Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 29, 1922, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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t. I
e H
e Ml
8 PU',
icy Wynne Speaks of
California and of the
1 1 . Will Take
: . . i- ' .
f rRKN T you surprised te near or
IW Ifcbernli Legnn'w marriage out In
Iftllfernln (e'Dr. Wlllinnf White, of Les
ItaniUy In Ies Ansclc, ami Dctierali'n
SntI)nrcnl, Mr. nnd Mr. Samuel
R Price Wclheriu, m euiuii, .igni.-
jkf u en Thursday. Deberah 1ms ene
k- . i. .-lifnt-nln HRvernl times, iititl linn
S!iLi- iii.. White for two yearH. She
r"tnt out aftaln this Miring (April 11,
f '1 be exact), ated then followed tlie
f -!,. f hop nianinitq.
M Deberah Is the daughter of Mr. and
ivtn, Rebert llentalrlg Lerhii, of thU
Iitr. Hhe went te scnoei at m. fliaryu,
rntkukill. find cnmc out tn'8 '"
rrtree years n?e at a tea her mother and
Slhtr IBVC in mu iiviicvui-. .vrn. j.uinu
VI.I,,n nnd the late Mr. Htovdnsen.
lift uncle and aunt, gave a Colonial cos ces
; inmfl ball In her honor when r'ic wa a
"debutante, and hop Rrnmtinetiicr. ana
'.. .. .l. Mnirecif ltnlla nf tint . -
JTW v ..,.. .I.n 11n11m.tiiH l.nll...,...
' eon. anu mu uj -,,a x.vn.uu uuniuum
it 12. , Juvnrnteit for it was wonderful. I
bftmciubpr there was a marble fountain
'With rv.il water nnu vvuii vuri-coiereu
1 Hbt playing en It nnd all sorts of ether
1 twlnatlns thins.
I wonder whether Deberah and Dr.
'Wpltc will come deck 10 i-nimucipiua
(te live? I hope se.
T0DA1" there are a great many
.mMlnirn. TIiIh is Epitlns te be an
eld Mery, but what arc you going te de
when people will get married In April?
Barbara Bensen and Beb .Teffery were
Ifrlfd nt neon. at the Soeond Pres
byterlan Chureli at Twenty-second nnd
Walnut It was n lovely wedding.
Barbara is most attractive and se Is
kr alstcr, Mrs. Geerge 1'urvcs, who
wu tbe matrpn of honor. The brides
.M irn her two cousins. Betsy
lrB,'Davl and Helen Allen, nnd Alva
i m Sergeant and Margaret Harris Dale, all
Wef them very pretty gins.
T0(1, tee, ninrnurci viiiweeii whj
mirry Benjamin Heffman nt Hely Trin
ity and here will be another attrac
ts biidal party there. In Milten,
Maw.. Dorethy Html will become the,
bride of Alan Crawford, of Chestnut
Hill, and meat of the ushers will be
from this city, l'hll FNher will be tbe
tett tnnn, and among the ushers will be
FIlvKugeiic Ncwbeld, Wintbrep Bnt
tl5, Jeseph Fex aiul James Dcvercux.
In llaltlmere there will be the wed
ding of Augusta McLane and Lucius
Reblnwn, Jr. Kllner Thompson, the
Htnry H. Tliompsens' dnughter. will
be one of tlie bridesmaids, and Fred
erick Thayer. Peggy 'a and Pelly's
brother, will be nmeng the ushers, se
Philadelphia will be well represented.
TONIGHT there, will be two parties.
At Green Hill Farms there will be
the flrt meeting of tlip Dinner Dance
Qub( for which n great many dinners
have been plnnned, nnd then, for next
jfar's debs. Mr. nnd Mrs. Elislia I.ce.
ef 1700 Locust street, will give a dunce
it the Bcllcvuc tn honor of their dnugh
ter Dorethy. Dorethy gees te IJr.n
Mawr College new, but will come out
here next winter. Among these who wi'l
?lva 'dinneri before the dance will be
lr. nnd Mrs. Frederic Graham, of
Chestnut Hill. Thev will entertain for
They will entertain for
their daughter Careline, who will come
eutMiext wasen, tee
DID you knew thnt Lady Nancy
Atter is te be the guest of .Mrs.
Charles J. Rhomb, of 11)14 Seuth' Rit Rit
tenheum Square, while1 she Is in Phila
delphia? Mrs. Rhoads and Mrs. Frank
Oriswe'd will give a ten In her honor
en Jienany nt the emergency aiu, ami i
am Mire every one will be most nnxleus
te meet her. as she seems te be se
thinning. Thnt sume afternoon, before
the ten. she will sneak at the Academy
under the auspices of tlie Weman's
Trades Union League.
I SAW Mnrgnrctta HnrrUen en the
street yesterday, nnd she was look
ing very attractive In n brown tweed
nilt, wlth-n lint of the same material.
8he wan wearing n bunch of , flowers,
tee., I've never seen nny one se pop pep
ntar; ftlie always: has flowers. Yeu
toiew, she Is te be tlie maid of honor nt
the marriage of her sister, Harnh, and
Phil Price en June 10. Maude, the
third sister, and iust ns nrettv aR the
ether two, will be one of the brides
aida. and the ethers' will he Phil
Price's aliter, Rachel, and Kitty Perter.
anne Ashton, Mnrgaretta Hhnrpless
two ims iust rome back from a Medi
terranean cruNc), Nancy Dunning,
Mary Fahncteck nnd Anita Evans
An arlv r.uninipp weddlni? of munh
fctereat will be that of Miss Dorethy
Elr. rtanirhfnr- nt Me. nml Mm. 'William
Xfwheld Kly, of Ardmore avenue,
tneatnut Hill, nnd Mr. Herbert w. war-
vn. Jp. Af fSnlf TTnitMA rnsul Tfnvnrfnlfl.
tyhlch will take nlnce 'en Wednesday,
JUn !l il 1 n'Aneli nt St. Thntraiu'
BKplscepal Church. Whltenurhh. A re-
nyii"0 UI fellow nt the Heme of Miss
w a parents.
Mr. nnd Mis. l'.ly und their family
Jho h.in been eccupylnK an apartment
"fine winter at tlie .'Merri!. all seutn
Thirteenth street, opened their house In
Chestnut Hill this week.
The iiueHtK who will attend the caul
wiv Which Mrs. TrlstnmC. ColKett, L'U
1 1.. ..
-."'wi. ur uurnaeu ranrr, .ir., aim
i. "rr!"
--. . ii.tniiiim iianici, .mim
m, ill.
ItlF. fl,.,.
vi mib .MUim e iMviH, M$n i.it'ituur
uPKy. MIhw leathering Pcurben,
BfCUrn. MIhh (.u'.ititlnlxii Miller,
arrarpi' TmiAim n.t iiuu iti
-. r iv.v'n mm " K" -
Ml. i , , . . .
ii. -.- iiiuiiiiiL ciciiiiiiu. iiuiiuuirr in
IS' J, Wllmcr Itlililln. of Hlnihirten
" 5UV8 Un l.nncey pince, will Bive en iret'lM nr sneii iuiik ciiliren nnii .ipiiiusn -,., Ml. itnvmend A IIeIiiiph nf 1017
Wednesday nfternoeii. Mny .1. In honor lace with Htruw IuiIh. trimmed Ulli uliik S ;trf2i S , ,,c m nl , , I
Mlw ll.nrlctta WlNim uml MIhs i-oheh ami hIieII pink chllfni.. Thev will ,! '!! ''.tnc,''' s ," lr'c 1 ,.?, v
Eleaner .leneH lll Inclml,. Mrs. Sydney funy heuqucU of 1.I11U roses. Mr. Finijk ! J1' ?" u ,f ,j' thn Itev FlwrnilT
yer, Jr. Mr,., Herhert Ciisey. Mrs. , Timelier, of KUBewatur I'nik, N. .1... "1 UV?H; The lir de wa" uttehrte hv lJr
larrls.,,, Krn.ler. Jr. Mr Je-ci.h llel- be bent miiii. m t he uhIicis l In . IJ'h UV. Minn ' Amia'nu'lT " 5 ina d of
r!J,'iIr'. Ilr'.1:" Dlim, Mr W "lain .1. it'-ir. Jehn Ilmii-, Dr. , 11 et Uw It- )nner Tlu, ,H(it mfl ,, su.t W.am
,.S!J.,etl, ?rrl,S!!:..f'K eT ,M itw" S 'W . 1 1 ?'!' " ' 1""7 """' -"' vrZuy:"TuwX
.1,;,. ,;, ... km... .i.'vr. i,,.: a. iu.illairt relntlvrs nf the hrltlP nml hrlile-! '""" New fold. Mis' li-ahel Jlnrltnian. Miss
no KlViB MiVh lCith.ri i i is (jir. Kioem anil a few Intlimitii filvii(l. "" " " Anna (Seltlen, Miss Mnry fechllssmrin. t
ii iirVwi fiJ!!.J ffiiiiN WEST PHILADELPHIA 1 Miss Dera Someroon, Ml-s Anna Tmihe. !
b .Mill I roil MlllKHtlPtll, .MISS l.e . . " "-" " " " " " ,ir.. th,i.,. ii-n ivl.. Inf.1.- U'..lr.u,..l., 1 I
MiPall. MIh.h Mm tlm Bnher, MI'H I'llAWrqilD UUIID Tlie maillnEe of Mils C'nrellne M. Mr l:rnli OoldliM.er' 'Mr iJeuU Schlls-". ' '
nrncHtiiu. Celemnn. MIhh Abiu-s wi-tldlnir of Interest lu thin rltv ' llngue, daughter nf Jin I.. HnKue, of ' 1'(?'1 iirrv 1 ilr .Max S vw- !
Miss Klorciice MncNeplv. Miss lnek . t neon te.Uy in the I'nl- the lllllcieft Anaitiiieiilc, Thirty-fourth I !"' ,,' V'Sr.!2..i ii'i.,,1, irJ . fiVi,.w 1 ' I
r;hnnnvvitli, Miss Deris Den- itnilnn t'liiirch nt Milten, Munn when und Jtnce Mit'fits .and Mr. Otte M. 1'rlea. j;.'" '"', "jj,. (eePK0 Welntt'atib'a'nd Mr i
Kjww. fhfBtmit Hill, has returned from umi the ushers 'inrludcd Mr. KltKu
Ki?. . . Mtl where slip was tlie ,.ellu niNen New held. Mr. Jtmrpli M.
i .,,.i . .. . . r
- " .viips siary Aiai-Eimu scen.
."I1, and Mrs rtnrelnv Mcl.'nclilen
PflM en Wednesday for Hurope, where
t?.u ePct te remain about thrce
II, "n ineir return inev win live
PROiernent.' -Mrs. MeFadden. before
UOniha r- .. . .. . ... .. ...... ....
eLrlrit weddlnu, was MIkh Vlrnlnth
-".nciiei-, or iiolliiKhiene. llailner.
"ie inemheis of iim nnriinii ninii win
''tit at 111,. I,...... ..e -VI., In...l..l Vl,i.
si?l t Wvndnioer. Chestnut Hill', tin
KS.n.'".1.'!' i"niliiir next nt ! o'cleok,
v win leiiMi en an all-day trip up'
vaiflAviire Canal.
Uui. "" M' ' unrips remiy .Nerrin
K,Vrfuril, will ulvii 11 illiuier nt the Ii
111 Klve u dinner nt t.lulri
itier e c'ii",'iiiy evfliilntf in.".l in
fnii.- v. uieum unu .viiK. ri.uiiiiiii
;.r;,"iul M11.. c. stunlpy l'u-sten. of
I ml! Htr,'"t "'''' A1''"1" Ip. ('I"-,S'-
Ui,.'" ,VIU B,u' ll h"",M uaiH'iv 011 1 sir. Miiiiui'i 1 iiiuiiiii.. " :.
B yti'nlnp;. May la. In lioner tif I row 11 of w 1 le hniilcil lid ever cloth
fWarlen t'uhir r)etinuhiic, tluiiBhtcr of fillvnr. with , "ur . tm .of s tin, f
Iftii rul. MrM' f' l,'el nmiesliiu., tulle nml n oil of old iiilly I
5ELKmr"tre. OrritiHiitewn, Nlm! crown fffuct with 11 hanl pt V.- H,"
-TiSn," iH ;'iiruinlim un htr fucmt wlH euiry a hoiuiuet of B(-b of the ul
M Attiiey Thcpbeld, daughter of Mr. Jey, gartfcnla and hlik orchids. AUa
an Interesting Marriage in
Many Weddings Which
Place Tjjday
nnd Mrs. Frederick de Welt Theobold,
of Bnltlmer, Md.
Mr. and Mrs. Jehn II. Smith, 601 9
wnyne nvenue, Oermnntewn, will niter
tnln Informally at dinner thli evclng,
followed by cards. AiiiOr the ruchIs
will be Mr. and Mr. Charles (laim and
Mr. nnd Mm Ocerifa Barrow.
A muslcale will be given at Wither
spoon Hall en Wednesday afternoon
next at 3 o'clock for the benefit of tlie
Prosbyterlan OrphanaRc Mrs, William
K. Tinker la th president of the aux
iliary of the orphanage and MIpii Orara
nebcrts ia chairman of the muslcale.
The cemmltten In chart of the affair
Include Mra. Edward Rhmldhelcer, Mil
A, D, Hmeker and Mlis Mnhnl II. Kuhn.
The patrenessea Include Mrs. Richard
Nerrls, Mrs. mnjtmln Wells. Mrs. Wil
liam M. Andersen. Mrs. William K. El El
leott, Mra. William Weed, Mrs. Davis
Crealer, Mra. Henry Kuhn, Mrs. Wil
liam II. HebertR and Miss Klva Plum
mer. The tennis and cricket ereunds of the
Merlen Cricket Club will be efllclatly
opened today. Thcre will be a dancing;
tea from 4 until 6 o'clock.
The British Officers' Club of Phila
delphia gave a dance nt the liellevue liellevue
Stratferd last evenlng. The following
members were en the committee en ar
nigmjita; Mr. Henry O. Nerman,
chairman ;" Captain Percv W. J. Can Can
eon, Captain B. Hubert Cooper. Mr. T.
Hareld Fex. Mr. J. Harvey Corden. Mr.
C. Hareld Marsden and Captain V. J.
Sharkey, M. C.
Miss Maud Barclay Stevenson, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jehn B. Htovenwn,
Jr., of Ablngten, Is attcndlnthe May
Day exercises at Wcllesley College this
The Three Arts Club Arts, nt 12tn
LecuHt atret, and the Sketch Hub. or
Z,0 SOUth CumHf ntl-rOt rvlll Inf. Mnnm.
Lhouse" this eveulns-. The membcrn en
the entertainment committee will be In
tjr, And MrB- David C. Beggs. of
17 I'clham read, Oermantewn, will an
te! tain at dinner at their home en
Tuesday evening, June , In honor of
their daughter, Miss Bleoner Harris
Heggs, and Mr, Charles B. Prettyman,
Jr., of Bread and Spruce streets, whose
marriaKe will take place in the Second
Presbyterian Church, Qermantewn, en
Wednesday evening, June 7. The guests
will Include the bridal party.
Mrs. Call Hamilton Alexander, of
Sixteenth nnd Spruce streets, will en
tertain nt a luncheon nnd bridge party
at thu Bala Country Club en Mcmduy
afternoon, May b. The guests will In
clude the members of her bridge club.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Nealu MacNelll, of
Ovcrbroek, wH entertain ut a small
dinner nt the Bala Country Club en
Saturday evening, Alay in, before the
dance te be given nt the club.
Miss Clawsen te Wed Mr. Hoff Heff
man Other Marriages
of Interest
A wedding of much Interest which
will tnke nlneu at neon ti.day at the
Second PreHlijterinn Church, Twenty
lljst imrt Walnut streets, will be thnt
et Miss Barbara ICnglh Bensen, flauah-
tei' Of thu HeV aild Mrx l.nnlu Unnimn
etL"9 ,Db Lancey place, and Mr. Beb-
uri i'uuicener jenreyn, hen or the Rev.
Kdward M. Jettreyw. D. D., nnd Mis.
Jeffreys: The church was decorated
with orange celangula palms and ferns.
The ceremony was perfeimcd by the
hrlde'H father, assisted bv thn Tlnv.
.vie.xnnuer .mucceii, naster of
n.'iRtnr ,if flu.
clllllfOl. Thu Itrl.lA t. r.f.. n n....... .r
ivhiie iin.i etiv.A.. i, ,..,.i ...in.".. .'.... i i
..'""''' KM ftmlly lace und
iuiiu unu i.ice veil. jirs. liceige r.
Purvey, sister of the bride, wns matron
of honor. Slie were a frock of peri
winkle blue chiffon and geld lace und
can led u beuuuet of ornnge cal.insrulu.
The bridesmaids Included Mrs. Itebcrt
W. Dale. Mil's Hetsv W. D.ivIh. Ml
rlva Kerecnnt and Miss Helen W. Al-1
len. They weie drcs.sed alike In freckH
of orange chiffon and geld lace nnd alue
cairled bouquets of oratige celangula.
Mr. C. P. Ucauchatnp. 3d, was best
man. T chusherx Included Hr. Henry
B. Coxe, Jr.. Mr. .ThaddctiH F. Daly, Jr..
Mr. Albeit F. A. King, uf Washington,
D. C: Mr. W. Purlin l.lllard. of Cln
rlnnntt. O.: Mr. Benjamin Hush aim
Mis. (JeerKO T. Purves, brother-in-law
of the btldu . A sniull wedding break
fast felluved the ceremony At the home
of the bride's purents.
Anether weddlnp of interest which
Will tnke place nt 4 e'clnck this uftci uftci uftci
noen at Hely Trinity Church, N'lne
teenth nnd Walnut stiects, will he that
of Miss Margaret 13. Clawsen. dnughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Ijyne ciawren, of
-01"i Walnut street, and .Mr. Benjamin
11. Heffman. The ceremony will be pcr pcr
lermed by the Itev. l''led W. Temklns,
rector et the church. The church will
be decorated with Calla llllen and npple
blossoms. The bride, who will be slven
In marralge by her father, wilt wear a
gown of ivory white satin with a cemt
train of old family lace extending from
the shoulders nnd a veil of tuule nnd
old point lace with u headdrexs of lace
und need pearls. ,She will carry a
hhewer bouquet of whlti eichlds und
lilies of the v.illej. The maid of honor
will be MNs ICIlzabcth Roop, u cousin
of the bride, and tlie maticns rrf honor
will be Mrs. AV. Hobart Perter and Mrs.
Ceurtl.iudt M. Hlcluirdhuii. They will
nil be dressed ullke In freckn of llesh llesh llesh
colered chirfeii, veiled with u turn-colored
Spanish lace. ami hats of htraw
trimmed with llesh-colercd clilft'en and
pink lese. They will carry bouquets
of pink roses. The hrldemnlds will In
i lude Mrs. Leenard h'chclf, Mrs. h'dgar
McKnlg. MIhs Marian Teulmlu nnd .Miss
Blizabuth iionmeu. Tiiey will we.u
I u aili ft it 1 Mi ilitnrirn . hit iiii,lr 1 1
",',,",l, ,:; ' ,.' , , '7 V Vi I
VX "" 'ni7Ur- T.. ,liVn. .
. mimm uoieiny iiuiii. uauKim-r in my
' uml Mrn. C. TtuHr.el! Html, of lten,
, ,,ii&.iiiviii .w,.i,i.,,,. i.v, ,,i.i ,..-.n t i,,ff ,,r 10TK Wlllnwf atret ?l'rit-rlul,.,i .1
i,iiuii ciiii- - ,--,". .. -" .."..-". .i. ;":." te .Mneaiit i-au-c. ah. nnd auk. tieiniea I e .1,., 11..1,, c-i,nn..r nt th, Micmn nmw.i I
1 Mnry I bpennu' the lirlde of Mr. Alnn Crnvv- 1 rcrunieny vvas pti formed by Dr. Wnh
', Miss ford. ,,f t'liAHtnut Hill, The brldi burn. Mr und Mrs. Tries left en a
irBiui't who wus Klven In iiuirhiKe bv her wuddlnif trhi te Caiiuda. 1 hey will be
,!! rw " r,t i - --r- "
futher, mih utteiiili'il 1) iliK KilwatU
Ilunl. of .New veiij, nri nnirnn et : iiennr
. f 111,11 ., n iriciin. nr I'npsiii it in I.
..... '.,.1 ,.u i,Jf ...... V,., Mr I'Miirfnnl
uvtm .... ..." ........... ..... -...'...":...-.. .,. ...
r. ,..... .:..... .. ......1.. .- i
'OX, Air, winilireji II. imiiitB, .11. n.
Hewaid Yerk, nil of ths city! Mr. Je-
seph C. McKlbbcn. Air. Orland S
1 fircene niul Air. Kdwiiril A. Ilunl, of ,
! New Yerk, nnd Mr. O. Newrll Kurd, .
nf lloKten. A recent 011 fellow oil ut tne
home of the bride's parents. 1)11 their
return from 11 wedding trip, Mr. nnd
Mis. Cinwfurd will live at St Mui-I
tins', Chestnut Hill.
' ' i
I IlKl.lr MKDhAK
' v.. itmctlve wi-iUlliif will take place
,,, imlf after six o'clock this oenlm?, In
the .Second I'leshvieilan Church,
Twenty-Ilrst unit wauiui stirns. m
.. . 1 ..1 y i.jiH A itrvlitate ui lia
'." ' n' 2 2i' rf "alie Km ee
piUU'iii " """"I ' ,, V
stiert. Will beceme Ilia brldn nf Mr.
W llev Hull, of the Hnilium Hetel. 'Ilie
Itev Ali'xniiiier Aiaci-ei', piisiei- 01 1
i-huri'li. "Ill lieifenii th rori'ineiiy. The
"I''0' "h" J'1.1 '".', t'"lu'"ln ,n,',,,r,!"i!,,'?1
Member Younger Set
Thete by n.ichructi.
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Nerrls of Ellcrslle. of the Falls of
Schuylkill, who will net aa ene of.
the medels nt the Fashion Shew te
be given at the Deg nnd Peny Shew
en Wednesday, May 17
Marian Medlar, a sister of the bride,
will be the maid of honor and the brides
maids will Include Miss Katharine
Fields and Miss Marjorle Fields, or
Broekllne. Mass. ; Miss Frances Medlar,
another sister of the brlde : Mrs. Floyd
Keser, of Fex Chase; Miss Mary Bryant
Lamb and Mm Harry Kearnes. The
maid of honor and bridesmaids will be
dressed alike In cernl pjnk gcorgctte
crepe with large gray hats trimmed with
wistaria. They will carry bouquets of
.spring (lowers. Miss Florence Bell, the
small nlece of the bridegroom, will be
the llewer girl. She will wenr u frock
of whlte lingerie, trimmed with pink
ribbon and a hat te match. She will
carry a bosket of pink spring flowers.
Mr. D. Webster Bell, a brother of the
bridegroom, will be best mnn nnd the
ushers will Include Mr. A. Balfour
Brehman, Mr. Arthur Olunt, Mr. Breu Breu
den Walsh, Mr. Ileland C. Evans. Jr.,
Sir. Frank Iedyard, Mr. Kdward Plum Plum
mer, Mr. Harry Kearnes and Mr.
Charles B. Johnstone. A reception will
fellow nt the Hltz-Carlten. On their re
turn from n wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs.
Bell will occupy their new home at
Merlen when It. Is completed.
An Interesting wedding will take placn
nt 7 o'clock this evening In Bt. Menica's
Reman Catholic Church, Seventeenth
nnd Hltner streets, when Miss Juanlta
Kimball, of New Yerk, daughter of the
lata' Colonel and Mrs. Ames Kimball,
will become the bride of Captain Alfred
Millard, Thirty-fourth Infantry, of
Mndlsen Barracks. New Yerk. Chap
tain Arneld, U. S. A., of Fert Hamilton,
Nw Yerk, will perform the ceremony.
The bride, who will be given In marriage
by her brother, Lieutenant K. A. Kim
ball, of Madisen Barracks, will wear a
getvn of white lece and a show picture
hat. She will carry a bouquet of whlte
spring fleweis. Mrs. Rebert C. Brady,
of this city, sister of the bride, will be
the matron of honor, and Miss Amy
Kimball, another sister of the bride,
will be bridesmaids. Mnjer Rebert C.
Ur.ulv will act a1 best man
i dinner
W" ' at the Hetel Adelphla Cap-
talu .Millard nml his bride will xpeud
their wedding trip nhrend. O'n their re
turn te this count! y, thev will llve at
the MaClben Barracks, New Yerk.
Thn marriage of Miss Mai Ien Althea
I'emerena Wllaen, daughter of Mrs,
Arthur Wllaen, of 3611 Hamilton street,
and Mr. Samuel Ellwood Hewen, t-en of
Mrs. I. W. Hewch, of COS North Thirty
fourth atfeet, took place at neon today
at St, Andrew's Hplscnpal Churi'.:. The
llev. William J. Cox eniclated. Tlin
bride was given Jn marrlage by her
bi ether. Mr Arthur P. Wilsen, and at
tended by Miss Sara H. Evann, aH maid
of honor, and Mrs. Alan Ievln, the
bridegroom's sister, as matron of honor.
The bridesmaids were Miss Betty Par Par
liens, of New Yerk : Miss Kthelwyn
Vandlver, Mrs. Hareld Geerge Paine
nnd Mrs. Ralph Kranklln Mess, of thla
cltv. Mr. J. Merris Prien was best man
ami the ushers were Mr. 11. Kranklln
Mess, Mr. Arneld Shaw, Mr. W. Wal
lace Brown, Mr, Rebert Ichman and
Mr, Alan l.evln. A breakfast at the
home of Mrs. Wilsen followed. After
nn extended wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs.
Hoives will live at 3G11 Hamilton street,
where they will be at home after the
middle of September.
Miss Anna K. Bean, daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Irwin lieun, of 30 i:.e.st Jacoby
street, Norrlntewn, and Mr, Mark K
Gilbert, of thn Nerrls Apartments, will
be married this afternoon nt 2 o'clock at
the home of tlie brlde. The Itev. J. M.
Coram, Jr., pastor of the First Pres
Intel Inn Church, will efllclate. There,
will be no attendants. The brlde will
wear u white embroidered tatln gown
and a tulle veil huld with orange bles
sems. She will cairy a shower bouquet
.. ... ... ...w ., ..,,....,,,. ,,i, , wi
Tlie in.'iri lairt' et Mini Merv iluiRiiret
Vi-'! '"" '!"!' '.''' . """ .fin
ui 'iny, iwui I'J'-y" ''". ;Miuy i.tni
at . oYlerk at Okl ChrlHt C'liurcli The
.----..-r, , ,.-IA ".
ut linnie inter juiin ..at iiiu nerin
Miiiwiau pim-i ; -; i sum-
uicif ill .m i iiiuiim ciiku el- uu miu inn
1inlv.pr.sltv of Pennsvh.inla. where ha
was en the crew.
sjriQTU DM 1 1 AnPI QUIA
jr, nnd Mrs Jehn Tl Craven, of
;i 1 7 Xerth Twelfth stteet, nnnnuncn the
..iiKaK-enient of their dniitfhtnr. Miss
iinnifft W. f'rnvcm. te Mr. Heibert It.
Williams, seu of Mr and Mis A If 1 oil
II. William-".
of nil North Twelfth
JIIh-i Nlnn Hitlvcy, iliiUKlitir of Mr
umi Mrw. T, Frederick llalve) Kue n
.i,..i,,A lnttt cvnnltifr In honor of Mm.
Hnlvry'H nephew, Walter .1. .Mneney.
.... ...., .... ....no... e.nH. .1...
tichnel het
The wcddlnif of MIhm l.ucv Iteuteninn,
datiKhler rf Mr. mid Mrn. Jules Hnute
111,111, of iL'n'J Meuth Nlnetrentli etieet,
nnd Mr. Hlehaid It.van, fci nicrly 1111
lilllrer In the l'lilted States N.ivy. will
inke nlare 'ally In June In ht. Meulni's
llemnti t'athelle f'liuich, at Heu'iitueuth
und lilt.icr atieetb.
Mla Idn Peatfrnalt lm returnetl
home ufter huvlni; npunt a week an the
irueVt ei XrleuiU Ju- CtuUMk f
iHIIIHtvv'-i'- ' ;'ffm
He. luet ii'i-ln-law of tln lu 1 lournem.
Letters te the Editor
Playtime for the Great
Te the EJlter e! Ihr Vvwina Tublle -''''
Sir 1 was Interested In rcudlng un
account of one observer's description ei
Lloyd Geerge in relaxation at one -of
I lie meHt critical junctures of the Genea
Conference, There came a day when
he was free te reel u bit. He went
with his family for n drivq along the
cent iiml tuek luncheon In the open air
overlooking the sen. After lunchceu,
nn nri told, "hn walked with exhila
rating vigor and enjoyment for some
miles down the winding und rugged
lietliH He wwil vcr rtlt kt nnii
atones nt their steepest like :." K 1
below In the- fahliiR ;)"(L 'lc
everybody tccegnlrcil him ut a epic
ml. In i. Ilie minll tltllZXII. With painted
houses behind him and quays and beata
in front, the Prime Minister of the
British Empire might hnve been seen
writing postcards for Irttle boys who
Clamored for his signature. Then In the
late afternoon he weur back te work.
Here Is a picture of a man able te
threw off the heivlest cares at a mo
ment's notice nnd enter whole-heartedly
Inte simple, refreshing outdoor en en en
joymentM. The ability te de that la n
priceless nsf.ct te nny person who car
ries much responsibility. Most of the
men who bear the neavier ieaa i
.i i,nt r tlinv cannot thev break.
Cleveland went llshlng, Roosevelt went
horseback riding, liaruing p ays gun,
Lincoln rolnpsed Inte light humor or
persiflage, Wilsen what did W llsen
de? Was It net the defect In him that
prevented him from throwing off hla
cares and playing simply nnd nnturelly
llllll it'U lu il"- un ."-v . .,
Easten, Pn April 27, ll22.
The Radie Bugs
Te the Editor of the Evening PuWc l.ttair:
Sir The wisdom of the ancients sent
the sluggard te the ant for moral in
struction, nnd the Inquisltlvcnesa of the
modern mind turns te the cockroach for
scientific information. Our fleetfoeted,
troublesome friend new bobs up na a
possibly Important factor in the young
science of wireless transmission.
The discovery Is due, I read In the
newspapers, te Heward Zimmerman, or
Harrisburg, who was n scrgcant-mnjer
in the army during the wnr nnd was
put en the trail of the cockroach by
his investigations in abug-lnfestcd bnr
rarks in Luxemburg. The barracks, It
Is reperteil, housed a. wireless night
ichoel. and frequent Interruption In the
electric wave transmission led te n
search locating n cockroach between
the receiving and transmitting appa
ratus. rWith his removal, the disturb
ances censed. .. ,
Following up this .clue, Mr. Zim
merman made extensive experiments
bincc and new Informs the world that
a cockroach hns n wave length of be
tween one-half nnd one Inch, with n
very low frequency: that the tumble
hue nnd th moth arc also endowed
with radio power, nnd that it is his
belief that Insects communicate with one
another by means of radio messages.
These facts, if corroborated, would
bring ns one step nearer te the holutlen
of sevcrnl mysteries of the universe.
The concerted action anil regimented
drill of the world of insects hnvc elwayy
Iww.ii n hnnren nf linulZClllOllt. Hew
bees and nnts co-epernte in building
their skyscrapers and regulating their
complex life hns always been n mjs
tery te me, but If It Is true each tiny
Insect carries n pertable radiophone
with him nnd communicates with his
fellows in a noiseless sort of telepathy,
the solution seems simple enough.
Ry constructing a Miltable apparatus
with the required small wave- length,
might It, I ask, net be possible te pry
into the minds of inticcts nnd "lIMen
In" en their silent conversation? Might
we find out "what n cockroach thinks
nbeut?" Might we learn te influence
and regulate his mental processes, argue
with him, and convert him from n
nulKanrp Inte one who is eager te "Verve
mankind?" The Idea is entrancing.
I wonder If Hies and mosquitoes be
long te the class of radio hugs. If they
de, it might be in order te refrain
from swatting them until we get In
touch with them by radio nnd try the
effect of moral suasion?
f'l,t.,.,. tr.,.11 '17 inrM
Opposed te Animal Acts
Te the .'rflfer e the Kvsninv Public I.tdeci
Sli- There Is nn organization called
the Jack Londen League which carries
its principles against training animals
for exhibition se far that Its members
nie pledged te. walk out of nny amuse
ment place when nn animal act Is
started. Whatever doubts there may be
of the need e? such nn organization
are lessened by a recent Incident In
Mudixen Square Garden In New Yerk
net long age. Five tigers and a pan
ther wcre being put through their tricks
for the lirst time before a crowd. It
wns evident the animals were acting
against their will. The panther became
unru'y. The trnlner, a girl, finally
brought down n pole en the beast's hend
with n resounding whack. This wns
net enough, and co she drew a revolver,
fired in the panther's face and brought
him In line. Naturally, she also brought
down the house.
The animal trainer always has cour
age when tlie animals are dangerous,
SliinietlniP4 the nnlv ndvantn''i he hns
charges Is his superior will.
il,,. i :u ...ill nmver nut tn imnr like.
While some animals, such ns dogs nnd
I hersc, ettPii Hcem te enjoy their part
' ..t il,,, ulwttir I- Xc nnutr fn 1.1111 4-linf
Ul lllt niiu, il - i"J i r l it it (
Mr nml Mi-b. Jeseph Wcinsteln, of
33'.'3 ItldKe nvpnue, will he nt home te.
morrow from 11 te IS o'clock, In honor of
their pen, Morten WeiiiKtcIn Xe cards
have heen n'nt out.
,:, ir, . Mnrcrniiv
-"l,t-'" ""nZ.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. .lenuius, of
Kitchen lane, accompanied bv Mr, Jen
kins' brother, Mr IMvvard A. Jenkins, 1
of Svvnrtlimeie, havn sailed for a two
I iiieiuiiH uii ii.. I'.imi.viui unu prance. 1
I Mr. Charles V. Jenkins, who Is presi
dent of the Hrltish Krlends' Historical
Hoclety, Is te make an annual address
before that society. 1
Miss I-thel Armstientr, of 57 M Chew
stroet, entertained ut dinner and curds '
Inst evenliiB In honor of Mtr.s Udu.t 1
Handel, Mr. Jeseph Hummer and Mr
nnd Mi . Stunt t Campbell. There vvete
twenty Kiiesf.
! Mr nnd Mr. IMwnrd King k.ive a
l.li. n,.,. loll, ., I.rl. , 1.1 ll.n,.TC r. f tl.i.l.. .n..
v..,uv.- mei (,,,.. ill i.wi.wi ., it,,-, 1 r.1111.
.Mr. Kdwiird Klnir. Jr.
nt thelr home
en IJrle iiveniie.
Mrs. T. Sidney Cadwnlladei nttendeil
the ii(itleiia (onveutlen of the Loukue
of Women Voters held lu lliiltliuern thin
The Yurdley nrldtre cluh was enini
talned Tuesrtay afternoon hy Mrs, Fred
, Mr. and Mrs, Leuis C. I.eedeiu spent
last Saturduy.iki Weittewn.
Mlsa I.llll.m Miuaen. of 28l.i DliMr.enil
Hirccti. receniiy cmnri.iiiicu me iiicnincrs i
I . t. IK.I M 11 s-fTAvl Id ' T
many of them net solely fhreugh fear.
If there Is nny reacen why we should
be kind te nnlmalH there la no reason
why 'wc should 'telerate some of the
performances that we de.
Lancaster, Pa., April 27. .1022.
Chrlatinaa Tree and "Life 8aver"
Te flit HUer et the Bvrnlne Public I.tietrt
Hir live Is s6methlng I rend n few
dajs age from nn upholder of the Eight
eenth Amendment nnd the Velstead En
forcement act:
"1 knew of a home In this city where
for the first time en Chrintnwis Day,
llllt). the children enjoyed n real
Christmas. The money the father usual
, f te uw, te ,ve (e
1 ttli. ones n Christmas tree."
Nobody with nn eunce of geed feeling
. j ,.
will itenv that thla was a most com
Pleadable thine for this reformed drunk
urd te de. Hut what does this isolated
Incident prove?
There were ninny similar cafes before
we gac prohibition n if rleus thought or
dreamed of the Velstead net. Ccitalnly
thla father icferred te could have spent
hia money for "booze," if he he elected
In the year 11)10, ns well ah during nny
of the years preceding that date. Thin
father' is te be commended nnd net thu
Velstead law.
But If it wcre possible and reason
able te give prohibition credit for the
incident, se proudly mentioned bv the
prohibition booster, is that sufticient
reason for turning ever tlie right of
government te the anti-saloon dictator
ship? A case has recently come under my
observation where n clergyman wns vio
lently and danccreuslv 111. and it wns
M 1 --- l 11
one of tllOC cases where whisky or
lirnnilv linil been imed time out
'of mind ns a remedy, but here the JI melons that are printed tn the People's
'doctor used that subutitute, or a rem- f"'""1- A; ,hl " the nrst time I hate
edy that would de the work just a,n ny l,Xr. '0Pe X ha" "" '"I
wen, ue snia, uuc inc puiicui. iimuiiu
te grew weaker nnd the henst action
was falling-.
The trained nurse, having great expe
rience in such cases, caw mere clearly
than ethers that something must be
done, bnd that quickly, no legally or
otherwise she procured the liquor and
its beneficial effects were noted In a
very short time. The doctor's medicine
was laid nside (or that which was used
as a substitute for liquor) and the pa
tient has fully recovered. There would
have been a widow and orphan children
In this case If no whisky or brandy
could hnvc been procured. The mnn
who get well will tell jeu today that
liquor saved his life. However, wc are
net se simple as te claim that this ob
ject lessen settles the argument in fa
vor of linuer und he saloon. In the
first place, the saloon "had nothing te j
de with the case,'' and licsides it is only .
an isolated Instance, just nn that of the
mnn who spent his money en a Christ-
mas tree instead of nn booze. Neither
proves anything nt all, nor hns it the .
slightest bearing en the question of I
right or wrong in the trenching en the
material rights of man.
Mcrchantville, N. J., April 20, 11)22-.
, ,
Call for Sherlock Helmes
Te the Editor eTTlie Kvenlng Pubjlc Lcdaeri
Sir Might 1 be permitted te suggest
thnt Sir Cenan Uejlc employ Sherlock
Helmes' te unravel some of the mys
teries he has dug up In the spirit world?
Ills sudden reversal of form from ab
solute realism te speculative moonshine
leads one te believe that the au
ther, as well ns the character, is In i
the habit of crying: "Quick, Watsen
the needle!" I
Philadelphia, April 27, 1022. ,
Swearing vs. "Cussing"
Te the Kdltnr of the Evening. Public Lttlecrt
Sir What, it might lie questioned,
is the difference, If any, between cuss
ing and swearing? "I never swear,"
testified a woman witness" a few dajs
age in court. "I might use a few
cuss words such ns 'damn,' but that's
The matter net having been one of
the vital issues lu the case, the Court
did net attempt te differentiate as be
tween the two terms, but contented
itself with the phivnlrnus observation
that it should be u woman's preroga prerega
tlw te swear if she wants te.
As n matter nf fnet. In niv hnmhle
'opinion, the witness piehably'was jus
tified in muking the distinction. The
cxpicssien, "net le en re a damn." ne ne
cerding te the dictionary, may be
swearing or it may meiely be slang,
and the equivalent of "net te rare In
the least."
Philadelphia, April 27. 11)22.
Questions Answered
i ,
The National Debt
Te the Vdtter et the El endte Public l.tdair:
Sir Te decide a dispute will you please
state In tlie People's Purtitn the .resnt
amount of the national debt of the United
States O. A. H. and II. p. t,
Pnlladelphla. April 21, Jii22.
The total Ernss debt of the CnlEed States
en December 31, 1021, was J23. 188,217,
iiia.OO Delaware River Railroad Bridge
7e the Editor 0 the 1. veiling Public I.tdgert
"t 1 nave n in an armiment with a mnn 1
III retard te ,1 bridge at Phil idelphla He I
cliilms tl.ere Is a r.illrnad brldtre at Phlla-I
delllii.l across tn Camden and there ims 1
bcnn en.j for flv-e or len veers. He claims '
If ! hi North PhllnddphU and llen-s te I
tbe Pennsylvania Rail-nail An-tliT i.-.en
The People's I'nrum will appear dilly
jn Ilie Kvenlni: Public I rderr. and also
In the Sunday 1'iililln I.etlf-er. letters
ilHcii.-liiar llmel) tenlrs will tie prlntril,
a h well iim required peeins. nnd que,
tlnntt of eincrnl Interest lvlll be answered.
Stere and Office Fkturat
Rolling Stere Ladder
claims he went ever said brMrs In an auto aute
truck and that It II a big draw bridge.
New, Philadelphia la my home town, al
though 't nm net no well acquainted there
nny mere, but 1 believe then men are mis
taken. Will you kindly Mtle thla arument
and jmfcllnh the correct ilerw In your Peo
ple's F.rum, statin whn thla brldne wns
built. If anyi hew fur north or south te It
t Market atreet, and any ether Information
ou may have about It, aa It It a new one en
rre, y
On of these men la a very Influential and
well-booked man, and I cannot dnre te con
tradict hlw but If I am wrens that l. If
there, 1 such n brld&r t want te knew all
about It, te wle up, as It were.
DAILY iu:ADnit.
Ksst IVlereburr. Pa., April 20, 1022.
Tha Pennsylvania 'Ilallrrmd beenn work
en ft brldre across the DelaM.ire Jtlvcr nn
Mnnh IS. LSI.-,, On October .10, ISO.'., rais
ing of the superilructurn wtin started, nnd
thla was nnlehed March 1, 18011. While thai
work was progressing- the necessary land
approaches were being prepared. The work
! far completed that en Minh 0. 1R0S,
less than ft year from the time It wis beirun,
a rwenger train containing; the president,
beard of directors and prominent executive
enicers of the Pennsylvania Itatlresd Com
pany passed eler the hrldse en a. tour rif In
spection. The brldee waa cpened for public traffic
Arm in, isec.
The Delaware Itlver Itallrnad nnd Bridge
Company's line extends a distance of eliclit
arm n nnir, nines rrem Frankford Junction.
The brldee Is for railroad trains exclusively,
no feet or vehicular traffic bIng- permitted.
Its location la approximately Ave miles
north of Market street. It starts nt Roxber Rexbor Roxbor
euch street. Brldcshurg. In Nerm Phlndel
Bhla, and Its terminus, Dclalr, N. J . Is
aneral miles north of Camden.
The Twentieth Century
Te the Kdlter e the Utentne Vublle Ledacr:
hr.. . . mJ'enal1 ,n one 'am bftve
" .j.n it i bill IVl II)IVI a i
for some time. We enjoy the paper as a I
whole, but I am Intnreeted In tlm ctirri.rr.iit
-. ... .,.,,lh ,i,B f,TRIVI 1'CllI IC j.EISiril !
We have been rfli,eiislne- tthtH. tr,. ar
In tl e nineteenth century or In the twcnt'etli
century. Would you be ae kind a te give,
Veur opinion? THE DLU13 BIRD.
Audubon. N. ,T.. April 26, 1022.
The twentieth century began January 1,
1001. Nineteen hundred yara had elapsed
at midnight December 81, 1000, since the
bcglnnfn of the Christian' era, and tbe nevr
cenlurjr then gUrUd wag tb twentieth.
Poems and Songs Desired
The Divine Afflatus
Art Wcelc Is stirring the muse, as tbe
follewine contributions te the People's Forum
I came out here te sstlrlze '
Upen cublstlc art.
But elnce l'e seen the azure fcklea
t cannot make the atart.
New leaves are glossy overhead.
The children laugh and sing.
Forgotten ts cublstlc art.
Fter, thatik the Iinl. 'tis aprlne'
riilladclphla, April 'JO, 1U22.
The sunlight played a trick the ether day
That outdid nny iwlntlnc.
Fer It touched
All In nn Instant
First a Judas tree.
Cerise bnlloe .,
And, then
The shell-pink ears of n white irrlr
Philadelphia. April 10, 1022.
-Your Old Furniture.
may bet
Pnlnterl and Decorated or Ttrflnlshed
In a delightfully antique way that
renders It far mere nttracthe than
the new, and at considerably loner
and at Sir afford. Pa.
5oefhinq ndHe&1inq
Fer5kin Disorders
Ensv tu Drie
T.esttul te Bide Irt
$2785 Delivered Philadelphia
Mionreom Open Kieninxs
4000 Square Feel
Storage Space
612-614 Chestnut
Freight Elevator
Immediate Occupancy
Mr. Dallas
I ,
1 ,
606 Chestnut Street
MAIN OrFICE ID b. Uth Mrect
41 te SI N.Hutchlmoe Street
MTLI 724.730 Ludlow Street
flaWL I ;pclat weekly rates t, twenty
'"VI dollars and upward, American
ST $ I tln. Itunnlne water. Polder
rAei.Ks Mratr. rABK. pa.
Desirable furnished summer cottages near
lake and golf course for rent bv the month
or reason. Write II. V. VKUIHI. Mgr.
On the "Ideal Tour"
Catering te a Discriminating Clientele.
Clelf, Tennis, Ileatlng, Canoeing,
Bathing, Fish In, Saddle Horses, Dancing
Attractive July and .Season Kates.
Cottages for rent, lloeklst sent en re
quest. New Yerk Office: Hetel Weylln,
Wth 8t. & Madisen Av, ftaxa. CWI.
J. Themas Russell, Prep.
Alse Hetel rtusaell, Saratoga, .Springs, N.Y.
lleth Hexes
Banks Busineas College
tlen te huslncsa men. They knew Its gradu
ates are specialists. D.iv hchoel Night
Hchoel. 1200 Walnut Street Philadelphia.
STRAYER'S Tl.',n'rr?iTVi?T h't"-
..,Hlen gvnran'd. EnUr new. nr or rrirkl.
Fer heys' a te IT rears of age.
An. 81. 27fl. Illustrated booklet
July 7 te
nn mnul.
n. n. nnxTON. de Neweii nt., eti
lM. W. V
-' - - -
Hread and Herki its. (1900 N.)
aoeo SEATS.
Heme of the Grace Baptist Church.
wm. Dyre MeCurdy. Associate Paater.
J. Marvin Hanna. Musical Director.
Frederick E. Htark". Organist.
Mr. Cenweli preaches 10. SO A. M. and
7:4.1 P. M. Temple Chorus sings both
services. Bible Hchoel. Jere L. Crease,
supt.. 2:30 P. at. Christian Endeavor at
7-00 P M
Church Prayer Meeting, Friday at S P. M.
Dr. Wilfred T Orenfeil Labrador Uncter
nnd missionary, will speak In t'ppcr Tem
pi". Mendaj, .May 1, at 8 IS P. il. F.veiy
body invited,
Nil th nnnual cnr.cert of the Temple Olee
Club Tuesday, May 2 at sir, P. it. Fer
ttaervatlnns, phet.e Diamond 0H.17.
rthlcal Secirty
n. StOXHTND SPAETH will speak en
'0Fi:itENCK. l,Vh ami Knee sts 11.40 '
Jane P. Itushmerf. lejider. Meeting for i
warship. Hi se VIlters i Itiime.
1 ..Mitit&EGmm
(JiMhrLiDEN Hetel
iiv,ri.n'i1nA'onen. J1"ntB0i"ery "'K." '""''IRiri .New Wk ,e. ut Bench. 100 rooms
..n..r ,,, a..", , ui vn lur nuiriiip r.cijr
PimV-WW.. "Pmlng.et 11 o'clock.
The Public is cnnllallv invltnil tn nttMld.
In thin old houe William l'enn worshiped
when In America.
.KCII hTUEKT (III KCII. iNth and Arch
NEV, D. D.. iftnlstei.
The Itev. Hi'gli L Heds. I). D., will
preach nt 10-l,1 A. M. and S P M. di-llht-savlntr
Te hrlp eetnt-rait the flood of imposture
nnd cjuackcry paiadlmc under th name of
religion and purporting te give certain
knewledge of thn llfe bvend the grae.
Dr. Macartney's sermon. "Wilt Theu Shew
endere te the Dead?" and tthlcli outlines
the Scriptural Intimations en this ureal
tfieme. has been rrtnt.il and will be dla-
trieuteq at tne fcervices tomorrow.
llread and Diamond sts.
lt.iv. WILLIAM L. MrCORMICIC. Paster.
Itev. SAMUEL It. CUBBY. Assistant.
hestlxsl et music.
Openlnc Pblledclphla Music Week.
Mcholan Duuty. tennr.
10 30 A. M. ".MuiKf. in th .anctuar -
- i i-. ii. haniMin .sciioel
7.4.1 P. it.- 'The .Ministry of
.mi pws rrec nt all spruces.
21st and Walnut sts.
, .MKisTErn,.:x'I,uu SI-C01-'" e
I P'a -Vnctell "HI Priach at 11 A. il and
2 i -;' Evening subject. "Supreslns
I ' O Oladome Light" . ... Rile
t.ed thit Mtdest ' Hank"
Jiirc I-t JIp Knew .Mine End '...Nnrrt-n
,,-Nunc Dlmittls Diuty
..A.,lnMJlrl,M' . Sternberg
' Twilight Miadnua ' . . ..Weed
Instrumental trle lnlln harp and ercan
hundcy Sthcul and Lllblu Class ut in
ci dm k.
')' ,"''l, fre ar the evening service
A cerrtlil wolieme at nil services.
Protestant EpUcepnl
i'lst and Christian sts
itev. uuenui; 11 tdep. Hecter
11 nn A. M. Hnly ('immunlen
le'JO . .M. Mernlne p-acr trmuii
th- rector.
'-' 30 P Jl Sunday school
T-00 P. AI Yeunir I'.iinlea ... ,. n
I lauue
1 n 'H) P. M. Sperlal evenliiT service n
iik'iuus 'ceminunltj Mm. Mermen b
the lecnir.
cill'Rdl OF ST. JUIK ASDTttKS.
Mlf. N AV. cer 11th .v.- va Vernen etc .
lt.n JatneH I'upn fiesi-cm llect.r
10 30 A. M Meinhnr 1'r.ur and Sennerv I
- .10 P. M I'htirrh Scheel
7.I.;P M llvciilint Service Rev. Jas
A WetBle. Preather I
i;vi UMiepv wi.-i -e.mi:
T. PKTI.K'il I III Itt 11 '
Third and Tine stn '
r..v. nuwAisu m jnrrnr.rp ,
5 T U I
7 30 A. M Hel Communion
11 On A. M Jlernlut! servke an I serin n
l the r"-lr. The eh. Ir wl'l f
"Ti IlJUm In I!" Parker
' -in. ion i .vij t-n.-pii.ru vii.ii .'ii
na P M ilrl; Krvl p hert .nidi. i .
'mil recital 1 tne tliun
' Av alee Vviil. "
'The l.nrd U Xlv sh til rd
Iemis t'ln.it N rti-en T h1-
He Sh ill 1 - .1 lis r.vrk
Mriv.r.111 n
(! 1 .1
H .ri.l I
1IK-T IMTUUAN rill'ItCH 2125 (.'best
It v 'l'nnni.'rticK it aiurns- Minister
11 v.. M Mr Onlf in vIM uieeeh. Hub
Ihci sli m r and "fonts of tin- 1'nlt.titim
r-iUIi '
i.MTitiA nnncii or fiKiniwrimv
(Ir.enn nt itid W I'll. It n live
!iim1rv Ai 1 I .10. in.".
Sonic nt II A M -flie M rlnei rtev
llOUi;r. i . I OlUlt.h will nrnch .-ub-
ieel 'Tin. It I.HI011 u' Jtui in l.lf.i and
l.if' s Ni'hU
n.H ill m l l n linne. i) I'hl udt uh ,1
AlUMe Welc
I hUV '1 Si hid 1 1 til' I'll -l lieu ) Ml
mi Jieui .VII are nwtel
1;,V.?"."!e Huuve A Inilniv denning t'11.
tt IJ1U 1 illirrt M, l.ecrit 013 p
ft Jehn S. Trower's Sens
J rTr-nvnCi-.,, V e i rh-l'n Av.
We lire extending uiir 1J.1JI7
hihI Sunil ij delivery te
.NORTH I'HII.A.. I.(K1.N Und
Fancy Cakes
"Ne Se.ath in Sink"
"Positive Shut Off"
Name "SAVILL" en Faucet
"Aak Yuur I'lmnber"
Tborea 4viir Sen. Mfr.
lUaVU.IX Wailaaa K. t Uaa.
Ice Crtam '
- I
mi r 1
7snrwvr-w Kmmcrr
itfwrasW' ,r.
WATW'K' '"
MtAKTiQ 'ttTV. N. .
f ''('l,.!
fjOMrear wnaetrr rtrava4
Kentucky Ave, adjacent te Beach, Bcwh (ta
ana ana rejiurnisneas near nepers, MreTjaSf '
nd placn of amusement) all outside ckMsBJI .
rooms, comfortably fnrnlihedi leetrte MM ,
purenrs, sun parier, elevator; net ana eeag ,,; . j,!
IBB UflTCB ! rWEBV asaaaBBBl -. ,
mmnntnm nnis.it in . sivwist V.H
Families accommodated. TratiMa au4wfaj','
hotel at most reasonable rates. tl.BO p aMV
See as fcetera sasklal reserTatleaa, nf J ,r
Unrrrr LMCAU
Michigan Ave. near Beach and Boardwalk-
Atlantic city s most Ijesulttel hotel seetH
Newly FurnNhed, Prlva'e Baths, F.leetrle Malta
Elevator Srrvlc". Eu,trean Plan, t2M p.
umiu. einaia itoema. iiw Der uay. . i.
. ; r
Exrels n Cninfert, Service unit Culslae) ,
Kentucky av. nr. beach Atlantic Clty'a fin
em. InrRet and meet popular moderate-rat
'mtnl. 3 .".0 ut dly.. specl.il tvkty. Am. plan.
l'rlv, baths, elevator, orchestra, dnnclnif,
' bklt. Ownership mmt. Fetter A Iletllnger,
. Meft select, beautiful, homelike, sonny ocean risen
100 rooms with het and cold running wster; bridal salaeai
KrivKiv inn puduc Dims, urenesira. nsnring, sen pi
irs. eonMrvstery, gsrsife, golf privllfRes. Persei
ownership direction assures and gusrsntece eatlsfi
tlen. Bpedal HDlinr rates. 122 te week un. Amed
nenaeriui mesis llluHAS M. U'lKlan
'There's Comfert In T.vrrr t'ernar'
.00 Units- Weekly CfJM
J maralwtanaalBa PI Ml V B
t EIvBter te itrect. VArxtricHf and phen In all fffOM.
, CK ' "'," !n.'Kr'."",. BKrAVSfSSHBt
' -" -- .. .r.nn...
I AV M. - m ..k...
Impttnm as a
t-t t.cding fiO.oeo HOT and COLD
Gelf BrlrUeaes. lledsrata rataa. blnslnsi Ha.
mmtm UHUI at ST1I4KH, I
On Ocean front at Mentpeller ave.. aW
open, nuues wiin nam. running water an
roems: elevater: Spring rates $4 day up, 124
up nreekly. Amer. plan. If. M. rtEEVgB.
Virginia ae. & Beach, net Celd nuniM
water. Prlv. hatha. Rates 14 day up. Spaa,
wkly. Cap. 600. Pklt. Orcb. O. D. Painter.
"World's Greatest Hetel Succtst
Tennessee ne. nr. Beach. Europ. plan, out
side rein. Running water. MBS. E. OUNTJEH.
ax lli ninnlnr unter. XI in (lev mi
, D A Kirr- Inroef?! leXiViir. lfra
t'nder New Management.
Alwajs open, iihuj3 reudy. terms moderate.
Write or phone it. WALSH DUNCAN.
Hetel Boscobel Kentucky Av. nr.
neici eukuuci Excellent tab!
Wkly. rates, $18 up. Ph. 117.A. E. MARION
RAVFNROYD 'nel.i Ae. & Boardwalk,
nnvcimuiu J( lUy up. ,.,. wtrUi up
with incaN Ph sons w. Isaac Bewrr.
MARTINIOUE Kentucky Ae. Hoard Heard
iimiuinivut v.aUc Europ,an piaB,
tl .'0 up dally. Cafe and restaurant attached.
CHESTER INN New Tork Avfc n
tnLJ " lnn besch. American
plan. All conveniences. MRS. P. KNAUER.
Wfs.hninrpr Kentucky Axe. nr. Beach.
YYODnlMifj ,'ievnter: private baths.-rnnnlnL-
wnter Op"n all r-nr A. V. KOPP
New Clarien Kentucky Ave. lust WaT,
1,ew v,arK,nneardwlk H. K. lienlface'
CUrk'i Cruises by C. P. R. Steimaxi '
CLARK'S 3rd CRUISE, JAN. 23, 1921
By the SptetaUy Chartsred Saptrb C. P. R.
Is. MEiaprMef France" 1I.4S1 crMatew
A letilM ptlice for the whole trip. Rentta
New Yerk, Panama, Ssa Frsncisee, Hen-.
lalu, 14 days la Japan, Chins, Manila, Java,
Blnltpere, Barmsb, Option el 19 days la
India, Ceylon, 4 daya in Caire, Naples,
Havre, Southampton! (step ev-cril Qeebet)
Ry. le Menrretl sad Nenr Yerk.
4 MONTHS, $1,000 and up
Iaeladlng Hotels, Drives, Guldss, Fee, ata. .
CLARK'S 19th CRUISE, FEB. 3, 1923
.. By Specially Chartered, Sumptuous S. S.
BMPKBSS of SCOTLAND" oil burner, 25,000
C toot 65 DAY1 CRUISI, $600 and ap 1 19 day
B rpt and Palestinei Spain. Italy, Greece, Ma.
EUROrS PmsIeq Play Tours, J400 up.
lt.irtlet Teuri Ce. iiUU (5. lUtb St.
Olilesuie, IUoeurl & Ueard. 1116 Walaal
Before Sailing
writi :
Londen & North Western IUiirav7f
2C0-I Fifth Atomic,
New Yerk ( it j ,
Fer Frie Travel Information icd ituictivs feliiet
Charm of England
This (elder has been especially pre
pired ler Amencin visitor-, te Great
Britain. 1 1 contains a wealth ei ia(or ia(er ia(or
raatien which will ass st in urrany
leg itin-jranes te include many
points e( historical and educational
interest, including ShaVespeare's,
Burns and Washington's Country,
the Lrlish, Scottish and Irish
Lakes, North Wales, etc
RAILWAY it tha premier reula far
flrarel la Gihi Brilaia.
offers three exceptional tours
including all expenses
.",.' ill), from pert tn pert
riiitenu I'etintrv, I'jrenees nivlera,
Alps. Jum Alfaee I.errnlne llnttlelleldn.
rir't-Clee Travel Throuvheut.
r n'n, at present rute about tl 11,00
lly Hull nml Aute
Hdlniiii lulv let returning "Pl t '
l'i, 71011 plus I21! eenan fnie.. Total
nt pretent ratu ubuut 111 01,00.
,evetitv-'wu diiye ImludliiK lx vveeUa'
Hpecel Hummer I'uiirre nt I'leneli I'lil-
vcrlty und nuineieua excuralena hy tall
uml auto
Tre. I3C1 il'J t2!.' ncmn fureH,
Tiitnl 11 1 preeent ixciiniiBe nbiut il,"i0.nu,
Hull! inmti-il In fi..i'iH le ulvr ,veu Hie
fiill liviirllt tf ll'ii I'viliiuiitr.
'iiifraiiu and Pa lltnlum jrunt
-.'81 tilth Avenue 11 1 3lh rHrtel, .
-'. new lern.
, JtJ . ,. - wlfe
Ickta fed
0 . lifjS
- ?ifl
. M
. Mm
JIM. 1
.., . . , r::mm
j ffi! 1 V? v
s.1 a
Si: VUUAyvavir.ftv:y,3rTr!fi.JaiV
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