WmvrS&ilKmr- m ?s? flpy Mevie Magazine THE FLM FLAT'S SCRAPBOOK "wt , . 'flflB? IS ' fStWr J.frti, It. ' rV' "- '-. . Mr ' . &"J i J? I'MiTM l,.J? , PT"'i . 'va P v liAS y."- 'J-.v .. . ' i-yi j J V F-'." JCrrl rv .'?. f.-A ; ri"A v& ' r rvv- . "v ;T'Si , -'';; IOS rLSOiV rax ACTINDEMILLE FILM FOR 1ST TIME wirriTi.xi, i (nni5 , . llili W-LEBM"IB V-. rj- t e"v t fr; it . VY'. :WB J.'5,l ' miss d. m.weil; mmmig WELLESLEY'S BEST ATHLETE Member of Class of 1922 Awarded White Sweater With Blue Old English "W," Which Is Highest Athletic Prize in College HSU My CONSTANCE PALMER 1 lelly weed, Calif. LOIS WILSON will have a part In 0. It. De Mllle's production of "Mansluuiilitcr," sell win led te elnrl May 1. Till. in the first time that the iinpcccnble Leis hns played under the direction or O. U. e Mlile. It l in be Imped that the working combination of them two diversified personalities will linve the effect of broadening and mel lowing Miss Wilsen'! rather strait laced manner of acting befere the cam era Philadelphia leads again ! This time In girls' athletics. MIm Dorethy M. Well, Slxthy-nlnth street nnd Eleventh avenue, Oat Lane, it member of the class of 1022 at Wei lesle.v Celleee. has attained thn hichest possible athletic honor awarded by thej tellege. The white sweater with blue! hngiisu "" has been presented te her for prowess in gymnnsltim work, basketball, baseball and all-around athletics. Miss. Well, who received her earlier gymnastic training at the Philadelphia High Scheel for Girls, remarked tedav: "They nWv-ays knew that the Philadel phia girls will de geed work In 'gym.' i,1 f.ftcf' " ,s Reucrally known that the HVAl MkTtWT k 1 tvra t.n.t'l ..in, Vulnn, nt,. .Airnrni. Tl tt CllCHICr HVPIfllP UPtUirt Iticnf 'nff .,.. i. .. iuuuum. ...v, .,- ..i ... - -Vi -.v -;"-;-.. -."?! ... .. '.".c ,""-Nem training given in tnc Philadelphia schools. ."These girls tisnnlly attain dlstlnc dlstlnc lien before, their freshman 'year is ever, because of their finished performances." Although Miss Well Is a member of the vnrsltv ctmnasiimi I mm nnd iint,i of first place for such stunts as leaping the buck and the box. rope climbing mm Mm dm i kctball team. MJ0 'jflV m& KZvi Z&1 ,, ' $1 i9 "" e l0 Polish the pictures of s tPl&pU suggested by the fan KATIICRIXK MacDOXALD such screen players as are !K. THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTERBOX ,$r By HEXRY M. XRELY ., -.t.'.t )lWrwI''Bt" Jane" writes: "I agree with 'Jehn' could have carried it through i-ytTw en Alice Terry nnu ueem ucr acting wittimit Doing mucineus. am net objecting te Miss Wilsen. , like her personally very much. Ah te her screen work I think her; Maggie in "What Every Weman Knows" was Hue art. She seemed te get down into the very skin of the part she was .Alaggic. The name pnrt lit "-Miss Lulu llelt" approached fit bill came far from equaling it. Hut il is provekim te see one who i-mi lie iiu uhimslml hh nnil ilr III. .1ir ( llbnti-ien in(...i.i i.. I Hnrrin himself slide back into a proper, ' team sports, and for the last three jpers iiiMui-ij iiuiuunrai .nii"K nuumii in , iiiin uii'ii n fflciuurr or nil' varsity bas iiiiintra ciuuii ULllllg u at'inn Ul Ituuu? mannerisms. .Tnmen Klrkwoed t Ut appear op 1 po'ite llcbe Daniels iu "I'ink Gods," non te be begun tinder (lie direction of 1'enrhyn Stanlnws. Anna i). Xilssen land Adolphe Mcnjeu will also hate im portant parts. Ah long as T am in an expoMterv tcin let me sav a few w olds net en the subject of the climate of Southern California but en Hebe Daniels. Fer many moons she 1ms liceit tabooed by the humble scribe bivnule of the ob noxious perenality united for her in tt.Kl !n!tt ...... f. ..... .1... ......1! CI 1'tiiiit.llj OVJIl. 1IUU1 lill StlllUIO. S91IC was the vampire of vampires, cigarette smoking, bloodsucking - goodness knows what else. 'The tpe doesn't appeal te n person who Is fend of fresh air and blue bkles. Itur. en tiie con trary, I have found only lately that she is n peifcctly normal, wholesome girl, fend of dogs and hordes ami motor meter ing. She has bcaus who bring her iandy which she eats with gusto; Utile dinner pnrties nt lu-r heme: u grand mother nnd a mother, both of whom she pets. And vamps don't my te their tisitem in n stage whisper, "Isn't mother grent?" (ieergn WaMi U nle a tetently re vealed personality im fur nt. I inii'mn- enied. I nlwnjs tlieuglit that super ntliletes wcie aggrcsshe nnd bold. 1 , thought they did the Dally Dezen In t stead of iKing periods at the ends of i their sentence if they Imd Un. J J tlieuglit tliey carried en their i miter miter ntiens te the tune of "Ain't I tiicat," i ttc. I thought eh. lets et thine-i. Itut tliey den t. We went te dinner , with deeige WuMi the ether night, ( and he tool; u net te n gin ish and i , bright I v lighted lesiaiirant. .but te in "Outdoor basketball Is my favorite. T play side center, because I am tee short for jumping renter, but I love the times when I have te leap for the ball." explained Miss Well, with the laugh which further enhances her fame. ftTcnnls is fflBSHSSB ffey t v - rv i in - i j ' i i. v , V i . s . '- ' - Uncommon eensc By JOHN BLAKE W Your Course , AT LEAST half of the letters that c6mc te me contain Inquiries as le the best way te obtain nn'ediicatlen. They come from earnest and ambi tious young men and women who feel that the lack of college training has tied them te drudgery for life. Earnestness and ambition ere fine qualities, but iin.lc.ss they are accom panied by intelligence and observation ,i geed game, tee," she ,Lcy W,U ceul,t for but ,HtIc' according te the regula- T71DUCATI0X Is merely n i added, "but tiens here I'm scheduled for ns many sports ns I am allowed, se I save ten nis and wntcr sports for the summer." However, the young athlete did re mark cenlidentially that it was much easier te study history or economics, her major studies, after she had paddled te the ether side et the lake, or taken a swim. Se she often did these things "en the side." Her friends say that "Welle," her college nickname, also swings a wicked bat at indoor baseball ; nnd she Is often seen scooting from base te base, her blue eyes wide with excitement as she" makes tiie dash for home run EDUCATIOX Is merely n menns of mental development. The wisest e'f Instructors can de lljtln mere than show their pupils where knowledge is te be obtained ami point out the best meth ods of securing it. This newspaper, if It Is studied care fully from the first page te the last, will de almost as much for the student. It, is, in the first place, a carefully compiled report of the prftgrcss of the human race. ..... It furnishes an opportunity for the study of men and women by telling Its readers wha,t they are doing and thinking. The man or woman who has preserved every copy for the last eight years has a complete and fascinating history et the greatest ,wnr of all times. In Its columns can bd found the story et inventions and scientific, discoveries, the best-thought of the., time, the re views ret the best books und the best dramas. ' , THE. opinions of 'every nien. ofpiem-1 'Inenceiln'Jhe world arc recorded day by day. v Whether or. net the reader agrees with Its, politics, he will find that it, faithfully reports all political happen ings,', leaving htm te draw his own con- cli.slens about them; . . , The careful student et this news WfflfWtWX '.? L--".jV2Mi.'2: .(? sfcd'an'jtiWS it, tirniiftht into' centae best minds of the .world. OTsVW! nntii nf plvllizfltibn Is before 'him wn :r"," -' it no cnoescs. yi ncss ittan, the siudent of politics, Mf the baseball 'fan. , Svf.L mtlta ..... .lit .t . . ti. ''" TL110 IlCVyBJUli:& Will IIV jvm wymw j n rollout will de If veu will UM'fcA as your college. It cannot shut 7pl,j up in a Classroom anunorce jeu.-iw1 atudi. It does tint aula veu en ttktf.' you have learned. 'Hut H otttn-yemi-l mmiv courses and n chance te SDecIallr.O In any one you prefer, giving you muctt& S Information In your specialty ahdjcl pointing out wiierc the remainfnglajve require may be ebaln .'Oj i 5" -1 iS formation you i (Copyright,-1022) m E.9fe TO WNDKRHTAND RADIO JM tLlul e . uirtB ES "X It'n ilmete nil AD C. fltrtlcuK aoeut it Ttiar'a nilKlal Prove ltVeurstlf.br reaT y&3 aiv raaiA mmimm- i'..r ,n Henry M. Ncsly's. rttly .radio artM, ,, ?; entitled "nadle In tha Heme." Natly la JgfrVli I.i... v,t, h. n na thn detail nf tUE .::' vj.uvlh, hu- . .. . -"T . . "i - "I y? e thst any one can unueriianu. eiari ra- m Itur "nadle In the Heme.", In the Bvsmrt), ft JiesMO Lceaia every day. "Mska Uyi? Habit." Adr. , t J-,.. t ji' aaii.aaaa...aii.aaaaaaaiH.aua.- fW 3 WBBBBBmEBgSB&tte W te this their S UERWEQRMMmkNimfB&BB&. ;9 headquarters and te n large tern- flMJZIZZ" ','," mm. i i" " r WBaaaaaMnB . M pie here was reached by the "Sens of 9 f J M 1 1 12!U l I " P1 Irtf1 JLJIHIIb fgWWBWHaMBBl . Italy" at the clote of their State con- al i IjH Ml fn JHW I 'H ' !' ' f! W!liBdSiSMd21BXUt' Xm rcntien in Reading yesterday. fji I llj III it ! 1 fflii'I !U Til lill ' i H' IIbHbHbbSbSbbbbbbbbBRbmK i:vm s, ' t SwfSwII l 1 HBill.Hliwm 1 f d$4m -waiW. f ' ffllSI: r"" lli T k P9B. -U KiABMaP'aaaaH IIImJUII 1 1 IllllBi TTfflfJKaMli J' M VaKiP-'iPPI'1'"" IPJaf IHIIHI IHlnW ' ' iillMl PlllllllllfffHMWil I Af lpMyy1 ii j if TTIfffnr iih"'1II1Jm "MlWttti ' m w your exemtee stationery ?i Tfaaal i itsi i I '' 1 ' 4 M iuiet little place where thev speelallre In feed. Then Satuiday nislir we went ItlCM. Whoever said her note 1 "lears age 1 lead 'Meran of the te tiie Wntcr'' Itetuf mid he lilnvl.e.l ef4Iarge should remember that very Lady I.etly.' Lat night I miw It. Oh ! ld(e a led. led iee when two of the warfare Venus de Mlles and Apelles. Wasn't it geed! I can still tuste the baby stars turned the spotlight of their BTJtil'n the movies. And her nose does tang e' the sea. And Valentine. Is im- little nniciii,t en him ami niiiieuined WeiPOll ber beauty and chnrm. What proving right along. The pergenal mag- ihey wnnfid it little i!ei'.up of him fciw-ye-l, te say? jiPtt-in Is there stteng, se long may lie He beamed the iet of the etening. lie SOC course, I like Kudle and tiiluK I "". nas a ee.ittl inn black hoi-.,- which lie feting also hides his facial defects. , , uic giieen et fclicb.V was a wen- w going te enter in the heie show the, : ' '"v.",' r. " ' "' " i..i i -ii, i,i. nnu iii.ii. muse mi,es elgn mob pictuies all hollow, te me. ' nieie of hi iiltentleu than Shiu Ash I have seen nil thee in the lust three ' ten spends en all the bejs'und girls' weeks. Who sajs the 'movies' arc go- shu methert. " I Ing te the deg, with such a tollectienV Anil if nntbedv snts lie isn't the I in .-ii-.v Mini Hie li nun Nuiumiii? i createst nt lili-t im il.i, w,..-..,,. n...i Me InKes any of Ills stunts. I lienliv1 r.ene thing I like about uierin ann ia her beautiful ees. 'L'liev si'eeM because et their greenish hue. VIZ she does make them appear com St Sii ewdiJi sne uei saw 'Scheel Dajs.' X. n'XV.'I , "ftitaide me think what has happened i&iWW Lately she seems te be no mere than r.. li.i.- t .,t.....i ,i.f. ,.i,.. a" niiimuteu cietnes-tiee. Toe bitu " vji'y-"'. "v, '"i: "":: "": ilt1tmmM vtv ?rtll,.l. "Ihn l..ltH llni'l.- T apKilras geed and the German acttari-Jte ifaVjtiir, wav of looking at a jierfeun- iSitJifKirjYrere very geed (I mean the act sA1m.ti I never eared for Dims Tnlr KOtaftkriMlll I saw him Ii fr :MfUKUtTn; He certain! rkpDyartagnan. I like r ' m , i i - lMMVTMaalt.'animt peml nrtnr iSjPSim tell me the latest picture of each. f kind knew what t licit staudntds of ', Wi&iPSerM Talmndee was one of ni """"""""J ' ; ; ' "'' ("fiatcli t. The ySmtfrtlta. But she is net se popular j "?'"-''!, "" makes tiirmett (lean and 'C4'll"laithe past. I believe it is because atiactle limy pieiluie u mete pleas- JPvafcNkn't as young as befme. And,Ils impiesen ,, the audieme. hut BUVUHWjr-lier pictures all seem punk. She . C " lT!i!"y isn t giving us t'lirmen ."inwuBiiy pnssing irem iny mimi nun ." v. " V '"; ii.iii.-. i-ru t- itamAwm. nra inuimr imt tu.wwt Kuttv !inmun-iii tit iirr iilikimii! idiv:ii miimi '.' m-WtW 1" another of my favorites. Can 'ililii t hate been better depicted If k ferrf,ell me hew old she is? Alse .lack Merliuec himself had tuughr her. It LsJifc)What Is his latest picture?'' Wl1"" t pretty but it was Carmen. 'SH ' I tlinieiighly ngtee wl.h you about challenge them te a fistic Hi W tD&jtnebf Ilefere the sweltering het ntenihs overtake you install a Lerckfn. Devices which mny give you some sort of het-water service in the winter arc utterly out of question In summer. The I.evckin will give you abundant het water any hour day or night nnd it works automat autemat automat icallyeothing te forget nothing te remember always at jour service. ' It's an nil-year-round convenience, but a sum mer necessity. tf)cmt emit! Ne Match Ne Bether Ne Waiting Automatic Lights Itself Frem Your Plumber or the U. G. I. THE LOVEKIN WATER HEATER CO. 39 te 43 Laurel St., Philadelphia Jfc&Aefeifi&" Made in 1hilade,tmia i mT TT ii-ii? I sm .sTaTatTrIlr "F"am bTBT 4BBjaBk. fetate Celleae3tCents Flaht Fire I M Jtm. W BfiWl M WW auce et luimen" i"t,psy ilioed' ) state College. Pa.. Anill ::n. n,. ' I ataTaTaTaTff-r T-jr &m!imemmi 4K ii uusoiuieiy lenecr. and is the enl ,ipr,lni- ,ltui,..,l ii, ; .... i.il ". I JmSlSSS nrZnl. ''diVliS AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER Wanda Haw ley and I men, In iictmil life, would be. Anv gained tee mm h hendwe.i" for tlie'sev- X J '"", ' ", "'; " ' V "". '. """ "'k e mm una cral liundicd students te eontiel. The l k-e Wniiv tleiil. mixed witt i the neon a of ( -. 01 n,, TBaBiaiataaiaiaiaiaiaiBHBiBHBiaHBMrnBHaBejBRBHBiBiMBr:BBCaiaiiiiBK iu-, is ut fafafafafjfafafafafafafafafafafafafafakCiHt-iBfafSrwVKBiKiafafafaaii .v4feafei! rrrrrr -'it(iich obliged for writing en one side Way Down Ku-t. I think the ice It helms n let In a news- !"'. was the gieutest tlitlll that has ever been given en sHEe or seieen. but seipaner, Pfempit. A ... , h.-.tU4Mr can you tell that (ileria Swim 'Ctj-J jeyes have a gteenish hue? Tin I the u-a of the thing was hopeless bunk. KgtB)fa are usually in black and white. n.Ml'- 'TRCsIielmer lives near A est t Kmim'tthtyrUaybe she only leeks green. ! J,1 Sfr bl,t ",lb b"r" iu I'hlladelphla .Bbaliii inllr iVn't 111 1HSU, at5,&ii Lee children haven't been In nle-I Please don't nsk nip ulmt "Th f'Uraa for Berne time se far as I leinein- Letus Kater" was about. f should "risHei. iast i uearu et tuem tney weieisny it was aoeut an netir tee long. Ai'JZMipfclM! . . Yes. T lienestlv hellei-e tl.nf Sils! J!uLelV?iiW0,Ki,"f lM 'Nim ' .fml,lci1' Wrim. te an exaggerated ege'l with nallace Held and will , u i.niiiiin :t.in f... ....n,..;.:.. ... rtart in "Pink Cods" with James ,, .h- .nrrnt ,'.i,n; ,.' r' , i. '.:,"" reed and Anna O. Xilssen. That ' i,. ,,r.n i,.. .. m.i.. . .. 'i Jt a corking combination. Iuie. j.m et xpininliiB ' what T nda Hawiey is east te act with 'mean: enlv venturing that crvntlc me- fc Bills in "Ilurning blinds," u se- diction. If jeu had asked nie about -eequer te "1110 JMieiK. tty Illytbe was born in 1MW. I 'knew hew old Jack Helt N. but it believe lie's far from thlitv- Htbr way. He Is sturtlng weik a picture called "The Jinn L'n. firablc."J :.5YAPI. iTaHMalla' 1V ".. .- -- KIH mm 1 'i'i fkVJH , aa-.'jldei ' &jMtf SMtJl i -lVi '.af.fj? ?m Big Parade Tonight A MAMMOTH precession A of beautifully decorated neais, auromeuiies and commercial cars by Kensing ten's Business Men. "Miss lltllr''11 Kensington" will lead. Many - . uanus, rca ngius, etc. A gay BISHOP LAYS CORNERSTONE lime- Come out and see it! .u.irsiinii .eiiait 1 unsiit liate w something about him. tee.) ? ,. tit .. ;rw wraen i.nst weei; some rote criticizing t'eia -NegU in oieou. urn tne jnily ever rem Broekllne M. E. Church Holds Ex ercises at New Site lilshop-Jeseph 1". Ileny laid the cor nerstone of the new iJLTi.OOO llroekllne k? I think net. The icul Methodist Kplseepal t'huich, at Ilroek- n is net the stage or opera beautv r.i-.i .. rcjuiues ceni mure iiiun tarinun fmnkc In the clguretta fucteiy in I think the best compliment line, jestnday aftetnoen. The stone ihutch will be two stories high and hate ' a huge social hall. It Is located in the heart of Itinekline. The Itev. Jecph M. Vlthian. the pastor, who hns been at liienkline for 11 number of jenrs, siev ut the ejiei cl'es and told of the renuii knlili. i-iamiI, 'en Jose wns enlv a country boy. of the sitbuib In the last few jeais, she was n real Caiiiien, coinmeii, riter could give she did when sli. IJi'She, was gieasy and dlity.' irmen was bein ami ral-ud with era and cutthroats, se Vuiiniinn' at. Sne was 11 ,.llln, jes, but ROUTE Frem Mcpherson Square, Kensing ton and Indiana Avenues, north en ' Street te Allegheny te Krent Strest, te Berks Street, te German town Avenue, te Kris Avenue, te I-'rent Street, te Allegheny Aenue, te Nerrls Street, te Frankfeid Ave nue, te I'nlty Stteet. Krankfenl; Seuth en Kensington Avenue te Al legheny Avenue. PAHADE STARTS 7 P, r.7reasy, low. but with that Ced- 4 mystery, personal jnagnetlsiu,' t4J what wins in everj thing. ; wnat is it? M1c1u some ste ethers bee none. Ilut if lhe ersenal magnetism, they climb eyery time, no matter whiit Itlen In life. I read of u vnmn ary ence who bad the great men qay at tier iect. sue only her hands encn n week Y fDid'yeu like '(Jypsy Weed'? ' kWl lhhtfciti' in m. t. nu I tery, beautifully dlicctcd and every way and made a lasting Ien en me. If we ceuhl enlv I Kittle,' life would be se much y ami napnicr. -a tool's Pur- a 'worth the admission just te l DdOte Kosloff In the llvn 111I11. remorse he gave. liartneimess gnve n clean, fermancc in 'Tel'iibh, Dnvlil I kttrwerk of the. ceniiuiiy imich ' way uewu i;ust mere ' real. What did veu think? Ifcer. Mr. Hci'ECslieiincr. 11 1 li-born man? Te me tint ice . only tuing that saved V, 1 be) 11 Just nn erdluui-v. iMctpt prlnclpalH) picture. enaill .seen the ice break minanna ;ant it wasjubt 1 WRtni, 01 course. I,nt-WOu Women Who Are Toe Thin need greater strength, energy and endurance. tommen sense dictates that it Is easier te keep well than te recover from Illness. OH tubs and massage treat mentsespecially adapted te our particular need and given tinder the supervision of trained nurses will undoubt edly tesult In the Increased weight se much desired, Cellins Institute Fer JYewicii Exclusively Bellevue Court Building 1418 Walnut, Street I'hene, Npruca 3484 JiHjvjvj '""! Wl ' "" Ml rs , -Merchants in the district bounded by Frent street and Kensington ave nue from Berks te Tiega stieets are anxious for your pattenage, wher ever you live. Come te their shopping district during the festive month of May. See their splendid facilities for sup plying all your needs. Special at tractions will make your visit pleas urable. The many well provided shops will interest you. Yeu can park your ,car at will. SOUVENIRS AND GIFTS nsingfai rctwitg MAY FESTIVAL BETTER SERVICE COMFORT MORE TRAINS CONVENIENCE LESS TIME TRAVELING SPEED MORE TIME AT THE SHORE ENJOYMENT JUST THE RIGHT TIME IX THE MORNING (BREAKFAST) JUST THE RIGHT TIME IN THE EVENING (A GOOD SWIM) Add them up These are only a few of the reasons why "THE READING" is the favorite of the commuter te the sea. SUMMER SCHEDULE-EFFECTIVE JUNE 18, 1922 t'l'llilitflnlil.t -.ml lliinllc t'llv i'fWWf. T I'liliit.i.iniT, TT T ' UI'.I.MiAli ' ' ' ' """ wpiiih JerurT Rmemk ;.' I Arrl.- , l.eav ArrHe , " . . I ""i"'""'1 rhlla 'All rulvtl cut fhi'w lT..... ft"' tArr'e Airlte Arrle Ann., eT 111) sail fl.Dn ' son hi -rr - lr"rl"r 'ven'' -Mny 7 '' ", 11 m 7eii s,in " I 4 m A. am am am am" "" " ions , 7 10 hi, ,,,; r: iimi tt.r nin ln.iin 11.10 i7t:i'i Ht:t-. T:n h "' , '" ' " n.er, 1 ::';.',. ,?,'!?'.?li'i!! :: :: n-y" ;ni. Iu3' iea 104. 1 1 i:'sn r'4ft i'111 11,'1'r. ,i.,n '.' I'M- "i'tt 'i-m , 'i- 3.011 ' 4.15 11.OD " 10 lr. " 1 I'm iV, 3t" .3 3.S01 3.31 .VIII" 4'S(I " 'llfll" JS.I.1IM1, 4I,." "--'i . ' ... 400 B.in 2.iii'si :t.t.t " I .,'n . . .. s.sj 4 stst I fi.ne ii.tr. " 1 V fl''i . I .... I 4.si aii.i.i 11.1111 7 r. " ' I -" 1 I " ' 1 fi.im 11.01 x.nii 'i 11. 1.1 .t " "" t.'.'n1 .. , ,n '. .: b.wi 7.1.1 " .ti.oe" manAjir-! hl nas 7 .:m t, u.ir , 1 M a i w.i.i iijiti - ' . i; ' d'tf-n V44 "", r.. V, ''- "", " '-""'-" : o.Vel , h ,ew ,u' i8. 1 .J' i!l -.M S ill W ?i i'J " ,;fr? '''" 7 - !',! j;i .;; 'a?,:;:: - W ?''?"',-- ?"- -1- .in ' 'i r.e " B.dll " li.l.l 1 '."'. ";..r,r, '""" i.ai I.euM; turn 10 or. H.nil ' 7.15 Vr,,v ViJni n.'r1n J"J,.1"1' 0,n Arrive ' in nil ' lt.m ' 7.00 " H.ir. , K iii TUrhei ritv uitv Phiia 11 'JO 13.4I'.M I a.00 " 1.l " AM AM AAt At am Im" ii.oei'M 3.111 1 o.en " ie.a.1 " 1 &.50 r.,st 6,55 "5 !,, JIr I n..ti, - ii,'! ' II.IIU ' 1 IS :v A U --A. " "" 0'4' .... a til ii.4e Iu'.seam 7 or ;;; ; "' I i ' ; ' " 7,25 R.BO DAYM01IT-SAV1NO TIMK ' (it ' V.etl ' 7 ,v, 7ti0 "' 11 Tlnien ahewn In thla Hchedule are V'M ''M '''' 'PM 'pSf' i"m DarUclif-tnt-lnr Time. Huhtract one ,"u ''- J-'fl ll.ne 14 3.(i hour for Iiktrrn HtundurU Time. "4.4f "4.tn 'iiii '"3 ,S3 "t5'"1 , 1 fln.w'. MM ,!", "nin U', 5" , ! Saturdnjr only, t Hxcept Saturday, Nl'MA18 i b Accommodation train. ami . t .... rt Kuurtlen train. fl'ae ii de Van1 nVl e'V Kxcuralen train te or from feet of Mia- I'Mn' ,.',!(, ''M t PM' PJI i'Vi . alrslppl uenue. ,0 .40 4.3(1' ... 'nx I ,llu:..gt ta "'" f,em "al"c uenu" 'i:ij j ...;.. 4J pi PHILADELPHIA & Z ' travfi en READING SYSTEM jtS "THE READING" Atlantic City flBkW. Vil1 MODERATELY PRICED CONVENIENTLY PACKED Twe hundred and fifty sheets of Danish Bend letter paper and the same number of envelopes packed in a single desk cabinet; convenient te handle and dust proof, printed with your name and home or business address by your regular printer. The cabinet is also n mighty fine way te get acquainted with the merits of Danish Bend paper. It lias the pleasant snap and crackle that means real paper quality. Yeu will like the way it responds te the typewritten word nnd your pen signature. And remember that Danish Bend is net merely a paper for letterheads, but a wonderfully geed paper for your printed messages. It, comes in sizes suitable for large folders, broadsides, four-page letters. It takes illustrations and type matter with remarkable clearness and beauty, and since Danish Bend comes in ten colors in addition te white, very pleasing effects can be secured by its use. Danish Bend is a quality, rag stock paper, that will stand up well and which is very moder ately priced. Your printer may tell you that you will greatly im prove your printed matter if you use it without adding materially te the cost. Or n the ether hand, he may tell you that Danish Bend will enable veu te cut down your printing costs considerably with out noticeably sacrificing the quality of your printed matter. DANISH BOND ONE OF THE LINE OF PAPERS WATER-MARKED DANISH eanisii i.KDnr.it DANISH LINEN- DANISH KASHMIR COVKR DANISH INIlKX 1HUSTOL Made in the hills of Berkshire Count; by the B. D. UISINn PAPER COMPANY, Hoiisateiile, Mass. And sold by GARRETT-BUCHANAN COMPANY, Philadelphia txBM!fTPg4rpWffrti4MHH4ff E' 9 m m m m a"rtTTar"rrrWir"fiB"riP41"ff""""fTp' R . 1 A A PHOTOPLAYS PHOTOPLAYS PHOTOPLAYS Qtantuj, -rASICHtCA The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Com pany of America. APOI I O MD & THOMPSON STS. Ml JLLJ MATINEE DAILY "A FOOL'S PARADISE" Addril CIIAItl.U'. LII.VPI.IN. "PAY HAY" ARCADIA CIIK&TNUT Bel. 10TII 10 A. M. te 11:15 P. M WANDA HAWLEY In "100 .ML'tll win:" . ASTOR i:igiitii . ciinAitn avi:. l. I'l.NT.i: UA1L.V symphony enriiKsim HELENE CHADWICK In "(itll)I.Kss JlKV ! BALTIMORE 'i-l'AZf Wallace Reid and Elite Fergusen In "PI.'IT.H HIIIP.TMtN" BLUEBIRD Ilrejil A. Siixnuel'dnna t'tmtlnuuua L' until 11 ii w. Mnri'iitrs maut:i""'-'''i: "WAY DOWN EAST" CAPITOL T.".' MAP.Kirr st II) ,M tu 11 1", I. M IIIITTV nttl'fcON' TltdMVS tlKlt.iHN in "THE MIRACLE MAN" COLONIAL. Ciln S. MnpU'Auuil A. ! im, 7 nr.il II P. M GLORIA SWANSON In "HKH lU'.SHAXII'S TIS I)K.M.Rli" rMlAlViVyUn 1 AlATINKtl DAILY "WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME" Adtlwl l.arry hrmen In "TIIK HWMII.I." JOin O 1 . MATINBR DAILY RUDOLPH VALENTINO In "MOKAN" OF TIIK LADY I.jrrTY" GREAT NORTHERN ' Vi$. RICHARD BARTHELMESS ln "TOI.'AIII.K DAVID" IMPFR1AI COnl WALNUT ST.i" HN'lrllirxlnLj -Mat, ... 3U. ,;,,, u, ItKplV.V II HMIKKIt PliODI'f'TlilV "POVERTY OF RICHES" KAR!'T0N,C,',,K!7'',M At,,v ead JACK HOLT In "'I III) (HUM fOMKIHW" F IRERTY mt0A.u COLUMBIA AV. 11DC(1 I MATINKi: DAILY WESLEY BARRY . In "SCHOOL DAVK" ORIEJMT Wee,"" At., at BSil 81 DiyiJ Pewtll, "Letc'i Bmbwum" AUftr-CHAKUK tHAIl. 'PA' DAY" OVERBROOK030"!?0 .Il'1' l,,,' NTROHKIM'M "FOOLISH WIVES" PALACF y-u UAHKCT STKEET PRISCILLA DEAN In JMjl II.D H(INi:i " PAI M I'KANKKOItU AVB. Lr'; Nimiuri sTitnt:T CONSTANCE TALMADGE In "I.KhMI XS IX I.OVK' REGENT MA"'"5T bT. Ileleiv 17TH ANITA STEWART InJIHOjVIXO TIIK WIM)' RIALTO "ERMANTOWN AVENUB .f?.T..Vr .AT rUI'PUHOCKEN ST. " "..VJ, JP't yj'-l-K PIIODIT riO.N "MISS LULU BETT" SHERWOOD .6V,h,.f. 'S:':,: MAE MURRAY In 'J'jruiiniAMjiyij STANLEY 1u'et at iktii " .1 I -11,C I 11 A. .M. 10 11 MM., m AI.UTAK Ctsr IX rV 111'Rt.rt "THE GOOD PROVIDER"' 30 STANTON "AnKKT Above 10TH ELLIOTT DEXTER In "(IRANI) LAIIC'KN'Y" 333 MARKETeTiVKif JACKIE COOGAN In "MY HOY" VICTORIA "TiyTtt AUDREY MUNSON s'ji11IU-:!cJ"'Ksn .moths- GRANT 40- aniAnn avIT MATINEi: TODAY tmrheNlXON.NIRDLINGERrfTfc I " J LU THEATRES jj i rr s BELMONT 3-U ABVB MAHKBT ' vT-vM T. 1 3D A 3 00; (1:30 te 11 BOUGHT AND PAID FOR" CEDAR U0T" CEDAR AVEN1M. plllpi 1;30 ami a. 7 and tt P.l ETHEL CLAYTON In "TIIK CHADLK" COLISEUM ka'nflb.f!'rB0t5 tui PAULINE FREDERICK JUMBO S-A r,ixlt rwiiVUST ' "MBOM.H.HT m. ........ I-CMUCK "".'. a . ;AATKR av Nerma Talmade n-Penn LecusTsf;rsrr.i ETHEL CLAYTON J0'OU !fLLiyiLt-,''.i:" NIXON B2D a"me?1tT,. NEALHART13'7"1"' " LfllK OF oei,, : RIVOLI "?:3V1 e."Br.7.Bi-J.'.?!ir. DORIS MAY " " r :iKX AM) HKTIIItK.. . fl"!"! 1 a'T fl'l..i u? 1 n O 1 . ---wpp "i." T.nlna a(ikh Avm-s av.. .:; .' .r." ' M. "BOUGHTANb PAID FOIP STRAND "";: nAv. FOR' VOTR'i: TO Ol'll PATRONS. e ACf'OI'VT Rex Beach's 'The Iren Trail' gI6r a lET- AT OTHER THEATRES, MEMBERS OF AMBASSADOR Mr,.,- ,V Ah GEORGE ARLISS GERMANTOWN 5aJA WkXIlV7' '.'TURNTO THE WGHT' M. P. T. O A 1 wm I JEFFERSON wTfNS-rti- u, . PAULINE mESucK In "Tivn miv..u .... 7 ..VW,T '"' )IIMEN" $m PARK mwiB AVB. 4 CAtJpilN' ?'" iw x Mmi - te' ''tUVOVItiAK:,W:,KW VB i -f Jew ji jW'Si i. T All M&'s?il ftfel j.A$mmim y. A.'xi IV 'iJ , -t:, i" nv" ' imZMLMdJaZitAWJ,