eaattatt"tjya"ii '"V -'-,' ."." - ' ' '..yf'" ' - f f wwwMi EHM 9X9mmt' "" tWaAiia'iar wwlmidwi aeetaetl ' -..,-'''- EMrV-HBilltIjl'ifil assure! of vMerr,. Th. yere Oscar A. EMm) IMiUbOML ". In the feeeml Olttrlcti Albert , jM'rn M4 L"W ATKiKENHY en Orirrani Cattle. by RebelsCall Up vRe'-enfercements PtJF Eh BBbV ATI.'.. vmcHi ii.'tai n,i; Ba.svwsi . awK.tv 'ririMiw ii VjW J,' 'jpje bi isatar 11 BWN .. y:e iti" ,riir r'M 1l. f " WCu :tS W'l i Barn IWE-QUN FIRE HEAVY taw AssatrfacetJ Press Mar 3. Bharn nalitln-?. lasMehlne funs rattling In nil dlrec- y-waa IB preircs-j acre tihij, xrre lAtteef trylnjr te recapture Or. I Osstle,. etlll held By irregulars. a la rraur a strong ion rets is of th River Nere, and is Impreinsble except by ar o'clock this mepilnr storming binder command of Colonel ;jf the Dell Elrcaun official ".adranccn en the castle by dif twites, followed by an armored r.s.Tey were fired npen Djr snipers BT streets, and a fierce engagement M, well-directed fire being main- against the castle from several he Imnerlal TTetel. which Is demi ts by the castle and which has been pled since Its recapture ey uau is unucr nre from tne cssjic he latest report early thl. after ,. wns that euc Uall i-eiuici' naa wounded. JjVTbe irregulars, who yesterday ere iprtrcn from the Parliament street bar neks, formed the main part of the cas tie's defenders. A party of irregulars fMsta Tlpperary arrived today te ro re ro ifrferce the garrison, and the reads jNMding Inte the. city were blocked te ISjwrent" rc-enfereements coming te the ek H;;,The defenders of the castle are said aa'be- well eeulDrwd with previsions. ,Ihe morning train from Dublin ar rfted while the fighting was In progress ,piri passengers nltghtlng here were ftscea.te take shelter in the railway tannel. The posteffice also was in the 'Auger -zone. e'DUti. May .1ny A. P.) The teMferencc representing both sides of the isji "n repanitcan army reassemeieu ye-- tarday and irrrnnged te mane represen tation at the neminn of the Dall -A fStreann today relative te bringing about amy in inn army una a prate sinu aaaat In Ireland. I . rr l.t Ik IV Belfast. May a. (By A. P.I The heme of n member of the Ulster special ee-ns tabula ry In Kast Tyrene was at tacked today. Dezen of shots Here fired and the building was set one fire. Tke constable escaped, while ethers harrying te the scene were ambushed, tuid one was budlv wounded. ,' . A large number of armed men rushed '?lnte the Royal Irish constabulary bar- r i -i. n'lt t- Q....L rhAM. I..1 night and killed one constable and wounded Sergeant Kerr. She pelice cap tured two invaders. Commandant McKenna. chief of the Republican force, at Dundalk, was held u ar Free Staters while metering threngh Carrickmacross, County Mon Men aghan, last night. " Five armed men bearded the com cem maadant's car and ordered the chauffeur ta proceed te the barracks. Upen ar Ttval there, Commandant McKenna de clined te enter, and Commandant Oaan. 11 divisional Free State- chief, gave him a "'MMclfied time te leave the car. When fcKennn continued te refuse, the bar- racka windows were suddenly flung open sad rifles protruded. The chauffeur re mained at his wheel, however, and tiltt y uiBiei iau cur nu icreiiica le pre 1 i E5 h ik s , n Cr, K IM f' fv ?.. Beveridge Victory Jelts Old Guard from Fas On Republican organisatien te worrying. Ye might like Mr. Harding's smlle, the way he leeks in the movies, approve hia evident geed Intentions, and still vote te suit yourself en Senater and CeBgressman. la the weakening of party tics It may be that a lovable personality In the White Heuse will net cover n multitude of sins. A hasty recalculation of no. It litical assets will have te be made en '. th strength of the results In Indiana. I" Naaed hne vet raiide It. ()n nr tun mere States will have te be heard from before the strength of the movement which brought the biz vote for Bever lege can be estimated and its bearing upea next election can be determined. If one may be permitted te guess, the Republican party is still und will remain In, the next election the favorite in strument of the public for the govern lag f this country. Hut the people mean te take held of nnd use that in- y -,wininwi iw out. iiiT-mnc-trrn nun iivi 'nwrwy let it be u. by the politicians, r itlami, in the nccniM uittnct; a inert H. Vrstnl. in flte Elahth District! Fred 8. Purnell. in'tlui Ninth District, and tuls W. Falrfleld, bi the Twelfth Dla- Five ether UenubWean members of the present Indiana delegathin in Cen gress were nwnlnu,ed without opposi tion, an follews: Oscar ,It. lathrtng, First District ; .Tehe S. Dcnham, Fourth District: Everett A. Sanders, Fifth District; Milten Kraits, Kleventb Dis trict, and Andrew. T. Hlcken, Thir teenth District. Samuel A. Lambdln, HepuMlcan, also received the nomina tion without opposition in the Third T"lti atl.. ! aBafr liAAACnfna WUi-tnlif cently through the retirement of James A. Dunear, itepueiican. Plea te Disarm Soviet and Germany Centlnatg trtm re Oae withheld final approval of the document until they could near from Paris. The Belgians' action was because of their dissatisfaction with the ctnuse In the memorandum dealing with the res toration of foreign -owned property in Russia nationalized by the Soviet Gov ernment. The memorandum is new in the hands of the Soviet delegation. It contains France's amendment te the property clause, which the Frenchmen hope will uitlsfy the Belgians' objections te the article as originally complied, but it was delivered te the Russian plenipo tentiaries with a covering letter care fu ly explaining that the French dele gates reserved nnni approval of tne en tire document until they obtained di rect authority from Paris. British Approval Qualified Prime Minister Lloyd Geerge has also announced that Great Britain s approval Is dependent upon that of France. The amendment adopted Is calculated te strengthen the guarantees of the former owners of property In Russia that they will be able either te et their property Dact directly or te ave an equitable snare in the com it" 'V , ..1 3 IT-V iiu.X K LEI r J f,k y.- ! m IBaavaaBaaaaJ rre-T.ir.. WHEN THE CTROTS WENT TO THE HOSPITAL E panles controlling it, lr suen are formed. Be'glum held eat for a mere definite restoration, and France has supported this position throughout the negotia tions. Oil was a great subject for discussion In conference circles today with many denials that anything definite had been done about disposing of Russia's big oil fields or granting monopolies for the distribution of the oil produced there. M. Rakevsky, spokesman for the Russian Soviet delegation, declared no contract had been signed with the Shell group of Kngllsh oil companies, ns widely published. Colonel Bejlc, repre sentative of the Shell Transport end Trading Company, issued a. statement declaring it absolutely untrue that his company had made new contracts with the Hiihsian. On the ether hand, some of the dele gations say they have information that Tmnnrtant contracts have been aimed and only need ratification by the Mes cow Government. FRENCH WAR DEBT BALANCE SHEET Paris. May 3. The American Debt Refunding Commission communicated-te the French Government three days age the text of the War Debt Funding Law and the resolution adopted by the Debt Commission in connection with it, to gether with the request that the French Government make any observation it desired concerning the execution of the terms of the law. This step is taken in emciai circles nn n nellte Intimation that the time has come te enter into serious negotiations!. One litflc'wliite fellow climbed up be for payments en tne ueet, uunnugu u is net believed here that the American Commission Intends te force matters. The balance tiheet of French war debts Is given here, as follews: Owing Te the United States, 13,750,000,000 maIiI fn-M t .n,. n rni AAA AAA 1l Te ureal wriiain, 4,uw,uw,wv r ' Total, Cfl.250,000,000 geld francs ($5,250,000,000). Due te France Italy, 1,000,000,000 . awammmmmw9aV, ' ' ami n- . au,Baaaaanic3Eawaa ,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTBaV .BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHBaaVHaaaEMaaaw'7iu'aaaw ia2Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'aaaaaaaaaaaaai PHB aaB-tammmmmmmmm ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVaHKWpMawRJammmTammm laaaaaaaaawaaaammaV.4aaaaaaaVKSxBaaaaa aawBaHVPaaaaaaVaaamsamaMSSSaaam' 'BaaaaaaaavlaawlBaaaaaaaaaaaaBaanaai9Baaaa ' aawaaaHtl'aaaaaaaawBaaaaaaaarBafVciI3BaaCaaaaawaaaWiL ILaPWl!aaH9affiaa?amf wammma&amflamammmHammHBft lfJwammmmmmmmmmmmwamammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmW WmSm'ISKMWmilKB mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVTlaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW7VVBWBBBBBBBBBBBBBV LtaaaBBBBBBBBaaaB.afeBBBBBBBBBBBBV BBBBBBBBBTBBBV''BT!IBbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlh4BBBwE' v'aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBwH "HammmmmmWwwammmmmHrPKSfami VaKHammmmma'aVBmmwKaWiBmmmmBBmmlammmmmmmmKaffi HamBr wammmKallW A wPl'eVammaaBflatammmmmmmSammmmmaHf aW'lammmm rv':wammmmmmmmwL.l-BmmmwaStnJBmmm aamV BmmfammmmmmmwMQammmmmmmmmHHBmmmmmammmmwllaWBmmmmmmmmmBmmmmmi K.''XV)fMaaaaaaaaw7r'aaaaaaaaaaMaBi72aaaaaaaTan jm fBaaaaaaaaawZaaaaaaaaaawS3laaaaaaaaaaaaawBaV Baaaaaaaaawaaaaaaa MA PIH aammwammmmmmmMammmwPW .ammmmmmmmmmmmmmWaS aaaamaaaaaaaBafaaaaaWEaaawaaaaaaaaajKaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW iicy. .MriBaaaaaaaaaaaaEFT3VTTT.BaaaaV .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aaaaaaaW?waaaaaaaaaaaaaVBaaaaaaaaa1anBS SVBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaalBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaS If smef'BPII .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaVCaaaaWviaUaaaaaaaaaaaaaa l''V':aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaWaanSawBPwaaaaaBalaaaaaaw aaaaawiaaau:BwllaaTfaTaMBaWaaaaaaTBawaaaTBBaaaaaw JrKaaawaaan! -v i VaaaanHa'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalBaaaaaMaarMH aaaaaaawaaaVKK9aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHPQaaaaa iiaaaaaw'waaPwiHaaaaaaaaaawW IfaaaaaaaSaaaaaaaaaaSaMw aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWtiiiaaaaaaaaaal.aaaaaaaaa. aaaaaaaaaaaawr?KaMaaaaaaElaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaawPwaaaaf CaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaRawWaLaWF MVJmWiW 4 H'lmtKB!KmS aaVwaaaiaaafHKiaaaaaaaaaaamKawPS!Haall aaaamaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaawlllBaaalBaaaV"waaaaaBaa aaaaaaaaaaaaawaHaaaaaaaanKwKaaaaVCaaVB aaaaWWP?!5al f aaawPwaaamav2w9aaw!AtaKl!n HrlLHiBraiiHalaW !VaaaVaaawaflC3Pi HHliHll.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHR aaaaaaaaaaaaHilBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaBaHlTB BaaaaaaaaaaaaTaWls'waaaaaaaaaaaaaaw9aaaaaaaaaaaaaaawcrwMaaaaaW-iS' jt "aaW.'-f'!A2f,aawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai'v '- J& mWIKFsFz'M aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMJamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawiSaaawaaf' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVBaawaaaaaaaaaaawaaWlBaaaaaaaaaaaaBH -? "'K-.,- V V iHaamraaaaw-3I3aaaaaaaam'1!?? ' w?3Ki'2t'mm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaOSfflaaaaiW LaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaagJlafeaMawa!iMLf aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw9?lHBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw J" ID r aaaaaaaat "tP-- V T. '-5 .MriMaaaVO ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK TBaaaaaaaaaaaaw.-, Slav VtBkbJaKEBaaB BaaaaaaaaaaaawVBaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaarHVA V'l V," Zu$l'4l: JawK'-aaaaaaaaWLaaaflBL afJtfaaaaVlBafaH aaaaaaaaaaaaaTwaaaaaaaaaaaaMlaaaaaaaaaaaw!elfP 'r iUSrfav aaaaaaaaaaWaaa&;' if vBBaanJaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaliHaaaaaaaaaw?' aaaaaaaaK-wf;::1aaaaaaP aaaaaaaHMi -MhWmM aaawiaaaaaawlfff4'aaKaM ri.'yTTOBraF.aWT1 '. WSSKMKBBSSm i'Pifm . :rsr."t ; ;a ;.: jm&sxm -' s-i-a . M , ii ' i' i. ail i '-- -- -' -.J -- --m --. i mmmm ' 'P i i ' "I ' ' "Ji. Il.-lir"asjaaaaaaai hi I Mil I l Mil I "' '-f:.., .J. ' ..l.'. '' ;- ' - .U'.1 . MKTiBZ.. .t-.- J.' -, iBJCJ.--i 1 '''"'M r.i.'2' lii.u.j' ..iiit'uwj uti - 'vu - - iBr.i-n-ta . ' . ,) x-"-iK-j' fl-ygf -.' '.ir.inaT I'llWiIIHaTil haT alMHHramwHaaaat Kl nil Vprrilf I Kini ; irMraaaaiNBiHINENlB Here is the Selts -Flete circus In full Wast at (ha Children's Homeopathic Hospital today. The Jey the acrobats and clowns brought te the little unfortun ates la shown clearly en every face funnier dance, nnd then straightened up into one of the clowns the kids had been laughing at a moment before. Go-gee, the trick mule, couldn't be ridden by anv one, though all the clowns and some of the stable boys tried It. He sent them all flying head ever heels, and they fell en the cress Instead of rseft tan bark. They didn't mind. though, nnd the jeungstcrs fairly howled with glee. Even Go-gee seemed te en joy it. Funny Falls Aplenty The revolving table furnished a let of fun and thrills. A couple of husky canvasmen, bidden underneath, Kept it revolving, nnd the clowns were spilled all eier the place when they tried te rldn en It. A clown and a canvnsman tumbled en together, quite by accident, and when they tumbled off en top of each ether, with feet flyinz seven wnys from Sunday, even the perfermera laughed. A trick pony, which every yeungstei in the place would have given his eyes te own, managed te stay en. It's pretty near as hard te describe all the acts as it would be te tell of all the things that make up the big show out at the circus grounds. .Tim .Wilsen's dogs made a big hit. tween two ladders, while another did a "slack wire" stunt that even u kid with all his legs nnd nrms couldn't de. Leen and Mitsl. headline performers with the big show, did n wonderful hnnd-balanclng net.- Leen is the only acrebut In the world who t-tands en one hand away up In the air and jumps from one tripod te another, uptlde down. Then there were the Manelles, with a bell-ringing act that sett he kids wild. And then came the Hal-Jung Chinese act, just ever from Hamburg. Out en the circus lett hey slide down the top of the tent banging by their queues. They couldn't de that te enter tain the youngsters, butt hey did s-enic astonishing ncrebatic feats und threw knives lu hair-raising fashion. Watch Child Acrobat The most pathetic bit of all, perhaps, was when n little Chinese girl, the seven -year -old daughter of Jung, made her firt appearance te amuse the little crippled children. The performers themselves steed around te watch her ns she poised, slim and velvet-muscled, en a table te de a back bend and pick up a bowl set n geed feet lower. The per formers joined with the sick nnd crippled children in n burst of applauM! for the little black haired athlete making bcr first appearance. Of course even circuses have te come te an end. When Captain Den Ment gemery and his band of thirty-four pieces struck up the final march, und the performers, leaded with Go-gee and tbe trick dogs nnd ponies of the big trucks, moved slowly out of the court yard the children called after them "geed.-by, end come back.soen.'' The clowns lingered' untlL the last, romping with the children, who scram bled for tbe favor of being picked up in strong arms and kissed with lips that left the Imprint of grease paint. "We'll be back next year," the clowns premised. As the trucks rolled out of the court yard, grotesque Aus tin lung, witn ins duck bin nose, steed en the tall of the last one and waved a big kiss te everybody. Up in a window a pale little girl who had crept out of her blanket steed and waved frantically. In the ward three-year-old Kate sat up In her cot and cried because the circus had gene. "What you cryln' for. kid," asked Fannie Feldman, who Is bigger and has mere sense, "It was simply swell, and It'll be back again next year." Harry Sayler, general superintendent of the hospital, expressed his apprecia tion te both tbe Hells-Kioto circus and the! Evening Public Lkuukr. "I never saw anything te equal it in my life," said Mr. Sayler. MRS. L0RIMER RE-ELECTED TO HEAD REPUBLICAN CLUB Women at Annual Meeting Urged te Encourage Voting Members of the Republican Weman's Club of Pennsylvania were urged te exert their utmost efforts primary day te get out the woman vote in n report of tbe organization committee, read at the firt annual meeting of the club lu the Bellcvne- Stratford today. Mrs. Walter King Sbarpe, of Chambersburg, a leader among Repub lican weme nef Central Pennsylvania, Hean women of Central Pennsylvania made a hard fight for suffrage and new, after it has been granted them, if they are apathetic It will be a reflection upon them." In the annual election Mrs. Geerge Herace ierimcr was re-elected pre dent of tne club. organization since its inception FLOOD VICTIMS GET FOOD Red Cress Officials Investigating Conditions In Louisiana New Orleans May 3. (By A. P.) Threatening conditions In the flooded arena of the Atchafalaya River' section, where it Is estimated 6000 persons al ready have been made homeless by backwater through Its tributaries over spreading large areas In the upper basin, are being Investigated today by Red Cress officials. The volume of water was augmented by the break In the levee near Ferrldny, La., and the pressure ia threatening levees in the lower basin. The feed situation in refugee camps was re lieved teduy with the arrival of pro pre visions. The congressional delegation which In making an observation tour of the flood districts was scheduled te make the trip by rail today from Greenville te Vlcksburg, Miss. MYSTERY IN MAN'S DEATH Found Unconscious In Cell After Arrest and Taken te Hospital Benjamin Levin, forty-six jenrs old, 2008 -Seuth Ninth street, died last night in St. Agnes' Hospital, where he had been taken after belni found uncen- She had headed the "'8 nbe,,t 0:15 !? ! a " In the its incentien mere '' "centh street and Hnyder avenue no. Mrs. Ii. Webster secretary; Mrs, than n scar age. Fex xvas re-elected Ira Jewell Williams was re-elected corresponding secretary nnd Mine. Santa Kululla was re-elected treasurer. no natter hew much ther nretend that Mr. Harding loves them. New Hid the Organization . Mr. New had the organization In In diana. He had the whole of It. And the organization there was net espe clally an obnoxious thing. The Indiana voter has always rather liked organi ergani organi sateon mere than any ether voter In tkis country. He thinks of polities as a game which he enjoys playing accord lag te the rules. But this time be took tainga into his own hands and sup ported an antl -organization candidate. Tbe victory relates somehow te bleea and. minority organisatiens, te the ten daBCT of the people te express them- Witurree directly In the Senate and Heuse .',. vlttant rccard te nartv orsanlzatlen. li&ftJTae naming of Baker in Michigan, al- a? laa HJ ntiuucu iu, is a fun ui iuv buiiiu KfjiJeavensent. $5V a The old parties remain, names whleh any one can use who can capture their lit primaries, in .North upketn the larm- fr :n6miaatlen for Senater. In Iowa nnd fc-V Michigan It is a combination of rail- r.! m..J. .nil tliA fnmiara whlpli la trvlntr jjfSUte.'de the same thing.' i&fipsrtaps It la because of Mr. Hard K&'jtMt personal popularity that the lie- Itcau i any t-eems u mem eesi th capture. It Is the party with I asset. One cannot see yet any sign K'tWtaafftne .uemecnus win prpnt uy me :'' comical restlessness nnicn inc veica EF 'lefMr. Beveridge reveals. And a third rst'i. nartv never looked farther away than it$W$ aew'at this wrlUng. Bi n-mnmnn rn AwifT-t IKwprteiuuiFn LiCjtuiiyr MK EW BY 8500 VOTES 'Gi.tr.'.B 'til? Frem Italy, l.OUO.uw.UW geiu Frem Russia, 4,000,000,000 geld francs. ... . . Frem Belgium, .,iii),uw),wu i"' P Juge-Slavia, GOO.000,000 geld francs. Other A'lles. Including Rumania, 1,2.-0,000,000 geld francs. Total, 0,000.000.000 geld francs ($1,800,000,000). which, plus repara tions due from Germany, amounting te Oa.000.000,000. makes u total .of i 7, 000.000,000 geld francs ($lu,400,000,- auu There was considerable agitation to day resulting from the Premier's tele gram te the French delegates at Genea requesting they ask the Allies te delay delivery of the Russian memorandum until the French Cabinet had been offi cially notified of its contents. The Premier's telegram was Interpreted In some quarters as a disavowal of M. Bartheu's stand en the question of for-clan-owned property in Russia. The Cabinet Is expected te decide te nni! with Heleium en the question of restoration of private property in Rus sia. Seme members of tne rcnen rar (lament are Inclined today te criticize M. Bartheu for allowing himself te be circumvented, as they expressed It, by Prime Minister Llejd Geerge. Gleem in Hospital Routed by Circus liee station. The cause of his death was undetermined. According te the police, Levin was arrested about 1 :30 o'clock yesterday afternoon at Bread and Mifflin streets, charged with reckless driving of a horse and wagon and Intoxication. " I . A FEARLESS BOOK PAGE which tells you about the books te read and these te avoid is the kind of a page which is published every Saturday morning by the PUBLIC LEDGER ProMcuter Aim te' Bring ' Powell and Mehr Before Court This Menth MORE INDICTMENTS SEEN rvlj L- Is. Ind.. May 3. (By A. nth almost half the precincts In Mate reported, Albert J. Beveridge. I leading in the rare for the Repub- sateriai nomination in imiiana vetCB. unofficial tabulation of from 103 of tne mate s ,wa rt gave uevcrldge 81,000 and r,)R,HP ... ta Democratic senatorial rentrst '..M. KaiMen, lermer woverner, aI,.aU,4Mi votes In 7IO pre-- .yjaesa.sMMiaers was aeceau, Continued from Pace One Jilm. At the Inst moment, ns the per formers rnine trooping In, the children of the Clay Public Scheel, overlooking the elg lawn, were marshaled en the fire-escapes. It would hae been ask ing tee much of small human nature te have kept them at their desks. There were "ehs and ahs and shrill cheers as the brightly uniformed band marched te their chairs, and t-heuls of admiration as a fleet of big Public Ledger trueks bearing the per formers, rolled in ever the driveway where ambulances cuter en lets bappy days. Everything In Readiness The canvasmen get busy right away, with their stakes and big sledge ham mers, fixing the apparatus for the per formers In plaie. Then they strctchcl a big red doth ever the grass ami put up a "revolving table" for the clown". Tem Sanger, the clown with the box ing dogs, made himself right at home with the crowd by catching a crippled )uuiiKirr up in nis arms and giving lilm n tin ami n tnnu .-,.1 it... .ti a funny fall into Oie ring. The young sters isugnea and. clapped, but that wasn't really the beginning of the show. This came when the gorgeously dressed band struck up a rollicking air and the clowns all tumbled in together. Besides Sanger, there was Sylow, the funny cop with the red hair and over grown feet, and Austin King, with a nose like a duck, and Gallene, who were n flopping white suit and tumbled all ever the place, and sprightly Mon Men ette. with mere antics than mnnL, The first gasp came wbe ntwe of the Si k . i , If?"""' "aee1. up aresing room" lima ilniSfliBlliliaaaaaM A great deal is being written nowadays, but very little is being recorded or digested. W. Orten Tewsen, assisted by an able staff of collaborators, separates "the tares from the wheat" in this weekly book review. What te read and what net te read is always a question of -deep moment te parents of children and te busy parents themselves. The Boek Page of the Public Ledger each Saturday morning, under the guidance of men of keen and appreciative intellects, assists its tens of thousands of readers in saving their time in reading dress or, as a famous publisher frequently puts it, "merely a mess of words." These critics tell you of the worth-while books that bring you infinite diversion and entertainment in the quiet of your own home that educate and enthrall your interest the geed books of Remance, Adventure, Travel, Mystery. .What book te read? Consult The Boek Page of the Public Ledger every Saturday morning. "Make it a habit." Charles M. Powell, confessed slayer of "Honest Jehn Brunen, and Hsrry O. Mehr, alleged instigator of the crime, mar go en trial for murder this mentn at Mount iieuy. Hnnrama Pniirt .TiKflee Kallsell has notified Prosecutor Kelsey he will sail for Europe In June and that ee win try no murder trials after this month until the fall term of court. IniUetmenla na!nt Powell and Mehr, brother-in-law of the umrdered man, are being withheld ter tne pres ent. The Burlington County Grand Jury reassembles May 17. According te Detective Ellis Parker ether indictments will be returned in tbe Brunen case. He hinted that one or mere women will be involved. Geerge Werner, formerly a cook witn Nninan'a Mlvhtv TVtrlii. Colonel FeratTI Shows, went te Mount Helly today with the announced intention of "beating up Mehr if he could get te him. Werner wns suspected after the circus owner was shot te death at his River side home last March. The cook's name had been given te Detective Parker by Mehr and Mrs. Brunen. Fliers were sent out for Werner and he was located at Berwyn. He estab lished an airtight alibi. Mehr bad said Werner had a arudce sea Inst the show man because Brunen kicked the cook out of the cook wagon. Werner Won't See Mehr k Parker today refused Werner per mission te visit Mehr in the Mount Helly Jail. Afterward Werner asserted be bad told Parker te get after Powell and Mehr. ,, "I also told him about two women," Werner said. "Parker known who I mean. He knows all about them. I would like te get n chance at Mehr. I would bent nlra up. I've lest five jobs since Parker get after me for the murder." Mrs. Mehr again visited her husband at the jail this morning. She brought him some fruit. State Trooper Hading, acting under orders, steed near Mrs. Mehr durine the interview. The of ficials feared she would slip a note te the accused man. Mrs. Mehr also left $100 en deposit at the Sheriff' office. The money is te be used by Mehr for extra meals nnd cigars. Mehr told his wife he slept soundly In his cell last nlgbt. He rested en n new mattress nnd pillow his wife had provided. He said be hadn't slept "a wink" before last night. Insured for $4000 Mrs. Mehr later was quizzed by De tective Parker concerning Charles Mehr, her husband's father, who hits been missing ten years. She said she never met her father-in-law innt understood from Mehr that he started for Milwau kee with $10,000, intending te open :i meat market there. lie never wah heard from ugaln. she said. Mr. Mehr said her father-in-law was aaaa.tt.. Hhe sifdlf'hBsbandhite.lpVhsfii iiIum lfc ,., n t..V. .lVT2 Unite. 'Captain Francis Leng. U.S. k.A has been assistant te Parker t Brunen rate came te Phlladelnhian .te Interview Caeuln of ttttmi: wKin Houder concerning evidence tbe nelle i ks.v.w..se:tce. iUl ". """"w Captain Leng and Cain also intend te run out some leads cxneetml j vclep from the evidence gathered here. Aoter Faints, Noaa Is Broken 1 Rebert Edeson. nlavlna at th. wA nut Street Theatre, broke his nose ia the final act of the performance Mend'S night. At the final curtain. SwamT played by Edeson. falls In a faint at the feet of the reunited girl, and It u In this fall that Edeson broke hi. 7 Despite the Injury be appeased In hk part lsst night. Aute Injures Man, Speeds Awayf .nema rincs, jam west NerH street, was hit last night br an nniM. bile containing three men at Tt,i...J second street and Columbia avenue Ilia's injuries were treated at the Women's 1 Homeopathic Hospital. The driver 'ell ti4v Milt Met St-SkA-l Attil mAjasa-.AJ 1 iuu i.ai uir vti wvvvia wish cwafCUi Cerns? .n 3: WFW1 just say, B!ue?jay te your druggist afoot fain instantly in . . . . . . y,f The simplest way te end a corn ( .; uiuc-jay. j teucn steps tne pain in stantly. Then the corn loosens aad comes out Made in two forms a '.' Colorless, clear liquid (one drop does, ' ttn and in extra tliin ntactra TT... whichever form you prefer, plastera y or the liquid the action is the same. l sate, gentle. Made m a world-famed laboratory. Sold by all druggists. Frt WritBamrttBUck,Chimae,DtpLtu ftr vetuaUt book, "Comet Cat of On Ft." FREIGHT SOLICITOR First-Class Freight Solicitor wanted. Apply B. H. Sebelman & Ce., 127 Walnut Street. .a. -ab. . wfatM fftrn st.rtcnTa. i lAKDlr r and industrial '? ldml rliv for (te .' inrlc Und available. City population MM . rAt"T'U..OI-' WALKS. . - aa & 11 nanua li-uiUlara iKWi Area la.tivv -.-- --- j- -..-, etc. nerland. IM4 Madisen Aw.. New Yerlv-J. ur Ucveiepmcnw Atom, urui.ii euu.m . a 'J KTB.HHIP NOTirES STEAMSHIP NOTICES NAV7SCO LINES Agents Admiral Line ' THK S. n. II. F. AT.EXAXDKB (ferm-rly th 8. S. Orsat Nerthtrn), the flnr-t and tmtut American slilp udeat. will tU for Let Angeles, Baa Fraiirlure and Honolulu Slay IS. De laxr puen-ir accommedutlon-. ran-enceri will sail from Nw Yerk t'lly May St. IS days te Hun Frunilace. Frrlsl't rereled dally at l'lr 10 North (root of Vine Straet). Frslsht for Ileaululn dcUtered without trani-shtpmrnt. Fer Rattt and Information NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. Owner and Aeenti V. 8. Bhlppine Beard Steamer 136 S. Fourth St., Phils. Phene Lembard 579123; Main 7781-2 U M a kitMillfflSI Travel te Europe en the famous French Line Vessels NEW YORK -PLYMOUTH HAVRE PARIS Twe great liners 8.8. PARIS - -33,700 Tens 8.8. FRANCE 24,600 Tens Nine ether splendid 'siel In this m-vIca. Th celebrated culalne, maanlncent accom modation and Miperler eervlce en thin lint hive Ions wen tee pralae of the traveling public, , Fer full tlslalU consult the French lAne Agent in your cUv or write te Emlle C. Geyelin, General Agent 1335-37 Vslaut St., Pkiladelptia t WHITE ITAR r I tH raiDnnrTDi sltirtn AMPTfllf HOMKRIC (new). . . .Mar- S Jane 10 July I '51 ei.YMl'10 Mar IS June x Jin H)i MA.F.STIC (new). . . .Mar 2S June 11 J'JjLjii DAITIC Mar IS Jane 10 Jatr .1 ' CKDRIC May SO Jam 17 July U ' AnaiATir m st Jun tl Jnly N (.t.i.tiu June 3 July "' '1 'JMi .. 'I ?J POOL. NKW YORK T(l A7.HRRM. MADKI UIOKALTAR, AWJTBIA, NArivEB AND UENOA . ARABIC (ll.ttl Una) July S Atf.af CBKT1C Aur. IfKM.tl - rHII.AUELPHIA LIVEK IIAKRV I'lTTkUlmnil Cabin and third cl.t petttarert e-rritt. I.KYI.AND I.IWE . l'HII.AnELVlUA MANCHE8TKR MELTOMA;N May II KIAN 1 MVlL tVORD May S June IS July if1 " lURllI(Mw)Junt It July 87 Ant, It t VRrd Star lim N. V ri.IOVTH. CHEBBOCBO, 4 mMMMgMj tr f rvnmmtx boulewns OABStTU-iti T New Aitriif Flat Staatatj Hcliaec Mar U Jaa li July 11 Ketelata . ...M7 30 Jeb 27 July 25 TB MAMBUIC DIBBCT Saffian mr Tbta lay. by llw pevo peve lar itcamrra M-Mt Claw, Maunt Car raJJUMMut CUattB, Hau. Baytm. Watrttaatbart, -Htb tptcial eabia and iaai-rft1 tklri data tttctutmUtleaa. Umtrd Amxiecan Lmxa, ncc. a aVMaHrar. Ntw Yrk aMar a a-sja I - . rf BERGEN, CHRISTIANIA, TRONDHJEM, STAVANGER A HELSINGFORS Ner. SS "RIO GRANDE" About Mar 12 I. H. SOBELMAN ft CO., Agent, 127 Walnut St., Phila. Lembard 0181 Main 7628 ath p:hi- KROOM.AM May S Jen 10 July 1 LAI'f.AMl May 1.1 June 17 July I ri.-M.i.-si, .nay zi juiy Aa. ZRKIAVIl Jmu Jnlr H Ant. rilll-A.. IIAMHURU, LI HAU, llA.VIU.tr MA.iii.anu (M cine paaaentert eniyi iiay it PHILADEI-PHIA ANTWERP . Michigan May 4 Mahepae '.! Mackinaw .... Mar 28 Mlaaenrl June U oeTni.AMN-..r-.7.:.:r.T!!f.,!!,....M.yif American Eini N. V. TO HAMIUIRO VIA PLYMOUTH AK CIIKRneUBO . . -J MINVRKAimA (.1l ,-ll...Miive4 JuntM MANrill'RIA . Ma 31 July Ii HT. PAUI , June 7 July H. MONUOMA f June 81 PHILADELPHIA IIAMIIUKO . ' .Micnuan tiny 4 Mnheiiiie .. June i ATLANTIC TRN81'ORT LINK . rlIltIKI.PIIIA LONDON . ..I Mucklnan ,,in2S Mlxaenii. . .June i iioi.i.am-ami;h-ea link.. milt Inutntm n.hwiwnr, Kt Illtdrndjk Majrl International' Mercantile Marine Ce. 120 HTKAMKRH. LSOO.OOO TONS Kreltlit OlDce, 405-111 Uoerae UliU.. l'nllt. i AOMMERCIAl ) V STEAMSHIP LINES L PHILADELPHIA TO UOBK. DUBLIN. BELFAST AND LONDONDERRY SS "Kcrhonksen" Mav 23 BALTIC & SCAND. PORTS as oartre offers A Steamer Sailing Monthly Moere aid McCeramtxk, he, ewbrk te Seuth America otiU.S.GevernmentShips Fastest Time le nie iiu Janeiro, MonteWdeo and Buenea AlreH. Klneat ships Amen ran Hftrvlee Amerlcjxn feed Ameri can comlertB. Sulllnb'B from Pier 3. ilobeken. Wtattrn World ....May IT Seutbtrn Crett ...May 31 . American Lagloe , .June 10 Pan America Junt 34 "Fortnightly Thereafter" ., MuntonStwmijiJpIie 47 Wall B.. Ntw Yrk Clsf FBllad-iphl. MRrt. Drtxtl Bid. Managing Oasralers or , H w m .'j ZTGLtTSSS SB&.ES' iwninnU)."IIWi 'I f".V fJ" ".- " , fitaa -aa. TV V'5r'1' r" r ' f t AUjwrK r iAM&&:iMim i.ri,'.a SRf(T", aamasataaaala WWnf'aWipWj