r-A. a BBaBJBUJtfakaBStBaIBa : ''MaataW mlr-e?JJ'tK -Mr. Thmnsji Mlian,'. Mr Eugena ttanara, jar. .wi JtUii rfJ i ft.UtlJi(A''f llans'l Mr. 'Bevd If Hti NtMswanrnt rAttnuAM lM7 Mr.t JmM 'Carll UP"' W iwaatiy.v , - xi a a w a aaa. -.'a . . . tPCwWWW WWW ' liiihii' i r f MNnlf afyrcs KicftardvJ m riMT NATiMAti rAi Th RaMaaaafrW Ajifd Attrsctlen-Tk.': aaalaaaaaat. II 1 1 1 1 I aaaaa ajaaaaaaa. i n i i aMaaMaaT ;. && jr v "i.sWfV!ts mmiimssm ftMSgrnfiMUm sckien. ynX ,iwais ft-W-s!", UMm h i Tfc!";. MSlOfi ffifc&s&tiss rasmjM&& a s f 4WHnK siga5saE -r' JE.VC1Z-AS7 ( i' "VT J-5" 'AfJPT BSHHttTaKiKAXHUr' . . TTT'-M ." !i' "PF. !! E . .fa V fUtiltt MbA )IMim7..,1 ;..!' t . r tfiMjl if.V Vl ' SJafafafafafafafafafafaVaTOiaal STanTa!! - UM -rai - llkn ?WBaU Tha niavi klll -ha. ivaaaanaSaaaaaaaaaaaaH2i'ii &rsfSSfflfffflffi '' . . . la 7 r'athaeina UHUfl . -T ...t-f a1.MV4' Men 1001 ,i..-w.t. &T-m' iThurcl ikr ranlAlef koter Mil .iuT Helen RBffl ffiwnSiUr Attrta ..nBWMrW Jjit -iHMfjnflOH WsiStwi raw airath: at ' St.,' itttjMH Bakrr Irttfirac -Wlttis rgJt,rn-HaraarV,the eier 'h, toer,B CCS LCW "Iwia "SK d.n(hter i0( Mr."' 3Wurts Harraaf ,1 rLtMtht. and nti i' Tnni.H' there ii'i.. STh.' Mill 4. Met'WiCnsytdBlMS BtwUlnttrMsctrasja (Fit tue special i"Y J"lj wria. rn a in' -ETOsSsirtssca: if Lvnest Interest f will come ev ftpasiljtw; b!i lecture'en WWlftt'lKj ithere will be at,letC$M ;e& view. as.se W;iw ri:wmitte Alice Jveng -kTbHdesroert. li&ffla 'tWtM' Wlbttr-Pad' ar ."wur IwiU'ea. inMcMlchiaH: ei'tne ataiKr sjjyi- Farm bliun. and iatlerlaM" art;cinM lrs doing ' tbtoVi7.tefjWt (Seb iwin hare ppn henM tklfeWni K v "ft ' iALRBADT people are making their : summer plans,' ahd,t heard about tome yesterday wncn-neanaea :awiuuj !. Mrs. Henry JMeIntlre:' of. Ard- jnere, ana nerprewyaaugnwi nvn rs. Me-; Kite MAN jUn am nln ahresd and intirc is xeing te chaperon - some of tnwnilntn'a friends who are Dlsnnln Pte te with them. Baba Mather, who is av. j ...!. a Mr anil .Mm. Vlfnr Jfitbcrj Is one ; lunette Jeanes,- daugh- ar.nr Mr. ana airs. iIdhde ,i. jcbuce. Is tnether," and Ethel Nerrls, daughter f Dr. ana Mrs. ttenry nerriB, ui ipeke Hill. Rutherfordton, N. 0.. Is !fhn third. Mrs. Nerrls. you' remember. ,WI8 Miss Jlitnei u. -rrneeier. Aneiner kiannrnr. nuiaa n nurns. 'i'buie uut a tew years age in in is cuy. xut ie a kack te the trip they plan te 'go te Vaplcs first, sailing en June 17, en the Providence, aqd will spend three months traveling tnreugn, naiy, rrnncc, Switzerland. Germany. Helland, Bel- glum and England. ' ' 'V t I8AW Marie Louise Hepburn lunch ing at the Rita the ether day and she wsi loekins- very well. She were one 'f thofie stunnlnc new French effects. 'a dress and cape te match efMriack crepe BOrecain. n m siceves nnutine neui Jtwris embroidered with large, flowers of red, blue and green silk, 'and there wsre 'flowers' embroidered en the cellar 'ef the cape, tee. Vlth It she were a small nat ei eiacx snirreu crepe moro mero more esln which turned up off the face. Don't you think it sounds striking? It was most becoming te her. Liz Altemus has another striking dress. -Hers Is dark blue serge ,mnde with 1"iprens''Un .the front; and bark,, lined with brilliant silk -In paisley effect. At tbssblp there'-were frills ef--the"same Mteriai,i wnen ,i, .sawner sue' was imrlng It with a black felt hat and a Mackv-cape fringed t the bottom, " -'.i', NANCX WXNNB.' Atb.T U 1 ivf.'nr-.v' enaeia'D MlM DllllnwJl i and Dr.vKarl fmww t if, ok . ins oei ay jei rr"i: Ettha.it Mr. (Ill stUt OsrtnMfe c. Bharksy. TAriiicK, aumi 'vaaa ueerMY. ewaras HliaV. . r.-Stla tel.. .iacsvvAirr"! .i"" . UAlUM If MA JjMknM Ashr,-Mrs.tTlhjlxb(Mr. vteaet tew Krau, MrsaUSerM Frrmnil"Mr, ;tt """ s",f?"j "i ,e.-, no,,MryMAii: jaceus, t 'Pennflcic 1 ,''-w' , ATha' 8lini(qmA Ps Sorerlt will va fc'fcncsfsVTussaaT vening.'May, 5i In .the. Nbrth.. Garden of tm .BellsyUs atratfrd.(;r,,'' , ' lv - T W.r$nt!vent WA'tW a'n', hual.rn(tnlshew and dance , Which will,? be givsnttn' Monday erenlng, May e( ininaiwiiivem si ine jusilSVUV-Btrat- 'Aaatl iary 1f;thvMta4rIcenlla Hospital. Members, or tne, junior Auxiliary hays .beeh-werklnav hard t a make this, affair ft'succsss. ,Th minstrel show will be lsn by th members of the Phllepatrlan vva ite Piirau uvvn vlin' tVA nswiJtln,!' of a-'rumniaw sale Is JffKf VtetMAitr the managers of the vnomnsen Ite .rsltoVD"s)ifreiincameng the Jstrtets. The hospital helps famnnar tna amaii Chlldtttn. anrt hahlaa In thla eilnn mrA KineiHieiy non-seetanan. Mrs, w. D, "dien. is presMsnt of the beard. Mrs, X. CutlAr 1ni1lala Attttmian m tA u Which, la ie 'be held at 1212 Walnut atreet, next , Wednesday, May S. ' Deers win de open- at v a. m. , .The danccofthe "All Jals" was 'held last evenuig, at, theiRlttenheuae, Hetel; The mafrijiw.erMrsi, M. Crossen and Mr. Jeseph MeCasker' took 'place ion neunesamy iaai ai.ei. uaDnersHeman .Catholle CherchiJi t , JlThs annual eVr'wsdanc of Uhsi Mys-' tle "11" Fraternity will bftrtven tonight at ,tbe- AldJife .KoCsUrShe'cemmltte In ? D44 .f M'r.'.'a Mr.. W:.' f Sliaw, -VVest lHklla4Wila; whes Mr.CSrifesE.'i' WreCrrtgh,- frj i &h. "tOleasMe .-- ."'' t --. IV . J J, fs. r ttSi uie guests were Miss, Mary Mrs.., 0."8. .Myers. Mra. Alle Miss Flersnes Haaamrdr Mil Nlrdllnaer,' len Wertsll,1 as J Jana 8hanneari Mrs. , Ksnnsth Bcull, Miss r, Misa.MinamiHmeiaa, Heien Mary mlahaetfer. Miss, Kithsr McCrelght. 'Miss 8imen,'MWsiEltiabth'8mlth. ( i; ;.NOTH PHILADBLFHIA , ''.. . sm S.rSarknsr, of (03 The enMMtnentt of Mian Franena Banner, daughter .or Mr. ana Mrs. MCI M A,' ainkley .tnd Mr.-Oeerge U tScheeh berg, chalrmah:, ' ' r'.' nr r ; .WESTrFHItADELPHIA. -' 'Mrs. Margaret' Lee, of 'C641 , Media street, entertained the Alpha Chapter of the Phi Delta Psl Borerltv -at her home; Van Saturday ' afternoon; ' Her guests were, jaias Miiarea Piageen, Miss Helen Chatham, Mrs. Qeerge Floed, Mrs, Themas Frahtz, Mrs. Nathaniel Parker, Mrs. Jeseph O'Donnell. Mlsa Phvllls Banner, MISs ", Louise Chlpman,' Mrs.; muriiiner irewgeivmrj, wauer, Biuari arid Mlsa Eatelle Weed. , , - Helen1 C. Chatham, of S818 Catharine street, will leave, today te spend a few dnya at the Hetel Pennsylvania. New Yerk. They iwlll, open their new .home, at Hazel avenue and State .read, 'High land Park, about June 1. v ' 'Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Shaw, ef-West1 Philadelphia, announced the engagement. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Sttfaka atsWAt aftM-a, W.IMMiaiMwii Wa, WW UWnfjatll SIIBV ,. Mr. Davld,'Rosef, of 2107 west Dauphin VIVOU laM Vinill HIMIUUIIWOUtf - ' .MnJ'ik&i) Nassau, 0f 1B10 ?Grata' svssi, wmveerine nesuaa at a cara party and' dance 'te he given for . the beheflt6f atJeseph'a Honeltal ,th la eve ning. The, card party wllt.be held, at the hospital. twMle. the dancln ,wlli .be opposite, at.-llfOlrard avenue ; ilbr-i'knh .Mea.'TwltlUm Hlndln ' ef'.'aT North' aewAthatreet,' announoe'the'en anneunoe'the'en announee'the'en aafsment'of' their daughter, Miss Mae Hlndln, ..ttf.Mr.-' Meyer C. Taskln,,1ef ima cuy.wfji!;' r ' t)l . . mVs (stella-May StahC daughter ;of Mr. . ajid.Mts.7 Frank. IC rStahl,-ef am' Merui raniaviiiuv, uvvuie iu,vuriue of Mr.n-WlUiamjCiirrerd Halnesilast Frundi SaturdayafUrnoen'at'thefhome efthe Tn. JUv.Tr. w. .Frundt. i gtllcal IChureh, efflclatd bride. The n'fl V rce: Jehn's TA. iet'Mt. related. ceremony. en '(oiiewbu-i i be Alter, ' a ,wcaains 'trip , jar. ana . tan ,Hains',will ;jiye in einey. k ,'f " ' 'C . ''rri " ' '. ' , 'J- l"i -. -. tOUTH; PHILApELPHIAv, Mrs: Mj; kani.' pf l&ul South'Twenty Seuth'Twenty South'Twenty feurth'treet.t announces the , marriage of her daught-,:Mls;AaTies Klltebeth Kane. to'Mryjehn M .Ganaaher'tn'the m ChdrcK efT(Jt,;Oabrlel, Philadelphia, ' Wedntsd.y.,Apl-19.y1'. jy . "V mk. U fPaMMnnamaHn-iM'.AlntMn A lltJ afc . a iia-as jk'a eiumuu 4iDnvbiviuii the direction or, pie. Rev. Charles fsis: a?Ss&i yyurta .Marmar werai the,, flower - girls. wim a. oeurti train ;or,eleth; efieiivsr, and' velfef rapeTnt,lace,and'tuiU. Sha .carried 'Calla, lilies. Tha MiaMKf noner were asiracxieiaeep vieiet can ten -crepe wHhi'a hat' efi silver tape, KM ths trldeamaidrf.woreresaea:et7a lighter-shade vef, Violet- with. hataaf snyer lace., They1; kit , carried bouquets of .yiefata ftndsnajdtairans. The ilewer girl were old-fasfilened dreseeaet.plnk ernuiass iwitn Turned ,. nanteiettea ana TuffhM m poke bynnets tcmatch the dresaes. Th '"ica - Deuqusu OS VIOM sW. tv i"V . t Mr, William WerrttlvWai lusts ee 'Violets and pink man Included mar. , Mr, for hls stepaOn - jmr. ) wiuiare gner.waa best id' thev ushers Wurfa Har .William MVvnna -Wlatar Mr. I 'Rsynetda.1) nr..faa . VerU I Ur. Charles k.'.JohnseaMr. Itawaen Lloyd brother' of; the brides and Mr. ,. Sidney, '. -"'TttJEAfiir mauR i;'The marrlagafMlas'Anna'LeulseJ Tlinhb aftBiaajaaaS'af.i XMmm .fak. .(iaaiunl hill! j f 11!? -"ia eiuiiii 'vmven g m'A-" wtrmtnivwn, na ir. Aiirea rf.,ii. iiwty, miae' ax ucrmmniewn, took place'yesterday morning at t o'clock at sk. vineent deFaura church, Qerman Qerman tewn. The bride waa 'given In marriage by her i brother,1 Mr; Horatio Denby. The maid 'of ..honor ,was -Mies Helen Marie. Hart, sand ..the bridesmaid waa ansa jesspnins a., penny, sister, or the bride. Mr. Jeseph rB. Treaey tvas best man for his brother, and the .ushers In cludifi Mr. William MeEve and' Mr., Frederick Becker. L? I,", i i ' l ' k CLKELAND DIPPT . An lhtereetlng wsddlhg which will, taxe piace at 8 o'clock .this evening, in uie ua.K iane-rresDytenan cnurcn win Inc. undSr ,W. 'Vedges. will, give 'jiidemedjv -"Busl-j ness Llea,',',en-Jriday, and- Saturday 'eve- l'ill0i'tfuua a'ariiu.e, t.i .wv-mwuuvi 'i.a.1, Third and Bltner etreets. ', ' Dr. andVMrs.'" Charjes fir MeAnilty have been eritertalnlng Mrs, McAnulty's latar tLnd.brether-ln.faw. Mr. .and Mra. Albert -Aw Mosseref Seuth ,PhlladelphIa, 1 at .their home at Chelsea , ;,"', be that of Ml" Elisabeth Greer-Dippy, auanierei air. ana Mrs. - tuMrt. tu Dippy, of Oak LahJVFkrk, ahd'Mr. T. walker Cleeiand, son; of -.Mr." and Mra. W."Jay'Cleeland. Tha cefempny.wlll W, performed by the-'Rav Blckley Burna Wllgus,'vaai(ated Lbv itha RevJ 'Leei? Jenes: ,Tne bride, who will be riven In. marrlajM byv her. father, will , be 'at-! tendexTby MlM'Mlldred B, Zahn as'mald ex nonen 'ana-uie, unaeamaids' win in clude Mrs., Frtfderlcki'Wltsel, Miss Lucy; " . r!V "", Av.vM.va. eva,&irHvvu argarai.' jjieweuyni, in Miaa Dorotny, Dippy )Dv. .brother 'of ths ; bride, wltl'lha best -manltand thenishera will -Include Mr. Frederick VWItsel," Mr. lUebert' N.' Dippy, s-Mr. Lawrence, A. fSnlvely. Jr., and 'Mr. Jeasph.K: Burwell.- . A, .recep tion Will fellow -the,? ceremony -at the home, of' the bride's, parents. After, en extended wedding trip; Mr. Cleeiand and- hie bride, will llve:'at '612 ,Wrth (Tenth, street, .Oak Lape. , ,.'... Mr.' and Mrs. WlllfanaVr. Blundln. nt zsis 'West' Tiega 'Street; , Tiega gave. a' nouse party ever me, uaaxer neuaa In honor, of their daughters, V Blundln. Tha dtth Bonsallef Mccam- v ' i i f, , J' i i A Ulia P Marcaret Snencer. dauahter of I Mr. and Mra. Paul Snencer. of 2044 iLieuat street, will en,teVtaln at a bridge, nfiy uu luenwjr iiuai in iiuiiur ui aiim lotalle Bensen Vellrath. whose marrlaee iie Mr. Martin Heward uuenier. zu, win i taae piace en Saturday, May sv. Mlsa Helen Valmerln Mlehell. daugh ter of Mr. and Mra Henry F. Mlehell. ef 3913 Chestnut atreet, and Mlsa Mary Bteut, daughter of Dr. and Mra. Geerge ujrmer stout, or xarieten, .Waterloo and Sugartown reads,, Berwyn, will leave today for a visit te Princeton te at tend A. hnilRA nartv. Thav will rAturn home en Monday. . 4 Mr. nn XTra. Alfra T VnMta ett 11S West Springfield avenue, St.. Martins, are receiving congratulations en the inn or a aaugnter yesterday. Airs. 'erris was Miss. Lucille Lipptncett. . Ml m Mr. nnrl Mrs William T Mnttlav nt 124 Aliens lane, Chestnut Hill, and Mr.' and Mrs. Walter Q. Sibley, of 811 Westvlew street. Germantown. have Is sued Invitations' for a dance en Frl- ey evening. May 28. b.t 'the, Fhlla delphla Country Club. In- honor of their uughters, Miss Edith De Z. Meffley and Ma Alice M. Sibley. j The Riinnvhrnnir flun rlnh tiaa laatin.1 Vnvltatlens for a sheet te be followed iy a dance en Monday. June 26. Mrs. Walter A. 'Weed, who snent -the winter In Italy, will return te thla v"M"- nr .nexi weeK. and win occupy ner place, Reck' Rese, at Radner. , Mr. and Mpa lilival A. RMlmldt. 8f Weltvreten, Radner will sail the itter part of June for Europe, where lurVL.u. in.nn.iH, M.mm.ntrnnvn mff Mri. Hchmldt, who has been spending wis week In Washington, will return Heme en Saturday evening, , Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bell, Jr., of 270 tOUth Sixteenth atraat. will null PAI-lv in June te anend the summer abroad. Lleutennnf Hnnn T.nmh II S N.. "he has been Btatlened for some time n.,wita, arrived yesterday en the u. S. B. Btewnrt. Themarrlage of Lieuten ant Latnb and Miss Elisabeth Elliett siller, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Merris Beeth Miller, of 409 Seuth Twenty-sec-nd street, will take place en Wednes- y, June 7, in old Ht. Peter's ,i'rotcs ,i'retcs tjnt Episcopal Church, Third' and Pine MIhr fitAlta Afarla Ui.rnhw ..lenfrhtc I' Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph D. Murphy. ;. 1830 Seuth Rlttenheuse square, vnOKa TnnrHnvA tA Mn Phnrlnn TV rni. Ittn, et Northwood, Pa., will take place uaiuruuy mernina:'. June d. in m. trick's Reman Catholle Church.v ivcflliein unit I .miliar, atrala tuiii ,n- l?.,.u,ln at a' luncheon , at her' home jn mraay afternoon. May 6. The guests 111 Include lha hrlrinl nnptv Mr. Samuel Ellwood' Hewes irn.e'- jeneler dinner last evening at the" Rlt- ShOURI. llnAl. rrh.M w.i. Iivnli'd wis. The marriage of Miss Mnrlen uee Pomerene Wilsen, daughter of Mrs "ur wnsen, or soil Hamilton atreet, '8 Mr, Hewes wl take place en Satur- ThVtV. llvt'h-nn.l nnrlna. iTnAili Mlaa wNen and .Mr, Hewea were the 'guests . .ivnur aia nriage narty en weanes- Ky..lai4t fflvnn hv lU an,1 Xm T Uklin Mebs. The guests Included the "i party. , Th lest ...! .a .... n-,j... --... ?;" Junier Dances will be given this li ?..'" Mreen 11111 Farms. "These ' r" assisi in receiving will be Mra liirJ rer, mrs. uuaiave a. van IJwnep. Mra. James G. Balfour, Mrs. J, H eirawDruige, Mrs. T. Dun Bell K? nd Mrs. Clarence H, Geist. The Bit. .'"J DeyB incmaes Mr. cnariee WUrt, Mr. Rebert Glendlnnlng, Jr., wfP.?8 McAbee, Mr., Yetter Scheck, ..William Brown and Mr. Jehn Me. EWara. Many dinners will be given PWf the meeting. ""d . Mrs. 1au Armstrong, of 1 alere. Ollnhan Pan annnimH lliA :ment of their daughter. M!s eT.v,uU?kV?.A.rra."tren?L x. !: Mrs. Kracjs-rau Wlisen, efkNew mwm TELLER & ;cq . CHESTNUT AT 13 STRffiT '.' s "Winter, away! Spring has set my spirit free With call of Woodland hill aridsea" TRAVEL CAPES AND TOP COATS 'T'fiE. aristocratic air of travcVceats and capes designed bjf Bonwit Teller 6r Ce. is imparted te their wearers, ,ia)faririg .byJland and' sea.,' Fleecy and downy wools fromEurepe and'Asia, are woven into travel apparel,-destined te'return transformed te the scenes ef: their virginal state, when fair travelers answer th lure of spring and yteld te its magic spell. - Blundln and MIsa.Bettv Hlundin 7 . . - - . r-.T: "-... Kesis inciuaea miss isuith nsdownej Mlsa Margaret holidays at Clty.JNwJ.., 1, Mlss"Jean 1214-Cheitnut Street 1214 ' - ; ' Ghiliijceil's" Seirts Hats MaV'lte Just as Captivating , As anyswern Wr the bld'er member of the family. There are ' HemMjn'conwnafrens of -Blue and Sand, Brown and Sand, Red and Black, aajwelt as Milan Hempa and Milana in Black, Brown, Navy and Sand $8.8048.78. Milan Hemps at $4.75 are in.two in.twe in.two terie combinations 'of Sand and Biown, Sand and Navy, Blue and Black, Red and Black. At $54)0 there is a Peanut and Milan Hemp in White with facing of Green, Seal, Pheasant, Black, Red or Navy. Lefhems have Milan Hemp facing! of 'Black, Blue and Brown. $8 J0-$7.OO. I , AaaHaaaaaa.ai.aaaaaBaaaa-(--aaaaaaaaaa.ai Fkial Clearing of Skirts 1 at $5.00 or Less Wash Skirts at $l.f .Ne skirt ever $5.00, many at leas. - Come early, as' these wonderful values are sure te move quickly. aaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaateaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaa , ' - ' ' Sale of ineweaters in Weel or Fiber Silk, $1.95 $9.00 Weel Sweaters in "beautiful colorings, geed size assortment, formerly $8.50. $4.60. $6.60 and $16.50, new at $1.95, $2.95, $8.95 , and $7J50. Fiber Silk Sweaters that were $13.95, new $9.9$;, Sale of Silk Envelope Chemises $2.95 and $3.95 V Wash satin and crepe de chine, lace trimmed or with tailored 'tops. $2.95, $8.95. Radium silk with tailored tops, $3.95. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaBjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajaafja Lisle Vests, 3 for $1.00 Geed quality lisle vests in 'all sizes, 3 for $1.00. ' '' ' Plain and Fancy Veilings . 50c and 29c a Yard All colors and combinations in the regular 7Gc Veilings,, in both plain and fancy'patterns, at 50c a yard. . , ' ' Regular 50c values in plain 'and fancy veilings, in Black, ' Brown, Navy and -Taupe. '29e a yard. aBaiMBaaaMMiMMMBaBiMMBBai a Allen's Improved Hair Nets $1.00 a Dezen; 3 Dezen for $2.50 Straight 'shape or "Sllppen" cap shape nets, single or double mesh, large, or small sizes, 10c each, $1.00 a dozen. White and Gray nets at 15c each, $1.50 a dozen. Ursine Glengaim - - Mara Persian Imported and DOMESTid TOP COATS AND CAPES CAPES OF IMPORTED . STRIPED FRIEZED WESTMORELAND TWEED SHAWLS t f IMPORTED PLAID AND MIXTURE' TWEED . t. TOP COATS t 4 ENGLISH SHADOW PLAID CAMEL'S-HAIR TOP COATS WORUMBO" CAMEL'S HAIR COATS Third Fleer ' Cleth 29.50 ,V .35.00 49.50 65.00 i-i 95.00, 'IUP0RTBR8, DBBtQNBRB ANP'.UAKERB OF WOMEN'S AND antLDKKN'B APPAREL , OP 'TBS BIOBSBT. CHARACTER FOR MORE TBAN TWENTT-BIX YEARS I ' APPAREL OF :the BETTER KIND ?" PlIliW V". :'. :'.f -S rfvr APPAREL THAT IS DIFFERENT Twelfth Ceraar Chestnut All Goods Purchased Saturday Will Appear en June Bills - Wraps- Capes Suits and 4950 Coats- 3950 Formerly. 59.50 te 75.00 Garments "of the better kind." Newest styles of capes, wraps and coats, in gerena, veldyne, pandera and silk. The suits include two- and three piece effects, superbly" tailored in tricetine and piquet. Clearaway . Sports Suits, Coats, Capes . 18.00 tO 39.50 Formerly 25.00 te 59.50 'Swagger styles, newest materials, including rainbow tweeds and trelaine. (jqwns--Extraerdinary 'Reductions 35.00 formerly te 65.00 49.50 formerly te 95.00 .Taken, f tern '"regular stock, and very choice, beautiful styles that we bought at special prices. Beautifully beaded and hand-embroidered, as well as styles of simplicity. i Silk Hosiery, - ec Regularly te 4i50 pedr style, of lace clex; alie peintex effects. In', pole cordovan, Runian, African, gray and black. v . Blouses an Exceptional a qs Showing t Truhu ilk, pongee, crepe de chine and ba tiite. Tailored ityle with Peter Pan cellar, long or three-quarter aleevei. .Silk Envelope Chemises Special) e nr Heavy ; quality crepe de chine, beautifully hand embreid- ( M tfj eredj inserts of real filet lace. Fleih, orchid and aky. - Clearaway in This "Different Kind of Juvenile Stere" Exceptional Values Te make way for Jaummer apparel we have made newly low prices through out the entire "Harris" stock of juvenile apparel. f Cape Costumes, 14.95 Formerly e 25.00 Str.ight'line dreit; smart cape in newest r fabrics: all colors, but net in every size. Fer 6 te 14. r. Capes. 9.95 Formerly te 16.50 ' Very effective styles, in smart fabrics) 'lined throughout. Sizes 6 te 16. Dresses. 6.75 Formerly te 15M Pretty, well-made frocks of jerseys and Tinte-sheen; some, have leather cellar and cuffs. Great Values. Fer ages 6 te 14. Girls'Ceats, 10.00 and 12.95 Formerly te 17.50 Our entire coat stock at lowered price. This is one of the many desirable oppor tunities. Newest styles) well made. Fer ages 6 te 14. We Specialize in Apparel That Slenderize the Larger Weman: ' .aaBraVaVaVBVaVaVaVaVaaBfaBW a iaaCaajaiaawaTaaSa"- aA aH i BH f Tk. Star. Wkerw Ymh Msm? uh tee nnmi , The. Old Orlclaal MULDOON'S 1717 COLUMBIA AVE. KsUMMmJM YMT. a Pr It'. lfw T n.T. ir- Mattresses ' Buy direct from manufacturer and save' middleman's profit. 60 lb. sll pure cotton mattress In heavy ticking-, f Cft at 9009 IS lb', silk floss mattreJH In beau. tlful patterns, special t10 Cf j 4baa4tv at 46 lb. curled hair mattress In heavy A. C. A, tick- flO (ft inr at ... lO.UU All mattre.se snaranteed. Vrc. dellv.rr In Philadelphia. CROWN BEDDING CO. . 129 N. 2d St V BOTH PHONKPy Mether's Memery Boek these days when Baby was King, the rely-pely, cuddling days, the always-into-every-thing days and the later days off te school. These days are well spent with the pho tographers te store up pic tures, in Mether's Memery Boek. During this month, we make the unusual offer of three of our large 7x11 por traits with folders, for only $3.00. This .ad must accom pany your order, CHAMPLAIN STUDIO mi WALNUT ST. Phene Walnut 1219 KtV..!r:VAianeMj Yiupun in " Added CAWBRI aE&tLlaViBlalaaVtt m Spring Coats & Suits 15 te $65 Fashion's favored models at exceptional values. 1 Buy new. Pay as you get paid. Ne extra. Men's Suits In nebby Imported Tweeds. Black and Hrewn and mixtures. $ t.75 1 mm IS GATELY & RTZGERALD CIS Marlnt Strait Heme Fnrnlnhern and Credit Cletblrr. Oeen Sat. tss. tSV ft &" FORREST Nijhts at 8 ""-J.0? RUSSIAN" GRAND OPERA khesi iETnoenAn. Moscow, eui:ssa 100 Artist'. Conn imd "l!t Tonight. . .EUGEN ONEGIN Mat. Tomorrow DEMON Tomorrow Night CARMEN Price. 00c te $2.ne Next Week's Repertoire. NeuU NOW Men . Mny 1. "EUOEN ONEiUX": Tuei . "SNOW MAIDEN-I Wed . "MEKWAII1" (Rualka)i Thure.. "T8ARH I1K11IK" Frl and Sat. Nlsht. "II0RI4 notiDO netiDO NOV'I Sat.. Mat . "EUOEN OXKI11X.". fl ARRiriC POPULAR PRICE viAniubn matini:k TOMomtew HAM II. HARRIS prejents THE SEASON'S COMEDO' SUCCESS WELCOME STRANGER With GEORGE SIDNEY RROAD NIQHTS AT 8:10 SIIAltP Bnwnu MAT. TOMORROW AT Sile BAM II. tIAKHIB ITCBCIlts F5IE FERGUS 'THE VARYINB SHORE"' By Ze. Akin.. Auther of "DeclaiM." Original Company and Production ntXTBiewnr. nn wm 1 1 .SO 1 :9 S:Sft-S9 7:10- i1l Aal'-.'1 7A i.ne o:e ae t:ib t'., - , lir J a m , an t.djtmt vr wiucnaf mmj I WHfm fy Filmed from the swM'.' song known te millions ifeW -.w,.n itauuauu jvinniyx,. reiMngr INtAl (Annivrswy) WEBIt ELLIOTT DEXTER ' ', And cr.inr! wimh-'h tn f'; " "GRAND LARCENY: Added SPECIAL MUSICAL FEATUItyS I,- a i,w mm pt. 'm-m m. KZZrfMUFE afaf' wM I nnnlh'i Wl.a,mia ll'HO t.9n ai a..n .aa 'n '.'' Marien Davie a PARAMOUNT PICTURE ' Bm.fV, WA-rh'' : ' Next Week JACK HOLT lri ff "THE aniM COMEDIAN" 'tjt ........MM.MwMWMnRaaai PAI A IT 12TK MARKET.' , -1 a nwnvii iq a. M. te 11:13 Pi 'Mtl M 1 Alt 'm . IN NEW I "TURN TO ? THE RinHT",$?. FROM THE PLAY OF HAME NAaTt'i AlirAlllA ,0TH CHKHTNUT-V AaWiUlA te A'. M. te litis LPVJf,, ETHEL CLAYTON - rRArr.ww VirTADI A ninth a mark DU5T1N FARNUM i f , te .erT,Tv t r APITfll 6TH AN0 MARKVr - viuiivu iua. n. id iiuer, a.; "TUV. niN OV MARTlfA QUEEtT" , , "A POOR RKLATinX" GLOBE, jiTMtnm AND 1 MARtCaTT-rj. w m 11 TOllY," the ernciA,!;, s First Phlla. Shewlnir Dempsey FIGHT PICTURES And Vaudeville. Umial Prices CROSS KEYS &jr NEXT WEEK ggrg Mae Demetid and fUj SUR'srRIPTlON BOOK NOW OPKK', "TWIN REDS" OPBNINO BIUCV BROAWATvSviS BETTY COMPSON ,J CHARLIE CHAPUN :DA NEXT WEEK .direct ntOMr -- --- .- HHUAUWAI. Broadway Stack Oa pK0. BROADWAY. N. T. iisti In "PBO OF V.T HEART1 C, FHll-A.'B LKAJJ1NO THEATKaW - oraECTieN op lkb j. ""wuTaasr IHJIIHIaal mm BYEH, AT SiM- MIWCKI' MATINEE TOafOt;- ..t TtumutitmammnwHm f VD1P LAST 3 TIMES.EVES. at a L I HIV ONLY MAT. 8AT. ATS . SOTHEUrMAILOWE JSMERCHANT OF VENICE' Nat. Mrt.. TAMING OF THE BHREWl. nit tf-. Twrri.rai NienT. i:i4.4j'iibA4.rjii-rETTi . Dallr Mate, ut StIS. Ere.. u StlS. THE CAMFO MPSICAT, COMViDY "SOME GIRL" . With a Cast of Rreadwav Faverite.1" AND A GREAT BILL OF SHUBERT VAUDEVILLE Week e( Mav 1 Frank Ortb's 2d Edition "Mad in PMI1-" , With A)l-gt.r Cant of Kun.tar. , UiEXsTIU MsHsm T.err, rRANZ MOLNAR'8 Comedy of Ufa',', "LILIOM" ill MIT u,t 3 Ti-' fMknU I MstToaer ,50-t. 1 S m VICTOR. H6RBCBTI e6Csr msCAt cenart succen ANGEL FACE NEXT WTVK-SFATH OV HALF. ' ROBERT EDESON' In n Xrv Pity by Willi im 1. Heriburt "HAUNTED" , with HILDA SPONG AND A M'FCIAI.T.Y PEI.ECTFJ1 CAST A l t t t i 1. i 9 I t v' i; 4 X m j Ha v iJA m M m M m An m 4 ttb) "f ial '"7 4 i M yf m wl m ' l M m i i' ii Dlrnctlen Maurice E Telt LDIN "eitnut at 10th. Cen. 11 A.M. te Jl.p.M. A Cne.tm The Sheik's Wife IARRY 8KMON In 'THE SHOW" Pe May's Vaehlen Ite- lew. Litest Creation. brtirk -i.iuiimcr rail' Nt. Wk.- Wllltfr Detty Births In ill mm ' JBRH Yerk Rd. 10th and , 1 Z J MUUUmV Lui.rne Circus Creunr1 tl ! .Ate Week af aalTB ?trtles 0m HI' 1 W MAY g"lHTMl .' ''' Vbbbbwb ISaT flaam H aLaaaaaBBBaal ataaaTaf aTaaaTaaafaatatatatatl " CPS titreet Parade aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal 1, 1 1 at vlen.. 10.30 A, M. ' ,. .? A El Krat. new en sale, Lit mnjnSMm r. ,ITM I lii-ethers, Cor. 7th ami Blt i II ti J9BHIKl ,vt iM 'hTMm Fair I.nd" IAcadsmy-Tkts. Bex Oft. Hepp.'s.lllO Chest. ORCHESTRA! k TUiRn nc a riTMTimvS ,vi :'" .zr"xziL :m ioes--viioii,ir.L iwi1 ':: 'y;j ORi:ATK8T AOOltEOATIUN iVf 7 lftf a vJ"iJ VAUDEVILLK ARTISTS EVSSt Anauinwu un u.ik VH l(i wl; " !,' .1 TMNir.HT ROTARY AND 1-nOR Klt:lIAHl CI.l'B NK1HT .Mr.wnnMiur i'"I f . ntirnlAI, HTUNTH HY BOTH ORQANIZATIONB f .: '. AOA1IK.MY OV MIINIO . '' A1 TI'ESDAY. MAY S. AT .1 0'.CKV, VI 'Vffij 1JHT APPEARANCE HERE OF .f ' ' JMj n' r1 'J Kr SIP. ARTHUR C0NAN DOYLE 1 IN A I'UflTOORAPinOAI.I.V .V J' '2 M'.CH i:(,-3., s.10, DUMONTfSSV.4: I EMMETT WELCH Minstreb aatlrfr-Ceal Strike ;Our Own f 'i I M In. Running IN A I'HflTOORAPmCAI.LY II.I.IIHTItA TKI1 IiKUIUKK "ii A'W nt, nrcux Dsvruir B7riri7aiaYai v. rrv Mau Men Wed. Bat.. 2I8 -,?T al mi. Ae-d. A Hanne'.. Ilia nSU. . '?'r.B?! I TDraPAnCDrkTrrTLETAVi'Lk.e nwwwaniin vsrreu Wafl i. V" v V .ei ( r v W'J Wf .Vfei 5s Jiv. -.nAiia ffi .. fii J iy , ".?'. iril! :v-'ua j-iJ,r, .nA !M i iLi ' J