4'COTl '-.','" .v "'.. ...- ...... ...MZILi-Ljl wsm MiawW AMJ-.fi' aaaam '.B1Wi' J .eusIiiTWI ISiis IIP spp MNHPWPwnBHi. p ii i f : . .: ... . ..-.. . i - ..,..! . ..... - . - . --.-.. . . .Z3l2, - TKSS .Ti'niiTi tf.vnfti cv."." K'fla ??E &$mm a 1 $ M IjjGiIb ettBhkaaaaBBBaBBm iiiK'' JwluKu aTaBBBhaaaaa Ani1' v l 'yJi VjiiiB . LWW-lmM IMK MWMMEJl 1r?snwMtSra if mi7wrst,c;fcKiAVi r. .4?S2aaHa JJBBBBa'Y. I Ba .-'.il IKK . TtJL' ' IJT J! mUVIPM' C.l'r .., LV.''t wk;$mte8 !iHiff. .,:jw KyWURMtfYM $ Sr'ft3s j, 1 'tr WHi .aaBBPaaaMaBBB'B IHiflI.'fm PSMnfidi ayk-JM pongee, white 'and .." . . - - ' - - ' UL v;;:;MntrtliTkreuble;Vu8ully;Buch quality, fi half again I XXrriW-rtrtlre TOyvvzrtv Cteif M lanr Crf ft, W5WM t tJ W.2WH&V2 .aMs&L.Wrarffl V aaa aaafaaV f Y'aaaaaaaaa MsMrm4m'lMk flv' w '' vPVfI m vi i :.m Hr l RW,M Kwrl'JSsvii ."V.""?'" a AiV 'M ( Hr.i...i hiMtniiiB.'!vpn ""ivreWir. IfeidrtmdnM BffiEjftS1- RiaBt2SEJgSa SSisgS i '!' -) " 'niMniinrr t rrnninr- !aWSaSviJ metincemr thM tri'LnnnieSirit :tftaV'rtMi no ,n!v- tnAi,i'-Mamnrini StVJhtt.t ed net 'ittlril the', upper half , tntt l?:vTij' nw iJrHlWinwiTe'Y.,ss. ittMet,,6 rthe'.upp quallUtes ilf'mbtdM T .t.i.. lr ffl i eansnip,,"." "j.v .. the ttit. ' ir-I..i.iri i'. v i-". m m Gl U "BTB C Priced . v ' ,-w. v r: -", Hen ,w s-rt. in-' tha'. tinner n "?' ij. ...iiitea nf eeuraie S it! : mm iibs !... , -- RSV-BWWffiK SeORcd Wtntf,MnnweU., SrVn aO&I RY TROOPS MEET WTr.T522aSSJ.nl-1 erecede the '.JL.Ut.,1 ;nole match between the STndSicbnd' Troops eli the city i ft"?-,?? c'ifAr. nlaee'tenJrht fKaaMn amery, at OJhtrty-third Prk Proceeds of the affair wlU go te- mrftz&sm i 'airman et we wpulit'j'V'V' rrtted thtajntertroep pole match. j eV : V" v.fes M&l-gfai!.&- ..rfl?lir:a."Sl,' Iffhti tiDi 'anil'heala he, little Jreund-padt for a flrMsure tread. Childkn 8 Barefdet Sandal and Play- ' . v Of : 'are,ln(ahwi . . : '". i Oxfords Arrive' , y durable quality with thick welted wa&y 8 at2; 84 te 11, $2.60, andllH te 2 at $3 (epiMtast) , ii J - Ifti A Hahuhemmth Uphettered Backs, Special at $16.50 at -,The flneifceuch hammocks at $16.60. that we've ever had or hope te hal this season. Great; thick backs and thick box bex edtre'd mattreeli are button-tufted by hand. Each hammock has'' a'magaiirie pdet. ' All four chains' reach down te the springs, for 'safety; Inlray or khaki and just 26 of them, se' wise oeenle will come learls' rA ' " " . f,i 20 Other lad of Hammocks, All Made EMMtiklly ' ; for i Us, at 910 te 30 l -?- (Central and Cheitant) ' . . flowers a $2.26 hlnimatY and thd amhrnlifarv kn mp.kiH' Are Hmu' antlmlv hv" hanrf. 7Vwwrw .. wV w.... -- - - -- --W . - - f . Beautifully made, tee, with shoulders tliat "fit-well," loose turn-back , eiiffa that fit snugly, etc. ',-i ' ,iJ5 .'. ' '..., At.ZO. with flletfdging. r.T w ' A JV uiimb uiuucm iwifcy -wii.il - raver ran ceiiara or "1 ' batiste with roll and Tuxedo cellars. trimmed with wide, baby Irish or filet lace. v.?'lv ' At $3.26, fine French voile" is 'elaborate with lace, and at $4.25' it charming dimity has Irish picbt trimming .Peter Pan cellar and cuffs. ' -At.$5,M' ..... A very elaborate French voile Weus has wide' Irish lace around the roll cellar apd cuffs'. , , - ' ,- A crepe de chine overbleuse has a (Peter 'Pan cellar and ties in. ' baWs with sash.' In pink and white. l v ' ' . . A Georgette crepe overbleuse in pink or white is trimmed with much real filet lace. , Fresh Dimity Bleiues, $1.65 and $2.25 . . i'JSK ." tjrl2" lidth,Per F.an ce,lar a edged with plcet er little?frills; one has the popular double Peter'Pan cellar. (These are net hand made.)' , if . ,.' )" Hak.t) A Gingham Heuse " Frecks, $1.50 r -Yes, gingham frocks In fresh colorings, prettily made and ..ready (te give long service all for only $1.50. Most women 'will 'buy them in twos and threes. . .A11 ' are In straight-line or jBillie Burke style, trimmed with cellars ana cuns 01 wniie pique ' or contrasting material. Regular Sizes , In plain pink, blue, gray or 'green chambray. ' ., In two-tone', checks. In blue, pink, green, gray or , lavender stripes. f. Qi-mm Atl K9. "t In plain gray, blue or lavender . chambray. ' In stripes of lavender, blue, gray or pink. ft Tea Aprons Half Price 25c, 50c Crisp, dainty little ruffled ', aprons of lawn, dotted Swiss and novelty white materials. (Central) -Ul -aaaaaaafc jft-Sf fiVPl bbbbbK V 2lbbbbbbbbbKiS W&fZpZzrTlJZJ 4. L aaaaaaaaayTijaaaaaT liaVA jK.iL ' iaaaaaaaaaaT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBawHacW'-?i!!aBBMaaBBBBBBBV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaRr7w'lNSBaOBBBBBBBBBV t4 HqP. ALUMNI JO MEET limiirLf Clubs,Fprmed In Seuth a'TJe Gather at Capital' ' I' A, eim&ence et clubs erg anUed .from gJP'the University .erPnnsy. Jaaiiita 'the Southeastern States Will ilSCaub, of Washington. ; One of 2?abieics ottbeeonferenco is a dla dla SJEIieninnK" far nreserrtiMC the Utten of the Associated Penn MClubs and of methods for .or-, the unit, societies. . . - &w&&rs Sv '85; Judge Oscar LesserOl; Kdit HUilcs, 07; Senater Geerge Reverlible Chenille Rugs for Behroems and Bathrooms ' -! J s.' '.V Half Pttce J an h Drf .T. Nerman r -pu,' president, et the General .hZiu h dMecatss- from secle- Id Virginia, North Qajrell ifcrLIlaU, illSpclc rd, will i Virglr Fnn, G KimaaMaryland.v.Vesti ylrg'nia. v Iveana(the District of Columbia. EF HAD GOOD TASTE TSCT-J' ,m v.a alarntJur from Ji7.vnT.inU 'North Carolina. Seuth SlUf 1HB"I . I". . ,Vt"ila. lCateUna',1. Georgia. Louisiana, m: lSZ.riif.rrinnH:u WeBti Virginia, Dela .1 I'v iiii.-. aanr i r . vlAWcrt. ' Jelry In West::Wynne. ' "lcd .Heme-Takes -est a,,teeaK tmer, sxoie gw wwiw ttth? at 600 West Wynne weed- read', uutlme eany ibbi cteuiub. air. I Mrs7Smitb had left the house,' and vswi RnmiL 'uiuii vi a.awaa nut H o'clock Mr. Smith went, te. UeluCDv ,auu uuvilu u wiuuuw v',.nn tn Harerferd avenue was iTT'TT theuaht nothing of it. until ITiriu reported that the -upper' floors ttatheuse had been ransacked. . ;.0ly;,the geed Jewelry Wttitrtehj. inter navina aerieu out arucica . vi I'valjie, leavtng them ehbid.-ft 24x36 techeJ. ..$1.60 24x48mchW.i.:$2.10 27x64inche4..$2.75 . 30 z 60 inchee ..... $3.35 36x72mchee $4.50 ' ,,xSeftest', pretest jugs one would Iwant le see! Being re-. 'Versible.V there practically two rugs in "one,-and one can ' chantre one's req decoration ey merely turning the, rusts ever. Resegreeni bm, lavender tan, black-and-white y and. varieusS r-cotiAinatiens aaithih. M there awivanylfirier-chenille batli ' B rasa maee, w uv;ajeuw, muvuuvuii-fLiaugrmiBJ.'emit,- erim new rwer nugs Seme shew'w woven all-ever patterns. Others have woven border desiirns. stripes or plain ' 36 till ethers' with stenciled borders have woven iters. Blue, rose, soft array, brown, etc. 'e oil ff 72 inches, $2.25 and $2.50 4.C 7.6 feet, $4.75 and $5 6 3 feet, $8 and $8.50 8.: 10.6 feet, $12 and $13 9 : 2 feet, $12.50 and $14 ' (Cheitnat) ' linen Toweling ' ;2pcjja)rdt, Red-bordered toweling, 164 inches wide. ' , (Central) . ,, : uj - i k. Pillow Cases. 25c Firm, fully bleached muslin cases, .42x86 inches in size. ' 'fl,4ixjnch eie; abc:; :( .; w v'k.SheeU.atftBc,'.. "', '81x90 inches, seamed and firmly 'Wrwesfwv'V ' '"& fat, '-' 'V 1"?-. deamlets eheeu, 1 81x80 inches- aiid ..sturdy and durable. (Central) J Unbleached Muslin of Geed Quality, $6 Inches lWide,ati2i2cYard " (Central) iVj- Best Nightgowns at $1 That We've Had in Years -t.-V?0jtTh,Je nteriais -of 'sheer or medium weight with bindings of 5 w.5inhamiSrf ,avender, pink; blue or orange. Alse with pink or,bluefeather-stItching-er laces." -.. a-1!!! f r-epe n&fa!!im Printed with bluebirds Pink nainsoek i r ii tiwuwu aim lace. 1 i ' Enveloee Chemises. ASe Sheer pink n'es have lace tops' and ribbon shoulder straps. 'I JmT u ei.pm ,ny or cress-Dar nainsoek, are trimmed back and .frentiWith pretty laces! VfhtwJn&irinoelc' rhernBTA fAdflin.iSfAj':- :i. ii.. .53tSL3i .8te.a5? trimm?d wlth c?lered French knots- :, And What Charming Things at 50c! -khotslfe?50c;Pretty enyeIepe chemise with a shirred top and French sfiSm,"I th 'embroidery and lace back and front for 50c. .p4 Cl0rCd bUttCrflieS .- Pink bloomers, cut full and hnnd embroidered, for 50c. Pink Bleemers, 35c Crepe-like material with elastic and ruffles at the knees. - - j - (Central) Silk Nightgowns, $2.85 ' Lewest price we've ever heard of for such pretty nightgowns.' Of pink crepe de chine trimmed with lace and two-tone ribbon. Or in-, pink, light blue, honey 'dew or, lavender in a tailored style. Exquisite Loveliness $3.85 and $5 Pink crepe de chine nightgowns with wide bands ever the shoulders,, lace or touches of two-tone ribbon. Butterflies of lace and medallions of Georgette adorn ethers. Silk Envelope Chemises; $2.50 Pink, fresh and ever se charming. Some are very lacy and have ribbon shoulder stmps; ethers are mere tailored. Striped' Tub Silk Sets Vests and step-in drawers are edged with deep points and show gleaming satin stripes. In pink 'or white at ?2 the garment. (Central) " . . Bandeaux and Brassieres Special at 25c Twelve models nt this low price. All ar,e of geed materials brocades, meshes, dotted materials, whit-j muslins with embroidery, etc Therd are models suitable for' women of all types. At 50c ' Special pink brocade bandeaux arc in two models. " A strong white brassiere is trimmed with lace and has a rather) t high V'riecfc , j Corsets at $1.25 j White ceutil corsets are in sizes for average te stout figures. ; Elastic Girdles. $1.50 and $2 ' , Many models some all-elastic, some combined with ceutil " or, i broche, some long and some merely hip cenfincrs all specially priced. . 10 Medels in Corsets at $2 and $2.50 Wide cheesing in corsets for slight te stout figures ceutils and breches. ' (Central) EUileenris Notebook I I I'. n. V3 By Paptx ,' t If ' :J ,The Park Ave. News i - wearner. uoea. laLL.l. n..i. cti'L.t. tA mam klUlbetween 2 red-heddedklds;Wens-. it amrnoen because aiary vatnins ltd him te, and his nose, la still; sere td hVsavB he tvmildent trr.lt acen' no tter wlin asked him. . t hWislety. Mr.vBJd Hunts' unelesmt Wteia. taller te have a stilt -made tq w rer a eertnaay present, ana c no I ta'ee 3 times allteMthef.. once te i.ifteziurcd and twice te have It fitted nit came, belnc a nrittv reed of m tni: suit but Mr. Sid Hunt says' It Urn. like a lady, and last Thursday suit fit rite, i Wv ' Pome by Skinny Martin Ki grate sensation te coast en a hike. twatchlna- a fire is slick. Ijtte hlte of pure lnjeyment ' kuellnv lemmlna' thren a lemmin B'3r:;tick. fWtrirttng Faeks About Intrtsting ; :Ham cresses baby sister Udeen enlzM her bottle new but still leeks pas if be was a.parieck stranger rer saw before, seheld Hints. The best treat- .for suddln stanes en the table Quick slide a nlate ever them. erary Notes, lierey Shoester Is Ins', of writing a book, all ha la png for belnf a subleck. v I '" - ' (WHAT DOM BOCAT kaTT.' asiy no writer or (perta 'baa a rltav at aaert. 'haa 'a aaa. fund of tiMritan upon wkloaite draw "n. n. necap, aperu wouqr.er.iB. Lna. Saad wtiat Reeaa kul. 't&niitkirfi. ,." aev. OAMER Power 8 Klaaanp ipe4 Kit iri-59i f remr M1 -iPE?n?blUtir Pqraall laa ueuvarad Fh wanrreem Ovea Iphla ' ' ' " ' "ea'iMia'' ' "' aaalr aaawfla-. aaBBBBBaaBBBBalVBBBBBsaaaU . lraJia LTVaT'flMnaOf C aBaHsmlHaBBaBBl rVD faaEl -fHr.nUCl W J iMBWmB&XwjyijXfy A. ' ''laBVaBamnlamamamaaBI saBaWij' lHIiz EawCrltaaK rVaamamYaamamaalBaBlll.KBVL HgtjiW ISbm' (flV " laaaHalBlBlBllH aBBaWCjOtSWAHaf. If HaBBaBaBaaBBaHaBJaBaBaflBaUInYBJ!atV M ' f aaaaBUIllHfe I M i.1 )UHEtCTri a ' J&i .'". '$ BBBBBaVaSiBBBBBalBartnaar Ml c HaBVaBaBBBBBBn H P5 tU Baaaaaamwl'W ' T VH 1 AL-W faMaZj :a irtrt . ' mmmi i ; ' i ! ia . i, i LM Wti IIJ fll IV JS aUVIIIIIataV,'! V ; iJIMigl':H ailV''-A TJm TtWanl-IIIIIVaafi. I A J. , !i1K 'tmBaaUM fllSls.N AK I iaIB1i H'SBl , AV 1 Hilfll JOm IB!' mm ir . . rTOB w. f l ISf.t.Ti .Mil 'Ifl'liil . A II ' "- iaamaliaa 1 BS'SB I 1 HP '"tW Pi. 11'-' fy $ie w I ( ( 7.50 J i i I Jc V D A iPl ' $20 $23.50 ijj SB If WBBBBBW aTBF 1 A r a J- w ir - -T " I II scinating Frecks Lew Priced Silk Dresses at $7 M and $10 (A Third te a Half Less) Just 40 of the $7.50. dresses and-all of taffeta in navy blue, or black. .Four different styles, trimmed with tan embroidery,' with corded overskirts or scalloping edged with silver tinsel. '- SID 'dresses 'are of, navy and brown taffeta, navy,, brown, .black or henna tricelette (fiber'sllk), or navy, black or rose crepejde chine, tudked ,or embroidered. - ., ' ,..' Sample Dresses, $1650 Hardly two alike and every one a gem. ,r , . Of Russian crepe' in 'exquisite colorings; of henna Canten em y broidered in blue'; of petunia Georgette crepe; of white, pongee, some with' colored ceatees; of foulard, printed crepe and. -white crepe de .Ll.f Vf Aai1aa las aaAaafaaaa aa a aalawMM 0mm . !(. aaal a. afj.aia.fa.nl itin trinffte ' j f -';it; ing choice. Informal Dirmer Gowns, $20 Of cobwebby radium lace in black' or brown or 'Canten crepe,' made in,several ways, in 'flame, vhite, jade or, orange.. , Summery Things at $23.50 te $28-50 Sale of Uncommonly Beautiful New Wraps and Capes $10, $18.75, $22.50, $25 1 Savings of $8.50 te $25 Decidedly the best values that we have seen this season in fashionable wraps and capes. Plenty of light-weight capes' of silk, as well as unusually lovely things of Peiret twill, tricetine and soft, luxurious belivias and kindred fabrics. Seft Georgette crepe edgqd with heavy white .beads forms an overdress for frocks of printed silk crepeVjade,; Copenhagen and apricetv ?.28.6p. ., Veya . Delmans and Capes, $18. 75 A wide variety many being samples. They're of tricetine, Peiret twill and heavy satin made In the most interesting ways and lined with polka-dotted foulard, soft, rich charmeuse, pcau dc cygne or changeable silk. Seme are heavily fringed or embroidered. Of especial interest te elder women are the loose, straight coats of steel gray charmeuse with changeable silk linings. Fringed Sleeves, Meire Linings, BeautiM Materials, $22.50 Capes With Sweeping Lines at $10 Unlined capes in tan, navy, reindeer, Copenhagen, dark wis taria and Sorrento, every one of excellent material Peiret twill, tricetine, velour or illama cloth. "X A Snorts frocks' of Russian r Cleselv woven Peiret twill of the Grade usuallv found enlv in crepe in vivid Colorings show. very expensive wraps is among these, as well as tricetine and soft alalia nilla a.aa JaaU JtA W . 1 1 aaa aa jafakAla flMlia Va J HnllMnna llllia f flllAtv alaane Lta. 1I.ini Seme are adorned with em- I of self-stitchery and silk tassels are used for trimming. Lined with breidery ,deiiev-in White "wool I contrasting peau de cygne or moire antique. or in silk of Bulgarian colors $23.50'. ,v" Seft frocks of white cjg flesh-pink Georgette wiM white bead fringe. $25. Printed crepe, dresses iir white grounds with tiny de- r sierns in blue' or black are 1 trimmed; with' black, picot ribpen. and are copies or a much mere expensive model. ,$27.60. ,, ., Lacy dinner dresses of White, flesh, tan, yellow, peach or jade Georgette are the softest, loveliest things imaginable. They're adorned with very soft silk lace or with embroidered filet "mean I regularly be marked twicMs mucn. '; used in wideband: 828.50,- lff "" ' t ' ?) ," "' riiaaPi'PB6aaaaaaBtt--i. ' '' ' ....aaiaf SgjL, Mfe. atatfVaS-lK fP JmiiwmfJi im Kak v ;,-!.'' iHivi vvjvu' . kmmsmmm -aBaaaVm. Loveliest of All Capes and Wraps at $25 Black Canten crepe with cellars of PersWina and lining, of gray mahogany or cornflewercrepo de chine. '' k ' Very fine novelty belivia.capesjtspif-sMtched-in big squares and lined with moire aijtlque-'er' peatf de. cygne mouse gray and the fashionable brewn'.and.tan shades; " ' Tricetine ad'.pirVtwillwfaps heavily fringed or scalloped and lined. wtyh grayl. cornflower br terra' cotta crepe de chine or peau 4 cygne'. ," 'iV. , tv;. , ,,. , . .1 " Black Biikpepilnyccttlinedwith7 color. Black' moire of; lussialiycr'epe capes with cellars of Pbr'slanna and linings of sk repe.vr ? M-. , 1 - ','" J Peiret twill' coats wIthwight:cellara. and cuffs of duvetvne.- Alse some very , handseme8atnnl6 wraps, all of which .would M s? - - vV -flrr. ' "!&$ 1 -w . .1? iM dmm .a' - ir 111 ' T 'i, WOl ry-1,i&?im ' ? : T&mffflm ii its. t.tfe , Aa smsm l i H.. i . i -M.MlMa.aaftaaa-Mwi .' T ,i j , i isi-aaaaeJaawaa-aalil m zwwy'' k'lf-i.V vCj'T", mmT!uMSM iZiJi l - . ..T t ,. mtMmibtim ,.fr.Jfi.Tr..w;'''J w i.i :7i. r j a un . uih a mi a.a r. vrai " "-"- "- iiTi..miuMi .taa .jaaAtavn afJSJllll laaliaal aaaaaaaaaaaaal llvtl '"te "1 . T- ' wmmm$ Mm ' - ;;.;