BHBSSlfliP tMgSSg JftuS W$wKKm2K5i'M t. TaJZ f '. ., HUkMMMktaaMM& HW'&Hj T aTa aValaaVaaa MW 4 "" vr (; i v- Wmmfmngrmmem- Opportunity in Geed Things at Wanafnltm Jiwm wpi?'FPpyp-g.gfftj .TOwsnvAw-t.'jwrfl .r r . .. . --kv.w... ., aaan BaBaBBaBaaaBiaaBiBaBaBaBBBaBaBaBiBBa.BOk BL&BaaLraanBrBaaBiBBiBK-a .bbbl,.j w.h bb ok bb iaaaBBahBBaBrBaaHOBaa b .1 aau aaraaaaM at:.'mib'. 1 .re tij iirw , iifj Aiit-. -. -- j. p - p - - m 1 ii-l 1 . . Wimmpb i 1 1 mEatta 1 11 i'' 'II 11.1 1 iifciiiiipin 1 iii ij mil 1 inn 1 1 1 1 I J' ..''"' ' '' " '".'!' '",1, , - -. ft r.,viA:i,i4.A,i vwi.rtt. vTTwwfM BS!B&I4ft. AS- iftL : . Aaik.4 xt aa a ifen 's ' ' V 3WaBaS life Who for Himself Makes NbtjGpeU Cheke lern make goblchelce'f or ethersi. If there is anything that most of us have ity of, it is what we are vain enough te link, whether we say se or net, is geed advice. But did you ever notice that the farmer lese cfeps aire only moderate, the shoemaker. the canaiesncK maKer, as well as some of "(jgrneifirhbbrs, including ourselves, are mostly V!ij,l. lj . i..i.iJ.u t ' , way nu vuiuuxc wjicu a ciimive ceines- or m considerately make a chance when it does it come te give sacks full, boxes and pans ill of advice, adding and adding te it until it ms we are running eyer with the vice of ', Ivice? , . vl What de old bachelors . knew ' about iging up children, or millers knew about taking a store like ours? , AfiEptrlu . Pennsylvania- A uerman Dewer f Chest in the Antique Shep is as Quaint a specimen, of this type of furniture as could be found. It is a little over'feur feet long, about two, feet wide, and stands te about table 'height. Three shallow drawet flt'ln beneath the chest proper. It contains the original old brasses. The characteristic .painting qf,,the early Pennsyl- vania-iierman seiuers,-snewing a tulip 'design in.dullreds en a, green grdundKas mellowed by time into a very satisfying decorative effect s "The Pennsylvania Dutch" maiden of long age, for whose "dower of Hnens and laces it was made, had a handsome chest. v, Ferthat purpose, or any purpose, it is for sale, priced $275.;,.; !' , (Fifth Fleer) 1 f ."' , t y T Childres-Hate-0 for EvfiryQccasienj ,. Smartly talljree straw' hats in Hark, eolera fM1 school er,men- ing wear, pretty natural colored IL.t...4..' milk' Vtaxila ttf vthtwtn vr ' ' velvet streamers. All levely.with SuVnmer frocks '",' , l ,. 'And are gay flower-trimmed' hats, the nsw combinations of straw, with taffeta or all-taffeta hats. . , ' . l. Prices, $1.50. te $15. (Sceoarteor) J ' Cemfprts for Baby FrenVJapan ) The nicest gifts for babies who are going te the mountains or seashore. v All are specially priced. , Warm silk quilts, some hand embroidered and all are quilted by hand. 'In two sizes, for bassi nette" and crib, blue or pink, $3 te $6. Baby Buntings te wrap baby in away from cool drafts, in pink or blue silk, some hand em broidered, $6 and-$6.85. (Third Fleer) The Paintings of Jeanes Meuntains.silvered, ,in , snow, mountains rose-red 'in dawn or sunset glow, mountains Bhreuded in mist it is easy te see the in; spiratiea JeaneVhas drawn from" his beloved Dolomite mountains. Net mountains, alone, but "Venice, Normandy, the sea he understands everywhere the beauty of the world." These thirty paintings are, .unique. They are bold and daring in line and 'color. Celer is Jeanes' ' great medium. 'They have the (directness and simplicity of mural painting. Set in a, wide space, with the advan tage of distance, they veuld be far mere striking than in this ex hibition, f- And in effect they have the velvety softness of pastels. . i They are all for sale. (Fifth Fleer)- A" m & . M Signed April 26, 192S. .PTOBwilV m MXH Ml rlli tuhh ' r'-)JHB'-i -'-( i v. KLJ Zrv-sv - ' 4KBI ' BIRhsL wiEPfllrii fill linlF 4 f 15 Tfoe Jersey ' : ' Dresses for Women - Nobody who has once known ' a models, including several with tne comfort ei a jersey aress . light, soft; het given te crum- pnng is ever wining 10 ae without' ene'in her Summer as well as her Winter outfit. Here are dresses, of eight ounce jersey, in henna, brown, tan, taupe and rust. ' There are half a dozen wool . embreidervr one entirely plain with nothing but peats,v and one .with a shirred belt ,te its blouse, and little white col cel lars and cuffs. .,. , Considering .the smallnes of the price $15 many women will want mere than one. . (Flnt Fleer) f ' Yeung Women's Fine Tweed Suits Reduced ,te$25 and $35 The 'savijjgs en each suit mre enough te buy a pretty blouse and.'in.seme cases, even a silk dress. r ' , Theyare all tweed 8uitSjef,the finer kinds, whicri means the best materials and tailoring; Only there are net all sizes -in any one styJev;There may be only one or two left. x The color selection is geed, however tan, blue, orchid, rose and the fashionable mixtures, and there are all the sizes Men's Silk . Handkerchiefs- 'Frpm England , , Frem the'number of such hand kerchiefs we 'are selling it would ' I 'scemjtnat the American man is -t as 'much in love with colorful silk handkerchiefs as is his English, cousin. Just the right touch of color for the sports suit, and many men' match them in socks and tics. Women, tee, have taken up the gayly colored handkerchiefs for sports wear or for use as bags, table covers, lamp shades and in many ether ways. The colors and designs are de cidedly unique. In the new impor tation are many new patterns. Priced "$3.50 te $5 each. Meln Fleer) , it . -iA i" J? 5184 Men's Excellent Wevfeh V Madras Shirts at $1.55 Each" Thousands and thousands of shirts te pick from and a man fcah have any one for the same price. Every , one a . geed, tried and proven te be best woven madras. Every one made ever the Wanamaker full form, assuring plenty of room and freedom, every one made up te Wanamakeij specification,- which means tne eest in snirt tailoring. Every one is perfect, up te stand ard and every one is identical with .shirts that have been in the regular stock from a dollar mere te twice as much. Stripes of eveiy description in all the colors men have known te be in shirts. Dark grounds and white grounds. Bread stripes, narrow stripes, but all distinctively neat stripes. There are shirts for any man, every man. Shirts for business, shirts for dress. V f k 1.W ft 11 . I..".- r i And every one is at the lowest price such a geed woven madras shirt has been marked in seven years. (Main Fleer) 2W , I Little White Lamps One-light lamps for the tabic, with metal bases and metal trimmed shades lined with rose, blue or geld silk. Each complete for $3.50. (Fourth Fleer) Effective Black Necklaces Necklaces of imitation jet, the bpads cut oval or round anil graduated, while the necklaccl themselves are of varying lengths. Prices arc $2 te $6. ' (Main Fleer) , ,.frem,l4 te 20 ih some model, or ether. , I $ ' " : -$? "J I 'oFleor) f Light, Streng Traveling Cases That Women Take Away Cowhide cases, splendidly made with hand-sewn hinges and priced decidedly lower. All black ones, strong as can be. ad convenient. (Main Fleer) Deuble locks, brass finished. Meire lined with one large shirred pocket en the lid and two smaller ones at the ends. Three sizes, 20, 22 and 24 inches, all priced $15.75. The Loveliest Colored Organdies Are' Frem Switzerland - They rival the most variegated garden of sweet ,peas in color pinks in many shades, blues and orchids, yellow, orange, red,, and dozens of ether colors, as well 'as the darker shades and white. 1 Switzerland puts the crispness in an organdie te ttay in. These are all 44 inches wide, and priced 75c and 85c Lyard. . , (First Fleer) Every One Wants Sports Hese and the Best Come Frem England All-Silk Ratine in White and Tan at 95c a Yard I WOO yards of silk ratine are win, containing plenty of the 08t WAntnrl nnlnr ten nnri kite. 7 Fer dresses, blouses and all sorts of sports apparel, it com bines a smart effect with economy of price. All a yard wide. (Rait Alile) y Fresh Little Dimity Dresses for Girls Ptrticularly nice for school and In pretty rose,- green, orchid or ur am i,Bf u..- -i J8nt P'nK stripes with wltite ana J are just about as cool as cach 6nn has a lain white wing could be. Anether geed ergandie cellar and cuffs button- i that they are se easily nelia ?' ... ed. ,11.50- w "" '"' ""a " (Stcead Fleer) An Entirely New Blouse fejr Sports Wear OOme WOmpn mint. neil If filn litnMr netfnvn (nn with Jumper blouse, for it gees en navy blue or gray with tan. S'bVwelS iJrft1 W" S vTnfVreernt8tayneci wee worn ever the skirt with- there fa a tie and trimming of wt being belted in. the plain color. The price is ' made of foulard silk in f 15. (Third Fleer) Geed Oxfords for Women Who Pay $8 te $12 N i., i. Il '.;n Hie COnnorvntlve mnmnn P wears high Bheca all Winter UWpUcing them new with ex- LtWecn SR nnA 10 v u .W'11 oxfords of smooth P.,;irferw(0,8n gained tan T.VU black ralf ft MnnV thrown kidakln nr Wnw KanAl. .1. 1 . . . - llflW!; "traight-laced ex. Ps'kWuchera with kiltli Tat pi with kiltie (tlrit &)., tongue, or saddle combination oxfords, She may cheese round, medium or narrow tee: flat mannish heel, military or Cuban heel; long wing tip or straight tip; and a pleni tude of perforations or severe simplicity. Ne better shoes, can be found at the prices, in point of comfort, service anu appearance. Heme Ties Flowers bloom' in the Spring every where, but they can bloom in the home all the year around when there is j, Self-Watering Flower Bex or se.. And the best ones are here, in all sizes. Each one is equipped te dis tribute the water tp all parts by a sub-irrigating system. Prices from $3 te $12. ' A little warm bite is nice te have and i t' cooked in a jiffy when ever one might be when a Sterne "Canned Heat" can is taken along. On the veranda, in the bedroom, en the auto trip or during -the motorboat ride, and, for that matter, right in the kitchen, there-'s nothing mere handy than, the little can of "fire" that is always ready. v , Try as you will, but the linoleum will become loose and flare tip at the edges if it isn't protected with Zinc Linoleum Binding With a' stripef' binding the linoleum edges can't become frayed or broken. Price 10 cents the yard. (Fourth Fleer) Men, women and children. All are called .by the glad outdoors in Spring and all are seeking the things te wear outdoors. But te keep astep with the game, one needs sports hes'e. And right new the best selection of sports hose in years is ready. Fer wemen: Ribbed mercer ized at $3, including most all sports shades: silk and wool in black at $6; fancy turn-ever top wool golf hose in several colors and mixtures, $6., Fer men: Weel 'golf hose with fancy tops. Twe new styles at $4 and $6. Fer children: Leng ribbed wool stockings at $2.50 the pair. An An other kind with fancy tops, $3. (Main and First Fleen) Time for Children te Haye Summer Wrappers Terry bathrobes are a particu lar favorite with many mothers. Easily washed, they don't even need ironing and are nice te put en ever wet bathing suits. In pink or blue, two te sixteen year sizes, $3 te $5. Japanese cotton crepe kimonos are another geed choice. In plain colors, four te sixteen year sizes, $2.25 te $3.85. (Third Fleer) 7 1 Fourfold Opportunity in China and Glass pLASS MIXING BOWLS, sets of five pieces, one each of 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 inch size, new 75c a set that is, about one-third less than regular. " Teapots of American china, guaranteed heat-proof; in four colors and decorations in geld and silver en olive, brown, black and ivory, $1.75 each, regularly one-fourth mere. Imported crystal glass tumblers in a pretty crackled effect, straight shape, full size, new $1.20 a dozen, which is less than half. 15-piece imported cereal sets, square shape, choice of several pretty decorations six large jars, six spice jars, covered salt box, vinegar bottle and oil bottle, specially priced at $4.75 a set. (Fourth Fleer) Men Have a Fancy. for Decagon-Shaped Watches- Perhaps the reason is that they are a pleasant variation , from the mere usual round kind. Such watches in 14-kt. green geld cases with high-, gade Waltham or Elgin movements are $47 te $90. The dials are silver, gilt or enamel. And, in view of the fact that many young; men are about J te graduate and will probably receive gifts, it in interesting te note that there is the largest collection of men's fine watches that we have had this year. t (Main Fleer) -. , . ', When a Man Gets a Brogue That Is Seft arid Pliable he knows that the easiest, most comfortable shoe for Summer is his. Net only a shape that premises abundant room for each tee, but a leather that is free and easy and light en the feet. stitched heel-seats. ' j: tf The softest, finest brogue a man The price is $8 ii V f (Main Fleer) ' ' V - - -j can find is the v one of bearded calf. It has the full wing tip and perforations everywhere. Almest endless service seems te be the' premise of the solid oak enlea flTlrl Iaiv flaf ImaIe a4- "". MV V UCCIO DVb AM i f V, Quality Means Everything in a Bey's Suit Wanamaker boys' suits are quality suits from first te last. In fabric, tailoring, style and finish they carry a full meas ure of quality for every penny they cost. Quality considered, they are (Third Fleer) the lowest priced boys' suit en the market. F All of which is splendidly illustrated in the selections we arc new showing. Norfolk stvle suits for beva of 8 te 18 years, $10.50 te $32. t W.ji jli erUt V England Has Sent the Finest Fabrics for Men's Summer Suits And the Londen Shep Custom Tailors Are Ready te Make Them Up Light, almost every one is I..U1 V.. A i. l iijtui, uut every enu is neat anu TU'CED m" smart and fashionable. fShPtl 4JJ ! Many are the West of Eng land coverts, famous with men who like better clothes; ethers are worsteds, cheviets, tweeds ?" ana nemespuns. ..' "- . Unequaled fabrics in quality and richness of pattern. And expert tailors will make them into suits for business or suits for the club or suits for sports for between $75 and $100. (The Oallery) tfaVYsa- 1hvVJIHH Chinese Rugs of Distinctive Charm, $27 te $49 . .Just eiit of the bales, and just such pieces as are new in much request. Sizes, 2x4 te 3x5 feet, in colors of striking richness and charm-tans, intense blues, mulberry and exquisite peach Moderately" priced at $27 te $49. (Serenth Fleer) 125 Dimity Bedspreads Exceptional at $2.25 White as snow, scalloped, and with corners cut out at the feet. Seersucker weave, the kind that wash like a sheet. Size 2x2 12 yards, $2.25 each, and exceptionally geed for the money. Alse 600 snow-white dimity bedspreads of the same grade, but finished with a hem, in size 2x2 yards at $2, and size 2i,x2V yards, $2.25. (Sixth Fleer) Costume Slips of Tub Silk Necessary things for any woman who wears thin one-piece dresses. Twe styles, both tailored and both white; ene without lining is $8.85 and one with a 21-inch hem is $5. , Beth have the severely simple shoulder strap. , . itttai Fleer) Nurses' Uniforms te Measure Uniforms of linen are made te measure, with the required num ber of fittings, for $9.50. In cot ton poplin the price is $8,50; mus lin, $5.60. Capes of blue broadcloth lined with scarlet are made te measure for flWO; (Stceat Fleer) , It Seems That Coel Stenciled Crash Brings Coolness jte the Summer Heme "pOOR DRAPERIES, window draperies, couch covers, day-bed ' LJ swing covers, table runners, round, square and oblong table co wen & jmiuw sups ana cnair DacKS are made of stenciled crash. covers, covers, as nunynecKs, oiras-et-paraoise, pea cocks, pets of flowers are stenciled en them in colors done in oil and guaranteed wash able. Much liked for Summer home draperies because inexpensive and effective. , Doer draperies, reversible, se they show similarly en both sides, $8.50 a pair. Window draperies, made in three pieces (two side drapes and a valance). $6 a set. Couch, day-bed and swing covers, $6 and $7. 4 Round, square and oblong table covers, $1.50 te $2.50. . Pillow slips, chair-back's, table runners, from $1 for a chair-back and $1.25 for a pillow slip te $2 for a table runner. (VUUi Fleer) m wfi ' 8 TS8 n Vi4 '"I (A P; J M2 "'J, A ! a MM fcT0E J f i iter'' 4.J p.;7-T.i, t ,w ikset iVA 1 1 'ft ,. ?' y $ KSSji Ui. am'fepfeEBs few,v!asala& -& imnm j?X, HOiilm'taM"-"" -" " ' ' ' " .wter