l' rc I.J hi rv te a i.-nV :7'j$mvmwrzwxFwfWs rT, tlV'SJWJ?7TPS5? ju 4 4 -iy SO f ' . . T U'MVty ,". K.ti it ' (l-! i ij? &i V. P W ''!'-. v &K 't- V v 4 4' S1? ! p V V ' We Commend Te Yeu The Writings of Cullen Cain 41 KMr Cullen Cain is called one of the best influences that has entered the world of all-sports in recent years, by leaders in all activities. H IS MAIL is laden constantly with laudatory letters from representative men, net merely because he writes Sports, but because he interprets Sports, inspires the men and women who partici pate in or admire Sports. , T O QUOTE one of Cain's admirers- "His keen and scholarly mind glorifies Sports and makes Spertmanship the chief goal of all Americans. He shows our boys that te win is net se important as te be able te lese gamely!" Heads of Universities, "prep" schools, Public and Private Schools, doctors, lawyers, prize fighters, college girls, women golfers, scientists, old "grads," business men all find the vital spark of common interest in Cullen Cain's work and write te him con fessing freely that the power of his pen makes the impulse te de se irresistible. Read Cullen Cain in the Spert Pages of the Public Ledger every day. His column is refreshing, human geed for you arid geed for your boys and girls. PUBLIC SBSB LEDGER MORNING PHILADELPHIA EVENING CYRUS H. K. CURTIS, Publisher SUNDAY JrftXhl&li?i vNt L ? S. wtssm Q " aUMWJ .J7i.it it 7Uv77 v 1 rW .tU y. : f. y Jj,1 . n i i Hi .yi 1 ! . r.jxt,s iHr. sv,'KMiiisfeiyi lOBELSKX ti a m T"f ft T i ,M v & ft .A h & lfc- m m m v a4! M "71 1 .f