TSM www Ez :.$ kunnKH vJ I HbbbbY bbbh K JJO LT1WO- IIVIWM1 l aWvMW- BeaTfM MBBI Ba-BBieBaBI irBBBBI 'BBbbbT msmmm BraNpB t . -jk"i ? tj " i. " A' if. hMWi' emmit ;or LaW. KiMMl SMEl IIUIIHi""B '- r." i. --.t; ., , - '- ... mid t tho$Natlentt,w-e.or. women, ,'' "Tl.i' ef(.Vnnnn sestlea Aa'ably aiip.- '?'." M?Mlk PilNteMJahfi' 4laMtlen J .Hiflxe'Dei: jqeieu , n "- '- frfVL "t-.j.'K.i i.l' k I TRerrlnff J, te.. .committee, ..rr'nsUt te a.cemmHtaa.rp cenald eTtfeh until neit rear,-. isn,"r?'VwiswS; tassa " " pjxzsjrzr. "....;,;. tir may ""nstVftyrark. TR.'.;,.. The central' lam; or Mrs,' junior IdSliaid ArtfiiW for, wcan dtUn' :! tOlli,,. IflnAitMtH 'ihnA reforms (will, fellow, a .natural Jit AjjiesMant Je ea?'a,reiraut . :" Debnte en the-question in uie nicer liBMi was 41fflttd ln"tlme.i andnrauch yv 1 Wasure. who Introduced. an amendment , ffn Mrsi Miller', resolution, .which wa '"'also InHae fonrt(iOlahAaniendment"to J'tlie MistJn-prwpu,ofl..wer.for the ti'coreffli'iyear.v( nti .4t ' v $ Mrs " Mllltf nHHIedMl, a" ebimte fi'whercby thodepartmentetefflcjenw. In ( kevenimerit be mode the "chief ;dcpnjt ment of the league,' In which the de- v llJWwress in support of the mm. nrirpettlnB forth the duplication of, ef H ferV'O.nil time wasted under the present iatteinjttmcnt, was greeted wltn ap "niajUn. nml herremarks were aUDDle- i"rrr .:. i,'n.i.. . ftii.... inCnCU DJ iUrB,..ivcneuawi ei jtjiib- jhji Bilimde of MrS' Carrie Chaeman Catt wsH.klludcd te and.aenlauded by the ! convention. "i.KSV-i .'AA.'-teJcl. fa y Mr. Harrier nuDDs, ei l'hliacieiphla ; Mrs. Martha O. Themas, of. Delaware County; Mrs, Edward x . .Hartshernc, , .chairman of the Delaware County or- gsnlzntlnn, nhd Mrs. Lewis L. Smith, vice chairman of the State organisatien, left for hmne Immediately after the. coo- clttftlen of the discussion of the reselu-, tiOn. -it :, t '(r ,'J Ixird Aster Makes Brief gpeecii S Lord Aster, who made his first speech v fince arriving , in this country at the mass-meeting held ' Wednesday night, , emerged from hlsexperlence high In the' opinion of his ellew men and women. ' Blushing a delicate cerise, which al, ternatcd at times with;vjaves bf scarlet-; intcrsnerseit with prlmann TjtA A.,. Ssdvanced te the middle of 'the", stage, aJrlart as he was In.JHHCt)vercbatrJatid . MlH( nn imnrnmntn,'iinkfKi,ltlra' tUa Vgoed sportsman he is. t Ills address, pithy in the extreme, 'was greeted with tumultuous applause. ( In it he reassured. eJU'men neryeus ;, liusbnnds in parUculnr-abe'nt -the fu i' lure of the home as affected by the new J, and ever-broadening activities of wives. I .Washington, April 23. (By A. P. J i The visit te Washington today of ' many of the delegateH te the Baltimore convention of the League of TVemen j AeteiM mid te the Pan -American Con Cen 1 ferenee cf Women was made the occo ecco occe , slen for u scries of luncheons and rc- trillions, nml some plain, practical pol pel - itics by members of the Senate and ...IlOIIM1. Ylrtunlly every member of Congress f, was busy with delegations from his par- P ...... .VI.IIUII ui tnu Luuilltj UI1U lllCiV was u sieriage et uapitei guides: Pinchot Smother 8 Gang With Gas l,Cmtlnnrd from Vate One iand his tour will carry'.hlm neress the btate, winding up the 'day "before the prlninry in n rally In Mllferi), Pike wwmiii.1, luu 1 IIU'IIUI IIOIIIV. In tllO 1'nilrMO-r.f lila Hnnl final, tAtunnl the nomination, Pinchot will repeat the l'ietlnn he weeilngs: asked last nigire, at two 'Wllllt liei'nmn nli.tha elnah fiinil xaised by the Organisatien" from' State , empleyes last year when only one Con Cen ' grpfsiiuiii at Large wgs.tebe elected? , "Is It being used 'new te win the nomination for Mr. Alter?" A l-nllhlllfl. f-allv M f t fHnrtlis.,- .M1 , , -' . ,. . .iiLiiub nil, e mid mis evening in Ureenwny Hall, . jiiirui Kireet nnn woeuianu avenue, in the Fortieth Wnwl t, r-Ch Pineliet lido is running strongly ,in the Fortieth and dthfer West Pbiln- wiimiii wards which lmve in the past tuealt linrd blows nt the contractor combine. 'ihe speakers will Include former Jitaie Senater Jehn J. Ceyle, candidate let Congress from thn Sixth Dixtrlct: Colonel Themas F." Meehun.s acvernl Caild datHS for tlm T.irlyliiii. nn.l nnni. algn oruteiH from Pinchot headquar' lers. A band will furnish music. The , mactliifg will start about 3:15 o'clock. Bars Assessments In Ills NllCOCheH lflilt tltrhf ll Vn. "ter nnneunced he would net as Clever- ""' 'eierate cnterced assessments en officeholders. ,iX,x. l,i"ehet addressed members of tile Afirtlk KAIialn.rtnta''- iltialnul. V..L BetclaU" Ut 1 d'nne 0t th0 AdelPbt ) Tl. ii.,.. ......... .. . . 4.. , -u"uie picaeu a timeiysuD jt, for there is evldence the ergunmi-' I'OIl clllefs II re miMln nn Un e ...u ttmiurlB.bur" nntl. thBt. tn en nd women who earn their living by serv 'QK the State are being required new. Li0nt,"lbut0 teu.th,e:'U?r mp'ale t?U,i l$ ,8 "lted the erg!..;.." ion lenders are particularly pressing wntrncter c(cfH are themgveg un. bin? t(. te0.1 .the Prtwary campaign, wil. despite thelr mix ety te nominate am elect their, hand-picked candidate. nT ,0 ,lat0 '"ey have been unable tight U" Unge 'wil'ln t0 flnnce their wri? i$,s wnnectlen it .was said In "'"informed circles today that one leni. t wefsttb,ewa suffered by .contractor qne. 'Afie Attorney - vmu WOTSt fOIOU'H MtllTlrlI VSw llm Gen AnntiT nl ' k mli in ihi. land aiacuiirwl srs in run 11. WMOTO: WILSON 2l i,.ffaaisap HaMliuiS. W ae.-r; ; vw mSnl victor.!' idwTAh imiSmiTO1 Mtc$gti&f n -an ier?i reeohiMe..siatriuoti i was' ably Mud-; rMUitfer.s . the, leaitie l wasting bur, and Mra, Tlffiny, ef-tNew' yerk, tht'lattcr of whom was fft SCatheHrie 'VAflet Phllnddpjjln.,1 "yThe' favorable aiuVW,ir?E:-.'j,..2" ?:'' ii UgOMg t'AffiKi is Ssmlmrt tff Pj l.V tlittiailflBS m, rm-.- WM iienrjartf ifH Fei '-. nwn about .br.reee em ei . eMamiibinc lM,!iMHMCtl ttlcable' - arrangements wiUl'.Mw fflKand Osrmaay. which Would permit of the restoration of these oetmtrlM 'im' their own Interest and that'A.eft Uu ,5!Pwt indudlm France, i Many memeera, of the French dele ration seen te be convinced. Ilk Prim Mlnlrter Lloyd Oeerie that unless West ern Euroee corOetrates with Rul mA fOernJanr,;',th6sei nations, with their everwneimm 'prepenaerance of popu lation, would inevitably be'drlven rlnr together; te the eventual detrlmeritVef ,the peace of , Europe. ,' The French Cabinet Is being" urged , te Husse-German, separate treaty. Tlili is a task beyond; the powers of M. Bar- thou. ,l , , " ,.;-,,Pcfeet PUfer. BussU', ' A .definite- preposition will be' laid before the 'Russian delegation hv the week-end, with the suggestion that the imposition ee eiiner accepter or re ected without further discussion. The Italian Dress 'today lives Indention, of twhat the allied proposals, are. First, no lenn wui ee enerca te aevict Kus sla, but it will be suggested that en international consortium be .formed .te nuance iraae wunxtussia tnreugh com binations of firms and individuals 'of the various' qeuntries represented. Gei sjnany, wllUbe'iDcludedn the consor tium nnt . nWnrlnlftrT mmln lit ,.. United States' mar ieinV This ,planv contemplates .the .economic! colonization ex uussia, witnguarantees mat tne autonomy nd sovereignty, of ine aeviei uevernmeni will net be In fringed upon. r;NTW i.Tbe'f dUrhrtoneftrnde twill,, be ar ranged In such'away'that the cenntrUa' participating "In" the consortium will have the opportunity Of dealing with the' sections ei nussia situated nearest them. Fer example, Great Britain would be given the opportunity te trade with Northern Russia threuch Ardtnnimi ami the Baltic ports, -while the southern -countries would de given advantages In . Russia has Stoutly, objected te the consortium Idea. Shej has the support iud ajiui; ucn -uviuj. ui ,111b uuiiiu tuienie'in mis position. The Russians insist- that4 nmn.nrti.in,' would put them into the same class as uninn, xurKcy ana ether backward countries burdened with capitulations. Russians Stand Firm 't An' Indication that-the Rusfdann -m insist' en .maintaining the principle of natlonalltatlen qf property is Russia one of.c.the most difficult angles of the situation. Involving, as it inpB .hi. ownership of properties claimed by the uuuuuutn ui me aiiicr euu etiicr coun tries even te the extent of withdraw ing from the Conference, was given in their statement of last nltht. While bendlna. his main ettnrt t ending the Russian deadlock. Mr. .Lloyd vcers- iB-uui'iivsieciiiig an pians ler a non-aggression pact, a-.u several tenta tive" eatllnes. of .such a document, hnve been .drafted. Ori&'of these weuhl pro vide an International rallltnry force te protect weak nut ions from aggressive neighbors, but this Is understood te have small-chance of adoption. rani. April te. uy j. i-.j xiie DroDesltlon te held a mcetlnc of the Allied:- Supreme Council in Genea is Tegarded In official circles here ns dis posed or, the Drench Cabinet being in agreement with Premier Poincare that the; Question of reparations and penal ties' cannot be properly discussed by the Allies at present. The utmost pessimism prevails con cerning the prospects of any kind of n satisfactory understanding with Soviet Uussia. According te reports received at the Fereian Office annexes te the Russe-Germun Treaty include a clause pledging ilusKia te support Germany In claims for her former colenics, or at least te the mandates for .them. An An other clause Is inserted te provide for a military understanding In case the Genea conference falls te, realize the mutual desires of Russia and Germany. Eastlake Child 1 8 Put en Stand Continued from rage One The only positive testimony elicited from bin in direct 'examination was that he had seen Miss Knox empty the pan of water. It was Jn,cross-cxaminutlen that Mr. Smith, for tbb defense, brought out the startling statement about the man in the : black raincoat. "Did you see anybody In the house during the morning?" asked Mr. Smith. "Ne, answered Reger, "but mj sister did." "What did your sister tell you?" nslced Mr. Smith. Mr, Maye was en bis feet Instantly with an objection, which Judge Chlnn overruled. Man Shoved Her Back "My sister Margaret said a man shoved her back when she tried te get Inte the kitchen." said Reger. "She said the mail looked lik,c our father. But It couldn't have been our father," added the boy, "because he was en his beat by that time going te work." Mr. Smith, satisfied with the boy's answer und the sensation It'had caused, excused the witness, Reger bad taken but; a few steps from the stand, how ever, when Mr. Smith recalled him. "Hew did the man Ipek?" asked Mr. Smith., "Sister Hid me the man had en u black raincoat, "t the buy answered. Commonwealth's Attorney Maye was jumping up und down in wild excite ment (luring the cress-questioning of young Reger. He urged thnt the ques tions were hearsay, and ns such were forbidden by the rules of evidence. "They ere pnrt of the res gestae," argued Mr. Smith, "of the essence of the case. The rules et evidence permit hearsay evidence in such u case as this when they tave a direct bearing en the facte." Court te Rule Later Judga China .repented thnt he would consider, the arguments of the ntterr neys, and make a final ruling later. A miner sensation wuh caused during the cress-examination of Mrs. A. R. Crewthcrs, wife of the man who found a bleed-stained cop such ns is worn by petty officers in the navy. Mr. Smith cress-questioned her sharply about the Identification of the hat. ".Why, Mr. Smith," the witness said, "you premised me yourself that no question would, be raised about the identification of the hat." ' "That Is net true; I did no such thing," replied the attorney. , smmM W&tfJfiumg&ti Views iMit7dWlaM Tarja appeared neK te r-llfe-;WciiairV nihtV. wklch1i In iSLi anuei E.1nBWBBVHHBBBBVEVBBBBH ' 7ijBSVBeBvvK. r HBHamar afna 'arlimM :tIu7IDL .. vnllsi' ataV ft I :3t !t W. JfffM'.TfHWQrsKi' " 'IIIBt'.lHM ,1 ifj iiiiii Aiiirisiiiiir w'i.r ..' '". un i .i'hu. uiwTi. KaT-aBT t.v; nn wtl uniTOt mmm .' .7lA .-,. Vp . SlVjiiv ml. 'JM r.?t'wl . -r.-.J-a.-..V.uV' iT "U '1 fL. r- A'1 '.fc"AtJ'.ir, " 'AjS'V i" '' -r.f mmrhm;i mnnw 'Ii fiV MK . ' ' Ml the music for the af fair. ' Plana hve been laid for Ladlta' V;NUht, Taeaday,, YMaf 'a, in the '' FrinVferd Library nk! at. -PA' iltenura, at and Orerlngten atreet.ftA program of nktera avenue anil.'ilalMajr. iJ .'' ' ' , ."A- room-in the Leion)hense, at 4621 PaulTttrett. has ..bean tamea erer te. the G. A,, B. .for. the purpose of holding their Mdnday evening meetings. v The flpat nnhlle aneearance of the bugle 'and drum corps of the Breen M,srvniiin Pest. Ne. 270'. took tjlace Wednesday tilght, when It marched In the business men'a parade.MiFiity, second street. Such, an excellent show-, ing was Made that members claim that by Memerial: Day-it; will be second te. nena In tha.ctttv ,,,.,t t,.-. i , , Among ether activities, a balldlng andil lean1 association within the pest is being erganised and the permanent 'Heuse Committee , Is laying definite plans 4er the financing of the new heme.' The Memerial Day program la complete and will be carried out in conjunction wun the" G. ' A. R. pest. Services . will be conducted in, Durham Park at the Forty -fourth Ward, memorial, monu ment. 'The will' combine 'With 'the ether pests of the. Seventh District In tne afternoon ier services at Jiernwoea Cemetery.: i- " ' ' -. ZiJ'hr i . t t. , Frankford PomXe; ,8U;,:'Amerkaj( LegfOrtl.wlll kpU.;lWn anntafl dance tonight W tke;Fra"nkfehl Theitre ' 'laatanDataHa; ' 'will flirnlfth - 'f, , The caraparty and eancq. or, tne,, k. . ..., A . , Lawrence . BTDelaney Pett, Ne? 26, "y"tr XOt win ee neia xuenuay evening,. ey, x. Invitations have been sent te many prominent Legien and 'city officials. These attending-may. have their, choice of' bridge', euchre or live Hundred.-. The program has been arranged 'k-yVthe Ladles' Auxiliary. It la their first big event of the season. W- . The Daily Nevelet . . : ( Rese of Dreams ' 'Ay Law Rid Mtttgemtry '' TJIVER- since Fred.'the handsome' ?'n LJ of May's employer. Mrs. Jereme.) had returned, the girl had gene about a bit listlessly. Fred Jereme haaa dasillng i smile and an easy air of cerdlalltyabqut him that made him' a favorite among the women servants.Te May, he seemed a person set apart from the commen'herd. and she treasured, up hla careless words te ponder ever. ,. "Seems as though you never" nave tlma te an walklnv with me any mere, May," Jim had told ber Sunday after?. neon, when she had refused te gote Lincoln Park with him. . r ,May had looked at htm- with somber eves:' It was true: since she had seen Fred Jereme she had constantly com-, pared Jim te him and te Jim's dltad vantage, . Jinn was a fine, sober ypung fellow, chauffeur, for the Jereme fam--ily. He had saved his wages, and w;as already watching the newspaper for advertisements for real estate. May knew that If she.marrled Jim she would be fairly certain of being mistress of a 'snug cottage, but the magic of spring had turned her head completely. " "His manners are se wonderful he might have stepped out of that scene 111 thej movies where the young lord re-, turns keme," nhc thought as she dusted the writing table in the great library where Fred wrote his poems, "his "Haven't you finished In here. May?"' came the displeased voice of the house keeper. "The family will be down for breakfast In n few minutes." r "Nearly through, Mrs. Sims," re turned May absently. ''Doesn't it seem that something wonderful might happen en a day like this? Hear that robin?" ' ,,, , ' "I hear a mourn nibbling in that corner 1" ried the ether crisply. "Get down there and see " The silk skirt of the housekeeper rustled out, for she heard Mrs. Jereme's voice ,ln the hall and there was, ap parently, something wrong. Fred Jereme lounged in. repeating some words of poetry aloud, and the little meld, crouched behind the couch in Fiarch of a possible mouse hole, clasped her hands. ,.,,. , ,, "Isn't that wonderful?" she whis pered, her head en one side, listening for mere pearls. The sibilant sound aroused the poet. i'Whe is there?" he demanded teBtily. "Just May. sir," and the girl emerged from the shadowy corner. "What de you mean by hiding like that " he began, but paused as he read the .undoubted admiration in the young face beneath the; airy, cap. "Oh, sir, won't you nay that again?" she gasped. , , .... "I say, why are you htding behind that couch?" , , May crimsoned. Somehow the men tion of possible mice seemed se com mom' se closely connected with her menial position in the household, "I" i-he paused, groping for flowery words, something in keeping with the lines she had just beard hint repeat. "Well?" he prodded. "I was just dusting," she said faintly. "Your poetry, sir, is se pa thetic. I, leve it' 1 Flattered, be looked at her mere fully. Through the frail pocket of her sheer white apron he saw a bit of paper, the lavender paper that he used for his best poems. Ah slie saw his eyes remain tlxed upon the pocket her own eyeB un consciously followed and she nervously pulled out the paper. 'I found this en the fleer," she said Blmply. "I was going te copy it." "Yeu may keep it, May," he said grandly, "xeu liave n discriminating mind for a ermaid." "Let's get down te brass tacks, girlie," he had admonished her. "We're living in a real world and I'd rather read a geed book en mechanics. Won't be long new befere I can start In dn n little repair shop of iny own, and then w , , , t , But May bad gene off into one of her recently acquired habits of day dreaming, and Jim, seeing that she had censed te listen, hud walked along be side her in a nuixled silence. And while May still lingered in the llbrnrv long after the poet had de parted In . search of bacon and eggs. Jim was polishing his car and wishing May would run out te the garage se they could chat. As May crossed the wide hall two bourn later she heard excited voices. "I left It In the drawer of this writ ing table." she heard Fred- sny, "and thnt blonde girl. May. was" ' Frightened at the rage in the 'peet'a usually silky voice, May approached) the velvet citrta ns. "There she is,' listening. T found K'.CKl srkt that roll 'JWJMWiu t;.rren ' twer ,nim taW-.iM.rtl tttf k tireableT'f ha i-iSttfc"!!! m Maelnc kfa Mpert afiaat ;iMr. ''Mr ataalV .U. .1.1...' II . IK.U .U....I l 'I t UneY' kald the poet crfdly, M eyaa awt.fm MwVaheckecl wklte rara, '.mat fat'i rati' ib. new;, , wu IrOT ptRl ttaiar-aaaM paptre. . 1 'natqraUy, susnecled r"5saN Uaewised kerte and ak; WettldnH . ay why ' rta was ereuchlat behind that couch this morn' Ingatm w,v J ' , 1 . cried' tl ;irl:i ih might futt added nier. but her voice was filled with unshed fetri; ' , . ' "I don't deaerra te have .you think ae rhu!h of ue," .began Mar some hours latr..'New that) her brief, silly fancy had -faded she despised herself 'for tat romantic, dream she bad wasted en a very .ordinary young man, . MAKMI NEW SHOES W YOII Oil ONES aUrillnrfrM boekltt axplalna bowjenl -illnr p rebuilt at a fraction etBri- te eat a i.utiim 4dfat,hlk ltrr" Wan.. Wia wai ,0, a ntAMHHtPwnicm . . mi a . ..-i.... aa inv u bawnuw m CHBRIOURC - SOUTHAMPTON ''Waatttw.' ywi( wai ..repiwe,',' Itreaming ItetrlMi ,,Het,!r w w5lda't Bteali. Ut X wan't have any our oia.aneaa -nt rapair.'prieM. ( , hew kine' nawiir'.Dena rnia ai wa i'mmnr e..-.TI 1 i- : . . , , - aiaiaiBaHatJ aBaaHBailaH WlTUMX ahaaMaaBlaarMatiwaaaMl I m l " i ii rTilalii 1 1 fiTif Mi i T " 1 ..j'h' - 'i!7' .,-, "jri mmt J5R 5SH B1JROPE ,M..,,'' '' Jhe rnagtiUlcent, new, ell-buming "Mmpnt et Scot Scet lyxUad,yy 13.0J7 freaa tens, la the largest ship en the hin.wranca. negmipBDiicroema, paianai Ban-room, fi eaMn' accommodations from aump'tueus settea te rooms at moderate rates. M '-' --fc . ... - -...,. -,. i 'flying witk tni ahlp ,U the well-known "Bmpreta or France. " , JV MeatraaJ a4 Quebec Eajar'th de- QWebec te Liverpool "Bmpntt of l HgWrelJ cl4-wtja atMMptiar of these BrHtin," Flrit, Second and Third Class. :-i eualat PraiuhCanalsp eltles. Montreal te Liverpool. Glasgow. Seuth- V- Via ka It Lawrence than only Four aasptea and Antwerp by apltndld One V Dayaefpvaaias. elhss Canadian Paelfle Steamships. . !' ' JtWMandaifinibnii'alfonenvouaar. Jlk fbrdt'icripitnboekMA.- C A N AD IAN P A C I F I C It. C. CLAYTON, Oltr Paeeesttr Alt.. 01 Cheated St.. Phllaaalphla , B. T. StEBBtNQ. Ua. At, Fasacnitr Dtp!.. Malea Avenue at 44tk Strtrt. N. V. NAWSCO LINES ' i Agents Admiral Line .!; . ' THE S. Si R. r. " AUStANXIHt (fanenlr ha S. S. Oraat Nerthtra). the flnaat.ana rasMet Aawrleaa ahlp.aSeat, wUl sail for Let Ansalaa. San rraoelace .;--Ie lax paaaimsar ' aeeammadlatieiis. Paaatanra wUl sail from Maw Yerk City May at. IS avs ta Saa Vraaclsfe. (r FralgM. nertveS 4aUy at Pltr. 19 Xprth (feet ef Tine Street). Freight far HaiMleln aeUvereil wlUent traasUpmeatr v , .- '-Fer Rait and Information NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. ' Oientraland Aefii V. 8. Shipping Beard Bteamert 136 S. Fourth St., Phlla. "'" Phene Lembard 5791-2-3; Main 7781-2 Farest Always Finest Always Fastest And New Lewest Rates New you can travel te Seuth America at a cost undreamed of in recent years. Your government ' has cut rates mere tha 25 per cent. Hie 21,000-ten oil burners, operated for the government by the Munson Steamship Lines, are far and awaje the finest, meat huni-ieu and fattest skips ever aerated te Seth America! This is net a mere claim. It is an authoritative statement by your government. New the rates te Rie de Janeiro, Montevideo, and Buenes Aires are well under these of any ether line. This is your opportunity. Fer reservations, address Munten Steamtliip Lines. 67 Wall Street, New Yerk City Send This Coupon Send coupon today for information. Yeu will be tent an authoritative booklet giving facta every traveler should knew, together -with a full description of the new government hips te Seuth America. U. Se Shipping Beard latfmutira.Dulx 153D6 Washuften, D. C. i&;4ttBZi M said qillaicilIjrA'kiit BBBeaen ITinRefllnel kiftjcie4rtr iWier.ievtlMr and He : jMMiintjAiielHuliiH FIR STORE! aM INSIREI DURINQ SUMMER MONTH! BhOWN & BBAUCHER S8 W.CaHjMi At.. Otmaalawa ,, J Phent: Gtrmantewn $ttO , PTKMHIP KOTICKB - HAMBURG c. aff?r!rr.7' ..". r 'A ,;.fr 'I .eky-ii", . " " a., ' I a clear skin? I 1 i , lalBT 'aVI RESINOL ' iKnifliklll -. V -ALWaTaTalanlaal vianamnnllUBl aajaaaaaaaH , Reduced ..r Seuth America V,. Name Addrea. XSBfa7Vsn tHlSBMBV W A BHssmflsMVsrsBB ' .A. ! Vn.WW JWAlfAp. A .IRARtO ai.tu teas) OBWUi.JiV.iwAtf. , ttfff.1 f 1 cvJir n i jv ; imtmn vaan m,wn rii'j MiatOMttft vnettftvutLnn ta. f)AB.LANr) JMjClJjiWtrtejjW) Mar W. hljrM. i . ...Mar f $751-. aa kTaaw. . .'.Mar 18 MlMMN .turn It AMnacANleri .N.V. TO HAMCmO VIA FLTMOUTgf AJTO ?,VNNKiiAlipA(ieVUM,: VBWlll. rHILAPKEPMIA Michi:n. . iBri . BSE ATI. V.'ififirJei.r-.TfA-J ri Macklaa; 'nnMAiAiSKitrAf.nnt' ufaaattB PMll rtlLAntePHlA-ROrTKltDAM Illrdendirk. i . ...... . .Marll International Marcantlla Marine Ce. Paaaenser FrHsht Oflli lv piMnann. x.viwi.wirv iwn wni JMIee, IStS WalMt fit., rhlla. e. 40M14 Daaraa Blet.. Phlla evr&fkte Seuth America nUQevermn Fastest te Rie da' JanalM. If aatavtdM aa4 Aire. Finest ships- Anerleaa arnica Amerlctn faed Amerlesn cetsfbrU. Sale lagsfri' Pltrt, Hekeken. Pan America April IS Waatara World May 17 Sautheni Crass '..Map SI American Laglen .... . Jue 10 "FeHDlthtly Tharaattsr" a. it 47 Wall Naw Vark City ranaatn lladt Iphli OfDrr. Drezrl Bla. ' Managing Operators tot,' KERR LINES Sailings from PhiladdphU FOR HAMBURG ' SS "Morriitewm" (U.S.S.1.) SailUfMay2 SSMCenta" (U.S.S.B.) Sallkf May It S S "Schoharie" (U.S. S.B.) .. SaUiag May 17 HUDSON SHIPPING CO., Inc., Agents LAFAYETTE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, PA. Lamkarl US4-S Mala stSS Haa ACAtalHli ABflaaHAt fjGHRJLAa If AWat Jete.l , at ' If' laai'll US M IM M SlW tf .X5sW A f .atVtltilI aMaF 11 n. if.. n.iavviai uubm II.A.. IHAIBTIII BUI. Hilt DJUVZIfl AKBDMO. Vr. S. SHIPPING BOARaf i YlvW. The Next Sailings Are: SS. Western World, May 17. SS. Southern Croaa, May 31. SS. American Legien, June ie. Fortnightly Thereafter. INFORMATION BLANK Te U. 8. Shlpplai Beard loferniallnn Ileak lubut, Washington, I). O. Pleaae send me full Infor mation about the U. 8. Gov ernment ships te Seuth America and quote me the new reduced rates. ........ ... i,tinfi .,,..,. gwy vf -LV V ens UIC BTBSIeaV' WAVv mv ttaaavmBBBm J? YOU MfII m a S Br k I nKUIUAl K9 1'''- BsWaaLB aaaaV aaPV WkW MP .aaaaiiSBT SaaPI LIMA ' AvSaaTaUMaWW SEE CLOTHES V -"TBBfc. the goods com ing from the mills. our careful markers. Our expert cutters. the operators, tailors and preaers. EVERYTHING you want is here. m'kriIT"Bii I xi B BtJaMaV 1 1 iB IffiTafTl ,mWJ All-Weel or TWEEDS Worsteds, Serges, Cassimeres In (Ac Newest Spring In Conservative and Spert Medels 'Single or double breasted. Plain, patch or pleated backs in all colors possible. In sizes te fit every man, young or old. Special sizes for the boy just going into long pants. Come en (out. men, te this, Philadel phia's Greatest Clethes Factory, for your New Spring Suit or Topcoat. Here Yen Save All Middlemen's Profits Sa A wmm Oh, Bey! Full Lined Silk Lapels, pockets and cellar piped with silk. Trousers cut en the mint IllfH. hrnlilfd warna. Match rta ir you can. ffllewa. for sns. 1 HjV HEYffiiW- &Hbez Above PastOffke In that great Big Building 22n-ddMARKET STORE ORDERS ACCEPTED aanaaaaaf Skin Troubles Seethed ' With Cuticura tSf aiOMUwa 2uSU ateitta. Si X. Malaaa, Uu. mhr. SamnliH HTKAMSHIl' NOTICES T PLYMOUTH. BOULOGNE BAMBuae a If New American-Flag' Stcameri Reatlute M.y 2, May 30. June 27 Reliance May 16. June 13, July U 1 BAMBUBG DIBECT SaDtass CTtrr Thur lay, by the poon peon poen lar steamers Mauat Clay. Mount Car- ran, Mount Cllntan, Hanta, Bayarn, WuartUmbarf, with aprcUl cabin and wearttambara, with aprcial cabin and uaprOTtd Uud clua accommodation,. Unttxd American Lines, inc. 9 Broadway, Naw Yerk or Lecal Agent FARM AND (1AR11K.V CATERERS SEEDS When Yeu Plant This Year nj5- is4 juris make sure thnt the seeds sew whetr vraetnble. flower or crass will .-itODUCH. There's one sur wf.y te tle this sew Waterrr'al Seeds. The expert seedsman at our new htera will udvlbc you en vhat and when te plant. We receutly moved into larger quar ters, where 'we can better serve you. Keep the new address in your mind. HOSEAWATERER 628 Chestnut St, Philadelphia S VCYV Mil 6HtHtni UNTIL 1IX O'CLOCl fft. aaV SH t . T AM ffABTU maWal BCa aaaaVS UmW. Vm JtkwMJiM Get here early! Avoid, the crowds. We open our factory doers at 7:30 in the morning , ' 1(3 ?lliliiBTl SaBaWSSiSiaarB uuAgMMgapjBukllgBagagv BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBP 'I J 'I i9MBk Twe New Lets of Yeung Men's Latest Style SPORT SUITS in neat pat terns.whlle they last STS. 1 Special Excursion HI Famous Luray Caveras $5.oe"$5.oo 11 Sunday, May 7 i M SPECIAL TRAIN M GDI paxlnc through the Cumberland 00 r-i-j ana anananaean vauay r SJ Eastern Standard Time IS I oil Laavaa Bread Streat, Saturday fnl yj Night, MayC .20U.y Ifell Arrlf a Luray 7.00 Ai Si y Laaraa Luray l.Mi.tE P Xmr Special rata for admlaalen im V g Cavema, SS canta, Including tasP BJJ Peensylnttla Sy$t I fS Tfca Kaate at The Bcaaaaa, LWUa , H Hii0iiaii0iisiisiiaiisiicgiiiaimi - laiBaBiaaBBBB. M wautQBiecial I naway I lUHsiiiiiiira i NgflffgWriQ S s MMMWffiMMMM m n LURAYJA. Wkw 0 Giving an opportunity te vUlt the j ROAMCR I Eaay te Drive nsatrul te Hide In f. fieu veil tbi vw a ntisajciinata) 'ijXtl tthnanmam (Inaa. Wnln I v tMV.K: .' Vl'.' PHILADELPHIA ROAME Ca'IftJ 142 KOtTH MOAB IT. ? "LV . .. : t ti vvr . "l Kl -n?a m '.v n V 4, t r. a 4' 4 i'1 ', .i'l a ,i 'AS ' .-s w ' -Ji m m mi :& SVAj m B K i 'M. 'm Ma m m m tt, j ftfa i (! r :V,i'Mfc Jmh. W t.l's. : WSM