,.... m &t& 'M p i i h ,.wt V". ".. .. -. ' -,l ft33J rt, ' tf VW .y.4t. (' C W il -A . i:l, & -y-A ; A S . tiM. M 4i'ilx ; feayjr.'tefi? .S' . " "T '.,v . ."'.sS . . rw v ,,-. W PAN YOU RECALL THIS BIT OF. OLD' PHILADELPHIA) t t-t i1. s. ja"j ' ;i . v ' M.' SK l O Pv. . ; .JS. .. '. V.' rri,i i V r.'iii '&l '"j?j W?'.1! 3EV? ii & jS, ' jKi, K X.?-vi tVil ',? t-'' JS"?- t':fc w&. MB "i. i 1- I .? :$ Fji-t--i J-l KVfVv',t r-?iS Kr- " "7i . j R tTr T t 'Vi $l-l tfftgNEvPERSON was killed ... Sfetea'mshiD Island Ouccn. K fyfiLfn ,'a deck collapsed -k WkHO'the beat was en it 'u V. bwf y arem L-incinnatt te tne ,3v utint, Centenary nt Point rh' r Pleasant. O. Stfll " ? U eKJ,, Wt . -. b.n itm v EMI rvB -. :vj!i im a r: m a?-. MOST PHOTOGRAPHfED back '' in America. The cameras eye lias "seen'' th' back eflliss Flo Cunninpham 2146' times v. v. V'-V' HeB 1 U lit' l'.bi iAt . JT KSSSr ?: JS;VJ s'.rta avi- Wi &LA 'A ;-tG h- i "i 4 r h & tv 'ff- ks.& rv ,-ii k.tf-;'? Irs t L Ns" v t ,;m VJl'MS V1 s: y iJ 5M x" '! .' ) :& iiTJ ,'S I 'vf;-.Ti5r ,?ft r, VV?: i f ?51 t',"- .;s?Vi-a .N'i'ii'-ai! VISITING PHILADELPHIA i-'OR A WEEK. "JUST THREE CENTS SHORT.", That's what Dcnyer Otte, the biggest of the many elephants "Temmic" Clark told the photographer after the boy with the Sells-Flo'te Circus was snapped in front of the .circus billboard u. KCi mr i !lwubfe GIRLS, WHEN WILL YOU STOP? Mildred McKay, Y. 5 feS Milwaukee, has startled the folk of that Wisconsin City by 'iMrir painting en her leg a picture of her beau int. WiVOT T Illl'iS l''" v""1?' ',' - . "$', -' '?V'! vi; rw K? ilK 1 P& f ?' St i- 3! lr ;i . -.r?.i 34-X1 Lvfl y r Vi Trnmns' Jr I'hvfe. '!. Vat. rJ JT iATi,A. ar., tf i . tfjfjv -v-j. :$ h: iili &! r3;'' u.jaatr iS ijJV i 'MJk ; yy , & .v'?,'fS'" ect 5ffi" iceawaa PADEREWSKI, the Polish pianist, as he "looked" when he was eighteen. The dell likeness is in the hnnds of the creator, Madnme I'adcrcwska i' a r THEY HAD A WONDERFUL TIME HUNTING EGGS. Scores of children took part in the egg hunt in the garden of Mrs. Henry Ress, at St. Martins, en Saturday ufternoen, Julia Biddlc Henry (left) found the egg in one of the contests. The ether guests shown arc Marien M. Rivinus, Hedinc Moen, Anne Louise Ress, AnneC. Callahan and Nena M. Martin SUNDAY AFTERNOON ON 'BROAD STREET. Miss Frances SwnJm wbs in the throng seen near Columbia avenue . i ii i::,;zmmmK; K& .-5CRIPPLED CHILDREN AT KEITH'S. A special perform- CfU, A-flarifMk wee mvan fnt Vinin n Sfiirlnv in rnnnntlnn wifrVi tV WLrx thirty-third anniversary week program 1K. MJI i i m "5Sr 9' PB;:' OUR C,TY'S ? JgfSlKfci' WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO ice of K in tK rss'l lie 'emr!?-! K w mea1. Iraa I l- ' w d A 1KB UIO T-V xlr-tev t -'U mice !JBbfl '' 'iU M t -ic'eniii we icen1 ' -1 sfrsq .k T 1 ion te ' IM fh ,, f nurrSS Pr-K 'ayleiAs, Mted ann.,t .. tthe Yird-nd'eJ "?fii:-,'Ka fAtJBT' ;nl " W.l P; - VVI 5 1 ?r. ty fX;-A3 yfflO' : '.' '?'! J(k' .? fc-aKpiW'i-. 13 s' m. -n ; . t;' 2MB V- ?' -" f 'V':, t? r.'";Ji ,f LV'rH rc ny n ,:c. . ' L r A -, ' It: V ,t .-,?? ''iiM it X l&K, !' '-;i-,f SB KV5!t? I "J'i'-'y't&l V3 J v.'.l LSJJ?c2SLr BS iryi Tfr: Efll . ? ""! 4 " yS-x r : iT' t'A- V '.t y ,';, n RSIi Kf' (,-U " ji hi C" Sl r w .; Li &v' M t? r-r (i IRELAND STILL GRIPPED BY STRIFE. Special officers of the Irish Free State were snapped as they went through a training stunt international '.& A,'" ' SA, BUSY PH1LADELPHIANS l? .-"?- -7 AHK , !j:. ' s4. 1 KB fflnHmn THEY'VE PLAYED CRICKET FOR MANY DAYS. Charts H. Braithwaite (left) has bowled many victories for the ArHmore Cricket Club. The batter is Jehn E. Pike, ale of the Ardmerc Club. They were caught at practice CALLED AT THE MAYOR'S OFFICE. Sephia Roselowicz in. a demonstration for freedom of Ukrainians zm &;. -w: wi? !it-.: 3J MM A'UI &J, ! ; i xf?-H rtj , .V1 ryiv, ' ' ;:& wm , Vi " '' yl '.!! . ' t t i vJrwyL ,; '.. a" -i. "fAs i'Xt' lXA 'K. :-x u " a II j',-; W: ' ? y y; i. ; w. 'VA r'i rtY IK. 'J&M r'.y ; EK, VSgi $?.' ,,u n; V 'i mWS T IDbD 1111 VD T).rl,.V MMulmn OAD1 Hrnul arrn eiuniln MIT.I. WilDVPHC tJDl'OPVir OTfl CUniU llr . r - II I 1 1 l. XL- el T .i TIT T.M.l-i ....,. i rTi -..-.... .. ,. ... j tvv uuh,iii ?r"i J!i7" ... t. V w, ....uu """"V,"v"uew.J uiueuuh, ub a uu, - u muaicai cunieuy, was given ey ne e, a. a e. n. riuisner piayers i ua. jaew m. ANDERS talks of AQeTcnAwn sm ... ' ,-SM hunber thirty, feet high in Gibjen-Walker CempanJr'B Mercantile Hull. Seme of the cast were (Ieftte right) Geraldine H. Jacksen, Edna J. McClure, Mae A. Trudel. Marie J."Sweney , Health Day in Editorial Pace int- A?5L. .VT CASHIER. William H. Themas, AiVkm yimDeryare, at mw urays rerry avenue andAnna S. Dugau iW n i i n ' - ,s cnn"ed with the Seco)1 K ir ft - 1 v , - t .-..muirrenniera. Music is his hobby ;y Bl "J: 'J i h .8 t f w tr c ?:.' . t 'S-! "?. iMSS KafPWcwJHri r.v7'""T!3