f .'"?. ... I P$ s : Hi. I Pr B-V hW&W tfV V.Tfcu su - &- I K Thura. ft. ', 'ir-?. c VCCC i&m Kl'ft wm tr. ,Csv .46 tff lit i m 1 i t tr . iSCWS m -. j r t aiJBBL ITnllBK raw, CIVIC U PLAN Great Aid in Booming Fair, Mrs. E. H. Biddle Says QUITS PRESIDENCY ft. " A Mltfl m tall. iiMmtirtBAfl f n . MMB...1 P kVT '' Villi; UDU CUUIirUfVU Ut till llll(ll SCJT-. a if la .mie wtjmwmw rvi iiu-n emu vvuuicii, us vve uuiiu I'.aW.I'l.... I ...rt.. ...111 nn... .... .t.AH- (y SSW mV II. aUUMt Will IIUIV illl VtlUI ' k m' TttB Ififliifnce for enetl In the c-ltv. Csveu JR. Will, in addition, be a crest aid in furtherance at nlnns for the Scwiul- Menu In 1" Exhibition.' '-Ml. Edward II. lllddle. who trtiicd reay irem tne presidency 01 trio Club nflcr seven ycat of hcttIcc ElthBt capacity, today explained the tie underijing ttint organisatien Ien te admit nieu te Its member In the future. '.s. Women's influence in pivle matters StBe past nan been largely indirect. Mid. "and therefore we felt that Ur organization ulieuld be comneM-d ppcltjslvely of women. Rut new that tir influence linn been enlarged and placed en nn equal Icrel ulth that of MS. "e aee no reason why men Mieuld ot-belenc te it." ftft'JVith thlB idea in mind. Mrs Iliddlc rw. Lamreauceti rue manor ui jc-icruuy i KJfTt tetlnr et the club. It Is desired that iVtA." ftfcn mfcmhei-..Ii1n nf the nliih kIiiiII In nf k v m and women in approximately eipial i l&v Wntsern, and thnt the officers! and Heard ' ',?- iwi MjirKVlern biiihi in- siiuuuiiv tiivmi-u. i v "There is u club of this tort In ! A WI.VMk.U I.I. fAAJl ...A.kA.L ' cnl.l , IIUVUIII llll Vlr' uiriiik.'i t. r.ii'i t "4faaa 13t,1.11n 'lilli i. ,1,1,tt ST-rt-t. nf --calculable value te the community. i..V' ifThrrft 1m another in S.m l'mnciste. :"TBerfl should and will he such a club . ij "uur next step win de n cenierenre 'v' 1 4ilth the eitfbt iiscoeintc mule membera ftSiHBlxthe club. They are: Kdward T!ok, l1? IJtnsur it. jve.a, .iescpii tiugcuern, .luese if M I .. ww r . . I .. .! y- Itftwls, Arthur Z. Morten and Dr. h. $ J.Wthiter Kox. V " K '"iVith the assistance of these men we I i'l prepare plans for the reorganization wnicn must nceempany .1 ciep suen as ,tkiB. That will take 11 little time, of course. Names of men with an aetlv: lmterest in civle matters will be sue- , gtfted and pasted upon br .1 Member tUp Committee. We Itnl! try te keep . the number of men and women equal as 1 kr as possible. " & TAFT APPROVES IfAIr" SITE V Return! te Washington With Justice ' Pitney Alter ceremonies Mere . X "Fellow iug the rededle.itien .levterday I A? f-the old hupreme court iiinldlni; at W.rV. nnA Plu.altlllt Stri'OtM I'lilnf 1... 4fi CIl.U . -" .-. - .... ., ....-.- X tlce Taft and htH part. inpceted the i te for the Srsqul-Ceiitenninl. r Mr. Tift expre'.cd himself ns, tie HBhted with the site, but added that he K-SsTh Tnetter ?a.v nothing about it. a he Vjf dedicated n fair site tlut was Inter v tkandened for another one. 1 "' "j.ee puri.v. vtiiu-u mm 1UM11 part in t Stfce ccremeniea nt the historic shrltie V wmhTlwr in the afternoon, moteied ulung ,,leMt UlAcr "live 10 1 ity Line and ilj'tfccncc back nleng nclment avenue rmZZl V. the Tl,fl." ant, rn !!,. I O. ivLTu "r..K.v;.v;,i .' r"rpi iJfa the 6:le train. X'm ft' Justice i-uncy. wne was tauen ill at $ ' fmt exerci&cs m me reurc niiucimg. re- s VUMWU "" i'" , " eiuuuii, saving rlSji had recovered. Otliers in the partv Strere Mrs. Taft, Mayer and Mr. Moere'. ftf MAJOR REED HERE FRIDAY H Assured of Streng Support in All Wards of City 'Tilai'nr Tlnvlrl A. RpeH. nennhliin ""MniHHofe for T'niteil StnfrR !i muni- L j wlJl be In this city this week te confer Willi Juri. uruui-ra uci iiiu iiiure-s 01 is campaign. 11c- nes Deen assured of trenf Buppet-t 111 every ward and ills 1 jenty ucre is exneetca te de evei - .WOeimine. rriuay IllSUt Alajer Ueeil '-.ill .!,. r... i.i:,. Ul Diuai lib ti iv.'iiiUllLUll luuas Metuic iu the Academy of Music .The ether i-pcaUcrs will be Senater .Pepper and Iteprcsentativc Gcetge S. , 9ruaiu. Gcatljfi JOCSDT.- Msy 1. JOHN C. husband of Relatives and friends invited V74 Jitit funeral rvlcct., ItI . 2 P. M. precisely. clj.at bl lata residence. 2C13 S. Hicks st, Hit ' Kortawe d Cem. Remains may be, viewed ) evenintr. ff v KADOLEY JLET Mav " JAY V.. husband of fallte .. Badg-ley. ajred 3S. Tuneral services 2 P. M . reside! ce of sen-ln-luvv, Elme. Rldlty Tarl:, !. Int. prl- BALOr-RSTON. At Dollncten. Pa See tdDay Fifth month 1st, 19.'. HANNAH LUKUhTO.N. ast M. u-iatlvcs anu Jtrtenda arc Invited te attend funeral wltll- Jrt further notice from Makefleld Friends' Meetlna; Heuse Fifth Day, Fifth month 4'b. ;i-A1nARRl'. On April 29 1KJ2. CATHARINE cl Or ssrk ttn'V iAa Tiii inl vi If i r.f T tin s.ii" I jr u, BJHMM lung ua niti jt cu n vuv its funeral, en Thursdav r.iernlni at n 'in deck, from the Oliver H. Hair Hu;.- IhJO ti; .Sptnut at Solemn reQincm mass at the. ..!i "'s3athedrsl at 10 e clock. Interment s lP'iS3r Cemetcrj. J ti BROWNE April 29. JOHN A L1 i JJfafcn W, and Jeanna Urew-n (nee D: f'7 -JMsva 25. Relatlves and friends a!e tnedrsi at 10 e clock, interment at He'.v ' son nf Donehuu) Coluin- Council. Ne '.)!(.' K. of C. Sl-anahan eith ($?jj. Of A.I IU13 Clam Csthoile Hluh Scheel tsF Invltta te tui oral. Thurs.. s 30 . M. ".-rsnta' rosidence 81'J V. Isth ' f-elem-v ' muiuii ...a - .th ... . ..i,.' . ,'. ",r ..utiiui iV Berrows 10 A -Bl5ripER. API iu - .m tni ?ii uenis vem. t. April SO. OEURC.l, C, . hus- feand of lat Louisa. M, Lurcer (nee cerb ei, ti 70. Reatlv-fs tnfl trmiiu- also C.t WWM ita 8. Newhall I"est Ne, 7. A. R. tavtted te services, Tliur.. IT M , nt tlia Mrtein of Seher A Hesslncvr, HunQU-ianni IlH Cem. Vlev-ln" Weil eve BTJXUV. aiay .. .M.vuu.viici ur..uut ' .ON, widow of Addison R RurU. Relative" frlentla are Invited te attend funrril Slajsrrieas. iti , - i .-, SiSf-rJeas. Frl, S P. M. residence, 1121 MUicm r, . iU!WrTtT. at. lnt CrIVUte nSV.r'StANCBT. May a. JENNIE TAYLOR aw et Rev. Themas 1. Clancy Funeral rleea at the Geencs Nuent Heme. SJ1 W. bnaen at.. Clennantevvn Wed . p M tst'aBNfjflY. widow of Frank A. Conly BLh,Je KTial.M anil frtnrirt AN invited tn nttetul t.V'vCONLT On Piw-faSlttWt service Thursday l.Se V it. Ht mWiiSf residence 1730 N. lith st. Intrment lW.Vft?e5NWAY.--April 30 JOHN J. hi.iBB.nd Catharine T Conway (ne Ceffej). for - 'IV Ol iii-iu rviH"?in-'--3i 9 ..rir-n-fsi ttiHi k. r. reWnc. 027 3 24tU nt . Ss!- hiarti mil". iatr.cK uiiurcn 10 A- .Mi-rW-f ,,e ,,, 'isttL.u. .yjTn "v. !,- -'' wit of Rsmanl Cnstelle (nee Cun- ,m). Relative." anu -rientia ute invucu tuna funeral. '-nur,., , n.au a. .vi tre-n -. """.." t,v i--.a". r-wih . ; 1 in v '. i;,,r-,j - , ; -';, v prsclssly. Tnt, Hely Hspulehra Cem. , May 1. IDA P.. wife of Bewman ared 72 Relatives and friends ara te services. J-rl., 1 P. M.. nt her residence. i i.. i auis - T I O.- TUe-suav iay .-. ivaa rt.vciA.l f. . ..... .. amii ...... . ,.TJl wiuviil. uncrai africs yn- iMAVEN. May 2. SARAH S wlfs of Jim H. DeHaven, accd SJ, Due notice fc given, from lata reiidence, 1107 11 Ui L.HSS'llAr.r'il ea. PATRICK J. DOLAM. husband of Elizabeth Delnn (nee Tii-firtf anil friends, also bt. Hely Name Society. San Dominge Mi 7 "n. It. of C.l Ce'umbua Secial ..... -i:, - ... -e... , d. r....i. I'Tienul) nulla vi r.,, trit.n, end ninerai. inura, e ou lata resldsnce. 033 Carssn Solemn requiem mass at St. cnarits ..in A, M. ! c;atnnrai uem. SKI... SJ11 rtVt - M..., fc....fc,,.., Kt Rev. Wm. Drebel. Requiem high t Bt' Nicholas Church Wttherley. Ta.' aTNPBKTAKEKS fJslaSHl 'laff J 7. .HiIT'.f I.V..IHO ttl ' WF? PKATWW en Wcdnetdav. at 9 A. M. Intsrmcnt Petta lINCIlii. Ilfth jlenth. lit Inxt.. SARAH rtOllEATS. wife of Heward A. hnile. ltd tie and friends lmltd tu funeral acrv lc, Hlith-day (t"rl,), Jlh Init., at J'30 V. M. (daIKbt -alnt). at rcldence, 40J0 Adam ae,, rrankferd. lnt private. mVINO. May S. CCHIA 1).. lfu of Clar ence fc"nne. funeral sen-Ices frl.. '! P, M . Kte rraldence. Oi t'.lm ac, Aldan, I'a, lnt, wriBcnr.n May t mahy k . wife of the Inte Michael Ft-cher (me Krnnmuller), Kelt-the- and friend are Invited te attend fu- Serat aervlce. Thura., 1.30 r. St., lata reel--nc? 243 Oeerae at. lnt Hlllilde Cem. KrJnd- mav call Wed. evening-. KL.l5Ml.NO May 1. MAltY J Mill, -vlfe et Jlebtrt I'leralnir, (nee llerr) tuneral Thurs. 2 r. M.. renldence, llilft B JIunllnc JIunllnc den t. Int. North Cedar Kill Cem, Ilo Ile inelnn may l Meud Wed., after 7 P. :f. JVCEn. At All-mown, May 1, 1922. ALONZO J. I'OCEH. inerat a-ttlrei thura.. 3.30 P. 31., it the home of Ml Mame DAM". ( lavten. w. J. Piauci ami frienila are Invited, tnt Kverareen Cem. IflLSHILI.. In ?!. t'et".r-.bitre, Fla.. en Atrll 2J. in.'.'. tr. KAnUlirr K 1 hr.SHII.L,. I'uner.vl aervlc en, Krlday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the Oliver II. Hair niur., IS.'O Chrslnut -I.. t'hlla. Inter ment private, lllllalde Cemetery, rt'RMAN. May 2. 1D2. llDlV: E vrldew of Charl'i CI Kurman (ne Manardl In her 'nth ).'nr Pnnerdl nlre" lrl . 2 t' M (daltht-eavlna). at the reldnce of lier en-ln-law, iienarq watien. urenlech ? J. I rlen.l- may call 'Ihure, aft-r K I Af UAW. Suddenly. Arrll t!t. UOnACi: D . rusbaiul nf M-tv O-w (nee Tuder). Ilelo Ilele tlvea and frlende. Wenhlnaten Lrt Ne. r.O. r. and A. At., and a, 1 ether ernnl-.- tlnna tlllt uhlHt 1 ,-A nnnnf,eil. at. invited, te attend funerJl eervlcea. l"rl., 3 P. M., at the i.-ir'era of D. Jt Iiern Ik Sen. Beth nl Cntlnrlne atx lnt Arllniten rem. rrlcnda may call Thurj,, te 10 'eiLHIIRT. At rteme N T . en Mav t. 1022. iu:njamin r rtUBniiT. rte-attve and frlvnde ar Invited te the ervlc. en Thuriduv afternoon at 2 80 o'rleilt nt the Oliver K. Hair JIM?.. 18J0 Chestnut at , ThlU. Interment .tt Jtt. Merlah Cemetcrj. OI.A'.lF:rt At Pln-v Hellew .V. J M,v 2. lT.TEIt A ULAZIKR. aged 73 p.ela tfv nnd friends are Invltrd te attend fu nrvl eervlcei rrl 1-10 P. M . lit bis res dencv. 1'lney Hellew N. J URtUSS .Suddenly. May I A.NXIK T.. lfe et th' lit l'ranlt ,r. (ir.c9 Relative-, arid friends ami Nr-rih Star lxj.le... Nn- 104. S of H.. ire Invited te attend fuperal, Ht 8 30 A, f lite lesid-nce, 312 N nread st Rfciultm inais tt. -tei -hjrcli i;rciuitm inas tt. te, hjrch 10 . JI lnt n srnuiclira cem r.ur.TIC. Middtintv. prl .") WILLI 1M Ol'CTKl. hu'baml of lHth"rine Oiietl (1 ee Keller). Relatives, friends and TvpugraMa uninn. .u 1 im Ne 1 Invited te attend funeral. 1 from late rcldence nce. 2au S I'rank In at . Thurs 1:30 P. M. Int. Mt Pcate rrltnds call vvey. e HALL. On Msr 2 10 . I..MMV O and Msr A daughter of the late Wlllum Hail. 0: cevin: Inter. Netlc3 cf fjr.eral HAFT.- Mar 1. MARV A II TT (nte Orahuiit, vrtilevv- nf .ItrvmlH.h 15. Huff. Rela tives and friends Invited tu funeral. Frl.. 3 P M., r-sidenc 1211 Irea st. Int. Mt Merla-h Cem. Friends may call Thnrs eve HEITMAN. April 2.1 LOUISA A., wife of the late Jehn 11. Heitman Relatives and friends, nlss Sacred II rt Society and 11. V. M. Hedsllt." of St. Anr's Church, nr Invited te attend funeral. Tlurs., a 10 A. M . resi dence. 20..I L fcemers.'t t. Solemn rcauiem rues St. Arn'B Churth le A. M. Int. Hely Sepulchre Cem H1G1LVM April 30. ELLEN nldetv of Albert H Hicham (nea Ree.11, AK 70 jjeia tivc and fr'ends also Taber Indite. Ne U, Ii. M . and Band of Heds Ledae. Ne. 2S, S. ut R are Invlted te funeral servlc-s, Thurs , 2 P M.. at her late rcsidence 47IJ Me.vjte at . Urldesburs. Int. North Ccdsr IIIlICem. Friends may call Wed. $ te 10 'llebGHTOV. April 29. 1922. PATRICK. husband et Catharine Houjrhten ins- Kalnl Relatives and friends are invited te attend funeral. Thurs . S SO A. M.. from his late tt-i'.dence. 2131 Cress st Solemn hlh mass of requiem a' ht. Edmend's Church 10 A. M Int. llelv fro'" Om. KEIM. 1 1 Oristel. Ti May I. AC CCbTA S KEIM. daughter et the late Dan- ' 11 M and Mary L. K.m Re'atlvcs nnd frlenls are invited te ut-end funeral serv- Ii-es. at late he-n. 030 RadclllTe st , IlrlB- , lul. I'a I'rl . 11 A. M lnt prlvite. de I Rennevl.ie Rurylrc Grounds. Branch- town Pa ! KEI.LT. Mav 2 IDIJ. CH RLES P. 1 hust-und u Winifred Kelij- RetBtlveT a .d friend ul-e n I eecletle- of vvhlrh, he waa a member, invited te funril. Trl S-30 A. M l-em hie Utn residence. 31C0 H Bbee et W'lirerilt.ff Se'enm rtqulem mass et St Ilarthelemew's Church 10 A. M. lnt at M Deminic'- Cem ' KELLY. suddenlv at HaeKcnsselt N .1 Mkv 1 1!2-' CHARLES V . hushjnd of lier Kellv eivl ssn of the lam Uiernue ird Man Kell, of I'bita. Ir.t. w -d morning I Old Catliedrul 1 em Will urr1' e at l Phi a station 11:13 A. M. (dielleht-suvln tlm K1NN1C Apr I 30 110 vi ife f the U'e Vrertericl. Klnnlf. I'un'rjl Thurs 2 P M., reaidenc JlO.'i I" rieirlf'J t, Im ' lirrenn.eunt dm. Re-naine tnav le vi-vved W-d . ft-r S P. M LNAPTOW Mi; 1 AD -v ife of sm ie , Kn&nten runral Thurs. 3 30 p M. rsl- f'-vee flue llauvler st. In'. Illl. Ide CVni. Ucniatns mu b- ivcd Wd . ft- 7 P. yi, LVDNER M.v 1 lPJ.'. WILLIAM (1 , I VD.SER Jittd .'id HiUinev him fronds. I eli meirl'erH nf th' Gurirn- L ivncll Ne j 1470 It re invited tu jtteinl fun-r.i' s-rvi-e" Tlii-i 2 P M. pallers of K.Lt 1 Mac',. UdO V. ",t,i ? Int. ptivat- Nu-'.a Lau.-el II II Cem lANC.srHR.--rrP V r'R.WIt R hu. band of Het'c.a H, Lai caster aitel 71 Re a. t vrs ..nd fri'-rd" also Chesen I'rlemls ',. clt N) 'ID H II of A . and Evemn- ear i.ei!e Nl) 17 K of P urc lmlt""j te fu-rv-l servlej" Tliur-. .' P M. lati ren .1 11 e lilld Meadow -t. I'tatiltf d tnt cedar Hill Cm Friend- mnj Mill Wed LAPORTI.. On Miv 2 1U.'.1 THFODORIJ A LAPORTE. of lh Wlssahlcl.en Apts. Netl e of funeral later. LARKKT. SUdd-niy. April 30. PA' RICK -m. m. ir.,ini n,i .n nt !. 1.,.. inh and Jlarv uaritey. i-unersi, te uca rela I tlves and friends are Invited. Thurs. 8 30 A. M , from his late r-sidercs 13SO S 2nth i t Mn'mn T-lflMn tot ran!ern Chllreh nf HI. Oabrtel 10 A. JI. preclse.3. Int. Hely Cress. lJv"vTSLLE Mily 1. ITENRT I'., son of Sarah A und the late Jehn V I.avells, for merly of Mahaney Cit Relative and friend, also Ln Rablda Council. K of l . Invited te funeral. 1YI . 8 JO A. M., from iui prlnir uar-ien st l.esiuem maas at Cathedral 10 A. M. Int. Helv Cress Cem. LWLER. huddenlv. May 1. H.'2. THOMAS T. husband of Mar A. Lavvler. Relatlvca and friends are Invited te funeral, Frl , 8 SO A. M , f-em his lets residence, aH" N. lath t. Keaclein mass at ht Stephen's Church 10 A JI. Int. Most Hely Redeemer cm. LILLT. At East Orarse. N f.. May 1 HENRY, husband of Louise !.ll. formerly of PhlladalphU. Pa. Services at residence of his dauihter. Mrs. Hnrrv U. litrsei. of i uT J ppirt st., inure. - au i- ai Ll E-.13T. Miv 2 CHARLES 11. hue- bsrd uf Liera F l.ive?e Relatives und fuends also etnplev s of the I'rankferd barn of thi P R. T. Ce , lie Invited te uttind funeril fenie-s, Frl.. .' P. M.. at his iate res'deni-e. 1M4 Al'ensreve, at . I'rankferd lnt Neith Cedir Ilu! Cem Remains may be viewed Thut".. 7 te 0 P M LL'TreN sudde-il ,t Dever, Del . April :v. n imna r.r .i.n l.tittnn naA tin lie. Stiver nnd frleels also all erBanUatlnns and cmple ss of t,r 1 ndn Mills ar Intltfd ie funeral t-erice 'Ihurs. 2 30 J' M. Iiie residence tl.'J7 . Reedlind st t rls-as may call vved. eve lnt M' .Ien McKEN HENP.T PRATT ill-d April 10. 19.'.' suddenly. ai re. 1 ur.eral ser Ices, at his reilden"e Pine Run I aria. Penlinv, Ta Wed. Mt U it 3 P. M. Interment i private Om t fiewen McNELIS 111) 2 MICHAEL A. hus- hand of lati Ann'a S Mc.Velis 'nee 1 eiarlv) Reiat.ves and fr ends .nvltcd te funeta' frl . it 7 '10 A M from his late re-ildenet) 3701 N 10t! Se el n requl'tn muss a' St. Stephen s Chnrrh 0 V. M lnt t Ho. He. .Hepuichrn Cem. Mahan city and Asl land (Pa ) pauera p.e-se ccpy, ..,, ,. MiSHEA April tg, irRHAr.F.T Me SIIEA dauuhur nf th. late Austn nnd Jlar jira Mcbhea. ReWtlve" und frleids are invited te utttnd funerul Thurs.. Mnv 4 8 30 A. M from her lut residence, 1T1J . '.7th st. Beiemn lequiem mass.nc. r.iua Kth ,-hitrrli ul a .M. lnt Hely Cress MENOFCIH -Mav 1 MART A , wideiv of .Jehn I, Menetisli. aued 84 years. Relutlven nrd friends invited te attend funeral erv- .lea. Frl .' P M residence ITJ1N 2Sth M lnt private Friends may Call Thurs,, 7 te 1 P M 1 METZC1EI1 Mav 1 LOPISA C wife of la tu Gedfrty Mstzser tn Wulssm inn), ay-d "d Relatives and frl'tids invltej te attend funeral services Thurs 2 P. M realdtns, u N Lawrence st. lnt private, Orn tnnitnt Cem . ML'IU'HY On Mav ll.irs LL1VUETH p, vtWH ui nulla!!, lurpr.-- tlc tin riMf nctf. 4229 l'4.rside a tntertnent t)rl4,tp , NOUV -April 110. 19.8 WIl 1.1 t NOON afu ev f-unerai .ervic-" veti u i- 01 I ftt the cnapel of Kirk 1 Nice Oa'Jt G'-rman- tetrn ave Int. Hlllsias Cm NORVICK. On May 1 LOfIS NOP.Vir K "'""t J",.!""..,H..f."'". ."yr.vis -. Ti: , lives unu irmnti. iiivueii ie aiienu lurtnai f,rvces en Thurtdsy at 2 P. M. et lata rss!dnce. 1014 W. Columbia ave. Uitirnisnt ' Har Nehre Cen-.aUrj i NUOlCST April 30. WILLIAM .T. hus- ( band of Jfary Nugent ine Henry) Rela tives anu iiienijn, wjnti virnnii i raierillitr qi Phila . ara Invited te attend funeral. Frl 8 A. M , lata residence. 273T S Fatrhlll st Solemn mass of requiem st our I.adv of Mt. Carmel Church V.3e A. M, Int. IIeli Cress Cem, O'NEILU On April 30 1022 MARIE TtOSTON. wife of Jeveph A. O Nelll Rela tlve and friend-) are invited te tin f jn'-ral en Thursday mernlir a S 30 o'eleck, from her late residence. 3il5 Anitera terrere. solemn reuulem mass at Church of the Iransn.-umtlen at 10 e clock. Interment at ...... - ,. ..: tivir t,ru.n ..cmcicr i ic.NKii.iy en .Mav ,1. l'2J. PETHR M O-NEILL. nnun-inu of Cecille O Nelll (nea Vadl Relatives and friends Invited te i funeral mi Thurndav at l A M from hl lai-j eill.ncu 7'.'1 Moere ave, Jlrjn Ma-sr I'a. Solemn reaulem ma at Our Mether nf Geed Council Church, 10 M Iniermsnt Ol. ij"tib t-sTimrrf, POND.- April lid LKWIS V Jr ten of Levis V and Marie Pend (noe Oncermcnn ' niceti ir. month", Kulatlves ti, til-i-,4 ra Invited te funeral service-. Wed . 2 P, M , I rsnapareits' residence, 2.30 N, 2d st lnt Cedar Hill Cem, PRICE. May 3, JANE V. PRICE Fu naral aarvlcas W.1P, It.. Morten Sen's. ana csuanw .. int. st ML Merlah w: su'flv" Tit.' w r ass. m?m fUftEfC .V PKATaM. And friends ara invltert te .....l rtt,... 11 II f .. I attend funeral at h-r la te reel- fri t".TJi mum -ip - -.- --: .-- --. ... Amttt n,.ik..u , hYunurern. ini. at Cedar Hill Cem Remalni may be vlawed Wed., trem 8 te in p. M . RA.UJnR May 1. JOHN IT., huabind e( Annie M. Raider, aged 1 arj. Services Thura . a P. M.. from eon's residence. J er-re-t Raider. 4II.M .Mitchell at . Roxberounh. Int. strictly rilvatc. I'rlcndi may call Wed. RETIVES. May I. KAZIAK. wife of th nh3 late William C. Reeve-, Relatives an e-iMrf- a in.ii-.i tn ntten.1 funeral Thurs 2 30 P. M from the rldence of hsr son. .fueeph Reeves. 4(127 Cetta. St.. Kranl.ferd. Int. Hast Cedar Hill Cem. Remains may I viewed Wed. eve. . .... .... r, ROBINSON. On May 1 1022, fiStlf.T H. ttOHINSON, seed 8-i jearv Bervi; en Wednetdty ttfternoen at S'43 n clprlt, at the Oliver It llelr Rid?. 1820 Chestnut St. Interment private, ,....,., t . j ROE.ssETl-Mv 1. ncenail. belev.d husband of Oenevleva Tteejr Inee Phi. rnivn). Relatives ntirt frlenilj. nln I.. O. O. M, of Woodbury. Tribe Ne. 1J. I O 11 At.. Woedburv, and emplevea of t.ewry CefrM! Ce., nra lnvll'd te funeral, Thurj . 3" A M. from hi" l' re!dcni-- 1443 N. IV.ten (near 3d and Master). Pelcmn re quiem maes nt HI lloae of Lima Churi-U 10 A M. tnt Hei Crnt. Cern. stl W Jlsy 2 ri.ORBNCB. daughter of Edjv and the late Mariraret Sh-vw (ne Malev). In her !'th eir. Relative, nnd frlenils ara Invited te attend funeral Prl K 30 A. M. from the readme of her aunt. Mrs. ShacKelmn Molrefl and Linden ave. Torresdale Maes nt St Deminic's Church 10 A M tnt. ttely Sepulcnre t m SHEERA-A April 2. FRANK P.. be loved husband of Anna C. Slieeran (nee Hen rey) Relative" and friends, nlse Hely Name and sll eec tles of vvhleh he. was a member, Invited te, attenfl tne runeral. Thtirs 8 30 A. M frcm his late residence. i-40 N Lawrence t Helemn rejulem mass st St Atinntlne's Church 10 A. M. Int. " HHnLMmn -May S. I0W. !AIUH R. ldew et William C Shelmlrc. Hed 81. IWstlVT- and friends are Invited te attend funersl. Frl.. 3P M (dajllaht-savlna;). from h residence of her eon, James W. Shelmlre. Kuntlncden Vallev Pa. lnt 'fstbore Cem. Train for Bethayres ave Reading Terminal 1-17 P M. 'Standard, time) SMITH. Mav 2 WILLIAM H . husband of Ida Smith (nee Dcpute seed 17. Relj tlvee an.l friends rnrmttrs Michael Arneld Ledee. :v. 63H P. nnd A. M . sre Invited te funeral vrvl;es rnun .s iu i- ai , ru reral arts Hareld H . iiulllKiin, 10th and 'dermantewn ave further eervics and Int. 1 Wllmlnirten snd Rrsndn in em , Wllmlnr- tot i'i. vvuminBiuii '-,il" :,crtrr' ryvv SOUPF.R Msv 1 JAC03. husband of Ester Souder (nee Ler) Relatives nnd friends also Cnitaln Phillip II. Schuyler I'n-t. Ne. 31. O. A It . are Invited te fltlerd the funeral cervices, inurs IP. M.. frvm Ills 1st resnir'n- en... a nwr i int. private ut Hillside cem viewini: wed. C,STOWEr On April 30 13S. .MAROARET "L. vlfe of William I Steve, nirel 30 jears. Relitlves and friends are Invited te the erv.c. en Thursday afternoon, at 2 e cleelt, at iier 1at resldcn'" 1311 V. 2.lh st. In ternum private Viewing Wednesday eve- n"sTrEnfOt 102 V r3d at . r,n Mav 1 lr.'J WILLIAM STCEBINO naed S3 ar. Relatives and friends le Jehn C. Orebie Pest. Ne. 10. O A. R . and 5th Penna, Cavalrv are Invited te the &ervlce. en Thursdiv afternoon at 2 e rleelc, at the Oliver II. Rslr Hldir,, 120 Chestnut at. In terment at Pernwned Cem. SWINEHART On Mnv 2, 1022 SAMUEL MCDOWELL, sjn of I. W und Sarah Mc Dowell Sutnchnrt In his Oth vear. luneral at hi j pa-er.ts- residence, tOB south ave . Mdla. Pa . Friday, 2 e'eln-t, tnt private. THOMPSON May I 1B22. ANVIE. widow of James W. Thompen. R'latlves nnd friends are In-ilcd te attend funeral serv Ises at her Ut residence. 715 W. Luzerne St., Ihurs.. 2 P. M. precisely Int. North North weed Cem TICK it rierence. N. J , Msr 1. ANA M. widow nf Archibald Tlce. lineral sni-v-I'es st the resldence of her ten-ln-livv, Ralph Hlritlns. 2d and Church sts , I Inrmie. FTI.. 2 30 P M (davltght savlnr) Int. Odd Fel loe" (Vtm Friends mav Mil Thurs eve, TINTS-MAN. Mav 2. JOHN M, husbinl nf the late Louise Tln'smnn (ti"e ent). In hi" list ear Rnlatlva und fri-nils. nnd memtnrs of the Glh Pnnn. Cavalrv socla secla socla tlen are Invited 'e attend funeral i-ervlces, Frl a P M.. nt Ifts lite reldnce, -jsi 13. Glrard a-.- Int. private IVIcnds may call Thur. . rfte- K P. M 1 ThOV At the Methedit Episcopal Heme. JUl -' 102-' MVRV 13 TTSOV. aged1 VO. Funeral ervtcea at the Heme, Tement I and Ed'.c avr Thurs . It M. pre . ciiel- lnt Hllllil Cem TTSON. On M 2. 1022 HARRT J . I husband cf Katherine L Tssen neral eci'ee in Frl lav cvenlnc at 8 o'rlev. at 1 hli late rssldenc" 21 fc. Dewey st Inter ment at P.eadlmc. Pa. WAIDNER Mn 3. FREDERICK r , Sr husband of Pa-'lln- Wallnr(nre Hlu-n. Iinjdt), cirtd .".". Relatives and friends nle Clermantevvii Maennercher are Invited te fu neral ervlc" Thura. .' 3U P M.. at late residence. 13S3 Chew st. clnnanteun Int. Ivv mil Cem. Remains viewed Wed, ev WALLACE Mi) 21. MARV R wldiw e Clement Wallace 'nee S-ener) Relative-) nnd frlcid". alve Cloud ChnpKi Ne. 1 in 13 S ..nd Runnlntc Der Ceunc 1 'e 32 l nf P.. ere Itivlied le funeral Frl , j P M from the ieldrme of . r en-lr aw Rebert A Lincoln 3J4 Hudsen st . Clie ices ter Cltv N. J lnt Ci.r Oieve CVni WALTON. May 1 V ILL1AM If., nils hand of Edith H Wsllen. aed 04. Rela tives ard friends tnvl-ed te funeral eervirc", Frl 2 P M In I-ranlcfenl L'ipti": Cluirch I'iuI nd Lnltv ats Frletuls may vievr ra r.ains 'lhurr. 'e. . his heniM, lt5j Hani tnn "t tnt. at Cedar Hill fnn WELSH. On Aeill 2D JOHN T., sen of Pilrlck J. anl th late Mary Welsh tnse ci Mai ev). uner1l Thurs 8 10 A M . residence of brethsr-ln law, Patrlcl; J. Ward 8204 Ilrandyw-tne t Solemn re nulem mass St. Asatha's Church 10 A M. lnt Hels Cre"H Cell. Relative" and friends aim &t Aitvtha's II V M Seda'in. Sscrel lleiM and Hely Name Secieties: p. R. n. Relief Aeociat!ei und Divia.en Ne. 42. A. O H tnv ted te siimd, WHITE May 2 ELI7AHETH. wife rf thi late James White Due notice of fu neral, resldem 1.HO h. 2Sth et WOODWARD Ms 2 SARAH .f WOOD- WARD. Relatives snu mends Invited te funeral service, at her late residence, 713 N. uth st. iti 1 i: m int. at Jef. e,irrinn!e I'a . Cem. WOOTTE.S April 30 ELIZABETH .T.. leleved wife of Jehn At oett-n (nee Campbell). Relatives and friends Invited te attend fu neral. Thure , s 30 A. it . from resident- of ti.-r dauzluer Mr- Mar E McCaulet. 3071 Frsnkferd ave. s0itIin rnas of requiem 10 A. M Church of the Ascension, int. He.y Sepulchre Cem PARCEL POST PSHIRTS 3'tJes 5JiHKMITTIs ren i aaaraalui M Valas flttstast niifua f s life tins Shine are neat Mitred e-rtpM. sitae et nlshest aualfir ptrsalt and nsdru evauclal wl'h Istt ruts sained buu- tllsllr. All sums treei It is is. Tie are ude at tactl site stilt aistcrlsl. fttt calsrs, fsll .'mlfi aad elaulr suit ts 1M leaf SINB NO M0MCV liiM rear ushs sad -a. ten aatt alas et shirts. .Whtn us laekiis Is as- Iftttsl aas uetlta-a u vt pli-s a few rrnnlsa pest. ajrs Msau lefsntlr TtraaciM ir net land A dan.lv pair ensoen cuff bjttens frte le the ilrst 300 erderlns this ereit haiaaln. Mention Mm of i-lilrts. Rush Ordsra etv Send for rREF- CATALUOl'C I'l'ULIf TKAIIINO I'll. 401 4 Hi ve. Hept. I. NEW IQttK ENUINE DIAMOND LADIES ONYX RING I--VKT. Solid cold eniriveil rlnu w Hi rraiilne black enir renrai tnii. i'i in nit- inner with reed e, lili-u while, full-cut, ccnuli nainenii, llrliit vi nnre for 1 ree.ltlnc Plan 'KAMI fcT PL' N '" L" liri I.srt)' Heme Supply Ce.. Dept. 121, 110 Na-.uii -it,. Ni- i,ik f It) BOYSCetThi$1 vSj' V9"Veu can ra lets et fun 3p N-rfT vvltn It Will loeo.the- with It Will loon-the. ie Ifep, Kllde, spiral pan rale vtlllrt just lies a. big airplane Scienll- II ally built patented and made hv a illn man. Ma'ls f.at r ai envr'nte with full Instruction-, Eastiy assembled, hend lour name, eldr "" antl K'e tndas C. J. VAN HOUTEN & ZOON . Vt56.F. lVanUlln St.. Nl New lerfc. N. Y.e . RazerBladesRe-sharpened SI.SOLI3 2n UOUHLB fir, prieE fdee reaular Haters Ornutid t Honed. 31 Complete Grltidlnc Establlshmsnt TUE FII.HF.RT CRIM1INU CO, '1S20 rilbert St.. I'bUa., fa. TALKING I i tertoeucza i i-SE? I WNKSeBrU asasa.si 1 I I1KK I I I I ---, r-r, ' i ii ) i siiiji ii.iiiim M iPMsisps at?WI ii ii it.mmmm--mme 2KTJ I iTB sHHHIIIIK hliL a i BZr?& I 0 la I AA. iS fWU Kiv5f .TTStwW OOSDCH ri ' l i i lit ' ini'i 1-t'VTYI PACL POST FLY WIRE SCREEN New Is the time bus fl .wire wblla II sites are amiable. Ul" la th. see sea It Is sometimes irapesilbl te set uit what $. pKICE II K..hW.J .V"??. ??.& ,.r.,.l. 14 Ntih pair. . r si. ft 15 Mash Oslr 3Via Per aa. ft. 14 Mesh Brents per .. f t, It M.ih Brenia .Jj.iusr a, It. Cut PI.ms. ie ft, Addltiaaal Our wire la calTsnlted after It la wefta, which welds the wires teiether. Our bronze wire Is made from pnra ran per. snd reatalss inflTLlent slley te mate the wlte rlcld In prerent airetrhtnc and te ererrema I he tendencr te tnrred In salt air. whkh se often occurs wllh pnra cop per wire. We csrrr a full line f lineelcdawn screens. We alie carrr all essie of sere-a Itttint;, lacludlnc brenM flttlats for sesiaere uie. GARDEN HOSE . Inch 5-Ply Garden Hese I. "3 feet or 30 feet lengths, ran. J pled. Inrludlne wsshers. Ter ft -lnch Endlet" W'eieti Garden Hese, 1 ej-. cenrled, Including naber Ter ft. (We will mt this Endless Hove any leneths from Id feet, te 100 feet). This Is eiceptlenallj tine hose, nisd of pars rubber, snd we isn enlr offer It at thea priics ewine te the very low rubber inirkft. Phila. Lawn Mower Ce.'s COLLKOK MOHF.U With n 33-jear reiutallen back or 11. Made of the bltbcst crude tnatstlal. Blade double rlreted. Cannet werW Inese Thoreuchl" rellnldc. Gusrsnteed hr both the manufacturers and eurelrcs and you isn ainsya nniHin pcis nerc. Res. Pries Our Fries 12-in $10.5(1 14-in., $11.50 16-in., $12JiO 18-in., $14.00 $7-50 ...$8.00 ...S8.0 ...S9.25 . 8-in. Notched Hedge Shear Full Polished Blade Tills Is a real barraln as thsie srs Int. class tools and srs cusrantssd la esery re sesct, The notched blsd atlevss the rut tine of the beavieit weed. Offset bandls protects the band of perien uslns them, The blades sre auarantsed net te serlnr. Rg; $2.75 &K.$1.55 10 1 r.p. Sets of Bit Stock Drills Drills metal r weed, t Drills. 1-18. .1-33. 'i, A-3.', 3-18, 7-32, ',4, S-1S. Parted 1n neat woedn case An ejcellest set for hsme or rarsje tne, as the sbanV. will tit in sny carpeutsra eraca, er. Vrle Our I'rlcc $4.25 $1.50 Parcel Pest, Combination Soldering Iren nd Blew Torch Something- new Imalunble, te tlec tririans. mcchnniii etL . excellent fur radio work. I denatured alcohol. Medel A, Capacity 2 hr...S2.00 Medel 'ti, Capacity 1 hr $4.00 New Consignment of CHAIN HOISTS Hade In V. S. A. Guaranteed by Manufacturer In addition te our own (uarantre. V4-ten . . Va-ten . . 1-ten . . . rVRCI'L . $8.25 . $9.50 ,.;i2.50 POsT IUc Genuine Armstrong Adjustable Pipe Stock and Dies N. 1 Cuts '.". V". "!". nd Va". Rec Price D Our Prlre SI 30 , 2 Cuts i"...n". '". "" "nJ 1" Ilrrnlar Prlie."U Our I'rlrJ 'M.73 PARCEL POST S'.c EVTRA WILLIAMS "VULCAN" Drnn Tnrrt?cl CHAIN PIPE VISES; N. 1 holds pip Trem V 10 2". Iter. Price S3.H3 Our Price, $2.75 ptncEi, test. 1S- Nn. -t lieltla nine from te 1" RF.Lt'LAR PRICE. Otn- Price, $5.50 .17. 30 Paicel Pest. (Of Exiii STAR DRILLS Mets hearr csntrs. Klettrlelans, Stene Mbiecii, Macbl Cutter-. Merhanles. Repairmen F.K. fjld Chisels aad Star Drlilv nude nf 8V relnt carbon steel, oil tempered veitb pel hed blade and Ml all sizes These are felly rusranteed nnd we will renlsce free t charae any tools that show deferts la workmanship or material. Stsr Drills bass extra a-oed cleaiape for. dinjt Hi I,Kw-girFrriflMSsnl '-eBSSBsBSpaasr ' AtrZr' 'X. ...aa V WlF&iaxki '-?el7aJ e " x"-sjJR' GBr-- &us lti'e. Prlca our I'r'ce . Lath Eeri H x 12 .... .Vi I 3ft i, -e 12 0 .40 ! 1" . .. .( 4'i '. J.1J 1 '"' x ij i m 1 - l" 1 -IP "" j- r COLD CHISELS Care C hli"H ntni ( h v UUnVi ht Hrwfinl r-'iri SPECIAL! SIX-SOCKET SET Comprising " handle of i3" h-xasen steel and 0 lieiasen steel sock, u made from tlie solid ateel bar. Tnvaluable te Ferd owners as well as ethers t)3c Esrh Parcel Fent, rj E. M. HANSON & CO. 130 NORTH 4TH STREET Market 380 Main 7381 Telephone nur Orders W Drllier Wltlrin City Limits Open fnesd is Err. A nil ilnv Niilurihtr 4B PAG CATALOGUE liUV Pllert fiem Oui l'e miy Isai ;t)'U en nil Electiltal Fixtures, hpcclal S-Roem ' Pets, complete 817,30 K-Heom Pels ., ,.'!. 30 HatlnfacLjen Cjuaratiteed. Wrlte (or Free Illuatrated cataiecue P PARCEL POST STAR BRAND MALT SYRUP 100 Pure and Guaranteed te Give the Best Results 1 Package $1.00 6 Packages- 4.50 12 Package 8.50 KING BRAND MALT SYRUP The King of Them All for the Price ,0c Complete PAHCEL TOST CHAKOKri I'llKF. We Deliver An where Within City JJmlts Phene. Poplar 8184 FINLEY BROS. 2008 Ridge Avenue 4214 Lancaster Avenue vai tie Brmni Prerfiicls . Krel-lrrril 1UJ' Immediate DelWery of Custom-Made Awnina Buy direct from th la-eest ;wnln and tent tnanutactu-ers Our factery Is equipped te arlvs jeu. Immediate service In thea hlKh-gracte awninsa, mounted en tea it raltsntteti iron ettlais tiiaj ts hint. Thar ars mads st hsatltr rsiiTti ean be beuibt than elM- vshsrs. Mads ef a.ea eitrs hesrv tin snd. white Hleltlan striped ductc. datlsn rrefen In the fsbtlc. maklnt- th.m fait color and rscer allil. Crein and while Minted sulr snd khisl canrai, all fast color, cemplst with heaiT laltinlted Iren trine. pu11e;s ted tore. Rudj te hinj 'tt 30 li . It in . 43 In. and 4a In. ih. wllh 4 ft In dfn and scatUptd kltt. Hound srlth srhlts ts(a. Shlpplnr wel(ht. 5 peunde Rell-Up Perch Curtains KsBir ratttrl.l snd psttsra u wledrr sanitate. cesipu with weed roller, falraiilird anuiaa ind repei iritly te hanr. 6x8 ft. (value $8) $4.40 8x8 ft. (value $10) 5.90 10x8 ft. (value $15) 7.00 WALL TENTS $4.98 special errtit Value $7.S0 lde of hTT i S. esniaa. ft ft. wide, etmiplete with relci, roees and stales. ready te ait.ua Other 6.:cj Quoted ou 77c7cst Canvas cut any length desired. Jut received from our mills 1-1.000 vards of 8 and 10 oz. heavy . U. S. army khaki duck, -9 inches J wkip, at oec jaru, vaiuu uut. HUra fine quality. Guaranteed fast color. Green and white painted 9 oz. canvas, fast color, 28 in. wide, 17c j (I. Sicilian striped eanvas. Gl in. wide, heavy 8 07. Fait color. 45c yard, value 60c. Awninpr friiiRC, tan or white, 10c yard (ii in. wide). Direct from factory te yen Send for prier Hat and samples of nil sire tents nnd awnlncs. Address Drnl. N. Barnett Canvas Goods, Inc. 17 1EAP.S- PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE 41 N. 11th St., Philadelphia Mail Order Filled ,, iO.TIc Second Fleer, ,,... Dixie Filter I'iltcrh nnd PurifieH .Made of Heavy Copper Has Brass Check Valve 3-QT. SIZE, Se.OO R-QT. SIZE, 57.50 10-QT. SIZE, $10.00 PniCKI ON I.ARf.K.R hlZF.S 0 HEC1LE8T "end menev erdrr, check or reclstered letter. Ne C. O. T. accepted Dixie Manufacturing Ce. soeo ncnsingten Avc.n,t urWv Philadelphia, Pa. lUatsus "PYTEEY0" A tablllfd tlilerlii solutlep for the uiiirnui. membrane. TOR TEETH, MISK, MtllTII AMI TIIIMlAr. A reliable Ireniment for pyorrheea, loose leeth, spongy, bletdlnr and rec-edlni minis, ulreriled ineulli. loesllltls. quinsy, sere threat, eatarrh. colds In beud. eie, Ouaranteed as lepreaented or money ie. funded Keid by LlewellMi, 13H Chestnut. and all flrst-clas? clruaglsts Id et bettls. 81.00, or sent prepaid for the same price. bllAHri3.lllll.HTI CO.. Ine. JHpt. L. 8101 Chestnut fit. Philadelphia, Pa. HOME VICTOR WATER HEATER 1 OK COAL 1 New principle; constant sup . nl I'l te 30 aallens p. I HeatH ladlatura. tue Th.,, la iiethlnc lust as feed. Free Reek. Raarei Steve & Feundrr Ce, 38 Se. d St. HONEY Delicious ExtrartMl Hnnes tDIHKPT irnriM nu-,'i.-i.-i..r,.,f. e i us, itMu&m or Y4 II Parcel : i "i" i'yJmtu. ;' v'a I ., , ; -tM 3Di-, ,; i. , x ', J'' ')tittrM. AvtKUtHit '. AWNINGSev .i.et) y -z $ t ri f?tffi "tJ V - -B i sW en K IT 3 isflnnfi - teed or i i iw FASftBl. POST The Best Ii Nene Toe Geed for Ui NOR YOU Always Use the World's Best Imported Bavarian OLD-TIME MALT Complete rk. $1.50 3 Cem. Pkse. $4.00 Heme Bsvsr ates made from Old Time peases a heavier body because Old Time Is the highest form of concentrat ed b a r 1 e y matt. FREE SPECIAL! A 3-,b' ,n of a aaa a.wu-ui R a V fl T I n Brewers' fiurar (eneueh for 11 batchM) free with each order for 3 piece, of Old Time. IJrewera' Sugar add hedy te jour bever- ase and gives It a creamy foam. Imported Ravarlan OLDTTMK NO, 2 A (reed aa anv better than m e a t non better made enlv of barley malt, 1 Cem. Pkc. 75c 0 Cemplele) I'kcs . 1 1 oe SPECIAL DRIED FRUITS 25 " Choice 13e per lb.BeX$2-75 .. Pprinc Figs. ' l 6 '"' 25"" 25 - 25 " 25 " Cholce Seeded Irnf-lBeX $3.65 Raisins, l.tn lh. " V" Choice Titled Lar..Bex e3.45 rrunee, Ue lh, T cheice ritted smaiiiB0X 52.S0 Prunes, ISe h. J"" Choice Dried 1BeX$425 Choice Dried Apricots. S'.'e lb. Bex $4.50 THE HOME CAPPER This machine Is adjust able and will cap any aire bottle. It la made entirely of steel and is practically Indestructible. FREE lDO crown caps, a bottle opener and eork eerk trew with esrh machine. Ily mall add lOe for post pest nee , Recilae Prlea.. All Kf mL3 Our Price, $1.50 Special Sale of Charred .Kegs This Week FREE FREE FREE Our 10 pane Illustrated catalogue, and rcclp boeMet en malt, he pa and LettliuK suppllc". Dealers nnd .tenla Wanted OF ITANSYLVANIA DIstrlbulers of Old Time Mali and Blue Ribbon Melt Members of Reard ef Trade 42 N. 8th St, Phila., Pa. TO.-. 1 ll. Walnnt 003 rbOneS Iie atone. Main 60C8 j6 If Yeu Hate An Idea, Patent It. 1- asaSa. PAs-tlt and trade- kWWkW V""1, rks secured. Ener. lenccd men in draw- Inf. nieclmiilen and eleelrlilly in ns- tr tW elst yen In nuttlnc your Idea I n Call, K. Write or r -s practice. Phene for Free Booklet "P WILLIAMSON r .aaam. & WILLIAMSON nOTH PHONK1 aattaS- .aSSll. U" 132S Arck St., Phila. Dally. 0 te Ii; Meil", and Ihurs. Lve.. 7 te 0 We Can Fill Every Requirement b REFRIGERATORS GROCERS, BUTCHERS, HOTELS and CAFE MEN Cempnfinjr 5rafi, Eeciric Celfce Mill, (Weef Grindtn, Cath RttUUti, Salet. Cash prices with privilege of hasy Paymenta. Illustrated Ctrcular en Itequett HOWE Scale Ce. j"5fc Pcarce Gas Range Tep stitu tiue Areunu iiurncr Redurea (iss Am Nene Genuine Without Flue WM. H. PEARCE & CO. 52 S. 2d St. Lembard 4145 .',iie i.i virciiitt. atailus name and year af i. .. ... ... e ir rur. Terd tour,, reef rerer uPd dnsaed rear cunala aa Ulna- ST.Kfa trated ford one man cnrtalna , . . , top vrltb ' S27.60 COMFORT CUSHION CO, ll OEIUIANTOWN AV-t Phila., Fa.. D.pt. L Have your old Panama made new 51 aMV Ladles' Jals CeniieJ cdicI ntnckctl 9 CIIW. PAKPEV til'i Filbert hi. riilla. WINDOW SHADES e?',Ji' l"5'CJ' ":ev UUIVPACTVUl'll I 00 shaden for ll.li-i J js, oil VliaJl.. L 88.-, 81.63 jhadri, for .;s, n'i $ I?! RWf:J?.ylm.K-...Kl'n flpetl I "ve'nlna-V in" ii "ii 'i"'j;"' ,rern 'e 1-' A it ' Walde Shade Ce., 2616 W. Lehigh; PADCD! .Rags. Inte. 'Envelope. . Lyt running rw f emit 5-ur Ml B Vw-sm ia -e.se'yll UaT"555 tm h - liUV rinii i IE ai ul LI Hi mil i r r r NgdMgH T ttMSKL 9W FREE Latest BoekleU of Lew Prices Hhlpped rrrpald Anywhere 6 Packages $4 12 Packages $8 NEW SOLID OAK KEGS & BARRELS 1 Gallen 2 Gallens .1 Gallens 5 Gallens 10 Gallens 15 Gallens 20 Gallens 25 Gallens 30 Gallens GO Gallens .$ .95 .$1.20 .81.35 .$1.50 .$2.73 .$3.00 .$3.50 .$3.75 .$4.00 .$5.00 A-l qunllly Ne Seconds On All Kegs Up I'l 1.1 catiens add 39c extra for 50c peat. Over le gallons ana for parcel 'peat. Or -will be ee.nt. by American Express, diaries Collect. Send for Complete Price List Hell Phene. Kensington 1933 Keystone Phene, Park 1486 UTitR 3 Stores 1217 N. Lawrence St. 2938 Kensington Ave. 17 N. 2d St., Phila. CANDY WHOLESALE AND OTHER MRCH.M1IS3 SPECIALS WPLCIAI.3 All Coedi Guaranteed Freth Met'ier'i- Uur Pnckase, I lb.. t hoc. Helster. Melaasea Coeeanut Hare .... Chr. JI.'M. Shad Hpenrmlnt Sticks (irrappedl. . . Jelly F1nera (hoc-. M. M. Rare the. M. M. Almend Puds ... Slick Candy (wrapped). .. .Mockeranto liars Lere Cup Chec. M. M. I3cs... . ...;.. Repettl Choe. Mint Sc Repettl Caramels 3s J bee. Cece, t r. Cakes Jhee. .Hint Cake. jr. rream Plates Reatllnc Preliela (ehefr) . . . le'".T "nrprise Packate .0 pkre. Hershey Gum Free. NKHHOIT Uuacball Prlre. . . WSm I Wat Syrup 100 rer Cent Pure II H 1 75c I nj remnleU rackate Jjft TJ dot. 87.20 ..ISO .80 ..1.10 ..V0 . .i.iii .rn ..ISO .50 . 10 .40 . Lin .no ..111) .40 . . ISO .ii . 131) ..10 . 10 .40 .. SI .40 .. 31 ..1! .. 30 .48 .. 'M .10 .. '.'I .40 .710 .10 . 120 .73 With ..24 .80 .. Ut .75 . . 150 .05 i ,LJi-lTA,:S. rtTJPri.Y hPECIATS fe Ire Cream Cenes, . . ine "0 aidlte.W.M OurrVeran.e.Stra1"- " Onar7'.tS,uen i',Ter K-tract.pInt 1.6J K rt,' Cream nexe. 100 l.ej t.n'1,.irl,W.e J,Arn,''-' J" ' M iXSSS crSUl.T.'.V.-ftS ':? -e. ,8 Airship Ilalloens. . , Cress .90 r.mJ.UaiV' f'OAKErXES. ETC. t2S.h f,TF. ,.,;,e.'!,T,S?up.,,R,aVer.,.,,, l'""U'' LEWIS NEWHOFF L 2Srket Stre-- PhHa., Pa. VINOBAR "here Price Pep ParLup. A Delicious Heme Beveraxi chr.'rLv'iihc!n,,.TitA!;HirAA''?! aiei-VINORAR ;' ' 0t """ haPPy l0"lt t-rvUI,-.mer.5r "1,h th v,v ani VJVAC VINOB VR r'al Crv B00dness VINOBAIt!"'y oecas,on a '"" one One package sufficient te Make One Osllen Vlnebar PRTCIJ aK0 PACKAGE ,'" Manufacturer'a Arr.m Philadelphia Sales Agency 900 Walnut St., Phila. BRACCLETaCSS Frem Factory le Yeu ' ?i'lnf0nr-RtM0- -"-y- '-oil Je.Lc.."' "uarui.teed Jnt Timekeeper, a u v n MiMON!5?' Itu.li Nam'i , 1 ll A.lilra.u. Py l'esimaii only J3 oe en i.-SIze Medi). jeweieii. Arfi,.:r;.i ,3i ."?. .ue' ii iei i.Vr: ..".r.-. ."... "'auiaieu (lutirtni Ohlv- Mil,, en Arilv.il P.1V Postman -Meney returned If pet US re(rekent,J Satisfaction fiiiariinteeil Guaranty VVntch Ce. a.M-l Tribune llldt.. N. . feajqi) itunS; Telescope ft.,1; ,SA''"'!.'.,''':-avvn.'-7 murkubla reur se.,inn. T,T;.T.Trr.. ":.'r!-i.. RK: wr&lM& t iKS: On ens about Vision Ideal 'ffl,,fl5"V. .'.'". . L'le.f 'show!" llJBa-Si" Price ",e B Agents Wanted ' 0 rrltal Open Pace, iKEmTBM'im0vm 'fai.11 '1 i 11 It Afl.lr.u. Iff ' UT l--3SX 'J T1 .'Iff . sesr i e u I 111,-, I i- nBBrts, . ! IfSjfSSJJ ; Vf S"J,. T 'AM3L9Qte 4V FRE 1 fL MALT Wm it ieu ma... en Mm 4 5 sis? my-Mend MALT75C COMP ' Fir ""l II Oul-of-tevvn orders will receive rs-smft attention If accempankd by money erdeimi checke nr cash. "sn wty Ordera Cellrcred Tt. ueii. rvpiur sloee i( Safety Firat National Guaranteed Check Protector 100 Per Cent Efficient Rapid-Accurate-" Easy te Protect Your Checks Operatt. the vrse. nf 8,10 la IM UchlnaT PRICE DELIVERED 10 YOCR SIGNATURE stands for AU. TOL ARE WORTH, all seu can earn as an much as veu are "nod for." Writs It em a LEAHE. a. CONTRACT, a MOilT. OAOE or a NOTE and veu will seen oil. cover YOCR LIABILITY. The .NATIONAU GUATLVNTKED CHECK PROTECTOR Is a stsndati t.heck preteclInK device ths( tnac"rati the piper tsireujh the NAMU of th, PERSON or FIRM Ter whom the ehcrlt la Intended macerates thrnush veur 810- ..Annua arm at ine same time macer ates the LIMITING AMOUNT. brlnlti the fibre of the paper thremrh the surface. Send Meney Order. Cash or Certified Check R. A, BOND, Eastern Distributor P. 0. Bex 5132, Philadelphia, Pa, Every Ferd Owner Needs One Atlas Oil Strainer Trap Fer Your Ferd TranstTtiasiea Case) clrTeI.CsejM , .. ""cTsar Contlnesllr raters your ell srhUe raaiiM. Fee the dirt-laden oil enter the slratser. Oepibs snd riepeslta dirt, (Ht, etc., lale trap, permittlBf the clean pnrn cdl ts area direct e the tranamlsalOB, ete. A naeat re marks Me Inreatloei tatia M a Tew rainetas te put en. Price, $1.00 ra-er Atlas Machine Teel Ce., Inc. 4343 GERIIANTOW.V AVE.. Phila.. F. Asents Send for Liberal Terms GITOMER-MILLER & CO. 305 ARCH ST. Quality Price Sei-rice Let Onr Attractive Prices oil hrasenuhle 1 Ixliiris Sanitary Bathroom Outfits CeBspIete with aickel- plated 6t tiif s te loer SingU ni Jos Jes He Unne'rx trsri Gas Water Heater With I double copper coils. Complete Line of l'lunilitnc und nealUf supplies nt Altraitlre Prices Prompt Mientlen te Mall Orderi Gitomer-Miller & Ce. s,?miK" Heating Boilers AT LK8S THAPJ COOV TO MAKE) Government Material Made te heat 4. B. 8 rooms, or for het-water upply. II r a n d new. rusranteed. In original crates marked for France. $35 te $45 Ruy quick, they won't laat long. Special price for quantities te Build ers, Fitters. Hathtube. Pipe and Fittings New nnd arc nnd.hand Valves sinks. Toilets snd Otlitt Pnamel Ware. ehn. American Pipe Sc Supply Ce 1420 Seuth 8th St. .Vaiu'sM Wear a Stellite Ring Set In selld f old. tKJ; the heautRul n.,?I,i III eem la an art "IJ Imitation of- , -film diamond Imported from SwItiVlend. Cy'LivJ llltl.y Stand, dlsmejj tests Very hrllU.By Appropriate for .birth0;; nr holiday ,'?.,,, flrat In veur Inrslltv Ma.M una .- -nn it. Mlelllte r.v. V ... . !... nTB una, .,.. ,i.k, .. a........... "a.. 1-VIfa etylss. one for men nnd one for J"".. Circular sent free Write for II'MT-Ii rd circular. Sent free about wonderful nt" stelllts Gent a. WATTS lull THOMPHHN WT . PII11.A FiiAAinMnc- aniTCiHi Rrlne u. our diamonds If , 'ou,? Yb'esv -tesllis tlie hlelust tessbl. pries '"VJl V,l maltie trhal nlhara Isll VOU I l , jvertli, itst our price before seu sell. We pay 18.00 te 1100.00 for each mere than ether, pay. , .11 See ua and be convinced. . v'1 2. uy. ny .i.m. enafss or csjwn. ?&B33 iti HKASSER 2e00 MASTER 5T. Philf I Xi.'' 7" -SB-B-B s CaaalOa DrhfJaBSehax2ae E3R I XVag I st yaawMrlUfc aSK3S8V WAWMttJ I T-- "Z w's-j. w si a nat n ..T"'" ,"5 Vr ii.ei AJaSaksaSaiaiSI ItTiM " SJ wiih u, UD. Iflii Mtra t8ld. If C, S. ,,. ELii taaatfftrai. .a,;.iik u IV.lteA ... ,4r .0 J. Vsjai BMimMimM: mi mrnrnt m ,., t-V, TtwU-i. M. J. if&ZZ&fflm &&, mmxm vA. jyZSWm m 10 WAIT. .!Jg?Jfi3gUTM,ITH Ouarspteed, Value