3TTO?'T ' t r" n'BBK.TJTl. . 'K .' TSJi'''"5 W rgglS B? w (''" Ft (-' LV.wwi Asasaanr FV.frii mm. &umgmw' mmm$mimi&mnk WA4mWratly.' iJWW'lt.'inyMW V? r lS VICTOII IN CbUilT fftttiVV ,'ti4.51 ;m! iW r,te Af.. &' tl.VJ'ut. SV!. " cvsr", ;i$ftf r,wi W '5i .Q.. ..:.- ! Bm.- Ilrjr'Yerk, April 8. The Pehiwjl- t aaht. Kallread Is Trillin at nit times .Hte.aaHle by the decisions 01 tne ecu wu , ,ijoer ueara .acting under the rtatien Act "when its m .V." i fmSmm s .i. "iK"i' n-K tf $K ,-'-. f.l l w ' ' r. ' '".. CHILDREN 'm WCK Evening Public Ledger Arranges for Sells-FloteShows te Gink Free Performance Wednesday in Courtyard of,' ,, Children's Homeopathic ( .' f -nr- I ' Federal' Trannperti rtarlaleM' are laal It.reaerTe the right, however, te nuMtinn the beard' deolnlens when JV .. ?. At A 1.1. il. akltMlnltMttlUA :fc, l JWd, Judge O. B. nelwrraan, general l,t,CtBMI; of tne rennviynma eu, LWd'the Academy of Political Science at Its nenu-nnnuni rauu mu ' Ike' Pennsylvania empleye, through tklr own organisatien, nrc in clone re-operation with the management and have a Telce ,ln the administration of "i matter affecting tneir wennre ureuiii I delegates actually empleye of the read, y sail -judge neisermnn. pleyea sought, however, te negotiate rules and working conditions through 'the shop crafts labor organisatien, the management refused te sanction such procedure and carried the matter te the courts. ....... , ''The court decided that 'the ap pointment or method of election of ..reaterees tinder, Section 301 (of the Transportation Act) was net one of 'the functions delegated te the beard, " said the speaker, " 'and therefore it had net the right te make the rcgu- nations provided for in Decision Ne. 2 V -and it expressed the 'opinion that the purpose of Section 301 was te lenve J te the carrier and Its empleyes full I liberty te get together in their own J "As in the past, se, in the future the Pennsylvania Railroad System will I subject Itself te the jurisdiction of the beard in strict conrermuy te tne terms of' the act, and It' will abide by the beard's decisions unless they be of such a character as will necessitate or jus tify an appeal by the company in an orderly manner te the courts or te the; bar of public opinion. This privi lege is enjoyed alike by all carriers and their empleyes." A VPrbf. Frank H. Dixen, of Princeton University, who also spoke, after sum marising the main previsions of the Act of 1020 relating te labor, discussed J the. responsibilities of the Laber Beard i and the statutory previsions contrelllsg tee beard in the determination of what constitute a reasonable wage. lie took the' position that) generally speaking, the fair wage must be found without reference no the ability of the carrier te, pay; .that wages must precede rates ana net be dependent upon them. Ju turns were is n quiCK reuueuen in .railroad freight rates te "about pre war levels," or the prices of agricul tural products increase sufficiently te equal, the rate advance, there will be "profound readjustments" in agricul tural production, involving readjust ments in Industry as well, Secretary Wallace, of the Agricultural Depart ment, declared in an address tednv h. 5 fore the New Yerk Academy of Peliti- cat- Sciences. , I The "blighting effect" upon ngricul- tur of the present, increased level of ; ireignt rates, the Secretary said,, 'fcan (hardly be comprehended." ' f vrcii. ireigui rates impose a' tax Withe farmer of the Mirnlus. preduc ing States, Mr. Wallace said, which; ou ineviiaeir reduce sninmentu nf F - m . .. - , cwrac grains ana nay te tne East, and ,that already is causing the fruit and IJuca growers of the Far West and (Southwest te turn te water transpor tation and the wheat growers of the West te use the shorter .haul te water t for expert grain. COURT RULES BOARD'S DECISIONS BINDING Chicago, April US. .(liy A. P.) United .States llailread Laber Heard de cisions me binding as law and can be enforced in the courts, according te a ilcslslen of the Supreme Court of Mis Klisippl received hy the lnber beard today. The, Mississippi Court's decision is I opposed te the popular conception that ' the beard's dui-ilens can be enfnreed I e.iiy by public opinion and te a recent owsien by Federal Judge Page, of t lilrase, who ruled that, unlesNthepar- ' jt.wi te tlie controversy ncrced te n1 J :iiw HUomtKsien te the beard, the beard ; 1 :i no power te rule en n case excent ' wn-n commerce was likely te be bin- dsii'.l, and who alfe ruled that the i b.janl acted only in nn advisory ca polity In ma'dng decisions. The circus is cemln' the, circus !f cemln' and childish hearts are filled with .glee. Is there, anyone, no matter hew old or grouchy. who cannot re member with what joy he first viewed the vivid, glaring pesters which sprang up all ever the town? After weeks of cajer. anticipation,. and what (teemed years of waiting, the big show Anally came, with a blare of trumpets and the noise of the funny old calliope. Seme of the happiness which la al ways brought te the youngsters of the town Is going te be carried te the Children's Homeopathic Hospital at Franklin and Thompson streets. The Evxrike Public Lkdeeh has ar ranged te have the Sells-Flete Circus give n free performance nt the hos pital for these who nrc crippled and HI, and unable te get from the hospital even te view the parade. Sitting upright in his tiny bed today wa( a red-haired' freckle-faced boy who wiggled his tees under the covers Win shyly lisped that his name was Lee Henry. But when he learned he was te hear stories of wondrous stunts, he ventured te move about the bed and turn a pair of mischievous blue, eyes en the visitor who told of the coming event. He thinks that he is a very big man. in that once he saw a real circus parade, lint the thought of seeing the funny clowns face te face makes him feel as though he wants te be one of these very clowns. Furthermore, he uas quite decided te have an elephant all or his own, te sit en his bed and de tricks, when It pleases the Binall master te put him through them. It may even be a pink elephant. Who knows? Farther down the room,- still, smaller, In his snowy white bed, was aiwrteas faced young man, who declared hi name te bePeter. He mlghtfhave anJ ether name, but was blissfully ujcon ujcen ujcon scleus of the fact, except, that his father' name Is Geerge. Se , we 11 have te call him Peter Geerge, which, is qulte a name for hl four or flye years. Last year "Geerge" held 'Peter in his arms, and as the barc-back rldln ladles and the renrln' Hens-paced In the cages drawn by prancing- horse he clapped his small hand with, glee and wished wistfully that he might fellow after them te sec all that wa te be Life held nothing sweeter for him when he was told that within less tffan a week all. the mysteries would be re vealed right' before .his wondering eyes. The little glrW were rqunlly In terested' in the premised event.. Katie Welntrnub. curled up in the corner. of her crib, showed dimples In soft little ni,..i u oho' llvhtlr clutched her chubby little tees with her tiny baby fingers. Ah she shook , her . head a wealth of black curls showered about her shoulders, and se overwhelmed was she with the news that words quite failed her. The ' performance will be given Wednesday morning in the courtyard of the hospital. Wrapped snugly in blankets, some of the youngsters will be placed outside in chairs,, ethers will be wheeled clese te the windows, noses flattened against the window panes, that nothing will be missed. Dispen sary patients will be nllewcd te come, tee. The atrasphcre is alive with 'sus pense ; it's almost as much fun for them as Christmas. fMrs.' 8iul-Oua sported te tWt m1Im ntnrfi tfcat fc.r ahartMat 4517 Walnut ;ir',was ertred''y.;r sneak tntet yesterday morning,' who stele' jewelry b?Klngtejher!t and iirtr'daufhter, valel at W. )t ,, Mrs;" 'Quay eneeuntered a-Wegre In thn hallway a she was leaVin?e an auto trip.' la reply .'te a quettea,ihe said ne was loeaing ter tne apartment of Mn Campbell. She shftwed Mm the apartmeac.ea the first noer of the Bel- .Returning, she .found the 'apartment ransacxea. ( a suver set, aiamena ring, bracelet, pearls and ether jewelry weru. missing, SEMENOFF! (pnaowietdSin'yentf) .- " " Iat the story of the big Cossack, hk women, the cabaret life of Harhiai, the tewas shot p, his horde of Burku, Mbnfelv Has slam, Chinese, weave the' story OfhUhinternaUenaliatrknefbc 1 deaaiiwiiceefSiberia'sricheiand of; the, premised emargeace of a gTeat. Asiatic i democracy. Aula as romaktie at that of ear Great ye .Charles H. Smith, the United States Interallied Cem. mlssteaer ia Siberia, tells it in the May :l"i Sjm' t32p', I , PSHP1HHBI '?fcH ?MjjmtmmSkMm' PR-r'TOw.-11 'WmKKmBFL t j v -"T ...v,.ms affisE?ii M-t.i -'. mmFim.nwmm:mimml t ..&jmmrmm$mmmM . &mmrrvmjsz iw;sv.wHsrritM . vmnrnk umratjecKummm brmmmm$mi mfflmmmm, v j - m IE n ib t. n ij . a an -i,i jf BBaaiaiaB i &a. in m i i -- - u n-tr '.- r BBaBBBBBBBBPBBaaBBBPar aaa. aBBBVBaaBBi r.. r-. 'im.vi Aaafiiakawbaa '. J-. tr jrm a t j i -n ! .rr iivii . v,trii --' -'- am - tir t . ji u r.i' : Aaaaaa ." i 'ivr.:itr( rei i -u ji .aaaBBBBBiaBBVBrr ibbi bbbbf : f. ftrl.;n. xiiw?;rAWZ tiiA.' i umyArmw&pmKW-?fm'i 'y . r.c ..". rtffc'S ? r v'-v J w4m:wr&zvMtLK&MtikMEi mMpswyA mmmvMmmi Vmitwi I (inHi,i,UiiataneMiM a 1 L'4B9mjK?tf, t ,fAMt?BaB flSJJaaiaJBT.V ' t -m.ri ,i in iiuujiu vut mnituiivui m . "irxn "" ' --i I JsWMamaafcfci.-'. ) VsftJTmt' imnimm, jW)MMt I v5l5JBP!r. ' kuthla asilaCMt si risafeia7af?A.i PlnnrCaSfWFrvl,, bbbh l .mama, mwmaBBBaTammi smaw tm amv .bi Jt . - ear ': J lBBBBmaa-I L 1 i r: , ' l..c ,;ti: 7.?fil Wgfij 7sif':i 7:mm $,j Earrines are ' T ... evcf'Dcfere .Splendid mm 2SJ.t ,v3!i?asal msm id Variety edinigrfidjif jijv m -J. I.J ", .. iH'j Xf. . S. Kind& Sons,me cktttnut St. - DIAMOND MBRCHANTSJ-JBWEI.i:nS ailiVSUWHITHH -LI '.',- :' i.j, 4 47 A '')'!: v j J I p.T7T.TrrrrJT7.- ' T-"".I . At Vft'.l.'fftr wmL?mmam 'i "' - --- - - - ":h.WtiJm wwm W8$m fi?T.H -f (' vrm jftmVH ai ii r'r.'j m K -".r 'Ufil ... :.m Ha" raei m se-m or, !Vf'XJ! i vnrmr .j,'.!.- 'ibAMWW.V..V - ' .rtflisftgw&fc it-&trtfiy?ftt " i fW A vll. ; 4:fk $$M mm 4'ivWtfei ASIA The Asaerieaa MACAZINB oil the Orksw ' Richly Uliutrated On all Bews4taads s33 teats I Chart Accounts Invitei!! T I Mall Orders Filled i Far Repairing, Remodeling New One-Third Off Winter Prices "Pay the Ceat in the Fmll." Fmra Stored at 3Why Pay Mere? Phene Walnut 4343, or Write and Oar Special Metsenger Will Call. ' Little Benny's Notebook By Pap Us fellows was standing crreund the lain 'pest tawking about dlffrent t.ub- lecks . sutcn as Keddy eieriy, Skinny jajarun buying, aw mat Dig sun, i ten lyeu wat I think of that big stiff, I think' he's a grate big stiff, and if lie wes' heer new Id tell him the bame thine te his fncc. I Yes you would, sed Sam Crew.. jMeening he doubted It, and Skinncy body heer says I weuldentr-jcst step rite up. and say se. .. WJilcu nobody stepped up and dlu en account of Skinny being a better titer' than any body except Iteddy pterry, aim just men wnp cniue around rthe corner but ltcddv hlinwlf. me av- lag, Heer he comes new, tell him new, rcern your cuance iu iimi Mini. ., Sure, tell him new. hecrs your i hance, all the fellows sed. And Iteddy ' jcame' up and all us fellows waited i Jixcited te heer wut Skinney was going I . te say. , ' jv Wich he dldcnt xny enything, ami :;Beddy Merfy w'd, Wats the trubble. ' -ats a matter,, wats you all ee quiet ' ,'abeut?. I'Sklnny Martin wunls te tell you i something, sed Sid Hunt, and Iteddy ied, Well, heer I am, tell me. , , ! Wlch Skinny started te speek twice ' ahd dldent and then he started te and 'did, saying I sed Id call euybedy u J ;blg stiff that I tbawt was a big stiff ! jhut I didenf think you was ene and ' luever did. vt Wlch us fellows all fctartcd te yell 'as M that waeent wat he sed at all, ilch it Wfastnt, and Skinny sed, WntF j " uiu yelling nbqut, de. you ineun te call - Jee a liar, doe vnybedy heer uicen te I call me, a liar? ' "j,'.1Vrb nobody sed they did, and wc 'all stepped yelling for safety ferst. tavlntr It rill fliifmlM nn wIhine thi. i'1 " i-i , maaavi wAanwat mtanTTV VAnin rm' iy T w srP -? , . r Ji. nnijri nuiuvr ui a wwnmerciai rtd uicnM snip upcrAter of wrttta ab)ut "fUdle In ch Jiemt" in in htbmsu ruBiau ikixiks m-v ; r u . . .. Ui- ,5 'm&mD rmuwKP. ftiWaWWaM i. AXi-"mz,naA ;, .'VazaX"'. f " :mm anws tnat l different and e aim. ritana it, raaa hni'i iUKE IT A HAlUT." id can undaritand it, a,vtr air, '.i. .. . .ii.. IK rZ?.M bSesE lc gB El ,; ' 'IBaBBBaMsKTrl ZaBBBBBBBSrW ' flBBBBBBsHsK iasEaBaaBSlri i r 1215 Chestnut Street Sale of Forty-One (41) French Seal Coats r Made te Sell at 125.00 Reduced te 4 7 ,se These Coats were advertised tilt 125.00, and mere than 1000 were sold at that price last year BUY NOW FOR NEXT SEASON'S NEEDS A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in Our Storage Vault Without Charge Until Next Fall. Payment te Be Continued Monthly Throughout the Spring and Summer. French Seal Ceat 47.50 In our recent announcement we offered for immediate clearance eighty-four Coats at the remarkably low price quoted above. These garments were the surplus stock of our mail order department. Forty-one Coats are still in our stock, but in accordance with our strict policy, no merchandise is carried ever from one season te the next, hence this unusual opportunity. ' The Coats are three quarter length, in wide full-flare models, with large shawl cellar and deep cuffs. If you need a Fur Ceat for next season, buy it new, for this is a splendid, investment never again te be duplicated. It ia net often that we are able te present such a remarkable offer. We urge you te take advantage of it ' SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBarV aaaBBBBBBBBBBaaM aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm " " gssaaasH' V afcmHaaaaaaaaaai h5SWT; P ", M--"aaaaaaaaaMaaaaaiaaaBSBSaaaSasalaaaaaaBBBaaBS i' ' ' i 1 1 as-ae fc4 i a H-- " t ' , ), i ;?-'i'1 , SBaaa A-l r ' $:& b the Sensation of the Century! CesU Are Forgetteh--!!! Profits Are Ignored-!!! Come dIJBttIrw..eu;BemrJl,.' Even Furnitiwe Dealers are 'dumfounded at: the '- way we . have slashed .prices. fItryeu ' . $ have any Furniture'. Needs-BUY. AT ONCEHMfetis,a;8m.a11 .. I i -. .aj m;mm CJLWM M I . .l 1 0-Pc.; "Queen Anne'' WalnutDihihg Roem Suite ; $ The 5 side chairs and arm chair 'are included in -this,.suite at this saving. TOR $ELfflgW i -v' 4-Px:.;f Leuis' XVI'minut ' ,-Bedroom Suite v , Ajuiyviii s . i- i A 'suite with FULL VANITY DRESSER bow end bed and, chifforebe unusual It, 5 iuWijilUBUtaaaaaamilUU rj:paQy-m-j -fijijjgiiii faaStfiM y rafii! aBBMM II i fi ITiwi awHSBH r' ' 'L itt 3 , t Large Perch ROCKERS $3-95 (vaaasaPL (M $km3Skem' 'v " aBBBBBBBBaSBr--al ...... tm Miim t-iTT MMmm.mmmu ur nil. '.,i T frf M ,i:t f .fci'.: 1 v." SA. Overstuffed Velour Suite 189 We could hardly publish this suite without telKng you about its size. The davenport alone is 87 inches long and the ether pieces just as massive. Wide pillow arms loose cushions and springs in seats and backs. In . ' -'li Ir.ti Upholstered! .Fibre Rec -m-75 French Seal Ceat 47.50 (8) French Seal Coats (French Seal is dyed Ceney) 134.00 Regularly 14S.00 A ipecial group of 40-inch full-flare models with large rolling ahawl cellar and deep bell cuff of dark Fitch. (1 1) Natural Raccoon Coats 18000 Regularly 360.00 Beautiful Ceat of silky dark Raccoon, in 40-inch full-flare model, with large rolling shawl cellar and deep bell cuff of Raccoon. All ceata are length. Wraps are full length. Formerly New Marmet Coats 80.00 39.50 Peny Ceata 100.00 49.50 French Seal Coats 100.00 49.50 Leepard Cat, Seal Trimmed.. 140.00 69.50 Peny Ceata, Opossum Trimmed 160.00 79.50 .Natural Muskrat Coats 200.00 98.50 Fiench Seal, Skunk Trimmed. 200.00 98.50 Marmet, Raccoon Trimmed... 200.00 98.50 French Seal Wraps 250.00 125.00 French Seal, Squirrel Trimmed 250.00 125.00 Blacfc Caracul Coats 330.00 165.00 Moleskin Coats 330.00 165.00 Formerly Moleskin Wraps 400.00 Hudsen Seal, Beaver Trimmed 530.00 Hudsen Seal, Squirrel Trimmed 530.00 Hudsen Seal, Skunk Trimmed. 530,00 Natural Squirrel Ceata 600.00 Hudsen Seal Wraps. ..) 600.00 . Natural Squirrel Wraps 800.00 Taupe Caracul Wrap 1000.00 Broadtail Wrap 1200.00 Ermine Wrap 1200.00 Natural Mink Ceat ... 1500.00 Natural Mink Wrap 2000.00 New 195.00 265.00 265.00 265.00 295,00 295.00 395.00 493.00 595.00 595.00 745.00 995.00 0 4JPc. "Queen'Arme"&2 75 Walnut Bed room Suite I "TiilN aaVaafrSffl Extra Size Ceata and Wraps Frem 46 te 54 Bust (Hudsen Seal is dyed Muskrat. French Seal is dyed Ceney) ChthtTI mmm 7.50 Reg. 16.00 Cheker of Natural Squir rel, Jap Mink and Kelinsky. m Chehtr m 14.50 Reg. 30.00 Cheker of Steae Martea, Natural Mink, Taupe Brown Fex, m. Chokers mmmm 29.50 Reg. 60.00 Cheker of Blended Sable, Baum Martea and Stene Marten. Chehtr asHa 44.50 Reg. 70.00 Platinum Fex, Dyed Blue Fex and Hudsen Bay Sable Cheker, mmmmStotei mmmm 79.50 Reg. 180.00 Stele of Kelinsky, Jap Mink and Natural Squirrel. L3-Piece Cottage $L I Bedroom Suite . . . J Dresser, Bed and Chiffonier 50 , 2-In. Pest Un. Filler ST. $125 Ribbon finish; Choiceef all sizes. U-JlUGSk- ' 9x12 Seamless Axminster- Rugs $33.50 9x12 Deuble Warp Jap. Grass Rugs $g.95- 16 1 0-Piece Walnut DINING SUITE 1V. -.iiutJiTllMM " & "Y. i . -I SaataaMMgVaanVHaaaHpH aaaaaaaaSBBaVaaaaaaafrW ilaaSaraBBOWivaajaBBttff3V3a , - SBGBj3aaaSaasai ESJOQaaaaaaaaaaSaH JaafalaaaPCra9tK nJHBZDBn gaBaaaypWvvvWrje'nr7WwWW jOkBBKemBMI ummmmmmmmmmmmmssWeksssBSCsmiji Ml SP!,P,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 67 ar ,11 72-inch Settee 'CvSr I t 4 ' ; IgaWat .- A rsmer H f T 1 1' MM e-riece Uecerated ;$lA.5l riralrtacf mfa m m ! : ..-At$l 3-Piece f!rennnft' TTnhnlstered r-- M Genuine Reed Perch Rocker This h Special Manufacturer's Deme; tien Week en Mattretset See the New Patented Never -Stretch Mattress m O , ....I ' 11 iMa 1 epcciai prices en au .niareiBt; "", "-.iit oee them manufactured In our windows. m 71 2t MAftKEtl! STREET 'America' Largest Stere: of Furniture"- Purchasing Agent? Orders Accepted it - If . 'Cv v I .'J I.J' II WJLWkl.: r tmkm1: ''''-i W$YM$iMiti"'-" .i-L'jkiWmu. I rxi . li. i iW :ixwu J.VSli .Jt. III. mwiii ; -M . J. . k'WI' xvt V ty & m m u