ft LaMJL-aai wf airttEw ,H' t, i ..ii . t.f , . .. ...' , -., i...... .' i . ' i ' -1 r -...-..; ,.. j, :. ...j. .. ...,..i,,j i jiiwwii j jiv .' i : "..... ''' . ' i"lmf." ' '. .: !-.'... f jut. BJUW1IWV TTnir7TTrr7;r , t reft ft ',. !' I 1 I ' -O'. v-'l f'5'!' fiat i .T M '-A mtf. , . sf . ''t'ff T' f:' 7 . i ' v'. l. ,tf 4 .W : . -i ' -- ,.,f-M - , f I '; .' 4) 1W M ,V-i m - 7y i ,wi. ml mi Us- 1 r.- iy w w 1$ I?' ?.. IS i-1 i :8 (: 5if i. '$ '- Makes a High Miierd in eJiics ..( .,v- The Netaseme Hosiery Company of Philadelphia began te advertise in The Saturday Evening Pest in 1911 -JWVt. '- ' . "-" Lester Wolf, vice-president of the Netaseme Company, says: ! 1920 and 1921 were the two largest years in the history of our company net merely in thou sands of dozens of goods shipped, but in actual volume of business in dollars. "In the last six months of 1921, when most manufacturers were running hut part time, the Nota Neta seme Mills ran night and day. "When we leek back it is aston ishing te realize that about 100 advertisements in The; Pest should have given se strong a stimulus te our sales growth. "The Saturday Evening Pest has given the public the appreciation of our hosiery that it deserves, and which the dealer realizes will give him volume. Our salesmen and our dealers knew, as we de, that the consumer leeks at The Pest each week as the great na tional show-window." We should be glad te discuss the application of the power of advertising te your sales PUBLISHING COMPANY INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA The Saturday Evening Pest The Ladies ' Heme Journal The Country Gentleman $i SK w&m f,'lJh&t 35?JH nm& mms, Wli mm m ?& ' tk.m .-.! iv mm ", ?i'j ifA fM? -L M& i ;& Wr' jfV i 'it . i.V,' iv: ,"' 4,'X 1 . A !" 'S r tt ll ra r 1 W-$ krt . T4 U (n'i m r f i '. J', i "i .. d t UK J O ; .:ta .1. - .?.' t: i'JS T V K.a e 1 t s-.'SI t & ;. i f 'Lj: 't' S- ti i: k.W .& ,l y .LH . vfj Vvi.-WJ p . .-fa r4W0S -i .r,Ti Jai aa 'Aftnr I'.'iwr'ill7-!! i?SXi??'a . .'.Tiri i.'" u -i s? V y it M HfeM .A r-'Tfe V'i