'4fi Grant Centennial Section v i'. A&',.fig .amffl ifMsr'Am jrAr vsa E-- I tUMi" THE SCENE OF GRANT'S DARKEST HOURS; the interior of the humble cabin en the farm near St. Leuis from he vainly picture L-mbellish- l v-vi v W- rf?.V"v ' . A. 1V' vkr- 5vW- &' a?'A m zrs? vj ' &; g& MflH tw & 'fl teil r JW'j1 Sftj..r. ky R. 1TT W? M.i Atf SWsr m -VK- t.l'-." I !.- .3 '( l ' ' Eft KDyJ KZS THE WIFE, MRS. ULYSSES S. GRANT. She was Julia Dent, of St. Leuis, sister of one of Grant's classmates at West Point. They were married in 1848. She died Jn 1902 GENERA ROBERT E . LEE, GRANTS COURTLY AND CHIV ALROUS ADVERSARY. Fighting en, devotedly and unselfishly, for a foredoomed cause, he brightened by his great ability the luster of the victor's glory (ri hi .m . iiw. ' '-f tetA VV' KVt.H .v' I'" .?; T,BlbENT, SWORN IN IFBADE POST, NO. 1, G. W.CHILDS IN THE 1 Childs stand in the itbefeie Grant's trip ty Emlen McConnell uc Ledger Building MM ilKVb ys ,K' iLr Mil .fei m WW .vVVv sra? "t svs (V-' Iftv Xv1 GRANT AS THE EIGHTEENTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. His face is fuller than in the wartime portraits, but his beard and hair art beginning te t.bew the gray touch of years &yz rfe !$&KwJ J2 "B GRANT'S V K T ERANS B K F O R E PETERSBURG, 1S4. The .-f)Ki' of Peter burg, ""' f ib.' most invmeniblc 1:1 hi-tery. la.wtrii from the earl .-umint'i et 18G4 te Apiil '2. lS'If), when Lee i-Mii uatrd both Petersen . and Rich mond. In this cam paign Grant orig inated rne.t of the ideas in m uh v ai fcre ttiDwg.M new in tin ttei'd Wai in Hi .- .! Itiii.it I e cye &ms& ? i- crpe GRANT'S G R E A T "RIGHT HAN IV WILLIAM TECU.M SEH SHERMAN. WITH HIS GEN ERALS. Left teru'ht, Majei General O. O Heward, Majer Gen eral Jehn A. Legan Majer General . H. Hazen, Majei General Sherman, Majei Gen eral Jell C. I)ais Majer Gem ral H. . blecum and M a j e Geneuil J. A Mew i It Itrtirn ! !,.,, i W KSi.1 43 R;? i m crjn IVjF . T? mm. r UJd LTy JviP rv 'rjrzs i rw.Jiv HtfMiJ W&& mm IP A RARE PHOTO GRAPH OF GRANT WITHOUT THE CHIN BEARD. It was made while he was President. He were his beard se for a short time in order that a medal might be made of his face, but seen went back te the full beard TIN A I. REST im fViOUNT iark. Thv cabin has been meted 1bK the enK 8,e),e of Hiehmend HIS ING I'lACE. Til I. GRANT TOM II ON riversidi: HRivn, NEW YORK. When he was here bud te rest en Augut 8, 1 8 8 5, the i n 1 1 r v Natien went into mourning. The pres ent inawiekuni was erected in ltH. Mrc Grant uiii laid by her hwbniHl't side in 1902 r ?M ET1 .r !, "sw"" fW. M S; fe? m lOl fi- M' S" Fit .-Vit mWl E7TCT : .'5.'J ti.W , r : EZ3 :s irinfttr v cM f Hnlev a HriwM, ( e. . A ,.