ELRPTPir ; PROTECTION lMU.H.lV,.f,",,, ttrri hllteilelplslsi 11 M-,..ii HUM craL' H''sr-eir- -sin. why don't mil lei ih.ii en III touieiloM nnd llnlsh Ihe dm witli n MtinN ildniinstimien'' You'ie mlssliiB hiinie eF (lie hetH llloterillK 'I, OS of tile ii ill ' ' Open Cars. . , Closed Cars. , Prices F, O. C, .$1785 .$2785 Factory Display rooms open evening Moter Cars The car of the ten proven units MACKIN MOTORS, Inc. J. .In, l iiiidrritTlfl, l'fr, 855 N. Bread St. l'heiir, I'aplar ?SS i I. M jt li It it it tt !t tl ' I ?! 1 1 i ,ii Browning,King & Ce. A SPECIAL OFFERING Yeung Men's Suits $24.50 In all the prevailing models and a wide .range of fabrics. A SAVING OF 33 i Remember, we manufacture our own clothing and sell direct te you. Thus eliminating the middleman's profit. We also offer a number of Beys' and Children's Weel Suits at $5.50, a saving of 25 '"i . Manufacturers and Retailers of Men's and" Beys' Clothing Stores from Coast te Coast 1524-26 Chestnut St. ii s. , 1 .a iii M i .1 MacDonald & Campbell Knickerbocker 4 Piece Spert and Town Suits Ceat, Vest, Knickerbockers and Lcng Trousers $38 te $65 We aic scllinp preat numbcis of these s,mart practical suits te golfers, and te men who leic the open. With tlte long tieuscis they make ideal business or tiaielinj suits or when they lun out te the Ceuntiy Club, they hunjr up the waistcoat and trousers; put en the Knicker bockers, for Gelf, lenp: walks or sport. Custom made te our special elder of handsome home heme spuns, Tweeds and imported Fabrics. They hae the field te themselves in Reed leeks, comfort and service. Nete 2- and 3-Piecc Sports nnd Gelf Suits, $35 te $55 1334-1336 Chestnut Street A Little Matter That Needs Quick Action EVERY time you rip a date off the old calendar pad there's one less day in which te wear your fine quality spring suit this year. Today our selection is superb. There are thou sands of suits in new designs and models. DISTINCTIVELY handsome fab rics and fashionable models with 1, 2, 3 or 'i button fronts and smooth fitting backs, and all at our Super Value prices. These are the things that are turning lookers into buyers by the hundreds every day. SUPER-VALUES IN SPRING SUITS 28 33 38 43 This is the theme that is keeping us busy. Actual, visible savings of many dollars en every Suit. And men don't have te take our word for it. A leek at ours, and a leek at ethers, prove it. Hew does Super-Value appeal te you? 1 Wkjmim LVJ KNOX STHW3 The "COMFIT" The most comfortable straw hat you have ever put en your head. A Sennit Sailor with soft and pliable band a feature exclusively Knox. FERRO&COMPANY CHESTNUT Stat JUNIPER &S3Effi tLJJJJLt. ..Il TgrS'Vftvf. a WK 119. ! I -mjuft! Our EAST WINDOW is- entirely filled with fine-quality suits which bear the Super-Value prices. $2., $25 ami !s2S. Loek at tlicni and sec what our Super Value policy means, te jeu. Perry & Ce. 16th and Chestnut SUPER-VALUES in Clethes for Men HOUSES THAT LEAD "jr. The quality of the writing paper used ler busi ness correspondence has been steadily rising for twenty years. Mere and mere, dominant business houses arc realizing that the maximum geed im pression is produced by the sum of all impressions made. Letter paper is a detail, but it is a detail that counts in the total. Many concerns new use Crane's Bend for their statiencry.Thcsc houses arc nearly all leaders in their lines. It is net their stationery that has given them preeminence, but the same attention te every detail that has led te a leading position, has been extended te the selection of a business writing paper. iecv selected new rag stec i2i years' experience Banl notes efzz countries PitpiT money 0438,000,000 people Government bends 018 nations Crane's BUSINESS PAPERS ,v,' JACOB. REEDS SONS K24-M-26 Chestnut Spnet 1 a uts you like and ethers you dislike J makc ou like .1 int? I'ncc .tlnnc ilecsii't de 11 nor dee I.ihiie 01 pattern. Yeu knew that eu'e h.ul suits ou hate te see weai out and ethers eu've iven away long before thcj'vc st'ied jeu well. What make the differeiue? Many things --but thicth the model. ( )ut t.ulurs li.tic cliiiiin.itcci the ihimIiIiu nf lining inmlcls In dV ('lupin.; til(. acmnling te build. We linic all the i nmi nui Nalcsmcn knew linn te help Hill lIlDOM'. J Wc would like t" lien ou the stile ion should near nn obligation liut nc'tc i.itlirt (citain that when 1011 lind out lien well um ,,m leek in our ilethes, that ieti'11 .mept our iigge.tii)ii'.. IJ Spnng Stilts el the .ippieic.l .ilmis and in models .ul.iptril te e.uli's indiinlit.iliti ate prucd $.1Q and upn.inl nc p.utuiil.iili vtuss the values at 4Q45 and J'n. WA , 0..l.l 3M1 mpm ' KWM mm flrtSfafl ,' U rW. M -. 1 tm Ki pm: ,v .X h .-1 ' && r .1 '.. 5l ' a ,X ! iy A .iPt ii ,:. s T - -v I' -',!. n i it .m j i. X X- 41 VI -" fi x ? Krtine Msln H0S0 .'l i::ii:ur.u::TELxrcj: i - - - -1 -A T! ntll Wb4 . -u. ;yt- jJl I . Tk S Jt tell l.M.t M)k rf. liv-u