ws iaWifaigi rf" ' l. 1. U 14 ft! ? IV. p W AV 'A v s t V lift IV sr ave X-CY. fW gr.iu.' - i Ltvr s txy... -x " "W " . n xfvkf-1 a I ESTATE FOR SALE l"'8- WHHT Pllll.xllKt MUX jtara-e'ebedreeuia.t hel.watr heat SSjJfL1.,J,f!ll,r()wl,ul1 fleer. basement 5;,Tiht, kncaiai.' Jehn jr. j:mur. L PAXO.V ST. Airtight, med.'m. het. l,:n,'nl' electricity, hardwood fleer?: pf.ncM i e ner leaving rltvi muit ill. MAIN RT . hand. n u..... ., . ;-- - - - . .. m piu urn bi. inn.. Sly done, ever, Inc'eetd perch, hardwood ,"". ''eis nei-wniep next. M. ENnUHtl. -V.'07 Raltlmnr. m-e. kl.;wHSi'n m reMentl-il nelirhhnrhoeit: entirely r.l'ArWW1?.1 """U"I UV nt neon. ' cm,r,M r??JKTa!!t ' rN"""" (:" Pxlllmer nve. LiljAKKn A SON. r.J 1 and Baltimore Yw. freftfj $ i.5.'8, TEWUEM. ST. (Sfltli and CcHr) iW WSi T..h'.U.? fJv. .ll,h, hnnlwne.1 fleer. -JW)-?, JOHN I'M. KXIUIRtl. ,1.:07 Baltimore nvc, iv. -eH 4au i--iii.-i.ev-i,.rL X .'-. .... .- . .? - t i, v" vr.!i,",V"v-,,J ' . " ,wi a rms 3 bath Kvij -La rftlwV .- .... rj '" m"hi iii.suneni Wlifi M' AMAN SONS, 121 Chesln-U l. ," 8000 On Atwood readi modem 2-story ,' ni.,,2", .with garage: owner rn pre-nls ' ; Qrbrnnk nan;, or 01 rr -7er lllilg lay H7').1 .".r4! LARCHUOOD AVI rtn . tnmlem : 'TV nmintvnthi , i tCltv . i"'10!'- only $,,1n0 eA OBBBNWhl.l. DUR.SAS. 1-i s .-.'I . 7c' 1 ';MABKET- KT., M10 store and 2 apart- lain he-it ee,trllts- le 110 000. 'dEjn'"' 1210 rent! !lD,0O0j easy terms.," J M ntOS'l.'Flllt.Ti W-ne 1M K?OQai!iiiiJLJS2dttii I Simen UAKtlAINi re"Mncr with 7t'SM".JKFKllKSON ST New dwrr . S lanre 2'i arret Inn I, nir etaflin nnd trolley. tv3n,iv.,!Sajvm"- "" ceneulence: irarnse. AppU 'jjVfAi! MITCHKI.l. 1 iVrricut Vl'l MARTi:n T The. -t. .,t .1. monee 11 rm elrlttly modern let 20x!M ri. H alll.T.t'Ir 4 it. t ne a .. . ..- . - - - - - - ' - -D nui J, P'-lIll !' vxleJ .18300, with garage- Inclesed perch: n.w nnm. .-.kit u'Ih.... ... ,. te Chester e, nnd neth st rar 144002 Btery Or anil l.f.ft. Bt. U..-1 OOlt fl. K.nhjiiv X i-pt.i n,-. ,uA..K... " - .'. .'i - ' iii-i inn KA00 2 sty., xr. nwl bath, rlee . h w , nr - , 1c,v. Kershiw & .Cigjt J12inciietnut. MODERN COKNIin In Sherwood. IC000 poeslen. HOKCKLi:72jH a-'.l st 184 CHRISTIAN ST Tue Hen "mS.I. .11 A. F. Ilrnmi l.lnenln ling prti Tut: ,J?.t!1,t:.1?D!..ftJv. modern nw price rlaht, . A1II.1E1I ,Hlft! N ,',.M t. nelment 077.1 184 CHRISTIAN ST -Twe HerT ine.leTn" A F Hnmn Lincoln Hide Hmiw -:ai 1 llnllillng let 'BUILDERS' Ripe creund main nnd side street locations In best West l'li!ln-llnhla ie tieni W EAKI. IOVKERS , 722 S .-.1st .1 (IKRMANTOWV OERilANTOWM, Cij W. ShtrpnacF t )-S rooms, Perth, excellent location- bargain HtKK. Judsnn and Indlam 01 E. WIS TEH ST store ami div-lfm-." eke.- vacant, let JOxlei. wuiih invcs-l- tTatlng. Denne. 3(137 Otn n. Tleg.i il7ll OTN. flreene nnd Tulp. nec-itcn sts , l7-it location In tltn.: attractive homes, wi.h garage Dreby A. Evnn. ion? Moceln Hide W1.--1. kMij i.ena i.; s st., rms . e ec , pen., laundr- l'i square from tram and trolley; early pest Sn2.10. tltn. .tlj."i W. 'i l.tlti N 840 CARLISLE ST Twe story 4 hedrnis.. ST Twe story Sleep 112 DCh en second tt . Ikln? rm ..,. Jnr rm breakfnst rm. and kitchen let rt bargain, price Jl,000 HARRY C. ELI.EIl. 1338 Ruscemb st 4818 N. CA.MAC ST Livlrnr ruem eTnTrTs room, kitchen laumlri 4 bedrisun b ith ien. billiard room may be puichad al a reasonable ururn for qui k sal J j iltartlev. Park and Olm-v n IVviimlnir 2011 4840 CARLISLE !jT Twe ster lb--.l x room. HlevMnij perch en second floei living reim dlnln; room Ireiltfast re-un and kitchen first fleer, br;?atri prlce $00i0 HARRY ' 1VEI.I.ER Ml Hus.enib st 4878-70 N. 101 H epp pnrk, perch 7 rooms h.-w. heat, elec, hdv-d floors, near train relley; easy t. rms .Cooper. Qtn. 2022 J. t07 ROOSEVELT IILMi Twn-sterv perch. front dweillnx 7 rooms and ha h ls2-e WM. UNDER I.IVX I'hestnut et 7 ROOSEVELT IILVD TvCp-sterj- Perc"h- front dwelling, 7 phuii and bxtli l"-.'0e. WM. UNDER. 13."' CJie.tnut st OLD IOBK RI and H.iiilevard--htde, all inmlern. WEIhJIAN 4 .MEI.OIN. WOO N. Bread st Wv emlnc 41'") 4808 N tell! r six rooms and bath, dec WM UNDER l.l.'S fh-unut st 4808 N. 13TH ST - Six rooms and bath. elec. WM. UNDER 132S Chestnut st. , OI.NKY $5200 EACH 4435 te 1440 N. 3d st . new homes. ! rooms, bath, het-water heat elei.trli.lts. perch, 120 120 feet let: garage privilege OLNEY REALTY CO. IMP X. Sill ST. XAYUMIMl ; 128 ALBANUS ST. HthjJSRtV ,Bix roemH. tlte bath. het-Hafr heat. fpc- trfelty. hardwood Meers throughout? excellent 1 oration. nir train and treltei. ARROW IEALTT CO. INC., .123 W Olne y nv. 117 OLNEY AVENUE Twin house, 7 rooms and bath het-water l)at. ARROW REALTY CO . INC.. 523 W. Olny ave. NBW RUSCOMB KT. HOMES, between 21 and 3d at . 1 b'eck north of Roosevelt boulevard, rt rooms and bath, h -w. heat In- eleJH perch easy :erm. EMU. P sl'AlIL, 82QT N. 3d st. Wyoming 372S J I7J0I) Pretty borne with perch, rooms and bath, let Inxlll near Frent and Tatmr itxiad. electric lights perfect condition, open Sundu.i. 1111)1)1. i: 4H11 S' 3tli st. 8tll N. 3D S I" Det.iLhed rein. let 75xn 10 room and bttli entir melrn. ga raae; shrulib-rv Itl.nen. c. lulling H03 Chestnut si Walnut 11 US swoon Courtland st. water heal, perch Hunday. RIDDLE 4H at Boulevard. 0 rooms bath, 1 N 3th st. het-open OAK LAM. V AAK LANE A: BROAD N E cer - Vll- atone del. dwg , test end H rms 2 bathe; choicest cer In Oak Lane will e--Il at great sacrifice te right Party, 'real lur gain. fine lte for physicl in shields QvHi Yerk rd OAK. LANE PARK Fine med sin ill-family house Inew) ler 2 baths, 2-cnr gar , baautlful grounds, let imi.-ji,", -j st fronts, 1 don't fall te see this sji!ebie ,,,e) Yerk rd, MOUNTAIN AVE be. i lty line ibet. train" t. trel.) 14-rm. .tone, med dwg 2 oaths beautiful cend , large let old shad . choice prep'n at med pru.e. Shields dmiii Yerk rd , 44T N. 13TII ST Dtache,i heme: let 30x 4, 114t modern In every resjeet 2-ear garage 1 Immediate tmssesslnn price for quick tale, tlT.SCO. Phene Oak Ijne ODOOJ, IRVNKIORD RANKFORD Modern Engll.h ifvelllngs priced low cenv. lo-atien Pilling st.. bet - Orthodox an4 Arrett sis 2 lilm-ks -vet of lSpankferrf ae till. Ttnvl-'-, ciriife. tlr.hv A Evans, inn? Lincoln Hide spruce 7311 iuvjucrt I'-reum ueiai n n nweiiin.. name hardwood floors open fireplace third fl -or apartment, best location near l.vat'd prl- e IIP BOO. I H2 J Pcnn si 3304 N. 1ITII st 3 sty , P. W. Dealie -11117 H' ' nd h id rive T i T()llltl.s),; :; I AND 5 ACRE TRACTS $T3e per acre main readt mljeina golf ilubs C. T. BEKCHWOUp LIU Arch slir 7HJ-' Mlsj?'-,e,Uri. MUST BE SOLD H52S Terres.lalc ave Or bath, perch med garage privilege poss "WEBEL. 3212 I rankferd ave O n eti 17 PENNSM.VWM Mill HIliN IS ACRES betw.e,, NorrlHewn and Chest- ! nut Hill, trolley, main read; count-)- club well-Improved surieundin.-s; main dwn n ' of 10 room every kinwn modem lenven , lenee; tone cottage farm outbuildings, mr. varieties or matured shade, u. suburban ssriass home nallv for s-ile. BHOWN & CIX)l a succeeded ty Clayten L Hre-v-n 41Eat Main st Nurrlstewn Ja 8 ACRES lainsdala section, main Vead frontage, comfertsble N-ioem stun, due ' ln; unusuallv neat outbuildings of every Inscription, vnrleiy of fruit hlgh-spee.1 tl-c-tfle and steani, walking dUtanc i! BROWN CLOUD, Slirceedtrd bv ,.'. Clayten L Brown i ,! "H E. Main st.. N'errlstnwn Pa KSVOOLONIAL farmhouse 12 IiU-'i ttvl outbuildings, 50 a e&irtUid.'n State highway, t ncSaani-clve Innnedlule pesi rooms larg-i barn acres of line ieei his is u ire-ai utiv; possession, must sell Kw; 1 100 OTHER FANCY BARGAINS V&- ' I1ENJ T. EVIS . I'.'. tIITrpll 1MJ tf 1 1 xx IIA PHONH MBlVA43U '18-ACRE'cdUNtRY SEAT Br. 18 MINITES FROM BROAD SI Ml L-Ar, s ilnn. Huelllnff. 3 hatha lndl.1 L'liraC kSf1 te.I grand old shade reek front, beailug h7?.. fee & mile, ru re iniiiei tunll v tu II i ura a real atone Wiric..Ht -qntry home veri near PHIIa i-noie tW.IOT'O P. PF.I'KRS SON IDS CHI HTM T SI' JENKINT0WN . ,ner t III e at reduced price stone floielilal detached rcsldeiice, exclusively le Bi 7-'i;i -"-"-- - r--. -,..... :..' n ....i... , -vJiat: large let; eeuru una, eauis n-i 'fi'j skenr- modern throughout . (OllVenlent tU possession. I' 1510 Ledger Office. Vf.lCYViJrAWI house. 211 rooms, bath, vv Ids nd larare lawn. 14 mile of ereetl acrts of laud, this would take u en or inurcn unmet iuw price ter i Imiuedlute posHessleni 1011 oilier it bargains. Plieii; .Media 43)1. BeliJ, T, 21 eiOUIII HID,, Jiriiui, . i., I MORE 8UI..1C0; North Bids; attractiv-s iiiiiH-Hnu-niiiei9 rrsiucnei, t IP, hardwiaxl Hours, hoi-water heat, elec rtiahti let tl,1x2i)(i; garaite 2 car. it.. LAMB CO. 737 Walnut st. ! - JRNR. 28 Sfillbeiirne ave. S.-nil- Curr ir-nruiii uwuiuna. nsi-nsisr Lf KUS fat. .r...l iMllfAUl..' K . s . -. T-;." -r -ii-i.- ivfeifTBieai nil ' wiHiiiterHtl t 1M;JaiK.t)t;.-', Ill i Tif..i ..1 REAL ESTATE TOR SALE Tkxnhvi,vani mniRiiAN REAL COUNTRY. YET CLOSE I O I Ilk t'l acre! 2-room house, nil conveniences; sleeping iirch. garage. hnii-: fruit , small stream; near tre lev nnd stn ! la mile out, c. i'. peters son, cm chestnut st, itEAl I'lFLl. home in nam iv, lale t tmpr i cer : 12 r.. brick, h .vv. hen'., .1 mln. te Irnlti or trnitev-j 2-tir garage, price rea . pit.remtln en intge Apply premise .1 Iliuliec, cer. Kehblr.i nnl Sloutemry me. H. cmili'Q, r i 'Or n Phn 'l'h' i Yl OLHi; uprlnchoure. linn new nt pure nntel! uvrr H rru uf lmiit. a rerniT wltr Ifln It fient en Wert Chnnter Pike! tlnt Ir Mtmtil, IiulniM or liemc Bite. V 13J1 r'lifr Offpf. j'1000 IlarffAln" 10 room injldctiM. Willi J llrtfi n lullil lunp nfntletl tin I IfOlk'S churclffl. Fterpn Hnil fi-IiihiI, nt Miillrt I.JIHS 3:0 , iili Wnlnut t TWO beiutjful dterpi ntnl iitMrtinflilD nil Went i'IipkIt ilk. mil ilruuglHt ntid ivil nTrkt retilil r rntlnir fiivs 4V ucHSKi.i., .10:1 n-ijntati hm. NKIV fliinurbtin (lr,leim',nt en Wist I'li'trr plk, will ifl'" ihIhI tnrualli te flrt tnw hupri: let f.Oxl.'ii. nil lmireininl"! fptnl for ylitn lj IliHI I ilg"r (irtlec TWO bcautirul tteri-i itti I al)iirtmftit en Wflt Chpt"r nlkp. nutt druejlut atnl mrit mnrui: reii'iu"' ritmtur. rilAg W lU'SsKl.r., SO. llel Kutal- llliH K'NO OF l'l'.l'PyiA Heed location for rati ,f ntnui 2 r wlih K-roeni Iie-jm. Churches. terei nn-1 cneils. at Media. I.A.MH CO.. 7.17 V-lniit st GLENOLDEN ekly. 7C3J. nr.f.ciiwnei) 1.111 Arch mm. i . . - - - -i ----.. , - TWEVTY-ONi: AClir.H. O-room hetie, barn, geed water Hldne ne ia mile alove Clty ,lnc. trelle deer. JA1 T DIXOM 1.114 ltldtfe ne fwTVT HIT nnswher- until ve,, see b-autl ful l.archment I.VI feet elevation CIIA W Rl'sir.l.l. HO.-. ReTl Estate Rids llnllillng Jjttt UeSiTyN PMIK" ,iIh) Oleiislde Train nnd trellev let 120 up waler, ei electric medert? hiiim-s vltli larve lets IrfOOO up we can save jeu Xl,"0n te $3000 v rite for book er and plins of houses, suburban I. and Ce , 2ii'i-, tierm-vntewn ai i-non l'la it.i.l 2 Hulne Preperlleii and Stere NEW business site-, in heirt of Ulenslde, Ideal location FERilt'SON JOHNSON. 2ilS1 Oermantewn ave Phene Diamond 71.13. MUN l.l.NT Meal home slt-s. let ,"014", .ill Imp near train and trellev Mtin te !.1e terms C T I'eeihwneil. l.M I Arch st spiucc 701 J t - IIRVN .MAWR I1RYV MAHR 3-aterv, 10 rooms. 2 baths, car lire, let 121x130, poss financed OLt .IA MAN'S SONS, i h t hcMnut at. 1-.100 Attractive smill home l -tatclled. giad order l. E. sellers. 1201 Chestnut. CURIUM) u : lliilldlns Let cOltlllNDALL Dei,, (-0 t . N W of llh live let .Mx'iie sunei-i s ". DVMS ltlH WALNUT ST 1RKKI. 1111,1. ALL-SI ONE stucco house s rooms bath 1 laundrv. het-water he-vt. open fireplace, electric light hardwood floors, let 7.1x120 ft. FRED T LEWIS fill Merris Illdt- ni: en IIUIII remnumllrK location ecai-t 0 acres w itli Mtuare Colonial stone beuse, i-enter hall an-1 usual rooms en first fleer, -.evernl i hame-ere 3 bath", ee trie t het-ater heat .stone .table ned irarauc great quan tities of fruit. 11" 00 f M FRONEFIELD Wavne. Pj. EI.K1NS PARK LLKINS PK Te settle est Ashbourne rd., bet train & tre!., 14r (.1 baths) stone dw , h -vv. ht etc , large gar ..beautiful Burdens, tc Igu let hartaln shields. fixOU lerk rd NEW. Colenlxl tpe. en cer. let. In rms. 2 bxths, het-water heat, hardwood fl rs: cenv te train or trel flnan te suit McCor McCer m'ck A Mccormick Lincoln Xie or Blklns Pk rKRDtV PRK '? . Ti '.?dr'!. --room cettag all cenv.; let -0x241) neon lash req. poss. nt once, bargain W S Ulttle. Swnrthmere 111 .1 GLENS IDE Ot.l.'NSIDE- A home w'th spacious creunds. teautlftll tree. nn,l ih-,,!.!,.-, ...... ,..! and trolley splendid surroundings, large. I ittractlt. living room with handsome stalr- , ''. "","" "" mnnegany trim througheut: elcrlc, h.-w. heat hJwd floors, large 2 ;.l0"..v"""f.: Priced at 121 000 HOWARD " u P. SON CO . 2122 Oermantewn ave. THE HEART of riipniM. .,.!. tr. ..,,- epenir? or .-.nn fi... i,nai.... -iK. .nn.i tn particulars FERUL'seN A JOHNSON "ilSil '.ermantnwn ave Phene Dlairend 7113 LUPUS. ii'S'vena .1 ,.i , . HKilll. VM PARK I Hfi'irr av-,. ,..".7.7 ; III .HIwVND PARK Inlrvli w uve dt. dwg ii rooms tiled bath open ilr'tl.u- l ;...V7-T.r "'" '-" let .inxim II s -ii i.i i. it 1 1 s ,-,j lt nr,,nt 0773 i HlOHLAND 1MRK Modern shlnne buiiira- low. .. ri.mis nnd lt 311x11.1 177.1') Qe-i I, Birn s i-.nt cbesmut Walnut li,1 ll.)lillM liriC.IITS llnllillng I tit HORSHAM HEIUlirt (near Willow Oreve). Neshamlnv Fulls 30 .0 choice bldg. lei. at train jnd trellev. j,10 up free title In suratie cajy lay men's Send for booklet ana plans of modern bunguluw. Dlu. 1S00. FERGUSON. Frent & Yerk .IKMvlNTOHN lllllldliu- let 75XHJ0 IT lltlne, every liiipievement - stricteil development; rntnk. Jr nklntewn. lA.NsimlVNE 1'INEbr leexunn In Lansdowne. new Cole7 nun large ,t 2-cir gxrage, .-, bedrooms. het-water h-at haidwmal tloers. 2 baths. La lie' ' 'JIllliIT'' N-itlenil Hank llldg. NEW COI.ONI A', dweliliig mnUertTthrciugTi . ou,. . bedrooms let 7"xl2": neai trolley 'O tilth st . IIL-llill i-l I 1 -mv Tl-T-r- 1-1 ll u ."-..' .v.. .....,... . l.uns-lewne, AvclVTl Open today sh big home near train and oheols arge let 3 ar garagi S le-drwrns 2 iiuhs, hardwood flieirs first and second tllilFFITII ...., r- . IHHTK wee va. ue 1 een Null Hank Bids, LvnNdnwne aLHiitiix.s i ,ni" I) r-e ns lei ilOxIIO. ' inn- gsr'iri s7u0 Ajplv Henry P )!a It i.reepwe d Hnd Oivin lives or i r. Premies ,-,J ll.Tkl. v LAVSDOWVE 10"-ft Tet "im improve) "Tests JIOHO up cer $1200. will build for I in hssirs i lay tun .11 s I.ansdewne av op-n Sunday Phene Luisduvvpe 1071 - Mr-niON 2 I IIXVE desirable listings of improved reil statu at various prlcs and carefully re stricted building lets at very reaaemlb e. iP'Icea HIGH s WALKER 025 Land llt!eBhlg Sjiruc 12.17. 100 C MO.f'l'trt.v" restricted building lets all street Improvements high ground 13 minutes from Bread St Station Hugh s Walker 1121 Lan I Title llldg Sp-uce 42.17 N Mtllhltrll J'iarkVVi d'nTeVnlan"''!' bidroeini Jfi& pesur.! eMeUeAnd lien own" LL:- II. LOW (IROVE " - - IRACT MI ST HE SOLI) THIS SUMMER Bundled nn-1 t xtv bu I ling lets one him a we.t of Willow Urevi Park 7 mlnuies te tialn nnl trel y pr.i n 10n up nilesni. n wearing wh te Imdgr nt trll waiting rj un Yerk rd , Sundays in M in - .j .t-irn m pr itsisltlnti n siie 0f ihei Ien, Gee 11 ltumferd 351.1 Germautewn u... l.1.fir Hll",-:,- WWW. IIRTTtn llelltn, .V " '."'".."'.','"'. '"r. Y ' .rl' ",'..t.r I " " '. ,,l? J" nn shed ur fifth home n, .. exe, t.iiaNKFORI') AVE V. a t ah , Alnelit.l ilun ' h,a 11. O . ... .. . ."" "Villi I --. in tin.Ti ii-.ii.iun ihi-wi nriiiinK. iiii-i- euiifiing mere The home-i hue n - i - - weed fleer tmnuahnut tlled-ln tubs. . rooms, vvlte lara-e bath nn 1 ..11 e. .... ' nnt' s h-vtj ...iierte.1 nnv section of Tlillx.: Lewers .full partkular- by mall MACUA.N. ' l," i,c.,ffi- ,,?, ,h "he. U'L.7""V. H , M&1?.. LTi'.'f J;!,m2 .la7 f seu are net i-h ,,i . L0, 'N cerncr "re'ld -na I JrB- h;-ater hardwood finished floerV"'"! t re t n prempr results (.end me your lease 1 h-sinut.ts. large Ain, dry rcln-.. in letr 43xlun c-Si '' x "Mv, B2d st nnd Snvder av- , AM XX PARK IflenV's'SlSulJ?'' "peas'xn't1, SS," ' fcASHn'""8 for, nt,es tleftviJ mmr I reundlrcs wlih h.iir.,i .(..ii 'S"??.nt ur- , VyrUn,,,,,),,,. utl results. McCANN allmin rarAN i THE DOO-DADS Even in DoevillePias Will Be Pips V fl . An TViE HOST COMICAL . Tvx hJ' X TH6I6'NT) frfcAWb!' r " H A -' -Ji-CLOWM IH CAPTIVTY. "U HJL.C- vTV V PART OF '(U'&itW ' X HEY IN, "5K J P VxrlySVl (P' IN THEIR FAMOUS j If LWNfr CSfSS C VA ibL CS ;, 'VV VjgABALAriClrVx FEAT. Wr rXf j dan ! rOVAC THPCT " CUI2SES! M . ImW -zfflwMm -yiwwi ' rssaMk jycd n.Tii M4ikfe REAL ESTATE FOR BALE rKNNPVl.VAXIA -stllltllUtAN villa nova I . IiXj iiuiUl'Ii tlL - l.,tl,lle. ( site, iikl'ier ncret'lilgh ground! near sta Ien' nil c tuenlmc-.j, eM nhatle. VM. C. 1 MiiiiniiiV 11'tn i"httnt t w . .Jvyv ji:iui;v"-sriuminN ' MOVTlM.AIIl n7".I 1 Half-lirlclt CelnnlMl. 1 irst ffoer nerpptlen rmll. IIMrc toem, ipn flrpla"e, illnlnc and roep-n kitrh'ti nnd hum oirlei, I t cend lloer riirM lurj . Iitlulit lirdroemi, I if pine well medtn llli? Inlh. ImllMn llx. I luic? nml Kliewrr. 'iei.t location, btdutl 11 hailil itriiiiml: tll.VU raN0nible tcrtni 1 1 1 rtMpunulbl" pin I lWUI. if I IKCIlllIt rijfalrjJIJiljjTpl .Mentrlnlril.'-.() & S".2 M. I Al)l'lnj.V. .V ,I.-.w " biinnfevi "unit reiip-t for mle, fln locjllen: cennlint .ruin np.I trolley, from I7.'m1 te lUTOH, at sour ti rm. If ou nre looking for all I n can k"t for Miur money then ztea m be I feri; you Mi . (let nt lur at l'lne ut. nnJ walk ine nitnrex open sunJay. WM.MMIAA &. tl.Wllir.l, Cor. 4lh nnd I'lne ls . AuJulun. N. .T. Hell phone. Hn.lrien IM,-M II n y. MIIN'Tl IMIl. -V. .1 ,V I nppertunltj tu puri!iae charming Colonial home ailjeli'iift 1'ark street First fleer, tenter hull illnlnt; room, kitchen nnd panirj, iare in inn room niM sun perch. , S-veml fleer, 1 Udroems and 2 bathn. Tnlrd noer. J bedrooms and bnlli! erv large I nreund. S18 ,"ini, preleuslv held at 120,000. 1'AFI. 51. FISCHKR ' Theatrt. llldg 'lei, il-'IQ. SS.2. M Meniclalr. CLUB HOUSE ON nni.AWAHU RIVER H room. Including bath with shower, all eem., fulli fnrnl.'i.d bll'lard table, canoes etc., garage luatlieuic, shade, Urge lawn fine beach, 14 miles from I'hlln. Photo. t;. 1'.,,,1' sovieniESTNti-r st FOR SALE at s,urlnce, a 5-roein aral bath bungalew: cempleie with Karaite; cement driven at and walk: all modern Improve, rnents; basement, elec lights, etc.: fi mile from Atlantic ; ty Owner leaving town rea son for selllnc. JIut lw sceti te be no predated. Addrest lie-c 3.'. 1'hone 13.1 .1. 1 Fie santvnie V t N ' L't"JlJP"Jet .?. J AMIIOTT Is w.iltlmc te Shew 10U II home, I t-rms. AuJuben, pp. stn., open dally nnd sun-lav. CUUTOV HiiMiltng 14J Ul'Il.DI.VU Uirs, 21m 00. I,1p en easv- monthly pivments, mnnj corner iets can tlii r llO llhllLlniri. Iren.l f, l.n.u. ." ' Bl,! IMini'llH i All will start JOU Am! t-l be llhlnlnid. Blind fnr l,,,t.,u I :.i'"" ""'! clubs, near a. lake, gee I commuting ervlce Appli CLAYTON HOMi: AND UNI) CO rknV.Vre;,'; VuV"1 Merr1"- ph"i: JMHJLIN(IMoej) HBTTitn homes" ,...... ...... -!,- iiit-a, 11V in: mnmiA i - - . . . . i.i uiese nnmes ere je'irs for a amnli nnieuni , of rn.h down. Terms m ranged te suit? r"- ics.ien at once. t-aii -, u, l0(lttv ad Sele? 5.0'jr . future home. IDE VI, llt.Dn J!SX r.EALl.l CO.. 102" Had Ien ive. r-niV.:ri weed. N. J. Hell phone s.'l w Heme, i S7, te order ......,, 'iTI.NAI. PRK riir.Ei UrA plell!1, I"'""'""; from 11000 up. '.rIhr.lp,-,l?j.un'1 -Ie"lan ave., or l.'IJ 1 rankferd ave (jnr 0037. see Webel or PITH N SCMXIER COTrAOE, 4.-, West nvc. 3 ..,. leuiiis nimiern. evtn Iei . furn - cna i oxtler Deme .10.17 Htn. ave Tin 0734. RIVEUTON NEAR RIVER AND STATION" TO HETri.E AN P.-TATE 13-ioem house, gnrncs with studio nnd heln s room lt 7.1x10 te re-r street-shmia PETER A son mis JIHESTM'T PHI LA. NEW .IER K UKAMIIIRE rAl'K .MAY TWO 1st net) i-ve near beach, lets 17C) and mum oep rRr.sT INEW up te-date cett.-we bungalow 0 rms, Uvth. with Irdlvldu.xl garages, price 13100. Palm reed unci Pacific ave. wjnie roan anu t-nuaneitmia ave t :. . . 4t wl K rr'" imv tu iireuuses rtunuay, ei Fuld, Mtsire K Cook 321.1 H st. Uar 04S3 Kensington and Allegheny nve Phlla. I I'KNNSi I.VAMA KVRMS , FINE FAR.M 137 ACRES; 17 miles asphalt I reads te City Hall. Phlla.. owners res. d-nre. el'ctrlc lights, het-water belt, open fireplaces, beautiful lawn and shade ex-, , tended view-, large stable and carriage house. modern cow barn. I" head, tenant houses. purest water In nbundxnce nil i ecess.iry buildings, m tenia m reads exch slde nnd through fa-m 140 een Buildings could net, be replace! for !0 Ota) FARM, i 202i N loin si. Phji i IM I ATTRACTIVE FARM HOME for sale at reasonable price larRe, modem, stone res- . Iilcnce, with nslistns reef, plate glass, hot het water heat, pipe-1 and vvlred for gas and I electricity, bath, het. and cold wnter. 77 acres under til ace. 10 acres lavvn peach ph ana app e orcnare 3D acres meadow, il ncre woodland large barn. 3 floors, stalls ,or ll lories and 21 initie, garnge and ether euibulldlngs. ln-mem tenant house. geed readsrfevery convenience, 113 000 Bex B, I.nngherne Pn. 1 hone yi M , - SlM.MI - .il PLACE for cuirtiiuter, 2 Bquires te sctui iKill Illviraiii. I'enra Iv mln Rill- I read deiirt. me fare Inte Nurrlstuvxn; delUht-' ful surrounding", buthliu-. iKiatlng. itshlng. 20 miles (entiril 1'hl ndi Iphla , iractlcally in vv 7-rei.m tett-u.,. bungalow, bith. elec- read rlenf t. tncin- heat iiressur. water rv stem, nearly it r. ureund frultt cry n 7y rare at 1I7SO. i Di talis through REE.-E . 1.1NDER.MAN. Ale an-l Church sts Norrlstewn. WEST CHESTER stone mansion 1 SKCTIOV 17S acres. mom but 14. net- wnt.r beat gis lights 2 tenant house hav- . liu ni'.-lern cenvenlenc-ej large double-dei k lam cemnt floors, running water te iach row- of 1 livs watir te ill buildings fiem 2.1 en1) gillen rese.-v dr hjdrnullc ram pump Ini 30011 irnllens dnlly horse bxrn and all nieasxiv e-i-liulldlnc"- 4n acria fruit In ceni.rcr' -il t-i-inc 14n fiOO J M FROVEriELD. Wavne, Pa. FARMS ST R 1'fULA 10.1 acres near .ion real electric lights; house rooms at j bitn large stone exrn, f..nct. 11', lien I .'.". r.i-res. ten i read, med-' ern bul.dlnKe e eetrK llt.lit. 31 acres Uran dy m ine nea low near statien: j.v uuv A L HM.1KMAV West Chester. Pa 121 ACRES iii-i"iiff main Pike nnl trolley, very M: 'lv itlen. ordinary stone farm I bul'dlngs. a t rnetleal rroiesltlon at 110.000 nnd will lieatet in Engllsh-speaktng com cem niunlti HRuWN 4 CLOUD succeeded by CIVITON I. BROWN. 41 E. Main St.. Nor Ner Nor rlseown I'ii , i.i ACRES ma n Pike high laying, subur ban farm nnl home modern dwelling complete utbull llrsn attractive price easy metering ilstance Philadelphia BROWN & flOI'D sii-ied. ,1 ly CLAYTON I. IIineWN 41 y: Main vt -vorrijiewn, ia 3'i M'RI s fruit truck, poultry and dairy fnm 7 ru n- house barn, all" excellent uthuildtns 2 horses 3 cows, 1BU chickens iups tools in,. I niplements: price IJOim ha f i -ish or cmsiier i.ty property In ix- chuige Ilenrv Hipp 300 N.Bth st. r.3"Af RES in mllesef Phlladilphm 2 miles te trolley set of buildings fruit, timber. inendiw 811 "00 J II. Thompson member PhJhiReal Extatg.jIerd Wist Ch'rt'-i. Pa " NEW .IIRSF.V FARMS Stocked and Planted Farms Lin selected New lert-ev farm birgalns 11 luitratil an I di scribed many equipped rendv for you te move en, poultry ttpd fruit places mar the rast teinmuters' farms In land da ly nnl general places mar Is-st markets s une at IBHiO, many require but $"en iaeh ai si en Slate map nnl itivis traveling Instructions, Call or write NEW JERSEY FRM AGENCY, .'n.'l D Real EHtdte Trust Bldg. Philadelphia 1'a sE.ND FOR PHOTO of th s poultry and truck fitin .1 acres high elevation, beiutlful vlev we i fruited, pear apples, cherries bei r ' a son n ad out g pe'-ury modern iii'-bunsaluw . 7 rooms gas, ceinpbt bath runnlnir v ivir f rnace heal, nt vv tubs, modern liylng house w-lth riming water ii ml llahts for nun layeia garng. PRICE Jilliiii eapv lernu- vrlte for deiatls ny0 our 11 us'iated term catalog with i hote BRrtY &. MaiilEORGi: melai-l .N J A 'S-' "V ye" "' " '. t J -'y" "i ' - ..-" s. y thsmiim wMr Tj-ztrr nc ",.' 7 4 , . . hrtjj'.hW : ' wsaaMttsag.y ; i t -? Af '"w'gnV.i. Wa. a.s. " M.1 . V, l v..tiisglggUhMr;. .1 J '." w U. .. "" V REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NKW .IKKHKY VAHMH Gentleman's Farm Heme CO..ONM1. niJKIH . LAKE-FKONT Tlin Meil place In Southern Jersey! border beautiful lake Mocked with flehi.ldeal boat beat ing nnd bathln: near State highway! H2 acrei rich loam aelli ar'et fruits! maftnlfl cenlly nhadeil H-room Colonial residence, fine repair: reeldencn could net le duplicated at (10.000: larire barn. 2 peulvy heuf, ra rane. ranary, cow ehedi corn crib, ete. Owner must sell quickly: low prlie lotion takee Hi part car remain en mortgage. Act at once. Frank reterstn, Woodstown, IS. J. AIARYI, M I'AKM, i"iNn About n " ,V'er!5 Hhere. Mil., en Irish Creek j v.-ater en 3 eldes: about 11 mile- from Chesapealte Ua, 12 tnllei fiem llattnn: I mllM from 11, ,11. stntlen: 2.'i ecrt wtfnilejl: 12u acre euitl- ited: fltie old 13-room beue. In geed con ditien: lenniil'e heuec. euthiug.: 11 Ijpoe u v- f.. HaPPlie, 2110 Mt. rUI ei iaiinmv, MAg1ClllfSCTTH ON NEW KNOIASD 01ASTn'tCS?r.,hI! te let for summer, attracllve ''h1' vm.. a enm. nil tnoeern cenv enienc. plairas R0 ft . sun parlor. had lrceB ojer ejer ojer leoklng ocean- 2 mfiiuUs te ,,ii,,1UF, J-5' no children! reference. Clcerge P. Kldgway. 4 Shere Drive Wlnthrep. Ma" REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE CENTRAL commercial building-. equity 17,1.000. paying 10 net; small mortgage; exchance for 2-stnry Investment houses. I.AMU K CO.. 737 Walnut St. FOUR le'- at Wlldwoe.1. N. J.. .'V? ?J?25: and 4 let r.: Stene Harber, value luOOO; tradij for Philadelphia equities. REINHA11T. W2 Chestnut REAL ESTATE BALL OR RENT limine rreperlle and Stere. 3-STORY commercial building. 2d & """V" modern, niwly built: siiltnhls for any line of business: 4000 M- t. Ios.c-len. JOSEPH FEI.DMAN. 200 Lincoln Rldg. . PF.SXSY1.VAN1A mmrttnAX rRKSCKNTVIM Ji NEW D-room houses. Colen's! deslgti, brick and me,,?!, lets, 2Sxla0!-n",J.ta-1;h,,n?r.?ri1 87n per month. Car Jve. .i0 en eth tu 5700 ! Kl,""f Su" ""', T"TT REAL ESTATE WANTKD ...... ... .j ti-ir-eiwii -riv T.t-TinrSR ,AST 11! nnv r- Ti trvalincrvM nAKKl tu. inumreun 3S14 Frnnkferd nvc OCEAN CITY Will buy small cottage, cen trally lecited; must 1" furnished: net ivtr 4lien P 1B.11 ledger Office . vrnx-vns w.itine for veur property If rea- ..,..... ...-.----- - ..,... ,evT jt. r-e.. 1 ..-,. .Kin. ,.il l,t.jfl(ina FREMONT & Ce., I . -,v,..m,. ... ."'";;-..,-,-:. .,..,' North American lime. i vvainm v?yi . LADY desires te Invcs. Hi small house, semi full particular. In letter. P lS-n- Ledger Office I CLIENTS vv ilfg for art. Pn;P .ever I. ''"'". 1 cent, or W Phll-i. Relnhatt. t.12) Chestnut REAL ESTATE FOR RENT crrv DESIRAHLE floors for rent: light manufac- I turlnc or office; include neai; iu i 1 inis-1020 Atch st. Apply owner, en preni. 7 IVRC.E rooms nnd bath, electric light, un- detached; l'alrmeunt Park loc.; rent 1.10. Apply E J Elliett. 1112 Chestnut. HI, l!?i A FACTORY, warehouse nnd fleer specialist. ARTHUR R. ERASER. 21 S. 12th .L FURN. HOUSE for rent. June 1. 8.J.em" and bath. Olrard Estate. Oregon 3110 STORES, office "or facterv . Cheirs. i-ear 11th 44x70 1.14 N. I lth. Ph. Walnut 4210. Business -Properties and Stere 1320 VINE ST. Will Improve or divide. A. Qjcll. Vvcst End Truit Bldllgl.l 117 s. 11TH STORE AND ILVSEVIENT Tl W. I.IeOlD. 712 WALNUT KENT deilrable store. 17.1 per menth: In- clullng heat: 151 N ,12th st. Apply IjJ- a rd L Axllbund. Denckla D.d. Wal. 038.'. 2.13 N 2D ST. A, verv dealrabla 4-story building, sltab'e for business purposes. PENNSYLVANIA CO . 317 Chestnut st. OFFICE'S 111'SINKSS ROOMS. ETC. 1807 CHESTNUT ST. Oftlcex and apartments ready May 1; will en teitaln 3-year leas" te responsible people. Fer furth-r particular apply te JOSEPH FELDMAN. 2D0 Lincoln Hldit. .,..., . ... r, .n.s .- -.!.,.i. .. CUJ,l.jaHA Uuwu. lm mu -. .... Ml ileelmtile effces. suitable fr business erftc of llsht mfg. Apply Flanders I Realty Ce . S. E. cer 15th and Walnut. Spruce 3477. feOUTH SIDE CITY HALIe Baxter llldg. 4 , 2 of nets, handsomely Turnlsneci in tne smallest de-it.! lir mnhegnuy, suit any busi ness, street-fleer loem: sit gle office. j,... In , ... ,, .., ul?'"v i .1.? !... f pmiSi ini n , i- i-'11""- Uij hJ: spare, fireproof building: moderate rent. Apply E. iQHinut su DH.M1IIA1ILIJ efnee rei p nt, inn square feel, , 'jBht airy, ilav and night elevator service. W. Van Dim llldg. inth nnd Mnrket si Ti SUH-Llir Kemi 130.'. Pennsylbanla ""' amit ureeii i uei uconemirer CO.. --" -" -' -- ""' -. CENTUM OFFICES, geel light. 2.1 H reaaon reaaen lHth at. Able Willis-Winchester Ce . ITIINISHED Title llldg. office for rent. 1300 Land I Fnfterle. Warehouses. .Manufacturing Fleer tj i MODERN 2-story facterv b-.lldlng In N tery facterv b-.lldlng In N. 1.' i ft. by 00 ft 0 In.: Ilcht en all , dly fruited for manufacturing section, pi sidis, cstecla fertile sell.iwlere p entv of llsht is required, elevator. ln.inellnte possession. P 11J, Ledger Office. 2M0HII SQ FT. Three-story fn,cter. Green lni-,( and Smlck st , Msiiayunk: fronts 3 streets. 2 street levels; steam-heallnu sys tem, large freight elevator; within 1 square of street cars, Penna. und P and R, pass , and freight station. A B, FRAHER. 21 S. 12th st. WE HAVE flours an4 building rrem 2000 te i 7D OOU square fet: stud us our require mints. E. S. TO.MLINSON. JR. Lincoln It u U d Ing Zbh 70 h AMERICAN lir rent, rexs , 1st ft fith fir,, also basement, al out lOOu sq i ft. cnch- i-oed light, new building, large ell elevator. S. S, Garrett, j.30 s ,ij m WEST I'lllLAIIEIJ'IHA 00TII ST. CENTER Tv e large efflc.'H en West Chester pike ill recti opposite 00th St. Terminal; dlrectli in bu.lness cintrr. for further inrlliulars ..t. ply J. II Mccke. Jr , OOih nnd Market sts Pheno Sherwood oeos open Sundays I.unsduwne l'-btf; .171,1 K1NGSESSINU AVE Nlne-iunm mol mel ern corner dvvtlling, het-water h-at, elec trie 17u monthly. Inunedlnte nnsMislen, In-ili-e-l i-irch Overbroek H11S W, 554,1 WESTMINSTER AVE Htere and An ti'tF fun I altiu clnrn. R rnnma m.A I l.ath electric lltfht WM H. V, QUICK ' k iuiu . i.i-'.. n ff -luin st 301 POWEI.TON ST (colored) Twe story. A. F. BROWN, 310 Llnceln Bldg, 3D1S POWELTON HT (colored) Twe-stCry, A. F. BROWN. 310 Lincoln Bldg. OF.K.MANTOWN i.rv tlreene and Tuli.heck-jn sis; 1 et s clien In Gtn - attraitlve horn.. tih Parages. Dn by & Evans, 1007 Lincoln Bldg li'.4 colonial ST Modern heuse 0 rms gneii location can imk Lane 171JJ m OAK I. WE S ROiSIfl nnd bath laauilfully tlnlshni wlih 2-cur ixarage. sample house llx.ll N Bread st. Phene, Oal; Lane 103.7 1'estet i. Telhniar.. L. . , ,A, I.. .,..... ....,' -.JJaisaJWl.-'i,'-'ifl'Ji-.'. f ' vj - .rmn -. . v a . rr n REAL ESTATE. FOR RENT rRNyHVI.VANI A-g-StHU'HIUN FOR KFJNT for summer easen, beautiful cuburlian home, completely furnished, nt Wyncele: Ideal for summer- excellent train service: beautiful eurrenndlns of real eeun try; 2-enr garage, fruit tre, shrubbery, flowerbeds, etc.! heuen hna large living room dining room, pantry, kitchen ; nn second fleer. 3 bedrooms, sitting room, bith, den: third fleer, 2 bedrooms, bnthj all modern con cen venlences; screens, awnlnes, perchei, etc Pheno OdONTZ. tfl J. 12 ROOMs, I bath, atone house! also 1 rooms, 1 bath bungalew: furnished or un. furnished, nt Westtown Station. Pa. C. M. WAI.N. Wesltnwn P. Q Pa. ITHN ROf'K STORES, Hpnriment. furnished houses. II Hepe, arml N. Ilrnad at. Wyoming 4,137, NKW JKRHF.V SlinimilAN FOR RENT Fhe-roem-and'bath apartment, fully furnished- nil lmrrevemnti beautt. ful country home! perches, large lawn, won wen derful shade trees; everything that count fcr beauiy and comfort of country life! near statien: commuting hourly train. M. E. Grey, l'rankllnvllle. N. J. J'AIRVIEW SEVERAL APARTMENTS, renslstlmr of 3 U,emT- with bath, for rent; Immf. dlate possesien! altu-vted mi Yerkslilp square; nle 4, 3 nnd 8 room house, all conveniences, nnd two (1-room deta-htd ninisi:-! ier rim. yvppiy j. . flOUD. Yerll ship square Fairy lew. Camden PRIN'CETON FOR RENT for July and AurJSt. n small heuse en eutsklrt pf Princeton. N. J.; B bedroom, sleeping torch, screened perch. 3 bathroom, geed deer yard, garden planted: garege; mederat- rent te reliable, people reference required. Write owner, J. T. Otreuld. .il Battle rd.. Princeton. N. J. MAINE CAMDFN MP S'hore nnd mountain V-rtlILL,lX, ITICcemblncd: fully furnished summer cottage for rent. I30 te 8300O ?r.'t.i"-,lif-Vllen" ,new.- -"hote. plana and full :,'"rlP'- J- H. PRESCOTT, Newton 1 1 npt jm,. HLtlKlIlr.t. vinvir Tw-e summer cottages, each 10 rooms, with ' nn.In n'"1, ''Mtrlclty: fully furnished; linen, all Improvements; garages, etc. Apply for Information E. J. IIKOOKH. ng Park- Place. X. T. City. RHOIIB ISLAND J.!""! 'erummer season nt mederat rental, beautiful est." te at Narraganaett I.. -- !- '; cn"!stlng of Colonial house of 'LWK: furn''",J. 3 lavatories, bathroom. with evers modern convenience. In full view vf ocean and urreunded by extensive quarter: also room fc rne ier -j car with chaufTeur'a A Innm fee l.n.n. . .,. n t...t.. house en beach. Apply te V. D. 1, 220 l-lngten ave . Providence. R- I. FOR RENT FURNISHED PKXNSVIA'AXM M'lllIRIIAN ARDMORE Fer rent, furnished, attractive home from June 1.1 te Sept. 13. 11 room. I I tie? mnntt. T.ln.knn. I ..Inn.. .. t. I or acidre Henrs- U. Bernhardt, 30. Simpsen rd., Ardmore, Pn. IIRISTDL I'lHSTOL. PA. Fer rent ter summer me., 1,roemnou...TOmplotely furnished, med U,WP':i ?","? 'La"1- of Del. River, OAKMONT UAKMOXT rtenfe.t lnrnl.t..,! xr... Sept.. la room. 2 baths, all conveniences; I l.l tnln. linth Terminal r-fici... ..AH . Oarden fruit and old shade trees. Apply 1) 312 Ledger Offlc--. ST. MARTINS FURNISHED, summer. 0 bedrooms, upper perch chestnut Hill 0IB.1 baths. NKW JKBBKV SFAHHORK BELMAR BELMAR. N. J.. 100 Ith ave. Very de slrable 3-story cottage (furnished); parage rn rear; large lnwn: near ocean. Apply Penna. Ce.. 317 Chestnut t.. Phlla.. Pal PEMHF.RTON (.ATTRACTIVE house oiTttanceeaa Creek. It vw..,.. iiuiini inrKe crnunaa- em trecj, rewgennble. reference H 131. Ledger Office. MAINE EAST END of Cliff Island (I) miles from Portland), furnished complete; le acres: water two sides: wonderful xlewsi weeds; 1 bedroom, llvlnjr room 2.1x30 feet, stene fireplace, kitchen perches; fine water: .Tune Che.tduT st. """" "Ue" A- 'ee,' 1420 BOARD WANTED GENTLEMAN and daughter, employed, de sire beard: private family; West Phlla.; 87 each. P 1.127. Ledger Office. ,n"tt" MORTGAGES FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR MORTOAOES FRANCIS J. DOYLE ... MOHIOAaE BROKER KENSINGTON AND AI.LEUHENY AVES. Meney te lean en mortgage. Prompt replies. ARTHUR-B0SWELL 233 N 13TH ST FUNDS FUNDS l.M ANV AMrvttV-- IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT BU1LDINU ASSOCIATION MONET. DEMPSEY A CO.. 27 H BITH ST. MONEY FOR FIRST AND Si:CONr7"irnT LARGE AND .SMALL AMOUNTS ALLEN & REED ..pcV n. 'Vm.Vtga'Ve'fund "an,ri1' "'" und C0J 1..00 . MAOEE i RODOEItS l.nn Locust st l' Knnicn neon FUNDS for ilrt mertgage: any amount. HARRY E. THOMSON .2521 FRANKFORD AVE. -viwuiuAUE money; any nmeunt: city or country prepertlc sold i fliinncud quickly. TITLOW. .1513 Arch St. Ut'ILDINO ASSOCIATION FUNDS en hand for second mortgage, also for third mort gages. A. R C1REEN9TEIN. 1112 Real Estate Trust Bldg RUn-M- i-itvtT5 '" AH. I UNDS n: nd bullillnir fissoclutleii menev avtvllahle for 1711111! mn-li-vn. nn city or nearby suburban property; prompt decisions Rebert J. Nash. 1214 Locust t MONEY FOR FIRST AND SECOND MrGS. l.AUUl. Arvli H.X1ALL. AMOUNTS ALLEN & REED 1504 LOCUST HT. $75 ,0001nd ouNTRYTTMertgages R TAYLOR MIDDLETON. 708 Walnn t at. FIRS r seiend and third mortgages ebt'alned 4? heurs: quick settlement. WEINBER GER j cu. 28 S. 17th nt Ph Raee202lJ ' Jei , ' le ,'llJ ln sn'tll amount, 125 te Linn iv pxvmint plan provided. MOJIKIS PLAN CO. 17 HI Arch st JIORTGAGES 11. and L. S. 11th funds. P. A. '.Is.",. ciiei nspan Walnut 1 '.F1!? for ,,t a,,J "" mtges.; ciuiek reply M H Mntslrcer. Ileal Estate Trust Ilirlj- FUNDS. Ut nnd 2d Phlla nnd mtg. S T I.vnch 11 -J H Huh i Del Ce. l-r 71)44. MONEY for 1st or 2d mtrx city or country. Frank S lewis 310 r-lnnne llldg ' FUNDS for well-heiured first mtgs ; reas. marges Fled T. Iwls. 011 Merris Bid. ROOMS FOR RENT MASONIC CLUB 2027 Chentnut t rnnmu iIjv m. If nr- mnntu Phene IiOcunt A320 CHESTNUT sr 1510 Furnished room, next le bath with all cenvenler. es, suit able for 1 or 2 who appreo'nte semethlni' nice: use of parlor, no ether roomers, near L and 42 iar. Pheno Preston 235.1 J bc twien 5 and 7 P. M. CHESTNUT fleer front 001 Twe rooms, bath second elec . ref ; no housekeeping. . FAIRMOUNT. 2011.1 - Vurn. rooms, wfih or . - , n wmi'iut laiaril net-, nynis , cop 721111 fcPRINGFIEI.D AV 5410 Four. com. rms" kitchenette, lath, unfuili, Wld. 3H1S It, 4H44 N. Iiril Prlv Gent'le family will reni room te refli d tintlcinan, ulee pill, gar Phene Wyoming 7UJS .1. R0MS FOR RENT 10TII, N., ISO, IIOTBtj nuntC Central, near station and shopping district, beatitl- fully furnroenm elec.l spotless! med, rates. 218T., N., 18fl Ileautlfully furnished, newly decorated, electricity; phone. . 4TII HT., N 81 Nicely furnished rei ale. infurn. npt.: elec.l reaienable. flOTH 8T,. K. 1331 Furn. front for gentle man, 1.1 per vVk.i prlv.j elt-e. llel. SECOND FIOR room nnd bath, with all the latest Imprevements: geed for eung couple, call nt 2130 N. 0th at- WF.ST rniT,ADKr.riiiv 45TI1 ST., W 428 Attractive room In re fined home; saml-prl. bath; cenv. lee.; elec. CIKBMAXTOWN THE HEDGES. 1BO JInplewoed ?-ve. va cancy for May; gentlemen! hlgheM rei. Phene tltn, 4lnn O. . 1.00 AN.. ONE furnished or 2 "unfurnished In modern home; reasonable. Wyoming 0141 it- BOARDING PKVNSYI.VAN1A HIWURBAS FOR 2 person In modern country home, near atatlen. 20 mile from Terminal: "J'" "J'" stnnavread. charming cnllr0"nJ'C,',,,w'Ji,,h seme feed. Bend aerylce ,prl ate bath, with shower available, p'la. fx-dger Office. NKW Jirmmiev MlimmnAN HAnnONHEIP . -8.Hp.e in '?,.v.0,,n,id; t. lake and 100-acre .natural Prk.cen mi lent te train and trelley: "hcrtlea.e for aummer vacation I'llOIlO .. 172 II or 1.00 1240 APARTMENTS ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS .... ... ve-rit F4T. t.... ..... j. n .ii.v- meaern in v. p. completed. 3 stery: me?"" ,ln, ,45?n t: particularly homelike! heuseueeprng acheler: also one house kee pmg a.a 404 8. Bread st. Appl wir. " D- .'OI-D.1 DUUin ..--- --, .. respect: pa and bachel 4lh St. Phene tmbardBO0 - . . . .., 1X)R RENT, furnished, for tn p"" .' ;'nJ unfurnished apartment. 0-room "!"" In modern apartment house. 80th and nut, from June 1.1 te Sept. 1. te reapen, elbte family: al light uwlde airy peem. phene: electric lights; reference exenangea. nn iiaring iim IIROAD BT 8. OF KRIH-JOOl ""Jpna A00' 'n rooms, bath: private perch; sj,'5K1 fleer. B room and bath. E. A. 1IOBSO.N, fleer, 0 room and bath. 3028 N. Bread st. ...-...... .n..-.. . ..... n M Ik 1 and uuui,n&;xvt avi. . :' .. -;-.,- .. bath, het-water heBt. eiycine .-- .- - llett. 1112 Chestnut st. tile bath. 1811 QIRARD AVE IXTO inn,. ". ":". kitchenette: thoreughlv "mMeled: electria light, hardwood fleer, het-water heat, rent tftO te 10.1. O. ""- Fer. 2324 Olrard ave. LOCUST ST.. 2020 Twe ims.. tile, eains, A. F. Ilrnwn. Lincoln ui"f- am" -- RM. APT., furn.! Bcml-Vrlvate pain. 3d noer. 1)14 s. 41IU1 st. m .Ar...n ... .I.....I.A All V 11,1 10 i, newij- ".''-"-"-'"":-- lata minuter, from City nan. !- 1020 IV. HL-SQU"EliANNA AVE. Five -rms, ann patn; an ineiiern " - ; -- - AT r'ltACTIVE 0-room-and-bath BI"-fteLlv,re0 H Ruilgers I'.-UU l-OI-llv. nt-mvn nT rim,nr.i.rniA COR. APTS , nicely e...n . n .Mini and Llnhe,$78?N; wmhtb . terminal of elevated. Walter A. McClatchj. 70lh ,nd Market, or pnene wiihui ... AVE.. S00 Cozy new -room apt., second fleer. 150: 14 mln.. 8 cent, te Bread St. Sla. Hunter I.ansdewne 1309 W. BALTIMORE AVE.. er.OO 2.1 fleer, 8 rooms and baih. 113. Lnnsdewne 131)8 M . PKNXBVLVANI tT-JjyHSgJSAjL tlt-ATl-riTTtTT. IIOU8EKEEP1.-XU Al-AlCl.liyis id lecxted In the best section of Lansapwne. nr transportation, having a vln room dining room, 3 large bedroom, kitchen bath, perch, het-water heat, laun dry lockers everything of the very b.t. Fer Information npnly JESSE E. HUNT LEY. 107 Owen ave., or phene Laps down 1001. ONE AND TWO ROOM APARTMENTS U.S.L. lSTurTjjY M0DERN P' J. LAWLER MARKET STS. Phene Lansdowne 830 NKW JERSEY SF.A1HORE ATLANTIC CITY BEAUTIFUL Boardwalk furn. apt.. 1730 summer. Win, .Kennard. 401 Cheat.. Phlla, FURNISHED APARTMENTS .MOUNT VERNON ST. Under new manage ment: B beautiful furnished apartments: Plenty of light at.d het water; private baths. Pep. B4BI. CHF.STIIUT AND BOTH Attractively furn ished: (I rooms; light, airy, perch, awnings; second noer. i-none rr-mmi nuu .. PINE ST.. 1022 .Med , 2 rooms; Kiteneneue and hxth: IBS pec me. Iycust 2321, 103 FURN. apartment; Delaware County! jearly lease; as and elec. 1001 Common wealth Hldg WEST PHILADELPHIA COMPLETELY furnished. Individual npart ment. 6 room and bath: cerner: het-water heat, electrle and hardwood floer: suitable for doctor or dentist. Leonard rrie. 5420 Market t. 38T1I AND 1 OCUST June 13 te Oct. 1, nttrae., fully furn. cer. npt.. 0 rms , bath, 2 perihep Call afternoon. 3 te 5, at sher- wei d Apts . 38th and Chestnut. NEW JKRSKV SUllURllAN IIADIIONFIEI.D FURN. apt. in med. bungalow; perches, large grounds, old shade, adj. lake and 100 acres natural park. cenv. te train und trolley; ahert leases for summer vacation. Phene lladdeufleld 172 R or Lec. 1219. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS LOCUST ST.. NO. 1530 A few deslrable apartments sllll available In t'.ils new lil-stery fireproof housekeeping apirtment house, insiieciien invueu I 16TH ST.. NO. 257 SOUTH I V-rv desirable apartments available: one containing 3 bedrooms and bath. Ih30 S. IUTTENHOUSE square: B rms. and bath, unturn ; accem. for maid and extra turn.: poss. May 1. Apply Betus. en prom. OVERBROOK section desirable unfurnished housekeeping apt.-. 3d fleer, 3 rms. & bath, 153, Incl. heat, cooking, gas, elec. Bel. 1481 APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TII AND PINE STS ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF APARTMENTS, FURNISHED. VNFl'RVD LONG AND SHORT TERM LEASES NEW HOTEL BARTRAM 331) AND CHESTNUT Apartmtntr, furnished or unfurnished AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN PHONU PRESTON :Hi THE DELMAR-M0RRIS IV. Chelten nve. GERMAN'! OWN 20 MINUTES 'le KROAP ST. STATION Hetel or '.".furn suites, housekeeping apta HOTEL COLONIAL SPRUCE AT 11T11 HT famllv hel.I. 2 room, and hnth CI'l'lMAN MAKER, JR . Matmg.r T1IE SWARTHMORE. 22d nSd-wiTnTm. iMrnlshed. 2 rooms end bath, nnd 1 room f-h'on'L'ectffl'n'lsy"' a'J ""Cn '"clud 1IIE LITTLE HOTEL 225 S. Bread st. AKoel.acqjoJve whlleln Philadelphia THE GENEVA, 127 S. lOTlFliT. In"""the heart of the shopping district. HELP WAirrElV'FBMALg UOOKKEEPER Cnpalle woman, h Iioek- keeperi reply, stating ,nu",ncllen. and salary expected. P 114. Ledger Ufflce. CLERK AND TYPIST--We have nn opening of Interest for nn lntelllgi.Tit. vvell-educated girl between 20 nnd 23 year of awl mu b; n quick and accurate tvplat, with real liking nnd aptitude for figures; It ou posses tne above qualifications call nt ones, MRS, PATTON , Curtis Publishing Ce. O04 Sansom St. CLERIC for general office work! one under standing cotton yarn preferred! stale age, reference, religion and salary. P lolJ lelJ 1 edger Offlc. HOUSEKEEPER Onlleman, no fnmlly. do de aires refined jeung ladjl no encumbrance, te take (barge of npirimcnt nnd sunmicr heme: must have cxperlt"11,6 B,ul w enpuui of handling three help or mere; elate at.'', reference, experience and telephone number in replying. P. e. Hnx 11)7. - HOUSEKEEPER Active, refined woman te take care of Heme, with 2-year-old baby; mall house! must be capable. Industrious and reliable: reference necessary. M Iadger Office. STENOOnAPHEnS Well-educated jeunif women who deslr te learn correspondence will find our ener very attractive. SEARS. ROEBUCK AND CO. Iloesevelt Boulevard STENOGRAPHER, 20 te 23 yeara of ae. well educated, tactful and flrst-clss steno graphic ability: te such nn applicant we can offer a geed xlary te start, with excellent chance for advancement. MRS. PATTON Curtl Publishing Ce.. 004 Sanson) st. STENOGRAPHER, competent and. exp.i permanent position, easy wary, pleasant surroundings. 1101 Penna. BAg. , TELEPHONE erERATINCl 113 A WEEK AT THE START THE RAPID C1ROWTH OF THE BUSINESS MAKES IT NECESSARY TO- INCREASE OUR OPERATING FORCE If you are roeking a position where permanence, advancement and reed salary are assured. come In and make application. . ilt you are undecided. . come in anyway and let u show seu tha advantage of working with u. ..A"k for MISS STEVENSON. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 1031ARCH STREET WO.MAN I am looking for a particular Jypa of lady. Industrious, clean record, fa'r education and feed personality! these qualification will secure for her a per manent connection xvlth an Income that will meet her highest expectatien: advancement en merit. A 8.13, Ledger Office. WOMAN, young, buslnesa-llke. wanted te learn a selling system nnd then teach It te ether; salary fnr trial period 1135 a month, n 217. Leiger Office. Oanernl , CLERKS, typists, atenegs,, qualify for Oevt. , positions. Write for sample test Instruc tion particulars. P 1422. Ledger Office. HELP WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANCY CO. NEEDS fl MEN A. nationally known accounting organisatien ha opening at present for 0 men en It student staff; we are seeking responsible young men, preferably with some bookkeeping experience, who have sufficient ambition ant determination te use their spare time In study which will positively place them en the practicing staff of this company; each one of the -133 service accountant whom we. employ started en the student staff; these men earn salaries of 1150 te 8300 a month. Apply, by LETTER ONLT. te Mr. Barrett. Resident Manager, 1001 Bulletin Building. Philadelphia. ADVERTISING Junier copy writer wanted te learn a-ency werk: tenlve experience net essential: university or night school student of advertising preferred. Reply In writing, stating qualifications nnd minimum sslarv expected M 207. Ledger Office. ADVERTISING solicitor, subscription so se so licieor: Masen preferred; eld-estnb. house; opportunity executive 3 N. inth. fourth fleer. ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE Man. 25 te 30 ear of age. pieferably married, who has hsd experlene In handling clerical force of girls engaged In filing, typing and recording work In ether words, general mail-order of ef flc experience. We are only Interested ln these who are seeking a permanent posi tion with opportunity for a normal, but net sensational advancement. We have been considering many applicant for this position during the last week, but the position Is still open. If you can measure up te these requirements, call for a personal interview. Curtl Publishing Ce 004 Sansom st. ATTENDANTS for care of tennis court and children' playground at 03d and Car Car perner sis; must be handy man and willing worker seven days per week; proper super vision of children necessary. Apply by let ter, giving qualifications and sulnry ex pected, te Ml. W. Beer. S. W. cer. 02d Carpenter. AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN for high-grade car: successful automobile sale experience XT-Ill greatly help te secure thl position, but personality and aggressiveness are also of vital Importance; substantial payment and advancement In position await the right men: all answers are ln strict confidence. 31 213. Ledger Office. CARPENTERS WANTI3D J. JIATHI3 & SON. 540 GUARANTEE TRUST BLDG., ATLANTIC CITY', Nt. J. CHAUFFEUR White, single man preferred: geed Hafe driver and mi hanlc. Cull Mon day P. M between 5 and I) or 7.30 and 8 JO t Church lane. Oermantewn. CLLRK te take charge of flle and mailing room for large concern, prefer active, ma ture man, experienced in this line of werk: must be ii Kglble writer nnd ceme well rec rec ommended: statu details, age, schooling, exp and mln salarv desired. Jl .100, Ledger Off ESTIMATOR required by old-established heating contractor, must have wide expert . lue and engineering ability: r-sply elating experience and salary desired; conflden cenflden tlal P 1520, Ledger Office. FOREMAN wanted, capable repairing clr- uumr ui ii.c iiiti.-iiiii-s, wiiu meas new model and executive ability ln mill, M 13J l.encm uince. FOUNDRY FOREMAN wanted for malleable Iren fitting feundry: must be first-claa experienced man. able te produce from the start: glve full, particulars in llrt letter M 215. l.der Office letter. IUINERS 50 Must be 111 si : class; Plenty evertime: bring tools. Sun fchtpbulldlnc Ce.. Chester Pa Tuko car .17 Market St.. Philadelphia KNITTER, experienced, capable of" running flat or clrculnr nfachlnes. bathing suits sweaters, etc . wanted, must be experienced making pittcrn chains M 134. Lady". Sff, MAN We have, a position open tr "ami M hn 1l... lilt, 4 B.m.l.nn. 1.. H.... --.ll .. .. ...... ...... ,n. . .u.i. ci in murine vvnrli nil can devote' part or full ilm., ' the shipping nnd shipbuilding Industries In land aieund Philadelphia: geed opportunity Aquress ,vi zvi, L.euger ertlce. MAN. experienced, te take iliarge eri7;rBt'lllly Produce financial reward. B 3.11. UU-' fabric weave room, small mill uu ijint.L 1.. " New Yerk. II 880 Ledger Office. '" . J MECHANIC. 1 sewing macl-!..e. with abiiitv wanted: ether dutle finishing department Office". 'vters, etc. M 131. UdgSJ 31 EN I am lefeking for several men with neat an. Pennine.) who aie'wIlllnB te werk: this Is a geed offer t the light man as "1 pesl Hen and pay. Apply te Mr. Exzle. after f) in A. 31.. 1001 Colonial 'Iruxt Bid.- ' '30 MEM, M, 5, honest, with geed characters aiid eat appearancn; unlimited future fe? m" luallfy. Apply at once. 702 Van Dam g.. 1001 Market st. " uam neat who 1 Bldg. 3ILN CUTTERS, experienced, bathing suits' sweaters, etc . wanted; capable opera tln-i cutting machines. 31 133. Ledger Office By Arch Dale 'ufd HELP WAMTEP-lgATitF PAINT OR1NDER ThoreuthtyTTi man In go Hnuthi itin.i ...... 'r"1 knowledge In the) manufacture of Ti iH of paint, stains, enamels, etc,! In a!! Ing state nge, experience. iV. A m vt"'..wei;&. An"wcr Pa,ni a PAPERHANGKRH tb sell .n r-a-Ji Hltchner sample books; postal wiTf i!!I2 sample, llltehnci- Wall Paper Ce 7riliK,,al i.tie.iM,,. ... ni.n ...i ff' g" 04th as, .ar,d Camden. M, RADIO KKnivvrn" Manufacturer. desires technically trsln.a . witn.rjrftcticai em., het. a... n .-M Ptoferred: mut possess initiative and K .tSI in use own Judgment! excellent oppeV advancement. Apply In person after I -a ?i M. today- or write te Radie Telephone .il Teleuraph Cerp, 204-0-8-10 Osberne wi.M'i iiirxen. ... nft-a..f ..... n.... .... oAtiiieAsii .? rt, ir.u t-uiiy aeAii.i.i . 1 with lumber litmlne.., nih.....i?.c,u.,liisi S?g.'rLed?errte6ff,?cV,:n' '"" """-"."M SALESMAN or manufacturer' agfnfwseT, te nanaie u nign-grnue luiniware sMei.iil arllcl In thla territerj : writ gMn, ffi2, number for. an nppelntmi-nt. 11 310. ?.S iSyt SALESMANfer high-grade, contractor.'"" chlnery; pref. exp. hard worker with e55l straight commission basis. P 103. Ledg.r ($j SALESMEN This offers real salesmen an opner. tunlty te connect with the perms, ncnt sale fcrce of. the largest bona. Ing company In the world. Capable men are assured excellent lmmedlste remuneratien: renewal commissions give you a permanent future Income. Preference will be flven, applicants who have previously geld ssrvlc." v-he are ever 2.1 year of age. and who maintain checking accounts in local banks, v Successful applicant! wilt b sh.n a thorough training and a rhelea of cltv . or country territory) r. muneratlpn ,1a en a strictly .com. mission basis. Come In, let's talk It ever. f-1 Ii 'I j 7si M S. H. CHRISTIAN NATIONAL SURETT COMPANY 417 Lafayette Bldg. Fifth and Chestnut sts, SALESMEN EXPERIENCED IN Tffl SALE OF ROOFING CfS POUND8-ROLI. AMD niiiS OLE ROOF1NO - PAlNTii 1 TUNITT FOR HIQII-ORA i UC-X.. , i 1 Anl.. V.lliin.l r.S.H.fn.t ....-.- n -I W ...,,,., vnniiiLai lUUUCCS tO.. 2015 Market t. ' SALESMEN YVANTED Experienced JS selling cannea goons te retail steru u'l thl cltyi brand of national reputation arl'l ...II a...l.ll.l. I ..... .. .... ". S ' I ,cii vai.uiisiiciu .nun opportunity na promotion. M 203. Ledger Office. r SECURITY SALESMEN A few first-class men te sell securities till a nationally known concern of high a tin J. I ing. Appiy uoeni uuu, urewn Broteni' I Bulldlntr, 1328 Chestnut st. , -I l Jl S SHEET METAL WORKERS 20 Werk ready Sun Shipbuilding Ce., Chester, Pa. Deuiciiunn, xvneie or part time, repreim. I tatlve men In Phlln.. Mninsie.. TS'I Buck Counties, vvlth wide ncnualntaneei. 3 Solicit xearlv life Inaurnnce. f... i tujl Life. Help given while learning; A-ltl reierences. j. cnssiuy. 030. Be field an.; YOUNO MAN Wide-awake, inteilireni' . art . .. " ." - n.w chaaln department: must ceme well rMoe 1 iiiciiueu.xJureBti ii-ei, i-, u. ex 3j()0, I YOUNO MAX. with knewIedRe of nung. ii i'ii j. wuiiiqu m mrsa jimurance etlicfMl lain nasi nnel irA !... - T m ''m nmZm v..ei ic..vr. - i- UJ, teseitr General Til I .B -'I i.UAH.Yi j Vt(ALIH P LL PAY It. R,FARR TO CINCINNATI.', Complete automobile and tractor ceurs it" lowest tuition ever offered- i.n,i en, .,.. page catalog describing ln detail my prorotl prerotl proretl tlon and why Pll nav veur railroad fsrt, - l . .. ......v t.u.x.u meu IIlecllanlCf cash in en big spring and summer builnssi . act new ui.m.i HAIIB AUTO AND TRACTOR RCHOOI, ' SPt -'-Z CINCINNATI, OHIO. Dept W civil, SKiiviUE his position for teum men. 18 upward: railway mail. sinnS. V partmrnta I. 11.100: Panama ..maiI ann UnnafiADBn u It'ab 0 - .. t..s . ' mlnatlena write J. Temnl (former Civil Hervlce txam!nr), t?0U Eaultabl iiMr IVuihlne-iAH Ts f I " WE TEACH YOU TO DRIVE AND REPAIH 2.1 IX)R FULL A COMPLETE COURSE EJ I DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. Open flundsyi 1 SATTLER'S 1001 te 1.1 Spring Garden st.J All 1-11X1111111.1713 CIVIL service examination June and Julr; pie test Instruction, particulars. P 1422.' L. 0.J nmiii (DLniiLira: umihtv iibiiii.i unni aan.i SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAT.y CHAMUF.nMiin iii-TT. ....... .,... ..t ' 1 ........... ..... ... n..,.i. yiiii uiaer.. dutlcs: reed ref. 2030 Fltzwater .t . Pliils ll NURSERY aeVERNESH v'veuld llke"pea.' r""'v"c ur vwuniry; reis, stl JW, utav SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOirVTAVIV brielrl, . e. A . Wharten Scheel, nife.. merchandising and ?.... i".K "JlA"S"lr" permanent pest en. t all Preston 4.102 J. - AUDITOR, office manager, accountant. II years- experience, married, excellent rt-J .jtmiiiuj,. uc.irB.,v-jrmaneni posit en. A dress P. O. F.. 22B H. 3d st.7 Phil. 1 c,i4M.5rJr": TC??n,-..d po.uien1 n ti r S"' i. ir"r reic-rence. J'syni R. P. 2 Conhehocken. Phlla. unar-iuuvn, engineer, mechanical, strut- tatiral. Construction. hrn.,,1 eren for responsible position, n 210, Leilfit f ff Ice. HANDY 3IAN. 50 VaarVnf ... mnnli rl. i. 2" watchmatt ur nema Jeb for msaJ 1-andv vvlth toel: 0 year last positien: hUil geed references. Address J. 11.7 223 ft. Mel RADIO EXPERT. tnoreugHlv fumlllsr xtith i nmuuMitmie nun application or radio siw electrical supplies: new manager of Mln supply company In 3IIddle West, desires te Is- cale in Phlla. district; host of ref. Addrnt, f?1"0- ?arB PS. ?.ln N- "read St., City. Phene Wyom '342.1. SALESMAN. I'xnerlcnied. clean i ut'aiid if '1 Kressive. open for geed connection, wlwr"' AGENTS AOENT3. men, women Starlllng mener-' making de-Urn, inanufactureis chocl checl chocl cnRied Ice-cream confectien: costs about 2Hft sells for 10c: profits J8 te $50 dally up: out lit. Aj,X, ellOUSh free rhnenlul. ., ., milll 500 bar and $.iu profit In tew hours Union. ; vm-iuiir .unnuinciurinB company, jn-we Berrien st.. Albien. .Mlcfi. J, SALESMEN ileslr'na- in form titf-hiv remu nerative contMctle.i efterlns congenial pre- motion Werk of nn nmisunl Iriirlll for particulars Cha. Murdock. 1010 W. T.'l nn.ftiniri xjnifc . j eri erin lexas WE VANT ngeiil In everv remmunlty ts niii lie a geed, clean, money-making pret, ositlen: vve also want crew mgrs and cr( workers Call mernlnrs or write Creseln ; Chemical Ce 511 Federal st . Camden - '1 WHY work for ether? Mane and sell J own geed, we show vnu hnwi fee. bOM explnlns every thing. National Sclenttfle Ur EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES -.I E. O ffArtVM'.X' mill nlii.nhrt.iu. eelisn). I.pcuit 2827 All nationalities, PretesUnf. futhelks, supplied, wanted, every capatWi seashore mountains cltv and rnunlry ' WANTED, ut office. 81 J H. 12th St.. coos w am esses, nurses. Heuse girl. Si LOST AND FOUND BADGE Leat, police officer' badsr Ne. il patrol Driver Return tu 33d I'enc vw trlcl.7thanil Carjienter. 1 BOSTON TEitlUER Les Bosten" frrlir- stai tirewn l-rnidle, wblle left lemi " j ward. Retuin 300 Cynwyd rd .ii,M,-S! i CERTIFICATE- Lest or stolen at eca ?"' tl(l, lllllluil llua limi-i.i.iiinnl I'll. Ci&- .J....' m ..--. Illluirl ." ,lm m A 1)351: 10 shures llenrletla It, KuilW-il Vnll.K.ulnmn f M deg iiit, white Eskimo deg nnmeu Saturday. Auril 22: lien teward for I return. Betty's, 0042 31urket si, Jlelme", I 1H. . ij-J DOO Lest, a rough-coaled Irish trrilril nameu cerxey; liberal leward. Iiu';','isi Wilmington, Del. Pheno Wilmington 4?iij.1 r-lln i,. .1..... Ti..i. .eli W1 .. 'sj. n.u.i iiiui mil III. IV ll-' ,VL-il aUmt N P. M. Aprir 27 Lei ust it. t'amat and Ure-id. rawnrd, P 1.129, l-eljgjl KEY RING Lest, kiy ring vvlth ldnt " lien iMdgc. lf found kindly nellfy f-0j " iwirn,, nu.ii neimjr lerraue. i-nuaeu?y; PIS.f.Ost. erviull ..MlTl iiTiT -1 , ireleM lei twined, en tar Ne. 42. between 40tl 1 .-Hi his., lii i.nvsinui revvaru. i- iev, yer Office, HINO Lest, oval top of ring, sapphire;' llttla lHamiinrl. rnnnil In h A- my of Mus p or nsarTti rewara $00, Jnf" te Mil Lllll,aiII.Walimt. ? Jtj ,. ,'sC yAx J rr- "rl-.m e J t ir iiirpe7-" r riftv"vpiHiim2WM(tH J i'W tirv ufur ytt-tft-tvWvt-wmtJld -fT ".rJfeLSl tyVtSif f4t, &!& tfiLWkteSfflm fclftetWrsrrt rdMiiyiutuCu.w.vJKf.uimmi