Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 02, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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k . - - K '.' J- r -i at-A.' -1 Maf n
El. 2W5r Mh vMWBre JS a.
gi?mM -m'w mnmrmr tv-Ti
r-.Bk. .B BfetitBV V .BBi .H'V. ISHM ' .,!. WH
m rnTi"!18 1 1 1 a I .- 1 4 1 c i
fin' I .1 - - '- inn Hm inn. T1 I I si
.U.SW f,ljj
ii$ hffHR5le-'t l(MI leni7 ' ' '
a t
litltWCu a. BCend.CIJSj Mitljr Hi Hi; t'oglntTle) nt Philadelphia, W
Published Dally Kxctt'sundy, Putmcrlptlun J'rlce Irt n Year by Mall.
' Ceiijrlfht, 11122, IV ublle l.eder Company
aH "fHT1 4lb
( ,
iThi it Iff 1 1 I .i Ib
un Hill iii im II i r Lrl
HI I Mill II lilLLilu
Mm-Riunm n
Ts 1
iSf'Man Says He and Pal
lS'etEach ether After
Kvlv ' Leve Fight ,
liltfF M.jwcnnnrl Prnnned U en
QBWWVi- rr . '
i''AihCan After Battle at
ir 1025 Melen Street
F '
I' ' i -
'Thirivictim Tells Story of At
I took-by Armed Crowd of
Tremtn erc shot te death ut 4:10
cVMck this mernlnj: nt 1025 Jlclen
iMt'la'what one of them said before
U'dhd'w8 a duel ever n yemnn.
Ti m,a man wns shot In the arm by
J i&bebntn an he tried te Cfccnpe ever
flpobef.ndjolnliis lieuscs
7.ZTU Ma uru.
Hl Baker, thirly-twe years old,
'-M?! "Buck1' llulley, ItiOS Brown
,"rwl' . .
tftrrrfStlnifer, thirty-four years old,
i2p8 8cntb "Thirty first street.
The an wounded U Hyman Geld,
CUi Maheney, 337 North Eiglith
itmt. Stinger wns a brother pi for fer
wr Fellce Lieutenant Geerge Stinger.
' Twe, women are held ns .wltucsges.
nmiwrve found huddled in a. room en
tin weend fleer, frantic with fear. They
'ire Helen Lewis, alias Celeman, and
tViiria ITirrfe. They arc exneeted te
kJ.iU' twillMA flrnf n llin rftnl 4r,ltll if
ly IBQ IV4V bl "w w
'Fellce Seek Real Story
'''Tie double sheet Ins is shrouded in
nfittr, In spite of an ante-mortem
nt tnaue uy enncer ni me
una Hospital. The dyins man
the blame for the trnscdy en
taw.' Tbe police arc Inclined te doubt
'ktaJterr. They think that a "boot "beot "boet
,'kfMi' war" lies behind the killings.
Md, at the Huhnemnnn llebpital,
f; .fie declared six men had en
(h house 'and opened Are Hluiul-
Anna Tunkis. 10S0 Melen street.
the police fibe had been sitting up
a licit cetiu, anji saw one of. tun
in theHn front of the "hound ami
lie ether dratted out and nrenncd un
Htim iu ath bnrrel.
v.vupr vns leunii dying in tue
ttnet: Baker was found ileail nrnnnril
'iMlflit the barrel en the sidewalk, n
ura. lupKis tain.
Beth Stjmcr and' Uukcr had been
nirte netpltalH when the pelice nr
, rlfed, lummened by neichbers. A riot
call hreutht the whole squad of night
detectives from the Tenth and Hut Hut Hut
touwtedtrectH itntlen, under Licucii Licucii
latThenins Wnlsh.
iiltheagh tjicy t-earclied the premises
uwenihly and the t-tnet in front of
lie neuie, no pistols were found, net
wen thoie which Stinger said he and
BUez hlcl IlKOrl
i Dllllf. Tell Ilk Kbirv
The i nprtulramatle story, even though
KH.Wibellevcd by the pelire, was the
Jg(t8ide by Stinger en his denthbed nt
(Hahnemann Hospital. Lieutenant
wjw and Lieutenant of Detectives
SJJHw. head of the Murder Squad.
JIJWW there ami received a statement
uajjIDf man hutl Lm.umi . tn ...
I R!kli5Jie ey" t,,c et'cratitiR table.
VaI "ofeur bullet wounds lu his bedv.
fekMrt MT? "S "' t'1P nec,c nntl "v"
kienildUr ,,.--""" lu,u "" "
l-,Vaen he heard' that he una fit-i,,
ttllf?. P,cnd"S with them te save
'vii???," t0 de '" ,,e moaned.
i.T?nL ?. ,lvc- . J let and ki'led
Zi """if unu nc
St ift i .V r L , ' fcuc ,l,c nai j
wif10 .n'm. lluck' was my
are U'l- S.n.l M" ''". Wc
lnl.. " "' r".- "0 "' " let
r.aJ"rr'Vr "iwnys. iu
iir... l0 HMuietlzc
me anj thing
v naniPfi ma .i.. r 1.
- But last nisht he tried
te tnke my
rj.r."' 'rni me. l
iW.tw' n""'""-.. ' wouldn't stand
Hme -r"1" "'" n" 1,is ntrel
ftthhS'J s son(, in n moment. I
'ffir nl ! gabbed his. I
WWrtatl "f.?::.. ,'Mt something
old." nuw it
was (lilt,
. "it.." . " . ...
.' '." l! i:tt Murrns.
rfT, ""inly lee girl
KJ" ""und with her
3 0fc nrkc l' Krt,,,,!.,.,..
i Ii mtit.i ..... '
fe that
i. r. ,-.'ll MUni fill.
net nus. They
'fa the "ffiS 1. "'. .!" ntit'e
i i ' "" ne cream nn,i
I., ,-. "1- ..IKH Ii,-, ,.,,
n I'.iiih M,-
m What it Has te Offer
'4Zj,qtemi.iV. , '.""-""npiii it
Ml., i, v
, fTiHinp i... .... -
fV' mil fhi ;'",,eulii
i'.l. '?.. ."1r. for clin ,
LR,IUlni.. i"h-"S 2"'W
MMm..... J"U BUUT1I A IA. I
rf EJ ' :
.. uml t! i ','" i0'.'1'" ll 1""!.'
Wiflwf ' ' 50.."triilght tieni new
i. ni iiiii nr n.i . , --- -
.1... .1. Vt. "n If H (tlllV llalhM
KUkTTMa.H , ,.,..
n: - "., . i.r. :
FIGURES IN nniTRT.rc ffiTT.nirn
m-', ,.. R,-., ' -, "11,1 K.t:Kii . ' JMal 'K
K f
I !
lV Ifyi-f ' LLP . KLLLL1bb9whi'1','LLLLLLL
aaV r 'Baaaam saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraaaaaaavaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas M
i " aaHJMMaaaaaaaaaaaaaftHLaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaa i
'" ;iaSBaiBaaaaaaaaaBBaalaaaaBaaaaaaaaBaal M
''"- 'vKSBaaVaiiliJBaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaa
law VillHBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalr'Baaaaaaaaa '
1 ftfiwme. 'ILaaalliBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiBaaaaaaaaaaaBaalf
' aaaf' ;' ' '-v .KliSaaaaaaaaVaaalaaaBaaaaal
I Vk' ':-'R:: laaaaaaaWJjaaaaat ;: aaaWaaaaaa(
.$gjS- HHnlHaaHHBaaB
I UaaaaaaaaaaLLaaaaaaaaaaaaaiT fwWSTt&
I aaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaa!l aa&Aal " 'fMafc&'i- S
t aaaaaaaaaaaaVTtaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauaaaaaaaaaK AWjuriS-J -?'.
3fJtraBaat?jaaesBJBt. i ';-',- :j
I jbbbBSzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw ''' 'jTIaaaalC?vr't
S'Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa7''' "-''" ''' -!-i '.BWfflitv"!"! "'.. .i
iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaav'' K 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaariaaaaaaaaW
Wali j ""'llBaaaaaW
Finds Weman He Ejected Frem
Heme Through Aid of Man
Befriending Her
Antheny Fanchelll, in n cusl of nnger
nnd jealeui vnge, ncrerdng te the
police, bhet and probably mortally
wounded hta wife Mary, twenty-scven
cars old, shortly before 8 o'clock this
morning in a wxond-sterv rcarv apart
ment at 1515 North Tenth street.
Fanchelll, whose home is ut 101S
Mercy street, was escorted in nn auto
mobile this morning te the house whern
he found and shot' his wife.by Daniel
Simpsen, with whom, according te the
police nnd witnesses. Mrs.- I'anchelli
had been living ince last Saturday us
"Mr. and Mrs. Daniel SnJtl."
According te the story gathered by
the pelice el the Eighth nnd Jeffersen
btrecN station, l'nnchelll hud ejected his
wife from their home, where they buve
three small children, en last Saturday
evening. Simpsen told Magistrate Xelt
that he had only taken Mm. Panehelli
te the Tenth street nddrew out of hu
manity. He admitted remuining nt the
apartment with her, hut "only te pro
tect her." '
Simpsen called for I'anchelli this
morning in his uutomebllc, hearing tlint
the luttcr was searching for life wite,
and offered te lake him te the wemnn.
Punchelll put a revolver iu his pocket
aud accompanied him.
Throwing open the deer te the apart
ment, Simpsen cxclnlmcd:
"There is your wife!"
Shots Fellow Quarrel
The wemnn was en her feet iu her
night cletheg. I'anchelli reproached her
nnd het words were exchanged. I'an
chelli drew his revolver and llred three
times ut.Mrs. I'anchelli before Simpsen
cdulrt restrain him. One bullet ledged
near the woman's heart uml she tank te
the fleer.
Simpsen laid her ujien the bed, while
I'anchelli, panic-stricken, ran from the
house, later giving himself up te a pa
trolman ut Thirteenth nnd Market
streets, who took him te the Eleventh
nnd Winter streets station, from which
lie was transferred nt once te the Eighth
und Jeffersen streets stntlen.
I'anchelli; en the ergc (f collapse,
was held by Magistrate Neff without
bail and Simpsen wns held in $300 bull
ns a material witness. Mrs. I'anchelli
was taken te the Children's Homee-
pnthlc Hospital, where, in the presence
of her hut-bund, she made nn ante- ,
mortem stntement, m wlilcli slie niui
tlieru wns no juMinenrien rer ine wioei-
tnir. und that Mie had been put out
of her ileme. She denied bhc had been '
llvlncr with Slnuioen
The apnrtmvnt house is owned by
I. Uesenbaum, of l."-" North Kl'th
street. The caretaker of the house, Mrs.
' Whn m. ,i. , , . r mill I7.CIUT, bum iiiui uii nimuiij u
"wZm ei P-8,'. h(J trie.'1 t0 ,nl(" "l sivltiB the name of Daniel Smith,
tftlM,n?1, '" Mirgeeiw lifted Hempanlcl by Mrs. Punchelll, luul
Vvi.,l.i W zencr. bn i tnut en nunuay u
inL-.Mi iinhKivKxIen of the utiurtment. hav
She ing n note from the owner Hi)lx they
been Wul leuted it She heurd the ipiarrel
tome nnd the tliets lircd.
The police Mild that I'nnehelll hud
1 nNe thieatencd SlmpMin nnd tint t the
latter had cone te ranctlen teuuv te
neSaldn'?1 ''I ,,,ke ,:" from nc I he wns afraid for his own lite. Pan
Wp lq 11'i"1 ll,at- 't Bet v chel I denied he hnd tbrcnteued Simpsen.
Collegian's Experiment In Mystic
Science Only Partly Successful
Durham. N.. II.. l' U. (Hy A.
P.) After taking n correspoimencu
ceuise lu h.vpnetlsm, Ralph II. Seiinuin. I
nf Yerk. Me., u ficshninn nt New ,
Ilumpshlrc College, tnen out Ills powers
en his roommate und fellow townsman,
. Dl'iaill UOllMlll, IH'liilc uii n.iiiui ",
student audience. The spell worked.
The siibiect fell limp, nnd the nniutciii'
Rut when he tried te bung ms i room- !
nintc buck te consciousness. Senninn
Ulsceveieii inm uu puni, riiymniiK i ;
lingers, miiimiiki piiiviniib uim p"uiii.i i
pu.v incut ,,r ii... '. uiiKers. miuium. inns t " "".,., e snraK. i
"".'U'bt lu thn "i'l. iL V.1 tc of neavnll. , l" -- I
5 L?1 ln'iw, vv .'"' ', l,!1 culleil mul gave u.edlclnei tvve members Nm; erh. May a (Ity A. P.) -CiteC,'!
"-'1'l.v l stbuli ''''T1 1 of the faculty wete scut for iiud con- Jehn McCeru.nck was m far rerov rerev
lt (Cy ,S ( . stiuiult te the ',.,,,...,, ,,. ,:..,.. ,IP Pmi Hobsen .red from his lis'ent serious Illness thnt,
4T.jjT .....u ......!., ..in ..r in,. , wnii. in ii iii. was ii nnsscni'cr today 'With Ills wife
Df UlAUn ,,-! IJIIMlMll, M. '. " ".'
NI'nkTf4 ri'lllU MIM Oil IU 1111 Miuwu JUliMiuirN i i
ris iinin , , -i... ii.... f tt.....i..u i.
or ihB neird ?iil,h, win ntimum. ii. imnvn
l'lltl ltabitH S'.nmnii.i-K. liitfiil nt llt( lelll'tf lli'Dlll't-
nQ4 tnuiir ( 'Jt.itav (Inftll lOfl ll II 111! Ill
case of hypnotism nnd Seummi Mil;
llb i NOUIl'BJ I -,.... .- .- ..-...,
TMafct "' ,,',,w Vvtr? "T3y! ' w,,8i '"r0"" trj'ing te asmenmraie uyp-1 ,-',,,, ,lv. ,hel ftr aula column tecty en I
saaVmMalWteBiiW WIHttifurfH"r" ft' aiMhMfcfm'ft!--'-"
liiHL's Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW ''a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
aaaaaaaaaav"' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
aaK;vx 1 ?f- mm v . . irXvt.4
The diagram shows 1025 Mellen
street, where two men were killed
after a supposed love duel. The
figures indicate where one man's
body was found prepped against a
can, another dying In the street,
Helen Iewis (Inset) Is held as n
witness. Hynfaii Geld (below)
was shot by the police In an
ut tempt te escape
i . . I., i. ,i
Teny Valiant Claims Hit Revolver
Was Acldentally Discharged
Edith Surre, sixteen jenrs old, 17
Taskcr blreet. was shot and seriously
weuudedby Teny Vuliante, forty cars
old and married, of Thirteenth und
Mckeiui streets, late last night, nc nc
cerding te the police, durlns n light in
n hotel near Thirteenth und Walnut
streets. The girl Is lu u critical con
dition at the JefTersen Hospital.
Vuliante was arrested by Detectives
Kay nnd Nelan, of the Fifteenth und
Vine streets vtntieu. He said the re
volver wna accidentally discharged. He
will have n hearing this morning before
Mngbtrntc lloeney.
Jeseph Snrre, fntlier of Miss Sntre,
said Vuliante. who lind been regarded
ns a friend of the fumily, accompanied
I nis (luuxuter out lust nlglit. He ex
, prcsbid the belief that Vnliunte induced
iier te go te u hotel und then attempted
te attack her.
Opposition of Rockefeller Reported
Snag, in Wedding Arrangement
Chicn&e, May -. Wedding plaus for
the iiiarrluse of Miss Mathildc McCor McCer
mlek. beventeen-year-eld daughter of
Hareld Mcl'ermick, president of the
International Hnrvester Company, and
granddaughter of Jehn D. Ueckefellcr,
te Mnv User, the Swiss riding -innbtcr,
have been dropped.
.Ne date bus been set nnd n general
attitude of
adopted by
"no definite plnns" has been
the members of the McCor McCer McCor
licie, It whs lenrued yestcr-
Ueckefellcr, grandfather of
is never changed his erigi
mlek facilj
Jehn !-.
nal hliitemrnt blucu the dn the engage-
menl ni iitwioimerd. u'hli'h una. In
effect, tlint lu would necr consent te
his gruudihiughter imirrviiiK nn.v ether
thnn nn Aniericau or living unjwhere
Im I- in America.
It (.eems, Mij friends of the McCor McCer
mick fnmll.v licru, that the oil king can
not L'lve his consent te the marriage
without retelling himself nnd lie has
necr done tlint.
Nephew's Bedy Was Found
Divorcee's Apartment
Chlclige, Ma.v -'. (Uy A. P.J MUs
Violet lllink Duncan, u prctlj nine- I
teoii-jeur-eld divorcee, wns nrrcstcd i
lediiy chaiged witli murder in con- I
ueiilen with the dcuth of her nephew,
Heills Itetil, tvve nnd u hnlf jenrs old, '
of Alten Park, Teiin. j
The child wns round dead in Miss i
Duncan's apuitmcnt lnt-t .Satiinluy I
"'s1'1, . . '
K Ci m m itai v'O MAY riAY1
w wwr.,.. ... ."- w ,.,r, , wr.
Communists Invade Royalist Club.
Twe socialist Halls
f 2,(ij. (v.
Twe Socialist Halls Fired
Reme, May 2. (11) A. 1--Fivc
ilenil uml about 10(1 wounded make un
'the May Day mil of casualties in Iiuljf
Tim ( euiiiiuuistH tiivniieii u menur
,.,llb nt leghorn. Twe Socialist
, t (,,Ml wre h,Pl 0 r,, A
,prIl0 t01, lu.,-fcens were wounded in
( disturbance when n Ceinniunlst leudci
trlM iu spraK
mid tniuii) en i nc .quiinnin, ueunii ler i
a' rest and visit te his home lu Ath-
lone, Ireland.
il het no YOU K.r.i i iiaiiv vi.UKiAiir;. iik a
Man Held for Brunen Murder
Breaks Down at Sight
of Mate
"There'll Be Real Sensation if
I Succeed," She Tells
Harry C Mehr, locked up In Mount
Helly Jul I ns the instigator of the mur
der of "Ilenesl Telin" Ilruueu, circus
owner, of KlvcrMric, N. J., broke down
for the first time lndn when Ids wife,
Hcsie, wan tuken into t lie cell te sec
him. ,
County Detective Ellis Parker es
corted the young wemnn. Mehr had
maintained n ste Id silence and profes
sion of utter unceilcern since his recent
"Veu don't believe I did t7" Mehr
demanded niter lie had hugged und
kissed ills wife.
"Ne, I don't." said Mrs. Mehr.
Then the wife hecan te sob. nnd
Mehr took her lu his nrniH ugnln, tears
btreamiug down his cheeks.
"I in Innocent, Hessle," lie said. "Ne
matter what they tell you, I'm inno
cent. I had no pnrt iu this crime."
11)011 her arrival at Meiin! Hellv.
Mrs. Mehr had sone directly te the Jail
und demanded te see her husband.
Interview Wns Uriel
"I'm Mrs. Mehr," she said.
The jailer explained thnl no one
could pee the prisoner without permis
sien from Detective Parker. Mrs. Mehr
then neught his office, und the detective
escorted her te the cell.
The interview wns brief. When It
was ever Detective Pinker led Mrs.
Mehr past the cell where Charles M.
Powell, who confessed thnt lie com
mitted the murder for $1001) premised
him by Mehr, wns ledged. She p.issed
en with averted face, und wus taken
te Detective Parker's office.
Thcn Mrs. Mehr was confronted by
Mrs. Elizabeth Jncsclike. sister of the
murdered mini, who had come te Mt.
Helly en the Mime train with her. In
fact, the two had entered Parker's of
fice together n hnlf hour earlier, s
On the train Mrs. Jneschkc und Mrs.
Mehr, though bitting close te eucn
ether, gnve no signs of recognition.
They were en the 0:4'J trnln from Cam
den. A detective assigned by Purker
snt near by.
When Mri. Mehr, sobbing Mill, wns
lei" into the offlee by Parker, Mrs.
Jueschke broke the clillly silence bhc
lins ninlntuincd since she saw- the wife
of the man licensed e( instigating the
tilves Wife Counsel
"I feel se sorry for jeii," said Mrs.
Jneschkc te the, younger woman.
"Don't cry. Don't waste your tears
en that deg of a husband, little girl.
He's net worth it."
Mrs. Jneschkc is selng out with State
Trooper Hading tills afternoon te leek
up some new leads that Detective
Parker gave her. Parker said Mrs.
.Ineselike went te Mount Helly ut life
request. '
'She knew absolutely nothing about
the npprehcuMnu of tlie prisoners." he
wild, "until she nrrhed nt the Y. W.
C. A. in Philadelphia lat night. I"
Had sent tier a letter iislcing" her te leek
up t-ome things for me In Chicago, und
she accomplished what I asked. This
afternoon I am sending her te River
side, und she will leek up certain ether
matters nt njy request."
"Yes," broke In Mrs. .Taechke, "nnd
when I find them, there'll be something
Mrs. JucMdikit prnNcd the work
rnrker hns done and spoke with much
indignation about Mehr. She expressed
great sympathy for Powell, however,
Continued en I'ner Ilc, Column Twe
Canine Left In Car Vanishes as Aute
A pugnucleus Irish terrier made Ills
debut ycbtcrdny as a protector ugaiust
nute thieves, when Miss Helen 11.
Itrmlferd. of New Castle, Del., enmc
te Philadelphia and pnviicd her new
automobile en Arch street near Twelfth.
Inktemi of locking the machine she left I
the deg in the fient scat te guurd the I
Evidently there nie deg fanders
nineng nuln thlew-. or else the terrier
deserted the car, for when Mfe Hrnd Hrnd
ferd returned belh the deg ami unto
mobile were gene. The enr wus wilucd
nt ?."50.
Man Who Wounded Weman, Baby
and Himself Is Sentenced
Judge l-'lnleti or today
Geerge Fulmcr, tull Tulip streel. te
fiem live te slv jenrs lu the 1'nMerii
Penitential) for usaul(ing Mr.-. Nettle
Shriller, 1,1(1 Median nvenue.
Mrs. Shrinir, u widow, was shot in
the cheek, und her infant seu In the
hip niter she spurned Fulmer's sugges sugges
tlen they get mnrried. Fulmcr then
wounded himself lu the head, l'lilmer
bud been srpmiitcd fiem his wlfe live
.venrs, suffered from nervousness ns the
icsiilt of sei vice In France iu tlie uvln uvln
tlen corps and luul been drinking.
Ministers Resign at Premier's Re-j
quest te Reorganize Government '
tendon, "Mn .!. (It) A. P.) -The
.Inpnncse Cnblun', bended bv Premier
Tnk.ilmslil. linn resigned for the purpnie
of pirmilting u partial reorganlratien i
of the ministry, mi,vh uii Exchange Tel- .
egruph dispatch from Teklo tedn). '
Tohie. May 2. -(Ry A. P.) Pre
mier Tukuhushi Is reported te bnve n-
quested the resignation et his Cabinet city Relief Organizations Are DIs
with it lcv te forming u new govern- ... .. le
ment In sympathy with his views. , banding, Says Hoever
break in the Sel.vtikul, or Government i Washington, Muy i.'.- Rcllci'tlug de.
parly, is expected ns n consequence. creases lu iineniple.vment. ergnnlutlnus
Viscount Tiik'tihnshl. whli became
lieml of the Cabinet following the us us
snss.'nntien of, I'reinier Iliirn, Is one of
the leaders of the Sei)iikiii party. He
has' severnl times declared lu favor f
speedy ratification by Japan of the
quadruple treaty for maintenance of
peach tn the Pueltlc, framed at the
v nnsingien .uenrercne,
vSsw&'SJfr. s. rt. . .
JW VW.WCM ' . '
'.w.r.'.t--p. .. .
ii. iM
A Smile Supreme
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
aaaaaaaaaaaaai asTP ' TaaaaaaaaaV
saaaaaaalaaC!3E Tmf ' ivaaaaaaaaw
aaaaaaaaTpWT'asT -' Pkwr aaaaaaaal
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBLXaaaaikv. $& ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaal
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHPVaaafMlaW V'aaaaaaaaaaaai
LaaaaaaMKSr'V' flkafl
aaaaaaaaamMK xMaaaaaaarfBaaaTaTi
F- iaaaaaafaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
l''ermer PirsKlent, us lie appeared
upon arrival today te participate
the rruMllr.'itlrn et Hie old
Supreme Court Itulldlng at
anil incstnut streets
Student Beard Urges Wedded Pair
at University Be Reinstated
.Madisen, Wis., Muy '-'. Murriugc
among students wns expected te be
formally approved today by the beard
of regents of the University of Wiscon
sin, us n lcsult of fnverublc action of
the student life and interest commit
tee. The .student committee recommended
te the beard that the deans be in
structed te reinstate Rebert Johenot
und his bride, who wus Miss Deris
Moses. Tlie pair hud been ordered te
discontinue their studies after their re
cent secret marriage became known. It
was the opinion of the committee that
restrictions should net be made ngaint
iiiuiiihkb iiiueng Miiuijnts wtie had their
inn Wlll'lllt
While frowning en secret marriages,
the regents nrc expected te approve en
tirely tb- committee's findings, some
members of tlie beard indicated. Mr.
and Mrs. Joheuol mnitium-eil Hwi- uin
at once cblubllsh their own home- among
vuiKiij ei inurrieu students.
8ees President and Members of
State Congressional Delegation
Washington. Mny.2. Attorney Gen
eral Alter made n ImriTed flight through
the mazes of Wilmington officialdom M
lUy. combining official business uml
social ciiIIm with political conferences of
direct bi tiring en ills campaign for the
governorship of Pennsylvania.
nc ciiipii en President Harding, met '
Secretary of the Treasury Mellen, Sec '
ictnry of Laber Davis and ether ineiii.'
hers of the cabinet nt the White Heuse i
i-uiiivrri'u wun Attorney (ienernl Dtiugh
Vii'iV , V'f1,' 1,iresentutlve Vnrc, of
I nlladelphla, and nt neon went into
cnuciis witl membeis of the Pennsyi.
vnnla ceiiRiessinnal delegation.
Tlie congressional repre'entntlves.
most of whom wcie nt home en their
own eumpulgns, w,.n. summoned here
by telegrams dispatched bv Representa
tive Rutler. of Delaware Count , deun
of tlie delegation.
Alter explained ill tin- White Heuse
Hint his cnll en the Prc-ldcnt was a
social iiffulr cxclusivel.v
"I had never si.i.n ij1(. I'icsident." he
-nld. "Attorney General Dnughertv
suggested that I meet him What dill
wc discuss? What am I supposed te
su.v ? Is it ciisieinurj in repeat such
conversations? I believe we Midi it
wus a nice cla.v. The Pi evident Is hand
some. Isn't he?
He declared life campaign wns pro pre
glossing satisfactorily. Claims by his
supporters that In- would carry the'Stcte
by (I'liiaierlty of fiem (lO.dOO te .'.Oti
000 he churactei l.ccl as "npprexiinntciv
Rolled "Benes" for Half M
Hen, but1
Dies Penniless
San Hcnianlliie, Calif.. May l.
(Ry A. P.) Lew Friedman, said te
liuve been one of the cleverest dlcu ex
perts in the oeuntr.v, is dead bv his
ew'n hand- the bund that rolled
"seven" nnd "eleven'' for nearly half
a million dollars in the Inst twenty
years. Friedman liiculed for the nr.r
tliiie in his life, his friends sjiy, when
yesterday he beat the scepter et tuber
culosis by sboeting himself. He died
A jenr age he ' camp back fem
Cuba with SL'O.nnO he wen In n f.n.
W,'PK "llt "p K'lve It iiwnj lu u Mlmrr
iiiiin in .iiiiuigKUTs in tlie streets from
New Yerk te San Francisce. Friends
provided him with n tent near Victor Victer
ville. There he died. i
Wives and Children of War Pris
oners fan Drive
New Yerk, Mnv .-( Ry A. P.)
Wives uml children will icvirt te
pleU'ting the White Heuse iu n lenevved
plea tu President Hunting te release the
IM men still In federal prisons serving
sentences iinpuM'd during the wnr. it
wns imneuneeil today bv officers of the
American Civil Liberties I'nlim.
Fuch ihi) they will pinmle te the cv
riutlve innustnii, the Senate nnd the
Depnrtmeiit of Justice, bearing bunners,
According te Professer llarr) F. Ward,
chalriuiiii of the iinlen'h Iwinnl of clireo cliree clireo
ters, this campaign wl'l lc augmented
by u drive through the mails.
l or ine relief el tlie Jiililcss imve been
iilsinniird tu mail) Im'alltle-i, it was said
tedn.v bv Sccietiir) Hoever.
Conditions witli ii'sni'ct te unemnlnv.
ment. Mr. Hoever snid. nrc Ies fnvo'r fnve'r
nble iu New Yerk und Rroeklvn than
iu ether lilies. This, be said, was due
te tlioae titles having done less than unv
ethers, with the exception of Chicago,
e rclicyrj unemployment.
vl t-ir
Chief Justice Taft Here
Ceremonies of Thi3
Guests of Hener Will Be Driven
Over Part of Fair
Chief JiiMlce Tuft." formerly Presi
dent of the I'nlted Stutes. i nine here
today from Washington te take part in
the Todedlentlen of the n'd City Hall,
once the home of the United Stutes
Suprciifq Court.
"I am mighty glud te be back in
Philadelphia ngnln' the Chief Justice
remarked, us he smiled the famous Taft
smile and escorted Mrs. Taft into tlie
Mr. und Mrs. Taft, Justine Clarke.
Justice Pitney, Mrs. Hufiis Spuldlng
Da mul Solicitor General and Mrs.
Jntnes M. IJeek composed the party
which reached bore et 1-:07 o'clock en
n private enr provided b Samuel Rea,
president of the Pennsjlwmlii Ilnli Ilnli
rend. Te Visit Fair Site
The rededlcntlen exercises lire te
begin at ! o'clock. After Impressive
ceremonies nt the historic structure at
I' If Hi nnd .Chestnut streets, the guests
of honor will be driven ever part of
tlie SeMiiI-C'cnteimial site.
The distinguished visiters were wel wel
ceimd at tlie West .Philadelphia sta
tion by Mnyer Moere. Murdoch Kon Ken
drick. City Solicitor Smyth. Colonel
Archibald Helding, former Judge Thee-
I'enttnced nn Pure live. Column On
2D BATTALION 2 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 4
9TH BATTALION 00200002 4
8TH BATTALION 12 5 1 1 6 1
GENOA, May 2. Colonel Beyle, representing the Shell group
of British oil companies, Is quoted as denying the reported agree
ment with the Russian Soviet Government. Reuter's correspon
dent says the Russian conference delegation flatly denied haviug
made conce&blens te the Shell interest. w .,.
WASHINGTON, May 2. President Harding is te be asked
by the Senate Finance Committee Republicans te apjneve a sol sel
dieis' bonus bill diffeiing iieiu the Hoube measure only In miner
"Polite Opposition" te Weman
Suffrage and Wet Leanings
Held Up te Scorn
Standard Time te Ride
at Primary Elections
I'llmtli) elect ii 'is will be held
tl i' iiiglmiit Peiiiis) Iv.jniu Ma.v lti in
in i rd vv tli stiiiiuiirii lime, (aid
Chief Geerge D. Thern, of the Slate
ISurcnu of Klictiens, teda.v" in re
sponge te question which h.ul arisen
iu mtiuicipnlltics win re duyllsiit
snviug erdiiiiiuces had been passed.
Mr. Thern snid the law did net
recegni.e uti) local time.
A sensational broadside tirfiihift the
candidacy of Atterui-j General Alter
for t,ie Republican nomination for Gov Gov
ereor wns delivered 'edliy by Mis.
Frank Allies Dn.v , who deelured that
should Mr. Alter be i le. led he would be
bound hand nnd feel b) the besc..
Mrs Dnv is a member of the Pini'lfM
Incentive Ceiiiiuill e of I'hitiidelphla
nnd uhseciaiii ihuiruiaii of the loutuilt leutuilt
teicin meetings. She Is also uetlve in
chic movements genera Iv and Is presi
dent of th-1 Mendii) Conteren"e. Her
attack en Alter a iiiade in the ceur-i1
of u letter te MNn Mnr.i 1. lliikcwcl!,
of Plttsburi;h, who. in the old s'lffiagc
la.vs, 'vas a worker for votc-fei-W'oinen.
Miss ltnkewcll hu 1 written te
Mrs. D.i) and te ether prominent Phil
adelphia women urging support for Mr.
Al ir. This is pail of the Alter i.im
pniuii te trv and bend off the woman
vole te Gifferd Pirn het. which Is rap
idlv going te the fin liter State Vex
l'eulit Women "Pelltcl.v"
In her letter te Mrs. Day und oth eth
ers. Miss Iiiikt'wclt iiiade ns one of hi r
points lie fact thai while Mr. Alter
wait ii member of the Heuse nt Harris
buig luul opposed vwhuuii suffrage, that
he had been polite uhuul It. This par
ticular point mildly amused the Piuchet
wen.cii. .
Drawbacks Suflicirut
'Hie letter from Mrs. Du Me Miss
llakewell fellows :
"Your Idler of April 21 iu regit id te
the cuiidlilac) of Mr. Alter deserves a
mure Immediate uiisvvii'j bit I had tu
give It Mime thought,
Mu.v I refer ut lirsl te whin i..
leusuicr tue ii raw mick m
L IIIII llllVt. lliilill
nilviiiiccil naalnst Mr. H..e'' V..,. ,.i,uU
ever mpldly the ltepubUrau maehliie.
'-,!.. j ..... .
" ",""!Sl:tl.I.l-II Jtla "
r-wa ..
feAWJM A.f- t
Secrct Agreements Keep
All Europe Seething
Secret nareciuents, adopted since
the Genea Conference bejnn, nrc
keeping Europe In u turmoil. The
following have been revealed:
First. Itusse-Gerniiin treaty
made at Rapnlle,
Second. Agreement between
Rritlsh oil Interests nnd Soviet
Third. Pact between Italy und
Turkish Notienalists.
Sanction by the Riitlsli Govern
ment of the (II ilcul is Implied.
The urriiiiscmeiit between Italy
nnd Anjern is deelured Id have been
"behind lirltnin's back," like the
French esrecment with the TuihHi
America is bldlus utoef nnd It Is
lndicf-l --at Hushes knew of the
oil ugreement jesterdny when he snid
the I'nlted States would net recog
nize Russia until "sound business
nnd social conditions" nrc established.
, Citizens Fellow With Appeal te Oust
Education Beard i
A freo-fer-nll discussion of Gleucetcr
City school nffnirs among severnl bun-
drcd Gloucester citi.ena after u meeting !
of the Itenrd of Education InM night ,
iilmest ended in a freo-fer-nll light, I
I The argument get warmer
1 warmer until personalities were ex
changed. Then ns several men sprang
nt each ether and women screamed und
grabbed their liusbunds the janitor,
Geerge Hall, snapped out the lights.
That ended immediate hostilities.
East night'i; distiirbuuee stirred n
delegation of Gloucester citizens te nc nc
tien, and today they appealed te Mnjer
Andersen te nsk for the resignntiens
of the entire membership of the Eenrd
of Education. '
Recognition Expected te Fellow
Acceptance of Allied Con
ditions at Genea
Muff CnrrrsiMindent Kt online Pulillr I i-ilurr
i em1'iti.i iu.. ij ni'u- ,,7r fuwia.u,
W-lslllni'lnn M... l.' 1 .1
v .isiiiiii;ieu. via) At hiuub the
.,!,,,. ... . ' . , '" ,
Adininistriiiieii lecngiue, ijit I he
ti, it.i , I.... !.. I' ; . y. .
.....I...... iii i.u,iii,. i-. iimiic iiiiiiui ui,'
in. hi in ,iuj, nine snee un. signing nf
me ireiii) in runs, it is hopeful ibnl
nm i-riis wi'i in. iner i tlie mulling et
some ngn-ciiient wit!i Russia ami bv
till' llV'crtill" nf the llirrirni..l liu.i.!.,.,
nf (.Oi-niinii l.v ,t... Iv........l. l i
.. -- ........ ... ,,,, , .,,,,,, iuii.11111 im
liiternntiiniiil buin
Sii'i-etai-.v Hughes' statement .ibeut
Russia ycstcidnv Is net te be tukm n
ill mi) win dlfferini! frmn ib.it m.,.l
u. .i.. ,..,.. -. "
ii.v nie vvuiie iieii-e tvienti. nnmii)
iiii.i r .ui- w .in ni1,' ie sec w'luit new
-"""'"ii niniiii nc iireugui Dixiii t liv
the effort. of Kuremnn nut inns m
!. ,,ii., ,.. .'... . I. ..:..: . ,
.. ..,,,- 1. 1 ,,,.. .iiiiiiiusirai IIIU lIVOS
ine recognition nt Russia us (lungs
sriinu. tun if Kussi.i uii'ipts sub-
It Utissl.i nicipts
tciins belli!- Inlil
siiiiiiiuii tne ici ins iciiiL' bid . nivi.
u un- -vims in i.euea. tlie wliele situa
tion will huvc clmngeil. As Mi. Hughes
snid, "The whole matter js in il(. ,.'
t mi of iho-e who deininnte the affuiis of
i.. . i... .in. . . . . . - . ' .
Riivshf Meeting Cundilieiis
Fcein iiumbei'H of the Admlnlsiiatieii
whn nre best infertiieil nbeul whin lun
hnppened In Rusi,i. it is learned that
j l be Soviet Giivernuieiit bus gene u Ion Ien
way toward meeting the conditions us
ulil down In .Mr. Hugln s' mm..
It will be possible (, t ;,, ,,.,.
-ment Ie go Hie rest nf tin- win tlireiuh
uu ugreinieiit ut Genea Mr. Hughes'
Mati'iiieut is te be intci-pictcd as mean
ing thill recognition Is possible. Ai. nne
niemlier of the Administration put Ii.
iccognltleit muy come touinriew. It
limy come u .ve.ir frum new
The Ameilcan G'evernmeiit hits iml
liiungcd Its position en tins qucsUnn
i .. ...,-. i iiiii in i-i'i iiiii i nitiiir iinik ti.
i... ..i ... ":.;..... : "
ii mis iici'iarrii certain lomllttei
.-is-i-iiiiiu iii peiuicai mti'iceiii'se
Russia lias partly met these conditions'.
i in,, mere iies'iui ueiieve tliat she is en
the point of meeting ilieiu full).
llepi' iu Morgan's .Mission (
Willi regaul tu Finnic the Ad Ad
Ulllilslialieii plus gniil hopes immiii J
I'. Morgan tuking pail in the ilNens-ini,
of nu iuteriintieii'il lean for Gi'i-niuiiv
1,1 ll IU"( I III'.' of the slib-i eiiiinissliiii ,,'f
the Repuiutieiis Ceinmlssie... n jm h i
Mr. Mergnn does net go ever lis ii
(unllnurd en l'ui Klvr. Tuluinii juur
nulekly Ju,- cenmllli
nu nii vry rrquirtmrnt may ha feiiiiS
nlllvklv IM." rana.UI.. flu ......-T "u
n in.u u - -T
fleatler. en nxca 'JO
--".."': rr. T"'---.Ti:". ':-.r'-'.."w oiaaei,
ti"" ; l (fM,""nwT'f"ii'',,,!wSfi'
anu au.ji.ta. n
ft wl1? l ,v,: vJ'v
aaaav aa av . m a aaaav mM i4aaaaaa1
U I I V ft In I aU I HI ' aTV
n 1 1 1 1 u h n DH'i
Gigantic Agreement SignlfcyJ
uenea uives soviet Half r
e-f Profit ,i&$
s t
lairrniaierrairaisr nu ninVA-.. .
v j..iv.-i. VS.
Italy Said te Have Made PiaWll
With Turkish Natienalitt:f
'RnhnH Rr a n'e DkaLT '7r,C
.-v...,,m wiibum 9 iar
'A ,
Bartheu Leaves for Paris- ' $2
Consult Poincare Re-
..! j. , . , . .,SJ
Iiibs xe unicnenn v 'ic
Ry the Aseclaled Press
Illden, Mnv ".A nlminllp ln.,a.
I trial ngreement was signed en Sunday;
m vjviiuu ny leprecnlntIvcs or tiic.Kus
'inn Soviet (Jovernment and thp Sbli
Kretiii of llritish oil cempnnicH., V!
graphs the Genea corrcsepndentr of the
Evening News. "",
Under tlie agreement, lie writcs.tlie t
Slieli group will control nil cnln miA
under certain londitiens. all production'
of oil iu every part ef.HussIa for in';
ngrccd period. The concession may W
renewed by mutual consent. '
Fift.v per cent of the net profits ynW"
be allotted te the Soviet Government"
und the ether ."0 per cent te the Shelf
group. The working of the oil fieUa
wlll be administered by the British cebi-7
panics under the prevision"! of 'Uhi
Russian Juridical cede and the prerlaV
thnt net mere than ."0 per cent of tfct
workers employed shall be fereigners.1
ril.l rUlM.IICnnn.ln... .. .I...... f ill 1.
the. Shell combine has arranged te MMteVj&al
the agreement almost immediately , top -XS
the Caspian fields, tuking charge of sr--
pipe line irem nKii te Katum, and alavr.';l
te develop the vast potential fleirfrf Im1 'el
Uralsk Province. , " '1
1.W111U iviii.siM, .-soviet .Minister, tux ' ,
1 radc and Commerce, signed the aftsi-y
ment ut the Hetel iie c.nnnu t,Z !!'':
(isll)ll te Hlffn uuu rnnr.l.n.1 ... 1 Ai'VfeJ
dispatch, only after the KuH8lanr''M 4
scverui occnsiens nail plaved e -um?iK !
various groups against one another!-:-.?
obtain better offers' for the 'prlvJIeisMl
inVeUlllZ millions nf nnnmla' vtnS7X-y,l
output, from oil fields, winch. tuif :3a.'?. W&i
these of the United States, are the" artit'.'ff
prolific In the world. j' H.L
j i. is mere tnan possible, adda al .v-J
Luitv.-iiiiu;iii, inui uimcuit cempii pjfy
tiens mill result nver thn ivnrlln.l I 'Ji
imnertant nrens In wMeli il.n fitanl r.x1
Oil Company had toneesilens prlei'
,1... U... let .,...! l!....i ... .,' '. .
i.is- uuti uuiiuuaiiAuiiuii ui iiic uei n
Purls. May 'J. (Ry A. P.J-piJ
contract between the Russian 8byM
wevcrnmenc unit tlie Miell group
uruisu en cempunics, ey winch tue
ier eutains u monopoly of the traa-
ii..i.laltiii nn.1 ntn ff.....t . t C1
cum. mis n dispatch te IInfermatl mfi!
freni Genea, was drawn up in Leid '
in r eeruarv . - r
It was signed and mnile nnl)llr V. -t
mills, us seen us the attitude of
iirtheu, of the French Genea Ie1-fn.
tien. en the epicstieu nf the recegnitfee.
of private pieperty rights in ItmUS
lecumu known n
Genea, Muy L'.--(Rv A. P.) Vlea
Premier Riirtheu, bead of the FrcncS
delegation nt the economic conference,
left for Purls tedn) for u conference
with Premier Poincare ami the Cabi
net. He is i'pedcl buck Sunday of
Mnuda) morning. Referc leaving he
conferred with Prime Minister Lloyd
. ic'il K'-.
The interview with Mr. Lloyd Geerge - I
l0"' l'lf at the Villa de AlbertW'--1 k-
.nur "ero .vi. uitrtlleu s departure.
I be atmosphero of the meeting was sM
til be lllOSt COI'llltlL
.. , i , .. . . . . F
Mr. I.le.vd (.eerge, it is understood.
im,)rt. 11Kajn ,, lis prt.npJ CX!,
I t.i. . I r .1... ., I a .... .. "
ii'iiKin- ins i.'w i'i nie uesirnnuity tut
ity tut . .
of tr ,..
nt l I
tr., -s .
n nieeiiii-r ei i no signatories
Heat) it Versailles tic field at
ennieM possje euiciit in some Mei ?
Iterruncnn town. . 1
V Itil rr bull's inimi-te.t .Innlnln.. Hn-1.
.v t...tiii.ii l...f.,.. ...., .v ....1 .1.. .. OSJ
... ...ii... ... tvix ... , .....n. iin-ui v
of the status of the Russian noge, ,
' lien, it was mi id. ns the Russian rr,"
te the meiiierniidiim the Allies will J."
nt Is net cMiectcil bcfiin. Mnfc:
' "-.-a
next. j
' .iiiiiiui is uin' ie reacil 1'nrji
i'i;.'" ii i'iiicu uiiiiiirriiw morning
feie leaving he answered the
i written bj M Chiiiierln en April ft-
I., I, I.. I. .1... IN... l' !. ,....'
"linn ill." inir.-uin IUII-IKII .Tim
'denied Hie evlstemv of seciet ml
or political clauses in the Russe
. iiinn jieiuj nun ueemrci tfieie vvr
reni leasnn vvnv tue most friend!
In I iiiti-s should net be e.stubllbhei
tvveen Kussia uml rnnce.
M Rarlheu iu his replv vniei
t.iil.l',.,,11.... ... ,1... !...... . T
the French Government und people wi-fe
ml) ilissatislieil with the KussI-uir who
nillirill' ll.'ll ..I I 111' lI'll.T Illlll flUflll.
rentlmifd ei run The, Column Tfcm
-nni c niunDPcc
1 Mrs. C. de Pue Neville Named Game ,
as Ce-respondent .., l . 1
Sun IYiiiicIhce. Miij 2. .Mivi, Cor-
icuiili de Pue N'evi'le. who divorced Jack ,
Neville, pnifi'sslenn' golfer, about . JvJi.
)car age. iiamiug tee unclent und hea- ,rJij
iiruble game us currespnmlciii, war mar-' Jv
I i led vcsleisliiv te Rebert Tee I Klllnli-.-. -AM
lianlware ilea'er, ' l,ns Angeles, '
linir ciiuseii mr urst iiusinird te nea-Tv
led Iier und broke up thelrv ' tmc. '''
i .. . ... .,... ... v . .....v v '"'
lllHgeil in uu' ciiveici,' peiiueii.-yi
Obtains Decree
rerai weugiaa.tc. ' !
en Desertion Charaa X i-U
Lus Aiigclrs. May 2. (Ry A.kT,V
w .l . jr i: 1
.Mrs, .iesi'ihiiuii w . ueiy niitaiM
illvercn lu the Superior Court hersv
terdiiy neiii I'u'igms y.abrlslile
feimer New Yerk editor und pu
und new sceuntin writer for u I am
gecs inc.tien-picture ceniiuiiyf ipf
lireiuius ei uisiruiiii, yr
" - ' ... .W'
nUhty of llivm mArtiMA
Wanted ccJuitvrtjIciMMm -.
. .jfuhMmsbttrs&Wfa$,.i:i
li ,.V.l
uBLBBMK.KliaBHillBbKlriHtt!il Jut .nttntflaBiiiiiiiHBH9BiiHBaiaHawiHyilittl
cmii i.'----rfr ff iMiMnmRfvTimm tr i ir - i