WfmmWW HvKltSHfl re-T . :."ri'r7f THE rerirr6nf VMM: Bti i !( ft.'. l' vrf l't ''ilM nr.',ri vi mmm w m.mwmri uw-j, wiWiAf34r!!A,-r.i,W' .n?ft A e . .' smu-v ;-. 1 i a- r UllUlllUtl l"WZ!3 wm wmmmwwmmmmmwfffiwwif Dnraajiaa? v,aawr..'Vauer.av'awi 4;fi w?ieni ,j :rrjv,:ai,f..j ;wi jmm,w-me-rzrrmmi msrw wrmwwmmmrs": ?: jm - twmw i:.v-a '),;,? wimm vi. . ?-vr - t, t iii 1 ' n." 'v. 'tft' . f? .1 -'iiF-i,n-'?yi ',,n . ,1 m( ' ".'v r1 "i ' f fi hi 1 ihnirliJ rTTTT 1 KiAJteiitfa&?i. rK.t lr$.&wm&H2wmwi , r.mAirr, ..... &xww r; wi wiriww;'M;!" wirir-n-yin v. r.Tfc.. ' nt1. '. ' - T.r-- ..-, ,.... r. -.:-. . ,. . ..- , . ,. -, mi rv "ii: j I sf-t'r-' -v a MiuHWtt , i -r i revaXiwieiisiH fc?J ' US. IP v 1SaV. .1.1 ; vMnTtTu.wt. r r T . T?' :Xi MBM teat tkehettat bafMaaiiewrM: L .nf,".H hSarVlft.-r-.t bad two ar. J te the -one that ft' for It nappm;HO,, concern you. id-NhM beHl lWMttd td ray self int.kM smiled, lndubrentbr, 'isrr.rir0AhM ' w." vrrfr-icr. I---.T' &tdnOC aHniiunn w,ucrn . v f a f . . f "L-a4t fcd aa.- nrifwii i vui ""w . -f hr,1 bwjsw a dig TOW. m '.-... i i'lW buy tweman," aha said. Lid 1m fet I1mc1f te. hid feet.. . H ,' ha crooned. ' "I( 1b theuaand iitDl.we cannot iiruigng our tag little wordplay ,but. .alft m it. then, that I may rely upon Hiuppert In Ptitumr my propesi- te Mrs. eirii n ik. unhin.'i aalri T.arlv Tiam. my law 0n the contrary," said Lady D ?iteaW. 'if 'ahall de, all In JStt te warn- my daughter-ln- an mi and nrerent anetner Denny vS jarreman 'fortune coining (Inte )ar Lady Deucester.',! (Thcd pre. M iadly,'"it aeema thatu after all, de net quite realise me position. isrm I should hare .made it plain it Mr. Jarreman la new nlmeat re'. eU. an -iei nurc nun uuj itiKhnrltabl action en your nart mid coincide with hi sudden release m his er ceucn ei pain ; ana once gad tne near irwew in our miuai i T tiniiM ha fnreeil te pnrrV nut borders which he gave me just be re he had that dreadful stroke. Yeu jsw what they were. I was required i Start an" Immediate prosecution of ri Stranaek for obtaining- property fraudulent impersonation preceeu- which were te involve nn, notion iinat teurilclf nnd your husband' te Wevcr a certain large sum " . , If'Qulte se," Interrupted Lady Deu- aL.t.1 ITn ait the whHtl wnrklnff. r meant te, nnd then he had what you lUtnnt urcnunu sirene. vum ureugui ' nnm Theed .wail taken aback. '"Probably you forget," remarked fly Deucrstcr pleasantly. Hne'pausea t thn fraction 'of a. second, and then ie training of tile card table came te n rescue. 8be flung down her card. I Warning Delayed ' ' . . 'He received some Information from Mr. Begreve, the detective Infdrmatlen ,wleh was of vltaLImpertance. It cut lle.greund frenv under his- fcet;l It Hmtd his whole world upside dewnj It took evwHhls physical powers from Vm for the tlme.'-r ' KH117. Liiuy t ueucceicr, you amaae " ?)"Mr. Segreve told him that Jehn Camden was innocent et tne muruer 01 Charles Bddls.", 1 r (till An tint m." heffnn Thppd. (ie't there waa something; in hla voice it teld.Lauy ueuceswr inni nei in red guess had proved Itself the 'truth ce.mere. ' W'Ne. I daresay you eenulnely don't M'JL sbe' conceded. "It needs the arrative Instinct te understand Jarre- bwd. n aeesn c mauer. ah you iicru Hew Is suirimed up in a few words. these Instructions, hc gave you were Hit exnressien of a satnnlc linte. He lattd Nadla..., He.hted,her because he 'discovered IV doesn't matter" -when -that she was the daughter of the man vbe, ne believed, -nan muraerea jsaais, Jftkn Camden was dead, out of reach ; tat Jehn Camderl'a daughter, and her kuband nnd ' her husband's people were all still alive, nnd he determined tilt they should pay the penalty in- ttud. it jarreman nad eeen a unina Bn he would have worked in terms of ndhet pincers nnd boiling oil ; being an Bulltfiman. he had te fall bnrk unen whit I am sure you nlways call the long inn or law. And If It Hadn't been for thtt most opportune stroke," concluded Ltdy Deucester, reflectively, "the long arm of the law would really have done quite as well." ' Am I te understand, " began Xhced. U) smile fixed, "that your creative Instinct elves veu cemnletfe confidence iajarreman's willingness te let bygones ssorgenesi" v "It does." assented Lady Deu- jeiter. "If you want the thing stated taldly, here it is : you locked Jarreman semewnere ter, your own reasons, it suited me tnat you should de New however, it suits me eeuallv 'til that veu should let him out Drain. Lad that Is that." Vht wnu nn a1jaIsi akllain fWtAm wvvi imc? mm vivvkii. Dcii, Aimcu a W gaze waa bent full upon Lady icester, liia stiffly smiling lips had ra nis teetn;snia nanus twrtcnea. in he gain anything by killing me?" It question shot threuih Ladv ICCSter's brain antl left her tlnrllnr nth a cold yet fierce excitement. r? I wonder If you would allow me te 1 your telephone, Lady Deucester?" led Theed, a masterly unconcern in 1 voice. "I have never heard of this lr, Segreve. I should like, if I may, 'Dake nn annelntment with him in wer'te discuss his amaclng discovery Lady Deucester stifled n hystcrlcnl ininatien te laugh : the anticlimax se totally unexpected. Ah she led way te tne library. She tried te make tell reallzn tlint Theml Im.l nnwnrl tri it1 She hllfl WAII. tlmt Vmlln n.ul 'lifted nnd nhn lierEftf worn unfn thai 'trythlng had "come rlqht, nnd' thnt one would ever knew ' hew clever bun KnAn m rjn that moment of triumph she was mrrJUUTa- Jheed picked up the telephone book, " ui ii, men glanced helplessly die rarefullv shaded wlndnwa T.nHv ucester moved te the nearer one and up me sun blind. W that moment Theed picked up the Nttal Of the telenhnna utannaH hunk uple of paces, and abruptly Jerked -T7P "S? lTQm " attnenment in Wail. Then, white. T.nilv nnnneater idlv Out Intn lliii ntlti lia ...Anfr Ifh the finlemn tmrA If Infytnw .in exchange, getting Segrove'a number, learning from a clerk that Segreve eena nnm U& ...I....I Al. 1 nil. "! lit ryiimcvu lap receiver "W an air of fHumnnlntmant nn.l te Lidy, Deucester. Turns a Trirb '.In By Carlv 'llava '' ll- .nn-lr-.l m in ..".r rr?"i . -v .......u, r. " urrew man in nnuer. "tne S,"f "ours of a ifeung, nnd enter wmg detective would raesti certainly neanttei ..... JSTfi. "?SB,f' ' tlM 1 r.Mie au.OU IO S. A" vv" ,0 Always." ShOOk Ma haefl ImuiaH in T .J fter, shook his head ngnlni .and Lfci!-11!6. heard the front deer close 5a. L . LllaJr Deucester dropped w a chair. lie,- Hmt n,.ti,. ,.. .. 2?.ii1lJ,.httlr e hnt it faced n con- ?... .V"' 8" grimaced at her I n' I he1 ""mined it critically, v came td i. MHhi...i... .l. T,.'iT IS ..Tl. 1 , ""' "-IUB10II IIIHI, ! C have a geed hour's work n,,n.awny e enects of this tTuk v.. nuwance an hour i2wTn'.th.cre WW se much te de. a v.5i lv? ,0 nether. . She must SNBdla at once. She .went te the ? OUlte three mlnntaa h.t Mat ntep.a,tC0TS"re that Upjtif clenched teeth; and aat for a mertent, her lbraln m'erklng feverishly. There wasijie' ether telephone in Deucester Heuse;, the, nearest telephone -box waa fully' ten; ttlnuteBV walk. Her neigh bors? theOIaverldies. had a telephone, ei.caurityjntt by the time she could getfte; it still, Nadla might be out.' ''Bhffrangiand ordered her car cera-J petedly. Theed. Of, course, would bar taken a taxi. . If Nadia were at home he talkinte her bv new. If she were net, the telephene would be (Useless in any case., (Tlve minutes later ijaayueucester, immaculate, unruffled aa te coiffure and vail, waa being" driven toward Crescent atreet, , As the car' turned the corner, Lady Deucester bent forward and scrutinised that aide 6f the street en which the house steed. Nethlna no enet Ah. wait a moment I Aa her car slewed, the Jam. AM 1kA. nAh.r) .Nil !.. ktAa.h ..a..! uw. vi ii v. ruyviim a..u tun uuvae uuu unmistakable- form of Theed began te descend the steps. A he went, be drew en his gloves, with, the air of a man who has brengbt a delicate task te an eminently satisfactory conclusion. Lady DeuOster's hand, shot out te the speaking tube. ' 'Brunt, 'don't atop at Mrs. Strn nack's; I've changed my mind. I want te go te Cornish Terrace, 'Ne. 3. Be aa quick aa you possibly can." She drew back in her corner, but the precaution was, an unnecessary one. Theed was intent en the second buttqri of hla left hand glove. Lady DdUcestcr looked at him almost affectionately. "A great man," she thought. It seemed tte. her but a few seconds later that the car stepped. She looked out. Cornish Terrace 1 She 'put up her lorgnette and studied the front of Clnudine Crayne'a house ; it looked, she considered, far 'mere respectable than Deucester Heuse. She was conscious of a 'slight disillusionment nn she descended from the car and approached the front deer. 1 ' The nnnearancc of the liveried feet man, however, sent her spirits up decidedly, and the interior decorations" et tne staircase up which she was led made her eyes dance in anticipation of the amusement in store., By the time she waa admitted te Claudlne'a amaz ing boudoir she "Was thoroughly enjoy ing herself. ' , Claudlne drew her sunset colored draperies forward for the prescribed inch or two, nnd then fell te studying Lady Deucester's car with the lev sur prise that had annihilated se many In truders. Lady Deucester spoke first. "Oh yes, yeui knew perfectly well who 'I am," she sold briskly', '.'veu'.ve been blackmailing me for years." "I well, really " Claudinc laughed. She was net amused, but laughter seemed safe, nnd something told Claudinc that she must play for safety. "Plpase sit down," she invited. Lady Deucester looked 'round doubt fully. "Is there something te sit en "that isn't' the fleer?" she asked. And then, as Claudlne pushed forward a small divan: "Thank you. I have u great deal te say te you, and, as you knew, I'm old enough te need cushions in my back whlle I say it." Claudlne put out a languid hand and dipped it into the elaborate ciga rette box. Then, with a mockery of an excuse, she offered the box te Lady Deucester. . Lady Deucester, however, took ,a cigarette and lit it skillfully. "it's a curious thing." she said, "but women like you nlways Nuppese that women like tne don't smeke. It's net n question of age this time. JLL'h a question of convention, and a conven tion that is entirely en your side." "Theed Has Deuble-Crossed Yeu" Claudlne leaned negligently ngalnst the rauch photographed mantelpiece. "I'm afraid I don't fellow in" the least." she murmured. "Women like me always expect women like you to'lell en divans all day, smok ing, or cImj trail about in well, in the kind of thing you've get en. De you ever go te the cinema? All this " Lndy Deucester waved her cigarette nt the erientalism round her "is just the Kert of scene they use for 'In her luxuri ous apartment, the snatcher of souls was dreaming of new triumphs.' But; of course, we never really expect you te be like that. I don't believe it yet. New you, en the ether hand, have settled once and for all that I spend my days knitting counterpanes and taking family prayera and disapproving of the bare back vogue, and net allow ing tobacco smoke in the drawing-room. It's an easy idea, se you cling te it. That's convention. I wish you'd sit down. I like te leek at people I am talking te, and you are se tall. Taller even than your daughter, I think." Claudlne did net start, but she ground her cigarette Inte the asb tray and, after a second's hesitation, dropped en te seme cushions opposite Lady Dou Deu cester's couch. "Your daughter Is one of the people I have ceme te speak te you about, Mrs. Jarreman." "Who are the ethers?" Lady Deucester nodded her admira tion of the pnrry. "your husband." she returned, "yeur-i-elf, and our mutual friend, Augustus Theed." Claucilnn Waited. Lady Deucester waited longer. "Hew did you come across my daugh ter?" inquired Claudlne, restlessly. "One of tliexe abominable detective agencies found her for me. They watched Theed 'h office until she came te It. Theed is reallv careless In some ways, 'you knew. But then se are you te work with Theed." Claudlne stared. "I must be quick," said Lady Dou Deu cester, glancing at her wrist watch. "He will probably lie here in a few min uses." "He will net be shown up here until we have finished our talk," said Claudlne. Lady Deucester settled back against her cushions. "Geed." she said, reaching for an other cigarette, "but let us discuss him first, all the same nnd get him out of the way. Mrs, Jarreman you are far, from being n feel. At least, you black mail beautifully. But you are letting yourself be made a feel of by Theed. lie is he bas " Lndy Deucester closed her eyes and held her cigarette suspended while she grouped for the word that she had se often seen flushed en te the darkened screen of her favorite nlcture palace. At last she found. "He has double-crossed you!" she declared, triumphantly. "I believe you mean it. tee," mut tered Claudlne, still staring, "though why It should matter te you I can't imagine.' r "This is where the long' story comes In," said Lady Deucester. "Yeu want le hear it''' Claudlne 'hesltntcJ. "Oh, yes,'! sheanswered, but her hrug was net se casual ns It might hnve been. It was indeed n long story. Lady Deucester told it well, told it ns n con nected chain of eveiits : she linked what she had guessed te" what she had been told, and what she deduced te what lie had herself seen and heard) Clnudine smoked fast and furiously, her strange eyes changing in color, her hand tearing at the gausea of Jier gown, . -T ' yhyi&tiL"A'-'A AttttigSSWg M ms. . -AF.''tlMm i , ' J ' - . la "W - r- s III " - ---- ' M KM . a-?' HiCAJ T S.M Jal .i B BMBiaaaTrl KfEtiKm.mSmmmmmJBBBktUSaiUKtBKEJSSmJMuttKKKKmmlJm.m mmmmmmmm2Sm.JBEKIKKLammm.'t.jBBUm4KXLm0XLmm Ct"jL, . ', I I I , : , HeBitri u. h. rmnt emc " By HayWQTm "jVife SOMEBODY'S STE NOG Same Result 70 SPEED A4WTWPP! fitTOUT MV GALOSHES AAID HiRE. A BOAT.' X GOT tt DATE. WITH A FISH W6HT. HE'S GOIMG TO TAKE. MB. Te A Hw. ustr 111 All TtJIC. OAUI I Ui,rsib.c irvi .u i ! ' -' 7 P1 USTEMTb "THAT RAW ' I'M A CHUMP TO VEAR "THIS MEW DRSS -THERt WOtiT . 0' BE AAiVSQtY JM-ML-i THedb ! r,VRf f I " - V ' 7 - SO Cr?OWDEJ AJOBOOV CAM 5E.E. IT ? rSbWEAilfiHT.' IA6'N... SO CROWDED AJOBOOV 1 M m ill .a i a t a - A a iaa ". -I Li r. Leu1 m w mm i w w .a-- . - a -- I MIA AAP INtAK Al' I ril -"" I AA .-itZ-tZ. I I . Jll l M-t TUeOC VAlOitl'T kTTtTA'f. v k v r.s x -rvi e- p-j UKEssi r,t---, nwt i rrT Jm K.' '. mi R- AA1YBODV "H&K- fiUWm i i if, urn. R. t."fv s mnwtt . : . -1 rj i whmxjui u fn i i n ii i urfr, .- it-' . 'VrievJ r tWJz. i 1 - i , wwi. run -. i ruimiink. . ' -i , Mtmin - , 1111 11 hi , -ss. m . v .a : . .av . ' I'T'tWK . y MR A -rr. W ' SL.m&jtetiUfiteKrimA & l g. v. a;.nxi) ' VA . ' . ,n w , fiiw. 1 7 1 ip 11 t-1 t&2v7&mGimrjaryuiMMimntm ' V & - T"r Zi BBBLl Cl s wi lJtx SSPB T 58 r - , v I ( I " I - ' - A-E-Ha-WvaaRF i . I $ The Yeung Lady Acreaa the Way. PATHETIC FIGURES - -;- By FONTAINE FOX SCHOOL DAYS -J- : By DWt& f$ ,, sees that one of the light heavy- f(c g0 tygp XJTV ' '1 weights has been matched ngalnst , 1 1 1 . ' . 1 TAV rnafMLa ii L Xr a colored man. )m, tU Ua4 l"t tl- . DRCAMV- V r If-y T PETEY-A Serious 188 : : : ' ; ; s By C. A. Velght ' ' $ GASOLINE ALLEY By Wrong Number : 7 . . "TiL! 4 'SKEezix, Yeu Ce Te Ig- p ' MfeRSb a LuuAsy , ' NOT Se Bad, tH? s l f&BKf JunPm ffS--6P IT'S WAV PA6T p"1- HOMEY! Yeu JUST 1 g LET SOMEBODV 50O WlLES v Ix, x Tr2ASSHOpPE.! !&' 1 I OUR- BED.TM-tj J " T VUSTgN " 1S V r AWANf 6- YeUB. CHILD 70 a J $$ j4AT JAXZ OftQ4Wny (1 w;-ivir jr;wfft fttraiivj ,teE:a,wi4UiuMiffiUA jSK'faf fas' ' w vmf.&mwimrHj&Jtm&md.t , v w:avsk'..vvv . . ,t .. m Baiilmi ii r- i-..,:wjfiflgK-- ..m. . J..t,..j. m-.M.i. lH'f.'tMOTMBiiiii 'n"! '"'r WMalaaaiWa HIM n if i' T imif Maaa'i ..i,..'-ut .v-ij ;,ir' ) FH',T' r mwHHHaa isSfejisTsis': ... 4 -!. .a.. 1 "l" SbN... .. 4..J .Vf.?Ji mMlEtti2iim J-