aBBBVaBBaaB.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaiBBBBBiBraBBBBBBBBaBB BEn rasssss a "OVOTDMNI :, KilMWinD 4 j. D7aiMfl!': ?! LM..M SSffiJ!fSW.Al.3 'VWW s.'L. ' 4LJkiuja'y'i4r,hiiihtvw. Its nuuairra, isurwcij f . ,. ( (.11. klWiVaJilll. (j I(k.: '.'ir H'i Ai "'' J1.1 J . " Pr - V 'VWiiV'-i ''-' !ilaat . ; nrwl th wnrUkif ! mom. rf tie support of hottlmen'tlireuffc. &?6f th.-Wnuil-.eenntl 'and KlVitlen otMJbenlfaets aV.tha, sea uf ihetelmw ; 'lpilwimi-'l.s Wet 7trMrat, of ,tiilhetl' association. K Usstmattert, cdJUrteiiUd , uittn ' the imread itetuefcMrMehIng ffhwrty 6dieprtll f thevdlaen HlM. Statl(;;intn.MNB sad wSLa this ewnMtpsrlsttcs. in tarn ELY.,,. BinoiiHeBi of 'neuat a hotel Erater.' He 6d.theviteetIeB te K professional MUM .tWtW Brer te prevent 'the 'of Mbnlldlni" R!ii. f th PhllaaalDhiafalr. ... fc'IIhave had considerable knowledge iribband of exposition, h'eailn en iJdtes," 8aldM,'BMUer..v"and m aaaKT 5 Ata. ii n I mm,, mMjI naaiAMi Kw.i. rrtvTeW"fttf Philadelphia. 1 Lold like te BUfgert te the directors tef C Beequl-Centennlal that they bave'a lertragb survey rqaae at a rainy eariy Cte'ef the housing. accommodations. In Rlladelphla, Including existing hotels, Cnanentvaddltlens te .such, hotels and Emm hntialna', facilities. rAfter such i aunrejr Is made, some HMrehensire data can avails H en which te base new or temporary Mai protects. If there Is overbuilding af hotels, no matter what the fair at- & dance, there Is bound; te be a. reac j afterward." r i Victer Besewater, assistant te the Nsldrat of the Exhibition Association, Bsft spoke. He 'outlined, the progress if the exposition Plans te date,, prospec prespec &M future developments and the aK tendance expected . - "" .? -, a Plans. art virtually completed for the ledlcatlen Tuesday or tne eia uiiy i In Independence. square as, a pre-. te the series of historical celebra that will terminate in the fair if ' Chief Justice Taft and ether mem- 1 ei tne united nifties supreme nrt are einected te attend. The old Ity Hal), completed in 1701. was erec id from the proceeds of a lottery ta unted In 1789, ordered by the Mayer. of 12,500 tickets issued; 8087 drew amounting te xeu.uuu. ,une- the profits went te Dickinsen 'm w$ . AH i. i' "site . 1 '?, "i .r.f ' ':Mm ? pj- ,i. rtii. rtWSU . u . ia ' a mmmmwEZZz TOv f.rj v-v ft. i Mil I U k mi I n iv 4 IK 11 - "BIll'MiarBTtilelefite - A reeerd vet readied In the choice of Lawrence A. Brown upper right, te receive the Spade: VV11 ilaa 0. Grave, Bpper left, Speen-, Maalj Hantatager. tower, te be presented with the Cine i rUes kth of Rlltte. iMayer Moere "covered" the old City wnen ne waa a. young reporter, bulldlnc was of course occupied by Mayer and officers of .his admin admin ttlen of. former Ndars. The United tea Supreme Court once occueled the ck room of the first fleer, the re. inder being given ever te municipal ces. The' court's first session there jsmi'February 27, 1701, and Jehn -Jay hntlded as chief justice. , P-Jehn .Rutledge, . William Gushing, es Wilsen,. Jenn, Blair. and. vJame u were assonate lusuces. - Later t(utieageMarUHvaMKuswrtn;aac- room 'as, eniei justices; utner late justlceiTef note who sat In ';room were Bushrod Washington, lei unase, 'xnemas jonnsen, vu Paterson and Alfred Moere. H. BARTON LEFT $236,938 A ward R. Levlck Inventory 8hews' V' 1188.042 In Eatata be personal estate of Henry II. ten. president of the H. a. Barten f8ens Company, manufacturers of apapcr, who died uccember B. i; punted te $230,038.13, according te Mppralsal filed with the Register of . today, utner inventories filed 'these ef: leward It. Levlck, $188,042.70: Phi 11ns. S42.052.73i Annie g r. $11,380.62; (Sedgwick B. Jus $7640.73. y Irate bequests were made in six I admitted 'te nrnhut Thuut wtn r,Bt siaiemenu ei jesepn M. uan- S4U0 HDruce street. SS000: Qharles in, 2153 East Hagert Btreet, $5716; dttc u. iiuxeaum, aaae jNertn e.d street, $13,600: Anna O. Baser, norm xnirreenin street, i4,uuu; i 0. Bchaudt. 128 North Twenty- ' Street. S23.000 anil nnrnthv n Cht, 4143 Paul street, $20,000. th' 48th 8treet Heme Robbed urine the absence of the famllr ! It' thieves robbed thn hamm nf Pat. I McAmurn. 883 North Forty. elshth , ei Jjioe'wortu ei jewelry and, IC'IX LIKE CAHII.X.B 0'IXAOK" , perierm asiiy eemtxxsr ' at tha hald of a troue of anrlcntl kre en the Comic ,Pa of tha KtssiNU mv uivuih am Daainnins April au. vDeay-a aienes win appaar in tna au au au Comle Section et tha Sunday Pcaue FIND MISSING QIRL : , tlavon-Vear-Oid Cathsillne Legan Loeatecl at Relatlve'a Heme, Eleven-year-old Catherine Legin, who disappeared from her home, 1025' Wolf street; .yesterday, was found at 1222 Ellswerth street, at the home of Mrs. Mary Greecke, a relative. Ray mend Legan, in whose famllr the girl is an adopted daughter, formerly lived in the Ellswerth street' neighborhood, add the girl said she went there, last night te play In the old haunts once mere. "When I.was through playing," said Catherine "it was se dark that I was afraid te go home, se I stayed with Mrs. Ordecke. I hadnt Intended te run away, and I'm sorry my father, brothers and sisters bad te be worried." i Catherine did net go home after she had finished school yesterday at Sev enteenth street and Snyder avenue, but told a girl friend, Maude Lathers, that 'she "had seven cents and was going, te spend tne nignt;witn ner aunt." ..,v-- .;-; p. Ty.Ai..tvl.i '4, jtt 7 II. OF P. PL FP.TS A uniihR " 'zjur.r.r ji.L'v'i-rJWVj MtN IN RECORD VOTE i ' ' '. 0 m k lK . ur " . wrt&.-W!iyw&i ? v y.w !. ,r- -yrt. 4 Ifill aa(takaBa1-H(BaB, . . -,., WJ. Wmy.mwmmmawr' . Sii.K-.rr i ?'! .. i. v t i rjhttK-DwftrvM ' ' V . w t i 4 -' ' ".TV"" . .' ' "' $lEEDyTRIAJ. PBOMltEl "jj i v i .... i ' y a Camp XAt i 'JKl AaA at WZffnaunKUiIilaauyOwawjbj . w - i .i .. . ' flBW lsUMfSiaaLi.rVL HsVlaelJir ' E.nBlUV -l. . .,i. ..-I (.m. Bava BVaTawavaVBaaVaaiBaal 'B-aVwaan ::,' IJaajean wbh m UUllfllllliaTVI1llbWViW Vy.'' .r" ,2. ''jj.21iiLL'fl'y: m liifflaSir lw juS'lHItlr Ir tbat;roMBs;RetsiiiaMtd aal aa- aaTaaaT aal aaaaaBF Baaaalaai B aaaar aar j-a, aaaa', aar aaBBaaaar av a- if jaw. . BTBaaal'i KBaaaaaaaT I d BK'aainvTBBPBBl an i a, asaaja. m. at, was rf-rnlAerl t,.'MeiicW'VXM enif ?en' et ' two wn MMri oeostloned ''wbe '?., deatfibfl :Ue '(MctcmovajIMte, . tM Ilaa1 m.afvi(uwpCjida'and Uiiinlu'i i-ii IaaiaaHaiMBaH& i WeVe ort itrejlrw itMBrrneinqttiitfffatiun' whr fWi ifatrtedi. ffiviM: the ?mtammMmxwMzr-:-.r .mmmi, -. iirr 1 :Atwjwy i aWi4olr,?aMa5iVia.CemDeBy B iteeath IM wrerwy am M'Al iildle 'Duncan. seldier, lusenfed'Uie' mnrte of a comrade, MlehieJ,;(lreger, . last ., Hep- tber;i: ' V, u u "I 'iithaaB JtaanaUaMrf .ma Hal HMD . , Vrn.K..v. ,..., , .--. ,----. tM nirtt ofiBeptemuer u; )iouewiu,a. day when ae'jbae .tailed te, quanry e th7rifle rangji. Members of his coia ceia pany bellevedThe"had become.deBpondeat andhaddeeerted.'and he was carried en "III". eVava la "Speen Man". and "Chang? Thorp "owl Man" In"; theielectiona.fer senior' class boa-, ors at tne -university et Jbnnsyivaaia yesterday .William 0. Grave, Wh;? Francis ,-Q Thorp, Oh. E.; Walter Hnntsltunr, y Wh., and Laurence A. Brown, ,wh., wen chosen, as the four honor men by the largest vote lever, cast in an election or tais Bind. ca nuen en the Speen ,Man, mia. e basketball team.. He is vice, president' has rcDresented .Pennsrlvaril football Held and. as captain' off the of the senior' class and a member et Sphinx Senior, Society. Sigma Alpha Epsllea fratemify. .y ' The Bowl Man Is "Chang"' Thorp, president .of. the Undergraduate Mask and Wir Club and a member' of-Friars Senior Society. '' He is a member of several engineering ' societies. Theta Chi fraternity. " i ' The cane will be presented W"Walt" HunUlnger, forward eh the. basketball team, one of the varsity pitchers and a . member of Sphinx Senior Society. Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. "Larry" Brown, captain of the track team and anchor man .en the four-mile relay ijuartet. , will receive the fepade. Sphinx Senior Society. Delta Phi fra tha nttananv rtrMJi a. deserter, .'December 8 three gunners found his IMr An tha kwkada two mllM from the barracks., Twe, ballet holes were In the need and tracts leading te tne inicxet in whlchi the .body 'was found showed that it had, been ;dragged a long dis tance." , ' .,". - . -.1 ' Dnneaa waa1 arrested Januarv 48, following an 'Investigation by Oeanty Detective! Ellis ,Farke. , Parker dis covered' that. warrants for Duncan's ar retted been issued in his neme town, Windrock,!Tenn..)n charges of carry ing rweapena andi", felonious' . assault. Further InveetlgaUen disclosed the. gun missing from the supply room at Camp Dix;- s r V 'The weapon had bees turned ever by Duaeaa te a. friend at home, who in turn had passed it en te a third person;' A searen tnreugn two states was neces sary. '' ' rifaxer nr In ti.' taken at the-time e an. interview with Duncan and com pared 'With these fpowl'en the body bf i laattT.'jVHls'henie waa ii ,kM ha'aad.a sister, and brother, ntla hat MXexwlle'ntBefvicd raVwnl At tha ahM.hla body was feurtd areearyinda bnnehTpf'keys were th Wily, artieles l W , the pockets of ' hu l.ri.. ' f. .''1M th. ha navlail'al Mrge ) .of'meaeyswhen last seen i . Proiecnter Kelseyeeterdar refused ( dlecleee the deUiW of the confession. He: Mid Duncan 'claims he acted in self-defense, following! , werdyfluar reJ due te Oroger'iiirtltation'at having failed i te qualify, as.aisaarpshoeter. ilttietdihmhi Vrite for tint, booklet- rlnrT.TM, TWTTlfJTiBi'. n .euvatnii. r!TTf.rt!W SlMf .' Vartk Breael r After, leaving' the barracks together en the ralght of the. crime, Duncan seya Qreger. drew his gHh.' The former knocked it 'from bur.hnd and picked It up.- .When Greger attacked, hlni wtth.'hta clnbi Duncan fired two;, shots; bethvenUrlng the head. Prosecutor Kelsey? premised a. speedy disposition of the. ease. .The Grand Jry,will be in session next Monday and the prosecutor, will ask for immedi ate, indictment and!, trial. . 'f ,i, A,, THB tiuai who advcttlMa ' is In geed company. 15 The Helmes Plum 9rlmmh 131S-20 Chairr I Iriai1ilf Tili VN J( , 1 ADAMS Itjnrint Saturday, April 29th w win .eKar awapUenal 'valuta ln ASSORTED CHOCOUTES S Oaaaa Mala 'auallM mm elmmut 80c,fc Tefhelp you keep step L with: the weather Rogers P e e t Scotch Mists. Smart, light-weight over coats proof against show ers. FERRO 8c COMPANY Reffirs Putt Clethts Chestput St. at Juniper V Th PhilaMphim Entrmncm ( fmtU ' ',) SSth Strrt$7th Strut tttwYwh V. Feature for Tomorrow I i. jbmueurs .. .'. i 65?75r-$85 i' t 1' Formerly $85 te $135 Tweed Suits 35$45$55 Formerly $55 te $85 We have selected these advertiaed speciala from our hifherpriced models and grouped them at this price . te acquaint Phuadelphians ' with Gidding value and quality. They are fashioned of Navy, Black and Fancy Weaves. ftitCarlten BROAD AND WALNUT. STS. PHILADELPHIA J. 'wmmrw,.. mm , - I tJT 5P' a6r mmfn-M t STal VaTal laW ..afaaaal "-aV aTaV aVTa -aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaa-- aVaWT s,, .. ; ," . . Vmma j , B I UW r eaa,. -VI SFar N aa .1 i i . JsBirai' Ul mmmMiXL' M 'Mm Wj I fit IT Z AI ' Ht iifcC. y v N - ''a ill I'l l ? i '1 -"-rr-j . CST" " Ssyaturtnis a .a" ..aVIVaBBTaBV'BTrYmlaS em v , Ty Oriental Pearls Necklaces JSarrinda ' ,. Broecfiea tituda Pendants DarPJns SfarfPJfk Docter Cenivell's Earnest Appeal te the Generous People of Philadelphia A fc OPPORTUNITY such as no city ever had is new yours. Fer.ithirty-five years you have maintained the Temple Uni versity until it has furnished an education of College, grade te mere than 100,000 industrious students. The time has new come te give its great advantages te all the young people above the .common school grade. In its success Catholic, Protestant and Jew are alike te be benefited. With its full-time and half day departments for working people and present enrollment of 8100, 'you new have, the chance te make Philadelphia the best educated, city in'y.merica. Each of the following department needs at once 'another building: .'-. The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences The Teachers' College , The College of Commerce The Scheel of Law The Scheel of Medicine The Scheel of Dentistry The Scheel of Pharmacy and Clinical Research The Scheel of Music Who will construct as a memorial or endow one of these buildings? President Conwell rvill be glad te confer with any generous citizen concerning this great object. Fine Quality? "Why, Sir that's just ' what Super-Value Means!" , NOTHING can have value, unless, it has , j quality, no matter hew low the price. Yeu can buy. clothes for less than our Superr , Value prices, but you can't buy fine clothes, equal te ours, without paying much mere & Alt a than we ask. And you can prove it. 9 SUPER-VALUES in Spring Suits $28 $33 $38 and $43 M Beautiful patterns of light and medium colors for progressive young men. Darker shades for gentlemen of quiet tastes. Sound, substantial fabrics of all- worsteds, tweeds, herringbones, cassimeres and hemespuns. A Single and double breasted models' with peaked or notched lapels. -Seme with one button, some closing with four.. Plain or patch i pockets. You'll certainly enjoy yourself at this wonderful exposition you'll feel right at home, looking around for exactly the right suit, for every Perry salesman would rather sat isfy than sell. Perry & Ce. Sixteenth and Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men fr 4 Mm '-r 'M 4 l Hi -'I 1 tm.rm. m Tm.mtH "MAKE IT A 'HABIT." Adv. with "Cam'' aVary AVS, STEWS, FRIES M.Wl BI-ECIAI.TY. z,nafeaen, 40. ZEISSES HOTEL 820 Walnut Strest ' JOHN O. H. MEYEBB. Prep. I fal. a ".flf afT'SSl aaaaT i aw' 1 BBBBBBTaaaaaaV m Tn line aliace wry wayand werrti a let mera. . five daya' trial. Fraa , vln leiaeng. Tlma raymtnti. I?. ? ertrd medal a e( -Mu.rn maaea, imp te I4BS. , . HERBERT BROTHERS Bread and Race Sireata We'll gladly help you plan the il- Wtrating.df your next ug, ieiaer or ny ether C Of hl1BlnBa) 1f4at.aiif4k lit will be expert service, ffHICH Medel in Clethes ? Q Lets of men don't knew the model they should wear even a? layman can tell from their 'appearance that they're net wearing the style they should. The style perfectly correct but net for them. . Much of the service of this x - store is directed toward proper choice of model seeing that you get what you should wear. Cfl Our tailors have made it possi ble for via te de se by develop develep ing models for all physiques. CJ An, interesting assortment of choice fabrics In plain and mixed effects priced from $30 upward awaits your interested attention. 7 V tff' "7! JACOB HEED'S, SONS v 1424:1426 ChealiiutStieel rikJy- (i: 1 The Pennsylvania Odmpany fSjkf ? I ' far Insurances en Lives and Qnmting Annuities t f j' ' TTrustandSafeDepesitGdmpany WflB pS I MA,N OFP'CE 517 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA V. aaSaaaaaaaaaaaBBlE , rTlTMW'Mptl TmmmtTmK"''QtT1U!mV&Tmm'm'mmmm'SZm'mmm1mm'mm1rm''mmm''mm'mmmmm, AKmmmA aaa " r-Vvfec IbbbbbbTbbbW TIF T laaaaafJ aTaaaaaaaaaaTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMl "V V laffM I X X. arBHaKJVri 53 Sis- flUB K M m !4l' ! rryit. siBH.nA v xr vttKmvm wm .UICTNUT 17f'Hf .' wmm. M JaWPAi "i yW'hs, aFaBBBBBtamBBTaBtaBBBTaaa mWtm ' kTREET h :iXv-51rgg 'r"'-a k . -J j, J - aT. iJBgi x iBls " l mmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-LM AT