m ;,. fl P L f rjv rr; .1 i. m V v h .V, i,Wl ?fTttf.lfeti 'iPP1 mm lf& Will stocks cent'iun te - rise or- will there be a ,, bread reaction? Babseri's REPORTS Barometer Letter just oft the press, answers the question and shows you what's ahead in the speculative stock market. Repert en Request A few copies of thl llarenie ter Letter and Booklet "Gettitig the Mest Frem Yenr Meney" are avallsble for dlitti. button te Interested Investors, gratis. Tear eat the Meme- noie and hand It te your secretary when you dictatethe morning's mail. la... MEMO Fer Your Secretary Write Reger W. Baben, preaident of Ration's Matlstldl Organization. Wellesley Hills. 83, Mass , ns follews: Please scr- f - , , ,. Bulletin 3 ID." fn fcw-VV.'."TH and boeUIrt 'GttittK the Aeif Jrem Your .mmIUmum. i ,imiv trraiw. Special Service in Ohie Securities Members Yerk Bosten New Cleveland Detroit Chicago Stock Exchanges N. Y. Cotten Exchange Chicago Beard of Trade Extensive Private Wire System OTIS & CO. Cleveland New Yerk, Bosten, Detroit, Cincinnati, Columbus, Teledo, Akren, Youngstown, Dcner, Colerado Springs If There Is a Market We Can Find It We held sales of stocks and bends every Wednes day, charging $1.50 en trance fee for each item. Our weekly catalogues and postal card service reach every mar ket. We take pleasure in furnishing quotations. Barnes & Lefland Sleck Itrekers nnd Auctioneers 147' S. 4th St. - WF. HAVK MONEY rer Alerl cures. AnrAmennt. City Property ABE K0LSKY &C0MPANY,inc. V. W. C01I, 8TII t, WALNUT STS. EDWARD LOWBER STOKES & CO. Investment 20 Seuth 15th St. PHILADELPHIA LEE, HIGG1NS0N & CO F.stabllshrd 1813 R0S1ON NEW YORK CHICAOO 1206 Finance Bldg., Philadelphia In Continuous Business 80 Years MOVER r CO. ' MtfSMti Bnmgatt.4 STOCK IICMMI , Bankers & Brokers 301 Chestnut Street NEWeURGER, HENDERSON & LOEB Members New Yerk and Philadelphia Stock Exchange 1410 Chestnut St. WIEGNEMGGKEY&CO. Certified Public Accountant Drexel Building, Philadelphia Dividends SCO IT I'AITK t()MP.V C'HKSTWt. PUNNA. CAPITAI.lVSV'llUN AS OF 3-31 2J 7' Cumulative 1'refeirMd block Autherised J700.000 00 Outstanunig '" u" v Common stock Authorized $000 ll 00 Outstanding .Surplus , , ii .loe.oiit sh ( their meeting' NUT WOHTH NU llnn.il nf 111... ... a sl,w .."" '.".;.: .. '"" , lield April 14, 132J dsclared the tevveni-nrst lIMst) regular ber.'l-Annual Dividend of 3Mitt. Ihnr unil rne-half dollars tSa.Wt per " share oil the T"i Cu-nulstlve Prefer:.d HtCtki pf the rurperatiun. pujabln Maj 1, Itiii, te all stocKnemers ei recer.i ui ins close e business Anrl in. 1H22 All in menus un mese snares rave been sarutd te iltit'i una laid 'vhen due without any exception Chicks will ba mulled .May I. in - The unsold portion of this Issue Is uv all able for private Invester Inquiries are elicited and will receive prompt attention kiivv s. WAa.vnjt, Trtasurer, COMMICKCIAT, TIH'ST COMPANV Philadelphia, April 2T. 11)22 At a meeting of IhJ Iteaid of Directors held this dny. a Q"AHTi:i.V DIVIDIIND or nVB (5) I'KK t'K.NT was dirlnrrd en the rspttnl ateelt of the cempiny, payable en May 1. 18f te shareholder, of record en the 2 till, uf April, Checks vvl'l be mailed ii, a oiusen, X Treasurer. TUK qiRARD NATIONAL HANK ' PI Us.. Pa.. April 23, 1U22 The Heard ut Directors ha this day de .We. taeJ n. nuertsrly Dividend of Fire Per rnt ,!;j';f,.-iMi5..Mybls en May 1. l!t. te stock. v ' '& .isW "' record at (he tlese of buslnes en Will be mailed. CHH. H, ABin-ON. CaahUr, ffduHUfffiiRMilMliuz. l. ,ssSs ir . Al j6i!Bte lUkfK , DMJH tmmw . lBI. Hetlc U hereby, tirsn that . puriuant t, tha nrovtden a? Article IV of the Trutt untnni Dfimm ,. wi.rence Miner ai. Tb Union Trutt Company el Pltlburb, Trulte. ana standard Tan car uempanji ua .ir J lit., unusr wwijii iw i I ha fltindarif Car Kaulcment Cemnan Ht4Mt: unaer wnicn are issuea Car Tmt Certificate, gerlt I The. Union . Truat Cempanr of Plttburh. a; Trusts thereunder, did. en January 4. 1923, Mil all of the cars referred te rhrln at tha price peeined tnereny. ana mat saie. iruejee win apply the proceed of aald tale te tha pay ment ai-d redemption en May 1. 1012. beln the dividend-pa) In date next eccurrlne; net last than thirty day .after the receipt of aald purchaae money, of alt of the ertlfleats iMued and outstanding undar aald Truat Agreement. exclusive of certificate maturing en May 1. tP22. at tlie price of one thousand ten (M.IU0O0) dollars for each certificate, plus the amount of nil dividend warranta thereon maturing en or before May 1. iwit. upon which date aald certificates and divi dend warranta shall become due and pay. able, and from and after said date dividends en said certificates will cease. Upen the presentation and surrender at II e office of ald Trustee. S3T Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, en or uiier ..mjr ,, Ifl2. or said certificates maturlne en or artcr Nev. 1, 1922. together with all m tereet coupons appertalnlnf thernie maturint en ana atter way i. "-. "u "i " ownership certlflcatB required .under the Federal fncome Tax Act. the holder thereof tuin k. .n,ii..i n mmIva inn num of one thousand ten (11.010 00) dollars, plus the mount of the dlldend warrants thereon mnturlnit May 1, 1022. .. , , .u Th. r.unii.. m.tnrlnir May 1. 1022 will be paid en said date at the principal amount tnereet witn tue aivieenas uccrnni nin upon presentation and surrender at said or flee of the Trustee of the respecme certlfl' cates and dlldend warrants ........, THE I'NION TRI'RT COMI'VNY OF riTTRm'Rfill. TKlISTEl NOTirR Te the Hondheldcra of the Southern Traction Company. Teu are hereby notified tint a meetlnc of the bondholders of the said company will be held en M. 0. 1022, at 111 o'clock A M., st the office of need, Smith. Hhaw Ic Ileal. T47 Unon Arcade. Plltsliurxli, Pa te ete for or imaliist the acceptance of pijment of all oerdue coupons attached te said bends, st par. without Interest upon tiw coupons from the due date thereof. s set forth In .,- ..a.. I. in nr .ntMnlBin, llle.l hv th. Re. Ill" VIMI, Will ". vji.i,'.... - . ccUera of the Plttshureh rtatlwajs Cem- , I psny et al. aaalnit The Union Trust Cem nanu nf HIH.Iilir.h Trtl.n nt 'n ftnl. ND vemlwe Term. 1U10. Ill the Plelrlct Court of , 'the Untied Hta- for the Western Dlslr c the principal of sMd bends wan dun nnd ps- able, restn'e and reinstate said bends te the , cendl Ien they wre m before they were de- ' e'ared due and payable, withdraw and ills. ' continue the foreclosure proceedings upon tha mortsane or deed of trust Riven by the ' suld cemtiatiy te The Union Trust Cempanv of rennsvivnnia. waive ine neciraiun imn i nf Plttehurzh Trustee dated October I i I 1000. recorded In the Recorder's Ofllce et Wre ffeSTrff rein ,?Sf. WTli I mertiaw te Ihs same condition they were , before foreilesjre proceedings were h'e"J' ' with the same force nnd effect as theuuh the principal of .aid bend, had never been de- eiareu aue napyiiiiium.i..... ... v.. no default or mietieiur. e. ... ...... ..v. R S. WILSON. Secretary. Protective Committee. Rondhelders' VAI.DOSTA LIGHTISH COAirANTC FIRST SIOHTOAGE 5 PKIt CENT SIXKINO FOND GOLO BONDS DTK 1042. Pursuant te terms of ArOrtimite. dated June 1st. 1012. 18300 et said bends, num-. bered is below, haire been drtvvn for redemp tion by Sinking- Fund at 101 and neerued i Interest, as of June 1st. iu-:. vvnen an Interest tnerenn win wnn Fer $500 Ne. 87. Fer 11000 Nes. 117. 124. 133. 110. 222. 423, 400, S10. Above bends, with all unmatured coupons attached, should be presented for payment at office et Trustee en or after June 1, 1023. GIRARD TKUST COMPANY, Trustee THOMAS S. HOPKINS. Treasurer. Philadelphia. Pa.. April 13, 1922. Annual Meetings a-35rKSSBVLVANIA Hl'OAK COMPANY K& I'hlladelpliln The Annual Alectlng of the Stockholders of this Company will be held In the Heard Roem of The Real Eatute Trust Company of Milladelphla. Southeast Cerner Bread and Chestnut Streets, en Slenday. Jlay 1. Vrli. it II o'clock A. 51.. at which there will be ir. election for Directors for the ensulns viar. and such ether business will be con sidered and acted upon as may be brought Ufere I "'McCAnTHY. fcccretary. B-75 CONSUMERS 11REWINO COMPANY IKS' Philadelphia. April 22 1022. n" ii v. et . Pnlladelpnia, ra., mrsiiay, liny u, 1022, A 4A ..'.In.t, A. SI., frtr f hit ntlnwan nt ! Inc dlreetera and for the transaction of such ether business as may properly come before the aald meeting. H. rJALRRAITH. Secretary. K3 THE ANNUAL MKBTINO OF TIIK " stockholders of the North Phllidelphl Trust Company will be held at the office nf t'ie cempnnv. Ilrnad street nnd Oermsntevvn nvnue, Wednesday afternoon, Jlny 3, at 1 o'clock. Stock transfer books will be clesei' April 22 te May 4. HARRY P. CORBETT. Secretary. Annual Elections KSf eFricE or the united gas fc IMl'ROVEMKNT rnwi. tVO'43 V, V, Cerner nread and Arch Stre.i. ' Phlln,1lnhl iiVii .rl,.r''la The Arnual MeeilrB of the Stoclxheider. ' et The United Oa. Improvement Cemnnnl I J-lll te held at the office of the cSJS.IV -....... niu ,j. JU vlll v N W Cerner, of Bi cad and Arch strei'tV , Philadelphia. Monday. May 1, igt. ,t i 1' election will b held for a President and si" .rtt 1l ,nrm ,n MM I., Ihn a....... - . " I end such ether business will be transacted I as may be brought before the meeting. The stock .transfer books will be closed , from 8 P. SI. Wednesday, April 10. i22, until 10 A. M. Tuesday May a. 1U22. y 2. 1022. G XV. CUTtRA N. Secretary. 2-eat.jg ' ARTESE prll 21, ANTONIO t.elevel I husband of Atiriv Artese ngtd (HI Rela tives snd friends, nlre Seclet of Jlutue hoc I cores.i Alualinnll Itule Atnerlciml are III I vlted :n attend funeral Sat . ' A. AI from .his l.ite renldence. !-' S 13th st. Solemn ' reeulem high mnrs st Rttu'n Church 111 A. AI. Int. Hely Cress. HACKL'S April 2H. MARY, dauihter of late William und AInrgaret Ilackus. Funeral services Sat . 2 P. AI . at her Inte resi dence, 5fi0J Hszel avn lnt private. 11ETTS. Suddenly. In Wilmington, Del,, April 27, llUi. WlLLIAAI I1ETTH In his 70th 5'ar Services at hi. late residence, 1211 Ollpln ave.. Wilmington, Del Sat , 4PM lnt private. RLEYLER April 23 OEOROE T., hus band of Alarjorle and son et the late Peter A and Clara V, Rleler Funeral te which relatives and friends also A. L O . Ne 20, P R. It , are Invited Alen. 8 A. AL. from late residence 2318 S. 3d st Solemn mas. of rsiulem as Church of Our Lady et Alt. Carmel 0 30 A. AL precisely Int. Hely Cress Cem BOl.'RN'ONVII.I.n. At Atlintlc City. N J , April 2b ANTOINE, husband of i arellnn If T Uourtienvlllu Funeral serv ices. st J P AI. at thf. Oliver H. Ilelr Hld lH-'e Chestnut st I'hlla. lnt I private Wushlngten and New lerl. papirs please copy. BOWES At Vlnelend V I, JOHN I HOWES Relative.! an I frlendn Invite I te funeril services Trldaj April 2', 10 30 A M at Trlnil Kpiceral Church. Vlnelund N J Interment Washington D C BRACKEN - April 27. 10.'2. HUGH Sr . hunbsnd of tin lite Mary Hraclcen, at his residence, S. W or Jflth and Wharten sts Funeral te proceed vlu Penna It It hun aft. te I'ressen la Solemn hli,h mass of requlmi Men nt St Aleyalus' Church Sum mlt. Pa lnt St. Alnv.lua Cem Remains I may be viewed Het., after 6 P. M. J of SMiie K Hrailshuw. Punerul sirvlce. Hat 2 1 M (10th cillewhlll st. Vlevvlrg I'rl., M te 10 P -M. nrchi kv prii a? 11122 elizawih i,w ,,, Hidniv lluil.lei llelatlves und vv lumv or Bentv iiut..ie jirmw.en .... ,rin.i. m tnvlteil te attend funeral. Men j, 3f) ji from her late re i Idence. 131." miner t. heletnn high mass of reyulnm nt Eptplanv Cht-rth in A V lnt Ililv C'rns PAItTY April 'i, JAMHB P., husbnnd of Man 1 tarty inert iubeihi iiuiuw.s-n wu r.i.n... am invttid te attend funernl. Sat 8 30 A M from his late residence, 414 S 4td s: .Solemn mass of reauiem at Church of St. Pruncla de Hales 10 A. Jt. Int. Cathe dral CllAMHi:nI.I.V. April 27. THOMAS CIIAMDllHI.IN. Puneral services. Men . 2 P. .M at the residence of James Summers, 21 C Spring v , Ardmere, Pa, Int. prl- PdIIIIN April 27. SARAH, vvtfe of Abrahum Cehen, lttlatlve and friends, also 8'ck Visitors' Reieficlal Asse., Invited te funeral services Frl. 3 P. M. at her late residence, 241 S, 2dd st. Int. ut Har :sebe Cem, COnNICI.I. At the home of her son-in-law. Kills Tomllnsen. Pnurth Menth 2Cth, 1022 ANN'A U. widow nf Thedore Cernell. aged 77. lte'atlves and friends are Invited te attend funeral, from lie res dence. of her son, Russell Cernell, near Uellind. lurk; County. Pa , Hevcnth-Day, Fourth Mentf 20th. 2:30 P M, CRAIO On April 20, 1022. THOfl. J .son late Hobt. and Mary Craig (nee Or ffln) Kuneral Mei 8 30 A il . rts, of sitter ill) N. 47th St. Holemn ree.u!m mass Our Methur of Sorrows' Church, 10 A. Jt, Int. Hely Cress Cem. Relative and friends Invited. CTTRTIH.--StiJdenls'. April ST. JAMKS CfURTlN, fir. Relative and friends ari In- . r T ,rMHH7KA7HMT 'Slit. 'MiMinm1 hwi 1 1 1 1 ii ft rarntfflFcwB' rWissw BArlkY) -.'.Oif fCwtAli Titi'ltt' i " ATirftrM2 m 0 BA April KVKH. win 01 Atn aad friend. 0T0 B Celahen. iteiniiyc alie toeittle of .which ht a member, arc Invited te Iho funeral, en MAenlna a D 4A All,ib ,- .. Saturday from her lata real- dene. MO N, 'Jfllh at. Pelemn raqulemm at St: Francis Xnvler'a Church at 10 o'elock. interment at uniy cress uemetery, DIHMANT, On April 28. 12J, I)r. JOHN W. DI8MANT. husband of Marien II, Die- mant. Bcrvlre o'clock, at the Chestnut st. I Bcrvlre en Saturday afternoon, at l Oliver It. Itnlr unit.. 1S20 a a a A hahmla at DeNi.Kv. Apni s ciKeiuii: y, loved husband nf Annlo.UenlcM (nee 'eaeyj, l neiaiivcs ana irienas. also wem:njr iriee, Ne. 7, I. O. It. M.: Orebln i-est, Ne. 10. Sens of Veterans, und empleyes of Victer Talklmr Machine Ce., Invited te funeral services, Men , 2 P, Mi, at his late resl. dence, 12J7 l'erter st. Int. Alt, .Alerlah ""eUOHKRTr. April En..nnnNAnD, Sr husband et the tntn Julia, Deunherty (nee AlcAnnu)) llelathes and friends and all seclft'rn of which he was n member, lire In. vlted te attend funeral. Saturday, S 80 A. M., from his late rerldence, 33r,(l F at. Sol Sel emn ree,u'em mess at the Church of. the Ascension 10 A At. Interment Hely Sep ulthr Cemeterv ' , ' i:XlEt-April 27. KATIICniNB . (nee Keller), widow of Jehn Kngle, aed 80. l.elatUes and friends t re Invited te attend (uneral scrvlcca Alan,, 2 P. AI., residence 1.1011 Unrtnantenn. nve. Int. Oreenmouet Cent. Friends may tall Sun. ee. UltnMANN, April 27, OKOltaB W.. hue. band of r.llsnbeth 11, llrdmann. In his fl7th ear. Helallves and friends, also membere of Iho Union Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, Clnss Ne, 0. nnd I.odge Ne. 0. F. and A. At., are Invited te attend funeral eon Ices, Hat 1 V Al Onte residence. 18S3 K, Cumbria st, lnt private. North Cedar Kill Cem, KACKV. April 24. HAHnlETT (neeAn dres) wife of Frederick T. Kacey. Itela tle and friends Invited te services, Sat. 2 P. AI . nt her late residence. 2044 N. Heward st. In: private, arcenmeunt Cem Vlewlnir Trl ee, . .. , FI.ACK At Percst drove, Ta.. April 20. .7AAI1:m At. CLACK need 72. llelatlves nnd frlenJs Invited te funeral services, at Ter- estvllle 1'rcebjtrrian vJiiurcn. at., April -J, M. int. Kcmewii tem. OAI.LAlllIi:it. On April .25, CATII- t-?rtlVl-; tlaiivlitni. nf lntn Patrick nnd Mnrv (liilliiuhtr Ite'utlves and friends Invited te funeril. Hal . 8 10 A. Ar., resiaence or nar brother, Jehn Oallnsher. .'SOO Cedar ave Solemn requiem miss Church of the Trans, tlKUPntlnn 10 A. AI Int. Hely Cress Cem lWI.l... nETTA At uui.i'.i;. un April ti, in.. .mauua Widow of liustavus uoixe. itela- tlvcs ami friends ar Invited te the servlce nti Hat , 2 P. At , at her late residence, 5107 Wain me lltn. Int. nrlvate UHl'DUll. April 28. 1022, MATS K be eveil da'ignter ,r 1." .thni-lim fin, I Int. ciurles J. tlriibcr, aged 13 Relntlvcx and feerj,, u0 membere or Ladles' Aid. Phlla. nirte club nnd Lullee' Atixllliry if the 1,. p e H.. and Ladles' Catholic Ileneflclal reiletv Invited te funeral. Alen , H .in A. AL. from resldeiiCM of her mother, ,i38 .S. Ijim- rence st. Selium requiem mass at St. Henri inunn iv a .m. iiu. hi itniy beiiulihr- Cem. HAN'VAH IIArNPn KV 8u ."S ri A! Mt" her -J-ter'a residence lV,.th"n,,8c5r'Jn.0!0? HCem StlIlma" Btl It vMMnvr. nV Jw n,.,i (""r-nnee Sent .,..HAJVV rl? itAMMONn Ce B 00th -n. 1J1S. .XnANh "A""?' fffi-nlS' 0C ..-; v;-,. ,"T -, , ,ni.n.lJ. l' . ara ,-.-.-,, -,,-; , ,:,,l .. -sn P Al . I from th.) residence of his sls'.er, Airs. Jeseph stnnlcv, 1.. llroeuavlo ue , ii ensiae, int. Hll'slde Cem If AHUM At Hnrrlmnn Tn . April 20, RALPH xm.snv i.unhnn.t of K la Hart i . -. ."':.-:.-- "r- . .:. . . ,- nr.i ineue a. ii.- HARRISON At Rerl'n. N. J.. April 20, JOHN II HARRISON, nurd 03. Services Sat., 2 .10 P. AI , late resld.nce. White Herse pike. Berlin. N J. Int. Berlin Cem. . HAUKLint. April 27. CHRIbTlAN HAUr- J.btt. Relatives anil irienus are invuea iu attend funernl scrvlces. but.. 1 P. St., resi dence 3H37 Dell st. Int. private. HAYi:S On April 23. I'll KN. ON, .en of Loensrd and the late Sadie Haves, aged 17 years Funeral services en Friday, at 2 P. II . residence David P. Brown, 4280 Vie'a st. lnt private. Friends may call Thurs day evenlne, HAYKs Anrll 23. at Talrment. W. Va.. GEORGE, husband et late i:imlra Hayes Relatives nnd frlenda Invited te funernl servUrs Hat. 2 P At. nt residence et daughter. Mrs. Alrry R. Vv hltleck 3407 I St. lnt private , ' IIEAIS April 20. 1022, ALONZO II. husband of M.vry Ann Heaps (nee Alackle), aged 70. Relatlves and frltnds, also Fern Fern weed Ledge. Ne S43. F. and A. AL: Majer Onerst. Camp, Ne. 51, S of V.. are In vited te attend funeral services. Sat,, 3 P, AL, late residence. 210 S. 4th at.. Darby, Pa. Int. Alt. Zlan Cem. HEER. Suddenly. April 27, MARY A., daughter et the late Sebastian and Macda lens. Ilcer Due notice of funeral lll be given, from hur late residence, ISO V. Dia mond st. HOAULAND. April 27. 102J. DELLA T.. wife nf Edward 1'. Heiixlind and daughter et late Patrick and Harnh Cannen. Rela tives and friends Invited te funeral. Alen , 8 20 A SI., from her latp residence. 2113 W. Pacific s:. (near 21st und Vcnanse). Solemn re.iulem mass at Our Lad uf Hely Seuls' Church 10 A, AI. Int. nt Hely sepulchre Cem. HOOAN. April 20 JOHN J., husband of the Inte Bridget Hegnn. Funeral Men . 30 A AI , from hi. late rtsldencc, 7.111 N. 23th st. Solemn mass of rcqulJm St. I"rnncl Xavler's Church 10 A AI Relatives and friends, also societies of which he was a memter. an Invited, Int. Hely Cress Cem HOLCOMB. April 21. 1 HEMtY. hus bind of the late Hannah T Holceinb Relatives, friends. Stephen fllrnr.l Ladee, Ne. 4UI. F and A AI , SchU)ler Pest, Ne 51 O. A. It . Mur of Bethlehem Lr.Jge, Ne. IHO, I O. O. r.'and all ether organlzitlens, ar lnvlte.1 te attend funeral eervlces. l'rl , 2 P. AL, resldeme, l.03 E Alontgemery ave. Orients cill lhurs eve HUEY. April 21. WILLIAM OAWTHROP HUBY. Funeral services 1 riday, 2 P. AL, late residence 110 Birch ave , Cynwyd. pa Interment private. Hl'ltFF. April 55. 1022. AIAROAREt A . widow of Brooks Hurff. Punerul Sat . 10 1U A Al. iron ncr 'aie resuiente iiurrr Mile. N J. Services Hurff vllle AI IC. Church It A. . at'er 7 P. AI JREIND . .u i riviiue ina cuu rrl.. prll 25 AIARY E AIOORE. w" ut Funeru f Jehn II. Ireland, In her 0'ith jear 1 cervices sat., i: M, 0J11 Krr- snavv v T t. Int. Evergreen Cem., Cimden. ..... .. f. .! n ,nnO ,1 ....... KELLUY formerly of Heimesburg. Relatives and friends Invlled te funeral en Saturday, Bt 8 A, AI fren the rarlers of rnncli T. Nugent, 1H24 East Cumberland st. Vilemn Iietiulem mass nt St Deminie'. Church. 10 A ..I jniermenv ni ueininic-. i emetery. Heimesburg Remains may be vlcvied en 1 rlaay trem 7 te :i J- Al KKItrv April ... iiatiu., u. v.ife nt Walter Kern (nee Sailer) Relatives nnd fiiendR a'sn Pautaxet Ceuifcll. .Ne ieh:. ii e. i-.. .. .i. "... , ""'."I ... mium. funeral, Mun i 3D A AI . r.'sldei r- liis K .Monmouth st Solemn requiem m;l3 nt thu Church -if the Visitation A AI lnt Hl .H"lt'Pi'rt'ni IvUll.N Al Aliunnn, ri , -vpni 'i lu.'j Kuneril .. ..u...M... "- - -:.." -."." "..:. - P. M. at Asher f. Sen's Hrend Ht chapel 12011 N. lirena si ini .in ,-inui Lam, KUMPF April 2.1 nHRTIfA H wife of late llllam P. Kumpf , aged Sh Rela tives uni friends Invited te funerul. Sat., .1 P. M . from resldcr.ee of her brother-in-law. Albert Rhlnchmltt. 382!) N. 3th at. lnt nt Oreenmeunt Cem. Remains may be viewed Frl eve, t.CAROL'RNE -April 25. 1022. MART A., v.lfe of Kdward Leabuurne Itelativea and frltnds am Invited te uttend funeral, Sit , s hi A M , from her latu residence, HIU Wal'ace at High muss Culhedral 10 A, M, lnt Hely Cress Cem. l.l'T. April ill, 1022. at the residence nf his deuithttr, Mrs. Jennl M. Miller, 145X N 110th St.. Phlla . ISAAC LUTZ, Sr. Punerul and Int. Sun., J P. M . nt Liver- WMACUi: April 21, 1U2.'. JOHN beloved huslund uf K.l..ibeth Mag e Relatives and friend nlnu I'hlla. I'lre Dept nnd Relief Asse etiT-n Fire Assu tf Phlln , are in vite 1 te cter.l funernl Men 30 A. M from his lule reald. nee 2.'.' XV. Oxford st Selium ib tulem mxn M Mlrhnil'M Church 10 A M precise Int. New Cathedral Cem MAOIMRi: Amil i". of 21.11 N. Orknev st . JOHN J. MAUl'lRi; llclttlves and friends, nise Cel, Theodere Roosevelt Pest Ne. 7 U. A. VI . . nrc Invited te attend , funeral Men.. K 31 A M from the funeral I apDrtments nf Hareld H Mulligan, Kith , st nnd Oermante.vn nve. High mass St. Heward's Church 10 A M. lnt Helv Hepul .hre Cm MANI.ICK At Mne Lexington. April 27. VN'MIl C. wife of Charles Manllck tnee In) nged 01 Relatives arid friends are nvite.i te uttenn tne funeral, en Mummy THE KERNEL i fitirl unit nf V 1111 trt II rls Relatives and friends are Invited te , """ Pn",1S Lt. , rJ2?l A.h .2? .t u. attend funeral, from his late resldenc.-. 241 of St. Elisabeth 1J purchi-and all societies Iwe.t Circle. Harrlman. Pi.. Sat.. 11 i """i .a K,,mber;.lnv"ed. " '" A. AI. Int. Hantlst Cem . Ha em. .". J. .'AVV - CRftHPK.TELi. WEU.BUB IrtTrV ftRST MC AQOOT PLACE THAT MOOSE AIN'T TM HAUNTED HAUNTED, AU'THEY AlKT HOUSE AN NO SICK THINGS TH" GrtOSTb L BUT -THERE IS QUITE A AN' EVER'THIN". HISTORY CONNE.CTEO HnvTHTHAT, OV-D O. V f " y . " j $ ii. Pleyea et ESI? vlted teatt P.t M. retldetMat," rrlvate. lv i"" , .'. , .ju , ,) .McCUB April Ml jMlii WART X W CUB. Relatives and. frlenda. also it. fln- cent de.Paul ra uteter t. a. b. secatr una ii. .Y.'M. B ceollen Jm - - ""Jl.J i 'z;.:-i! uuKiur di in iinnikeuiBia uini tinurun, sirv inriiva u? iimej Stf nerai, dence. Rnt., S80 A. M , from Mr Ut 0621 Beyer tt.. drmiintaivn. Sel letnn requiem mhis M1 Immarulata cenas-tlnn wnun Me! rch,1C A. M. tnt. ctf.WAIN. Huddcnly, IAN. .widow et AI Int. Old Cathedral, Cem. Anrll Z". . '1132, HUHA laxander Aleflwainx MC Ralatlres and frlenda nvitea te services. fiat., a. P, M,. at her late residence. B7I unii Verk'.- lnt nrlvste. Aerll 25. LOUISA a., halnved wife of Frederick C. Mtrk and daukhler et uarenne incmer ann late iienry Btehner, ad 32. Relatives and friends, atae Harry Clay Council, Ne, 0l, H. and I), of L., are Invited te attend funeral services. Bat,, 9 80 P. M., at her late residence, 204 Kim St., Camden. N. J. int. private, New Camden Cem Friends call Frl, eve. . .MUllPHT.--On April 20, ,1023. JURY A. MURPHY (nee Olbbena), wife of Henry A. Murphy, Relatives and frlenda are Invited te the funeral, en Monday mernln. .at 8 80 o'clock, from her late residence, 220 N, 85th st. Solemn requiem mass at St. Calllstus' Church, 07ih and Lansdowne ave., at 10 o'clock. Interment St. Denla' Cemetery. NAbl.lNaBR.Aprll 28. ANNA M , wlfe of William J, Nalllncer nnd daushter et Oeerce V. and the Inte Mary Shinier, Relatives and frlenda are Invited te attend funeral, Sat , 3 P. At,, from her late res'' dence, 283 v. leuden st. , Int. Oreenmeunt Cem. Remains may be lewed Frl. eve. NASH. April 20. ROI1ERT. husband of (he late Harriet Nash. Relatives and friends Invited te funeral, Bat., 2 P. At,, from the residence of h's dauthter,' Alra. Charles Yeung, 113 Woodland ave , Wayne, Pa, Int. Radner Bantlat Cem. I i NEILL. Suddenly, April T. AONK8 AI . i wife et J. F, Nell I, Jr., and daughter of tha .aie inemss nna mary Lfavenperx, mjuq no ne no llee of funeral will be given, residence, 4811 N. Mascher st. NtCHOI.H. Anrll 2R. 1022. CATHERINE. .wife et late Jacob Nichols llelatlves and friends Invited te funeral. Sat.. 8 80 A. At . from late residence. 2418 8. 70th et. Retemn requiem mass at Church of St. Atenlca 10 A. At. i NIC Int. at llelv Creps Cem IIOl NICHOLS. April 20 at l.er rl lence, 410 Ulttenheuse St.. Oermontewn, AIARTIIA A i wiqew et utnrge iicneis, in ncr mm jenr. Funeral services private. Int. Worcester, i Alass. . .. I OI1ER1IOI.TZER April 20. HARRY, hut- vanu ui avinn xjtmrneiizvr, iteiniura nna ' irienus, ntse empleyes ei jenn u. Mieisen Ce.. are Invited te attend funeral nervlcea Pal.. 2 JO P, At,, at late residence. 2205 N Reese st. Int. private. Remains may be i levvedrrl 8 te 10 F, AI. I'hUl'LJSB, April 27. .UAK1 l'l.lli',).S. i Relatives and friends are Invited te funeral services. Sat., 10 A. AL. at her late real' , dence, 2141 Allfflln St. Int. Odd Fellows' J Cem. I ..PROCTOR On April 25, 1022. JOSEPH II husband of Arary A. Procter, llelatlves and frlenda. also Athelstnn Ledge Ne. 482, r anu a, xi.. are inriieu je me service, en Saturday afternoon, at 2 30 o'clock, at his residence 3208 Alantua ave. Intertnent at Jit. Merlah Cemetery, Friends may call Friday evening. HAbCLIFI'E Les Angeles, Calif.. April 24. 1022, ELSIE RAY, wlfe of Jehn Y. Radcllfte and daughter of Michael J. and AInry J. Cesta. Funeral aervlce. and Int. prl- vaie. RANDALt Anrll 5V TTmMAB 1.. nt, i band of Anne A. Rindill i.nd son of Ain , nnd late Thomaa Randall. Funeral from n ""' '""'". -i iheii ... utp msntevvn. Services and Int. private, Frl SSSJL .,,, , Arfr ,i..,.M.e of . "KEPT. April 2j, MAnY,dauhler of aia m...iav inn ..., ifiuiiw Relatives and :--. v -j.M -i-.-t---l-,-- manna n i mn . .s ki Solemn renulem mass St. Ktlsnheth'a Church 10 A. M. Int. at St. Peter's Catholic Cem . Reading, Pa, Reading papers please copy, KIDPATH Suddenly, April 2S, at 402 Walnut at., Jsnklntewn RACHEL A., widow ei jenn vv. itinpain. r unerai services cti , 10.80 A. St. Int. private. SANDERSON. API II 23. MARGARET SANDERSON (nee Hctiel), wife of Adam Sanderson. Relatives nnd friends Invited te funeral services. Sat., -' P. St., at chapel of Kirk Nice, 0101 Gcrmantewn aw. Int. Chelten Hills Cem SCOLLAN. April 24. ALFRED, husband of Florence I. Scellan tnne Alusselman). aged 80 year.. Relatives and friend, nre Invited te attend the fuasrsj eervlsc. Friday. 2 P. 11.. from his late residence, 27 Hirst St. In. terment Arllnitnn f emetery. BCHWANANFELD April 20. TAUBB. wife et Leuis Schwananfeld. aged HO. Rela tive, and friends, also Oral Chaylm Ledge, I. O. 13. A., are Invited te attend funeral services, Frl,, 2 P. SI. precisely, late real dence. 3208 IV. Slontgemery ave, Int. Har fcebe Cem. SHAY. April 20. JOHN J., husband of the late Julia A. Shay, aged 83. Relative, and friends are Invited te attend funernl. Sat.. 8 30 A. AL. from the residence of hi. daughter. Sirs. J. 11. Delan, 200 Cynwyd read, Cynwyd, Pa, High mass St. Alatthew'a Church 10 A. St. Int. St. Denis' Cem. S.M1TH April 20. MIRANDA, wife of Abram Smith. Relative, and friends are invited te nttend funeral acrvices, Alen., 2 P. M . at her late residence. 68J1 Hegerman st.. Wlsslnemlng. Int. Magnelia Cem Re mains may be viewed Sun., 7 te 0 P. M. BPENCR April 27. AtARTHA AIA TILDA, wife of Henry Spcnce and daugh ter of Themas F. and Atarv E Jehnsen, nged 34. - Remains may be viewed Frl. eve., at her late residence, 1011 W, Somerset st, lnt fhlnceteajrue, Va , Sun . April 30 bTETSON. At Duffryn Slevvr. ra.. April 20. DANIEL A. STETSON. In his 8th veir. Relatives and friends are Invited te short services, Sat., 7 P. AI. Int. Alalvern Baptist Cem., Sun., 0 80 A. AI (stand trd time) He malr. may le viewed Sit., 7 te 0 p. AI. STILLEY. April 25 HELEN AL, wlfe of Themas T. Htllley. Relatives and friends are Invited te nttend funerul. en Sat., 8 30 A. SL. funeral parlors et J. Rajmond Kelly, 1245 N. 17th a; High mass of requiem at the Church of the Gesu 10 A. St. Int. Hely Cress Cern. Remain, may be viewed Frl. evening after 7 o'clock. .STRAUSS April 25. FANNIE STRAUSS, beloved sister of William Strauss and Sirs D ICellett. Relatives and friends are In vlted te attend funeral services, Frl . 2 P. AT preclsclv, at her late residence, 101U N. 0th st Int. Redef Shalem Cem STUART At Beverly. N. J., April 20, 1022. HANNAH wife of late Jame. s. Stu art. In hir 117th year. Funeral servlcea Sat . 8 P. SI , nt residence of her son James A. Stuart, Salem read, Beverly, N. J. Int. Monument Cem. Will meet trains leaving Market St. Terry 1.23 P. M. at Beverly, N. J. TORRENS At her residence 1510 Wal lace st . en Anrll 20, 1022. JEANNETTE LINTON TORRENM. Service en Friday after noon, at 2 o'clock, at the Oliver it, Balr i. i820 Chestnut st. Interment private TYRRELL. Suddenly. April 27, 1922, Mr. MAttflARET TYRRELL. Funeral erv. Ice. Sat.. 2 P. M,, residence of her daugh ter. Airs. Jehn D. Urevcr. 4021 Cedar ave., West Philadelphia int. private. URIAN. Ap'H 2'.. nt her late residence. 8 s. 43d st . ELIZABETH B , vv Idew of Henry g, ann anuin.tr ei me iai Augustus c nncj Harriet Tvvnddell Jones In her 00th rnr. Funeral Frl, 2 30 P AI , St. James rhuVrh. Klngseeslr-i. Int. St" Jamel' . Churchverd, VFItREH At her res dence the Cllnlnn nin jRmH v errce. cerv.cq oil t rinav mnpn. Ing, at 11 e clock, at the Oliver ."- . i . .i.-' .. .l- .. j- ...--... H. Balr ui.iir Hia cnestnut si. VVAI.LACK' April 21. JOHN CRAIO WALLACI. huslmnd of Hmma P Miller Wnllace. at his res'dence, 213.1 Walnut st . Phlia WALLS Suddenly, Aprll.27. 1022. JOHN WALLS, husband of Anne Walls (nee Mc Mc Oevetn). Relatives and friends are Invited te attend funeral, Sit, h 30 A. M., residence 1134 N. Hepe st. Requiem mass Church of the immacuin-e . oncepuon 10 a, si, lnt. 1 Inly Sepulchre Cem. WALTKH On Apr' I ALTKH On Apr'I 23 1022. FRED. rtittTA WALTER (nee Illicit) rutativ.s and friends and all societies of which she was a member Invited te funeral, en Bat morning, at 7 30. from late residence, 012 Master st Solemn requiem m-se 0 o'clock at St. Peter Church. lnt Most Hely Ro Re Ceemer Cem. WIOTON, At Plalnfleld, N. J at her res. Idence, 721 Watehung ave , April 20 1022, ANNA OARRIOUE8, beloved wife of Charles llinsen Wlgten and daughter of William A. and nilzs, M. Oarrlgues Services were held In Hillside rem , Plalnfleld, N J , Thur.. April 27. 3 P. M. UNDERTAKER s BROAD an. DIAMOND PflUYLERS L BROAD an. A LONGTIME AGO, TCAl' LATE lKL IT'S BEEN NIGH ONTO FIFTY YEAR ORSlCHAWWtW AS GHOSTS AN OLD MISE.R Q" TH OP OTTO VON SCHNlCVCEU UVEO IN TH' rAAONTEO IA00SE PLACE. C ALU BY -a rtlSSELF, H6 WAS SUPPOSED TO BB TERRIBLE RICH; LEASTWAYS THAT'S WHAT SETH 5PARICSTOLO AROUND. SETH WPS TH' TOWN LOAFER, HE PEEKED IN TVV VSINDOW ONE; N,GrT AH' SAV OLD l Mr nifaiHi .! SMttel ra. it -JttV,- -;;,', W'tW, i;.Lm imLnfl'S'jssSL hx&jn- tatni rvlce.and' l'n'trmnt it the con' siakwrs el mm ramiirj - ' Wn-BON.'-Aprtl 28. riWDA. wife of W nmuenier or'. ims al deck s; Int. East Cedar Hill Cent.' View-,1 Ins? Frl. eve. i ' i i 'WILSON-Aprll 9T,' 1M. ANNUS, V l,u. . nk..l.. TV. WllutM tmm vd.Kt Relatives and friend., ar Invited te attend I uneral. Sun.. 2 P. M, residence. 70S Mew larket M, lnt, private. . TAIIU, At ner resiaence. oil a, isjn tt,, , Anrl 20 1022. KMAL1NH MATILDA vim nKNSSRLAKR. beloved wife ar rir. Jehn I lard, Sorvlce and Interment strictly private. PARCEL POST In Business for 35 Year's 50 Save 50,. Men'e jjlSa Suits Spert Yeung Men's Conservative Sixes 34 te 60 $8.00 Up Beys' 2 Pair Pants Suits $5.00 Up, v ; Ladies' Capes, Coats and Suits Newest medrlsi all alxee. Deuble fringed nnd caracul nstrnkhan. cellar) reshina"i crepes, canton crew, duvetyn, silk bellrla, trlcetlne, marvelln, pelret twill. $8.00 Up Sample Dresses LATEST MODELS Hire 14 te 50 $7.00 Up - MILLER, S. E. Cor. 13th & Bainbridge Sts. Open Evening. Stere Order. Accepted THE EASIWAY Scrubber Mop i Cleaner & Polisher The best and most useful article of It kind en th market. Sat isracuen absolutely guarantied or mensy rsfundrd 4 .1,, AIII7GI Euslvvny'Toel. from Kpsl- S1.35 np vvn Polisher, Slf- ring- .. t Men i'ep'iii"i'-n in.w-ceiibh"r with Tamplee. ralmette or nrlstl Brnsb. Tnmplee Itrush with Mepi remnlet Palmetto Rrnsh with Mepi complete nri.u r-"'. "!", Mr"' rnmnlets FRANK B. HENRY, Distributor k B. TniRl) ST.. PinLA. WALL PAPERS 10c, 15c, 20c, Deuble Rell Thousands of homcfelkj de their own paperhanglnit. Our wallpupera are et geed quality and easy te hang, bend for sain pie linek. Window Shades Jer, 45c Geed Prints ";?, $1 Gal. WALL PAPER COMPANY s n. sreexn st.. fhila., pa. Keen Edge Cutlery 828 Chestnut St A full line of cutlery en hand. IIAZOR ni.AIF,t nrsharprned 8INT.LK Or DOUI1I.K 3r Regular Razors QC Ground and Honed . Cemjifefc Grlndinu Ilatabllshmcnt 3taj Leng- TVl:rrrw. nkaM Range clcSCOpe Iumi uil.m Four Sections. Urass drawn Tubes, High Orade Achrenmtlc Lenses Excellent finish Opens about . twelve Inches, Pine, Clenr Vision, Ideal for Hikes, Aute Trips, etc. Guaranteed Value (4.00. Our Prlce 11,03 Postpaid If C e. D. 10c extra. Banner & Ce., Dept. 3, Trenten, N. J. X- Hew About Heme Meney en Din v mends und JewelrT Rntr Iw a 1. WsRer's Pawnshop. 001 Via t ftenrtfil In the City. .EVENING CLOTHESl. TO HIRE AND FOR HALE Pull lln-Hs mil luxrdn Stills Cutiivviis for Morning Wedding Ilifetl Medel of lll-h-.t tlualltv SAMUEL COOPER I,0IS.!rMl 1010 GIRARD AVE. vyWt, 5 GLASSES Lewaf4 fMccnTrTisNt Tiacp. AwnnciAtCrn iMsurt M The Story If-' nam A. Wilsen ann navwnier n inns m the late Otte.Omm). MttT.88. 'Helatlv and friends rt uivium 'te ,ttna rurseai eery ice. Sat., 1:80 P. M., risldence. 22 Jfrad. IIJiLLJCnl reTHfaDTHE5l4WlJ IVllL.ll.IA BBJJIrSgttgrjMvl YV yJt "w A S rvr-rri rrlr4Xllsl, eti mmjev .-m . w. , , ESTIMATED THOUSAND HAME K YP-l TVMt HE TOLD ABOUT ST.SETH'Ub stuck VT V-EAVlN' ' VMHIL.E ?m nni vvmsr m (T "s ' y7sVBkc.1 17?t " .)?? kmmmm Fi.fsTtl IJtmW?- km AfT jK1 'ILmmmMJm ' I Lr sftvC) wuh ' v lift fSJl 1 Serial Aa ikjp Ii ffumbera mmm mm ' . . ( mm ": k. JL, ..stSft SIZE TIRES TUBES 30x8 ..$6.76 $1.60 30x8Vi .. S.20 1.76 3Zx82 ..11.65 1.85 31x4 ..18.65, 2.00 82x4. ,,.'15.65 . 2.15 38x4 ..16.45 2.25 34x4 ..16.90 v 2.50 82x4 V& ..20.60 3.00 WW . mm w zp " xI i lSiT swr I l, v sj v 'vivW' 1 I mmmmmmmwmmmmmmm PA&OEL POST U.S. Army Pup Tents BRAND NEW AND PERFECT Parcel Pest, 25e Extra Cost Oevt. S6.M O. H. Army regulation Issue. Holds two men. Guaranteed waterproof. Uaed by all children. Complete with two fe'dlng pole.. , . . , Fer Terser Site. Beni fer1 Price. BRAND-NEW U. S. Army Khaki Breeches Officer' strle. Deuble seat and buttons en'ilde nf . leg, Verv strong. Tailor made. Brand- new and perfeet. All altes. $1.35 Werth 3.00 Parrel Fest.ISc Extrn Reclaimed Army Tftri Khaki nrreehr vu Blres nu e y 1T TSACI U. S. Army Regulation Pup Tents Complete with collapsible pole Brand New Cost Gevt. 16.20 These tenia nre the U. 8. Government Issue nnd nre absolutely clean, water proof nnd In perfect condition. There nre two part te erch tent. Pan be put up by nne person. PARCKL rOST. 15e KXTR. Brand-New Genuine U. S. Army Balbnggan Underwear Shirts are slip ever. Draw er niiklp length. Kvrry garment bear government stamp. en Per garment OUC S salts for dl oft Mies 1 in 44. SIU Army Jeen Drawers, Me nr, PARCEL POST, 10c EXTRA Kensington Army & Navy Supply Ce. 2333 KENSINGTON AVE., l'lillu.. Pa. Send Cash.Chcck or Meney Order COIN MACHINES Bell, Fruit and ether. Card Reel (102J Medel). J a e k p e t Peksr .Card. Dewey; 100 Dew ind rsbullt. All burgaln. Eastern Office HLOAN NOVELTY .MFC CO. 801 ' ..". fllh St. Plinnei Hell, Penlur 4734 of the Haunted Heuse ,, , ,-,,w , n.sw v, wu in THE PILE AT FIFTY DOLLARS; BOTEiVERY cOMH,ETEyy I llW-.i ..-h Vf v V . s mr 1 . iui. .,,, u&mSm? w 611 Market Sit Pha.RN! ffl Ii vrnttett! ' vMRbIS' M$L $2.25 jyCRr EXAGGERATE THE AMOUNT-FlKALVX HE REACHED A. MILVION AN' nre rr. Anyways one day tw OLD PRUSSIAN died without ANY HEIRS. AFTER A WORO GOT AROUND THAT OLO NON SCrNCKEL.V(w,D BORlEW BUB'. BEDTIME ! COME RtGHT THIS fw ii mt .JL j ,j. ltli-iJ.L-ij-. i sV-...X- .I.. At -j.L VSBBl! I ( CD CSllrTT -rNQN V v crvsJiz-iL 8000-MILE SfZE TIRES , 83x4 Vi.. $21.70 85x4.,. 28,45 36x4Vi,. 24.40 88x5 35x5 37x5 MAIL ORDERS SHIPPED C. O. D. SfUBJECT'TO INSPECTION ' MONEY BACK; IF. TIRES DO NOT SUIT BETTER TIRE STORE CO.! 300 NORTH BROAD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA, ' Northwest Cerner Stere at Bread and Vine Locust 48 , , Optn Sundiiyg nntl Kvenfnnl PA&CEL POST ROOF PAINT High-ffrade paint witn geed wear ing qualities. ' . Ked : brown : ureen $1.75 Gallen Black, $1.00 per Gallen HOUSE PAINT ' Cevers 700' sq. ft. te tne gallon. One coat. All colors. $2.75 Gallen We deliver and ship anywhere Phentu Poplar 26S8 Prttten 6418 Send for color cardt. DISKANe lH I2th. and aKABDAVX.MlAM. 1 mANCH:444 IANCAS7W AVM.T p Help Wanted Situation Wanted Employment Agencies and Lest and Found Advertising will be- found en Page 30 REAL ESTATE FOB BALE crrv 0. W. UK. 1 6th & Oxford 40 ft. en 16th. 173 ft. en Oxford 40 ft. en Willington. Ideal location for apartment house, club, private residence) etc. JOHN H. SINBERG ' 1218 Chestnut At Washington Lane Station P. R. R. City and suburbs 'combined Reduced $4500 nOO block Kast Walnut lane, newly renovated throughout, U rooms, bath and laundry: large ard, large ter race, wide street; geed value, terms arranged, Hee Jlr, Tlmm at sample house, or Geerge E. Klingler 4420 N. 8th St. Wje, 7300, Valuable Central Real Estate Parkway section. t!0th st. nbnv ii, tier); 15 rooms, S baths, sulluble for apart ments i'Olh t. below Chestnut, adapted for offices enu apartments: splint id Investment, MAGEE & R0DGERS 12C0 Locust St. Pheno Spruce 0208. and the Hidden Treasure m !: TU' KONEY ON HIS FMM SOME'ERE wftum RECKON "THAT WAS ABOUT TH' &E&T COLTlVATCD UAND INTNtS , COUNTY FORTAE. AT fIRST-fisW ONLY A FEW TREASURE DIGGERS 1 BUT AFTER A SP6LU ,THE'Y YieT SO MAN THEY HAD Te WORK IN SHIFTS. SHOVEVa SOUD S HIGH A RFTY DOLLRS APIECE.. ONE EVENlN!, aftek A HARD eas OlGG.lS', SETH SPARK& DECIOS.O TO USE WIS HEAD. INSTEAD'H HS RACK. HE- WAS TWV QEST WAND AT G6T-nW OLVT O' WOR; I EVfcP. SAW. SBTJA GOT A RIGHT lOE - AW - RUN ON,BUBl MIND GRANDMA! I'UW T6LU ITS YOU S'MORE riOtOtOri MlrAUTE? VXT - wfc d, V Mt, . i z.1 mmui mi iiWiiiiMsi- 'mLiJSM rf,y i-v "., ' entseistii ..ruai.'.. i. .v'a.W... JL WNl nu nnferaiAi wrnAMibri mrni itiutm. l.JJ in tieiiini yivrrL4--iitWmiMlurAv. ' t . n.4 SKIDS v resm TlftES TUBES $3,25 V UNlTRn STATES, BISK 34x4V4:. 2190 -3.50, OoedvearS PORTAOB ' ' Trent pnnsTnvtrf i 8.90- , 4.1$ ' 4.25 4.50 npnAT. 'ii HENDEIWOti 25.95 26.40 26.95 nd e'.lur 'fi meua brand. 2 barjtnin prlctt? v-nu ana i tnem ever. BEAL ESTATE FOB BAT ,CITY Building Let. Factory Sites, J Factories, Sites e: Fleer,! J.LttPATTON 404 I.IKnn UUILbwJ ratter!. Warshoev. illanufartnrlaJ PKNNA. nAIUtOAD Sllvi 4 an sut eS mm . rmeetvaai; WILL CriNHIuVilt mviD'NO! WASHING 1 UN AVE. ' Factory Properly) FOR SALE ON ACCOUNT Or HE.M0VAI, Nearly the entire block between I and JMth at nnd Washington a aea srarpenier si., rnuaaeip Suitable for machine shop, fc general manufacturing. Open-hearth steel meUIn fui sold with prepsrty It desired, ".-, JOHN S, WURTS 'J. lU Atternev-ntI.av 1235 Member l.A.NII TUL.f. ni.DO. Phlla. Real Estate Bea nun ' FACTORY' BUILDING 2042-44-46-48 N. MASCHER THREE-STORT HUII.DIN0 i LOT 72MB nLECTRIC ELEVATOR CONTAINS 10 000 SQUARE FI CAN BB BOUOHT CHEAP UONELFRIEDMANNM 261 S, 1KTK ST., P1IILA.. VKX npruca ejsi-.j Factories, Sites & Fleer Si AT WAYNE JUNCTII Space for rent. Address Wr. Di I J. LEE PATTON, Lincoln Bldf. 3759 N. MARSHALL S ier Ilutlcr at.: 0 rooms, bath, hetAfl Cerner heat, elec , hnrdwoed floors, garakt lege- geed condition; jftuuii m NEWMAN & BALL " 3250 OERMANTOWN AVE. TI0. FACTORIES AND WAREHC E. S. T0MLINS0N, JR. 'fl FACTORY SPECIALIST '. 'I It WEIIT PIHLADELPinAjn Complete Modern Horeji lOth Street sectteni f ' Overhill Read, Seuth of til Chestnut Street mvn ernnr RPtMt.riP.TACIIED 11 1NBPECTION IS INVITED J 30 Sold, only 6 left .j Apply en premises or te iVj . ROBERT KILL0UGH 'M Ml nTTTT.nRR T Wayne & Duval Bts., OermsnUwf BkWidiinniirMMinia 0VERBR00K SECTION Selecud from our complete lUtcJOJ, bet nemes for . sale In tn s seawaj Three-story aeml-detacnen an- pienv rPBiueiitn, ".'"""'nil "... .j -..'. J "1n W tir corner buii uwwwr --rt tleti In ipiend il location. J roemi fted luth. Incleijd perch nnrt varture. aW' i..l .... !. I a past Int. Witn 4 space aultable te build et- i n. m i . r N, 03d t.: seml-detachpd. bath. Inrae rooms', let i JU IDUi cneicijji . Twe tery. eml-detacnea, with 4 Iwdioems. Ilvlnr loemi 18s.Hi new IPtrlnrs !,., nf condition ' mw v.Mau he. v,rv modern ""."'"' .''. i..n.,b. nemeiMS i.ni.nct'. w, ti i'i "u ..;.. . meat desirable llvini.' wnniiwesi- -...1 In hits .i.tV. J A 'ft'u "."ivr:u.s03.v rrancis j. uiujc NEW STONE HOUSES j 2 BATHS AND UAHA0B filTH'ST. nvnRBBOeJ NORTH C-F LANSDOWNE !AVJ Central-Plant He it -... lm than our coal MOSS & TAYLOR Tu.t A F.av As Paying but ivlrh.' the ndventjw of lW. own landlord t "", "".-V, out I pecini pmn in ei "',';- r:.j pM i malnlna houses at 40th M.if th University i.ulfr',,,fi row hav pearnore", ! ' uicIHi fleer. te. Particular en "P""" I our einc. rOva 1BTH AND MARKET '- J tf. m ..ik M&. & 1 w t 3. iT 4. &K.y&i3. A tWratilr 'O.- i a... .j .'jiv r . KM 5,ViXi It "j.