j ' HHWTwi?raHB5 j anBB v-v v WBr3aaaaaY" f BS. .ajsBsflajK SnH I 11 1 vvjMHSXaaaaa k KflV NATIONALANK f fiflBKKiJinB "Always Commercial" fg! JPflBR9j3f9,jrit!K:pt Market at Seventh -' Sptla Mjrr . ' 'iBlin7nfcMBffjiyk J iBBBBHHHkaMelaBiBUM 185th DIVIDEND Frem lhn Aftrnfnem Af ths rmt ' six months, the Directors have declared dividend of Eight Dollars per share, payable May 2nd te' stockholders of record May 1st. ALSO An extra dividend of Twe 'Dot 'Det lars ner share te stockholders of record as of the same date The, Surplus Account has been increased $100,000, making that fund $2,600,000. Capital .$1,000,000 Surplus : 2,500,000 Undivided Profits...'. 250,000 Reserves . . .' 200,000 Resources 20,000,000 PENN We have pleasure in announcing that MR. JOHN T. COLLINS, JR. has been admitted te an interest in our business. Samuel MCreery & Ce. Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange Franklin Bank Building rilil.ADKLrill.V May i, less W J. Wellman & Company Members New Yerk Stock Exchange 120 Broadway - New Yerk Take pleasure in announcing that BENJAMIN N. FREEMAN CARL T. NAUMBURG WILLIAM B. JACKSON formerly Manager and Assistant Managers of the Bend Department of Henry Lv Doherty & Company, have become associated as .Manager and Associate Managers el their1 "Bend Department. May 1, 1922 While Traveling, What is the Best Way ,te Care for Securities? This question, with ethers, is answered in a booklet, "The Trust Company and The Individual", which will be sent en request. Fidelity Trust Company 325 Chestnut Street 143 1 Chestnut Street 6324 Woodland Avenue, West Philadelphia Proven Public Utility Bends Baker, Yeung & Company JOSEPH W. SWAIN', Jr., Munaier Und Title Bid,-. Bosten Philadelphia YOUR NEW BUILPING may be either an asset or a liability. de sure it is planned and built In your best interests. JOHN N. GILL CONSTRUCTION CO. Commercial Builimgi, Factories, nstitatieM and Smalltr Werk OtU Building I'lULADEU'IllA Capital SS, 300,000 Surplus $16,000,000 Fundi held in trutt mere than $260,000,000 Wanted Offering Atlantic City R. R. 1st Consoli dated 4s, July, 1951 -Hollidaysburg, Bedford and Cumberland lit 4i, July, 1951 Edward V. Kane & Ce. 1 Merris Building fcnti'lilUlml 18 War Hathaway, Stene, Wallace & Williams, Inc. ENGINEERS (M MANAGERS 1713 Saiuemjt., Philaitlphia SPRUCE 7887 Operating Management of Industrial Enterprises. Industrial und Technical Inves tigations and Reports. Consult ing Engineers te Manufacture! b HIS Bends for. Investment Suftttlimu Upen Rtfutst The National City Company flf riCES IN MORI THAN fllTY CITIKS la-J. 11 itnut&WCU ' CEMJIFIED r UtUC I Wilten & ewrAim a.itiw ii sasssw EDWARD L0WBER STOKES & CO. Investments 20 Seuth 15th St. PHILADELPHIA LEAD ON M MB Standard of Indian'a Estab lishes Naw HighCities v Service at 228 New Yerki-Mnr 1. After a steady opening, the mafeket en the Curb turned firm, with interest largely centered In the petroleum group. Standard Oil of Indiana established n new nish mark at 1044, nnd Cities Service moved up a point, te 228. International Pctrelcqm new firm around i, wiuie Mexican Seabeaid dinnliiycd tendency te ease off. Standard Oil of Kentucky advanced u sharp fraction te 82. In the indiiHtrlal ireun Hudsen Me ters became prominent In the trading and after selling at 22, a new high, yielded te 21 A. Dnbtllcr was again In moderate demand nnd advanced te , the previous high. Independence Lead moved up fractionally. 1 High Lew BOO Arm rvni 1,1 !! isuu Acme Fnckinc . no ,10 Am Lt A Tr pfd.. D0i Oee Meechnut Pkg . . . 89' 100 Jlklyn City My .... 8 .100 Buddy Bud 1 A 100 Car Lliht l'i 1200Che Nipple Si's OOO Ohie Nlpple H . . 2 l'Jtxi Columbia Emer . . SO . lOOConley Tinfoil .. 18 1000 Cent'l Mtr ok 200 Denv A 11 O pfd. . 70 loe a w urirritli .. 'i uoe eurant Me of Ind. 1H SOOPurant Mtra .... 37 000 Eastman Kodak .. 77 i ieu Kiee Hter Mat . .2000 Dublller 27000 Hudsen Mtra wl . loe Gardner Mtra ... 100 Goodyear Tire ... 100 Ooedy Tire pfd. H0O (lelda-yn Plct ... uOOHeydin ffhem ... 100 Hudsen Ce pfd .. IS 100 Inter Rubber .... HV 200 t.ihhv my.Vi.ii n 0000 Morcer Mtra V T.. 3 100 National Iath .. fTi .KdO 1'nrkitrd Moter .. 12 HHOO Philip Merrla .... 17i inoue Kndle 6 1200 Itadle pfd 8'i 200 Iteo Metera 24 ' !I92 S.euh Ce"! and Ir. 1A 4at . -22 iau 37 i .100 Tcnn llwy 3 -ue Meriimt vreil 100 Tenn llwy pref lix ff.ft nv,h itmA 70 Tedd 8hlp ....;'.; 70 i 1100 U H I, t It 2', iuu ii n nnip tprp ... u 1000 II B Hteam 11 BOO United llet Candy. 0 100 Wa ne Ceal l H 500 Wen End Chem . SO 300 Terbcnten Axle . . 20 STANDARD OILS 200 Anele-Am Oil '20 i r00 Atlantic Lobea ... 10 ? 20 Kureka 1 U ....'. .103 00 Galena Oil ns 20 Indiana P 1, ....101 10 Ohie Oil 317 AOI'ralrlaO O ....632 20 Meuth Peiin Oil ...220 20HJO Htnnd OH of Ind. .100 2000 S Oil of Ky W I. . iVlK 100 8 Oil of Ky Dlalr.. 81 j 00 a OH of N V ....400 no se .- se is'4 ".. 184 37t 709 43 lit 4 3; in. 17 a 3 A 21 2" 4rfT in 70 2i II 11 0 J' Si I 23 Vj 20'i lnii mn nt let 317 H2N 217 1:00 P. M. BO 30 t) W Kn 13t4 0 70 ; 37J4 7l HI 13' IS' 37 II' 1 18' a 2i'5i & 43 'A 10 7 70 2i II 11 0 J' Se S5H 20 10 10.1 0"' 101 317 1132 220 108 ions; nitt 82 SI 14 400 INDEPENDIM OUA 1000 Aetna Cer.H lji 300 Arl. Nat (lac Il4t 7000 Heene Oil ...... . 13 13100 Bn-ton-Wjemlne . . 00 4100 Carlb S-n na 110 Cities Serv (old). . . .22S 10'-. City Srv '' ctfs 234i MiO Columbia Pet .... 1(1 000 Continental Kef . . 4 SHOO Cosden it Cn prcf . . S 2000 Creele l.yn 31 1 1100 Dominion Oil .... In'i 2100 FiiBlneers' l'etiel. St 1 OOO Federal Cll li 200 F-nl.ind 13 HOO Glllilund Oil 7a n.llie Olf nreck Oil 1 a200 Hudsen Oil ...... 33 12200 Int retrel 21 100 Keyatone Ranver . . 00 HOOKIrby Pet 12'i 2100 Mvlnssten Pet .... I'd 1300 Lyens Pet 01 , 420O Marland OH Mex . . 4i 500 Maracalbe OH .... 2Ba 1)00 Merrltt Oil 12 400 Mexico OH 3j 02OO Mexico Heab .... 40 0700 Mount Pred 15'i 1O100 Mutual OH 8 300 National Oil N J . . 1 100 Ne Am OH .... 1 18000 Omar Oil 2t 40OPennek OH Vl 100 Pred & Itellnera.. 74 200 Marland Ref .... 3 1000 Red Banka 21 2000 Halt Creek Pred . . 17ft 1300 Halt Creek Cen .. 14U ROO Sapulpa Ref 4 100U Klmms Pet 11 UOOO IJkelly Oil S, 2000 Btantten OH .... IS 37SOOTex6n 87 200'lldal Oaarer .... 14 300 Woewley 1214 100 White Dagle .... 24 S0O Wilcox Oil 41i 200 Woodburn 73 1(100 Y Oil IS 200 Pfemle Ilvf .... 811 000 Furman l'i MININO 100 An Am C of Se Af 224 1000 nitr I.edK 21 S0O0 Beat & Ment .... 21 7100 Beet & Mniit Cena.100 1600 Canada Cep (iS S0OO Amn Commander . 10 200 Amn Kxuloratlen . 21 2000 Cem, Arizona .... 3 1700 Cens Cep M ...... l'i 1000 Cortex Silver . . . 03 iuu uresKen uem . 2000 Kureka Cretsua lOOOUeldHeld Kler . 1000 Hard hnell l'i ll'.s in 87 r.?i 220 234 l'-n 3 l'i. 3'i .! 1 IH'j OKj lt" 29 20'4 GO i 12ti 01.. 311 2.1 12i .T-i 4IJ? ir.' 8 1 1. 20 171i 14 4 ion H 18 80 lr 70 JK Sli 1' 221-i 21 21 l 47 U UH a 2k 25 12 12 ll'i r. 9 3D 10 1000 Harm'll Dlvldu BOO Hecla Mlnlne . 400 Howe Sound ... (I OOO Indept Lad . . . 1000 Knox DUIde .. 1000 JMac.N'ain.ira . . , 300 Mat mu Copper 8000 Marsh Mlnlns . 2000 Merlnatun 11 0800 Mether Lode Clt. . ne, 200O Nat Tin 10 8000 Nev Ophli 40 28000 Nev Silver Hem .. S 2O0Nlpliln 4 2.100 Be Am 1 . U r.' 8000 Btewanl Mln 11 230O Teck Huxliea 62 H 1200 Terupah DUIde .. 77 lOOTonepiih Kxten ... li 100 Tonopah M!n 17 1000 Irlbullleu 20 ioe v a com se 400 Unity Ueli! 34, 1400Un'ted Eastern ... I) 3000 Volcano Mines .... 47 BONUS lOOOAIumlnun 7h '23.,102'i 1SO0O Aluminum 7s '33, ,1001a 1200OAm Tel 0s 22 . , . .100, 400OAm Teb fa '28... 102'. 41'uuv Aiiacunuu 2OO0 Anaconda. 12 12 0 21 II 10 si, 411 at n e ii iij 7B 1 20T 00 102 100 100i 81 It 400 Ai .aU 8H n; 228 23 I'll 34 au 10 S3 lA 33A 21 SO lh 2.i 40 i.-.; 814 1 1T4 2, B4 7 3 21 H 4 11 si; IS 8l,. 134' 1314 24 4'; 73 IS a'i 14 224 21 21 00 00 0 27 B", 12 12 OH f4 r, e 2U 10 10 40 40 S hi; ,?' 02 77 ft 20 BK 3H 40 lOilN 100 4 Etfgerre'ic.Oarlln, fertnerty efBebre, iVegel A Carlln, ban become ameclated with Aicuilnn & Ce. New Jeney Zinc Ce. reports for guarter ended March 31, net Income $1,080,080, ugalnst $204,345 first quar ter 102t. Bosten hankw arc uniformly marking, brokers' call lean down te lh per tent from the 5 per cent basis that has pre vailed for severnl months. California Fucking Corporation re ports, for year cned February 2ft profit $2,240,501, against $4,203,015 pre vious year. , St. Leuis- Southwestern March sur plus after charges $40,R12, against $38,808 and three months $1J3,008, against $01:852 in corresponding period of 1021. The average- price of twenty actlic industrial stocks advanced 0.81 per. cent en Saturday te 02.74, while twenty railroads were 0.23 per cent higher at 84.43. California (Packing Corporation re ports for year ended February 28 profit $2,240,501, nfter charges and tax equal te $4.75 a share en outstanding 171. 708 shares common no par, against $4, 233.015. or $0.01. nrcvleus vcar. Hupp Moter Company' reports for thrccTnenths ended March 31. net nreflts $383,050 before Federal taxes, equal! niter prcrcrrcu uiviucmis te niiproxi niiprexi inately 75 cents a slinrc n 510,210 shares, $10 par, common outstanding. Financing en heiinif of foreign 'mv crnments and corporation!! during April amounted te mere ihnn $200,000,000, ncrerding li r. compilation by the New Yerk Federal Reserve Hank. The total ilncc the Leginntng of the year exceeds 500,000.000. Preliminary rcperls filed by 123 Class 1 railroads representln total mileage of 1WK000 gave their net oper ating income ill March as $01,078,000. as compared with $18,503,800 during same month lust year, according te Ai!oclatJen of Hallway Kxccutlves. According te reports received from the Car Servlce Division of the Amer ican Itnllwny Association, 401,513 freight curs were Idle en April 15 be cause of business conditions, compared with 420.540 en April 8, an increase of 70,007. Cern Products Refining Ce. after charges and taxes earned $3.47 a share en Us $40,781,000 common i-tock In the first quarter of 1022, compared with $1.70 in the first uuiirter of 1021. Dlvi- dend for the period. $1.50, was thus earned mere than twice ever. The Detroit United Railway has called for redemption en June 1, nt the office of the Central Union Trutt Com pany, of New Yerk, $2,000,000 face value el the company s live-j ear 7 per cut collateral trust geld notes. The notes nre being redeemed at a price of lOOVj. . United Verde Extension Mining Cempnuy hnd $1,050,700 cash en hand as of April 1 In comparison with WfU-IO nt the beginning of tl.e car Liberty bends steed at $3,325,015 as the same time. The cempnuy also had Copper Expert Association notes te the extent of $727,000. Rand geld output In the first quar ter of 1022 was only 030,728 fine ounces, against 1,880,853 for the (-nine period of 1021. Output In February was only 77.000 fine ounces and In Jnnunry 335,000, according te weekly bullion letter of Samuel Montagu & Ce.. Londen. The Studcbaker Corporation repeits for three months ended March 31 net profits after all charges and reserve for Federal taxes, were $4,000,848, cquivn -lent, after preferred dividends, te $0.40 a shore en the $00,000,000 common stock outstanding. In the correspond ing quarter of 1021, net profits were $2,110,577, or $3.22 n share. -TIm' committee en securitit'e of i'i cw Yerk Stock Exchange gives notice het the vnlue in United States mom' of the dividend of 1 per cent, pay tblc May 1, 1022. te stockholders of cord April 15. 1022. of British Em plrc Steel Corporation Limited first preferred berics B stock is $1,7094 per share. Seymour Cromwell, president of New Yerk Stock Exchange, announced ap ap relntmcnt ct cemmltcc of three te act iu advisory capacity en all questions lia vmi: te ;e with dealing in odd lets, end te formulate rules fe regulation t such dealings. Me nlnrs of ruin mitten, none of whom deal extensively .'i ndil lets, nre E. II. II. SIiiiiiidiih, l?:ibert (lib-son nnd Arthur Timibii'l. St. Leuis and San Francisce Railway has been granted authority te Ih.sue 1110,032,000 prier lien mortgage ."ji per cent geld bends neries I) in substitution for cqunl nmeunt of prier Hen mortgage 0 per cent geld bends Series C new In carrier's treasury; $0,032,000 of bends nre te be sold at net lew than 80 per cent of par und remainder te be pledged as collateral for any netrs which car rier may hereafter Issue. Yielding Over 7.25 American Gas Ce. lgO-Year 6re Bends Due Jan., 2016 He believe these bends at preeent prices will prove a profitable investment. Reed A. Morgan & Ce. West Und Trust Bldg., I'hita. .Members of the 1'hlla, Stock Etch. a '28,.,102Ti 1024 102 Cep lls,.100'i lOlliJ tOI)i, 7a '2n..ieaii in.il1, uku 8000 Angle-Am OH 7W.1034 103H 103I 2001) Armour Ce 7a ...,1041s 1044 1041? 0000 Atl Clulf A W 3n 08 08 071 8000 lAith Kteel 7t '"n.lOtl'i inula lenm 3000 He th Hteel 7s '35.1031a 1031a 103U .'IIKIOCan Nat Ry Ei 7s.l004 lOOVj lOUM 21100 Char Iren 8a 01) !i HUH lillt, 16000 Cens Textile 8s.. , 00 till III) toeocubitn Tel 74e...lO.Vi IeMt len'i 2000 Peere Ce 714 s ...,100i 10O 1005 14000 I)l A Hud AHb. U0 0I)34 lill'i B00O Empire U h R lis. .101 101 101 38000 lepert Texas 7a. 1111 li 101; lulls 4000 Fed I.nnd Hank 3s. 104 104 let lOOOOcn Asphnlt 8s ..10.111 1001'j lOllj 1400Otloedrlch Tire. 7.100ll 100i 10U4 uonneuir en 7s iei1! 1044 m. 1000 Hflr-.-. Ce Th 104& 1041, 10114 401)0 Heed Rubber 7s... IIHR, vHi', iisVi loeo Humble OH 7s ...let', 10II 101 120000 Imer Ut Ner Os.. 07 ill'j ll.l's 4inoe Interbore Hn sol, S4V, S.I 7000 Knns U A 10 IIh... 00 fifl'i lint, nilOO I.aclede. U.ta 7b ,, lll) imt- DOS 101)0 Nat Acme 74 a ., (I7' ti""4 U7?i 4000 Nat dual; Ss .,,,1113 103 111) 20110 .Vat Tenth Si , . !M tll)i nui; Mill) N V N H t: II 7s., Dill Mi (Kl'i lsiillO Ner Am l.d Hi . . Ii2's l2. 02s' .1000 Villi i:Ka Us ..lO.'lt, lO-l'i 1ll'l; OiinO I'hllliiplncH 3'h ..107 107 107 200) Tub per ,- J 7s,,102H 10'Jtj 02 .uuu r.K '.u it, ....inn iuu iuu uiiii iiuui iiair i .... , 'i Hi'. National Bank of Commerce 713 Chestnut St Vithan T. relwsU. Praitdjai WIEGNEMOCKEV&CQ. Certified Public Accountants Drexel Building, PhUadelphia C. S. PATl'UN & CO. Hucrcssera te, . 8AII.EB HTKVWlHON Bend JiM'fjrfKjMHlit nnd MM, Memherii I'hlla. HtufU Klflianit. 111(10 Siiuth Hell 7s 1(10011 be N V ! of 3000 t-eum Its 7s of '2J. 100' 1001, llle'i L'llllO HhawshcMl la ,.,,1041i 104U 1044 10110 Solvay Si invj iiinvt 10.V4 .103 103 of '"il.in.".i ine. innu 7one s e n v of 'L'7.ioei ie.i: m.-.. n...AA u r x V nlA ,. t.i.iiT ...,i7 ..... 211)00 H O N Y fle . ,1(M1S 10Uli JOHS 1A1A Jrvi- Wi- Hit ifiyli iiiwlf intifT noiie sun oil 7s... ,.ieiii 101 miC ..I..1II1", i(u mil. I ,A41 f..tr .An.r iv.i;i 200 hirt IS U( iiuti, uui .'A 1. ew 1 J1MI1. .,,... . . Wk U.i ,"..74 IUOTI iuuu iui j-ui"ii ,n ,,itw lunw 1117 I nun mi uii creu Ms . .ies, t, lesv HOOO lln DaK p (is,. P81j 084 )8K 1000 Western Klec 7s,,lllHS 10SS 1084 lmiiiii Winchester 7Ih . .I01U innu innl --..wr zzr iui ', no : SO MI Sftli ttlllj nm 8.1s S3 4 S34 leiii lniH UK 48 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 0000 Argentine 7a lintf 10(10 City Bolssena lis,. Si) 220OOII CIiIke M St Paul . 7011 100O0O NY N It & II fr 7a Sail L'lMiO I'htIs Lyens Os... S8ll hioeohhIsh nHs huh 2000O U H Mcx 4a 48 Prices Firm en Paris Bourse I'arU, May 1. Prices ware firm orrnhe Bourse today. Threo Pr cnt rentes, 07 franca 07 centimes; exchange en Londen, 4S tranca ie wbii,uiwi y vr vm lean, in J1 i,'jys!W''t .-' n fy rt 'M?-f" :m f'a, Yii 1 ; Te the Helders et Athens Railway & Electric Company neutral MertEiiae iintl (ellaterul Trust Nlnklne Fund (-old Henda, F.lxht Per Cent. Hwles " " UaleU June I, IBJt. I'rotiesals nre Invited te he mad te The Colonial Tiust Company of Philadelphia, 13th and Market Streets, Philadelphia, Pa,. hi Trustee under the Indcntute et Atlwu Hallway and Hlectrle Company and said Trustee, vccurlntr Ibe above bends, fur the sale en June 1, 1022, te said Trustte, for the account of Mm alliums- Fund prevldeil for in s ild Indenture, of bends of said Utiii ut 1 prices net te cic-d par and accrutd Intiresl thereon te Junn I, 1022, On June 1, lli.'J, the Company will deposit the sunt of Twe Thousand Six Hundred . HlnhtyKIi Uellam H.'ilHO) te be uatd for the retirement of said bends at pi Ices net te exieed par and accrued Interest te said d.ite; and It Is the Intention of the Trustee, pursuant te ' the proWslenn of Sdld Indenture, te apply 1 tha money se te be receliud te the purchase or itdemptlen of bends of said Issue ut 1 prices net te exceed par and accrued 5 All proposals should be necurely Healed and marked "Proposal for the sale of Gen eral MerUace and Collateral Trust Hlnklne Fund Geld Donds of Athens Hallway and Hlectrlc Company, tUted June 1, 1021" must be for all or any part of the bends offered and must state the mtgrcHate, fnie value and the denomination of tha nartlcu lar bends ae orfered for sale, nnd must be received by tha Trustee at Its Corporate NEW ISSUE Exempt from all Federal Income Tax ' $6,000,000 State of North Carolina 4Vz Highway Bends f- sy 3 .MB ' ''J af! Dated January 1, 1922 Due as shown below Principal and" semi-annual interest (January 1 and July 1) payable at the National Park Bank, of the ,City of New 'Yerk. Coupon bends, of $1,000 denomination, registrable as te principal, or both principal and interest. Legal Investment for Savings Banks and Trust Funds in' New Yerk and ether States FINANCIAL STATEMENT Assessed Valuation, 1921 $2,679,075,600 Total Debt (including this issue) 33,733,100 Population (1920 Census) - 2,559,123 MATURITIES AND PRICES $200,000 annually July 1, 1932 te 1946 inclusive te yield 4.35 200,000 annually July 1, 1947 te 1961 inclusive te yield 4.30 Legal Opinion ej Chester B. Masslich, Esq., New Yerk City First Natidhal Bank New Yetm Bankers Trust Company New Yerk Kissel, Kinnicntt & Ce. B. J. Van Ingen & Ce. E. H. Rollins & Sens Eldredge & Ce. Hornblower & Weeks Redmond & Ce. Blodget & Ce. $3,252,900 (Par Value $100) Cosden and Company 7 Cumulative Cebvertible Preferred Stock (Total preferred stock authorized and te be outstanding $6,998,000 par value) Preferred as te assets and dividends. Redeemable at a whole or in part en any dividend date en 30 days' notice at 120 and accrued dividend. Dividends quarterly March, JuneSepternber and December 1. Convertible into common stock of the company at the rate of $75 par'value of preferred for each no par valut common share. Sinking Fund sufficient te retire Preferred Stock at the rate of $140,000 par Talue annually y purchase up te or call at 120 and accrued dividend. ,H Tlie company hat agreed te Make application te liit these shares en the Xtw Yerk Sleck Exchange. Fer information regarding this ii.-ue we rcter t the letter of Mr. J. S. Orlen, Prudent of the Company, which he h sum sum rearued briefly as follews: Preperty: The company ertns, through subsidiaries, interests in about 200,000 acres of oil and gas leases in Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas; one of the largest, most complete and modern refineries in the mid-continent field, with a daily capacity of ever 35,000 barrels ; ever 2,000 steel tank cars; and ever 1,000 miles of trunk and gathering pipe lines. Earnings: Consolidated net earnings of the company and subsidiaries, after interest depreciation depletion and taxes, ter the five years ended December 31, 1921 (depreciation and dcelc tien based en terms of mortgage indentures, with 1921 figures estimated) have avcraecd S5 432 593 or ever 11 times preferred dividend requirements. ' ' Assets: Net tangible assets applicable te preferred stock, after giving effect te this financing, amei as of December 31, 1921, te nearly $50,000,000. Net current assets are well in excess e total issue of preferred stock- amounted f the Eguitg Since organization m 1917, ever $2?,000.000 ha, been put into the property, through carn . . .,ns and .! issue of common stock. Ne securities senior te the preferred stock have been issued since organization. The common stock of the company is Ifsted en the New Yerk StecT skvU!oKSeS. ff PnCM thC markCt ValUe tUC Cq"ity Which is jUnir te the P"d This eiermz is mde "when, as and if issued and received by us" and subject 10 action by stockholders. Interim Receipts or Temporary Certificates utll be deliverable in ,'he first instance, Price 97 V2 and accrued dividend' Hallgarten & Ce. Cassatt & Ce. W. H.'Newbold's Sen & Ce. The above statements jic net guaranteed, bin uie believed te be cunect Trust Department nt or prier te S.OO o'clock I, M. en SUy 23rd, 1022, Adtrcs us te bend accepted niu bA mallwl en or before May 25, 1022, Ly Athens Hallway nnd Klectrle Company. " I'nleral Incemu Tux ownership certlllcates reverlnac accrued Interest, should accompany ..II aiwinntail runHii r .rf Wl avvvftix wssv( WABIIEN A. TYSON, HOWARD O. MITCHELL, C. JIOSS MOHHKLL Announce That they Have Associated Themselves Under the Name of Warren A. Tvsen & Company FOR THE N8ACTION OF A ' GENERAL BOND NO INVE8TMENT BUSINESS AT 1427 WA.NUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA, MAY lit, '1833 TELEPHONE IsOCUST 7M0.1-3 Atsesi Railway k Electric Csswasy I Mte A .- ........ II rranri in LHiiiiiiiMai u inr iLeni leaui. iu i mi 1 vasjvk v. iriiiiRiaiTBia u fsdBiSjSMBB skaMsl TiiK BsmsljB' BBsVafsk iitJUV . isuaMaHSMi I ,... lift MnHltlM fVsBBl sIaIIbx wii niiAtArl I tfVH n"-!'. ' W!4 i"" 'wiLia2sss "'szx'sriiK' trwMmr, d.m.ji.tiI '"""- iiu-s nfmtftMissi ' ' W FFECTIVE MAY Ut, 1922, we wish te announce that Mr. V. R. Hets retires as a member of our firm. New Yerk April 28th, 1838 LAMBORN ft COMPANY, Art av: '. !Ti. H i 3 A, 25 1 ?i m tr K 1 f '41 i i 41 i ji.i. m b r. I, 1 ! - a A i DljSlBl. rjrT t 1 VJK. :$i :.timnmMMUk-MMllkwmWkmmw LLLLLLLLLLHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1'"