(Vy sfe&arjanK&aasa m i if ''itY' v ?7 "Ky'Af'- rlte w vena eance The Henry Jarreman ByROYVICKERS the Weman Always Pay Hj..iiirt that day at Swallows P.rLi... .a.i had te te up te town &n wiirii j v 1 (. i " --.-.. .ihi- Mr. 'necc you'd gene. ' ii Vh sir. Jnrremnn nau inau flSLS! thit I net his daugh ft." aiX .W father. Mr. Theed . me Just after "Z.L" .' renr. mother's cousin. M "."". 1M- n.r WH. WIN a Mn wrrium ifm - - t I.. ii the time I ""." t.i.t W. ."T.'-t.SSS.n had made tbntl The of U !.Slll. There had been a mil .the" sort of thing ene reads about Mes. I "ft HW"Sr.,2f was with Mr. Til. nil the time I was vmn nir. SSf S "Ss ettln, evidence te fffflt It' Jehn Camden 'and k who corenuueu u mum. . fortunately the detective who was k "him discovered that, after all, Sfi fither-was Innocent, tee. and r pmI father was innocent, we. ana Ilk stems. lreDaDiB.-u ..--..-.--.. " . i.u .Hid iininrn uu .cab .v. i.wv leia " .,.. -I. ,. I. .. DO, BIK.-1 .... ..-- ttseet. lthls before he left for tbe auer nn. ue um i.- -r. kaiiu. i Jim tne aauimcr ei C? he ruined his life." TsW must be egrcat relief." The i . irii..l' wfttnA tiifinA tint . .""".J". ?...-. .. ; .r: . hA.ih. Am I te understand J Mt i. uuitlrttlAM aii nnd ...' iY " 1,1 he "Void "neth. I Uiuea . viu c t- ' unti you ceiim Mucc.iii . . an ent of the idea of withdrawing Ibottety?" I'"T did want te irensicr every- I m . HaiiAlAnA InmaM te mc rem ikuwww wuvunuf .. 1.-J f.1 1HA nwafnup Iia 1WmrCrt enfugu uie .m..u ....,,. .... Jr.T.ji. I n mi rnrnn te sav Hint. Li well as tricking me into this dflnina-K-tltuatlen, yeu'e been defrauding liaeUier woman .' BKred QuIUi Heme i ti.1 Vnpiv tlien that it was hepeless: teBUUt hae the bare truth or nothing, Sf tl bare truth was net hers te 5m. She could net say te blm. "I Sit bullied and badgered into a sicken w eretensc te prevent your mower mbm ciwrivu wnu hudi. M. .i ra; she did sny it. she would have te believe that sir., Jarreman "But Segreve has given me r mv father's Innocence, and if i sited your mother, and threatened because sne as jenn uamacn s wemin. we may presume that ha i aet threaten her new." It was no I. One couldn't talk like that. Hhc i kid lived through each fresh com- I !!( could frame her defense only I te. herself : te her husband, white with IfUtnit, blind with disillusionment, she wm y nothing, nothing. p'r can't make you believe me, but I Ulda't help anything I did." ' A eund broke from him that tore her Hif(.''Thcn he pulled himself together jsaafrede toward the deer. r"AU you've done is te fall mc!" he a at her from between clenched .."You've failed roe utterly. I appose nothing much can be done until Teut speak te Mr. Jarreman, but until I an discover his whereabouts I'll shift is diet of mv own." 'Wlfred!" "VYYeu'II be quite all right here alone. ladl miy be able (e think mere clearly a place i can nuera." "I den t understand you." "Don't seu?" He lauehed nueerlT. I "I hate three hundred a year of my Bd, Jiudln. ion, of course, arc at srty te de what seu like, but I'm Mug te get out and live en it." Toe dour h iiiumvd; he was gene. Kadla bent down and held one hnml ifttr the ether te the tire. If keemivd kBOrUut te her that she should warm Iff handx, which were se cold, before e thought out what she ought te de. Bit rubbed her lt.ilmx. inil the hrniL. Hd her fingers diligently, but they re gained numb and nerveless. Se that prwenuy kuc moved away from the rlre tad took nn hnnk ln.iVi.,1 nt if tn.. Ikssly and uut It down swain Then Khn rcnUreA tlmf ihi.A M. thing te think about. Unless Lady Wncestcr herself made things right, WTO Hll Untnlnp in hn .Inn. r...l.l.... f'V W Mr. Jarreman were te rc- DSn lOfnnrrnn. L ..!. 1 .1A ..ili .. Sr, ne could shsure hnr that hn (..,. fler father's innecence: he muM wwathc would let that old mat- Of tllU Cfltndpn ttrtimA ... H.I "J:ffUtv I'ady Deuccster'H fear's; he lrt-.?m.fen adl.a by "llevlng her tnm she told him hew she had lenreu iSIl? '.Pl1, J?'8 daughter, all thnt fitd ba k t,eu,d net br,ns Ntdia crovsed in iim .t,in. ..i.i. Hi tOOk 1 Ml nn.l .,.. b I .- . - 1 11111 lllllll'l. I In Wilfred hflH .llunr,n..l il.i T SBS. air. .Tflrnimnn'e .1....I.. . i L"We. "He thillka T .11.1 ,,nt ...II l.l wanted te keep the money L the house. I cannet'cxplaln svhy Onu vcrVB'ng ac once te Uuly 3 011 rntl iln thnt V..1I. i?, S. Wilfred hns mn. m,,rn ' B mxle.l r .',""- ""." wvwau iiiiii h f in rAdnAi i. Jfpe. then hesitated. Would it en- V i "V"iu n nei JWr te ten lier mnflmr.ln. I...... shrank from the idea ui nctctsiirt r.u.lu I.....I.... " -"w Surely it MA t ,"-i""J iauy XJeuccstcr M'r?,.."? ?'.Wr-taorrew M kneu. .... ",""wl roetlicr but nhvuys MllllOrtt lii. ."r,..."ew m.at fche had A-J. . ".i ll-IK'llCH liv flint WDeueeV;e1ral1,it' V,kU 'J ''"'" d Ntdii r nllllt slle was. If she Sealr fniv"1' would be one mtni I n,V v,c,er .,se ,,et'ld be re- lr".nd ..u' ia clt ""at bhe could tS'.h1 ''!' leer MUt by hand nH "sk "i."01, room. Jb'Jr'lnuV",1 sleep. As N there loeinS ",lnilew; "d. crouch et. It 'd..,0n Inte the quiet ...."."1. "'crieu no. net de- Kl OfhnrVn .S.!- '? '" Pre. tm , ..., "!"" TSnes t taw tiled punt, her nWli i,i; "" i"""-, ucr that u ., . r"V uml "" thec tnit w0(i he hers till death. sbadnf.0 . ad crept :The Z "' ,,"' "'0 huube .. ----fc Klie was in 7 new that Ji . , , " U1 street talt. ...L.'laF she could nevp r..r WS? together "s LUtP !U8band uld KP come back fnbiUevcdJnat hc Efhe'b8dinadJ,hBBt0 'i.''"0" bls en nmi.J..."''".' must take .te niuiV i ii renu. UttL",n,,.."mcJe'.te go. and IB?,'' that wns ,r,,,V.. i'r r0 ,,u'1 " I'W'fed h.id hi,, i.c ily '.,cr own- " i.Wlked ,m rHn( iv'.,drfl1 'i ,ear 18"' but iliB,,!,!1 "J1 bll nai1 no &'! her lm ,VlwT wrmed her nd L"wr tee tia-i . ' ,"u" "i.0 net hecn Bent IniK. I, lu hrr outeok? The frlll.I 4'ni J LtOUCestpp nu-n.l .. K ,he m'l Huffere fd?u ,0 understand HLce?1 a, f eIS? Jfert h?r. .Me iw,. nce it would be cudurcd to te I'Nadf. .. . ,W ; T tQ.B buwcn bait. J:il be" , m'-ilV,0 Hat etn. which lselzp,i ii. 'na,rcl: A streiia- lm. IS?' Bile inmni i i ok UP at ' wl- 2Tat i mis )" .f C0UlwJ- The W Mi- i...1. I,UV0 been dinml.ea.rl w..'.er u second nr dun ..i.. i i.. MViiij'uat. he wuh beh ml lhn re'wier T.r. " """" " W"W&.i LM. , ' li7i .r, SS KWJ. i. h slacken speed until she had turned the corner, , , "I must find somewhere te ..go," she told herself. "I wish I had some ene I could stay with. But I don't really belong te any one." Behind the drawn blinds Jarfaman was lying, restless, waiting for the morning te be far enough advanced for blm te rise and go forth te de battle with Thced,' and then .40 see Kadla. lie bad se much te say te her. lie had made ud his mind tbatshe should knew all. There should be an end of subterfuge between them. Ucr grave young soul should weigh his sin. and In her grave young eyes would He. her verdict, j Aa the shadows of the room retreat, ed before the golden autumn light, Jsr Jsr reman's mind slinned back te his re. turn, yesterday, te this flat where every echo listened for Nndla's voice. Claudine's car bad brought him here with a smooth speed that had driven Claudine Immediately from his mind. The servant Lady Deucester had prom prem ised had ODened the deer te him and served him a simple lunch. It bad given him strength and a renewed con fidence In bis. powers, but he had judged it ndvisable te put off his call en Nadla till nut day. He must net alarm her by symptoms of fatigue or weakness. He had gene Instead te the room that Nadla had made his study and, sunk deep in a leather chair, he had let himself drift into idlu day dreams. The rest of the day had passed quickly, quccily, .with memories and nepes. Ann new here be lay, waiting, watching for the new day te begin. Jarreman could bear It no longer He rose and dressed and paced bis study until breakfast was ready. He bad barely finished It before the pell rang, and a visitor was shown into the study. .. "Lady Deucester, sir," announced the maid. Jarreman strode into the room wnere nis visitor waited. Lady Deucester looked haggard, yet Indomitable. She were a severe cletu dress that added te her height, and her elaborate make-up was softened by the beauty of her furs. "L came te step you from going te see Theed this morning," she said without preliminary. "I have asked him te call at Deucester Heuse after lunch, and I want you te tackle him then, if you. will, in my presence." "Yeu believe Theed will win and you Intend te see him de It," Jarreman remarked with a penetration that did net disturb Lady Deucester in the least. ' Lady Deucester Sends for Her Sen "I knew you will win. and I in tend te show you hew," she corrected blm crisply. Jarreman smiled his twisted smile nud let the statement puss unchal lenged. "Then this morning I shall call en Nadla." be said. "It would certainly have been better te wait till I'd set. tied Theed before discussing anything with her, but " "Through my postponing the dia logue, us you call It, it has been thrust upon me with the added penalty of hav ing te confess the Camden complica tions te my son," she said. "Isn't that bad enough?" "Oh, no. returned Jarreman, equably. "Net nearly bad enough." Lady Deucester grimaced uguln, but her soie rejoinder was te usk Jarreman te lunch at Deucester Heuse at 1 o'clock. He bowed his acceptance, and she left him te his thoughts. "Se much better that I beg you te postpone seeing her until you've settled Theed." cut in Lady Deucester. "Wait!" as he frowned. "This came by the first pest." She banded him Nadia's forlorn little note. Jarreman read it aloud. "Wilfred has discovered that I am net Mr. .Tarreman's daughter. He thinks I did net tell him because I wanted te keep the money and the house. I cannot explain why I did net clve everything at enen te Nell. Only you can de that. Nadia. "P. S. Wilfred has gencuway." "This was written yesterday." said Jarreman, returning the note. "And let me sec it was the day before yes terday en which you nnd I bad our illuminating chat, wasn't it " "Oh, I knew what you're driving at," retorted Lady Deucester energet ically. "Yeu think I ought te have trotted off te Nadla yesterday, early. and said te her in effect; 'My dear child, nil is saved! Mr. Jarreman is buck nnd he's being most amiable about ever) thing; he's going te reassign the money te you (wlien I've get It beck from Theed for blm,) nnd he's going te forget all about that old Camden business, and link up with bis wife again ' " A Conference at Deucester Heuse "I beg your pnrden!" " ' and provide suitably for Nell, and net the fairy godfather te any one who seems te expect it!' " Lady Deucester swept en unbeedlug. "And Nadla would have answered: 'Ob, hew lovely, new I can tell Wilfred every thing, and he enn threw tin his career and go bankrupt trying te pay back all Mr. Jni-remuu lias given me, nnd refuse te accept another penny nnd I can up up eold him uml we qin ntui ve en thrcu hundred a jear together!' " Lady Deucester paused for brenth. "And seu liostlieneil this interesting dialogue bccaiibe seu knew thut when you have said your say and Nadla has saia ners, you will nnve te assure ber that thcre is no need for her te starve en three hundred n year. Yeu will have te persuade her te let seu imv back the thirty thousand pounds Jehn camiien lett her when He died." "I have told of the thirty snapped Lady Ueuccster, but her hands ireiueieu suuueniy. te iikic ucr agi tation she rose uud moved, with a tiny grimace, te the deer, "Mis. Straueck is net at home, my lady." Lady Deucester stared nt Nudla's butler. . "Mrs. Strannck went out before breakfast, my lady, and has net yet re turned. And Mr. Stranuk is at his club. He has just telephoned from there about Ills letters." Lady Deucester gathered hernclf together. "Ah, it's Mr. Jarreuian's sudden re turn from the Continent that has ciuihcd such an upheaval," she said with a crisp ease that dioe the gloom from Dene's brew. "He nrrlvcd yesterday. Most unexpected. Let me nee. I should like te telephone te Mr. Htra nuck." Dene Installed ber at the instrument and withdrew. Ijidy Deucester, wult ing for her number, pulled rcstlef&ly At her furs. Nadla had gene out befire breakfast, nnd was uet yet buck. Wil. fred was at bis club. Fer the first time Lady Deucester wondered whether the humiliating confession she was prepared te mnka would effectively heal the breach between these inconveniently high prin clpled children. "Ob. Is that The Dclnh!c7 I be be llcve Mr. Stranack Is there Lndv Deucester Is that you, Wilfred I want te speak te you I can't help that, I want te speuk te j mi l daresay, hut I want te tpcnk te you eh, uilililsh! I y.'V't te Hpeak te you Very well, I'll wait here," Lady "Deucester went into the draw ing room and sat down, . CUNTINUBDTOUOBROW ' Cesvitehv UNi-ty ths'JHuae Trltaat, r-. ,.---.. ., -,...- .... .r., .-- ., ...... -. jm,i .-, r-s'isMia hits i si insnifayi'a a rm issm s tm i ""irr i ami nil m ml-.h-- .A..if.TM...t.i-i r, ,-v .- rt , , -r . .rjti:,n i ' iir-ri:,ti,i: ' - I i ' i i i Mitid... , ',' ' ',"' " ' I' il li '"' ' if. ill limilt, .n i t ilitiaa J r,l mJJjUXJuJIbJtiJS i) i in iWl.ii. h .it i? 'mi 'i i Jii I lil aWfiinlii! ill i III .1 1.1 ;i tlmimMtiM i -.- jiAM j'tt,'! mmmmm mmjawmm uwtriiuia nMrruui .. i .,. - - v.-- "-r i v. rr r-w-r- ...--- . .. w - 7,.-t - t --'-T--''.-'Ji.'n?7Jv.7-ii7 . .: 2 . im i",i ;- .., tT : j MnaH - UK- I " ' .f """ ?W'. . . ..,...'.,-. .vPl.. ., .v..jjy ..:..M AM .M,.,... f.W ?.' igJgHHrfWJa'Ki."- ,'T.tWWPl f get te ec n court raiB T2ff4'ATs' JnMaeJ&JZz .j SHE ,t. 4iLj .- ' ( HllllllHIIIII " - & Jr 747 ea-w. I ' - AH&vt 'Wm X.-' txrr -rtwxt-xfli 0B .MEswwtesjiUWi-- TiiisS: aBr' L mhv 0.N99H l1 'I Iy 1 l. rnvkn 1 nrr I I'Tlff'sfM 11'" CS ' 4ijH IklU TtV JJkP r L3u . t tpiteKTiVTX A?C8fsr 71 wvtA ) yrt.cTu jn imSSSmm . Ji. H-' ;M III',. ilh&JxfiX' " 'ill i' tar SOMEBODY'S ST EN OG -Climate PHtw! Beds he Place a t- u.nv& inia; iriesct ty I ; ntnlHtTKi U. S. Palrnt Offlc B'i Hauward M0RHM6 A BREATH OP All t bet today's geih' TO BE A SCORCHER: OUST THIA1K Cfr THE FbeR FROZCAI ESKIMOS -THE LUCV STIFFS! TOOK. I ; SeaaE CLIaaatc! Aietwr HOU'RE OUT SkATIAI6 AM' THE. AiEXT lOORe SROI?TIAlG A SOAl-SHAb& AM' DWAJk-IAlG . - . ICED itA : r- ?: S OJ W v CED tA : t CA, - asslH (fiJ 1 i"T -" agsiiiM v r as vh in Ai r, fc N m m m a ' 4 -r '" bh w vrx i i I .Mk V - v aaHH f I I If y A : 1 ' Mtu-X-r. IX'VE AiEVER BEEA AIeI HTe disagree vath j l THOSE WHO knew ) BETTER BUT TH& VAEATHER AAAES iay &ORT cr 5CEPTICAL--7 ABOUT THE HEJ7E AFTER ! IF ITS AAIY ;J RzzszzzA Hetter than r The Yeung Lady Acress the Way ' "" . rjsri? LrrLB scorpions' club Bi FONTAINE FOX The young lady across the way says international marriages ought te be restricted te people of the same country. uGrr Mi iz":z;i .? .TZxs: dSf "" ..jel"'"...""" "" .J- " .. O1.0 "" wia air r Uewr . . w " .at " .- r .' evi sm V' .urn!'' .- cuv'- ..i jp' VeO "' . gAOy' - O M"" X fHa r V.. 5 i ' " 'I CeMMiTflSC WAS HeCENTi. eewi AffeiMTCO Te M0K FeR A 50ITAC1.C. keCATiOK feTHC CLU0HOUSK (N CASE IT SHOUUO Bf. foeno Nce55ArtV Te MeV&. ?; eiFr; in a n iii.ii iiu iiicui Did you that every farthing thousand has been spent," PETEY That's Different SCHOOL DAYS -:- , -:- -:- llillfll tver . cwivtT. j safBss-gsgsry TT..iV-"JP!lL" ' T UlliniXKwH w. "ne Te , T ( fcwT HfFft eoTeXScucoJ-TJISslP?" Ilinill ttO0lU,lPNt6CRR.1Uee, YVLMTjM u. fc. MORtM MOKW, .v HI RyV2a2Si,l,9W i Jwtw aH stTfl SMffreR. ,1-J I uicc.v,e. bu re- ee JP;-1 . ,cli X i Irr I ?J -, III (111 FOK.Te ixu vwT . AJ CM TRO A CORvCO CkV JOmT OFJM TJ A II ll-nVS tZS W y J CORriSCfWH 1WD ATja fcPw2 bH HbVHIH Bn i .UJnBBBBw aHBPEIElfi(i i)h ' : W IbW a tWl mJUibbHI TWH llUfll llll I iIuIHh MffifiFi PcTeV. The BOV IS HERE with Seme u Thiws i Bought AVsTickuMsyl Ferm NmejeuAi?s AMD EIGHT r CeuTs PttASE ) n Huh? SeNee.!! Veo Musr "WiMt i'k made of NtcweY' -what kime of Foel SfUFF did Noe buy Kew If bJ WI -bbbIbw"" " Ik rtfci , u et - IF YOU VOME-N HADDA FARkJ ) The Meney ikiThis Heuse, f TOU'J)500N PUlT-BuVlkl' SltLY I OOTUES ANdThimcs MOME.V r TOST VxAfcTn" t , s GASOLINE ALLEY Walt Attends a Mothers' Meeting By C. A. Veighr ' f "fatt is Fer ihese.Tmimc.3 Veu) ASKED MEle GET fORfOU . I "Remcmber ? That silver. J Moustache cup- Seme. Peket. LHIPS IW?EE PAIt?S OF HWK. 05PEWDERS AWD '- OH". I -t " ,x By King A . "u. LSfe; , Z-Z WMmiiiBami I " wJrte!UK p;--; TdTUCSS WE'RE EARLV MH6 HALL ,S FllUNfrN TV f' tSTbSw rZ- BAI3 Uenx! I wanted Te V" UJ!N0M' ' WAS AFRA" ) ?) vLU f ll SHI L a&ii&mV& L7 L AVf7? 39As? .l a sfadatf '" 1Ub i" .LnrA5K vrM VA' ,.v2iA.r . 1 XifTfZAY' WkEBSBlktEM rjgpjg0fiWBBIJiiBT - " yyfj ' X t Sl'J C?r Ov KBBBi1BbV M ITB '11 J" ' l !V W P$ ?l TANTA-lllMMTt77y 'Lit . H1iiBE3'l,AiW . . .... ,-.... . . wv Mfv.. imi VSff.rftW' JflaltvKL1 ." llll. - i tf .H M iinici ., imklki M"i