t& OT G4 K5- sy i , ht S- SJ it i V. m W t l-V ft' il-(Ti ' vA KCi V, & L its?" ft n. 9&t tVMk I IM ft ' & ' te, M W fa & ,c If j L'K m a . . K!y Rfi, t'V, im. m i-rewj iMililiiillI 1 110 V Kisy te Drive Tttful te RtnV tn Delivered Philadelphia MMwroem Open Kvenltfca .-v, kDELPHIA ROAMER CO. J4I NORTH IROAD ST. OUR ORE ORDERS fMRmse Your Personal Value t i Am aranf m teunt then data. r plan fnnblfa en te drum well rfiemini irein ine ironing n tort of Phlla. leu pny u Mdtrnte iimeiintn that will net . vftup nrnlnr. nil thniiManila kv been delnr for the peel 80 an. VfeftlTE FOR DETAILS TONIGHT pin. 1933 ARRIOTT BROS. 1111 CHESTNUT STREET IClD ROOFS K NEW ite.Vt.TJ,- C.H ;T,,'Wlll coat Mur reef and Kurant" It 10 E'jTSiW! or will vll the ce-illnn rulj fur u. Cftl Per Gallen or 5 Gallens, $4.50 fek, MAY'S RED READY MIXED ROOF, EBARN AND FENCE PAINT iKJWr'fc h l"' IHrnlile Pnlnt en Knrth ijWt .Pit will mop iaU In a reef, won't wash LefTfand will wear (10) "Jr. , fl' Per Gal. or S Gait., $4.50 t k WBITB riMt CIKCtl.AR ROBERT A. MAYS &&. il242-1244 North 16th St., Phila. fCLAD'S PARERS Pare Expenses aa well at AM Hard Reet 1 V...I.M.. I and make Wealth Frem Waste KITCHEN EQUIPMENT, etc. VICTOR V. GLAD CO. 119 & 121 S. Uth St, PtMriaMAAaWa" laa aa wear met SMALLEST SHOK fjMk BASE and COMFORT who mine MAGUIRES IRISH CORN PLASTER t year feet Urn a peataca atatam, jfcit aatr ht Smi atnteen. Tekt ataer. aaaaainawMMAwwvxorfrettcwoi v. N "TDertt let that uglv , ' itching rash continue , f.Xe torment veu and disgust ethers. Resinelis almost -jure 'r te conquer it promptly ' and easily fyeuYc in deum- Irv it! At all druggists RESINOL ' 5oeihinq and He&Hnq Hair Often Ruined By Careless Washing Seap should be u-ed very care- -fully, if veu want te keen veur buir looking Its bet. .Me-t soaps and ..prepared shampoos contains tee 1. -It ..11 MM.! . .1.1.. . t.. scalp, makes the hair brittle and ruins It. The best thing for stendv ue is -Mulsitied loceanut oil shnmpoe (w'hidi is pure and grt useless), and is better than uu; tiling idr-u Jeu IllUL'll ItlMlll. -llll UrifM UL' can use. ,i . ,i, f..i f a.,. .ji iiiiit it-uni- mils tui .miiMiii-u in u i up or giifs wiiii a little warm water Is sufficient te rlnnnse tlie lintr nnil si nln thnr- I eughlj. Simjil.v moisten the hnir .. i.i. ...i.. e.,.i i. i. i.- i. ...i. ,an ubundnnce of rleli ereamj lather i.llii liiliu tiiii, .ill' ii ill. .1 uiii,i:-i whlfli rinses out easllj uilt iiMinitii every liarticle of '' ' "" ii mm i !' oil. llie m r dandruff and excess dries qulckl.v and evenlv, and It leaves the sculp soft and the linii ifine nnd silky, bright, lustrous, vfluffy und eufy te manage. " Vnil rnn Ltl .tfllNltiml ini-nnnn ,(4 ou Hiiainpoe ai any puurmncj ; us t, t. . . t ... HO. Takea Them Outbr the Re.U v, v Pr'iV v very c",,aP ,n" n lew ounces will i am patlentl) wiiiiing mr hit KF aupply evcr.v member of the fnm- lout In a new pliture, but 1 gue ), & tjy for months. Be sure jour. wait. I'.verjwlieie I leek I sc ll, . verv cheap, and a few ounces uillium natientlj waiting for her te eeme " T" m . m ,i-druggist gives jeu Mulsified. Adv. rt.ji S3 ft, -.,, . , ,, , . H & Milled from the best 3K . wheat I Fleur 57 fi.'.f'al, aaBar "SMCal PWfikMb Bng W:. At nil our Stores iRi . .tJ-" ?' -" ikf'tvV r.s SOTWt? . fT ' ! i ' . . - rce Daily Mevie Magazine aaaBBjaBBaBBE3BTBiaBBHBaBXBHBaBaaB THEY MET AT THE STUDIO I tHMaP - aTjJWm -?''J1'l'llaiaiiaKa. ycjy - - - jlsTaMladaiNFlia. ( ). ' ' aHaaMLaBBBT VB JB V aaBaBWa v V' v " Vfcl B ' aaaTamvJ-aBaBBBBBBBBB.v -BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ BaBBBBBBBBBBBBLBBBBBBBavaBBBBBBBBBBBBI . Ay BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH bbBTSbBHbIbBVWb&bBb " iiafcyafcyafcyJya BUbHV '"ji..B.H '( aBaBaBaH mHLe.bbH ' ' a-BLH JbBBBBbVbVbV S JaBBBBB IbBBBBBBBBbBbBbBB bBTBTBTbT eBTaH aBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK (bIbbH Hs IbbIbbH IbbHB H-B IB m M'''''';'nalBBH BBT BBMBBb fBBBBBBBw' V ' ''nBfBfBBfBfBBl AB BBS bBB " BBBBBBBk Mk 'a'SaBBKi bBKK -,;4v BBBBPbBBBBbBBF3bBbBBBBbBBBBbBBBb1bBBkJ il. 'V W;'K.bb..bbbmI bbW?'"' P'' BBBBBBByi The art of dnncltij; nnd tlmt of film acting nrc slienn above In fraternal poi-e. Iteiidlng from left te right, Leenure Hiiglies, Cenrad Nngle, Agnes A res and Maurice. The latter and 3INs Hughes were fiiliniUng a dance engagement en the coast and Isltcd the I.nsKy ntudle. That they were received ns friends Is demonstrated above THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTERBOX By ITEXItY Betty Bbthe. who Is Hn Phlladelpliia tills week, docs us the honor of joining our little letter ber family. She writes: "The fact that I am appearing in jour delightful city with my new pic ture enabled me te s-co tlie inclesed paper and al-e the article under jour nani. I beg te correct the stateinent thc'rcln made te my little admirer and trust you will take no offense by my se doing, ... - ... 1 i.. l. - nni:iii m uizv uii iiii I-. iivi . V0If H.e m.W le must knew mv age M- 1)p. they gorge then,chcs with plcai & tt'theler'rectiv Ke tlr 'l jJjTJ ..i..... i .- nutiinllv iiftnlii snine an- l-a' "e want everv picture te be Sable aCni',ti:-ft"-uc,ess,in ."'cta ' ,r,oI,ti10arreOU,ltI " " " hC they will all think me net n day under ro,'cre- ninety. That niuces I hope will be! their minds nren t above anything both 'en the screen and .stage, although , bur hokum; ghc them t-einctlilng 1m the latter is my ultimate goal. These aginative or fnntastlcni and they suffer uircer-. as jeu knew, must ueveiepiirum ineiuai lntiigei-iien. e wonder islewlv threugli time nnd heroic effort. I the movies never get anywhere; the and therefore please let me be as jeungj audiences won't let them." 'ah I am when that goal lb eventually attained. Hen sound very unkind, but, tinfer- "I am twentj-fUe jears old anil net tunnteiy. jour statimcnts nre net ex- twenty-nine, as nit state. If you dent i (And that'- what I calls very nice ! 'fpeeinllv the invitation te call. I'm mighty s-eny tliat 1 misstutul MIm I Iththe's age. but it wasn't m fault. 'Ih'c birtli (late. IWk'i. is distinctly given I in the Motlen-I'iiture Studie Ihrceterj 1 nii.l iluit'H where I get it. But I ve taken my trustj fountain pen and cei rected It.) ".Iinnlt:i 1)." writes "I am s-etry rnn ilen't liuve unite Mith n high epin- lien of Temmy Meighan as I de. It ! true that lie lias been blced vvjth .1 . .... . I ..C !.. l.Mf t llttl I nwuii im-uiru lli;n' il nil- . "' " wire that It was Mildred Harris who spoiled 'A IMInee There as.' Her I nUing lacks animation. "Seme one wiltes that Agnes A) res , is a peer. I'll saj she Is. In 'llic, Sheik' she did little or no acting. As I vim sam -in' is an nunuim- .mii.ih n and eff'the sneen. hut, te ife jour ... ,, J i lllinin' einipsn,ii, iii-i - un. . - . I lliive lril'd Id uuss ueiiv t,iiuii en as one of m favorites, but without ' SWiut'( I ereuir i ulilieugn i iuusi givi- ner, or lur acting in i lie i.iiim Minister' and 'I lie Miracle Jinn. mic nlmiist mil one thiatre out of business ..- i . .,.... ti.-t when she plaveil in 'i.auies .mum i.ne. ' Ye gods, that was, some pliture'. There Js something distant about her that 1 ll-illrn. Seme hew or ether she seems le be a rival t.i Mn MncAvej. I think Mm Is ntieiit as charming a little ae. ties-, as there Is en the si i cell, and 1 iK'lleve me de tall tixm me ami sec u " "s uunuue ui me puduu. iimis I luue all my teeth and hearing and my " w get se much helc.m. " 'Way 'liihlKli lin"hter. "n i.iii ami uver tlie a till, two I .?,, , ;" Verv m.i.h Indeed for eC "l0 r-v fk' Pictures artMicallv. f"r Jennlnnr,',ml'Lw"e,UvUltiJn'e" 'lil' coslTr'te'Llu,". '"no I'1, ,l ..h-rr Gerund ni "it - that the eon has anjthing te de with tvvi.nt -nine for ever and Am- n. ,hp arXlsflr , u . ,, J, . think she is jusl as geed as Bettj .fj0p,s :. . .i. (.einpsnu oeiu u leeks and acting. I ' t. 1. . . I ... . I A . .. ss I can set- vvnure t...... f it, .-.tnlitf. ml in snmit n.tt( ijt-iij ' ;u"" " ,,.",. I tress ii chance with some geed pictures niriire. ttn inn ki- -nun- niini tn - i I instead if Bettv all tlie time? She will lUJIHIinillHUIIIw'uear her welcome out with the public 3 ii- ..l... .!.,.. 't ti nt.. I. mi I sntiliiin II full- itt--fn . mil- .. .-..,-,... . , ,ire nngiy beeause I have knocked - r f'.veritVbut I just feel like tight- lug teda.v." , ins (Net a hit angry. If 1 went through a dn.v without having somebody knock my opinions I'd feel as though I weie losing mj grlii en life. I While I'll admit that Beltj s repu- 'tiitlen would seen be ruined with a few I mere tilings like. "Ladle Must Live," 1 I lufufce te admit that there's the slight- I est danger of tlie public tiring of her ' if the producers win give her linll a chance. I don't see that she Ih a rival of May MeAvey. May is a very cleve. nnd fascinating little actress, but she Is best suit. .1 te idles (iiilte dlfferrnt from these In which Beltj shines, i wnnltl nlinesl h.iv that Mnv's Held is 31.. t.i .....1 i ,!,, ti.i. ,i !.., 1 Is. I think Betty can play any kind H - '. P .',,',. -ei vv , & "A Prime llieie Was was such a Cli.a.. fiitfllntii I nnil nl I 111 I lull 14 .11. 1 ti v t ja n, .,....,,.., ........... ..I... , tiitui 9 ll'ipiuc .tjiitiirii iiiiiit i, rt.iu ii I'dt she VMisnt verj geed, wus she.' I'm sorry that I almost have te agiee. with jeu about Agnes Ajrcs' a'ctlng. HI haven't gene se far aa te say it is "bloeey," but that word is still In my try waiuni te. ne. useu. I was AaWKiviv Miv .V.il'! WJ a"" .. '' laxwairt .cv z..t. . s . .A fv- t 5 IJ. ''.v. j. t-.t',sBi.'ryvjin.r,n,.' . t tiaLSkJr..iVfs .l?J,.a fclawav. aMiA--'(n-. u M. NHKTiT prepared te love her te death, hut she doesn't seem te be getting anywhere.) May F. MrDcnnett writes: "Why dn -.e many of jour readers dislike 'The Cabinet of Dr. Callgnrl'V I knew it Is Kan old picture te dl'-cuss. but I don't believe it will ever grew old enough te he entirely beyond discussion. It was a bit of Pee or Maupnssant transferred te the screen. i mill" "Of ceuise. It wasn't true te life. ti.. ,. . . i .. . ... l nggerateu at nil. And tlie producers uig margin et prenr tliere is In Hokum. And it's usually the cheapest stutf te put out. I'm very grateful for the kind tilings veu say in tlie rest of jour letter, but I'd rather net publish them. I've been printing tee nmeh of thnt kind of tiling I lately und It luivn't been altogether i geed taste, de jeu think se'.' But I sure appreciate what jeu iaj about my peer efforts.) RUPERT HUGHES IS Ii PROLIFIC IN ! WRITING FOR FILMS RVl'VAVV HCGHL'S. novelist, dram- j atist nnd scenarist, lins written' nine photeplnvs within the Inst two jears, tour of whiili Imve been mining I the biggest iiieuey-iiinkeiH of that period; two ethers have nearly equaled them In iifiiiiit.ii It v ,iw m..i .... awaiting reliase 'nnd Mr. Hughes Is I ,imM.f diieitliig the photegraphv en i tlie newest one. vvliieli is nt nrescnt I caPli "Til0 itterness of .Sweets." The nine photoplays, in the order of their nreiliic Hen, are "Seinteh Mv Bntk." "Held Your Horses," "Danger ous Curve Ahead." "Tlie Old Nest," 'Prem the (ireunil I'p," "The Wall I'lewei'.' "Come On Over." "Rcmim bniiue " ftlie title of which may lie (hanged) and "Hie Bitterness of '''",: ',''' ,., ,, ''.,!.".?., 5 'Sualeli Mv Back' .-VHHI llllllltM I1UIII-I1 III n lllll 11 1 still popular with exhibitors. Helene I .i,.i.: Li ,,,. ,,, , ,.-,;:..- :. "i t-f-'t .ii nusui ur, n pglstered herself as llins in this picture. cemeillenne of ' "Held Your Horses" rnntnined much "f the humor of "Sciatih Mj Back," hut underneath It wuh a serious pur- POSP tlint of showing the lisp te no. - . . . - Hthnl power of a veung Irishman just i '"' ever. Tem Moere had one of hi. blRSest suicesses as the liishn.an. This was followed by "Dangerous I urve Ahead, one of the best Amerl inn plioleplajs a steij of the humor und little tragedies of evcrjdav mar ilitl life. Helene Chadvvh'k and Billiard Dlx the (ieldwju tillil teJin slnie risen te lenewn first plnjid together in this pieductlnii. "Dangerous Curve Ahead" hns shin ed with its smccsser, "The Qld Nest," in popularity. "The Old Nest" was adapted from one of impel l ungues enily novels' by " ""tUn himself. Mr. Hughes was en the set cver.vdav while ths prodiutleii u1 u,'",(:. "I""''1' ''ni'eirlnB with the '"rector nueu everj step, as nnd been the case with "Daiigeieus Curve Alii'liil. "Held tnui lleii-es ' ant '' latch Mv llmk." "The Old Nest" I eslnhlls bed Sir. llii"lies ns n si-t ,-i-ti wilter, juid it estnb'lshed Miu.v Aldini lls ,. f Hie most gilled aticss,.s f i . . . - I , ,, ,m), -i no oilier nieiulieis of the ins sinned In Mll-H Altlen's lleliliL. Imnm tin the (axt were Dvvluht Ci liii-mli-ii Helene Chadvvick. Louise Levelv, Melly Mtilene. Ciillcn Lundis, Jtichard Tucker and Theodere veu KlU. "Frem the Ground Up" was nnethef Irish otery for Tem Moere and eat - '-J-"s, , xf-y IS I i 'sS V mi which showed him te as geed advan tage as did "Held Your Horses." Mr. Hughes began te take a directional hand In the production of this picture. Hclcnc Cbadwlck played opposite Mr. Moere and helped put the film across. With "The Wall 'Flower," te be re leased the current season, Mr. Hughes did the actual directing of one of his pictures, se that the entire production sprang from one brain. Colleen Moere and Itiehnrd Dlx have the leads In this comedy drama of everyday American life. "Come On Over," . another Irish Mery, but featuring Colleen Moere, was directed by Alfred E, Orccn, under the auther'H direct supervision. It Ih prov ing Itself a worthy successor te "Scratch Mv Back" ns a screen comedy. Ralph Graves play opposite Miss .Moere. Mr. Hughes again assumed director Bflack Patemt or in re Smede Backs If A Perfect Shee for the many occasions when a sports shoe or a French-heeled slipper is net quite the thing. Ameitlher "Wendler1 Yeu cannot duplicate this shoe at our price. Ground Ground fleer shops are selling it at $10. The difference in price is our excuse for asking you te come up te the Second Fleer! All sizes in this shipment. But ! Come early. Royal Beet Shep Tiff. -- m, .J. H'viiiH TJaiaa I 120. r tril.lt; iriiiiii irumut uuj 1206 te 1210 Chestnut St., 2d Fl TAKE KMJVATOrt OR STAIUS L TB.lMlBwlBirllBBssssW "" liBTaiKulllMiitBBBBB U m tWBf ' Importer W g 1624 Walnut Street JM 20 Off m. ySSL en our eP? Jm Entire Stock mi H Gowns, Coats, Suits, fl Ira Sports Clethes, Lingerie, etc. Wg m Hats Reduced ttfl ! no $i5 I Nash Leads tht World in Moter Car Value OVASFll mxw LOCALLY there is per ceptible the same grow ing preference for the Nash that is making itself felt in practically every ether city, town and community throughout the entire country. Feurs nd Sixes Prim rtngtfrim $965 it fijpe,. . b.ftctcrj NASH PHILADELPHIA NASH MOTOR CO. Bread Street at Poplar CAMDEN BRANCH-901 BROADWAY, CAMDEN, N. J. yWtxjtpt it ?l"1 s w iUMWmiA Vfl ,n,i 'JV-'C i.l .1 li ill' I, niimf-iJmmmtm, .MU J 1 - ( I I f - -- T - il 'charge et hla following picture, called 'Remembrance," but the title may be chenged, before its release. Claude GUllngwetcr, Kate Lester, Cul leu J.andls and Patsy Ruth Miller have flirt Innfltntv ret)ett "Tbe Bitterness of Hwccls" Is also being directed by Mr. Hughes. It is in nctlve production at the Culver City studies. JCellccn Moero nnd Antonie Morene hnve the leading roles in tins, the latest of the Hughcst photoplays. NAB INTERNATIONAL CROOKS French Arrest Men Said te Have Mulcted New Yerker of $100,000 Paris, May 3. (By A. P.) With the arrest of Jehn Pincett and Arthur Krncst Cox here, the French police claimed today te have put an end te the activities of two international creeks, one of whose last fields of endeavor was New Yerk, wnerc tucy swindled one mnn out of $100,000.Thc arrest was made at the rcqucbt of the American embassy. According te me pence, me men nnvc lutxn unrklnz various confidence trames all ever the world, selling oil stocks and op oer I V-'V'"'.t iMjbim l .V ' i . .." i,,,: BaaaaBWBaBBBPiBBBBaaaaaaaaiaaBaaaSisBBBSSSwaBaBBaBSBSiSaSsjBBBiBWB II rftMMUM am i mP 'JCV'X'-a.,1..,. IM ? J fj- ..t . , '. (. -MU options en public buildings, or dabbtlnt in sold bricks. The men. were located In the most rxpemdrc suite of the fn.h. ,,. lenablc Hetel Crlllen.. where tlmv uwm busy negotiating the nnlc of n Inrpe Texas runeh. "Larger than the nrincl polity of Jlonace, nnd ns profitable, " was me way mey ucscrieca it te pro pre snectivc purchasers. i New Yerk, May 3. (By A. P.) ,lenn I'iiiceir. nnu Artnur Krnest Cox, arrested In Paris en swindling charges, took $100,000 from Eric Mkegsfudt, wealthy Norwegian, in a horse race bet ting scheme, here Inst fall, the New Yerk pence anneuucea teuay, D Service League Elects Impulse Wells Washington, May II. MIh Louise Wells, of Chicago, was elected president of the Weman's Overseas Scrvlre League nt Its concluding business ses sion here yesterday. She succeeded Mrs. Oswald Chew, of Philadelphia, who vus elected a vice president. Panama Hats Mrnrhtrf, tlleektd and Trimmed In any Ml. We ' n eld te Injure Tour nnt.- JEFFERSON HAT CO., 135 S. 10th Cuticura Seap Imparts - The Velvet Touch ftutttzttiirJ&rsfc. A Delightful Treat Think of a big sugar-coated baked apple covered with Puddine sauce. What could be mere tempting? PUDDINE Makes many kinds of Wonderful Dessert It will please the whole family. Eight Flavers At All Grocers, 10c, 15c Fruit I'uddlne Ce., Huttlmere, Md. through the APOI 1 O 6-U k TIIOJIl'SON srs. rrJL,l-.J MATlNHi: UAII.Y "FOOL'S PARADISE" Addfil (llHld.ir. til tl'I.IN. "I'AV UA" ARfAHIA CHESTNUT Uel. 10TH AIW-MLIA 10 A. M. te 1 1 :I3 P. M. WANDA HAWLEY In "TOO U I'll tHFfc" , ACTnD LIUHTII 4 OinAtlD AVE. rt31vl JlATI.i:i: IMII.Y hWIIMIONV IIKCIIEMTKA SI'MIM. t'AHT In "THE FIRE BRIDE" BALTIMORE n.!' NORMA TALMADGE In "M)K'K HKIII.'MI'TION" BLUEBIRD Kreml ft yuquhaiina Cnntlnunua 2 until 11 i. . (iiiiiririrs martkrpikck "WAY DOWN EAST" PADITOI V" MAItKBr ST. tArl IUL 10 A M. tn 11:15 P. H. ckcii. ii. ni: mii.i.i; pkiiiiuci ion "MALE AND FEMALE" rT AMIAI utn. & Mupleweiid Avaa. VULWINIM-. s ae. 7 unci 0 P. M, GLORIA SWANSON In "Hi:it IUHHMS THADKMAKK" FAlRMOUNT1,,?lr,?A,ve' GARETH HUGHES In "THK HUNCH" ;ATU1 QT THKATKC Belew Sprue. JOiri Jt. MAlINlIi: DAILY HOY HTKWAHT A I.OIHHi: MIVKI.Y In "HEART OF THE NORTH" GREAT NORTHERN WtW5.? RICHARD BARTHELMESS In "TOIAIII.r. DAVID" IMPPRIAI WTU WALNUT STS llVlrHrN.I.'-Mj Mnta S R0 lives 7 4,0 UKdlNMD IIIRKKK I'linill'CTIIIN "POVERTY OF RICHES" KARLT0N ni;." Vf ieN V ',A,b.r. a'el?!? JACK HOLT III "TUI! IIKIM I)VIMHN" I IRPRTY "OAu ceiXWiTa"aVT . llDIlrl I MATINKi: DVILY WESLEY BARRY in "fCIIUUl. DYK" riDICWT Woodland Ava. at B2ar w.v;,v MHaa.uAHiv ( i-uTt neven uita" rt .-...vj. jV? .xii&iiii!S.ALri,TtiS2X vfa... mmm.x.:'wnv jMfflT There's no substitute slk I I'HOTOI'MYH 1'IIUTOri.AYH . fnOTOI'LAYS COMMHY r J piTy ww1 ff&m4R' i ?i - Jt BROAD M SUSQUEHANNA AVENUE Appropriate v Graduation jGiffe Opn Monday, Friday $8.50 Other Grades Frem $9M te $30.70 YEO & LUKENS CO. Stationers Printers Blank Boek Mfrs, ,12 N. 13th St The following theatres obtain their pictures throtie-ri the STANLEY Company of America, which antee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask f ZMaTiZu, for the theatre in your locality ebtainincr nif.,.. V wmT, Stanley Company of America. overbreok rad,vr.r?.ri;" J Kit II MIN KTItOIIHM's "FOOLISH WIVES" PALACE 1214 MAIUCUT . STltUET In A t I., Mil. Ii at PRISCILLA DEAN In "Wll.lt 1IONKV PAI M I'HANKl'OKU avi:. i "MISS LULUNBETT"m:i:T ADIjl.D ATTKACTION Sl'Kl'mhK AC1 S REGENT """! Sr ' $ ANITA STEWART n 'iilllAll TIIK WIND" K1ALTO "V.ng "THE FOUR HORSEMEN .'JiLIJlKAPlH'A I.YI'h W SHERWOOD "$J WVW'Ji WILLIAM FARNUM In "I'KIUl I(V " STANLEY WTZVWtr: AI.I,.tTAU CAT IN PAN NY IICRST'H ..IGJOOPROVIDER" STANTON JiAnKEr Ai.evU tuni n II A M. in 11 -13 ,i M. ELLIOTT DEXTER In "(lltM) l.itf'KN 333 MARKET-rTTTlfiW JACKIE COOGAN In "MY Hill" VICTORIA "'"VFlVfFTW AUDREY MUNSON M III "HKMU.KSS MOTIIH" P.RAMT e-'-! uhTahd avk7 m?mws& nA?'';H ' COMMBNCi: nun PKiiiniiT. a i ( an AND RICHARD TALMADGE In "1IIK t'l'll IlKI'OltTICIt" AT OTHER IHbATRES. MEMBF.RS OF M p t n a" AMBAHAUUK WW'? &&$ P GEORGE ARLISS In "Till.: OKI IV. I ...,.,, SBalfainaa-A..-. NKAT W i:KI(-"THK hiikik'A IV IPF." GERMANTOWN "AWffasST whs; RlllllK'Tlnv 7 Ait) 1'4V1I'' V" hp 5p .... .. ?m.i.u vAsDivrt ..feMifLfSCw.L, 1 VfMlafif Ml STREET l f Wedding and Silver Coffed Sets, three pieces and tray, genuine Sheffield ware, as illustrated $1,1.00. Other Coffee, Tea and Clioc Cliec Clioc elatc Sets that we especially recommend at prices ranging be tween $27.00, $35.00 &. $48.00. Pay $1 or f 2 Weekly and Saturday Evningt Our Special Loese- Leaf Ledger r naaai vr, i Size 914 xll 200 Buff Ledger Sheets Leather Tab Index and Binder 719 Walnut St is a cuar- "IKi IS The NiXON-NIRULINGtHfifc THEATRES UJ BEI MONT "'D ADOVIJ MARKET UL.L.1V1U1X 1 1 30 t 3:0 30 te II P. Jt "BOUGHT AND PAID FOR' CFDAR t0TH ci:uaii AVUNUB "BOUGHT AND PAID FOR" COLISEUM Mttrket let-J0th 80ih wi-ikjc.uivi i.ae nrnl 3: 7 and l P. M. HOOT GIBSON 'n "TIIK HKIK CAT" I UMBO eNr B'' JUHIUU Jumbo Jii tc UIIIAIID AVA nihn Jiln. en l-Vbtikferd "L FRED STONE In "IIIU.Y JIM" LFADFR IST LANCASffcR A' AVS. Nerma Talmadge in "Peppy" Added CHARI.IK CIIAPI.1N, "PAY Hill' LOCUST 0JU AND I.OCUSf HrilKKT ETHEL CLAYTON In "T1IK HAI1I.K" NIXON a- ANU WAHKIJT SfS. ,' ..I j i ana - NEAL HART In "l.l'RK OP (KIMl" RIVOI I r,-(l "nl f'unaum His. DORIS MAY In "KIIKN AMI IIKTURX" 69TH ST Theatre, Opp. "L" TarmlBil u'ln'31' 2:30, 7 and 0 P. U- "BOUGHT AND PAID FOR" STRAND MnA. ;ntaVnMg GLORIA SWANSON In "HKH IIUhllAND'H TIIADUMAllli" ' i ircrrrri pak i u . rit.nr.ii in ri j r-r r crevjN "'" ;v,vrii n nit, RUDOLPH VALENTINO In "MURAN 111' TIIK I.AHY 1MIT" DADf ItlDaii AVID. & DAUPHIN B a i-Vi iuti 2.,5 Evgi, u: i MAE MURRAY um,MmuMV'lt vB , ..,,sjjAe.'tfry1 TrwmEmw wrua 'r$ i M BBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaBBBBaaBBBlBaaa" 1 W.&fei& JSy .V ir.,W mtFftf I j' Ea ii umm bTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSMbIISSSSSSSSSSSSSIbbbMMbI BSSiBfariiBSSSSlBl lallllli la I V i3naiaBBa.aS4SaaaW.aiaS f ,-JaVJ-fci'ai '