U ft jf .1 i liAI "I -TT1 J Hen Dees It Penn and$Drmke Relay V. 8. Women in Sserte l "A I ftnUtdr PurXMf 9 , l u v ,, i. . irfte'tliilTewltJ etnmyWanlt rttays - .7' l -. . fln itlenal Importance this week. Out at DeirMelncR,Ia., Drake University wfll stage a carnival patterned r our classic and it is' being run In direct opposition te the Franklin Field tan'nal feature. . e , F v Although It. la officially denied, It Is understood that the Drnke authorities. L Articular, and' Middle Western collegians; In general, are somewhat peeved it tee Easterners, because of the scant support accorded the national track meet & Chicago lasfyeaN., ; '. V Pennsylvania has. been able te, attract large numbers of stars from the Middle West and has" drawn even from the Pacific Coast for the races today jnd 'tomorrow" v , 5 At the same time, .Drake is net without its headllhers for the Des Melnen j"' Tn'd competition has done no one i ttartiea. - Drake has Ibecn accustomed Performances and there Is no 'reason i Petty grievances should be put aside Ii i . , . . , . f I TtASEBALlV officials" are considering van action te determine a ' iJ3' precess1 for crediting or charging pitchers with defeat or victory i in- gaaiea tn which .two or mere twirlera work for one club. Such a ' move would be advisable. Such circumstances always start nn ar eknient. ' , American Women in International Sports it rrWH nntlenal A. A. U. Is seriously t J. .government the control of athletics k Simultaneously with this comes the suggestion that1 the International Amn. tour Athletic Federation extend its jurisdiction ever women's (.ports In every country In which It new function) ever men'H events. i 'The 'A, A. U. already controls, women's swimming competition niul ar ranged for the American entries that were se successful at the Antwerp Olympic ? ssmes in iiuu. Athletics among women, particularly ttureve te a point far in advance of A. C doubts if American girls will be ready te make a showing fitting te U. S. traditions In the 1028 Olympics. ' Our girls would have six years te prepare. They didn't have six months te organize for Itcd Cress work during the war and their record is one of the miracles of the turbulent times of '17 and '18. If they can make geed in swimming, why can't they make geed in ether lines of athletics? , , "POR some reason or ether Philadelphia will net support amateur " boxing. The ether night at the Olympia Club a dozen bouts were ', deddedibetwnA,,alMor-glery" youngsters, and ench contest, with one exception, was 'a' humdinger, as It were. It might be said that there , were (mbre beiers than 'spectators at the clnb. Ne wonder Philadelphia I wa&unaWe te win a national championship at Bosten recently. Ama teurs can't thrive unless shows developing the slmen pures are sup- ported. v a Golfers Discuss Distance as Par Basis 1T7TTH the restoration of the stymie and all the ether changes in golf rules VYbelhg, advocated, ft isn't much of a task te stir up an argument in almost any lodterieom 'these days. ' One started the ether day en the subject of "par" golf and just what it constitutes. A livelier golf ball necessitated a change In par a couple of years nge. Par ji bated en distenre. Heles up te 250 yards nra new pnr 3. Par 4 is from 251 te 44S yards ; par 5, from 440 te 000, and par 0, mere than COO yards. , GblfcrR are, new claiming that, for players of the front rank, beating pnr Incomes easier nn the distance lengthens. If one Is supposed te drive 250 yards, ns per pHr 3 holes, It ought te be "easy" te get en a 000-yard hole In three for n birdie S. Shet-making, however, Is net the same down hill and up. r There are things te take Inte consideration besides the yarduge alone. Players arc wondering whether distance alone should be the basis for par. ', . , . . SO&fE may d6ubt that that crowd of 13,000 fans jet the opening of Shettillne Field means anything for Independent baseball's i popularity, They figure at an opening, with a band-and things, there naturally .'would be a'crbwd But close by there was another crowd f W0O'-thatt-day--watching another, semi-pre-game Independent-, baseball . ingoing te "pack them in." " :r DOWNTOWN TEAMS READY FUlahar and Old-Timers Lift Base- ball Lid Tomorrow . Downtown fans will witness two base ball openings tomorrow. At Twenty sixth and Reed streets thq Flelnhcr yarners will meet St. Columba. The Saints have entered the ranks of the major local teams this year and have a first-class combination.- Frank Derkev. who had a try out with the A's, will pitch for the -Lehigh ave nue aggregation, while Pete Daley, for mer Catholic High Scheel star, will be behind the bat. Willie MeKcnty bhs again been selected te hurl for the yarn ers, with Larry Sutten catching. Jack Hines has made extra prepara tiens for the Inaugural game of the Old-Timers at Thirteenth and Johnetnn streets. The opposing club will be Lnn-i-HNtc" nml n flag valuing, street parnrte ad speeches by well-known downtown dewntown downtewn oltlzi Hi .tie. ou the i 2?ram. I hwtdi'ri Ilnller. owner of Haller Park, the home M the Old-Timers, will toss out the prstball. , Gulda te Guide Celllna Nine, , Je (liitda, manner of the pelltna Pre.,, rav.llna aarrevatlen n( Seuth Philadelphia, announce! that he I te put a nine en the (leld this aeaaen. He haa aecured Prank Murdock aa coach. The latter la a former player and manarer of Lynn Haven. Atee. Olevtrdale and Oak Lane Terrace. The preeent reater If: W. Fadula. captain. Beaumont, Tex. Kit. Olbaen. Carllale; Leu Denuicy, nnenanaeau; u.rtnw neui. nyan: Leen Oliver. Cheatnut Hill; Cennie Carney. Qermantewn; Vln Clementa Oer Oer niantewn; Ben Dragen. Drexel; L. Lepei. Tfnjple; Thee. and Mick Padula. Lynn llaveei ,Chlpk MoCulleufh and Frank Bev erly. 8t Barnabaa'i A. Kelnfeldt and J. Vtck. Curtla C. C: A. Burni. O. 8. Armyi Jee Brooka and Mancy Leula. Oamea can M toeked through Art Summera, of the Philadelphia Baaeball Aeaoclatlen. or with f.etty Lupei, aecreury, 1281 Wharten at. ' '" BASEBALL Today, 3:30 P. M. t HII.UB PAHK. 41ST ANO I.KIlli.II AVh. I ATHLETICS . WABHINOTON i Reaerred Beats OlntpeU' and Hpaldlnt'a CAMBRIA A. ClAJB 5gft: Friday Evening. April 18. rm JOE I.E1T7. vs. TlIK MrCABE Fnnr Other Star Renta BIJOU STH A RACE STREETS IN CONJI'NTT'ON WITH nm nrnlTrK iinniv TONIGHT 12 Boxing Beut. i In tltr Araiteur Dexlng Tournament RELAY RACES University of Pennsylvania Twenty-eighth Annual Carnival frunklln Field, rrinar. April tlth Hblic sale new open franklin irir t ij-w" H- DETOUR tW White Herta Pile Cleied The heat and "Ifeat ""'! te "' f Jrre for ntiiomeM'ea Wll.be Reading ferry from riict'nitt Ft., It ilthn Are. J newljr bu'tt Ml. rnhrtlm I'lke. Returning nt llrrtln. tuke Marlton l" te KrlW" Ae. and Rendln r-r- "n eTi Pn nnrea in f"m-n All-Star Wrestlinir t OLYMPIA A. A. I TONIGHT 1 Ulennnl Malitmtn i. Wra. Iemrntrnl i Ulnar Jehannttcti ra. Soldier Ixav tt "SmS-V' .'VO, iJI.BOt t-nd box eeata. fS.00 'lh M.i lr HtreeUi Ilen.ichr'a Cafe. SS Heulh rrer. llrrmann, Gei. " Runs iStrike Yeu? By THE OBSERVER ; are net the only track events of nn any geed. In fact, It has harmed both te held Its relays n week after Penn' why an amicable agreement cannot be for sport's nake, considering the proposal te include in its for women. , track sports, have been developed In this country, and for this reason the A. Five Leading Batters in Each Majer League AMERICAN LEAGUE U. A.ll. R. II. P.C. Pratt. Bonten 11 42 10 te ,4S2 rx Cierelan4 13 40 11 22 .410 .440 .444 .420 r.c. .461 .4IM .438 .417 .407 WMtama. St. Leula 18 40 10 32 If, I-ou Leuis, Nlaler. Ht. L 18 S4 ID 24 Smith, Bosten 11 42 13 IS NATIONAL LEAGUE . A.ll. K. II. fireh. New Yerk... 13 lit 10 2A Kellr. New Yerk.. 13 4H 10 22 Walker, Phlllen . . H 32 7 14 Tlcrner. Plttsbursli 10 3(1 S 15 Hokae. Plttabursll 7 27 4 It Men's Pants $2 up Open Monday 'Friday and Saturday Erenlaga ''i(.;V Bam all -'$ X. Tgealta m PjjPWV ' iSdgK agaBBV M mWSL ' a3ak VgagaLBf i 4b0 I Stera Orders Aacaatad $ BLUE SERGES WORSTEDS CASSIMERES HOMESPUNS TWEEDS Men'a White Oxford With attached cellar or plain BECKER'S Relays Tontertow m Competition UPTOWN BASEBALL PILOTSJDPTIMISTIG Billy Whitman, of Bridesburg, Leeks for Biggest Season Among Semi-Pres QLEASON SHARES VIEWS Tomorrow Is official opening day In the Philadelphia Baseball Association and en all sides the prediction is made that the local semi-pre tedms will en joy their blggeat season. Among the managers sharing this be lief arc Hilly Whitman, of Brldcsburg, nnd Bill Olcasen, of the North Phils. The latter has recently relinquished nrtlvc management of the Phils te Perry Relfsnyder, but Is second vice president of the Philadelphia Association. 'Thave been playing around here for a number of years," said Whitman, but this season is going te be the best. And Brldcsburg needs it, take it from me. "The average fan does net knew what it means te back one of these teams and fails te rcnllzt the outlay necessary te run a club. Big Monthly Payroll "I have heard of teams that have xlgncd clubs for $2e00 a month. But try and prove it. I tried te get the best team within reason, but" found that any such figure, wns impossible. "Brldesburg is going te have a great club and the big indues Incurred last reason may be partly wiped out If we get any kind of breaks with the weather. "I nave a fast team nnd n pitching Ktnff that compares with any. Tomorrow we open the season with Philadelphia Terminal and that 1 the best attraction we could get. I agreed with Dick Smith that he plteh Temmy Volz nnd of course, Werry Butts will be In the game. "I never fcnw the people of Brides burg se Interested and the 6000 new seats just erected will be nil filled geed and early. It's going te be a great year for the semi-pros." Boosts Association Bill Oleasen shares the views of Whitman and says the organization of the Philadelphia Baseball Association Is the best thing that ever happened for the game. "Yeu get all kinds of comments," said Oleasen, "but I have yet te hear anything unfavorable from a person who was Informed ns te the true facts. "One hears a let about booking games and playing in serlc, but there is no change in the management of our club from former years. We play who we Fer Brogue Oxford Bey'Sr.SO V w aW saW i i Tflk TPiflTT IT lHi9aT I f 1514-16 Market St. iJJ Anether Big Purchase! 500 TWEED SPORT Suits Bring This Lew Price Tomorrow This is REAL VALUE GIVING NEWS that is sure te bring 500 men hurrying here te morrow for these suits. Every Suit a Great Value And nowhere in the city will you be able te match them for price or quality. Remember 500 only and a size for every man. Men's 2-Pr. Pants Suits At Prices That Save Yeu Many Dollars 1 Q-75$24'-$2Q'75 This is a wonderful group and at no ether store but, BECKER'S could you make such real savings. They are the best values we have seen in many a year the smartest and snappiest styles imaginable in all the wanted patterns and colorings. LOOK IN OUR WINDOWS see them displayed then you will be convinced that they cannot be duplicated anywhere at our special prices. Sports Shirts, $1 gC neckband. 1514-16 Market St., Phila. Independent Baseball TODAY' GAME Bank and Trpat Laatne Real Katate Title .. rMM.Ml'.r Tmnmt ftamttAiMr. Eighteenth mtkA ttni.kl.inrf iIhHi. Nntienil Bank nnd Trpat Cempsnr lene uuarantre Trout vs. Phlladetpbl.t National. plUtl va. V. B. H. Harding-. 8tlS P. M. YIWTERDAY'J KCOREH UUAU t, IfenOT. Ol W eat Cm., I Philadelphia Trust, i Gt intra attenal, 1. want and will get In the scries If we see fit, and have no one dictating or telling ua what te de." The North Phil's lift the lid en the home field, at' Fourth and Wlngohock Wlngehock Wlngoheck Ing streets, tomorrow with Lit Broth Breth ers, nnd the store boys expect te win. "Socks" Seibold will likely oppose pitcher champion, the bespectacled Lee Mcrfdews. PENN PLAYERS SIGN i Shrlver te Play With Mackey Club and Farrell With Sphaa Melvin Shrlver, who covered short step for the Penn baseball team last season, has signed a contract te play with the Mackev Club, of West Phila delphia and will appear with that team In the opening game tomorrow against the Seuth Phllly Hebrews. Fer the Sphas at shortstop will be Eddie Farrell. .who was declared In eligible this season. Furreirhas signed with the downtown team en en amateur contract. He is playing baseball te keep in con dition for next year, when he expects te be nblc te play with Penn. Gelf Tournament Postponed Owing te various improvements under wai st the Bala Oolf Club. It haa been decided le postpone the Invitation tournament from May 3, 4, ft and 0 until thu following week. May 10. 11. 12 and 18. Heme-Run Hitters in Games Yesterday YESTERDAY'S GAMES Seaen'a Total 1 1 High, nrreklyn 1 (Irlmea. Cuba 1 A'namlth. C'nrda 1 Wltige, Iteda 1 LEAGUE TOTAL National League 3S American League i SO Other 8perta en Pages 24 and 25 ROAMER Power Bpeeft Elegance Dependability Durability $2785 Delivered Philadelphia Showroom Open Ermfnga t PHILADELPHIA ROAMER CO. 842 NORTH BROAD ST. . the "regular fellows" who want their feet te be as well dressed as their dad's. nioiqeru)ali -S , 7 JBoeiShop rtJze CMstnutSl w Men' Tweed $1 CA CAPS 3v STENTON PLAYS DOBSON Falls Nine Will Be at Heme Tomor row With Karst'a Club The Dobsen team will be at home at Thirty-fifth and Queen lane tomer row nnd meet Jack Hurst's S ten ten Field Club. The game was announced at Stenton Field due te a misunder standing. Manager Beb Bates will likely uc A man's own name en the goods he sells assures you of his full Our NAINSOOK $ confidence in them. When you buy of a you appreciate the value te MarshaO E. Men't (Inrorper.ilfd) Athlttic Furniihing, 724 Clxestnut Street Geed F m II 01 Iliil iiiiii m Come en, you doubting men, and let me prove that I have knocked the preps from under the high and false prices of stunning Spring Suits and Topcoats. Spot cash does the trick. Almest the entire stock of one great Rochester ebneern, and the complete stock of another, give me a tremendous advantage, because I buy in great quantities for four big stores. That's why Koshland gets the qream of the stock, and at i aw aw - jmm m oi"&te. mi&ib i'-.n- n m n BTTawrnrrr nnrrr w v n. r. tGfrj rai il jzzrsmmm, m and $ 1 &t w mx &i'& ,v. "MA WW !' M w Wilmington Stere 824 Market St. With Penn "Lefty" HeliofleM en the hill, with Heb Ilulgli behind the but. .luck Knrjt will depend en "Lla" Powell, while Keplmrt will de the receiving. DoIimeii will piny nt home every Snt urtlny with the excepting of .Tune A nnd they will travel en ncceunt of the beat rnces. Their hchediile follewn: Wednesday, May .'1, nt Legim : Friday, Mnv r, Legini at Do!en: Saturday, Mn" (I. I-lt KretherH nt Doten, nnd Sunday, Slay 7, Dobeon ut East New Yerk, for u double-bender. i Own Union Suits MESH COLON CLOTH 1 .SO P" garment house established since 1873, you of such a confidence. Smith & Bre. NEW LOCATION 1215 Market Street Smashes nits and Topcoats prices which enable me te sell as smart and as snappy Topcoats as you've ever worn at the ridiculously low $13.66, $19.66, $24.66 and $29.66. NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS 9 $24 $2 $7, 9, $10 Men's Pants Several thousand of the smartest pairs of trousers we have ever seen an assortment from which you can match any suit. Toe many te describe see them today and save .money. $7, ?8, $9 and $10 values New $1.66, $2.66, $3.66, H.66 1 Other Big KOSHLAND 24 & 26 OPEN EVENINGS UuUhMlMlmMm Vlaal .- ..,..., .,.--.,,. .Ba. LaiMdale, Vn.4 April 2, Otle Hughea: Of titiitaAtnm waitifui1 inhflnv vitrw, it Phltade-phla. la a .I5.r0j.nd bout nere l.rt Wrt.-'tkXSM'aU'iK.r.aVfifca. .... r- ...-.T e Pure Worsted Suits $45.00 VALVES I DOUGHERTY 1704 Market Street Value nnd Hervlce OPEN I izmaszmKZZMK&s high cost i S. 15th St, "nnWyJWiWnrk 'iitriliili it; helart'itApi I iia.HucIc and Jinmtr BrlMa whrtiv nuffen-il n brekrn arm In the Afth. Sff'J "' .T'lci.'S. W round bexlna farce with hi. "partn. urewn, fjf,. ) Vtt- r ' . .:,: NOW $35 CMJ Splendid asiertmmt of Heckanums, Metcalfj, Glebes and Tweed. Smart styles for young men and mere conservative patterns for the business men, with a very complete line for Hteut men, .11 f A Fine Areertmcnt of Yeung Men's SUITS & TOPCOATS $20, $25 & $30 ; Values about double our price nv fhis remarkable sale. IHg ccone-' mics, indeed. & DOUGHERTY Htrre Onfrra Acrctited 1 EVENINGS Suits and prices of .any These Suits Have 2 Pairs of Pants ,GG in... Stores .r a r' Lhcs'cr Siere 3d & Market Ste. il J dV ' W'i Ilk ' I InL IIBR m fin raw m 11 Mm f . W ' .i w j a - m I'M fl tifS &hk i feZ$MKL ti&m . if- ,s. VfM.'.lt, !.,'. 4tVl-,ft?jJ