IIiKKmmmJumMtihi', K-AwvatM tarn MetitfUiiaVJ i'1.1 'mw tamj' : ;:inwmmmBmrvmMtMik:h,:in-hr,' me twm mmmmmmmimMtmllitmu ; Bnwvn,"TH,""",""'i MBmBaa? awvm. m, saam. ;., ( ''JiWKirnvewiBHBBBBH 1 M t n ii f iciarer f KWAmkKv mmGfflmWm :il-.iJJKmKmHmjli-IL-J. t 'i.i.. - i ..i i , - ' - - wauTZfl aura t. t tk IvUiMToetr . f ?M' v'tfBlHESZZ ', y rMfe7.ift;wWi .jjfn'A'WAuL) ntnkka:7:'m I ir i fa L' m , 'JAQa . in 'J-" . ' 'irGJ F.A .-? kari. nasr KtkeiuT -- -w--nvaww , lUNG.25cfcl0e r.-dr.-'S. " 7. ryetcy r-w rv r-T it Vii.i i$r m ' . tf 56 Standard Mike Phonographs en sale nt 50 off list nrlce. nrler te our moving te 20 Seuth lOtlipStreetJ titty X8i? BLAKEWJBKADT i S. W. Cor. 11th and Walnut Eccentric Millionaire's Leve Triangle Reported te Have Been Br.eken Up WITH WIFE AT HOSPITAL r'i . MmttufattMrtd ay .. . L. D. Berier C., 59 N. 2e1 St. Ball. Iferart l. wwN. MatH 1TII TW. aBBBBBBVJ JBJ, .LHb0 i t .' Commute Atlanl.e Olty. Orn City. ga laic City. Hten Harber. Wlldivoed. Cm Maj -Ticket.. Pullman reservation, Che.tnut St. Terryi Knadlnr Terminal, City Ticket Off. I.'ttt Chestnut St. I'llit.AUF.I.PlllA A tlKADlM; SYSTEM Atlantic City lUllreail M la w ' - t (mmmmm 12" K Bosten. April 20.--Tlie .birth of a bnby boy lms reconciled Chnrles Gar land, Socialist. Idealist, exnenmr nffr.e jlove and nll-nreiiml, eccentric, and his j wife, Mary AVrcnn Givrlitnd. Tliertatus of Mills,, Cenrad, l'hllndelplila artist, who wa one of Garland's "soul wives" In his frec-lpve scheme of things, re mains unknown. Neither Garland nor his wife ha made nny statement concerning- the reeouHlutlen, and the. whereabouts of Miss Cenrad are unknown. The one fact that Is known Is that uarland and his wife have been re united nnd that the coming of the lit tle stranger was the cause of the recon recen recon clllntien. Garland was present In the Massa chusetts General Hospital here when lie baby was bem. The little one Is' the hoeiinil child of the Garland", the J lu-Kt being a daughter. j Garland U said te have returned te i his wife weeks before the birth, but it I was the arrival of the child that brought I the fuel of the reunion of husband and wife te imbll attention. I ,, "; was mere than a year age that J.arland first sprang Inte the limelight by refuslnc a million-dollar legacy and undertaking te explain why he did It. Refused a Millien The explanation was net satisfac tory. It did net recm te satisfy anv one te whom It was made, and Garland himself did net seem te be satisfied, feeliiiB a sort of inarticulateness a Hrt of Inability te put his own thoughts . mill feelings into words. The general idea was that the posses sion of se much money was wrong and . doubly wrong when, one had net earned ir himself. It was mere money than any one needed nnd. therefore, morn ban anybody should inernllv nnnsess. Garland raised the whole general ques ques Hen. old. yet never settled, of morality of wealth, lie was called by some a Socialist, by some n philosophical nnntchlst. by all a sort of crank. Thousands of nersnn Kinnrnatnil in I Garmnd that he accept the legacy nnd 'spend it In advancing his ideas, what- t-ver tney wete.. or In advancing ether M'hemee for world betterment. Hut lie I was obdurate. Everybody gave, up trying te change his mind, and he was pretty thoroughly forgotten. . Tlien the Triangle Then he sprang back into the lime light all ever again by accepting the legacy nnd doing se for the nmnzlng reason that ha needed It te support his wife and ether women who were neces sary te make bis .life complete. One of these women was Lillian Cenrad, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jehn S. Con Cen rati, of '2?A North Ubcr street. Phila delphia. This was last January. Miss Con Cen rad hail been secretary te Garland's mother. After she left that position Garland bad taken, her into his own home te live with him and Mrs. Gar land In a sort of monogamous system. There were no ether women living , there, but Garland quite frankly wanted . ethers'. . i ... . .. . s . . s Aiier several mentiiM .Mrs. Garland vaiHBi m i) neerwi rn .aiisk 'nn.'u mnuunnn ... niriin a ' ,i, ..,. - .. - : v.', " " g i atl left nnd Garland left. Gnrlnnd said m he did nut ut te leave his wife, nnd, S, i '( fnr nv !u L-nnivn lm ni4liA. , IWIIMIIilllWCTlllSiiaMllllllMlllill.lllllllllig. sunnnrt. her. n.n i L ...ui .' i,:" living wMh her alone, and, since thev could net agree, hn left. Miss Cenrad went te her parents' . home. A few weeks afterward Gar land and his wlfe paid a brief visit te Philadelphia. They did net make known the object of this visit'.' Whether they visited Miss Cenrad or her parents Is known only te the persons themselves. At any rate, the triangle love nest seemed broken up. There's health in every crumb Victer Bread Big Leaf 6 At all our Stores BraiiwnmmitiiiiiiiiffissMffliimisiShwiJi mmmSBawtm smss m ..i fll nlnlfl lir .Mill -m m i . ' '. hi. - t ' a- .. .SeCTmIliJkW5!v'P.ri ITiri Tf '".inrf'ii '" til Ullllll Ul UUItl'iaW Mthrt KPmmm- mEmm&Sr mJI'miLV - J AmJttmm-' 4' ,,ieiiaaB ' i - ; m "rn ' . . - ,. . 'wY ' rf Gel4, BamtteM :M W1' ,v tt .tj wii rflvflrf r-. r.. .. -. .'.V JIHT r ' : T- . .1 i 1 ' f .1 . 1 tl)V..W. t'ciuV ' l .. ,(jui tnc tmng ter, gins wtn DeDDavnwrv . , 'This.orie'iVef a, popular sire, 14-kt.fiJpley' ' , in plain derfgnAl'v-. ,;. ' . The: demand' for barrettes jjfmitsiiiciigni Ws greatly 'increased rcccnt!yi5Vwhye an attractive, assortment. Vvir!C 1 11 . .?' .. S. Kind & SoTi8,inecheitniit st. v DIAUO.NU MEJIUHANT8 JEWEL.EJ18 BHiYBHSMITIIS . jUJ rvsetcKii iiiieiKS t 1 5l. Baaaap . J 1 i r Permanent Waving by Oil Our new OIL method in sures your hair against breaking or losing its lustre. OIL steaming only takes 10 te 12 minutes and we fully guarantee every wave. Henna Tinting The only safe method. Light, medium nnd dark brown shades. Hair previously spoiled by dyca will be restored te proper color. I.ecuit 337 The finest OW rer in America! 48 lb I IMjena Don't Spoil Your Child's Hair By Washing It 9pld only in our Stores g I lb- t w Aiarkef and Fourth Sh. PHILADELPHIA. CONFIDENCE-WHY? EVEN' who in these times k'hen the whole na tien seems te be Buffer ing from a business slump, there are some people who refuse te be depressed. Yeu would learn, if you investigated, that their optimism nnd confidence is related te a growing savings account. CAPITAL & SURPLUS $1,600,000.00. When you wash your child's hair be careful what you use. Most soaps and prepared shampoos con tain tee much alkali, which Is very injurious, as It dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle, The best thing te use Is Mulsl ficd cocoanut oil shampoo, for this Is pure and entirely greaseless,. It's very cheap and beats anything else' "lUp-.l'ltccs. ? 'we or three tcaspoenfuls of Mulsilied in u cup or glass with a little warm water Is all that is re quired, Simply moisten the hair with water, and rub It in. It makes nn abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses eilt easily. The hair dries quickly nnd evenly, and Is soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy te handle. Besides, It loosens and takes out every particle of dust, dirt and dandruff. Yeu can get Mulslficd nt anv drug store, and n few ounces will last every one in the family for month, lie sure your druggist gives you Mulsl ficd. Adv. ii M DANDERINE Steps Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies W wy, y y ft.ri.t. - .CF rSKiJ S Kf,MS;cnUbuya a bottle. ei:'DnQn. M&mtit9-r' drur. ten. . After iene- , fauen et tnti . "I have nothing at all te say. Se far as we are concerned the matter was closed long age. It' ridiculous te think 'we would have anything te say lu the 1 matter." , That was the. only comment Jehn S. Cenrad, father of Miss Lillian Cenrad, 1 lil.'54 North J'ber street, would make 1 last night, concerning the report that ' Charles Garland hanecn reconciled te 1 his wife by the birth of n son at a 1 llosten Hospital. 1 Miss Cenrad, according te a state- ' I ment of Garland last January, was his soul twin, She. came te the home of her parents, at that time at 172.S ! North .Sydenham street, where she re mained incommuniende. j Her father was as nilamaut last night as h was when the matlerwns first made public, nnd the girl could net be 1 icen. I She has been living with her parents, I who moved te the I'ber street address about a month age. According te neigh bors of the Cenrnds, nothing of Miss , Cenrad's relations with Garland litis) ever been "discussed by the parents, who nre held in the hljhcst. regard lu the neighborhood. Miss Cenrad's father In dicated she had no comment te make ' In the matter. , PERFUMERS PLaN WAR ON TOILET WATER HOOCH Bootleggers te Be Driven Out of Business, Say Manufacturers New Verli, April 10. (By A. P.)' Heech owls shall net hoot their hoots, at the members of the Manufacturing Perfumers' Association nor try te hide the radiant odors of the synthetic! orange blossom or brenx behind the delicate perfumes properly belonging lu I milady's boudoir. I The bootlegger is te be driven out of the toilet-water business. This Is the decision of the perfume manufacturers, meeting here In their twenty-eighth an nual convention, .Spokesmen declare that hundreds of cases of lovely odors rapidly change hands among certain wholesale drug jobbers who use such transactions te boost their average business figures, and thus Increase the amount of liquors they can handle under the Prohibition Act. As for the perfumer who makes gal lons of potable liquors an against ounces of toilet water, the association has hung the black flag en such evildoers. All In all. the hooch owls can get little comfort from the perfume manufactur ers' attitude en the liquor question. What alcohol they get will perfume a handkerchief, perhaps, but never the Lrcath of e rum hound, 'went te Carlsbad last yeav And thy rim. from alt avr th world te Pftrtilt et th nitural euratlve preptrtlts (or atemac!) trouble, llver and ktdn.jr dlMai.i. rhtumatlam, eonatlpatlen, ate., con cen talntd in Carttbad flprud.l r!nn Fameua (or eanturlaa. New you can obtain ttiasa natural rtm.dlta at your drunlat. ASK FOR THE GENUINE Carliaad Spridtl Wattr tad UhaiWS- w&av i miwt cmj.i cia CirisM Prtauett Ce. BSH IIIHIIIIIHIIHIIIIII1I1IIIIHIIW J-l llllilllllllilUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUHIIIUX. "COMMAND" A Serial Remance of Eastern Seas by William McFee Auther of "Casuals of the Sea" and "Captain Macedeine's Daughter" Begins in the MAY NUMBER or 1 ' HARPER'S MAGAZINE ON EVERY NEWS-STAND iillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIiniilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllKrs htful tonic H- a failing nair. " Metwea, taeiDra nw U(J vigor, iii delihtful ten jaiajiMK find, a partfck,ef, jU ur etr ieiH Te Speak en Education in Serbia The Kerblan Committee of the Kmer rency Aid will meet tonight te hear Dr. Rosalie Hlauahter Morten, who will speak, of educatlQif cenditUns in -Ma.-, vt. Neruaau.juiL returaeu 'auu l aaaaH ABaHBBBL "'J- RESINOL ( Soelhinq and He&linq is the name te remember ifveu want te&el rid efeczerna,bkijches or ether distressing skin trouble. Usedvyiih Resinol Seap it is a standard skin treatment and rarejy fails te remove all traces of the disorder Derit be a skeptic BeAin today te use fcesinei ' Fer sale by all drugiists Tr i .-- awi .. fmj WM'rf ' I jZJKa5aSala5ail I'aaaaMaMalMMaHaiMaBaMlaaH HaivickNageeCe. Always ROOM for One Mere? Here Is a Wonderful Opportunity for Levers of Oriental Rugs It is a well-known fact that the past year has witnessed a greater decline in prices for fleer coverings of this character than for any ether article designed for the adornment and comfort of the home. And yet, as a stimulus te Early Spring business, we have selected an apprecia ble number of choice pieces and offer them at a Special Reduction of y3 off Our Regular Lew. Prices Beautiful Kirmanshahs, richly colored Serapes, personally selected rugs in the Feraghan, Sava lan, Turceman and Kherassan weaves, in the most desirable sizes in short the best the Orient produces. The prices quoted below 'are based en this "Special Reduction," being one-third off the regular prices. Feraghan, 12.1 x 8.10 .$175.00 Savalan, 11.0 x 8.2 185.00 Serape, 11.7 x 9.6 225.00 Serape, 11.8 x 8.5. . . 265.00 Feragrhan, 11.10 x 9.4 . 175.00 Savalan, 12.1 x 8.6 225.00 Turceman, 17.7 x 11.3 475.00 Sultanabad, 17.10 x 10.5 550.00 Kherassan, 16.9 x 9.9 450.00 Serape, 11.11 x 9.1 295.00 Kirmanshah, 11.10 x 9.6 475.00 Serape, 18.8 x 11.8 575.00 CHINESE RUGS OF HIGH GRADE9 6x9 8x10 . 9x12 $165.00 $245.00 $285.00 Very much below usual prices ' Hardwick & Magee Ce. fleer Coverings Exclusively, for Almest Century , 1ZZO MAKKfcl ST. i .w , " ' ', ..." '''" k , . Xwi.T - ?wM .. 1 1 ,. . ' ' "vBBamtar xav , i , . f ,ei;"i .v ' v . ill "At tm I -1 'iti&y HBBHBBMHBB 0ld stm ' .. . ' -m mwm m mwm m BBM BaSJ aBWaBBSS BBS bbI aTBBTVBBT BB .. II ,tt aBaBaBaBaB.BH bHH ;bBbBbBbBF bbHbI JbbKi'sbK. SbBI. ( aH ' 'II affBaffBB 'BbV JbSbVMBBW "" - 1 " ' " 1 j MwM f ' ' m' bWi :' . W ! - I Mw! !MMMMWMMKMKMmM? MMJ,,'' -?Mk: -'m. ' MmMMwZMMwMMwmMwWMwWMwME k jmwKmMk mm 1 MwkmmmmwmwmwmkmwmmWmwmi- ' JmhmmmWmWMmWm H v I MWMEzziMjMTMTffiMwMm4kwMB gP' 'aBBtaVaaE ''H A I BbBBBBBBV I ' bBBBBBBM- " B r JBBBEaBBBBZa BBBBBBBBaTfT' ta BBBBBa'vll BBBHl aBBBBBBU 1 . ' ' BBBBBBBr BBl s I ii y ii i i i ii i j gj '- I aBlafamr laHsM-lf- nf1i.i-:--Jrnf c 1 i It WmJJJ iav2si WKtHrWrOi anS ' S I -71 T fMjafMBVBH-" - at. IV! . IMW atjf" WM) WFtJ ! BB bbK 11 i.r 1 BBBBBBBmfasjiri w 1 f-vf1 1 vtry iusT mi' .v- - n V 3 II BbM I -- i. t , 77, f ,,m 5 I At The OLD STORE: 11648-20 NerthSth St. I Fer Three Days Only -Thursday, Friday, Satardity tt j S Iii , "Nothing Higher Many Let? ii 'I vrJ&tfI3L ' I Hire's Hw the K I JfJS KmllkW First fair : $18 1 I J -jgyl Twe Piirsf ; S It ' &MbBb!bSbHBBHs I' ' Come early while 1 S Ii Out must go all odd lets, broken lines, J the cheesing Is 'geed. Jj II iH etc' before we remove the balance of lJI Deers open at 9 R S Ulifl stock te the new store. AH geed shoes, Ml) -;-fc i;--i. Tfcv. H SIB various styles. Net all sizes in any I.I " w-"w''H"i" m i bbj-b siyie. D)ii surety u siie iu pieHBc jruu in mai ! .w... ij II II the Iet Rniember we guarantee the II no RETURNS no 1 ' PIS quality and prices are se low these HI ' REFUNDS.!? ALL SALES II II .B ghees sbeuld go in a day's selling. II POSfTlVBLY FlNAV;rW- 1 liM Here's your chance te save! H I - " ' j J u 'fi General Meters J TttKJks j s p.a Have Mere Power Mere Speed Yet Cost no Mere te Run , Twe Range Tranamissinw RamevabU WsJb O Rb 4 Psmp and TaMnno-Syphen Coesmff RsvDerable VaheLiftar The GMC Twe-Range Transmission furnishes 66.92 per cent mere gear reduction 'in low gear and 22.3 per cent mere speed in direct drive than is averaged by the ether five leading trucks of the same capacity. 4 Because of their greater power and speed GMC trucks are, net limited by read conditions. They will haul economically wher ever there is traction. General Meters Truck Company DMtttn t Ctmarmt Mmtmru CerfrmtUn ! PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 4, Direct Factory Branch 1205 NORTH TWENTY-SECOND ST. ; PhiUdelphia, Pa. , Spruce 2076 R,ce 7859 fe Fi 6 7 utbnc&aen lasts) ntameepa Get niHw i ii f.i m ii IaM !f -.W "7 2m .VY'jM WX 1 1 " , 4 Afesfsf Frem On r BB BBB.Bh , JB 1 Tl, - .. .,.. .' f .MMBBBBB1BBBCBBBV m M .M - BBB B .' bvbbv ' ' zl: i ' 12: -;-ir. ."T5'.ia aiiB. g,saaaiia BBBBMasMihliBiiiBliii'MMBM ..g.AkJAaana lV-,--Jy-fa-'A''' - $ M. II :-J