txi RHMpw H..XSTATE FOR SALE BEAIi ESTATE TOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR BALK REAL ESTATE 70ft BAU miAL E8TATE JOB gAT.m REAL ESTATE FOR SALS REAL ESTATE FOR BALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALB Wkbt rniuDKi.rniA WEST PHILAnEU'lllA WK8T PlIItaURLPIHA WEST rHTLADEUIHA- WK8T rHIMDEUHIA WKWT PHILADELPHIA ORRMANTOWX OERMANTOWN TAYLOR & SON i lM,j m ',;rtv 'tf ipa It . . SJ VM Mil K is rV fs U s" I -v I"' W" c ft aj lit l&. n'v fir P.T tysL 'J v. Kt iV r e.-' PA-" 4 4&GAINORROAD WYNNEFIELD "rVJtere Town and Country Meet" These beautiful homes are ideal from every standpoint Located amid beautiful suburban surroundings, yet with all of the conveniences of the city. U 4 and 5 Bedrooms. 2 Baths. Enclosed Enclosed Perches Garage Six feet Attic ft Bring Your Wife te See Them Today ! These homes are perfect in every detail of their construc tion and appointment. They provide every modern con venience at an unusually attractive price $15,000. fifteen minutes te City Hall by train or meter, or twenty minutes by trolley, burnished Sample Heuse Open Daily and Sunday. CLARENCE E.FOX, Agent On the Take Elevated te B2d st. Pa8 north Only One Square the 69th St. Elevated : m 16 Minutes te City Hall One Fare The placa uheie six trolley line bcKln and entl- i u 1 i til i u i t i i :.m practlcall- at jour aery the entire city for quick transit te nnywherc nnd In uny direction. The new city nt the Oth Street center is a ery real center, indeed. A McClatchy-Built Heme Means a "Different" Heme j 'HMQHI 1 v ?2Swdl 91 SBSwimI 1 h- BiS 111 m Nete These Many Unusual Features Westinghouse Sr. Radie Phenes Built In Electric Ventilating Fan in Kitchen All-Copper Gutters and Spouting Cedar-Lined Clethes Closet Eight Closets in Houses, Mind Yeu, Entire Heuse Metal Weather Stripped Breakfast Neek Inglenook Fireplace Three Gelf Courses Clese' By $49 a Menth te Carry te thli add $15 a month te pay oft your mortgage this includes your GARAGE. UNUSUAL. PRIVILEGE: Yeu can purchase addi tional ground alongalde of jour home without any Come today and pick JOHN H. McCLATCHY Builder of Hemes Office at operation, CDth St . Opposite Market St Elevated Terminal. Open Eenlngs till 9, Phene. Belmont 7423. CITY Butlnwi 1'mpertlea ami! Stere CENTRAL STORES 15TH AND VINE STREETS IN THE HEART OF THE CITY PRACTICALLY THE .ENTRANCE TO THE EXPOSITION GROUNDS LOW RENTALS FROM $85 TO $250 PER MONTH Apply te MILTON STERN. 1 422 Vine St. Beth Phene3 araetatlta. Warehouse. Manufacturlar Floers 1 SCHUYLKILL RIVER FRONT FOR SALE B. & O. R. R. Siding f (4 Cars) Manufacturing Plant 88,000 sq. ft. ground area. 70,000 sq. ft. fleer area. Lew insurance rate. Roem for expansion. Possession Sept. 1st, 1922 In tine With Scsqui-Ccntennial Improvements Get Particulars Frem Barber, Hartman & Ce. 1201 Chestnut Street Factories & Warehouses NOllTIIKAST :0 00O sq. ft eunllaht factory; S stories nnd basement. HliHD, sprinkled I het-valcr .esstem, cleater, NOnTHIJAST 23 OOO sq f t . 3 story factor, TAxllO eteam heat elevator, boiler; wired fc- electric power NOBTHEASr O00O sq. ft., 8 steri fac- Um.i. nniv.f nlunf it.HIn li.nt. .I.lu. tiTL'' .v:-"..v :.? ... ii.' i . ;,:tl.ljiraln. m. giti, ucnr 4'ivitb mtv. ,wii,,u,iiv( , iiVORTHWEST 50 OOO Sq ft., nr 3Mt : en railroad. i ueiuniDia .- sier rincK - asiltanle rer wareheufte e- ffdrave. 'NORTHWBST 12.500 se ft . hear 30th and Qlrard, 1-story brlclc warthouse or 'araae. OEnMANTOW.V 10 000 sq. ft., 3-story 'brick plenty of light. ' SOUTH JO 000 aq ft , 2-ntery brick. modem, recently built natural llsht, , electric power, elexatnr. dry kilns, boiler. iiUra-e vurd snics; baraatn. 1 BOUTJl 1.1.750 sq ft, 1-story brick. natural iient, iraveiinv cranes, steam heat. eta. , S. Tomlinson, Jr. jiuiuiims rAClOUY 6Pi:CIAI.IST 5 Fer JV?EACTORIES. WAREHOUSES, mifj bUlLUlWU Mltb, tic. ." ' Send for VM Rpal EstaJft Kiillptin r.'uii - --- . KS OP I. Greenfield&Ce. E uy,m 1. Distinctive Lighting Fixtures Ample Closets Het-water Heat Large Lets Shrubbery Premise en Ne. 70 car te Galner read, I far Frem Terminal deer. Ne nlnce llke it It out your future home. CITV nnnlnene Prepertlea nnd Meres AND BUILDINGS '"terlea. Hreheiie. Manufacturer Fleer. t-uiiuiiiiiiHiiiuiFiHiiiJHmiNirifitfmjmiimijmHimanfiiijqijnmji'iminn:miniy PE-N.VA. UAU.HOAD SIDINO 1?fl.,","r ,S'CJ.. fr1' ' 1-OSSKSSION wit.r. cnvsiDr.n nivinia VVAQUiMPTnM a vr Factory Property FOR SALE ON ArcOL'NT or nreirVAT. Vrln.Lh" rnt're heck hMween J3d 2n ,?iih "." an'1 Waahlnirteii ae. 3n ...h?rr,nlfl "L, rhlladelphla. bu'tiible for machine nhep, foundry or r-tiernl innnufariurlnr Open-hearth Nteei meliln furnace 1 JOHN S. WURTS S m.kJ .V." .' '"'Kill .DQ pjk ' i 'in i Ksiam Heard iMiiiiiuiuriHiiiiOHiiuiiiii IPIIMiMIIM , On Penna. R. R. N. Y. Div lo.ueo sulaub l-Rin orVr.eoit si'Arp ESU1MJ. JlOILLItS. AUTii"lA.v? KLL Fully Equipped Aute Tube Plant JAMES L STEVENSON & SON LAND TITLE ULDH. N. W. Cor. 25th & Wharten ::. ft alens rcnnvlu.nl i It. jt , ic;, ft, , $35,000 G, H. WEBB winRNh.nni.De TWO STCiIlY hulld'ns, lJ.i)iibKrTlZr fleer, ilectrle tleitc,r . inecllrn h'at in tM'iH r i J n i ftet. iidajitwl for sloruBe ui karace, near .1VIKI1V Biiiuen MAGEE & DODGERS 1200 I.e. ust t 4-none bprure 020 WAREHOUSE SITE Semi central. KOf) ft, alanif I' n n. 3 street fronts. 80.000 sq. ft. rur Inspection and full particulars SAMUEL T. HALL - . wuil, II ill & MA.NhOJJ 8TS. W. COH. 17 nt t. SANbOM STS. fSJj) HPrucu 71 JJ5 Sprucu 01171 ' inniiiiiii'innEiiiuii mnwu in iieuui!irliiiii!i"iiiiLi!il' Hterei and Ilwelllnsa ESTABLISHED BUSINESS CORNER nouljle steri' Apartment abee Xou- occupied liv chain e-mr-A. u Tase expiring", possession auaranteed PROPERTY ONLY.- BARGAIN Bell Phene. Woodland 730 - ..-' itdBHMKag J- A- MELONEY, Builder V'UHffiFy ( - 5-L . TisVi'nw. W 1 fU YOUR PRESENCE IS REQUESTED The above applies te all who contemplate buying a home. If you visited the two recent real estate expositions, no doubt you were taken with many of the new ideas that are being incorporated in homes by builders who strive te please discriminating buyers. OUR NEW SAMPLE HOME ( l3 ,,ion ) COLUMBIA AVE. In the Delightful Overbroek Section We will refrain from enumerating the many features that have (collectively speaking) resulted in our rmccessful selling te individual buyers, who were keen te purchase, from plans and during construction. However, a cardinal feature is rCMTDAl a-a " a a-lj 3 Styles and. Prices, $8800 te $12000 And Exceptionally Well Financed Fer value received these homes are thoroughly consistent with today's lower cost levels, and represent an epoch in the art of building. COME EARLY EXAMINE CAREFULLY BUY QUICKLY OVER HALF OF DEVELOPMENT ALREADY SOLD i (. .,. ! v' 539 Seuth 52d Street -a WKI? I .... 2B ?! I rlflWl I I 4709 Cedar Ave. I I 4913 Osage Ave. I llv5wr - II r.aY street. Finished n 2S?iliPate,e N',len of v"t Semi-detached 3 story real- A 2-aterv home U en of I (&; & III white. Iltlnr hall" V- Phlla. excellent exposure. ,,, n R0.fect e West Phlla-g most e.ttrac- I III -A tSXfP III ii,i, ' it 1515. "; L-fh: we let Uh wli- .ir,... contains 10 roema the loeatlena. Het-water I y.W.'VHiSjfiiiBf) II nnd Millard room. Kxclii- inS't ..'T a'ii JZ?.rH nnrt - balh, P"nuetry tieat. elee Uts : 4 rms. and I iVSktaWOOWt II sl"i ncatlen. SrS-1.Il'h. All modern floerSt New acant. bath en second fleer. l I MsU WmHWU 1 1 I " i'"'imniirm .. I I InSfiSS68 3928 Spruce St. $10,000 5542 Malcolm St. 5913 Locust St. IMH WONfff I lour-atery twin; :,uif te ,, . . , .. rsiratie utile neme et n , i KwSyJifUr rr ret: 15 rooms and Medern: S atery. Inc. perch; roema and bath and In- Si rooms and bath: med- 1 WRSJO&aant 2 baths, elec. light; nnest 4 rooms and bath en c- closed perch; Sherwood era Improvements; Inclesed. II I XaHnaJB&SH I construction and7 excellent end fleer- sarnce. hard- Section. Jlet-water heat. hiit nnrrh rnmri.n m I lHfir)SWmH I condition Chance rer ". """ ..,. elec. lgt.. paraueiry floors neatea perch. Convenient te I I uaSS2&6ei 1 1 fraternity. weed floors, open fireplace. rhrouuheut. $5500 elevated. Extras Included. WttSflK' J 4316 Walnut St. i XdUAx 911 Farragut Terrace IibSSSBs I Medern: semi-detached: 11 I ifis ' Stl Three atery aeml-detached: I t IrJffVw I fAAfflw. I hath, hnt.w.f.t- 111 MA 0 rooms and b&tfe! eoed I I IrGf"' I heat, electric. SI J Vl II f 11 condition less than 17000. ' 1 11 QUgfeeJ . i r' nlrVi". 211 S . .49tri St. I l 4326 Rene St. g Wftfc r ill B svirjB4ix' Three-story residence: 9 I W I Slit rooms and bath: het- B & rooms. 2 baths, modern ap- V I HLm 'I water heat and electric . -Jty j- i B pelntments: finely located. JlTOBtti I llht- Trice IB050. 1 &TATS Trice la right. I WHI I I 8Se.40sE WM I niJwiiiiiiiiwifliiiDffiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiraitiS II V VkiliV 1 1 I I l i ' J I I ihImVi i I Chestnut St. nr. 40th a ma t -t-.J a., 4242 Snruce St. araq Wnlnut st I V. I MsWenc, proper"' let 2?.x Modern 3.tj-teml-detaehed 4 ater semi detached. 14 New- 2-, rv home In cen- lU'lI' I new rented at $1300 residence. In restricted rooms and 3 baths: het- tral I locatien: 4 rnemi i and I llU't Per annum. Can be beuBht neighborheod: 10 rooms 2 w, ht., .c. light. bath 2d fleer.. Breakfast I 1 iZSWA0' ;''rn mrt- 1 e'lUlt1:""-"'""- h,at' JaVdwoed flrs. 1st 3 floors. tUecafrres."111 " (. I 5517 Larchwood Ave. N. E. Cor. 45th and 4702 Chester Ave. 409 S. 42d St. Vi I i:-- " F,.,Trce-,s. W: WM feSaSSS in I .-v.. ..vui. iiui-.vaiei pecmiiy aaepiea te preir- liaths; electric nsniinx, ea mnkn rlltil ' rnnmlnS I IP. heat. else. Trice has just alenal man's use. 14 rrria. (loeri! iun perch In . Luse or could ba ch.rTied I ' I been reduced' JSit aJtd S'er il.ht'1'"'" I 1 " "r bacl- te"wfii5Stg. ' a"Ce" II 1 . "" - II n enafUTi:in::iin,inj(ii:rrnrj MH.iiritrniinMiiJiiriiniinshirfHiiiii-iiiinnniiu'inLrnijinii.'nniMMineiyiinihmn'ii ii!iiun:inifnnnnrTniHRrw OVERBROOK HOMES WITH AND WITHOUT GARAGE Restricted Residential Neighborhood 6100 BLOCK NASSAU ST. Each home has an open and enclosed' perch. NEWEST IDEAS IN HOME BUILDING BECKERSHOFF & WILSON Builders and Owners 61 ST AND NASSAU STS. Elevated te 63d, pass North en Reute Ne. 41. m AHBkte. I iiiiiim flinuiMiMnnu nii!immaiiiM,w"ii mi w mil, ii'Mi ii'iiiiiiriHiiBiHiiitiiifBffliim'iKwiiiiiiiiiii mira'iiiii'iiiiS Hi 'MJgiBCTiM THE HOME COBBS CREEK PARKWAY AT 62ND STOEET ELEVEN HANDSOME ROOMS, TWO BATHS, MARBLE SHOWER, GARAGE. SAMPLE HOUSE, 6231 ELLSWORTH STREET. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. J. HARKER CHADWICK 2123 LAND TITLE BLDG. SPRUCE 03D7 West en Walnut St. te G3id, Seuth te Operation m ailliM NEW STONE HOUSES 8 AND 4 BHDROOM3 I IIATII3 AND GAHAQB 65 In S 1 . ovuit'uneoic NORTH OP IANSDOWNK AVE. Central-Plant Heat At a cost I'ss than your coal blll, MOSS & TAYLOR 218 S. 60th St. Three-story sture and np.utments; liet-u uter heat, electron llshtlnai 20x S4; possession, excellent property and location for any retail business, Mastbaum Bres. & Fleisher 1424 S. PEW SqUARK wiiiiKiiii'rn H DI AMT UCAT A BOON TO BOTH l 1,-V1- 1 1 1I,-V l HUSBAND A WIFE MARTIN McWILLlAMS BEAUTIFUL 69TH STREET I Cerner residence, nlth heated gersge, in. rlesed heated perch, with hardwood floors III. S0Q. amill amount cash te rnimh.,. UMnic room. 14x.'l ft. open nrplace. dlnlna. iruni kitchen and out sied, 4 tedroems tile bath, third story lame eneuch for 2 loeirs eieitnt, h.-v. hat harduoed Deers 1st nnd id. screens, sh'dei, liltrhen lln lln eleum Includrd, laundrv in basement: 'J blocks te Terminal. .1. It. Mecke, Jr., 119th i and Marljft sis, opposite Termlnsl Phene O.IOS Hlierwoed, or I.insdewne KS3. Open I eaiuraay anernoen ane eunaay. 4Nth st. above Ualtlmere ave -. 3-story semi-detached residence, 2 baths, hot het water heat, electricity, hardwood floors Attic; especially feed condition, refined residential nelihborneod: convenient. Cerner, reduced te $111,000; 8-story resi dence wth 2-car garuae. Inclesed perch, llvlnjr room, aa kitchen. 2 baths, hot het water heat, electricity, metal watithar stripped; tenvtnlent, U..m A.JL.... Mth Balte. av "V . iirr"v " yuan-Til m) 1 at Wynnewood Read ) The selection of a deslrabl- modern iem , , m,iy ieled by lettlrc us hne xeur wants. Heme nf our IIk' lns are. 700 block N. C3d st , 3 3 le.rL.5' yml detained, '2 inemt 1' block CelunbU an . 3-ster. seml e?'r V..I2 ."" -' haths. lane let. ULV- ,"'?-' -v- Bn" ' iein.r) 4 pacleus bedrmi . remarkable Interior ??n.2' f,cV. ""rway, icarage prU., 2.WL" Irrrease. .tlS.000. another IVJIJ' f l.'f hlrms , Incl perch. E?S"., "V50 " 1,en1- 27 e: P1 Ik KSl,,.f5J:rl,K5..K,2".w. '?"??".: lin.aan. kZla Z'ZLV.. r I.' "I "!" .' U U-aJLL ." ..nnaHM .. I10r I'tlTFlr, JATC:.1"'1' Percn- Krae, 18700. new Hirn's nearlng romp etlnn with eKrV:';ute,,,??lc"e.,d '700-ma SCH0CH & MARKERT OOOl Oxford st. Ilelment 0201. MODERN HOMES M00 block Kllsnnrth St. 4 bedrooms substantially built, nhe uppearlng. l)0e". 6000 block I.atena ate 1 bedrooms cozy, comfortable homes, $7800. (1112 Webster at 4 bedroom's, break bSria.rn."$80UO Ln"tl0n! " leti B02O Sprlngdeld ave 4 bedrooms, In- C.1nc.91..,,0dreC.,if.d'.ira,"!" U'"00- w' flSV a ? &I 0iUt W1 WashlnHen ae. 4 bedrooms, breskfsst roem: 2-car Ka rate, basement offices, $10,000. a U, cer. (10th st and Cobbs Creek ,,,l,,T,0. ruem."' - uths. inclesed KtieTft- pVw.ff:iRs1.,!'Si?vs5f.,e era MICHAEL A. MALONEY J021 H BOTH ST. 5Ii2 w!ZXr V nne ,or s,t- - .$Roe ie Wh't"';,', rmi '. ic 7soe 1047 . r.lth i,t , entirely modern, Hheiwoed Section ... nnn 'ii l.Vn,.M pi."re'- ""m, elec... . 4001) C00U Windser Place: rooms, bath r,e ,c.,l',r".g,, ''""'I " low. MSOt'hesler ave , pei feet a-sierj med. In every detail. Ideally situated. Will also sell seu a home nlth aa little cash as $200. 570T Chaster Av, WlTwile, miaiirMmffliiffliiiiiirJi i ifMMinMwiwMiTiiMwwiii ' I HADFIELD ST.! 5400 'BLOCK l The most up-te-date homes u U 1 1 4VUHU iint4t DVitiai mv M H 1 a' ui lui 1 tiiiiiiiuiiBiiiiiiiiiiniiiiUiiii: 1 yjyjyj 11 !l Inclesed heated perch, hardwood Q B I floors, het-water heat. H g a Lane Bedrooms. g H SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN 8 1 2 Blocks Seuth from I gj BSd at. and Baltimore ave. I 9 J. HARKER CHADWICK 1 Lsr.d Title Bldr. Spruce CS97 I 1 SRI OVERRRhnif 1 USummhTfu liOflsn Kvenlnw tiwlsmj $ 461H ?c HAZEL AVE. Rxcluslve residential section 8-str. twlm practically new) open hall, etc.: unusual alue; offer. $15,000 OFFER Must be sold regardless of sacrifice. Cor. nr. 4flth A Baltimore ae.l en closed perch: med.: 8 rs rages In rear) Imeatment aa well as home, 46TH 8c SPRUCE STS. rractleallv new: enclosed perch: Co lonial finish: an exceptional bargain and oppertunity: $12,000. BARGAIN ISROe; last aale In row $0280: S sty., open hall, elec, het-water heat: 49th & Locust. 4913 OSAGE AVE. Trice, location, construction and ap pointments cannot be excelled: a mod ern 2'Sty. twin home at $9S00. 409 S. 51STST. Opposite Park: beautiful outlook and surrounding"; open hall, electricity, 2 baths: $12,000. 4531 PINE ST. Unsurpassed aurreundlngs: open hall, dec, h'dwoed floors, 2 baths; $12,000. SACRIFICING Locust at. near 48th; 8 sty, 12 rme.: convertlble Inte apartments at little rest or attractive home propesition: $10,000: what will ou she? COR. S. 46TH ST. Near Cheater ate, Oarage privilege. 3 aty., 12 rms.i $11,000. 46TH & PINE STS. $0900. The cheapest home In thlg locatien: practlcallv corner; 3-aty. perch frent: rec. hall. . SPRINGFIELD AVE. Ab. 47th. Large let, front ana tide perch: elec; one of the most attrac tive homes In thla section; offer re quested. 4922 CHESTNUT ST. Price reduced te $12,000! elec, het. water ht., 2 batha: attractively fin ished; practically new. LM27&29SO.40THST.J FOR SALE In Most Exclusive West Phila. Section Vicinity of 46th and Pine Sts. Recently built beautiful semi detached house with garage. Fifteen rooms, including con servatory, breakfast room, sun perch and billiard room. Hardwood, electric lights, awnings and copper screens. Geerge L. Parker 1535 Chestnut Street Complete Modern Heme (09th Street Section) Overhill Read. Seuth of Chestnut Street TWO STOUT. SEMI-DETACHED " INSPECTION IS INVITED SO Sold, only G left Apply en premises or te ROBERT KILLOUGH BUILDER Vane ft T)ual Sts , dermantewn axiriLitJHunnnninmimimiiraii'iJiaim'tiijniiimiDi.niTrma'mmtHinimiuiJiiMil 69th Street Section 17 Minutes te City Hall One Fare Has succeeded in securing tht enlarging of the terminal fa- i cinues ai uutn & Market Sts. What does this mean te you? , -.j niiwimfiiiimiinnnniinjiiinjrnrirnimjitnHiiiRmnnuiiainniniMirmintHiiiimniaiMnJnS yiiiriiiiiiiiiin,iiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiTiiinifiii!iffliiiiiiiiii Rusks New Hemes ,,.. iN.2Knwoen WITH or Without GARAGE Are priced en n basis of the present low iestn of tedaj a lonstruitfen and the ere l-'IVANPK!) ON 1-leu mn 54TH ST SOL'TH OK B1O0 WILLOWS AVE. vnietk K Tun fllRtlnrr tnrn nf innHtrn l.nmaa that are ndnpied nnd pilctd te meet lour requirements aub.m- i). piir;MisK? or. DALLAS IIAHTI.KY 47IMI .V HROAI) 81'. uTin iir.ii'ii'iiiiiiuiiiii.iiiiiiiiiKiii'ynnu iji m wm wmm !1 lllll III II1IIII! lllilllllPlltllHIIIiJ lilllllllll'liailllllllWllllllligilj Your Last Opportunity te buy a "Mikhail. limit" Heme In the Overbroek Hcctlun Inspect 5921 Jeffersen Street Today A liUh eltvatleti overleoklnr the cltv- 7 roema and bath; Inclestd iKiich, unusually planned and riady for e--cupanij , thli la your chanca; only 2 left JAS. N. MITCHELL nulldei nnd llwnt-r intli I Market '" "' i" J -inrani uiuiiiiiuihiiiiiiii'I llw, I , , I I II IHII lltHllltl I ' P WEST. PHILA. jj.'ti h. nitti st ,..$6(100 fl.'4.' 1lal Av ZZ HJ.'H llnrel Avh tnnnn r.73tl Hunter fit $8200 1141 H Peach 8t. ...... ,' ... tiaHJ 64d N. Ilebart ht. . $3500 or inspection and full particulars, SAMUEL T.HALL ' 8. W COH. 17T11 ft 8ANSOM 8TS. prust 00 1 1 NEW GERMANTOWN HOMES $5950 LOWEST PRICED AND BEST LOCATED Strictly Modern Hemes in This Beautiful Residence Section BUILT BY RAYMOND ON , HORTTER STKEET At Germantown Avenue Many unusual features tee numerous te mention. Agent en premises will be pleased te give full Information. Sample Heuse just completed. We advise early inspec tien te secure choice exposure, finish, etc. COME OUT TODAY!, SitmUtn &Barim 'tt06-ll LIBERTY UIUOIN0), BROAD CHCftTNUf IIVATE.aRACCXCiNOlslJjrVATTtOJi i i't-iti.ih.MLii.h.M .Mi'Lii.h'n'iNMiJf'hiMi.hii.i.i,! 1:lilimllinii.iMinl-ni;iMiiiii,iMiMNiiiininhlliiiiii!lllhHll;iNii,iii,i.,,;rgJ SEDGWICK Unusual Selection of New Hemes New detnehed and aeml-detached stone duelling of 12 and 14 rooms. 2 an 3 baths, het-water Jieat. electricity, hardwood floors, open fireplaces: perches Inclesed nnd Heated; distinctive decorations; single and 2 car Karaites. Tlitsf houses are nearlns completion. Why net Felcct ene new for early Bprlnpr possession? I-ocatlen: Ardlelsh street north of East Mount Pleasant ucmic, Ucrmantenn. Sedgwick Farms Ce. 7014 Beycr Street, Germantown rhone Germantown 0560 and Germantown 0748 FjiiiiiirmiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiMii'iiMiMiiiiiiiimiiiiniiiiiiiiirMa HOME YOU WILL BE PROUD OF 1 $6850 WITH PttlVATlS GAHACE Furnished Samnle BERKLEY AND neaiitifulh tinljlied Cery modern uewer. m mi .I, f I, ii,i .n,n..ii in. ih, nit i. "v:.. """..::" .:"'"!'"r;"".- n': v' .." eV':'"' '""ri-IIili- n W."J ? """'"i :miiiiiii ..v. ,. uii jam si. '''f , Eleeks. EASY FRANK A. MOLTER, en premises ineiiuiiiiiii'uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii iiiii i iraiiiiipiiiiraiii'iiiiif New Hemes at Upsal and Chew Sts. f.nrn rooms ille hath (liuiIMn tub), het-water heat, hardwood floors, eleetrle llglit, real eien tiicpUce. laundry In basement. Barase. Clese te train and trolls. AOEXT en rnuMisus en Max M. Arneld 629 HEAL ESTATE TRUST BLDG. WAI.NL'T ssia.ami mmmn mmnmmm w w mm imn WKhT riiir.uKi.riii, OVERBROOK SECTION Selected from our complete list of the best homes for sale In this section S-sty, seml-detarhed, all-stone resi dence, (I chambers, 2 baths: thor ther thor euehly modern; large let. $13,000 Cerner, ault doctor or dentist; In splendid locatien: 0 rooms & bath. Inclesed perch & garage; beautiful outlook; lance let with space, euU. able te build office; $14 000 N. 03d. semi-detached, steM, 7 chambers and 2 batha, large room.; let 41xlfi0. choice location, $18,500. 2 st , semi-detached, with 4 bed 1 corns, living room. 10x2(1- new papering; best nf condition, J9J50. Ihesn homes have every modern convenience Overbroek possesses the most desirable living condltlena of fered In thla city, Francis J. Lambert isVii W'lj CONSIDER DIVIDINO 3.85 Acres Vacant Ground Fer Sale 49TH & GRAYS AVENUE 401 ft. frentage 01 I'ennsjivnnla n. II. Available for siding Jehn S. Wurts AITOIli:y.AT.I,AW 122.', I.AM) 1111.15 III. no Member et the Philadelphia Heal Ilstate Reard 69TH SECTION perJfi! $"le!n(Ohf"ne' "d'0""- "nle.ed Twin stone home, wllh atlle- een.i .lll'en: $1000 cash $55 monthly expense' I have ethers In thla vicinity, "l""0- miterAMOakfw 70TH AND MARKET . . Opposite Wth. Ct. Theatre "" '-ansaewnt xefft avanlnga Bel.2l7 v Heus. Onen S?Jfc MORRIS STRP.FT.q feature. 0 rooms and nll.tlle huth nlth i....j .. . .....i ,.. . .j vaer neat, naranoeo Junction, i. minutes from iiij trains aanv, or car te tvsjne Ae. and wan west iwe TERMS iiiiiM HACK 18M 11 1 n i.imiiittimiiiiiiiffiiiiiiiiiiimiffliiiii.MnMiIMMmiimMimad WKST I'Hir.AllKf.l'HIA OVERBROOK Cerner property and garage: stone construction having (1 thnrnberj end J!''hs; centrnl plant heat, pries I.'f.bi'ln,nn ?xe !. nMV 3-s'ett tvt'n Leire with 0 chambers. 2 baths and ga rage; het-vvnter heat and Incletid peich, price $18,100. Overbroek ave ; 3-story d'tschsl, ','.?'. "Hh, g'ti'ige and chauffeur 0 quarlera, 4 chuinbers, 2 modern baths en second fleer; 2 chambers, lath nnd billiard rooms en third loer; imrdi'oed floors; let 80il0 feet, prlie JJ5.000 McDEVin & MULLIN USD AND LANCASTER AVE. Uverbrenl; 4S'J 518-20 S.60TH ST. Ivt 31 ft bj SO ft.; adapted for the fol lowing; storage warehouse, garage, m lercicle shop, etc.; geed location tit u,ntnu imiii, IlllunCPU JAMES F. COX 6 CO. 1503 Real Eetate Trust llldg. "wal. 1801 OVERBROOK HOMES $401)0 TO ,.,,,, $J3.1KM! Will finance te ault nuiihaser EDWARD M. MOLL U3d and Iinsdeune ave. Ilflment 8070 47 MARLBOROUGH ROAD SJID. ! Ktleni .beautiful SH-stenr corner dwelling, J room and garage, ,WILUAM.C.BENKEKIi (. r hlAJTyBh.vi.JiJ . . .. , .. iiit :4'iM w ..&tfia&MM ai:wkiryxiiTf $ ;,tf W He? .14'' V t iWi iMitf fKltn-irfifii! -'- --4 BHAZ-fLtrl 1 ' cffB' LtjMEsBBHta&iiu'-'