tmjmmma PV9I 1.4 7i IS WTff.V. 'r.. . fWitl''iM "i7 J' ...7- fV , l .7Pi .... U"jW3T.4A'v' i- J rfw t . i r '7 S. .ift.'ii;-4 J";r-" --ww -vjyjrwitf- v si'j.rct ., nfeK" uaners Homers ter North 1 -S r r- r, . mmXLsLJSi. IHFSr f yV -j f TZJ' V 3feST T'Eifff 'f W 'WffPlRTff-s y ft' 'M ' ry ffTB?L f V' V'.l yj. .' ft fe ' ..'" " Phillies Result in Defeat for St. CeiuiibI Nine JBeu Dees It Strike Yeu Reth's Release Princeton's Pretest "public Gelf Links y By THE OBSERVER ' nnv ItOTH Brent natural ballplayer, lias been shunted te the open lO0B i., .. f'urb market, and no one Is bidding for his nervlees. ,& market, "'" . vnnkecB. until they purchased Whltey Witt from the Ath- l.t TuC O" . . ..iltn1lfltj In 11 a itiAiil rtuAK 4ttn tnibitniiatnn nnwlnr rflsmJ .rket. the Curb . t TdC i ..aal.t1..1j.iJ in I1m tit Alt! 4liAH ltM ullLltnimtAH nJ,l lv'. .. sorely in necu 01 euuiciu i i" """" "uti""' fiu I ui. were e".j ' . . ,t. ,... i.i.. .....itit..t ..i.bA I """.. .. nre being shunned from the our minds te our work? I '" ." "i t ni. Yet Ketli was given iiih unconuiuenai release. I' "!ii 1 r few even In tlnf major leagues vhe possess the physical capabilities i a Beth ... . . ,..- flp1,lr. 1m sneedv. n ceed base, runner nnd hralnv. llethcan m , -" " y ' - ,M :i. - i v no clue m me ii.h"" - hi dubs In Jehnsen's circuit have tried Keth nnd found him wanting. ., ,nd clubs and champions have cut him from the payroll. nnth's trouble 'Is within himself. Ills mind leans mere te the glare of the i iiifhM than te tfcc gleam of the sun. IIe would rather be moon sunt lie"13 . , rr !,. tl,. ..,,... AfiS d uTblcsl with natural, u.lMiues In life's game because wcle net put ou " ; . 1 tiVERETT SCOTT, the long distance baseball champion, played his Ej BSOth consecutive game yesterday. The New Yerk shortstop has net missed a contest since the middle of the 1916 season, when he were Red Sev uniform. Ills record .surpasses by 27.1 the best previous wfert made by Geerge Plnclmey, Brooklyn third baseman, from 1885 ' te 1890 Fred Luderns, when with the Phillies, played In 532 straight pines from 1016 te 1020. Mere Talk of Collegiate Athletic Investigations PFHE statements alleged te hnvc come from Princeton men that demands were I .k te ,c made en Harvard nnd Yale te investigate the ellglblllty'ef jsrUln athletes at Cambridge and New Haven have been denied vigorously by Stu'McClcnnhun. 'aie chairman of the Princeton Sports Committee claims he knows nothing 'aft meeting where, It .is mid, indignant graduates of Nassau Hall proposed te lliMt Harvard and Yale athletes unless tlie Crimson nnd Blue conducted a Jwiecleanlng similar te the one which recently took ploce in Jersey. It is te be hoped that Dean McClcnahan knows the facts of the case and that tktitery had no official foundation. Princeton started, conducted nnd finished its own Investigation without fcttrference from the ether two incmbers of the Big Three. If the status of Harvard nnd Yale athletes needs looking into, rest assured (kit the officials of the two institutions will de e. Overly enthusiastic membcra of the ulumnl often de their nlma mntcrs mero kuin than geed through the much -discussed preselyting nnd "leaning" of funds, tat despite such incidents, Amcrlcun collegiate athletic standards still nre en a Ugh plane. FHAS been estimated that there are approximately 500,000 billiard tables in use and 4,000,000 actual players In this country. These flgurts show the growth of the game jmd'ccrtalnly stamp It as one of the most popular In America. ' Frankford Course Would Relieve Public Gelf fTHE suggestion that the city rent the I rnnkferd course nnd turn it into public 1 links is an excellent one. - It will take many months for the City Committee te select n site nnd build a ewreeand in the meantime Cobbs Creek Is meaning under its lead of humanity. On Sunday there were close te 000 who teed off et the public links nnd they were driving nt the first tec from enrly morning until lute in the evening. "Daylight Having enabled scverul hnndred te golf n bit yesterday nnd Mon day. "Gelf a bit" is the correct phrase, for after waltinK in line one spiiivpIv 4utime te play a hole before clurkncss, even with the extra hour of twilight. kuuu win wait wearuy in line ter several Hours eh they did Sundny, it is ft te say that lit least another COO would enjoy a day en the links If the annoyance of waiting and the jam en the fairway were eliminated. The Northeast sends n large quota of golfers te Cobbs Creek nnd Frankford would draw net only from the section surrounding the course, but from all The fees would mere than pay for the rcntul and would afford pleasure te tieuunds. AD WOLGAST has dropped te suclTa plight that lib friends are holding benefits for him and a California court has appointed a guardian te care for the unfortunate boxer. It's a fast drop from the top te the bottom. The case of the former champion should be an ex ample te present-day knights of the ring. ACTIVE SCHEDULE ON FOR GTN .1.1. I Cricket, Baseball and Tennis In clude) en Big Sports Ros Res ter This Season WILL START SATURDAY riERMANTOWN CltlCKKT CLUB is looking forward te what piob pieb tbly will be the mebt active jenr ever M, as scheduled c.ents will Include wicket, tennis, baseball, swimming und OOf J&OWS. The most actlc snort Is tennis, and it present there arc twelve courts open te tbj members, with prospects of wnty.feur being opened by the end of SuY"' srcelal attention bus beeu Pia te the courts where the men's na wul single ihampienshlps will be jfu, mm mey iiiinp been roped off Mevent them from being walked en. n.. ,rar "1C millM elubheut-e uas wreugbly renovated nnd rennlnted. ?. . s1rln? ,IC M,mp "'1"R been ill tlie J."01"' dubheuse, which 'll open en Jluy J7, Tuesday will In, i.mitni,' ii ...i i. Kl'iee .,,0,H rrenKl te lieid tennis ,.. I 0l! '." ini'inbers und mem mem wief otlier dubs nnd pi Ires will be Sli.,hc.,,,x ",IC"'' A i"nontien rtrh'nniL11 b(' runl, et I'laers, J"ch jilj he posted en the bulletin ntLh7 1ny I'T0" ",I0SP niime Is ChS" ,.:.e,,;,,,tl,1!d tecl,- li buJS M,,y,n ':rlt,'t matches will wilfbi ii ' ," M ,v -" ue Shew W t ill1!' "J'te, lie nuhplcea of .the 'Kiel ' Wh. lP, J',Tler (,'b of Si'..' Vn ,rm"' :! he Weinen's Club !"& ')!" Wrterlc jMraui rcnrespniinr. i.itn-, , , ntettn. " "ww"1"' " tAit'nnA"1 ,m,,c u ,tnlR ranw. n Shy ii " i'" ' ."ml "",v wl" " m. h'c &itlen M ycnr " bc tot and ."fltL11 f '"J",,,Bhl . !' M two 0,n " ' ""., "Pernier s Imetli The. ipI,.;i r V" '"reauy tiecn given, um tcheduie of events for Muy fe. ICrlcV.t n ,MAl 8 - - -UltttVIIll! XI A V T lhffl-aerininten . Troop A ,t st, ZZii Sa;j3 ft s;?l: MAY 11 Five. Leading Hitters in Each Majer League NATIONAL IJSAGUK Sn,Hh.Ne,vyerk..?6A2-Ra Vd Aii Kellj. Nev rk.. 17 114 1ft ail ViZ O'Kurrrl . ChloaKe 10 sa 7 l" 428 Marnntlllr. riltn.. 17 70 Iff Je Ju Malkw. I'hllllM.. 13 45 9 is 400 A.MKRICAN I,KriUE W It. New Yerk." SO S4 ,? 'l? NlHler. lit. IauIn. . IS 73 23 31 'Ml SpfHkrr. I'leie. ... in as 14 si Hmlth, Uosten 16 60 17 34 ',400 JuKhcUn. "' Frlnlferi1 i"nmer cleen) at ' Dee dliew West Illshland White Terrier MAT 21 atrSt".C lM"rMn.rn"n,0"n "' Pr,nrci0" Club MAT 23 c7alt"NfeTerman"H" "' "un'lnaaen V.l MAY 25 Motion pictures Clubhouse at 8 30 P. M. MAY 27 Opening of laJlea" clubhouse. 2 10 P. M Cricket (JormaiueHn vs. U. of Pa (Phlla. delphla Cup) ut Manbelm. ' u nua MAY 30 M.. t ue.rmantewn vi. Merlen C. (Halifax Cup) at Munhclm. C. JUNG 3 Historical paeeant Women's Club of de'r de'r mantenn at Manhrlm. r,C(riikM ?.rnlant0H.n. " ThlladBlphla C. C. (Halifax Cup) at Manhelm: Oerinantewn Ce'lle (Pnlla,,ePh' Cul' "t IlSerfer3 With the Semi-Pres Tanitl. Ila. n" irinan.. .. -. . i Uirm.: '"vnil H. llAIflall m "'Patt'vii;.: Crick,, n MAY ,3 f$?T$K&ti- U' "" (Phlla. unlidm. MAY t c.,,B?.,l?rVlmam0Wn ii Plllllllel)h la C. ..., MAY 111 raSlffiu.lphJa - --.. at llavcrfuru. " " "u i. . . mav ,. gSSsasaa-tfyaia&a! 1. ?,nf ,!f ."" l?'Unir traellnir oelnfi clulii '" 1 9 Victory Olnnte manaced by Oeorse M. I.,-1?.?' Th.le'"" 'a cumperert of the Icid-ni5-Pl,lers of "!' fP-nelch tluln. but the wants 1 are passeil up the home teams Man ?heri,,Jc,Iir? nsks n chance from some of the ble clubs te show th,i caliber of hla liSn,m', ,TJ'. 'n" nre ufnilatel with the Philadelphia llaseball Association and tan be booked through Art Summers. Jark t'nrrrl, of the Padflc Coast Tacue, ,.1" bTn """red te manaie the Forts -elghih ;?.rd Tf1.'? "" ,,itt'.r" "limed e date In '.l" K Ollrey. m Ollrey. O'Brien. Me Me Maheu, Vte. De Yeune. Heed, neuan. Con ned iiiul Mlllnr. Iist er the traelnrs scored lcterls eer Kartram I'ark. Wcl peine. Ht, Paul. Pitman and lxbnnen. Uams nre Miusht with clubs of th's tallber. Harry 1'anrer. 1IUI0 S. Uensall sf. The United I'retrstant Frllenshlp Is np nenrlnir fur the (Irst time this car, but the team Itself Is net new, having played last yenr under the name of St. Paul, and which defeated Forti -eighth Ward. Old Timers and Fmlth-I "urbush. Uelns unnble te secure sreunds this season It han becn found neces sary te trjul, Oames can lw secured through Art Hummers, at Philadelphia llase ball Association, or Qeorse Pouncy, 2305 Seuth Woodstock street. The North Venn team, a member of the Philadelphia llaseball Association, la In the Held for camcH. It la regarded as une of the leadlne tra cling- clubs and has a line-up of players many of whom were In the miner li agues, Fur geed games addreis Art Hummers or V. Meseley. 3110 West Dauphin street, or telephone, Dlnmend P2H4 J, NeUseme Is back In the fltld and Dan Mellen lifts an even better ilub than repro repre stilled the hosiery workers Inst season. ho he eral games hae betn played ami wen Teams wishing te plav at Netaseme's Held ran de se by addressing Dan Mellen, 111 7 .i i;nrnn"ii "iieet, SHORE FANS HAVE LOTS OF BASEBALL ' s Keystone, Melrose and Bacha rach Giants Set for Big In dependent Season KEYSTONE PLAYS SATURDAY Semi-pre baseball fans nre slated te be well taken care of nt Atlantic City during the coming season, ac cording te nn interview with 8nm O. Higbee, who la beginning hla third term aa manager of the Keystone Club nine at the seashore resort. With the Bacharach Giants planning te piny through the week, the Keysteup clan performing en Saturdays, and Melrose staging contests en Sunday, the stage is all set for what premises te bc the biggest season In the history of inde pendent baseball In the city by the sea. Melrose has already stnged four tilts, and has yet te tnste defeat. The last named fact t nlse trut of the Key stone, though they have plnycd but one of their tnree bottles en their .home Held at the Inlet. This wns en Satur day, when they whitewashed the strong aggregation from l'lcnsantvllle, score -2 te -. The victors presented one of the strongest combinations that ha represented Atlantic City for some time. Poss llesbarh, a' yeungscr who' has proved a real find, wns en the mound and allowed Pleasnntvllle but five blngles. Other hurlcrs signed Include Dill Hearing, vlie twirled against Shnnuhnn last season, nnd Hewell Heath, the Melrose and Atlantic City High Scheel Mab nrtlst. Healy, Brown and Meri is arc listed te de the receiving. The first two nre former Bader Club back stops, while. MerriH la a Keystone vet eran. The Inner defense has the, ap pearance of a Jittinnn fertrcsn, for Manager lllgbee has signed the leading inHeldcrs of the Jersey village. Either Hrewn or Heath will perferin at the Initial sack, though them is a possibility that Fred Semcra, the former Uechester International League star, will cast his let with the Muroen nnd Oeld. outfit. Bill Cummlngs, formerly with Mayer Kdwerd I. Bader's Club, will cover the keystone sack, with Walter Heckle, the erstwhile Marshall K. Smith infielder, threning them out from short Held. Cnptuln "Pennic" Weiss, a former Mclro&e nnd Bethle hem Leading Company luminary, will complete the infield at the het corner. Weiss recently turned down n tryetit with the St. Leuis Cardinals while performing with the Bethlehem nine. The teashere outfield en Saturday wns branded unbeatable in Seuth Jer sey. Kdilie "Hcrech" Miller, the for mer Vinclnnd fljehaser and star center of the St. Nicholas basketball five, nlaed a ncrfect aame in left field, ac cepting four chances without a lniseue and mauling the herschide for no cs than five safeties. William "Lefty" Itickert, who has signed te play with Dever. Del., played a whale of a came at the center field pest, while "Ike" Nelsen, the former Fleislier larn and Shanahan Bwat artist, looked like four uccs in the right garden. Manager HIgbce is booking twilight and Sundny games uwny and Saturday gemes at home with the leading semi semi pre nines around Philadelphia. He may be reached at 1101 Madisen avenue, At lantic Clty. AMBLER HAS TEAM IN NORTH PENN LEAGUE Manager Jehn Dull Hat Sixteen Men Signed te Date The Ambler Field Club, which en jeyed n successful sciimui en tlm grid- Iren last year, lias accepted n frnncliibC In the North Penn Baseball League, and Jehn Du'l, u prominent business mnn of Ambler, has been elected te the position of manager. He lias signed sixteen players te date and expects te have the team that will bring the pen nant te Ambler. The catchers under contract are Myers, of the Twin County League, nnd Sailor, a local lad. Mltchcner, from Penn State, wil) de the bull: of the pitching, while Picrsen. who played semi-pre bn'l in Norrlstewn last sea son, will act as relief hurlcr. Pennington, tin Ambler boy, will rover first; Haywood, a product of Geerge Scheel, will be at the keystone sack; ItohNen und Buchanan, who were in the Montgomery County League last j car, will he at short nnd third. Rapp and Decns, of the Twin-County League, nnd W. Picrsen, of the Mont gomery County League, will take care of the outer garden. Ah the team plays league guiues only en Saturday, contests (lining the week arc desired. Address J. Jehnsen, Ambler, Pa. St. Michael's Wants Game After traellnir te Soudorten last Saturday nnd dropping Hie opening Bam- et the sea. son te ina home team, the St, Michael's v A wan notified today that its same (or this Saturday had been canceled. ewIiik te a ronfllctlen in (lain Any home team around eltv or In beuih Jersey havlmr -rounds and wlshlmr te book a top-notch attraction can book the same hv wrltlne te W. A. Warner, -0,11 Slxtj -nfth. acnue, dormant town. Ellis Leaves Harvard Cunibrldte. Mass,, "Mav 3, Herbeit Kills, of Uroekilno. former star football player at Uosten Uitln Scheel and Phillips .ndecr Academ, lias left Harvard en Hiceunt of scholastic difficulties. OTHER SPORTS ON PAGE 21 "SOX" SEI&OLD HALTS SAINTS' GREA T RALL Y With Twe Runs Acress in Final Frame, He Retires Batsmen in Order HARRY FRITZ STARS By WILLIAM 8. DALLAS mill) North Philadelphia baseball L club is still bnsklng among the Undcfcntcd teams of the cltyl Perry, Today's Independent Scores . and Yesterday's Results TODAVM UAMBS Flelshrr at Nlcetefl. Tenth and nntler "'nSSiabertr at Banth rjilladelphU. llrea.1 ami Htxlrr strrets, I'. M. . . ., n.i Klehmend Olanta .. I'hllatlelphlf, Rei'l Stars. Ilrensl and iMairr alreetj. 3 I". M, Ferd A Kendl nt llarrr Mttckfy Club, rerir-nintn and HPTeee jiirrrm. , , Amerlenn Chain Uonavan-Armstrena, Fertr-el-rhth and Walnut utrf-rtii. .fc. t Ht. Celemba Hely Nnivetlftr at Shana han. FertyclthUi and Ilrifan atreels. Hllldale ts. Went nerlliT llame at Keurth and Jasper streets. Camden. .,.,. ,u North I'hlllles nt Old Timers. Thirteenth 1 " . " """? :.:.'"" atiu. a llnirnwtni- irnntt1 "' rhlladephl lirewns 111 1'"'IDW"' ItClfsnjtler S gang TerredIHi.nenue and tVnkrllnr street. b iii .. .i.lh. s.-isasa 'iirani inu nt renjfiimn " .aa- rfltBnH,,,aen,h"uy.?.,,rHlxlr.nlnth Htrrrt- Terminal. . ,, . OebMn at I.nan, Elthleenlh and tleekland streets, emnanr TS, 'jeurrtifyea i, Merrill clot Twenty -f e u r t h -flfh sir-A ...... ' ...1 ii..k. .. .WestPhllll ny ncmie lact evening and as sisted St. Colum Celum ba Hely Name Se ciety inaugurate the season as a home club, but It wns only the maul ing mace of Nick Carter thnt saved the day for the Phils-. McDonald start ed en the hill for the visitors, nnd Neulh Phlllr Hebrews at Rlterslde. N. 1. VbIUmI llantr and Trilt CftmnAI tiiru- Oerthwestern Trust Cemtmnr ti Olrard National Itank, I'hllllfs' Hall I'ark, Bankers' and Ilrekers' Jii-tie Caswftt Henry. Stcnten F. V. "ICK CAUTEK he was teuchcJ up freely, but when the home team sent two runners acre-a the pan with enlv one out In tin eighth, "Sex" Scibeld wns hurried te the rescue, nnd his smoke was tee much for the Saints, who were retired In order. A summary of tin box score shewa the losers' hed un ndvdntagn in hits of ten te eight, whsre.the Phils were en the long end of the run column. 8 te 0, nnd as runs count in the final analysis, the visitors were credited with 11 victory. But the work of Nick Carter wa re spensible for the triumph. He came t (iron ill with n homer in the first with two en. nnd mJk accounted for another in the fifth with the bates vacant. The Ce. n. Itldde aPsmini1as TakiiP Firemen's Teas;tie Sernnd Itattallen at First nottallen. Ilrnsd. and llltier slre-tsi Tenth llaltallen at Third l"attallen. Cahlll Field. Twenty-ninth and C'learfleld Mreetsi Fourth DattnTlan at Ninth Dattalien, Water-'-" Reereatlen Center. ChrlWn avennennd MeMshen strretl F.lhth -lluttsllen nt Sixth ,imiien. jietasenie sreuna. snu i,vk streets. . I'hllndrlphla Klnanelal I-'nane. M?, Ntreet Trust ts. Tradesmen's National Hank. iiiKsesslna Recreation :Ontef, Fiftieth and nrnier atenue. WEISS TO PILOT CAYUGA TOSSERS Unable te Procure Heme Grounds, Semi-Pres, Will Be Forced te Travel HAVE STRONG LINE-UP YESTERDAY'S RESULTS ntn. At Seuth I'hlllles. Shanahan. 7i llrelhers, A Ameriean nnnin. ni Nentn 1 Hllldale. tit llateh Moter, 4 ItptftefttiMF. ft, Hnhna. n. Harry A. Marker, lOi I'erd nnd Krndlic, S. North rhlllles. Si St. Columns. 0. Flelsher. Ill Doneitp-.rmtrnn, 0. Old-Tlmers. lit Mitchell-Fletcher, 8. Nt. llsrnnbas. 0- Lester. 0. N. A. Drlrers. Si N. A. I'rrssmen, 0. National. Dt Alter, 0. Mcrtewn. 13t Media A. A.. 0. Penn Mutcat, ISt Inauranre Company of North America, 10. Aatnes. 4i Aathrees, 13. Alnin, t Tlten A. A.. 7. Phlla. Terminal. ISi tlnrfram Park. 1. ftiZO Cleb, 7i nnnnbln A. C. 1. National flunk anif Trust luiue I'hlla de'nhla Hank. 4t Fidelity, n. Firemen's Iairiie Seeend Rsttallen 0, Ninth Rattnllen 81 EUhlh nittullen 84, Third Rattnllen 14 Tenth tlattnllen 10. First iiaiuiiinn vi cmn uuiiaiiun iif. eiin iiai- Ad. P. Weiss, who was en the Ath letics' revtcr n. n iuirlcr bnels In 11)12, will manage the Cnyugn semi-pros this summer. Weiss' club has mndc nppll nppll ctitlen for the Philadelphia llaseball Association, and will be one of the fastest traveling teams In the city. Cajugn originally plnnned te play games nt home and travel two days n week. However, the team wns unable te secure a suitable field nnd wns forced te travel. Weiss clnims he has- one of the best Infields In the city. And n glance nt his line-up for the Inner works gees n Ions way toward making one t)ciiee iiir statement. "Pipe" Inub will rncr the Initial welt. "Pine" Is n "pip" of n first baseman, and ery few halls will get past him. Frank Farrell, former Melreic star, will guard the ct'Olld sack. Farrell Is 0 grcnt baseman und nlse can hit the bnll. He should prove linnluable. Vlnce Farrell, who was en the pnxrnll nt llrldesbiirg last sensnn, will cover-third. Vlnce is n well-known nthlete. nnd needs no Introduction Fritz Itllev. n Btnr with the A. K. Is slated for the shortstop .lebju 1,1. ...! I.. .. l,.r n l,n flnlil r The outfield, tee. looms up strong. Scettv Orchard will bc In left. Irish fiannen is the selection for center and Geerge Church will be in right. AH planl semi-pre Dnii neiere; nnu meir names nre familiar te all followers of the gauin in the city. Aaren Mndery will de the catching. He formerly played with thq Atlas Hall Hearing team, and Is u corker. He can threw, hit, run the bases nnd, best of all, caujianille pitchers. I.eggs Itesenberger will de most of the pitching. Lefty 'Timlin nlse will de a reed hnre of the work. Weiss seys that he, tee, might take n turn in the box. A Inrire tmniher iif nlners nre en the reserve list. All of them are stellar performers and will bc able te fill any breaches made In the regular llnc-up. Weiss is booking Ws own games nt the present time, but niter he is ad mitted te the nxsoclntlen Art Summers piubnbly will handle his affairs. At the present time he can be 1 cached nt Kensington 0111 en the Hell phone. Middleweight Wrestler Dead Putnam, Conn., Mav 3. Al IJndstrem. ,ht-,v.nnp. miiiritufiffhi uresttlne' chnmnfen nt New KncUml. dlel In ths hospital ut Worcester et dioeu peinjnin. auuui .,,,-, ttfeka ke l.'ndstrem was rlillnsr n bicycle, when he was struck by n meter bus anil received a fractureil rlaht l-. Septic poison Ins; started from this Injury. MH BASEBALL Today, 3:30 P. M. MIIIIH PARK. 21st AM) I.KIIIOH AVJ- ATHLETICS t. NEW KIRK Rrserred Seats fllmMs' nnd Spalding's F He can XnrHi 1'lillu trnvel In Old Timers', at tallen B Thlrleenlh nnd Jehnsen, tenlnht. w hl!! Seara-Reebutk Iaaue Eualea 14. Ship- " " . the Sulnts pay a visit te Slienalian, nt J-erty -eighth nnd Drewn. Harry Fritz Stars Speaking of Shanahan brings te light the individual brilliance of an other star nthlete. Harry Fritz, of Central High fame, nnd who was with the Macks and Chifeds, was the big gun In the 7 te 0 victory gained bv Johnny Castle's clnn at Forty-eighth and llrewn streets at the expense of Lit Hi ethers. The game was a thriller throughout and the lend switched from inning te inning. Fritz "accounted for three of his team's dozen hits and Harney Slaughter, manager of the department store nine, also came through with a trio of safeties. O'Cenncll, ferinci Catholic High star, saved the day for Shanahan in the sixth. With the bases leaded nnd one out, Byrne hit a line drive thnt was speared by O'Connell, killing off a triple and preventing a possible three runs. In the final session nftcrRese had singled, Jee Mulhelland was thrown out ut first. Howe mevlne te second en the play. It was here that 1'rim hrekn un the melee with bis hefty hit that &cnt Howe across lth the winning run. Johnny Castle will in nil preb ability use Al Meanle against t. t-'el- It leeks Ilka a ease for the Beard of Governors rf the Philadelphia llaseball As As spclat'en In the same between Philadelphia T.rmlnai and Ilartrain Park. 'Jhe laVter umba tonight, in the game nt hein.,0 IhenSa. "Stars "tWc'.ScM.e thVi.tlS as Shanahan plays en the home let en Tuebdujs and eUnesuas. Lefty Stlrly was In rare form and the Seuth Phllly Hebrews were casv lctlms of Urldesburt; at Richmond nnd Orthodox stictts. Score, ft te 0. The downtewners were let off with two safeties. One by I)ae Ilarel In the third with two down and the ether bv Ullhem, the former Browns' backstop Stlely was Hteudy throughout and IrsUf-ih but enu frce ticket. Krcnps, who pltihed the Bphaa te a win eer the Mnckey club, was thn IesIiir hurler. IIe was re lieved l l.cfty Vann In the seventh Ilrldesbun: is due at the Seuth Phils' field tentxht, and they travel downtown with a record of net huvlmr been beaten since the regular season opened. The Fle'nher larnrrs had a let of tun at thn expense of Donevan-Armstrong". 1h (rami, wns plael en the Varners' field at Twent) -sixth nnd Heed streets and when Scorer Hutten. dad of Larry Sutten, com piled th box scere he announced the re sult as Klelshcr, 11: Donevan, 0 Dlll Mc Kenty was en the hill for thf downtewners and slelded four hits. Iloblnsen vvas touched up for slxticn, and seven c.ime 'n the elifhth Innlnu and accounted for six runs. The umpire then called th mint., Flelsher Is at Nlcelenn tenUht. and American Chain vylll be the cuest of Donevan In West Philadel phia. Meese" McCmmlcU had better tend out un S. O. S. call for a few players. Kd Wise and his Xicetewn cohorts traveled te West Philadelphia. Flfu-nlnth and Ox ford streets te be exact, and minified with the Media A. A. After seven Innlnw Mce Mce tewn vvas ahead. 1 1 te 0, and Media's open epen ,iuf engagement marred, Nlcetevvn vvas the Utter club, for the tlme belng at least, and ,i an e.ksy tlme of it with a trio of Hill Weber s meui.dmeii. The uptevvners se cured fourteen hits and I'ltchjr .ale, had seventeen strikeouts te his credit. Tonight nt Tenth and llutler NRotewn takes en the l'lelsher Yarners. Hill Orleshaber will labor for Tutu Walker, while Kd Weiss announies that Carlsen, a new pitcher fiem Middle town, l)c).. will muke his debut. Hllldale has started off en another winning streak, 'ihls Is net sianllnit or stranse news te Kd Ilelden. Ills Darby athletes took the ,111: end of an ll-te-4 rcore with Hatch Moter. Llve?j sturted for thi motorists and after Riving ten runs In four Innings retired' In favor of Trev, who allowed enlv ,,n run In the three sessions hn worked. This afternoon at I'eurth und Jasper streets. Camden, llllhini win open tne je sun with West llcrlln. Jersey sea- At 3 o'clock this afternoon at llresd and HlBlcr streeta Chupple Jehnsen's .Norfolk Stars will in. licit with the Klthmnnd Olants This will be a Kame worth while Chappie has Jess Winters leady te hurl and he will be opposed te tlnteed Williams, formerly nf flncharach Giants. Jehnsen announces this will be the last Wednesday afternoon game. Thj home contests next wek will oe Mendav, Thursday and Friday. This Is ladles' day and all feminine spectators ac companied by a male escort will be admitted free. The Harry Marker tram im te life last evening. Journeyed te Highland Park and walloped Jim itenner's team. 15 te 4. Pat O'Utlen'M athletes were given a shake-up, and responded In flne fashion. The same teams ceme together this evening, but the scene shUts te the Mnckev held, at Kortv Kertv nlnth and Spruee streets. "Chief" Hart, the Indian, will be the pltchlne selection of the Mackey club, whlle Jim llenner Is un decided en Ferd & Klndlg's choice. The twilight season at Legan will be In augurated tonight when the Dobsen team meets Jess Dande's flub, at Eighteenth and Rockland. "Lefty" Scheflcld will likely hurl for the weavers, und "Deug" Shtffcy for the home team. The Seuth rhlllles are In the threes of a slump nnd a. shakn-up Is llkel. Mangus Is said te have been dropped already. The lnm f'i. a. Mctlm jesterday te the pitching of S,fyLier ana American Chain wen 5 te 2. Tonight the downtewners meet Brldesburg. and Billy Whitman has Hay Kepner ull primed te add te BUI Rudelph's woes. Phila. Jack O'Brien jit sjfjssl U IIOMVft I.KNMINR fl M CiT 13 FLP.ii.Rt:n. i.nssevq nstJsl Ji: lUIIIV-ni.IKi. I.USSO.NS Ym fl MONTIIH' tlVM t'a Three Hand-Hall Courts Knn, Track noting Taught Without Punishment wiLHHN nr.nri.. igth & tiiestnlt hts. itw AwrniAHmtT Tvtlalt Mklaf ItVsS IIMll M4 I BOXING THHII 50c, 1,1.50 PALUSO v.. FU1 itAY ( tUatats) MITCHELL PIIJI, (K. O.). tS lUends) VS. FKAKKIF, Eoeodt, BRITTON HOBAN PAL! w.t..a a, tea Piktar! 1112 H. fsaa I Crandsll's. J8J H. Wh Locust Clear J 128 H. BJdi 4. II. Mllejiirww. Mjt sjsl Pnwellen Cafe. 31 H.letht f he.Mu"' 1th- Mnmliv K linmmen. nn ijh GOLF Beautiful Country Club under con struction with the finest twenty-seen hole golf course In the Kast. Can accept thirty-five mere applications for original membership. Write for Information. C ',0!i, Ledger Ome "Wmll. Hnt. Wmnr Wmit. w, ..w , ...- .. ,.. .. ., sk,-.; r. Straw Hats '2 an up "Wear the Proper Hal Alwyt Gee. B. Wells 1315 Market Street and 2715 Germantown AveniM match en a dn nnrlm nn.i v.a t... , call for flve daja and In writing. Chappie Jehnsen will present the matter te the asso ciation today. Desplu the fact that he was flerdCeia,,t0Slghht.,00k h'" ,em ,' Uartr'"', Jack nines' Old-Tlmers hnnded Mitchell rietcher an ll-N setbiick at Twentj-flfth !Kc.etiJfn.1. &n,lcr """V"- :k has several subs In the line-up owing te a d'spute ever the contract of Jlmm Josephs. " Dencle Finishes Micky Merris Rending. Mav; S. Swinging n Melous right hcek te the Jaw. Yeui g Dencle. United Slates iivy, stationed at Xjgin Island, krecled out Mlckv Mcirls. the Wilmington flwelght. In the second round of the wind-I un of thn All-Amerlcan Athletic Association dosing show of the .teasen hrre In the Armerv last night Jee Klannerv bested Ray , Delmont In the seml-wlndup. je McUevcrn stepped Len Olhbens in the seventh round Andv O llrlen scored t.ln seientl. i,m, .,,.. when he rocked Illllv IlelU.v te sleep with a left hook te the Jaw In the first round Johnny Herren shaded Kid Texlcy. In Style and Beauty, A Ise, King "" Is Leader ITS acknowledged prestige as a leader of automobile style, influences hundreds in their preference for King. The most up te date Bedy-designers ideas incor porated in King Bedy types. .But equally important is the mechanical excellence that gives spirit and utility te these distinctive models developed by King. d O IOC f. e. B. PsSsla&O FACTORY KING MOTOR SALES CO. 1030 Chestnut Street ,'!', none. resten 1420 Margate C, ('.. composed of former actie UK irmeunt avenue Columbia 11131 lastle Plaiers, would class Heme 'earns, t te hear from III si Themas J. Stanley. 1017 Hleckley A. A. will travel en a few Satur day, Any team wishing this attraction should writs te Wllllum Farrell, C31'0 West minster avenue. no I, Iturke A. A a second-class team, would llke te book games with all horn teams, either In or out of the city. Fled t ,u viiiiiiuii, ItWI Lust HerliH street, J'himt I'. C. has .May tl and a few dates In June open fur any hema clubs offering reasonable Inducements. 1JU Kast Clemen tine stiret, Northern A. A, Ikih Decoration Day A. M, and P, M. een for flrst-tlasa home teams efferliiif reasonable Inducements, Charles MtUlnty. tlUl North rnlrhlll street. lue 1,'lliimiiliin A, 0 Is booking games vvlth first-class trams In or out et thn city having ureunds und offering suitable In. ducements. A, J, Uibun, U3 Urucnwlch street, 'I he I'rnrre Travrlrrs would llke te book frames wllii fourteen suvcnteen-vrar-eld nines laying name grounds nnd offering reasonable inducements. Francis McAullffe:, 17JU Rltner iriei. TEXACO . GASOLI N E THE WQIL&mLtE GAS (Vtl-d'tility : tht uadintss with which tateltnt (fan up iltfitwtr) f Tht Ttxas Company, U. S. A TEXACO GASOLINE Ttxact Pttreltum Products TEXACO MOTOR OILS Have you noticed the fine lines of the EARL Everybody is commenting en its geed proportions and 'pleasing appearance. The low-hung body lends itself te geed lines throughout. JMebt cars of its size lack that "sonic thing in leeks," which the Earl possesses. Yeu can't miss it. Hettuced PrUtt Teurlnr J99S Brougham $1685 Sedan $1093 F. O. B, factory EARL MOTORS, Inc. JACKSON MICHIGAN (I) EARL -PHILA. MOTOR CAR CO. 235-237 N. Bread St. Pheno Spruce B762 Circle Garage, Atlantic City, N. J. Delaware County Moter Ce., Chester, Pn. Lehigh Valley Moter Ce., Alleiitevvn, Pa, Xyqulst Moter Ce., Heading. Pa. J. P. Odrn .Moter Ce., Wk, Pa. Lewis II. Merum, Trenten, V J, West Jersey Meters, Camden, X. J, tl. P. K'uk. fthennndesh, P.t. II. C. Hewitt. Usher's Krrrj , Pa, Union Moter Cur te,, ., ncrnmen, pa, Union Moter fur Ce., miaes-iiarr, I a. Klnier.M. Yeung, Our New Reduced Prices are creating wonderful sales. Our product will prove our claim of Most Exceptional Values Conditions have made prices for Knight cars which we have fully met. But we make our product te meet the wants and needs of the buyer according te our own ideas alone. Prices are Temporary Geed JVill built en a Geed Product is everlasting We believe broader knowledge and wider distribution of our cars will in time enable us te be as independent of the influence of the action of ethers in the making of fair prices for our cars, as we are today in deter mining the character and quality of our product. Today's conditions create the BUYER'S OPPORTUNITY Sixes 7'Passcnger Touring $2475 4-Passenger Spert . 2475 2-Passenger Roadster 2475 4'Passenger Coupe . 3015 7-Passenger Sedan . 3105 Feurs 5-Passenger Touring $1665 4-Passenger Coupe . 2385 5-Passenger Sedan . 2475 will prices quoted are f. e. b. factory Ask us te mail you a copy of our booklet, "IPAy JFt Believe in the Ktight Moter. ' ' BATsE0F 0R SALES CO.; 2504 N. Bread Street Diamond n4t,rnCtive Tcrri.V,rJn ""aiila. New Jersey and Delaware Still Open for Geed Dealers I'ark 4808 America's ONLY Knight-Six (j) Wi my iti H m r'T.Wfi t lf(T! Jlft iA Run it with Texaco Get Saw it with Texaco Oil 1 IB ittallMrlr, I'a. , Was cup) "vW K aWuilir ,"m 1833l ' f 'un W 1 ilsbMMsaatassMMMvatt I w