te ti-tr hdf P ,';; CHANDLER COUPE I WHO!' .' ?, hT I IfV- y ) " erhsuled and EjtWi aaaw" painted, h n n il- EsKfiHa. t r,e ""'d reliable. Dem- rF-Mft 1 Minn. .' diV trial, fro le 6T" I ""'! time rameM9, Other earn KjAr.' I i3e t. ims. KEv 1 IIKRIIGKT ttROTHKRH KVKij llre.nl mid Kure Strrrtn KElf I " i BIWliJLMaw B Bill HI IH 1 H & ifl sH V w i M aHI IH In VI H k Ikw'lHIII ? I E951H9MQISV I I HI 41 11 V4 ik I 111 I I AUtrkef and fourth Sts. I PHILADELPHIA. H , I GENERAL H . ,D-"' I "DOTH the men-who- have and the nien- I who-want find a welcome ' I I in this bank. I rr .... i illu yuuiiK uusuiuss I mcn w,tn ambition te , succeed win nnu tne DunK friendly and helpful. I The men-who-have find it save, strong and always i cni-vir.nnVtlt j I CAPITAL & SURPLUS ! I $1,600,000.00 t----HBr fc-XM Bened CHICKEN Is a been te the house wife Saves all bother of cleaning and cooking the fowl and supplies meat as tasty and as wholesome as that prepared in her own kitchen at less cost. Just the thing for eutins. Wyvyyyyyyyvyiayyyyyyyt W OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 612-614 Chestnut Street 900 Square Feet Frent Roem Geed Light Elevator Service Apply .,, Mr. Dallas h'' 0f Chestnut Street j PROTECTION NYAllfT $ ' 1 MOTHS .-",7r"' , H dust MANAHANS ; DAMPNESS..I tasume I S X 'teARM-WTH-nll i 5 I 1 I SIZES K lMANAlfNS j f TAmiNm moth mmoer j f GARMENT BAG : Tie SLIDING SEAL ind the denM- cb). ellT tmird math proof P'prr pre S lectien for htiy cleihei tbU Semmer. t I Nelhine et wrinkled or nuited in MuubB j I D(i. t-cb giraent Laegi en il own book Cletbee u-e eeuly put (a sod taken out. il 5Sizes-70cte$2.00 I at Drug and Dtparlmtnt Slant L I M. naliu.. i . i -- I d r ii w r r h. 1 1 'Mi ft'Viy '..mi trunk, etc.. "! ilin, S5KvMtUJUSl I te rnll. .Alii Inn'-' 4f lRJt j r rlnp Mrth V. II. n.l l' liltVl !" n N'ntiii 1 1-ine n i.". sfS UraLw 1 MANAHAN MOTH -SJ II PAPER COMPANY Virr I ' - U.W tl;y , '" RADIO IN THE HOME By HENRY M. NEELY jS-r: -rB,AL - -"N, A rA " tQ PMQMC CONDCMSCty COLO WATER SPIGOT VuzlER I) dry ecu. The nlmplwt hook -tip for a crystal detector. Full Ins. met loin are jrtven in the accetnpauyine article The Best Way te Heek Up That Crystal Set There nre undoubtedly n crent mnn.v new entliuslnstH who tblnk tliat this article sheulil huve come as the ery first enr, of the .erics. They've bought . a let of junk or hnd it slven te them. I or they vc necn it In the stores and . made up their mind's they are (coin te buy it. and they have been lnipatlenc i te knew hew te wite it together te get ' the. magic sounds of the broadcasts. I I enb- want te snv. for the benefit of ! the.se fans, thnt if they haw en this 1 """ .Sh PP" "e articles wnini nave i.i ... . i- .... i iirt:iT.-ui-u nut one, tuey nan uciter go back and read them first. There's no ue hooking up your .et until you have some idea what you're going te de with it and the difficulties jeu nre likely te encounter. A e nre coin, te start with thi ii ular crystal detector set. We have al ready lenrned that it isn t nearlv se efficient or satisfactory as the audien bulb, but it is within the reach of any pocketbook which the bulb set is net. And we have warned enthusiasts net te expect results from a ervstnl merp than five miles from a breadcastlne sta tien. Kight here, let it be admitted that there are a let of amntetirs who are getting fun out of e cryta twenty five miles from the transmitter. And a friend of mine recently listened te a band concert from nearly a hundred miles nway with an ordinary telephone receiver. These things de happen sometimes. T nnrik nat- 1lutnn1nfl ii a mnt.il l...... 200 miles away. and. as my eyes g'anced ever the set, I found that the aerial connection had broken nnd I was hear ing the music with no aerial whatever. These nre the freak hnppcnlng of radio. They will occur once, but, try as ei will, you can never dup lcate them. Se five miles is a conservative estimate for a crystal, and any one within that distance can be fairly certain of getting results night after night. If you are within twenty-five miles it is worth trying a crystal for a great deal, de pends en local conditions. Places within a few miles of each ether will get vastly different resu'ts in wireless. The accompanying hook-up is self explanatory, and is the best for crystnl work. It employs several instruments which you can use later when you in- tall an audien bulb. Fer purposes of illustration. I have Mr,! n lAnua.-mitnln. rtuf (fa n1nA mi, k., .-l,.- K- --'!-- , i ' a vario-ceun er. tanned home-wound basket or spider-web coils, or small honeycomb cells. If your honeycomb coils are net tapped, how ever, you will have te use another variable condenser and put it in the line between where your aerial comes In from outside and where it Joins the set or else between the set and the ground. Tappet! coils are coils that have a switch en a knob with a blade that can be slid from one switch point te an other, each point being se connected that It includes extra turns of the wire in the circuit. Thnt is te "tune" the set te the wnve 'ength of the '.ending station. The variable condenser shown In the lustratien does the tuning for the part of the circuit thnt includes the crystal nnd the telephones. This part is called the "secondary." The "primary" circuit Is the aerial, the part of the coupler te which it is connected and the ground (with the extra variable condenser If you use one). Yeit can Use any Of the Standard erystals in this circuit, but you will et bet satis action from the old -fashioned "catwhlsker" with n geed piece f n mlnernl thnt they ca 1 salena Ye-i ought te be able te buy the catwhlsker nri "tand for fifty or seventv-five cent and the piece of galena for a qnnrtcr. Yeu wll' notice a buzzer and puh- tten nnd hatterv In this 'diagram. That is a very essentia' part of the hook l nnd ih usi-d ns n tester te make sure tat the fine wire of your catwhlsker is n a sensitive spot en the gaVna. i In the next nrticle we will explain this test anil nise the preces e: tuning In signals with this hook-up. CepirlpM, If!), Xrj PvlHc I.tderr Company Today's Programs rhlladelnhli Station (WFI) (Htruwhrldge i, Clothier) 1 Id P. M. Late news Items from I'CBUO '3"a5'te 4 311 P. M A varied musical uregram contributed by Dorethy Ml!lr. so prano, Mabel Fogg, pianist. Ednyfed Lewis, tenor. Jehn Vandersloet, has 5 10 te 0 P. M Baseball scores. rt 80 te 7 P. M Radie talk by Lewis 7 30 te 6 de 'P. M. Evening concert by Uncommon Sense By JOHN BLAKK TT O WELLS probably made trbuble XJ-s in the lives of a gathering of Een- den drapers' assistants the ether day by telling them that his inability te be a successful drygoeds salesman made him n novelist. The author said lie lacked the pa licuce and the courtesy nnd the indus try te work behind the counter. There fore, lie turned te ether work, nud at Inn achieved a high position as a writer. It was net Mr. Wells' lack of adapta bility for the drygoeds trade thnt made him a novelist. The forces that made him n novelist were working long be , fore he was born. He couldn't have helped writing any 1 mere thnn Dickens, who began life as a ' stenographer, or Keats, who was an apothecary's apprentice in his boyhood, could help being writers. mALKNT for writing and for drnw- I i t ,.. ,,.. rl.A. r.ytI..I.iAi lite, umi lUi iHiuti eitit-r m nvti.'-" is born in men. If veu have it you will find it nut without being told. A great deal of harm is done by en en teuraglng young men of no particular talent te take up lines of work in which no one without talent can possibly sue ceed. In this world millions of men get along without writing or drnwtng or painting. Indeed, great finnnclal suc cess comes most often te men who can de none of the.c things. De net imagine because you happd te be a drygoeds clerk that the only way te cscape the counter is te write ur te draw. Loek about you and you will sec vait department stores and ether buslneaa es tablishments, most of them owned or controlled by men who stayed behind ,, .... .-,.u !..- lenrned the hnl-fA wmslBmml. 'BVEINING- PUBLIC LEDGEPHlfeABEtiPHtAvy: cftvsiKU OKTtcTe PHONES Kathrine aray. opranei lertu Krk. si 3',,sndVr"7n tene?" -! ' rhiikdfjpUa Hutlan (WIP) mmM iire,he- . r jr.-setal numtxri v Olmb.1 trrethem' Orchettra, under the direction of ",menvi-nni..i2!'ni,inTOri.i.l.'.i tf5" SSfe. VBESS1, Ha".'-"" D An" .'45 1 8S V. M faxaphone ele. Vincent aiu-iM t.Wt"inn1Van,iri.,Y.nj.. .T' "annir of Thankarltln.." -45 P. M. Henrietta K. Harrison, con- traltn. In thnai. nli.rtlnne! "A L.ir iee80n." K-evln: irofnrreminV." Barthelemy: "Mlutity Iik a Hew." Nevin: "Auf WelJrehn ' lleln: Mlrlnm K. Alkue at the piano. . i 3:10 r. M Musical eclectlena en the i tlar-t)lane .. i T'0.1 Final batvliaU scores via radio. 7:15 I M. Children's bwltlme nterle, "The Adrentutta of Itedtlv l'ex " Thornten W nuraeev read hy "Unela WIT." 7:0 P. It. "L'ncle W1P" will anneunce thn names of children wrltlnjt In te hltn. I H.30 P. M. Varied musical selections. , ti.40 te 10 P. M Special radio demon stration braidiaeted for the audience at the Little Theatre. Newark. N. J.. Station (WJ7.) (Weattngheuae) .. 7 P. M. "Jtan tn the Moen" stories (c) , i Newark Sunday Call. ' 7. .10 Concert ly the Filipine Orchestra from the steamahlp loin Star State. S Durlnit Intermlsulen of the conrer , riven by the Filipinos, a. rtnanclal lette ' "Tr Trend of Hmlne Conditions," will 1 read by Hlchard D Wyckoff. editor of th Maitarlne of Wall Ktrcet. n Recital bv Mis Iternadlne Orattei Aimrkan coloratura soprano, from McPhci- son. Kan lregram v.:!l cenalst of Bmrllsh, Italian. French, fpanUh. Herman and Nor Ner . weslan nenKs. 1 0:45 lself Flane, Uric bsritene. fermerl' of Munich Opera Company. . Prucrap- Fruhllnsaglaube." Schubert, "Kerreue, chubcrt. "Erlkenlsr." Schubert. In derma Sweet Iyne. New I Must Lave Thee." a ' "ahwwtr I "Dreamlnir In the Twilight," it. etruuss. English "Renee's senv from un balle "Mischera. ' In Italian. Verdi: "Arlu" fr "Rlgolette." Verdi, in Italian. Pittsburgh Station (KDK.) (WrstlngheuM) 3 30 P. M. and at flfteen-mlnute Interval thereafter Raseball scores. 7 'laaeball scores; news. 7 SO "The trahmen. the Tiger and the Jackal." a bedtime story for the children. 7:45 Oeernmer.t market reports and a report of the New Yerk Stock Exchange. 8 Daaebalt scores; address by J. Rogers Flannery. president of the American Vana dium Company. "The Werth of a Uey." by Dr. Geerge J. Fisher, deputy chief scout ex ecutive Bey Scouts of America; "Commercial Engineering." by Dr. Themas Stockham Ilakcr. Ph. D., secretary of the Carnegie In stitute of Technology 8.30 Musical program by Anna Leis El well, reader; Henry Relnert. pianist: Lillian A. Weed, soprano. M. L. Gardner, accom accem panist: Miss Martha Rankin, first violin; James Reed Petter, second tlelln: Miss Mary Gorden, accompanist. Selectiens: 1. "March Mllltalre." -lchuhrtTallalr. Henry Fleln' rt:. 3. "The Nlehtln.-le Seng." Nev'.n, Lillian A. Woed: 3. "The Lew-backed Car Lever, Anna Leis E'.well: 4, "Smllln' Threusrh." Miss Martha Rankin and James Reed Petter: 5. "Hark! Hew Still." Franx Lillian A. Weed; 6, "Ronde Caprlcclose," Mendelssohn, Henrr Rlnert: 7. "The Most Obliging Little Sister," Anna Leis Elwelf 8. "Pale Moen." Imuran. L'lllan A. Weed; 9 "Kashmiri Sen." Hart, Mis. Martha Ran kin and James Reed Petter: 10. "My Sister's nest Fe'ler." Anna Lela Elwell: 11. "June Mernlnr." Wlllebv. Lillian A. Weed; 12. a, "Spanish Dance Ne. a." Moskewrkl; b. pep. ular neelett. "Kitten en th Keys." Cen- rey. Henry Relnert; IS. "Sing. Smile, Slum-,1 v. . wuu.iuu, iuiian a. oea. Schcneetndr KUthm (WOY) (General Electric Company) 7O0 P. M Hastern time Stock and mar ket reports 7 30 P M Fourth chapter of "Alice In Wonderland " reading by Kelln Hairr. 7 42 P M Health talk by Dr. Herman M. rngs, New Yerk State Health Com missioner. , 7-4." P. M Mus'cal pregram: Fex trot. Marie, ' Klnir Jmz and his Orchestra' "A' M'.lley of Meledv." piano sole. Jehn F'nke; fe trot. "The Sheik " King Jaxz and his rrneira leaiurinu Henry Halter, saxaphen 1st "California," tenor so'e. Jehn Lane i-edlev of popular airs, t'nlen College Uanje Mandelin quartet, V C Schrned"!. '24; J. R Sbe-han 24""'"Hiirn.r'eniie" 'vle'lln "sole. .iiacienzie Frank K Oravs "Spring Ulrds." a lecture wth mimereu. m'tatlens of bird calls. Te-sr Tsvler Tlroekllne. Mass "When We S-ai Met c1ln " wait. King Jaiz nil'' his nrc'-e.t-a feaMirlns Wi'llam Flnke, cornet ao'e's' 'Met1 ng," fox trot T'nlnn fe'Ieire nnr" "indnMn Qnrtet; "llahen-e-i." f-'m "'rn'n " nlaie rnle Mr Plnke; "Un- P'cklngs " bar-Je se'n. Arth'i tver: nTr.hei and er""t dut with , ninn Mrr'rs inner j I Tn'c iml V F'nke grHnd flnn'e JitreducInT "Whl.per- nf. iex trots K'n jarr. and his erches- OAK LANE MASS-MEETING Review Club te Shew Plant en Lan tern Slides The Bulld'ng Committee of the He view Club, of Oak I.ane .will held a mnes-meeting In the Onlt Lane Pres byterian Church tonight nt 8 :30 o'clock. I'lans for the new cliihheue. te be built will be shown en lantern Mides. vine i speakers will be Mrs. Franklin Spencer Edmonds nnd Edward J. Cettell. ' Ne solicitation for funds will be mnde ' at the meeting, but an Intensive drive will be mude from tomorrow until 1 Tuesday next Yeu Ought te Knew What Yeu CarCt De rnrtADE and commerce nre of just a. much Importance in the world as art nnd literature, und following them is Just bb honorable u calling. Without talent you will never either write well or draw well or play n musi cal instrument well. But there are many ether things you can de by mere developing the ability you have. The boener you forget the rewards that are reaped by genius nnd remember the re wards te be gained by industry the sooner you will begin te progress to ward Independence. Yeu may net knew in the beginning whnt you can de, but you surely ought te knew what you can't de. Cevurisht. mi ijhjUL?iisj OPPOSITE M IM INDEPENDENCE HALL 1922 RADIO!-RADIO! We are prepared te supply you anything in the Radie line from complete set te smallest part. WALKER & KEPLER fMN-j f Greatest Jewelry WR j j Sale In History! UJ i-l All Yeb Weed Is 10c Down j This is a "REEL" sale with a "THRILLER FEATURE" never before known. Just think, you can buy everything that you need in DIA MONDS. WATCHES AND JEWELRY at vcrv snecial nrices and yet take advantage of our Mevie Plan - JM&Smk H?eii rvening Big Values 345 DIAMOND RINGS Ktrnr en a perfect lienntr-iiure white ami f.,Jn;J3, vmnrknble bargain. worth KO full mine wUI be allowed nt am lime en tne purchase of 'lamend. Only hurry If you Down fl LI" af- 7x V lll"ei h' f "X fir LyP irr ak" 1 1 en effr yen thcfAA -A . . KS-" y 'II TT.I.'NOIS MA-I'JIJ 1C HJ - - S, TKR At tills ah- .l13 W I SlWft XA0 sdV ete pre-war UU II C Vr0 y. .y ,,r,M- I II 1 1 X:5t14Kt-eM''Ke&chainFrcel I" I jr "aajss-gjBBBSfav asaUAmMaBSajasfBBBBSBBSBakeaiBaHJF " pppgpp- v m BE SURE OF ADDRESS LOOK FOR NAME ON WINDOW f C OUR ONLY .STOREl MNlJMONIp. A AK LARGEST EXCLUSIVE CREDIT JEWELRY HOUSE IN PMLADELPM 39 North 13th Street IS c53 3 aa Four Out of Five Wait Toe Leng ireyeur gums tender de they ever bleed when you brush your teeth? If se see your dentist at once and start using Ferhan's Fer the Gums. Yeu have the first symp toms of Pyorrhea. Incredible as it seems, four people out of every five past the age of forty, and thousands younger, have Pyorrhea. If neglected Pyorrhea seen runs its deadly course. It loosens teeth until they drop out or must be pulled, and it causes these deadly pus pockets te which scientists new attribute se much serious illness. If you use Ferhan's Fer the Gums consistently, and use it in time, you can prevent Pyorrhea or arrest its course. Brush your teeth with Ferhan's twice each day. It will keep your teeth and gums in a clean healthy condition. Don't delay longer. Four out of five fall victims te Pyorrhea because they waited tee long. 35c and 60c tubes, at your druggist's. FtrmuU if It. J. Ftrktn, D. D. S. Ferhan Company, New Yerk FqO 1 Ferhan's, Limited. Montreal lWt is.. ksssmm'm'al''mm'ttMWfM kasm msetssm 'l " 10c DOWN! Come in tomorrow! 10e Down n. tnrwr nnnt one. 10e Down Sm 1m 'i-rid "Jli. -a ( - T . I'LL BE WAITING for you at 19th & Chestnut KTSHV TIAV NKXT wwww "FAIR IxADY" OYSTER PIE, 40c Lancheen, 40e. 11:80 A. M. te 8 P. 51. ZEISSE'S HOTEL 820 Walnut Strati JOHN O. It. MKYKHH. Prep. 726Atxh 100 Simmons Beds Springs and Mattresses Te aM at thi price.' Jutt the outfit for the shore cottage. Etfty etit raaraafa $all$lattTj ar at a y r hniti. Beds have 2-Inch continuous pests, 14x1 Inch fillers in head and feet. Choice of white, geld or walnut. Enameled baked finish. Guaranteed te stand rigid; no mere shaky, un sightly head or feet. al awaa. ai 'ML? ' aT taaal ft. 7. . -1 aSW " aA.' B slaVT'aV . laamIKSar'T ,-S a ,JW 1 sHrSll kM. 'r mi! SS? JmM :. Fr Tifi'Xlsl -HaHl . WrXmWI ll aitiaMa-a-MB-MaaMgaBiBB .', 726 Arch St. and 43 Where Theusand1 ThriFty Heuse ke Attracted Ever fit i )lwi Wimmffli ,ri iMlSIs mmmLJSMJMBNmU-J! 1 1 v VVSv Anether Carload of the Alexander Smith's Rugs that we purchased at their auction juit received. New, frcih leta go Inte the Sale and will be ready tomorrow morning:, making the assortments and saving opportunities greater than ever. And te thi tremendous purchase of Alex. Smith's celebrated Rugs, we have added sensational specials in Rugs, Lino Line leums and ether Fleer Coverings from our regular st xk. Truly a feast of wonderful bargains. EXTRA SPECIAL I $18,5 snliL Tapestry Brussels Wilten j suitable for eny room In house. A geed, hard-wearing and eusy-te-clean rug, l-50 Alei. Smith! 9x12, Seamleis Velvet Rugt SeamUss veWst mgit S$21-50 all ween m a variety of pretty colors jistUrui. $30 Axminster Rugs Bgtra bsavri .' d$1 7.50 ei tt. f qulslte OrlenUI Bersl dtslfns. CARPETS AT SUPER-VALUE $1- Value Tapestry Drui selt Csrpet, hard rearlDf i 37 trachea wide la rets and blue. 59C Yard " Value 100 relle of gee I hard wearing, hear Velret tur ret, 27 Inches wlile; In beautiful I'erilan effect., lilue, reie. tan and green. Cut from fuirkell.. 98C Yard 500 Rolls Carpets, Small Rugs, Cocea Mats, Bath Rugt, Etc., Vi te Vs Off Bell These Uarttt Mil "l'',W , ' " i ROAMCR Individuality In Every Car . Medianlcal Kxcellance Throughput $2785 Delivered Phlladefphk Bkawream Open Evenings PHILADELPHIA ROAMER CO. . 842 NORTH BROAD ST. ttwCrew mmmLW wms.sm 1KEsKb1-e il wIP9rBWBlSma3BBBBB&tvl cl tBfl II It f 11 L M4aaBs9T3raaSaa!LV53 U V lBSVlt aZHaaUj W sflaaVflriBBBBB8BBBBBBalBBHBHLsBaBr EapppB-fB--J aW -aWsBWBsMKsssBsraBssBBsBsr Springs are all steel; new Sim mons patent fab ric. Guaranteed for 25 years. Ne unsightly aide rails, as springs fasten closely te head and feet. Can be furnished in full site and 3 feet 3 inches. Simmons all -cotton Mattress, full tufted, 60 lb. Roll ed edge. Guaran teed net te pack; covered la beauti ful art ticking. Packed in separate cartons, absolutely sanitary. iWHYWESELLCHEAPER. ,y.f, v)'WxMJ2igpjffWf2i,w ,; WW mmmm - -n i t i i i m ii' ii i i i f t v-v&mmmmffl&z ar sa ssb. sw -fcar I tmr' i . sssi issssssgj ..passsss,! sggggai.ii i.!:iiasaasassssgi tt 11. r- m Very finely made, and sura te f Iva , lone service under any wear. Deeu- tllul all-ever patterns. 8aerlfleed at the T) 7vM $1.00 Famous Lerk Linoleum, se. yrl. 2 yards wtde. All yen nh. Cut from full roll,. Hllghtlr Imperfect. Plain brown only. 42.&0 9 x 12 Seamless Axminster Alex. Smith's All-wool, high nipi absolutely perfect: itiffnsi'ln , ' "0r" 4nd Bd"10'1 vsrlsty of est $31.00 en. Tali Is cheaper then ethers can buy whelasile. PRICES $1" Value Weel fare Tapst try Druaaels Car rati lu Lluri Chi ne.e and all erer blues and tant. 7 Indies wide. 65c Ya'd $9.50 Val. 9x12 ft KftW 358 OUR I'BINCII'LKH Courtesy and Service Assured Satisfaction Guarantee! or Meney Cheerfully Refunded rnpaW JUail Order Promptly i'llled. AutomeblU Deltvtry . I'M; . ... Vl' M 46 Standard Maka 'M 'am 1 rnonegraphij en sale at 60 oft hat nri .,. I S?alyllSt,n '' " S0U,h l0" WNH BlAKEel S. W. Cor. Uth and WaUT n fl Di' Embodied in every purchase from Levy ie a full measure of satisfaction. De pend en us for Highest Quality, Prompt Service, Lewest Prices. OUR LOCATION QMB N. 8th St !H-L- i ii a i - - i I ' ' ' ' " l a. $40 Extra Heavy Axminsters 9x12 Feet 29 .98 $2.00 & $2.50 Genuine Inlaid Linoleum Cut from full rolls! eitrs htiryi yards wide. 98c. n- i-45 '4 Special! $5.00 Velvet Rugs sine CTsM; very ntsvy; vtO 9t ese pattUrni a beautiful ?JW 1,-1.. ISLl..n m UIUW UHlMSSVi imported Grass Rugs Retailed at Wholesale Prices Ileititlful intterna In brown, blue and grten tonei tenei at the following Irrcsittlbln iivlugNi II $7.50 Vel. flxlO S5 50 vni. e ft. NOW ft. ft"" $4-li -35? $Zj H MATIONAi ' ' I KffiU Karate 'rkese UaiSmnStM r Mala tm mstjsgmSffmf m.Vl'VV ,.,'Ve , TOe', K&k-tU kf, I wvftrV ,;", iiMtei&M tt25?" "VI"'-' .11. , - MmW fK-A -. H r J V7 -S f -l'Jk