w .' wl. v. timn payment can be a. 1'Snd. The WI.hY.Ce., 18I Poplar at. ; fiRAMM-BERNSTElN , "I 'mm body and cab: easy time payments can arranged. Th While Ce.i 1111(1 Poplar 5? ihin. Hnruce nese. Taisnhene spruce 5030. lean HATNES, 4 passenger, wire wheels, Spert ear! I20O down btJirje one year; elnAtinv'a. Ilread nnd Will ilea Kin. tourist ratlin I handsome ewt will sacrifice te quick buyer. ROYAL Mi OTOR CAR CO., 030 N. roae at. f.KXINaTOfs' touring! wire wheels) rplendld mechnnlcnl condition! Jiewly painted) business change compel" lmmc.llnte sale: $060; real bargain for prompt Imyer! aee thin. Tiega 5081) 3. 8047 N. 15th st. I IDI7DTV sedan, late medel: coupe, run LlULlXl I very flttlei will sell eheep for aulck aale. Royal Moter Car Ce.. 020 N. Bread at. LICENSE TAGS IN 24 HOURS MILKY. 1207 W. Susquehanna. Open. eve. ERCER 1021. touring, eerlee d: cord tlresi ""li.?,5re,!i.."3":,'J";K.,R.'"",.""" HAItU H, firwu " "m.nP n- limn hiji. 4-nasaenger sport car. nUlflHK,au(y. bargain:' terma .arranged. Tiarnn'a Aute Exchange. 040 'N. Bread st. OAKLAND Touring; repainted and leeks fine; biff bargain at $223: open evenings and iiniiay. win is. unmn a. OLDSMOIHLK sedan, also touring; nearly new: priced lew: terms nrrnnKad: open aemlnr. Harper ft Harper, .tin N. Hreaa. 5LDHMOUH.K trucks, 1 ten. 1021. geed Con Cen Con rtlllen. reasonable. Apply 0H3 N. , 2d gt. OVERLAND teurlwr: !t runs reed nrM baa geed tires; $05. Apply 4.144 Richmond gt. ONE-TON FORD worm drive truck, panel body! lt20: A-l shape: will BaQ)llc;. Cell Itirilav. '.10IU n. neumn a.. "DArk'ARn 3-ten: clectrle llchta atid rAvlirtIl atarter: atake body and eabi any time paymenta can be nrranged, The White Ce.. 1310 Poplar at. Telephone Spruce nene. ' ' DAirP ",Jnn ,ft, model. ft pass.: cannot 1 nav. ee mm irum pew owner will wcriflce for nulck aie, Royal Moter Car n-zu ,s. .. .... iiitiE. 0-tyl. Teuring: geed conditien: n "T. I. In k. aifri. la, ma. mia... ai,..,. ,.. .3ra,,nd.rr niwriiw.Ta.-:"' - SPRiNGSTPRINGS SPRINGS 1.VIP. ANY AUTOMOBILE Large assortment HEAVY TRUCK apringa SATILEK'S met ai'RiNQ eaki)i:.v st. ilBARNH. 1U21. 0-Pa".. overhauled, re- viirnlahedi nuaranteed: hard te tell from new car: bargain. HCOTT MOTOR CO., 1410 Melen ft. . BTEAnNH. 11)20. i-paaa., overhauled, re nnintprf loekn like new: low iirlrn nnrl erth It. SCOTT MOTOR CO.. 1410 Melen at. RTUUBUAKUR 0 teurlnu. late medel: atnrier, llxliM. "te.: ae'd for alnrnffej lft7; euen Hun, nna cvgn. unrnite. i iu,- woen at. 8TODEUAKEII Teurinir, apcclal, 1020: Reed aa nw: win neu very rcaaenauie; lerma te ault. niO N. 10th. at. CTIIT7,eur'n ana readaterj l modern; diUl. thoroughly evcrhnuled and refln excep. low prlce: caah or terms. See Mr. Hunter. 8tut Agency. 0)11) N. Ilread at. VIM '4ten- 10:!t' wltn "n,1l ldy: eaay Villi ffnm navmenta can lie nrrnnirprl Th Whlte Ce.. 1310 Poplar at. To.ephen? Spruct trnn. WANTBIJ Hupniebllea, model it: ntn,te nrlee nnd condition, nlae tnr. T no leilgT Olflee. WHITF3 leni chnln arhei en,,y time n-' Willi Lin,..,.. cin ,m iirninirAfl Tl. ! White Ce., 1310 Poplar at. Tolepheno Bpruce '0M), WHITF5 ten! e,ia'n drive: easy tlme pay- TT1 11AU nients run Ik nrrnmrml TI.m White Ce.. 1810 Poplar st. Teloplienti Bpruce BQ30. Te Hire I HIRE 3 And 7 nna lnu.ln Itmnii.lnn. II Per hour up. Poplar 1017: Park 41Be! STORAGE AND MOVING ESTABLISHED 1872 CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES f 20th St. above Chestnut STORAGEMOVING PACKING SHIPPING Oriental and Demestic Bugs and Carpets Cleaned, Scoured.-Stored. Phenes: Locust luflo-iefll '' Hace B007 BEND FPU KHT1MATE? MOTOR VAN SERVICE TO ANT DISTANT POINT TCeckty service for small shipments bttween Philadelphia and Washington The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. 37th and Market ata. Raring 1201 lANSSEN'S expreas nnd steragn wants leads or parts te or from New Yerk. Rosten. Frevldence or points en route; nlae te. and from Pittsburgh; 120 and up: we specialise en long-distance moving. 010 W. Jlontgora Jlentgora Jlontgera ery ave. Dl amend 5.00 WATSON'S BTORAGK Cltv and Ions dis tance; Aiianne i uy. wuuuoert; nil soa sea soa ihert peints: Washington. New Yerk. l?ntnr and Ilarrlsburg-padded ans: ep. mn; Ins,. prices reas, 040 N. 17th. Poplar 0534. VICTORY STORAGE 100 FILBERT. Pheno Belmont 4079 for estimate. Plerce-Arrew vane The Jehn Rhoads Ce. lSV1. ftorage, Packing, Moving. Carpet Cleaning. lhe Jehn Rhoads Ce.Lan.VeVa'U. 'targe. Packing, fevlnir. rmnt i-!.nine fMWILL MOVE contente U-reum heuse: 110- n. let ub estimate. liELMONT 3075 PERSONALS ' K?C0KTrBivU.n. "ny nJ?rtlaeiiient. Est. 'MSSr 'T.iini.IH.W' 1,u"'s & He"' optometrists JifVS'. tt?.lJ?fl, '?" "Ul-licaled' while raaastn' lV.ill? .ter.'. "no-nkce bifocal 'eVJI-JA-VP'"? A- il:. '.'.' ! !' M. Loek . ,. iiumuur. inu perietal . WE PAID A WOMAN Iteriit tin t. i " tcwe,r ""0 hail been n.lri A4? or elsewhere; hrlng your dlj. iii k.'""i Jeiry te us; wu Runrantee a URNlTtmn nn,i in...... ..,..- the guarantee, I p. n'.'."' " """"""" ": "n !f".,'Kmpif,L?.K?.?..,?al. The Non'Precesil Lreh Vt Iin,.,ncr tt"d Decorator, 1021 arcn st,f second tloer War Saving StamDs Beucrlif KW.nllil"I"i ter.;:,V or ' make B B lath011.."' u'8' -un franklin Illds.. DIAMONDS Rnnr.HT Hulle.y.' S,' i'.32. :nHt "'- r i .- "" "". "vr wnims- nest . SSSn-JX LVi I0'1''-. that I will net TS M!V7.. 'hT'i! Iry.,;; tMdJi"p,hlnCOrntr Md and tWnut'Vu': I'-SHf.-if-.-'-. window nnd doer: cenneY or irai. -Jif.-". "eni-renJj'nn-r1-riSr CB01 w rilll N ?n?n'"A?" le.l.'.,ilrei'' anywhera l"l I-, lfllh. Ill- r.n-t7, inr, Djn, HllMl ,M 10c S",nKAH!5f0-- WORKING UI.AUSlJs I LEVY. Onllnlin. 7:1.1 inn..m n. l-ranlklK1H,iln ',"i?.rV "V-"'.-1- "n1 finished". aranK Kulp, UU n. Iuden at.. Olney. MONEY TO LOAN DIGNIFIED LOANS $300 OR LESS 3D HE?(lTE.nATE8 T PUnSONS OF iVrfLi"1 WITHOUT REAL ESTATE I'iftNSUD.. AND siIPERVlsnii nv A.IK II.VIIH .. . ... . ..-....i. "" -".wu uM-anijuaif, avuunsneu se xcars GIRARD INVESTMENT CO. i5 Land Title Bulldlnjj Bread Street Entrnnce RIVATE I3ANH Tn nniiHii.-r.'i.-inT.e" THE BEST PLAflti 6 T0 GET $15 TO $300 52 itt.S&8,I.rs?.'..TR!t 'N THE .CITY r""n" " I'llO.NH FILHERT B031 ECURITY LOAN CO. 114 CHESTNUT ST. -SSSIiJtenmJO Nei te Keith's Th.atri m.;'.'n.P,M.. '-5 .'te la'oe " !,.?..s. Kw n"B,..,,u,.H?",, "Bm, or ,0 I..! U.B'.KS .' rUUNIMIINU mentA- inacsijary red line nir..M"'"' " v-a ue I u ilieut it let 1,1 iL"'X IIIUKH H S. 17ll a'ilY Iti 101 rr,. '.. '. . aUMi'V..'ivf. """ ""i""". 00 K-''?ii,lkTJ!!2!!0'S?nnil''- ""' - T amuiD. nuira. aiivanianribaiina - H, uiua, opryKe saw. AVTOMOTIVB, "UVBWIKU"' : I have patent pendlna- en auto part. of ef enmlmr aerleua faulta In praaent praetlcc. Hheuld be marketed en royalty baala te man urncttirera of automehllea for uae aa regular equipment, want man or organization te nnance u;monatratlen and aecure royalty centractu. I want . minimum royalty and ahnre In prefltn, My aerVlPea available if required. Capital tneceatary probably up ward of 120.000: prenta propertlonatfly large. Reply Invited fm-n man of atAndlng In automotive fiil. Ne tei'k arheme promoter wanted, n 1113. T.eder Office. , AN RXKCOTlVi: voalllen la eren In nn M engineering orxanlantlen about te manu facture radio equipment In connection with lta ether, lines: te n man peaaeaalna; Itlier organUatlen. aelllng or managerial ability or a combination of the three we can otter nn exceptional opportunity for big enrnlngai nn tnvcatment of 1300O la required; wrlte In crnfldence. . mi i.r.neRR itpficb. , 13000 WIF.ti nUT Inlereat and poaltlen a; partner-manager In eatabllahed flrmpflxed aalarv nnd liberal ahare of enrnlngas goeda well-knen, ndverttard, of wide nppeal, and trademark reglalcredl money fully aecured by merrhandlae, furniture, etc; right man can make 15000 up annually,, with oppor tunity te travel: give partlculara of, your character and experience, ir any! addreai for Interview. M 130. Ledger Office. WANTED Repreaentatlve for Bucka. Mont gomery, .Delaware and Lancaster Ceuntlea; a man capable of holding a poaltlen paying 30() a month; an excellent propealtlon by u manufacturer. This position requires I17S: fully aecured: man with car preferred. TMa preposition worth Investigating. Phene Mr. ithoelev. Woodland B41B M. . LUMRF41 AND COAK TARD FOR HMM, LOCATED IN THB CENTER OF, IAN8 DALI2. TA.: WITH PHIVATU nAILltOAO HIDINO: ACTIVE LIIMllER; COAI. MILL WORK AND III1II.D1NQ MVTBRIAti ntlHI. Knas. doine from 7(v.oeo te $120,000 per yr. H. C. LAWRENCE. BWeatepore.fi. j. FOR BALK Contrellng Intcreat.ln apple orchard located In Delaware: 150 acrea: nil planted with apple treea:beln In bearing 4 vcara. aheuld yield 20.0PO te 30.000 bu. tlila year; reaaen for acltlng retiring from bualncaa Fer full partlculara lncjulra of (.' M. C. Lewis. Cheater. Pa. . 11USINE8S mnn and tlOOO needed: aafe In Weatment: Interest In going money-maklng buslneaa; Immediate weekly preflta; liberal weekly salary for part services: wen worth Millie Investigating; excep. op.; money for the buslresi excltlslvely. II 282. Ledger Office. LIVE RUSINESS Man who wl I furn. from JSOOO te f 10,000 te take full charge or blKh-clnss bmlneaa In Philadelphia laervlce station); muat come well rocemmenfleJ. . le the laht rarty geed aal. and com. Apply te 10r. W. King at,. I.ancnster. I'a. HAVn ou a few hundred dellara that you rnn use teday: 1 bnvr an opperlunlty or n lifetime te offer you In a very jueceirtul and natabllshed business; answer today. V 102. Ledger Office. MAIL ORDER UU3INESB Would you In- vest S50 If convinced of $25 weekly? Any ena can operate. wrle for plans, proofs ami i.nni. rsf-r.ni-gi. United LMvcra Assecia tien, Grand Rapldr, Mich ORGANIZE , your company under common nesa nnywhere: low cest: 25 years1 corpora tion and financial experience. C. F. Ses slnger. H17 Wldener Hide.. Phlla. YOIJNO MAN has money te Invcat. together with practical mercantlle exp.. deslrea te mnke connection with mfg. or jebldrur con cen cern: stnte nnture of enterprise, otherwise, no cons, will hn given, n 220, Ledger Off. WANTED le lease, with the privilege of buying, a finished hospital, in ier 100 k.,1. .H,i.h... In Inn ritlltp. AadreSS the Veil ' M-itcrnlty Hospital. C12I E. laln at.. Cerry. Pa. HUSINEH3 OPPORTUNITY Open te men t..hn l.nfA n small nmntlnt of Capital lOT Investment: real estate land develepment: re ply stating tlm for Interview, giving tele tele phene number. P 1303. Ledier Office. 15000 Salesman wnnted under 35 veajs: Lhrl Lhrl tlen; with executive sense: r hard P'"fJ. will make him an unusual preposition. B an. Ledger Offli'e. ' LAUNDRY for sale In city of 00.000: long established: geed trade: owner deceased; exceptional oppertunity: Address I. C. Ar Ar neld. Lancaster. Pa. PERSONAL lean of 11000 .wanted: will pay premium; secured by paid-up term Insur ance: te be repaid In weekly Installments. H 3117. Ledger Office. WOMAN" partner wanted: wonderful propoal prepoal propeal tlon: email aum required; te 'take acllve part In manufacturing ladlea1 article. Ask for Mr. Splc'man. Roem 40.1020 Chestnut at. GOV'T llcenred radio man dealres financial nssllanen In expanding rndle service and supply buslnesa: will assure aub'tnntlal rn lurns In n growing entcrp-lpe. Tl 230. Ted. O. WANTED A man with a geed knowledge of the clothing business and some (.anttal. Call at 2307 Oermantewn av. from 10 A. M te B P. M. , J100O .SECURES Intereit In going desirable , meney-rrnklng business; Immedlate weekly nturns:- lllwial weekly salary, etc.; Invcstl rnte n 207. Ledger Office. tfHOW STORE In Atlantle City. N. J.. In lieat location for sale. ex i:nni, uonena Adverllslrg Agency. Atlantic Cltv HTORAOB UATTERY woed-caso manufac turing plant can be purchased outright or In part. 11 230. Ledger Office. ' WANT TO HEAR from owner having grocery or confeetlerery business for sjIc. Jehn J Hlack, Chippewa Falla. Wla. Wanted . SMALL MANUFACTURING BUSINESS Preferably mechanlcnl or elictrlcal apeclalty or metal-working propealtlon offering ault able opportunity for two men: rcaponslble lwrtlea; Information may be sent In confi dence. R 533, Ledger Office. FOR SALE CENTRAL Heuse Wrecking Ce. 1202-08 Spring Garden Street WE HUY AND SELL A Dulldlng Miterlal Plumbing flxturea. Lumber. Doera and Saah Office Furniture. Ulore Fixtures P.irtlt.'en etc, Tnnlar 11S0 Free Delivery OFFICE FURNITURE tl . Large let of desks, safes, flics, cabinets and central cffl-e furniture. ateret fixtures. We miy. sell Mid exchange. PATTEN FURNITURE CO. LOCUST 4070. 1127 ARCH STt RACE 4200, STORE FIXTURES, SHOWCASES lce cream tebies en hand ut lewet prices: cell and convince yeurrcif. STAR .SHOW CASE MFG. CO.. 121 N. lgTH. "FACTORY TO YOU MADE IN PHI LA. FOllblN'O CHAIRS ASSEMHl.Y CHAIRS CHURCH PEWS PULPIT CHAIRS SCHOOL DESKS THEATRE CHAIRS PlIAIIt I'kcHANCin, COR. OTH & VINE POL1C1J puppies. tiioreuKlibreds, liinlca, $150: females. $125. Percy L. NVel. owner. Ilewman nvc. Merlun. Pa. Se Jehn Hlch- iroj-rt.p.heni2Jl-rlonfl44; RilFlUlihRATOltS. ineit irrliider.i, scales. eavh regis. era fur grecery. meat and ether atores: large steckii of nboe geed, new and 2d hand. TlieJHuweJIcale Ce.. 415 Arch st. ilLTCTRIU WALL CLOCKS, 2 very geed mevcrnunts In Hrst-ciaBS running nideri aoed-looklnp caseti. $35. Cnll and see them. H.'L. lllgglna. 2U00 Rldce ay. fTve"-GALLON grain alcohol kegs, uhltt? oak painted, hne ren handles, price SI. 50: also charred whisky b-irrela. JO ne: both "hemes. Stewart t ten HOlli and harten. StIQUE Mnhcsuny chest drawers, 2.V old coleitd glass, whisky fUska. vaaea. bren "es riilneaa teakwood stands. 1705 Falrmeunt LADY'S diamond ring. Ulue-whlte. perfict cem! cost $4011! prlvatn lady will sacrlllce fntJ50. R 323, LmUer Qff'ce. ' RANei! fur sale Novelty kitchen ranga: perfect cend. 408 Hacrferd ac. Nur- t ertli. . CONCESSIONS Chesttr Fair, rarlnt' Sats. & helldajs; ether amusij. dally. f'''-" f'l0'p! dnr Auif Call evua. 740 S 53d Wdld. 1215 W INDIAN inuturcvcle, IM) and HO- In tfnixl mechanical condition, no reasonable offer refused 1' 132 1. I .edn.r Offlen REFRIGERATORS J WW nT. Randall A Ce,,33l N. su si. DIAMOND, blue whlt". Point, yrhct. DU! Q imilllW -QU . WMnyaae GillLDlNU matirlal: tearing down church Oth and Federal. Telephone Walnut 1020. PIPE and llttlnje. all alrea. Phlia. Second Secend Imnd Pipe Supply. 1U0J N. 7th at. RADIO RALF : : ; ; 7 Z , , ;T. j 1 TmfMl J ' - By Jack Wilsen &'4& I HEY. CHALKY-AN' j fl j I . I jj , . J S " W.PELESS C0NTPOUE0 l jlj llJ HA, W fe 4) " 7 Q ZZ3 &w XM-I. 'S-V a J&atT,Ulj r- 'Sjliw.. nxWi " ' WHEN YdUNEED . ELECTRIG MOTORS DYNAMOS ' ' e MOTOR GENERATOR SETS or kindred equipment, tall ua your require ments; we will furnish f.ie rlgnt equipment at "get the order" prlcea and remember each machine la backed by an Iren-clad guarantee, whleh aaaurea you aattafactlen. R. SCHEINERT COMPANY ' 123 NORTH THIRD BTREET 1 MACHINERY BARGAINS pellers, cheap, 2 ISO It. P., before removal I teueratera direct connected te engines a 125 Wavne O. E. te Brie .City 4-yalve englneil 2 filter tanka 0x0 and 8x0. MOTORS AND DYNAMOS ALL BIZB1 Gee. Sachsenmaier tc Ce. Office, 926 North Third St. . WAREHOUSH AND SHOP B2S-30-32 NORTH THIRD STREET ELECTRIC MOTORS ELECTRICAL REPAIR WORK ANDREW I. MEHAN CO. 309.RACE ST. P1TONT1 MAUKF.T 0110 SALES la the only weekly publication that reports every public nuollen, bankruptcy mtie, imur. proposals. Army. avy ana snip ping Renrd aurplus, bntrilns In merdian c.lse, equipment, supplies, machinery: write i"r nampie copy, DAua, ion tmrai-axte at., Nw Yerk. A .. WANTED IMMEDIATELY !n flrst-cfasa condition. VICTOR CUSHWA mt city.rt. MHgwrslOWn. wu. BOND iND COMPRESSION rettPt.tvnn nrtr ,,LBY8,HANaBRS. SHAFTING, BELTII40. HALF PRICE. MOTOR EXCHANQK, 827 N. 3D. WANTED Te purchase 1 010 Walta die. atamplng preaa. Tha Geerge C. Whitney Ce.. Worcester. Mass. r NEW and 2d-hand machinery bought. Mid. exc.j plants dismantled. Grew. 1300 N. 8d. CARPET CLEANING HAVE your ruga and carpets shampooed, scoured, purified net merely cleaned. Ph. i. "ft H""- "Iha "- Hamilton-Reach ',('. -Sv rJs?rp01 ' u waaner Ce. C. B. 1AYLOR. successor. 8B27-2B N. Smedley at. E?rRIG shampooing of your rugs will frr.ake them leek equal te new, expert re ;jrllj. N,?tlennl Carpet Cleaning Ce.. nc. 3550-52 N. 0th at. , DOQS AND BIRDS LEE'S PET SHOP I'HONE MARKET 5507 ,..wk mty puppies COR.-fER 7TH AND 'AnCK STS. t-'AAlJY IHRDS: beat alngera: nlae 'malaa wm .Kiumea ier manng. vis.i i, Kalrhlll, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS C0,ri5ls.cSunt prleJ' te. moving, 100 new and v..ii... ."! """'"V ,nc- victor. Columbia, Wallen. Cheney, Jewett V Edisen, Console models Included. Terms If desired, lllake A rurknrt. 3. W. cer. 11th and Walnut sta. WANTED OLD SUITS. m.rM... l.n. .1 1 ...... .-. ,.?Jlav 0,,1 1)cr eent mere than ethers. Call Ti iV."' " country, aay, eve. Wrlte, call, phone. Trledman Bres., 1444 Seuth at. OLD GOLD CA,SH paid for old geld, allver and antique ". iiuui.111!, 40 a. inn. STAMPa AND COINS eiAAira, Alhums. ate., for collectera: list .... . .uiw. etinp l'e,. xa a. iatn. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY H?eS 'WJ, N ,,,euv,er "' " Dth, $2800 ' gtk N Coleiado st., 7 . bath 3000 .4,!)..!'ll.' ' ranltlln, 'r.. c ec pch., 10000 HSb,1?ck,Kte"- 0 & bath. I430O 2 ' eck N. 32d at.. 10r.. 3 baths, 10,000 5VS y30..' 27th' 10r- bnth, loeob iS.iS ?: 'D.- 8 roetna, bnth, 10000 ifn2 1' ecft Dauphin. H roema. bath. $3330 Win ' ec UauAnLn- .,,r" clcc'' fse JS?iAb ck. W'l ate, tl rooms. 12HO0. colored, r AiifiiocJc.nM7l".WA,'eom" 11700. colored. LAROE LIST STORES AND DWELLINGS S A I IIS J1"03 WEST J n U J O DAUPHIN NT. iiii v- .eu,lhn ,3 re0,m''- - batb. h.-w. heat, lift v i.h' C?S': ,n oem, B Latha. lMnn niJih'.la room- - baths, modernized, in"? SI1" VP" eommerclal building. in"i vnnie.'. 11nroem' -"batha. 17.0x140. 1H17 !,i;!;r,.1. room" - btttha. med., heat. dl yrc..r.'u H l?P- - batha. alde yard. in?S v- 1,lb1S.5J,at,h."' elec- "hta. aide yard. liWB . Lehigh. 11 rooms. .tn nnrxh Tali !i?rI'!,c aaden, 17 roema, 3 bathe, inii ,,aater'.,.10 roema. vacant. IH18 Ureen, 10 rooms. " l,nth ibv-ibi WORRELL & CO., 555 N. 17th .... SALE 2323 N Park axe. 414 N, .'list at. JIU tf. yd at. ?3?5-37Kalrm'tave. 221B Oreen st rV.?5 Efjrroeunt ne. 1422 Ridge ave. 1120 Oxford st. tALB 213 Weed at. 413 S. 40th st. 1833 Diamond at. 321A falrmeunt uve. 158(1 N. 12th at. 1U30 Oreen at. 040 N. 15th st. ua.' wyne st, Gee. L. Parker, 17th & Wallace THE TOLLOWI.VO properties are subject te ..vEnf11?,' slll aml wl" be financed: 1440 Pt. nreeze ave. 308 . Frent. 2300 Frankfurt ae. , SAMUEL KNEE 135 S 4lith at. Prea 10J0 ROOhUVELT IIOULBVARD. 1812 All at- tractlve. sten home Just en Ureud at.. right ut beautiful Hunting Paik and Yerk ,?2,lr0,y ?",';,an ,he. latest mSdernnp pulntments, Including a large garage: aiw dally priced at 113,000; can be Inapected at your Vomenlenc. ... K HAVE 4 corner store properties for snle;Jdcul lecatinnr for any business; will finance: selling cheap te quick buyer. WEIN- REHOL11 i. CO., 2( S. if th at. I'henu Rice 20 07-IO0 ACRES In city of Oakland. Calif., overlooking lm : beautiful tea'dence dls Met; only ftfl.OOOi terms. .Address mnwr. Di. A, T. Plcrcy. 73 llacen lllilg.. Oakland, t MIL 413-15 N. l'HO.NT. 221-25 W. Olrard ne. 2130-41 N, College live. SAMUEL KNEE 135 S 4'Jtli at. Prea 1030. 251 s s. liROAD ST. Perch fient. 3 stew het-water heat, elfctrlc, hardwood floors. 0 bedreama .nh, Dutch bull, laundry In V.f. C 'ilEYDi:, 15th nnd Snyder ave. COH.NER .'204 Cumberland; het-nater heat! eiec. Dutch hull rrent and side perch: gar. prlv. will flnanw. RalTvrty, 2338 W. Hunti ingden. WHY l'AY rent when u small amount of cash will buy ou a northwest-section home at a bargain price? w. nuiv.iii.. L'ain ana semerset 11TII ST.. AIIOVE UERKS 3-story perch front house, II rooms. 2 baths: hardwood noem, ulre. lights; thoroughly up te date. Oeixlmuii & Mu buum, 303 Colonial Tr. Hklir -jui rv. i.u hi. -iiireo-stery cer. slore and dwelling: new used as testaurunt; $5500. J. P. BERGMAIER, 2202 N. 2d St. TVO-STORYbrownatene. rms. nnd bath: (Iriiu abaiu Yurk; leusunable lurms ur- ranged IOSKP1I FEI.DMAN. 200 Lincoln Hldg. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1418 N. Mar- au,i.,'!5-,,,..,,Bl,mft,l,,A,i' J..i:'-?'.me'vn. . r., it 't ,v-m - gniiiwituvvii live. LAROK PIECE OF GROUND near Kensing ton ave. and Allegheny, with 2stery- brick dwelling en Allegheny ave.; price $17,000. Apply te JIA.N'N, Allegheny und U, sllaaaaW '1 ai7r i s ssa -aaaaV.- . eraay jmmtmm. s Mm -ssaaWgajaaHV- I '' ' - ' ' w- wm MWVW ''lJate:agAtylW tALl "1 r .CITsT .1810 CATHARINE STREET Three-story, brick dwelling; geed Investment. a. r. HunauMi, isth ana ra-SKer at. N. E. Cor. Marshall' & Taber Rd. Modern. 8 rooms, garage privilege. PHIPPS. 1420 CHESTNUT. 3123 N. JUDSON 7 rma.. Idy.; A-l cend. Cunalngbam. llenaall an. Lehlsh, Dla. 0800. j. ' OARAQE and 4-room dwelling; let 88x00) apace for 4 cars: garage electrified, RAFFERTY, 283S W. Huntingdon at. 1887 McKEAN ST. Poaaeaalen: 8 roema: electric: flrat-claea condition! $3000, WM. C. HEYDE, 15th and Snyder av. 2313 RIDGE AVENUE MISS& SAMUEL QOLDER. FIN'ANCB HLPO. JEFFERSON AND HOPE STS. Cor. store! 18000 for quick sole. Turner McCoy, 420 Perry Blag. Ixicuat 4030. 1041 N. 20TH. 3-STORY DWELLING 0 roema and bath: prloe right. CHAH. L. BROWN A CO.. 217 H. Ilread. PARKWAY preperty: .120 N. 21at at.: ren- aenable. II. J. lIere.li, 703 N. American. Rldg. , . PARK AVE., N.. 2329 Beautiful. 3 atbry. perch, 2 baths, hardwood floors, etc.; garage space, eetz, IQtti ana titk. CORNER 8d and Oxford, 8 preperties: rent $53; aaaeaaed, $4800; sell ter asaeeaement. JOSEPH FELDMAN. 200 Lincoln Bldg. . 5058 N. BTH Store and dwelling: iear church and school. Theodere Nlcklea, 2513 oermantewn ave, 21 ( N. FRONT ST. Through te Hepe al.i $43,000. Theodere Nlckles, 2313 Ocrnian- town ave. i.tn-ir urinn tin,,., wttli mrul.rn eenven- lencea. 250 N. MarUne at. Arthur Bei- well. 2H3 N.lBinai. 8028 N. 7TH ST.. t Teoma, bath, perch, con venient te cars. , II. B.. SMITH, 800 W. Erie ave. m 3k t . ! . .!. tjnnm wavtI nritlnn, tl t E tv. SERGEANT ST. Cerner stere and eJv9"JJIHli Kirm fZfl' vUV..l 111 -.. JOHN M, iUIMUltJ Watm iianimyip y ? U47 C. RUSSELL ST.: near Li vaeanil e rma.: bath; stationary tubs: elec.i B. neat; perch: barg. Rafferty, 3157 Kenslnften ave, 8040-B4 N. BTH ST. Six roema, bath, .perch: reed conditien: convenient nelghtrhoed. H. E SMITH. 0O W. Erin ave. BROWN8TONE, 0 roema and bath. Bancretf near Huntingdon, cheapi poaaeaslen. JOS: FELUMAJI. . Lincoln xiuumuiy. 1811 MOORE 7 rms.. bnth, whlte plumbing, elec. lighta. gaa. heater, cement cellar? let 15x82.0 ft. ROLETTBR. 18th nnd Merrla. blRARD AVE.. 2000 BLOCK Tbree atery, ftrSema and bath: will .finance. E. II. Zsckev. 1385 Arrh st.. Philadelphia, l'lrCE ST.. 130O BIJCK Twe story, perch. Hroems and both. V. H. Zackey, J3B3 Arch st. iitAvrrtttn HT.. 1100 BLOCK Three atery. II rooms ana nam. H. it. acKey. 1330 Arch at.. Philadelphia 8130 A 8130. WBIKEL 8T. Flye rooms i and llUCkLE Y'B. 1034-80 E. Cumberland st. 2545Nr8. 2547 N. 88d. 2014 N. 38d. 2227' Spring earaen; rarasni rasw.. ii; ". nARLY 2547 N. 33d. Diamond 4027. 2828 N. JUDSON ST. Modern home; 0 rooms, perch: $4800. .... FRH-.K. JUQSOn una tnumnn 8741 N. DELHI ST. Six roema, bath, perch front; desirable neighborhood. 11 ! E. SMITH. HOP W. Erin ave INVESTMENT Three 2-sty. brick dega.. 4 rms. and bath; geed renters: price $3000. wm It. Lemen e. wen, nvav . .-muh. .. 2210 & 2233 W. HUNTINGDON Must ell: reaa.: 7 rms.. percn. ries:.. rv. .m.uvn . 2430-32 N. 4TH Twe atv.. 0 rms .'-300 each. E. I. GRUBH. 113 W. Dauphin st. 2927 N. 21TH ST. Or., pch.: med.: ic-int: attractive price, FriCK. juueen aim iiiniana fJlOl) N. HAMBRBY ST. 6r. und bath. ec. cend.; $3200. FTlck. Judsun and Indiana; 2817 MOUNTAIN Seven r.: geed con vac , terms le.is Jehn Delsher. 2Hd ft Tusker. 2210 AND 2223 W. HUNTINGDON Must fell: ren ; 7 r.. neh.. el . etr Call owner. 2332 N. lBTIf Three sty., 10 rooms, ex. el- lent St.. .ie. vie.., liiui it.t ' " 172H W, ARLINGTON ST. Sevin r,;?'n,,: sscrmce mr izrme uetz. mm ...m i.th. 0100 BLOCK De Lancey: north front, Dutch hall- sac: $4200. Uw'g 15th and erK. 2842 N. 22D 8 rma., Idy.: elec.: Dutch halt ; A-l con. Cunningham. Bonsall ab. Lehlsh. 1003 HAMILTON ST. Stere prep. Turner & McCoy. 420 Perry Hid. Locust 4080, 2532 S. 8ARTAIN fl rms. ft bath: no reas. offer' refused. A. Cassover. 43J Dickinsen. ' 1210-21-23 DALY. 1824-20 Tree; te settle es tate. neLlirriiK, mm anu jierris. ARCH near Bread ;grewlng locatien: anau. JOSEPH FELDMAN. 30 Lincoln Bldg. 2002 N WARNOCK ST.: . $2300. WKYANT. OK- W. UAUl'HIW si, 2105 N. 4TH- 7 roema and bath, heater: I24O0. WKlAiNTi Oilj vv. uaup.iui ni. 2080 BONSALL ST. 0 rms.; geed con.; will finance. Rafferty, 2388 W. Huntingdon at. BARGAIN 2700 block N. 23d: 7 r.. perch: A-l condition. Themas. 2317 W. Lehigh. 1721 JfcKKAN Eight rooms, modern; x rep. value McArdle . 1433 Paasvunk live. CENTRAL preparttes, factories wareheusea, 11.50 per square feet. B 228. L. O. 13011 PINE 4 sty., 2 baths, fife escape: 15. 000 Srowcreft 283 S. 13th. Walnut 00.13. 2344 MlC'LELLAN ST. Tun sty. II rooms ft bath. J Nelsen nick. Land Title Hldg Bending Tots. Factory Sites. Ktc. THinTEEN' building lets for sale: 32d at south of 'Wharten at.: street Improvements done. Owner. 21(1 Stephen Olrnrd Bldg 01 I.AHOi: lets: flne Qermuntewn section; $8(M) each; will arrange udvances for re- Bponslble builder. H. C. Abernethy. 1S2 Chestnut st. Ruslness Preiiertlfa nnd Stores COR. AMBER AND ORLEANS STS Prop Prep Prop er'y and restaurant business; $5100, In cluding stock and fixtures, E. J, Grubb, 113 W. Dauphin. GARAGE, control, 1131-33 1embtird St.; 50- enr capacity: electric clevuler; will sell eeap. Knee. 1S5 S. 4th st leaten lflJ'l 2030-33 GERMAN-TOWN AVE Twe 4-story buildings: deutiln store; let 32x80. JAMES F SMYTH. 2435 Kensington ave. Factories. Warehouses. Manufacturing Floers FACTORIES, warehouses floors, land. JAS. L. stevensex ft gu.v. i.ane mie aw, FACTORIES, waroheusea, fl'r space, consult Albert Han. I.and Tltle ning wpr. .eis 2525-27 LOMBARD Let 30xOI: dialrable for any bus Jnn. W. Sharkey. 1011 Jacksen Cemetery Lets 234x500 BEYOND QUESTION one of the finest building altes In Philadelphia. JOHN II. McCAFFERTY. 5721 Germantown ave. WEST PHILADELPHIA WE HAVE OTHERS. BUT it you buy thin special, 700 blcck S. Alden. 7 rooms, for .$3000. or any ether I have llsttd. you will alwnjs remember "Cress" KtiindH for all that's gced leal estate, tilth and I. irehwoed uve 4DJ0 CEDAR AVE. Is n handsome. 3-story twin duelling, containing 12 looms ami i batha. electric lights, parquetry floeis und Is In exceptionally iltie condition throughout; owner has bought suburban home and ull make a sacrlflcn for quick sale. HENRY J. McLEAN. 521 S. 52d st $14 LESS THAN RENT pays fixed charges and mtge. installment after small man Sament: fine perch-front homes. 7 rooms; sage uve., 53d le 64th; close te 52d and Market; open daily: $4300, $4700, $5000. ABERNETHY. 1328 Chestnut 5412 WILLOWS AVE. Twe story; brlclt beater- Inclesed Ppreh, garage, het-wuter heat, oleetrlo light, tiled bath, bullt-Jn ailUAVT IM&llli IUVK HI II1IK IHllOrH VOU OllV iAiir. tr HTtit.t. snt Atni-.i. nu' Ti..:f: 437 S. 44TII ST Detached. In r,...r,,. ' ..TT . tl!e liaths. Inclo.ed perch, laiin.lrs.' sitni. i h.i.!w.lei;ni,Jr.1,Vs?sJSr'''vSl0;, "K"!?' .,".';HII ,- s.1?. ... 7 r, " -. ".. . con. 1 Land Title Bldg Spruce 5UO. in2L -""" Al.ERNETIIYV"l328 Che.in.i,"., "' lrU""" '-arket sts.. prices have aavamdi he're ,c. J"n und'rnVu'v ,W ,r'0'"' """" IraS t.,' Sen"0"" andli . IdlngprVf,! YOU CANNOT equal these w.thln $700 of I MKnrNr3irsT-DetaT.Ted.T,I,,. ,, fSruT. ffl? ,os '". cHw'5nr Ih"' w!rd" ! re''?!" '" ." co,? ' r, f bed- fhe MlIe'T' &&? 8, ."ml, "XL my price; mvv home with .garage: Inclesed' 10 rooms and b.th: entlr.lj modern, eu- Piai of l"t c-h ibi "had Mt our effVniwi '.". Xr;,...''v,l,,',r'' eon h flnntXed rnV Lfhleh ave liaV heated perch: built-in tile bath and built-in I "Be: shrubbery. $15,000. C. Billing. 1033 veu . 111 mall" Jeur chei i en A'ttnian AV. , l-tNCSSWOOD UK l, KSTXTE i ii?.1,!' WANTED. fr HeIBeiTTiilseIv furill! WirrelrniteSr'nvStK, """ ""-""""OW- OOJtl Chestnuts,. Walnut, r.lflT. jLJl NerthumbJrlnd .1. A Vincent ,t. "e? Vhll- ?0 V" '',,,,,,'', ',,,l ''V1 "r h"'' camp or rettuje onake e'r a reamiVfT rvr. OAK INF laU,r t I PARK AE fn iieu i"i,.,w tile nl, n Tn . wur Pr"ferred mut 1 in desirable, iV EXTRAORDINARY heme: the oppertunTty " - PCMBTJRTON .!r . Owner. ems. pa,.trj sleeping p,,;' ,n'',.! ' ' " "' a. d.stbl. iv prlre nnd fullj of n. Ufetlme: perfect order; main street. 0547 N, l.Tni ST. Det.iche.1 horn": let 30x -S13 Harrison Hide. nr het-wuter h.ut n. .ttl ;tt """ rv'- Meujars. it 22.'. Ia-dger Office m near J car I nes; wl nppeal te most critical . 114 modem In vr resiect 2-enr cirage-1 s. W- "'or. LIP ami M.irliet sts. garage. let fiivt.M) ft COLi.iviwvvnA' RENTS collected an"y Ttlen nr.an 5,i.-?rlir,l;i.cd nttrnctlvely. Jehn M. L'nburg Immediuti- possession price for quick sole. L T"Kn r -Ne- ft0 or 'h s:.: get off at m:AI' I"sr.Tn ill 720 U.duei, al ,?!' Vneiks m"li"l same dav If ve?.f 5Hl y7 Baltimore live. 17.5C0. rhe-ie Oak Lane. 0000 J ' " ' Cottman i.ve. and walk east 3 blecai. "' 'lngw ,e. IWll or Ml-, "aen i,, lel. '" w " ) TO jl. at aAt WjfgQ- T ww nttMimvnah M CATtlARINK BT.i 1 rma. I 11 modern, figje Trinity at. I 4 bedrooms. Dutch hall. 3841 Upland st. : ft rooms, elec.gaa kitchen, 104RN, Yewdall at.: 7 roema: perch front W, L. Craven's Bena. B8tn and Cheater ave.. 487 H. 44T1I ST. Detached, 10 roema, 3 all , file baths. Inclesed perch, laundry, sleep ing perch, ihdwd, floera, rdec. Itgbts, ateam beat: 27x100: $13,730. W. H. Ball Sen, Land T I tie nldg. Spruce 500. , 1U37 S. 00TII Elect lie. perch, 7 roemai wll finance: $4500. 2324 S. 00th; 8 rooms, het water heat, electric, hardwood floera, porous cheap. P. X. Daly, 22d and Bnvder ave. 8027 LOCUST ST. 0 rma, and bath, perch, h.-w. heat, elcctrlchardwoed floera: 15500; must he saldi owner leaving town. E, 1. Miles. 2343 N. 20th, Columbia 4804 , 5537 CfSAGE AVE. ;,;rh?:w. "Jftli Imm, peis. : 9 bedrooms, laundry In base munti owner. Call Sunday or evenings. 4111 PINE ST. Tnrea stories, 12 roema and bath! let 18x100 ft. te afreet: apace for arage: rent $7fii price $8500. WALTER C. REDDINO, 30 B. 17th St. CORNER 1601 N. r.Sth at.! 0 rooms, hot het .water heat, elec. llgh apace for garage; P.Vj'tM't roem: Lnvekln boiler. II. S. MILLER. 1482 N. 52d St. llelment 0773 18300 Large bedrooms, bet-water heat, electric Hants, hardwood floors, buaement i-ViHAVf:.hT, kitchen. Jehn M. Knburg. 52S7 Haltlmers ave. 042 b. PAXON ST. Alrllght. modern, hot het hot ..wter heat, electricity, hardwood floers: 1Sl.vi.1,l,J,,Hii.ewf,r leaving city: must sell. JOHN M. KNHURO. eOT lialtlmnre ae Tlfffl 1(1 OflflTtlfVJrt nm 'A Crawford Heme''' n Sherwood, nnd be- Sssll!Il"0,tB,rJ" .''avlna; city the prln la only $5500. . r.ari longer, eiat ae. liammere WIDE MAIN ST.. handy te Spruce at. cars. .!!. y.j0n!,e?cr' Inclesed perch, hardwood floors, elec. lights het-water hent. JOHN M. ENBURO. 5207 Baltimore uve. -2ii ' . . CORNER, rW.A.b X..V...'-,-"7,5.-. "."'IT. ,'' '. I'.-" "' "SallarVifrSS01?. AVK'? rm"'! '"ed ' gggwEll DNAN-'nffl'sT , .......m.. ...,,. or rw.i i;re7r ning 1H17') 8 H-- KARRAGUTTER. (40th ft Market) .eT? Pr'??, ! "u.lck buyer. C. C. Henkcrt. 301 Liberty B'dg. Locust 2052. 4027 CHESTNUT Three stv.. 22 r. r.. 3 1..: iestment. estnut st , ... .,t . vi . ..,'l, vju'); iroea in it.Kj. ai. Ainr n wurS 1SIH Chi r,3.P kMA?T,:R ST. Three story, acml-de- tached 11 rms : strict y medern: let 20x03. H. H. MIf.Ll.lt 1482 N. K2d St. Ilel. nT7a. ONne h'i'm00.' nsVV;rage: Inclesed perch: .lSSr..V"nei. n617 Wlner ave.; convenient te Chester ave. and 00th at. ears. Miuv-i aiery, or. nnd hntl.. elee.. hard- woeu n. rversnaw fc Crewl. 521.-, Chestnut ' ,0BSSr3ir"eyV 5 ". - h. : r. elev. Kershaw ft Crew! 5215 Chestnut. . 4STH. 500 S. ih rooms, medern: tl'Ioeo". ' vamy tniiiia. wlr.l,l., QJ ,s. 62 J, MODERN CORNER In Sherwood. IflOOO. possession. ROECKLE. 725 B. 62d St. 14V?irJt,tA?D:. .noriraeii.rPi n,w: rrlee right. MILLER. 1483 N. 32d st. llelment 0771. ui . ei,runu-Kna house; H rms; geed loe.; rns. I.eenird Fries 6420 Marknt Building Leta " "BUILDERS" Ripe ground main nnd side street locations In beat Weat Philadelphia locations ' W. EARL YONKERS i 722 S ,5lat St. I '&! ''S'n residential neighborhood; entirely i7V-New mleeral atucce house. 0 rooms ."-v-. nrns, r.'ui cnestnut vv.iinut.-i.iqT., m-. 'Ki il ter my 1 n AiiW M moderni unusual buy at 000p '.p'w:nV."We?rSW,ninln- room JKNKINV.WX I scribing lnm.ur0tif"imndrlM i' M, r.WUUHU, QJ07 llaltlmerft aV. , ilt HunffAlnW. llVltlff room Utn.n """ ' -- " " tinVI nim unnrl nnmm mtt Ihnt rnn Im aSAtaammBamLfifTlfl A MODERN SHERWOOD HOME In A-l nUc,','n' w"'0 bedroom, and batfi. epe.. MODERN mVELLLNGH: IM00 upi lre in j J" wlffiSSt'SSSck!" ,h'1 "" fsM shape for $4R00. or as la for $4100 fireplace, etc.; large Jet. , entlen 11-room dwelllnga with 6 chani- ROBERT W. EVANS iMttM ROECKLI' ' r S V. ' RID LEY PARK . h bcrs and room for carnge, In WHicet. ' 7 N. Hanover st j(Jl8 sann i'fe- ' II Detached lieuae. 0 roema and batb. B?fld for 0,Jr ,l e ,llMra plaveTUfll m I'ottstewn; Pn. YjHi S3000 rn 4 1 0 (Wl HOME UAHOA1NM modern cenveniences: garage. I this section, JENKINTOWN TUI'ST CO ' ' 1 rr .V.10' ,UUU SEND FOR LIST . . . OLENOLDBN 7Jj:iriRAlU.E ' diT7lTinTTnYnrlt read. 10 33:ACRE FARM. 2 U miles front PotUtewn.!& &; BAKER ft SON, B2d and Baltimore ave. $0300-Detached house. 0 WRnanced rnen. m&nn. w 7-room house, batik barn, 2 wagon heua?4i.'ff( . ..,.,..,. . " ' ' ' modern, het-water heat, etc : nnnnceu. , "" " ,,,'' BiL.cn,n.Vn Tr lit Ce .Tr I c"rn crlh. 3 hen houses. 8 acrea wheat. temWJM OS8.,-.T!'2W.DE.M' RT- 50th na Cedar) H. II. ALLEN. Sl Presn-ct . , ''"f,, , "'" Jf"klntnwn Trust Veir uf g.te,.,,,,, raspberries and blakfirJ, Wll Steam heat nlfp ltvhl l.nM.n.. a.1 I Mn.A ta Plmn Ittdlev P-ITK 411 v OW.M.K leavlnsr. nnlrW MSle- itet.. stone. 10 Hm jil.mir ir.n fr.iU rA. ...i .... IZ.ilT,fjr """'' "' r.itiuu, 6-jQT naltlmere ,V.Ka jnedern: extraordinary buy at 10000. land, en State highway: this is a goe.i uw. . -..... tiann. m.,i .inveinnm.nt- JOHN M. ENflltltii. R-jiiT fiitimn.. '" v' ,, '.iv, immedlate possessien: must sell 70X100 FT.. $1000: lestrlcted development, Ih . .,...-.. .... . . jii-t i.iii.i, - " ninrkrv wvrry imprevi'meiit. Trana. jensintewn. ijSfflSi edTnvi'.t'rnr ' "Wl HKAN'CY 1.ARGA.NS SiMDOWNK ' m.T. M, AMAN B SONS. 121W Cbestnut st .., ,,T,i iv-R MRIHA. PA. NEW COUlNIAL duelling, modern through- $8000 1108 Atwrmrl rnn.l. mA,tn,n n.. ....... " ' iitrnvr tKtifA 4atl eut: 5 bodreiins. tot 76x125. near trellav Xtt $210- rOenr$lO.5"00:aTa,? fes! , RXbSraith avV! j. Pa! j Pmir,:, 52 lie7kieV. ' "' lKukM-v dHg- , ,arn ' Z:J tftrS,1ey'r.7al: j .WOeUV&r . tfsWS.!. Zltftt BUILDERS. ATTENTION Hs.h an.i ri,..1.ripiivT m;"y anywhere until you see bautl than i $30.) per let If sold as a whole. .v. I...U ..vHrnb,ni.. -ti vacant lets: less, G. A. '""i,. iias vvonemnu n ve OERMANTOWN 0030 SCHUYLER ST. Three story, neml-de room old-fashlenl henJi ,.'n i' n.S , u.- wnt?r ' h?uf eleurfc tv" n?a5 Lefh'r.nVnk u --.i ...Si?..: cleLlrlc"y. near L-eth railroads . und tiellevs BRADFORD HITTER. 72 W. Chelten ave, .1 5:23 ARCHER ST -.. ,.. ., ., , r..x.-f.i.nt nuiioeii, ;. story. Ill looms ami ! lmthu. mn,iprt .r.,,.1 condition baririln; nnsw.A.nn n.llf l.in L.iai. 1 !. .-.. .1 ' 1 WALTER C. RL'imi Ml. ;il S. 17th st. nKKMAMTiiu-vi ir.n0 u'i.. ' ., , rooms, perch: excellent location. hnV-7. U.r. .' "i-ciieni location; 1-ltICK. Judsen nnd Indlair t02S PULASKI AVE. Ten rms., luth. ther. med.. J1O..100; will llnance. 1M c. Em harilt. 5IIOO (Hn nve. G-rm inteun 1050 UERMANTOWN AttravTlve BreumT-.." 3i. li.i. 0 liedroems; tan;.' (. M. HANDLE. laOH Iwust st. Ji.v.--ureene and Tulpe!iei.kn Ms. - tS miS' ."fXlBRVS MAW It 3-ster HI rooms .:. attractlvn lieines. vv th ' .-n-.e--. mi u.-.xisn. m. Una incHiien in vitu garaees Drehv ft r.vwns. lue. Lincoln lld. , MTV -.11.1 T A -. . .. -.. . '"-" i.--iu, ni - sij . - mis , Biec , , IH-Il . IllUlldli. IU unlllir... rrr.n. ..! ,. .. J rms , elec , iHii , iiiunui, ivj wiuiirts irem tinln and trolley erlj piiss, IH250. lit i ."020 W. Gl.N, Greene nnd Tullieneiken e.s : list locution in utn : r.ttrac v.. hnmes, with anruKv-s ureuys. j-;vans, l.iOT l.'nceln Bldg, , PELHA.M Modern 3-sterv stone ilwg ; Httle cih re..u., ;.;;'. 'i.i te T,.: .".Vi-im I.Of.AN I MODERN S-room house. het.ater bent. hardwood floers: ii.tr trelie and Boule- Sr4IJLani1' ,JdgEJril,e! T 4B73-7H N. 10TII epp. park . rerch 7 reTimsT h.-w. he-it. eiic hdwd floors, ne.tr train truiicy. ruwy HTII1I WOOPCr. l.n. JUJJ J, 000 DUNCANNON AVE Wirant: 2slyT; perch, rooms, all cenvs let 20x00 ft. Wm. It. Lumen ft Sen 2U.l'i V Frent st. TORRKHDAI.E 1 AND 5 ACRE TRACTS tV5T.rEnECJv0nDrt'i'51JinAJr0ci:a SK FKANKFORO $8500 Bargain; 103", rnulkred st . owner leaving cltv. 2 slerj, brick. teml-diiched perch, M large looms, utile, ull Improve Impreve inents; excellent condition iwnlnga and scieens, let 23S4 Phene Fkd 1045 it. FRANKre'ltD Medem L'"tmllsh "".IiVeTiniKT priced low. cenv. lei.atl.in, i'lllln.- st.. bet Orthodox und Arret t sts. 2 hlecks west of Trnnkferd ave , lutn 30x125, garages Drehv ft i:nna.1007Llnceln Bldg N.iuce78Se. JIODERN ll-roeiu detnchi d dwalllngr bb'thV' hardwoe.1 fteirs open flrepfurH third fleer iPSrrt,V,;entinfoT,l."eallun' "eal" ''latcl. prlci 110 600 1022 Penn sr OLNKY NEW RUSCOMR ST. HOMES, beiwenn 2.1 and 3d sts : 1 block north of Itoesavelt boulevard. 0 rooms and bnth. li -v. hent. In In ceosed perch: easy jenjis EMU. P. ST.MIL 6200 N 3d st. Wyoming 572!- J ' $300 CASH buyj beautiful modern "home, 224 w. Fishers ue , close te Imarnntlen r-h.lrtll. T vn.u Ik. .....I . I. ..... . ..,m..i, , 1,1,1.., inuiunru yoreil wlie hlteel TAt'ON TWO - STORY BLDG for movie i buslneaa. Diisiiiess seruen iacenv j. n, (TRRlEIt. 3707 Uingsher st. i trnmi anniinn miti it.u . ir . . .1 a. ..,.. 1 ir.iniH '. nil uu i cm in i.tiitiniii: rurmiiu y'i. . - - - ......, nr- -'ft .,... - - - - ,. .----'. . .... KEaaBfrBl 1 AL iATl nmaA bBBa N. 15TM BtT Eleven -room dwelllnk,. het-wnter h-at. 2-story building In reart let 25x175 ft. te Bydenliam . .ault for eon. tractor, etc, fa. A. Hobsen, 8028 N. Bread at. OHBWTWIIT.HIH LOTS; in Brdenhelm terrace: all street tm prevementa' encrefe walks; low tax rate) will asalat In flncnfllng for building. JENK1NTOWN TRUST COMl'ANT MOUNT AIKV THREE-STORY brick house, containing 14 rooms, 2 stores, garage, stable and ether eutbuildings: all modern cenva.i let 50x500 te street In rear, situated en Otn. ave. tn heart it buslness sectien: excellent for apt. Fer particulars phene cnestnut inn ami. DESIRAULE semi-detached two-story, 7 rooms, bath and laundry! cenv. te trains, trolleys, etc.; steam hivit, clee. and gas,' prica $6800, .JOSEPH M. JENNINGS l'e., Chestnut lilll. Pa. Chestnut Hill 1337, Chestnut Hill 2057. I'KNNHYLVANlrt fit'nURBAN, THE CHARM OF THE OLD.. THE CONVENIENCE OF THE NEW A GENUINE OLD FARM HOUSE which has peen remoueiea una nuns comyiwie i ". erii iiiiVr..r In the restricted section en ' rmh'Lans'Jowne avenue!'' opposite Iigllty , read, aurreunded by large and beautiful homes and near elf course. Convenient le Philadelphia. Eighteen minutes by Moter te City Hall Five bedrooms, three baths, four Jlrep!acc.if aleeptnc perch, studio, garage, shop, chicken beuse nnd row stable. All In geed condition. Twe and ene-half acrea or merp If de sired. Old ahade and fruit trees. Flower gardena, tot bed and vege- tab,riScEen$22.oeo.ooTnRMU. Opened for Inapectlen Sunday. 1IUOII S. WALKER Ne. 023 Land Title Building ' Philadelphia,, Pheno Spruce 4257 $5500 Semi-detached' atone-and-atucee house. COLONIAL farmhouse. 12 rooms, large barn un.i nii.h.iiiriinaa' BO acres of line, level COLONIAL house, 20 rooms, bath, wlde iuse, -'i rvenin, ""i ""-: large lawti:'s m"',..V.ri.,f S f roT'llTe "'if l-"r5l 'ihY, XilTi SraSdarVi" - ! - " 'lW$ u T will sell you s. let and build te your (IKOROE M. BRICKF.R. office opposite. BEAUTIFUL home ; In country; latest 'mPr.: Cnr : 12 r.. brick, h -w. heat; li mln. te train or trelley: 2-car araraje. prtcn rui. . j Iihii remain en mtge APPly TrJ'f-.? Hu.hcs. cer. Rebblne and Jionwemery ".. UrcKledge. Fex i-Tiae, l-nimuripni... . a?eIrHSve?K "acre of loe ft front en West CI "atment. bualntaa r b line flew of pure land: a corner th hester pike: nne in- ome sue. '" looser onrice . . vfjltORVE Sale or rert. furnished: at- '"irVctlvlSSm stone, house. ;olenlal. mni.nlencea. garage, garden: also 2 farms. '.7 and 113 acres, well situated; goea neuic i.ml lmlldlnES. !. II (AMJV-. NEW suburban aevelepmnt en West Chester , Pike: will give specla bargain a iir.v .-- huvcrs: lets nnaine: all Improvements; send for Plan. 1" ia;i wnn'r vjin; . beuse, snrlngheuse: located en qutsKlrts or ruii'iix. v ii it av, a . ss7-i . .- .-. Wavn: tsnne j M. hrenefleld. Wain..Pa. RUTI.EDGB H I'resident ave.. H roema, cenveniences: a geed locatien: large let. Annlv at h heus. 'CHAS. W. Rt'SSBLL. 303 Real Estste Bldg. rui i.artnmeni. oe iwi pir.(iuii, Building leta ROSI.YN PARK, alwvc OInslde Train nnd trelley: lets l.oe up. vvnier, gas. nrciric i NEW business altes In heart of Olenslde, lueal location. FERGUSON ft JOHNSON, n.n nrmninivn nve. Phene Diamond 7153. MAIN LINK ..... ,,.-i. ....., .., ( . i.tf atnna ileincheil rhvellltii with 2-carrgn J.1H 000 HHYN MAWK I aK in mif hi iinuuuii , i.'ur uriuum, imiu- ' .l $.... llBAllilsnilT tl1aa1-ln til Kit . J II.. . ... !-al. ... a.h,.ala. ftsa. a$ ahuuern. full particulars by mail. MAUHAN weuii iti'ij.-) .111 iuH"ki nivwiii ML' DOUMAN A CO. N. H corner Bread anfi Chestnut Rts. A RDM IKK Building Lets ARDMOHI PARK Let 5'ljtl: 15 1 lpe for Im lilll .lncks-in prevemant JJ M srljHV BRN MAWR urns. 2 baths. a need. oee. M. .maVS SONS 121S Chestnut st. tsen Vl.r,i.flVA O0 W. A 1 1 Till 11 V O home, detntched. " ...i ........ ir v cellar, ini r'haatnnt CLIFTON HEieirrs NINE rs. bth brick ehlnfle: liirse Klaas. e Snrlnafl'd water. Inclesed petcli. gas cemant driveway, let 40x120. bargain. J5SUO Summit st Lnnden10iIl, (OUIIINDALK Building Leta CORBINDALL I"I Ce . let 25x500. Seneca at.. N W of tth ii S ADAMS 1 US WALNI'T ST CY.NU YD CYNWYD-Ixit. cer 177x130 ft.. Ideal lo le cut Ien: full commission paid brokers, ROACH 110 S Hreda. Srruce 0203. DKKXKL HILL ALL hTONE stucco house. 8 rooms, both and laundrv , het-water heat, ein-n fireplace, elec'rlc lluht lunik ml nere: let 75vl20 ft. FRED T LEW W. Hit Merris Bids. FRED T LEWIS, nil Merris Blrtrf. EI.KIVS PARK NEW COLON! M. epe un cer. Int.. ID rms 2 baths, het-watar hent hurdwoed Ilrh . cenv. te train ui trel llnnii. te ault MiCr mlck ft McCermlek Lincoln lid or Elklns Pk FOI.CROIT 16 KLMWOOD AE BMtiitifuf suburban home. 7 looms Uihh let; g.irage, ther- euhly mulem neir train nnd trollej, bar- gain SCIIV All I i. 2." Oil W. Lehigh ave VU CHASE COT1MAN AVENUK I. O T S GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR THE HOME BUYER Prlcea JJ.i ensh and $5 monthly, lets in ueiun weiiman IWEVF.I. Hit. I ALL-STONE stucco heune h rooms, buth 4 I .i.,AWa'..he.,'w'5,r hat' n Ilreplaie, eltctrlc light hardwood floors let 7512e fl FRED T LEWIS. .Ill Merris Bldg nwrVTV-iNK AC-UES. 0-room house. Darn., ,,.. ,,k. v.ij.. ...i rT ..T. rr -,: 1 ' V.V" "" "oeui , geed waterYRIdge avi . , mtH above City , VaVV.' 1-Vt .!7xl47T"vaVletr f 7 it" n. .ld..?rabeut "i. mU.trW1 ne: trolley pasesdper. . . , flowers. Dries 10800: nl.e dvielllns- of e rooms Te "i.Ai -.m'ie.,r9"L, JAS. T. U1XUN 1.-.14 ItKlg" avr; ant U.,f, nei.w iter heat. lisrou.Ve.l Mr.7 I :r.: "'"7" Jiw"'.e"1""- ? m"" . WAYNE Quaint little old stone ' heus. 6 ;ntlv .raedernlxed: . all In fine, condlllen. vated: hne old 13-room T house, in uy uu ii in urik.ui.uian 4i, is me teunu ngs win eautlful slinda t. 12C . LT (.rent thoreuenfare, 100 ft wide, thit run of them, h-nies are j ours for ' .I.Jr"' Al1y rrrrrr.T-rrr.-rr:-7-.. Tr.-rr.-r : fcv" from the county line .i i me way te the Del jf cash de.vn Tirm. ,:.: , ; '. m.ii"iiih iiv r. i i.tr.-.. v aiti.-m -i-.i I'Uu:lfc',,,,," awTre River. Cettnwn uve. Oxford pike and I rcsS en M ones ,"n," 'u"' eday ,rn,.,,.,;n"; ' r. ;SJiOI'E AND DWELLINGS IN t6. Rising bun nve. nil mevt about U blecl.H went veur future liem vai 5 tJV' "'"'', CAST .CCTin.v u of our ground and the village , called Hu REALTY CO "020 I Sdaen ale'Ur-ni ND ' HARRY F THOMPSON L. Points or Burholme. It is near the buautlful weed. N. J. 11,11 mono "1 vv w '-lngs- IlrtlMM C. 1 n'JlWrOUW ' In' liurhvlmi Park and Library, and 1 square ' te erdr ' "' Hemes hulli 2121 FRANKFOlin avm . ili , from livers Station, en the Reading, with TTTTTiTnv-i XC-7-- T.-.n.. : . 1 vvi v-rr-W-T,.7rZ....r ....ZXtt' jgsVlatWtW . T-t wm ,AOT7tJgWWAI --:. KAWTlJaNWDOWNB NEW det. heue-. 10 rme.i big let; near Wain A trol.;.INSes easy terms! or rent, $73; open. Valentine, 3d and Baltimore ava. ' KI.K1NH PAWK NEW, Colonial type, en cer. leti 10 rms., 2 baths; het-water hat, hardwood ft' raj renv, te train or trel.i flnan. te suit. MeCer- mlek A McCermlek. Lincoln llg. or Elklns 1'k, FARRADAV PARK 45000 Modern, 7-room cottage, all cenva.i . let 50x240; 11000 cish reu.i poss. at encii bargain. W. B, Blttle, Hwarthmere 111 J, m.KNHinH OLENSIDK A home with apacleua grounds, beautiful treea and shrubbery! near train and trelleyt splendid surroundings; large, attractive living room, with handseme stair way; white and mahogany trim througheut: elettlc, h.-w. heat. hdwd. floors; large 2 2 atery garage! priced at $21,000 HOWARD R WILSON CO.. 2122 Oermantewn ave. BRAND-NEW slndle drlllmr: all cone V.nl.nM.. ImitlMflnla 1immmmmtrn .1ltll location; price IOOUOj also flne slnglf ta fcr,: P." ,0500i W' hUV " Prlca call today. location; price 10000; also flne single dwell- einrj, HKNNiNni'it a nnvMtvnr.n. Olonslde Ia, Opposlte elation. 12 OOO I.ARC1E, nttrsctive, H -stone dwell- inir neir siaiinn; ur-nreunis; nil conmn-lencj-s: het-unter hent; let 75x160: shade. RENNINGER A RLNNINOER, lll.nsiue. pa. THE HEART of Glenatde; watch for our epenlmr of r.oe flue building sites: sind for partlculara. FERGUSON A JOHNSON. 2050 Germs mown av. Phene Diamond 713 HIGHLAND PARK HIpinVND PARK Fain lew nv ! dot. . dwif.. It rooms, tiled bath, open flreptac. hnt-wn'cr hwnt, el. . let .',0x150. H. S MILLER. 14S2 N. r.2il st. ll'lment .0773, tuwjllA.vj.i l'AlfK -.AlOiletn sningie lilinni low. e roema nnd itn, ivt 5ixlir: iiiiu. i let 70x220 Tranl:. Jenklntewn. Building Lets te 00th St. 112.000 CLAYTON REALTY Iiu.. today co.. ai a. Lansdewne live. 1071. Open SUHI'ltUAN home. 0 rtems let 00x140. rruit, garden: 18700 Apply Henry h .MKRION I HAVE dcslrable listings of improved real J psinie at various prices enfl careruuy r etrlcted hulldlng lets at very reasonable prices. HUGH S WALKER. 023 Land Title Hldg Spruce 4257. 100 CAHKFTLLY restricted building lets; all street Imprevaments: high ground; If, minutes fieni Ilread St. Station. Hugh S Walker 026 Land Title Hldg. Spruce 4257. PAOI.I ACRE with 12-room house, bath. heat, . kks chlcltn hnusf. irnriLsa !f)0(l J. -M I'ROVEFIFLD Wain" Pa JtiKUAij-jhLU, ""H", '" n... a.&a RO! TS VS.A-J Med. R-room d.velllng. garage, 150x125 fi, Lohler ft Shlsler. 1032 Ve- nange. aw '' i in ii fui new bungalow, garage and everything uj te dat $rt7ie. J. I. F at . Manavunk. Phene M SWARTHil .1. i. hieran. inn treason anaiunk 0070. StVARTHMORE THREE DWELLINGS, all new. all con cen veniences: ene $8250. 3 bedrooms, let OOx 130, ene $0500. 3 Iwdroems. let 120x120, one A bedrooms. 8 acres or less, priced ac cording te ground wanted. E. T. BIDDLE. 410 Yale nve . Hwarthmere, Pa. WASHINGTON CROSSING OVERLOOKIVn Washington Cressing Memerial Park Old Colonial heus., 11 rooms, 0 flreplacaa, rerrh, lawn, old ahad, 6 minutes te trolley, iuiiiuwi ur uuieuus, price .le.'ssi ARTHUR P. 1 0WNqKNP Washington Cressing Pu. ?' s.MMliur. MODERN DWELLINGS. In Wyndmoor from fSUOu ud. low tu-c rte e.ltv run. venlene-s. TENKl NTOWX TRI'ST COMPANY NEW JERSEY snirRnAN "" NEW h-roeni dwelling, Acrs land with bani and 0 Eight-room dwelling, with cenveniences: 1 sere land, wltj fruit, berries; iie.r dupet nnd hluh acheul. Onc-acre lets, near depot nnd high tchoel. Other property of everv description. LtJfl-4 it I.BHUOS. Clayten. N J. UUILDINO IJTS, 20x100. 143 up. en easy payments. $7.60 will Mart you and 13 monthly paimenta, many corner leta can atll! be obtained, geed for henies, bungalows and clubs, near a lake, geed commuting service. Ann CI-VYTON HOME AND LAND CO. S; eer "I und Merris. Philadelphia. I Phene Oregon 4070. OLD HOMESTEAD, limit In esrlv Colonial dsvs lias wonderful tMieNlhllltlaa n .. ira,L.n. '',ated jn one of the most b.autlful and historic aunurbs of Seuth Jreey: until recently building wna eccupud ui country !ub. B .104. Ledger Offle.. ""'" K iV'rl: : 1 a little patient and epp t:tlon'."A,udSbett SSSr da,.vsUdS!n,S i-i.-w.. iir.Ai ii mriEi,, joe rooms Pletely equlppeQ. qt sacrlHc. P. 227 r..T- . .' -i ' t"i . - .. -.:. --izz : . com I. O Al'Dl'nUN tiiMiuun uuncalew, I375H. n.rni. bungs" low inuuern . mis J.-.UUd, 7-rm. house new, geed loci. $v.Ml. A heui. for every man at his prl. an 1 t,rms. Audubon Realty "" - "" , i-n nunaays. and bus servlre at veur deer, with II R ,tar. linn nnlv .-. il. ,...,. .:. ifc Bia- Hen only ....... n .in., i-;a BROWNING ROAD WMiO, TlnPIAF flriuliliiiui,! r. h.l Hn an ,1 lua (ih .n ROXBOROLtlll i a i i :i u STB ssnmiAr n ilu-alllr li nn j L.il. 4 -.. H . ... . rsviVA as.. iui ui it.c. iiruuLi- yinnr vir r.AViivs I1EVERLY I LARGE HOLSE. with 2 upte nighwT; i?a.-T " i and trnlle: . 5 mln. from never! v sin tin,, . Air in-irrlver. H acr- of old si nd7 und fruit WANTED re PURCHASE BulldlnalfvW ' 1S300. rhotecrapli en request. p ri'ii suitable ,,nd adapted te the prlntlXjW , I., dger Office 1,,'u buwInesH. require at least 10,000 squarel. , ? -..ii . ,..."' " '"t. can use 15,000; location desires?.' ' OLI-IMISM OOD Iwtw-rn Delaware and HChuvlkllt Hlv.V7i'i Ltdger Office .--.. .- iilJU, COLI.1NGSMOIID " ,!- , "ETTER IIOMCS ' Wa have Just f nlshed rur fifth hum. ... . I building mer-. The heme.huvS e Tl "lri1ld,rS , toema. with large b-ith and all cot v .i?Jh .2 1 mia. elec . atut till... het and cod T.h..V ?JS n?Jt.lc,;...nnJ.ln:''ert:nn!-hd n,r;--:-d trlcnit?ll.i,Uv'.U7'T y.re"n'?' b-'h . "K: WANTftli.TfJ llENT-bTjun, 1. a lr5JIv7" ...! M-i "a1"' ." " d shade ran giva ' modern i or S room house, w thin 12 tnlTea nTMsTiffm10''-.,! 0i-,l-INGSVO.)n , of rhllB or Camden near H J? atattan "wtueU WS3e "tl.-,'2" Hu,Illu,' " CIPr-ferreiILllOIger office. 'r'"" , . VTiini' frts ran in et.na.sa... t...ii.a. ' ' 1 i """Hal Htmce .ife LL.I UBIBIBMrS frv .HBIBHM'itH SUMMKR COTTAOal. 4afi ration, beahe. 8JB87 dtfi. a'tsTl Hanltiftt anaiaaaai I haaxW aalAaa i wnnmirmv nn MODERN, fine raaldence. IktM i weed nnlatt and hwd. floera. w k.d. ..r virviriciir, . -m eer an acre In ground f right ! trains dailvt fin lawn, shade ads .ail riir pariicuisrs apply le. Owner, Woodbury Height, Fer partlculara apply te, JOlrff.al woedDury Jieignis, in, . ; NF.W JEWr.Y nM OCEAN CtTT M. 1 ChmkIi bungalow, 8 bedrooms, bmtk, dining room and kitchen., eleetr gaa-rer coeklnm erlea IBOOOt. JOHN J. FOSTER, Realtor, Bit TW'O Flrat ave., near beach tetfi $600. ATLANTIC cmf ATLANTIC CITY Seuth Stratford ' roema, 4 iiatns garagai nr , Kltt WORH nne Hjiiu STONE HARBOR EIGHT ROOMS and bath. LimtshaeL , venlencea: let 40x110; 18600; will nnnncing owner. V 114. Imager irii.mvoen crrut NEW up-te-dato cottaae bungalow. hath, with Individual garaaiea; prl( Palm read and Pnclfle nve. iKik'e ' Kivrllrt mail nn lfillnlAlnHIA mvte . r .' p'.l v.i Sen representative, en premises Hunaay,- rf4fTO(i ! Fuld. Mirore ft Cook. 3215 II at. Uar, 9niJM i Kenslnglen snd Allirheny avew., Phlla. -f 3J; ( PKNN8VI.VANIA FARMS ACIED OWNER Is forced te sell 34 ae Chester County with '1 hnrsun. nook ens, farm machinery and crops. Very "km uiiv. uuiiijuiks, u-re'iiu sioee neuiv, i barn, spring house and necessary eutt iim. "' nynuK aiiu sirrttin, i' inicti, goon spring and stream, iq acrea " '" unner cuiuvsuira, PMn srrarjea glve 111 bargain 2 horsee, cow, 175 nens, 160 uung chickens, 4 ducks. 4 tnr.t keys, a guineas, "-horsepower gasellna, -' Kin, iiirnniicr, TUKun IOI 01 maenia circular saw, woeu ni timiwr. even for $4500. with $1600 down, let ma kn wrmrY wnen you hiii come enu i win meet trait juv .ppiy 10 owner, iuia. a. rick, lleuU V'lOTWl PUBLIC SALi: Modern .lllnirl.an rnn . ter'a home, for M. 11. Gedahall. Satttr ..... .,, uv ,tvt .wn uin uuu Alain Pis.. J euuh Celleirevllln. nn Wm. P,nn Tr.Wtia Chestnut Hill trolley passes deer; 2 aquar te high achoel and Uralnua Cellege: 4 equaxiiir '; te Phlla. and Reading depet: 22 mllea cantsKT l'hlla.: delightful surreundlnga: remedeliiv ui'-mcm iu-iuem siene uweiung; very aaawxst wfv neat garage, let 00x125. old ahade. Al4rY. 'rt aultable for bearding house or business cajf "1ft ner. lllustrntd f-lr-ttlnr nn ranllaat. It SemtaMi J. u f . ft LINDERMAN. Agents. Airy and Chttf,;5' sts . Norrlstewn. -V?W r SEND ren PHOTO of this poultry and trjaaaj-' vM farm: 3 ncrea; high elevation. beutflS,i,5M View, well frultnl: lu-nra untiles. charrla5!- -Alii lerries: hOO head young peultry: medaeaa i' i" seml-bunaalew, 7 rooms, gaa, complete) baUT;'' t, running water, furnace heat, set vrasQ teMlb 's inwiern lajnuc neuse. with running watajsn, and lights for 000 lajera, garage; PRICaT $0500; eaay terms: write for detalla: also c4bTk Illustrated farm ratnleg with photo, iL .I1HAV It vturtt-nnnt- Y-.n.r.i - s . . ju Af-nt-a i ,i,.. ... . r t- ' Is ALIILS In Montgomery County. B mln- . u"? alk t village with atere. cealary.- ,rhurrh and school, aultable for poultry ani 'iSllnb il. t. l a I. ( -IsT - .. - ' ' ,, !... irucK. u-roem hehse, bank barn, large chlcH- i en house and outbuildings, 5 acres timber. ? ' Ieta of fruit, southeastern exposure; owner' Includes horse, some machinery and cref; prlc $2400. and only JbflO down. N Hanover at .' Pottstown. Za, 150 acrea. Eaatant) .L. . ..&., .- a,. rk...K .- a..L.. rn. ma.ar eai ai. i,v.i.aa Mfr irem raur acrea ci nA mtMtt E. tf.na.Ph. .e3 'a. u ni..S'. . i?rJl.'rKl tenant's house, eutbldgs. A oed aasy. Jw(yt rr''j rv,, 1 ,3?.?L.iVI.Lt', BUY 4W. acr" "- MenbjTT rf ."". ."n seen reaa. a miles irtsn' '. lunii ana nindv tn arhei a,t .,. - - I12J!?. ..MU."''..,rm barn and eutbulldlnaaj. J Si Immediate possessien: rrlee $1000. t M - V llVi.S'"i ."r.t'.V"B WW hS I'ii"i5.uacr". '" stucco beuM, ilpJsi .r""-.-- bath. heat, large atone barni Ha?. rJ erenrru. stream; ,$6000; a great bargain for Wf-3 guicK ie. j. m. Frenefleld, Wayne. Fa. ffliY NEW JERHET FARMS . ..,91 .... . -"'ir! tAin-iw acres vvitn all new building. mllea from Camden Ferry: near town ant tre lev; win h. .i...ia,.;: .".ii mv?i short time; large atucce heuae, 30 ft. tibmTi, cempleta aet eutbulldlnga. 4 Acrag ttrwSJl """"' tr. usuurag-ua, large orchard fM-i we., isr. pes-cnea; retiring owner Incl 1 41 aajasa. 2 cows, wagons, farming . .1.14, B M.I1U I small tools. j.n isu.isai. mm- ,m.. .a.jr, r.ce ..u.uuu; eaay lerma; a bargain; ether farma. WALTER DaCVl ... ,,... .! . .Ti-w"' --." .. - s . wwytn Bt.t H WiUIiliry. , J. CHICKEN FARM . 5 ACRES PRICK ll!40n jiOUH barn, fit p.. nur rmitav a-nnja . fllaf noiiuea-alrini ava. 4 v.. .-I . W S""'" e'th'r. ' al P'HCB: Wrlt8 ter'V WA'RE'B FARM AGENCY. Mlllvllle. W.IJ ARI1E.V HOUSE, beautiful, h.v.. nit t.la .- aeraragus, rhuhirb. berries, ncra ground miles 24th and Chestnut: Ilea village: DM terms. Arden Floral Gardens. ArderwE ..- . m.i num. nan. REAL ESTATE SALE OS CITY ia r-i-TiiHR-m- -r ..i... - .. BsjjLs. V) t:iViUX. .i "i,.J"ir,i"L..?"l"al.l . f-th at ' ' - i MODERN X2C0. C store front. W. Bruce Barrow. -"" '-.:- .. iiia.ivei neuasi; nvarrt . 180 8," OARAGE. Frent and Pine eWIil , (1 Geldman. 725 Walnut at. T.J ' 1 nOWXIXGTOWN UiVSBED. hotel. furnUUM: Pen nnaylvantav" iiniiii i inurYiiniTfiii. rt .-. . r--ir-: i HlKhwHy. midway ttween Ijinaaatariu3'. " "i Philadelphia. 3 1 renma. Ihnriiihl M..anT-t . ,f 2 rooms, tboreugrhly mcsWavi L. Olbncy. Downlngteirnrygt ApplJ te l.OUIS REAL ESTATE WANT1JD Schuylkill Illvarali t nA... ... . u.,.i .... 1 . r:..'-". ..vn.ua. ,,.--.. miu ...uu.iiuiiivry aenuv siaie iu.i neiaiis. t,i I P 1C. I lff-r Off lee ,In. 'ah jsenl s . .:.. ...... . . :: '. w ' ..., .-. -'-' ""v"r ave. bTeRI for rent in theatre building! geed" 1 nusiness district mm large store; big dls- l ! ' ? . ,inm rtmy iiiwnira. se;iu MarMat at. lirYERH wiirtlng for small Invest, houses. nil lee Turner A McCoy, 420 Perry lllda- , Ijc 40.IW , LADY dealres te Invest In"smTi heusst . send full partlculara In letter. P 1311. Ledger l If flea HAVE clients lvalllnv fee limulu TH Tiega, Otn nnd Oak Ijine ut rraaenkMa 2 :$l "!-"" .K..A .H..bsnn.ail2HN "nre'd .,.A, WANTED- Central real estati , many BPpil'.'yfcI'l cams S M llayley lOOll 'ilnestr;' "A Cj "V- . W7.T.,"."'.MI1"- KK"Tla45- CLIENTS wall g for ivlt prep nwr 180 nt or W Phlla Riilnhnrt 1624 ('lies. vva.-m ri.u -small ractery bulldlnar, w vinuar II 'ill. Ta.l. tttt "" "' BEAL E3TATE FOR RXMT CITY I 12n S. 19TII ST, 130 S ISTH ST : FIRST 1217 WAIaNIJT ST 1 . HTOHrt iTTSff W,..' tifxi chestnut sr . Ffoeriri ,r if. 2027 ARITI ST: OFKlCKjl ".iV 1-.07 0 MUIIAVIAN sr. first Viieiiit: i " I'A ft j-.nwu.si ia w, 5T GKRJ1ANTOWN Fer int. furnlaKeVll June i m uvi i iu.'.', modern 2U stenn house, sleeping perch; eunvatiB ttu ii nnd trn'ley. In p.rtlan enn be arn 6014 Geimantewn ava. -'J1. COl.'.VlRY .raldemivT7ur,i .. . ?--" ' '.-r Amblari. a laairma . a imuiari, m enawma a MHJ epaa FfFM- r?f tftt lVv, Jti al mi,vrsra mm :i fi. 4 J .' "TV--.,' )$ aV... ."H 1 ..JV T 51 1 ' X' .1 J',1 CI IV . ?i V : JS 1 for : . ' I. 01 J M a4H'xs sSatfiwH vtsvm m M-Tl.l m ? ana or jFrt&fcY .$ HLVHBHHflBaBIHalHHH Vi A,iigiaBBJjlHIHaaHajUiajUHKK