i n m- jeffr Wa k$S- h K fe L ' SStsr. I'm Ii , i Wb ifiS.t m wJ &ft L ?S ,',! :wwssf tfciiyj 'AnlK I V VA Mlul ' i IfHI niriMl.. . BS'fin ?it,i,.'.,,f.;; , rtrklph prf aMrfsl7bjr Mr. K jf "5ST pinchet'' teertfngs bctan .with 1 Hjtt conference of the executive com- V..',rkl will Ii.. rV.1l.te.AA I.m - flrwxni-"" it: "L".T.'r. ".. . . ? fWJMtt that thttt will be" a luncheon t- ,,ri et mere titnn juv piemncrs et tn SVrlrtrtet City Cemmlttr. which will h Kitrtdresscrt by the cnmlltlatc. The For Fer .vaster will conclude the activities, of ts Quwtwiijr rltli an tinIrt. nt.n rneM-mectinf S3K''HMt 4 o'clock In the Legan Theatre, LVviw ren" '"eet north of Leuden, rtmt with another m1drcs nt n dinner In Mnnenlc Ilnllt (Serumntewn, under the, ntmpleei ci tnn independent uepuuucan League of (icrtnnntevn, Orgnnlrntlen of the Independent forces In this city will be materially backed nn by die vnrleus ward organizations 'ifrj'M Which hae been' perfected by the ulp- :k e. rerters of .10 in Hr tisiicr. former Btnt W 9t i.i r. r. '! '.,. .. ... . v xibiikiuk vuimnipiieiicr, wnn Wlinurew at n candidate for fioverner, me that epposltlen te Alter could be concen trated. Ceuncllmnn W. W. Reper, field mar shal of the l'lnehet force In Philadel phia, outlined the dirert-jjctlen form of attack en the shaky Vnre organization elicit he described today the situation In the Twentieth Ward. Te Force Fight In AVardn "We will force the same kind of n fight against the Vnre orgnnlzntlen and A.ter In every ward in the city nn we lll direct in the Twentieth Ward." he aid, "That ward Is the special baili wick of David II. Lane, who symbolizes rgnnlzatinu control. There the forces of independents will he led by Charles De lanj. Mr. Delnny is n bnnkcr who en rnrc political experience when he Was a candidate for Congress in the Third CongrcMenul District. Fur thermore, Mr. Delnny will have the very practical iiEsIstnnce of workers who In former jenr;. hne made, It possible for Lane te entry the Twentietn Ward." While the Vnre forces, in thK city re shlering under the linpendiiig dri', of the l'lnehet lenders, the leaders in the new McClure-Spieul conibinntien in Delaware Count) lime net jet r covered from the i-taggering blew dealt b Mrs. J. Claud I ted ford, president of the Re publican Women's Club of Deluwnrc County, wjie Hatty turned down a pro posal from McClure, the e'd liquor leader, thnt nhe desert l'inchct in ex ex chnnge for n deal en legislative candi dates. Mrs. Ilcdferd'A refusal te ceme te the id of the Spretil organhatien in Dnln. ware Count) threw n chill into the har mony gathering In the Arcadia Cafe hut night when (ioverner Sproul and Mc Clure were the principal speakers en behalf of Attorney flencrnl A fer. i Friday night Mr. I'lnchel will start ka final swing through the Httte prier te the primary election May 1(1. The candidate's Itinerar) was nn nn aeunccd today by A. Nevln Dctrleb. enn i his cumpaign mnnngcis. It shows lie will curry the bnttle for cli an, ef cerLent Inte the heat "of lie ' f eS5C dent government i enemy'' territory. M. 1 t -Wi li 111 I- l I Jehn I. Fished the .candidate W"j Ithdrew se nntl-machlnc force could concentrate en l'lnehet Tour of Western Pennsylvania Monday and Tuesday the Ferester . sjrtll speak in Western Pennsylvania. His tour will be guided by his com- ittee in thnt section. He will ninke a whirlwind tour in Fayette County Tuesday, the home et United States Banater Crew, nnd Tuesdny night will ' mAAmium . ntc.tYtartlnv 1,1 lMHulnirrfi ', -where Attorney General Aljer has bin I nrlvate offices. ' Wedneader Mr. Pinchot will pound away at the contractor combine, tweak ing in Dauphin County, where Lieuten ant Governer Beldleman and W. Harry Baker are chief satellites of the (Haehlne. Mr. Pinchot will speak In Luzerne County Thursday of next week, nnd In Yl..l. rn. .... VmtJnw ITa ..'111 n.l- SSS m.u.meetTi' In n 1.- , IMdavnlaht nemllns en , The war neatnet the combine will ' be carried Saturday into Schuylkill , County, home of State Treasurer Sny- der, of "I am besn" fome. Duriiu; the day Mr. VInchet will speak In M11h.1ne.ii City nnd varleim towns, and tit nlsht will campnlKU at a luasi-mcvtliu In retlsviiic. , Sunday the candidate will return te Pblladelphln. and Monday nnd Tues Jay will start for Western Pennsylvania ajaln. May 10 be will speak In Hcrun Hcrun ten. May 11, 12 and 13, virtually en the ere of the primary election, Mr. Pin chot wl 1 cent.nue his t!cd;c-hamreer blows iiRainst the Vnre organisatien here. The Philadelphia Pinchot Com mute lias arraneeil for the ineetlnjs here. May 15, the day before the primary, the candidate will go te bin home in Milferd, Pike County, there te attend a rally of his townsmen. t The Alter Campaign Committee made belated bow here today. The Ham Jitf sentiment for Mr. Pinchot lias alarmed the betes and they are new frying te start a backfire. But even with this the machine leaders showed the truth of Mr. Pin Pin ehet'e denunciations against the "poli-tlca-fer-protlt" group. All the officials of the Alter committee held public effiee. Colonel Fred Tayler Pusey M chair man of the Alter committee. He Is a Deputy Atteiney General and, of cettrw, Is en the State payroll. Frank W. Hhert Is secictary of the Alter committee nnd haa chnrje of th local headniiiirlerb en the second fleer of the IJellevue-l Stratford. Sheit is executive clerk of City Council. lie is -ftnerally regurded us secretary te Jtlch rd WcirleJn, president of Council. The treasurer of the Alter committee ta Themas S. lie.lc. pretddent of the American Hunk and Trust Company and a member of the Heard of Educa tion. Lflc-t year Philip C. ICIselc, an em em peoye of Senater Vare, bid for State contracts. Th State Highway Depart ment, Peking facts about his financial ' etandlng, wrote te M r. Beyle at Elselc's k euRgeHtlen. The Beard of Education member gave the Vure emploje a finan cial (). K. : P. R. R. GIVEsTp. C. DIVIDEND Quarterly Payment te Be Given Stockholders May 31 The Pennsylvania Ilailrent announced 1 per cent dividend today. It was authorized ut the Beard of Directors' Meeting, and is the regular quarterly dividend. It will b paid te stockholders of raeertl May 1, and will be payabla en a May 31. The railroad has been paying .,4 1 Pr cent a year for some time. I rich Weman threatened U . ' &m y&w.-..u ..!- r l.j I4U n... 'i aiiiii frs.n.iiBs wwup.vu tviiii w manda for Meney Chlrage, April 20, Death vnrnlngs aiml demands for various Bums of money 'W.f.awe ceiitalned In a aerlesief mysterious 'lattara received by Mrs; 'Alfred II. k.A. l.JUla it ta.i... t . r , vmmmt.'Nmii. wne de a wenuiiy runiru ', it became known yesterday. A art naa Men aetanau te me rvatdesct, ... IM MM MM M Ba- a W4awui,:am4i meMtmt m .a i i fw&i&Ej trUatH ttvSTi .r.SW.e fcWWlrW ,t f , vTA m, Jr. 4. McClure , CettUaaed freea Pace Om f trouble, nnd eh March 1 1 insisted that ,he go elsewhere. "He get hlmaelf a room nearby nnd took his mrula nt our hour-e until March 12, (when I told him that he must net come there any mere. About this time my huhband wan advised by his physi cian, Dr. Moere, that he bheuid go te Atlantic City for a couple of weeks and I ugreed. Brether Went With Him "Mnrch 15 he went nwny nnd I pre sume he did go te Atlantic City. He took Diivld along, nnd I believe that David resolved he had a chance te get even wltli me. "f received no mccsnen from Mv hiitbnu(l March til or 17. nnd en the 17th, the day for my vtccklj' al lowance, 1 get n neighbor te call uti Mr. MrClure'ft office nnd talk with Miss Mary McCnrtcr, who for sicvcnlecn yenrN has been In Mr. McClurc'a cm ploy nnd Inquire of her if she had wen anything of Mr. McClure. "She replied that ehe had anil would Mnd my nllewnnce by mnll. I received a check for $12. My hutdmnd had been allowing me $00 n week te run the heutie. "Mnrch 13 I upratncd my nnkle, and was unable te get about. March -'0, net having- heard from Mr. McClure, I had my neighbor call up Miss Mr Carter for his nddress. I needed fundi. "Miss McCurtcr refused te give the nddregs. I even had n police sergeant call up, nnd he vus refused inferma tien. "Mnrch -I! I hnd n law or step at Mr. McClurc'8 office, nnd there he found my hu&bnnd, hlH brother nnd the stenographer. 1 wns unnble te go te him becnuse of my injured ankle, and when I cnt word requesting that he be ent te his home 1 was informed that n Philadelphia physician had or dered him away ugaln. "Ills vthcrenbeuts after that were u n Knew n te nit but one pcrm. the stenegrnplier, who knew ever thing, wlilli- the wife wns living en it S12 a week allowance nnd knew nothing. Toek Ilushuiul Heme "Mnrch -I I received n telephone call from the Ilnmpteu Hetel, telling me that David M( lure had just taken inv husband In there, looking very ill. I Immediately called n tnIcub nnd man aged te get there, dressed him nnd brought htm home. He was net in n condition te tell me anything about where he hail been or whom he had been with. "March 2." Dr. Moeie came te the J house nnd he told me that my husband was in bad xhnp nientnlly nnd physic al!). He inquired if Mr. MeC'lurn hnd u safe deposit box and I told him thnt I did net knew. He Id it would be well for me te find out, and if there was eni te lime It opened only in my presence. "He advised petting n nure for Mr. MiClurc and I did re at once. "She became fe overbearing that I illL.Mltl.CA.I Ihin UIia MitftiiiAjl in nnnnlif lcr" .illSll and tel.lmr tbnt riiV. working under different orders and went (fn ,-." ","", . ,A V,- wu, " xt .' ,'.. "US ...... VHU. .. ...... .... ...,,... ...,-. ....I.. lie wen called nwnv by a phone nics snqe. Upen nls return lie und te us: 'Felks, there Is going te be trouble. Dr. Moere has called the proteciter'a office In Camden nnd detctixe.. urp eeniins te take Mr. MeCluie te the he ritul. , "I was sin pr'i-cd, bec;mc Di Moere had been thei I'i the mnniir;: and ninde no mention of n l-T-nlt-ii e- of my lu'hund'h cer l,", tlie ?'' condition I chic a'armlug. or wns tnlkliiL' te me at the deer, the bretlier hlitpied nrniiiiil .it n, i,i in.in. i ..,.1 i..u...i li un, Ci ni 1, . h Vnl... , I 1 niVVi My hueG in I fi I ' n-" I n teStaiirt ft Dr Monre nut Lv, l , ' chnmfe in me h s mSrnii - ' eunnjre in tm this mernlne. DctcctUcs Came fcr Husband iTi,n, ,.!..!,, n.,..iin.. t- i Smith came for my huhbaml. I don't ,,,.,,,,, whyf j,er T WM Prfc(.tJy tii iimi. '-nn,t-j I.UIIIII mill willlm; for lilm te go te a lie-pital If it wnt,,a ,mtcr of life nntl dntli nnd It would de him any geed, but tlipy uiw fit te brlns the detectives there, and nt 8 e chick thnt night my hiisbund wa-j temevetl. "I went there dully. April !) I wan leld thnt Dr. Moero had left order tlmt no one wns te stay with m.v bus band mere than ten minutes. April 10 and 11 I waa with him again ten min utes. April 12 I called at the usual time, 11 in the morning, and you cun Imagine my surprise when I was in formed my husband bad been discharged and returned home an hour previous. "I was amaied and horror-stricken, becnuse I knew ray huband had uet gene te his home ,and then I began a search for him. He far I have been unable te locate, him. "I don't want te accuse my hupbend of being en ever-friendly with nnethcr woman, but I find in IiIb effects a photegrnph of n woman I knew, and a postcard which hhe sent te him, with the following poetry : " '.t ship te a harler, my thoughts fly ta you, Each one in a wish that is loving and true.' "The postal waa doted November 23. 1020. r Accusation "Pack of Lies" "1 have been a kind, faithful, loving wife, and I have tried te make my hus band's life a bed of roses. I have been incused of many thlnus, but they arc a pack of lies, "If ft la netCHsnry te prosecute these rcspenNinir ler iiim disappearance, and I mil tliitctetl te de se hy my attorney, I ' HIIU1 (ill FU. I de se. I um 1111111. than anxious et In touch uith ;ir. McClure, be- e I cannot live under conditions aa te get can tbev nre. Dr. Moeie said he hnd directed Mr. McClure's removal te the hespltiil. "It wns my professional opinion that he required hospital treatment," (he phy Mrlnn said. "I discharged Mr. Mc Clure April 12 and I am net respon sible for his return te his home, "I knew where Mr. McClure Is. I knew he is In geed hands nntl receiv ing the best of care. There was neth- Moving-Picture of Weman vnv en Windy, Rainy Day SCENE : Starts down street bravely, Holds umbrella In freut of her and charges against wind. Runs umbrella Inte innocent mas, knocking off his hat. Man apologizes. Weman turns and gives man angry glare. Pursues her deatructlva voyage. Sudden gust blows skirt above kneea. Lets go of umbrella with one hand tn null down skirt. TJmbrcilu swervex, knocking off two i hats. Twe men npolegire. (Jive both of them angry glare nplece. Skirt i-llmbs hlcher. Weman turpn around and vslkd hack ward. , Wind tugs at umbrella. Skirt bark te normal. Weman tuga at umbrella. Wind wlna. Turaa umbrella In aide out. HUB-TlTHDr (Net 4 by tha aaaaaseatafsK "ttf MHMIIa 'J-K ., I belkT tbl.eli nWUft tlatcd brtbe two nurses who' attended Mr. McClure, I have done'nethiiw that 1 am ashamed of." ' ,.p4'.OHecuter Wolverton said that Mr, McCltire had enmn'alnnl tn him. ami that he w'na Investigating. "It in tjny opinion," said Mr1, Wel pltal In Philadelphia or some ether city. I de net knew. Dut I am going te find out. ''I wa nway wlien Judge Bhay gava the erder for Mr, McClure's removal. Detective Deran told me that 'Judge Hhay hnd been Informed by Dr. Moert that Mrs. McClure had refused te let her husband be taken te a, hospital and nni u was a matter et lire or death.". Kehn Trial Begun en 16 Indictments Continued tram r On n blue and white necktie, and carried a tweed cap. The edge of a white hand kerchief peeped from a breat pocket. When he was led te a chair, State Senater Samuel W. Salua greeted him nnd shook his hand. Ralus then seated himself in the bnr enclosure and watch ed the proceedings. Jehn R. K. Scott nnd Ephrinm LlpschuU represented the Recused broker. , After etltllning the Commonwealth's case, Mr. Kelly called Jeseph V. Arm strong, nn employe In the Prothona Prethona Prothena tnry'n office. The witness Identtlled Kehn's signature written en nn official document when the brokerage heuse registered for business. Mr. Sarnzln then was called. He tcstllled thnt December 10. last year, he ordered from 11. K. Kehn & Ce. fifty shares of Pennsylvania Railroad stock. On that day, he said, be paid $511.78 as the first installment. The next day Bnrazln said he re ceived n written confirmation of the order and a statement thnt he still owed $1148.51. A written statement also was made that the stock had been bought for him, he said. Paid llnlanre He Owed On January I. Sarazin testified he paid the balunce he owed for the stock. 'Che stock certificate wns net delivered te him, he milled, nnd although he culled nnd demanded the certificate several times, he nexer get it. The witness identified what was said te be the eonilriijatlen he received from Kehn & Ce. He also ldentlfiflefidfi re ceipts for his money, bearing the sig nature of W. D. Felty, cashier for the brokerage house. Felty wns the next witness. He said the flgnaturcs en the leceipts were "fan similes" et his signature, lit ldentifinedu n ledser page ns the record of the transaction described by Sarazln. Felty continued that he notified Kehn's New Yerk office te forward Mnrnxin's stork certificate, but that the document neer in rived. The witness said further that Oeerje H. Kehn, n Mm of the defendant, wen employed lu the brokerage office ns a clerk ht $25 n week. He snld the elder Kehn ran the business. Kehn, the son, Is n fugitive. GIRL ARTISTS TO DO DANCES Art Week Program Today Alte In cludes Lecturee Andrew Wright Crawford will apeak at n public meeting nt 8:30 o'clock tonight in the Acndcmy of the Fine Arts en the "Art Opportunities of the Scsqul Centennial." Mr. Crawford is chair man nnd secretary of the Philadelphia Art Jury nnd necretary of the City I'nrk Annotation. This Is one of two lecture today in connection with ArtUta' Week. At the Scheel of Industrial Art, nt Uread and fine strceia, ur. aamuei woeaiiouKc . . . - ST 1 11 .. "will lecture at 4:15 o'clock en "8hef- , nrW r,llte'" At GrPhlc Sketch r''b- 710 Catharine street, at 8 o'clock tpnicht- ihe wi" be n hltlen of , ,.ivtllmlp dancinr; by glri stiidcnU. Throughout the week until Saturday ' the Scheel of Deslan for Women and , '" loei or inauatnai tt nave j opened their classes te the public nt : , . , . v j. i,, k .. !... , '-,-' '"'" .'" Y The Aseelnted Artists of Philadel- phin have just opened an exhibition of advertising nrt nt 1(W0 Sansom street te continue throughout the week. The Photographic Society of L'Mlnuclpiiia which is the nldet organization of the kind in America, is holding for the Minn lengtn et time nn exmuiuuu ei lucienui photegrnphy. CREDIT MEN PLAN DRIVE National Bedy ta Obaerve April 27 aa Membership Day Members of the National Association of Credit Men, erganised twenty-six years nge, for bettering business con ditions, are asked te observe April 27 ns national membership day, and devote themselves te the work of explaining the association te ether credit men and enlisting their support in the move ment for better credit conditions nnd the spread of economic ideas. D. It. Carsen, of the Central Na tienal Dank, who 1m chairman of the local Membership Committee, win have chnrgc of the work here. The officers of the Jecnl association, nre: A. T. Ricfcards, president, and David A. Lnngncre, secretary. SKETCH BABY ELAND Bern at Zoe, Painted Six Tlmea Be fore Eyes Are Opened A baby eland that wer born nt the 'Ann tMt mnrnlnsr had n distinction Ac- pnrdetl te few, animals or otherwise Ilcfere his eyes nre fully opened he had iiH pertrnlt painted n hnlf dozen times, 15y nnangera-nt with ('. Emersen nrewn, superintendent of the Zoologi cal Gardens, a life class from the Penn sylvania Scheel of Industrial Art painted the newcomer under the direc tion of a teacher. An eland i net exactly an nntelepa and net exactly a gazelle, but net alien te either, When they grew up they have long horns curling gracefully in front of them. There are but a few of these animals in captivity. Umbrella careens in dizzy circle, sideswiping pedestrians. Skirt has new climbed te higher al tttudea. Hat hanging by three hairs. Weman grabs for hat. Umbrella blows away, Grabe for umbrella, Hat blows away, Grabs for hat. Hair cornea down. Reaches for hair. Skirt blewH up. SUH-TITLE : (Suppressed by beard of cenhers). Scurries Inte doorway nnd tries te Ax hair. Volunteers rescue het. II In n terrible mess. Mere volunteers rescue umbrella. It Is even mere ae. Nobody rescuaa hairpins. Weman gathers hair in wet hail and pulls'hat ever It, Geea out. holding bat with eat band' and umbrella in ether. , (REMAINDER OF FILM OUT BY OBDim OF BOARD OF OaWgOW.) vn': 'iMffaiB ".MI .vftat j"ML.Wi utne- ewr ' Peatte "mbal tar Ceml 52JC""tt.1?6 will ajfSrln iht.ail. temle aetten af.th 8an4ay . JPekue L.p. Man "Dum AA "Dt". with 'Cam'' avarf Buna.jr. ."MAKE IT A, HABIT. -Atv. MAKiina MND . Dr, Of HV, Kvttn. et flti rranoisee, ki IN HKMMtf AM KAMMKRER. AJevtng tribute is or d d Bemswlier; th lead. I fittU, CIDIIb Kv an am. a.,. Bemwhr the clouds are rlfud. Hemswhtra th anvtli watt. DAUOHTKHS.' V7 ht Bcatfjs: AamwuD-At Kt Orann, N., J.. April 5.ViAJr. COLLlNa. widow of Jehn P, Aihinjd. In hr eeth year. ,Brvie rl., SrSP- i Slit at h,r.. 't. reldnce. SOS U, vine .'Jn',lt,ll.,' lr"- tuaiani. u'eaiNj-.Aprll 2J( )33, CnARLOTTH , BARNES, wife of wsiur w. BlHln, ibiiteb na iricnat invitea te attena .. 1st nildeBM. iunr, W60.. IISO mah.1b.u?n,lvY. wndala, rblla. Int. fiSffte sfc.;n"ws., A. aa.rif frtnrlai "ffi -"'fe-A; '"i' from her ItU rndtiut. sni SSlSSp'RiJi Jnwrment-Vlatf Hely R BOCRJuU'a,iTAK L " "AMUEI, A, B. SSSS i Jn J7i,h war. Reallvaa and SISr.iV &atttP" 'unaral. -em late nial Tmi?.' iTt.V men t., .aormantewn. - ""i v r tlan at. In Ml. . paaca may be viewed Cem. Remains va. eve. of 38th D strict, Invited te funeral en Thura. Themas P. Reche. 8. E. cer. Mth at and (aviism at the church of the Tranaflrura Tranaflrura Tranaflrura Ll.n,.t:rty.,RoAberou.hIn,"ment Bl' """ nlMf.TDdrlaa2u4ih.rIorrRre!;,BSll.n,d Jlarrleue R. Rulaer? u?ed 4. , nVialhaa "d i,IL..a,enA1i'M" ' u' rtaldence of U B. n0,rer.n.22.a.li!?m't Jonk,ntewn. ! Interment rrlvjii OADWALUTinTf Ahnl 9fi iaaa III.N.II . husband of Net . .! "' y WAR. IdAa t nHnlnH.l .. "" '' uSY-.';."-":.'?.- :aw'"'3er Vlaltani Council. '"eD. ,' pf T a!'- O.k J'"" Terrace Aeioclatlen: ps.iri. ipd head In Railway Re,f AeeoclaMeii. and "era nlee of Second and Uerki? lire Invited te H. malna may be viewed Thu'n 7, te 10 I Jt, urn a CAnNi:V Anrll ni A1U3 K. CARNEY. iunSf .1 Thura. ' a3e" A"jl lit. .l3infd Relatlvei and friends are lnvlii'i . dral. CAVANAUOIL April 24. 1022. FRANCES daughter of late Bernard and Slaw rav2: tiave;h.,f?rm.r& of 2ist Chrjstlin St. luT? r.'!na?rA.lIVh'endr.,.i: iiLTctm'. ChUrch 10 A SI- Jfw catfca. . COIWURN. April 1M. 1D2" Tiimae t rnVlOI',i!TAPr 23 .MNE. widow of Dennis rrf'i. J!?J,,fv." nd friends am mvtted te C?ft!S1rI.ftlcVen1;.ChUreh & a, EWln Relatlvea and friend. .of tn" Varel y it? In St'm ,0. 5,,,na f,m,r- a.rvteS"Vsd.. a fn1M,;,V ?,r U,e r""Jnce, SOU teiliut at. int. priat. ,, COX. April 22. HANNAH M. COX (nee friiv. un,!r5'n.,,,, whle" relatlvea and friends are Invited. Tl.ura.. S.30 A. M lnte Km?Ume'r203luMe;cS."t-J.f'0"!m" miss of ln?.U'l't?lrCCreMhcVmSt- Kdmend 10 A' M' ifV.1'.0'' ,Vi0v et J W. Creuee. P.cla- W.V'1"?." ara n1tcd te the services, mi Thursday afte neon-, at 2 o'clock, ut her ir u. SW; ,8V.. $ r,3d Interment V n?.t.?-..yifw"wt Wednesday iienlnc. "? pi ii' ftne;A,,,A,lni,i!0 Cl'j. N- J-i April Ti TiiSBrlI ". w'Je' of Cnt. Chailea vi.r .m5n- Ser'l and Int. strictly prl- iTivAxihP convenience of the family .?n,XOri f?e9 BS,)';rAl,r" 3. KATE A., widow of leaae K. Dixen, Relatives and indVre Tvl.,.,a .1 al,end 'uneral ujrv Icea. Wed., I'. M., residence, 1225 W. Russell at. Int. prUate. , h.n0'N3' ,Apr" s8', ,B22- J0"N. hue band of Ellen penejan (nee Ewlng). Rela. tiles and friends are lnlted te attend fu ijeral. FrJ . X 30 A. St.. from h(s late resi dence. 7.3 N 27th at. Solemn renulem iiiasB at Ht. Prancl, Xavler's Church. 10 A. M. Int. Hely Creea. i..D0?V:,"r"A,rll "-.MART A., wlf. of the Sni2hn Ple Bn.U. 1.uhter of the late 1.5 "nf, ?,nd Mary 1 reelln, of l'heenlatllle. 1'a. Ilctatlvris nml 1 1 leiriH ara ....fif,, .. .. Si' Th,"'l..8-.?'A-..M-."?' ' late reel ,2ny av5? sofeVmnUr,e.,e..,i,.m(E.,, Rni"V 'onnuyeAUn& dral Kiani.nURNER. April 24, GUORdK son of ate Qeerse and Mary Kljelburnsr. Una JeiatlvXd Rria.a. ar. nv?.iJ,eK,i,h service, en Wrtn.rf .'"'"? IM ,.il n.r ., aMln .. l ..al ervicn, en weanesaay arternoen at ii'clecW, at tha resldence of her brether-ln" w. Dr. Hiram R. Ix.ua, 1014 N. Uread a". Phlla. Interment private, " aw, mna. Interment n jnuau. apni s, iaa. MART A. widow of Theodere Enael. Services Wed .8 N. Bread at, int. private. " FAR REN. April 22. 1822, MART T wife of Jehn V. Fairen and dauahter of the late Frank and Mary T. Heyburn" of Wlllc.,! Barre Pa. Relatlvea and friends are lnvltert te attend f unera . Wed.. 9 SO am. from her late residence 130 N. 19th at. Bel.m In? Hei'""" Catnedral Church 11 A. M. UArr.SBY. April 24. IIELKN M . dsush ttr of Ciward V. and Mabel lb. r 'or Uaff" ikt "nr'vr r"ftl,nM 7" N- 235 "' OALUAallER. April 28. CATHERINE dauahter of late Patrick and Mary Oall?: Bher. Due notice of funeral will be li n ah0.1?. tle'cVdar'. bf0lh,r' '"?" James and thelate Marearet 58y. KelSf tUes and friends are Invited te attend fu neral. Trl.. 8 A. It., from her husbanS". residence. HON Locust st. Maia of raeulJm t're..1 rB ChUrCh A' ' XMHSlSf GRADY April 28. MARY J., daurhiee nt th late Martin and Jlary4 erSdV. RelitliS, nnd frlenda Invited te attend fuiiirVi Thurs ... H .10 A. M from her t2 JLVA'fI?i' .'815 miswurth st. Solemn hlch nu, it.,' (-tMtiiviij n viiuiiii tu Cem. GRADY. Aerll 28. 'V- M. int. Cathedral 1022, JOHN JOSEPH holevtid eon nf Jam nntl inni.. n--.i.. flrr Mctllnn), need 5 years & months. Rel.t Vea Hfffeafceni!61 rt' (2M BnU M1K',n' '' HAYEB April 2S. MART, widow ef Themia Hayes. Relatives and frlendaT are Invited te attend funeral services, Thure."j P. U . late residence, 1120 S, Seih st. Int Mt. Merlah Cam. Friends may call Wed., a tO 10 Tl. .Ua Leenard and the late Sadie Hayes. 'iii it HATES. Qn April 3D PHP!MTnu .- .. years, irunirai services en imn;ral services en Friday, at a J-. ., resiusnce. uiviu i, Viela at. Interment private, call Thursday evenlnr. JJrewn, 4219 rrlends may HOLCOMU. Ann. II T lln'Dv band . of the late Hannah T. llo'lcemb Relatives, friends. Btephen fllrar" Led?: Ne. 4M. F end A. M.i Hchuyle? Pest, Se 100, l O. O. K. and all ether eraanf Ions hus- r Invlteil ta attend funeral wrvlcea. Frl..' P. M.. resldeme. Mi E. Meninmi,. v. lYIends call Thurs eve. HOWIBLL. On April 21 1022, ALI1ERT AUUOTT. husband of Maude Mparka Hewell, aaed 48 years. Relatives and frlenda are In vited te the aervlces, en Thursday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at Ms late residence, ft Ferri ave.. Ortael Hill. . Pa. interment private. Friend may call Wednesday evenlna, 'Take Madia car from elh at. te Aronmlek ata. tlen. Apnt 29. will: nuRT. Puneral late residence. 118 I Ulreh ave., CJynwyd. pa, Intarmsnt erlvate. jeNisa. At Atee. n, j April as, iiaa. KDWIN JONES, aaed U. 'pfrrtemfVr.Z.i P. M., resldenea et bis dauahtar, Mr. W. O, Heyt. Hammonton. N. J. Int. a-Hinnminl Cem. Train leaves Market at. Ferry 10.23 A. M far C'aldwella Cresslna. JONK8. April 24. HENRY A. JOKES, seed 00. Funeral services Wd., 3 P. M from V, It. Kullecic I Hen's, 1S24 N. tlread it. Int. prlvale, Plsase emit Homers. JONES April 22. HLlZAIIISTll D.. wife nf Jehn T. Jenes (nee Duimere), aaed 79, Relatlvss and friends Imlted te funeral eerv. ices, Wed., 2 P, M at her late residence, i- a'" 1& ..-.e, uwanur le-ple). Ralatlvn and friends, alsn em- UNDERTAKKIW " ''l'" "t"!-'-' h - ii. . AL'!3'lun'J.J'fVlM?' rli l rftSti if. z cs: vzxzr Ztxrs'ti yf m i" " r.a Mit 'H private. ,HS!SS: anil frlttidt r x: at hta Invited tfrvleti gBHW Inrten Ian. Otrman private. tANOHAM, ap4 ad. Relatlvea and ftlendV alie lchuyer"eat. Ne. 1, O, A, R.rKbrtli Star Lrdre, Ne, SDR. t O, O P.: Maanink rfb.7fe. 'ina. 1. ri, R.7k"' .' inviteTtS h!iJ;Ia a-i .. 7. ', 9 v V eon tlvae A. Fiaii at B "t.Jrt.Oia metn'a Church 10 A. 1.KINB. Anrll 14. IBS. JOHM. kik.t. r.i v tii of the lata. Catharlna Lelne. aced 81. Rata- X2. Uvea and frltada are Invlud te attend fu nerai, inwi., e:w a. ai., rrem nia aauan ter'a realdenee. Uti. Btlaabatb Kech, 4188 tV,cn.1 Xb' Mnyun. , nequiem maai Ht. Mary'a Church 1,0 A. M Int. Old Bt Peter'a cem. , LBWI8. April' 88. 1AI LEONARD, wlfa ?' f? .- &wla. Relatlvea and rlenda art invited te attend funeral, Frl 8:80 A. M. from her lata rcaldenc TlflU Creehelm rd.. Cheitnut. Ill f. Mais, of rcatilcm at Church l the Hely Creea PI 140 A M. int. uate et una8TYA;rirWJ?hTARn.,r.. husband el tha lata Julia. Deuaherty' (ne'i "-w;i iteiaiiyca ana irienae ana ail ae. ?'?. l .'eh n waa a member are In tad te funeral Baturdav, fi:80 A. M.. from hlaJate residence. 8280 V at. Solemn requiem mV. K ihe Chjrehv of .the Ascension 10 A. M. Interment Hely Sepulchre Cemetery. I.TNCH. April 24. MARIA, widow of PA ward Lynch. Relathns and friends are In- iite te niiena runerai, jrrj.. a se a runerai, Frj., 8 SO A, M., ir ttulr, 11R9 r iifi, .. Hetemn requiem maes at Bt. Malachy'a Church 10VA M. int. Hely Cress Cem. MATER: April 21 , at 100 Dorset ave , Ventner. N J AUlfcjtT MATER, In hl Md year, formerly of, Phils. . father of Cherles J. Mayer. Relatives flirtd friends In vl ted te attend funeral cortices, Thura., 3 P. M.. at Armstrena's. 1027.2S N. Hread at. Int. prlinte. Bethlelieu papers please MrCARK --April 2.1. 11122, NICHOr.AH V husband of Jann McCnb (nee Mel.nush. lln) Relutltes and friends, also Hely Name Hecfetv of m. Edward's Church, am Invited L ... ...tiiii iun-rHi, i n,, n,oe a, ai., rrem his Ute residency, 2824 3d st. Solemn ir,iuiii! nun ni. nnwarn unurcn 10 A, SI. Int. .Hely Sepulchre Cem. WnTll,W A.n nj . . nn .m - ... . . .. "l'"' fj .ivtJrtjir. i , Tiie "i "' mje uernsra .ucLOllum. JteintlVes nna irienas are inviiMi in atlena runerai, frj . S.30 Arit.. from .hr lt residence; 1105 S. SudenhHm st. Solemn maes of re. pulem at Bt, Teresa's Church 10 A. St. Int. Old- Cnthelrn! Cem. MOCQNVEI.I,. April 24. 1982. JAMES. son of Themas and Bllen J, McCiinnell Relatives and frlendi, also Dartmouth Purple Star ldgi Ne H7i I.ady Patiern if. i.. v. a., .-se. :n: imp.oes of American Stores and lUltlsh War Veterans, are In vlted te attend fune.-al eeivlces, Thurs , 2.10 P. M , late residence. 3S13 N. Man-Inn hi, Int. Northwned I'cm. Remains may Iw viewed Wert.. 7 te 0 P. M MeKKB April U. IP22. OTCOROi: V. . husband of Carrie U. StcKnc. Ralntltes ami friends, ai) Court Alltahcny. Ne, r.'i.l, Tndv I'urcelcrs, Ne. 27 are Invited te attend services. Frl., 2 r. II., et Inte muldnce, ;tt48 Hembsrger st. Trlenus may cal Thurs ,7 tee P. M MIM.ER. April 23, 1022, KMZAIJETH, dauchter of the late Casper and Reeecca Sillier. Relaters and frlenda are Invited te attend funeral services Wed;, S P. SL, at her lata residence 1BS2 W. Tleaa St. Int. private. West Laurel Hill Cem. NUNEVH.LE. On April 25. 1022. ADA TAIDB V.. widow of Qeerce Nunevtlle. Serv ices an Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the residence of her daurhter. Mrs. A. Teunc. 8088 Aspen st. Interment private. VERREU At The Clinten, en April 2B, 1022, MARION C wife of the late James Verrrs Announcement of funeral later, PEIRCI3. April 21. ORKON, husband of Ray K. Pelrce. Relatives and friends, also Williamson Lodse. Ne. 200, V. and A. St.. nre Invited te alien 1 funernl, Thurs., l'.'IO P. St . from parlors of II, A. KUnzlnr. Onti N, 7th .at. Int. 'private. Viewing- Wed. eve PKNftELIJJT. Arrlt 2. at the Presby. terlnn Heerltal HMiep ARTHUR I. PEN CEI.l.ny. Ii. D Funeral eenlces Wed.. 2 P. SI., at Christ Memerial Church, 43d and rhestnut sts. Int. Greenwood Cem, Charles ton. S. C. papera please copy. l't.ATT April 24 MIMHIEU. wife tiff liemn II. Piatt, seed SO. I.'unernt Thurs. at 1.80 P. M.. lata residence, 41.1 Upland st. Services at Bt James' Church. 2.30 r. SI Int. In adjnlnln? rmterv QUJSfDV. April 24. ITDIA TEI.L. widow HTEAMSHIP NOTICES th fuiwral home et Jehn C, Klmmtrli H ewiia. rfAu-ji , wretia rji. int. , KOHf,. April 24. J0?2, WlfAI ART. huabliul nt Will. Vnki viewins vva.. a i'. im. f. 'EARfTf.'-udd.V;' iaT,7 MUB of lata Patrick anil Murv lr'.m .,.' and frienda Invlud .te funeral. Thur.. U,, from 1B1C Columbia av. ld.h l.-Ultl cathad Crewell & Thurlow - INTERCOASTAL LINE Will Dispatch from PHILADELPHIA te LOS ANGELES HARBOR SAN FRANC9SCO and SEATTLE SS "A. L. KENT" April 30 Phila. A Reading R. R., PUr 24, North Wharvet LAVINO SHIPPING CO., AGENTS Bullitt Building Lembard 5600 tl WHITE STAR V. Y. TO ClIERnODRfl SOUTHAMPTON HOMERIC (new).... May 0 June 10 July 1 OLYMPIC M.urlSJune 8 June 2 1 MAJESTIC (new)... May SO June IT July 8 N. Y. te COU11 (Qt'KKNHTOWN) ft LIVKR- l'llOL C F.LTIf! Apr. 20 Juna S July 1 UALTIC t'KIIRIf) ..May is June in July n LIO Mir te June IT July IS AURlATia May VI June 2 1 July 2 NEW YORK TO AZOIIKS, MAPRIHA, AK, Al.iir.ni'l, nan AM) GENUA ARABIC (11.324 tans) Jnly 8 AusT. 20 UKtSTU AOI. B nrpi. e PIIII.AIIF.I.V11IA L1VKBPOOL MKITOVIAN May 1 1 HAVERFOKD Slay 6 June 13 Jul 22 PITT'SIIIRCIH (new)June 22 Juv 27 Am. SI Cabin und third rla pussenfer carried. I.KYJ.AM) I.INF. riHIPHLPHIA MANCHIWTKR MKI.TOMAN May 11 N. Y TH MOUTH. CHERBOURO. ANTWERP 7i:r.IM Apr. 29 Jane 3 July a KIUIONLAM) . ..May 0 June 10 July in I LAfLAIWI , . ...... 1IU) IB June JT Jill) 22 FINLAND May 27 July 1 Auk. laij.vei aam, H4.MI.AM (3d , HAMHfUO. I.1IIAU. DAN.K1 3d elaaa DaMaenirera enlr) May OOl II LA Ml (3d rlass pasacnsers enlv) .M.ty 27 PHIL UIKLPHIA ANTWERP Mlchlsan May 4 Mnhopae, . , . , .June Mackinaw, .. .Mu : Missouri. a Amteican Iine N. Y. TO HAMRURfl VIA PLYMOUTH AND CHEKUOURO HT. PAUL ....May 8 Jnne 7 MlVlNRkAlinA lid ElaaL..MarS4 Juna 2R MAM III niA --,- ---.-j . '.-- - .. - - . , , .May 81 July MONUUI.IA PIIILADBLPHIA IIASU1URO .Mine s. narbadlan....Apr. 27 Mlcblean. .May 4 Mabepae June 3 ATLANTIC TRANSPORT 1,1KB rini.uir.i.i-uiA i-i.miu. Rnrbadlan ...Apr. 27 Mackinaw May 211 Mlsieurl t June in HOLLAND-AMERICA LIST. PHI I, ADKI.1MI I A KOTTKRDAM RlydrndyU May 18 Internutlenitl Mercantile Marine Ce. 120 HTKAMKRH. 1 800,000 TONS Passenrer (mice. 1319 Wulnut Ht., Phlla. VTflfht Offlee, 405-414 Hearse Ride., Phlla, kiSBBiliffil THE FAMOU8 Cuisine Franchise The splendid feed for which our vessels have long been celebrated is only one of tha many attractions of French Line Service. Ir addition, magnificent accommodations and a watchfulness for the comfort and pleasure of the traveler that will make his trip te France long te be remembered, far All delailj Mwlt ! French JAnm Age In your rffy or write te COMPANY'S OPPICB ' IM4-J7 WaW !., PWaMrUa RANpAx.fAprti.lnTVA".,h"u baad of AnaaU. flMnaall afttl aen of, AaiHa air4 late Thnmnrt KandalT -Mruheral from hta lata reakltne,. ittt HayhtenJ1.. (ier manfewnj' Jtervleeatand TntV prlyate, Yti., int' prtrate. , . . ., , i, YANa,RenBRT!. JPuatraf aarvlera at hit taianaldanm. lias PJancy piece, at, a V. ii.. Thiirulav. AaeTl afT tS99. tntermalit wt. KnTH.-OB ROflBRTI ate reeieene. i f. SI.. Thurufav. A Mil T. tl prlyat Plea .waOL aewafi iaSa. ANNA, ,. ilatlvia and'frlenda widow nf JeHm Rewan. RalatlvAa am nunAn.v.uin .w. uv.i ara invltM .is.aAtfnd. funral,jrremJirtat( wrin?&rm.y. tlah .maia at Chureh et the Incarnation lit A. Ml Int. NwVh.i:a.V BchuylRlllOe.. i aiai enes, 4 sitlD a Pa. R wemains may pa viewaa Tnuri., t te ltJYA.idn Bunday! l MARY A tn qulemitna At Bt. Clement's Church at 10 a-i'ir-lnr'Wj. ttifffrmatfit mt cWJ. BALinnURY. April 24. at reeldenca of ly Croaa remetery. I n I. rl ?&AnKLI,fVBi;H,, levene, sea r eatn mi,, aervleea aad xerinerir g uuncura. Int. private, Olenwoed Cem., Lelena HANHU BAKDKR ,'l.ffis.'l.-JV., v: AiJiiiiierr. R8W. April 8. tHON (nee HetseD, .' nt HttHM' .wlf of .Aflam Sanderson. .HelatlvM.anft rrtenda Invited te funeral aerTtcea, Mat.. 2 P. M at ehapal nf Kirk Nlee, 8ef Oermantewn ava. Int. htt4n ' iffi'JiJKiVj Xrl Leyw a. an ftehmtd. sen of HniiM C, and la! n.latlvna and fell ichmld, aaeLe, lanea in tad te funeral, Jfrl., r?' 3 p. M.. resieence, 240 Jierria ai.j. rernwoea uem rrlends mar call Thurs. in Ainrria si. iinz. eve. i , BCHULTZ April 34, 1022. JACOB PETER. RCHUlVrZ. husband of Hattle Sehulti'tnee Donahue) and son of Elisabeth Penults (nje Keehler) and the lata James ,T. Rcnultz. aired 48. Relatives and friends, also UaiOamln Harrison Council. V. U. A. SI., ara Invited te funeral service. Frl.. a ,. M., lata residence, 2848 S. Jeisup st. Int. pri vate. Fern weed Cent.. Vlewtne- Thurs , 8 P. Sf. ' BCOI.I.AN. April 34, ALFRED, 'husband of Florence J. Pcellan (pee StuMelman); aaed 30 years, Relatlvea and friends ara Invited te attend lhe fun-rsl scrxlcra, Friday, 2 P. SI., from his lata ret Idencer 27 Hirst at. In, terment Arlington Cemetery fiCOTT. April 28. OUVB M.. wife of Jehn J. Bcau.tnea Daniels), Relatlvea and friends are Invited te attend funeral, Thurs , N;80 A, St.. parent!' residence, 1428 N. 19th st. ftelemn reeulsm mm Ht. Mslsehv'fl ynurcn IV A. 1 ini. noir rpns um, Shurch 10 A. II int. Hely cress Cem. BltnA. April 24, .1927. JOHN, husband if Maranret Bhea (nee CHbhens). Relative t--A . i .z.7 .-... . .- - nnd friends, also ftt. Osbrlel's Hely Name Heelety rind empleyes I'tiltn. Bleetrle t'n . are Invited te ettmd funeral. rrl., 8'80 A, SI . from his late residence, 1203 8. setti st. Solemn hlah maes of reaulem at Bt. Onbrlefs Church 10 A. St. Int. Hely Cress Cem 8IOERRON. Budden'y. April 24, 1022, JOHN, husband of Slary Blicreen (nee Ceyle), Relames and friends, nlse Walten Ixdic. Ne, 7r, D. efiI,,,le. nnd E. I DencRBl BecleTy) uiv. we, -" a. u. ji.. invuea te anena fu neral. Thurs 8-30 A. Sf,, from his lata rest ilance. 200 W. ElmweeJ Ave.. Hharnn 1t.ll Pa, Solemn requiem mass at Church of the L lie.y epirii, onaren uui, jlv a. . int. Hely Cress STRAUSS. April 21. PANNIE STRAURB. beloved sister of William StrnuSH and Mr. II. Kellett. RelatUcs and friends are In- Sf, precisely, ut h-r late rexldencc, 1810 N, 0th et. Int. Redef Khnlem Cem. BII1.LIVAN. Suddenly, April 23. EDITH WOOD, wife of aeorae R. Bulllvan and dauRhter of tha lata Jehn and Hettle p Weed. Ifiinernl aervlces Wed., 11 A. M.. lata resldence, Sierlen. Pa. Int. private TAROKTTK AprM 2B. in22. AllCHI HAM) K. TAROCTTi:. St. D. ' Refitlve, nnd friends, nlse Himllten I.n)se. Ne. "74 P. and A. St.: West Phlla. Jt0lcnl Ase and a'l ether assocmtlenM of which lie nn a member. Imlted te er!ces. Thurs, ' P. St., at his late residence, n2!9 Haerferd me Int. prlvste. Remains may be Maned Wed eve, 7-.10 te 0. TOWNSEND. April 23. EDWARD A. TOWNSEND. Relathes anf" friends also Apelle Ledae. Ne. 8S6, F a i A. M. I Apelle 11. A. Chapter. Ne. 307; Kadesh Com Cem Com mendory. Ne. 29, K. T.: .Phlla. Conalsterv, 8. P. R. 8.1 Ijutli Temple. A. A. O. N. M B.t emplejee Jehn Wanamaker, and all so se rletlca of which he was a member, are In vited tn funeral aervlces. at his lata r.i. dence, 8040 N. 10th at.. Thurs.. 3 P. M. Int. Northwepa rem. nemahis may be viewed Wed,, after 7 P, M. VANDEORIPT. In lturllnaten, N. J.. April 23. SIARY E wlfa of Peter ii. Vande Krlft. aaed OS. 1 une ral and Int. private Thurs. Plesse emit Hewers "ie. WALLACE1. April 21. JOHN CRAIO WALLACE. husb.ind of Emma P. jjuier Wallace, at his rea'denca, 2183 Walnut st.. Phlla. WALTON. Arrll 24. 10J3. at th. iw.- of her diushter. Sirs. Archle Diehl. 2038 N. PARniFP OFFERS TRADE ix-'ir r OPENINO TO U. S. A Favorable geofraphlcnKstealtlon. Serves as' market for feedstuffs nnd manufactured goods for mere than ten million population Apply Derland, 9 E. 40th St., New Wrir. or Development Agent. Cardiff, Seuth Wales steamship Nenrga ew Ybrk te Seuth America onuSGevernmentSlups Fattest lime te Hlede Janeiro, Montevideo and Buenes Alrei. Plneit ships-American serrlce Amerlci n fend American comforts. Sal, lnnfri- Pier J, Hoboken. Pan America April 29 Western World May 17 Southern Croaa May 31 American Lesien .... .June 10 "Fertnljtlitlr Thereafter" Munson Steamship Lines 47 K?.u fi(.v i N" Varh Cly rhlladelpnlit Offlee,1 Drexel Hide. ifoneolnfr Operator for f n.YMOjmjWVtJOQKK Wf Mew Amarlcaa.FUa Steamers RMOlate May 2, Mar 30, June 27 RliaUicMaylS,Juaal3,Jul H TO KAaUUeC MBET SaDiaat every Tfcui. lay. fcy tbe pepo pepe lex ataamcre Umm , ((Uimt'cirt Unrae Amoueaji Letm. ntc 99 Wt9tmWy9 ifway, new Yerk Lecal AaaaU f Fameui "Santa" Steamers fePlRUrCHILE Via hxnamaVanal I.artu new American liups etrerlns meat mm mm fertable srcommedatlone. Ull ret route te Hn.ith Atunrics, ui.vxicllea Cuisine. F.S.Snll.nliM7 3 S.S.HaatsTersMllar :4 10llmtmrH,.N.V, nr f4rni Arn' .April SI. 1922, ,, oauintar.ef ateua anaraey ann imie Patrick J. nraa, Jr. ' .Relative ana rrienan. alie acnoei ennaran at nt, ciemenva iareehlal flclienl. ara Invited te the funeral, en Thursday tnornterT at :0 o'clock, from h.e tale raeld.nra. 9anA fl. T.fnvd at. Re Vj. S. SHIPPING BOARri a "a r June 10 WMetaSBBBaw aBBBBsMSSBw rl! !fiF.1:LsERvicETfJTTif9fW af MR OkttSESKt (XXZX(S?SKkT tk."f MMlt. I aBtatlnati HeiMMa; .gSftg&R Ives i and ,f rlende. Rlsa, wurneia meu rat. we.im.j. a, ,., arei invited T te attend funral, . Thura.. IUmM it.,:ffem' Rli'iata resldna.730lt5 Urparlt. tni HIlht)Cm.,;y.la.i.fUBerl ear. JUaaalai may be viawtd wea,, after ,w-TcqT,-Arii 84. d: rutymt hu. BcTef Ida Oramar Wjjteett and, son af lev.-J. , and Inflate Maraarat .Vfeeteeti, teal Tilrvteas ss -inurs.,. a,r,' .. ai ni .Ii',?" t Camden, N, tta reaiaenaa. tematna Mar na Jit JOif rmee wrtnwee Cersew Iklnsen! eiaiires ana inenns are inriieq te aitena fneral aervleA at her late' residence; 4844 li K,nf5h 5War Hlli'lfam,' rrlead's may lilr Tih T;W S Mi A W.-MW at nfiunn, rv,.4, iiriu .v, i. .I: of lister wurst and dauahter et and Katharli Katharine WerVman. In he Jehn i rweniman, in ner aetn T. ?itiai unera ivaa ana friends are invited te al, Frl.. a P." It., from harinaranta' fi aiuni residence, near ewehfp. wtll meat trel lays at Mnela fremA 12:30 te neuewsnip. n. .v.Autea I isu r. . 4n wen Cnfestewn Cem. 7AS0EXi rest 1? RUN1 TO THE MAIL BOX WITH ORDEfV ARMY HIP BOOTS o.eo mml Pir Parcel, Peet, 15e Extra, These Roots ara brsnd new. Every pair la ruaran ued. Just re ceived from Oev. ernment stocks. Meney back If net a a 1 1 a f a c ter. All SIMS, 7 te II. ' ,ur '",r U. S. ARMY Officers' . GAS-MASK ' RAINCOAT $0.65 2. Parcel 'Pest lie L'xtrA. Durable and snappy. Fer Werk or Dress. Lined wlrti tloedyear rubber. Abne. I u t e I y ainranteed nnd wnterproef, Steney back If "nt ssllafscterv. Bend Cash, Oheet: or ifencj )rder or pay postman en the arrival et f i-e tnercflandtse. Act NOW! N EW ARMY and AVYST0RESC0. r, 0. lax 422, Wllktt.Barrt, f,. Fer Teaatinr, Cooking tk Frying Special Price $ CA Parcel Peal, IC Rttrm V WHh ft. of Cerrt. 2.pleee PIb tlu fits any lamp or socket. Guaranteed te site satisfaction or money refunded, polished nickel eur face, 7 'A inches In diameter. f Welcome by All HOUSEWIVES Special Price PARCEL POST. , 4.50 lle KXTRA aiVJV fl of Cord. .l.plere Plus that S-i,AD1e .mp. l. nd 2.p0at 8tlt,cinfer '.".'. reaulallens. dlime'ter n "" IBsIW In. In ary'teen-'." ,U CHAS. EMORY CO. Dlstributere 120 N. 13th St., Phila., P. Ball Phene, TaxsMt 4II FREE i ,5iKr MALT Awtra IF OU MAILOIt TCTE,?," OllllKll FOR AN 5 S MY-FRIEND. MALT7C'Cv sf " " Vf' rOMPLKTK -.n-nAiiK attSn,tti?JS'W1.n erd'f will rtcelva pepmpt ehecVi or' cijmf mPnUd ty money "S,r BCIflrdera nellrereJ Tree U, Poplar 4WUt K .KassER 1800MASTt5r.Pli!I5a Te Hire Full Dru. Cutaways, Tuxedes, Prince Alberts, s Black Suita . ThtiW.f aTfh' nat.ba P..M.. rriendr J, Int. rrldae dauahter of .Christian andr tha late llammla WeTatr. .Kelatlves and frienda are Invlteil te attend the feneral 'Services. TbOfarjay, 3 P.'M., at pareat'a realSng.. i!8t W.pfaT 8malna.ayt vfewed-wrtneaday after 8 ,.M, Interment NortSweo Cemetery. J& I0 'SF I' I." ftl . rWrn!P CJ,JtS II szes am I" W PO I The Only, Genuine I Liberty Electric Steve " asaasasaiaaasa-aaaaaaaaaaaatsaaaaj, TWO BURNER I ' BrnSasaZZZIaaSiil t IkyS9aiaaaBJVBaVWial a ' lll'JIiMl k IHII1II1II : l Swupf k Statntaattiiv Ut1 I eOaBBJsfil l jl A.. I r.v Medel Windefl IWalrt'Ar miliar i1at.li.t..i1'i thiek.'.WH.h nL.b.1 JltSl .brackita. ' Keep out ta.S aus, anarjratifht."' .- 'm Mr. ljrPareeTpe?;: i'BW iW v - anm et., FfcftL a. WhiteLabelMi atBataaaw. V '"'.',! - "' ;rsai vf. fliau thi. ux ps; inner. :j m. , com cem plcte $1 Twslve $10, Ctiu tit ill s.tl mue Laeei mi 1 can Complete , . 75c 6cana complete. $3.50 wy SSkfT-oe e alaa BtaaafaHBra aa4 Oeasral JltTeW'ew.lTes":' raauia. font PRcram I A.F.5TOY A CO. lain.ea' hi,h a-. -. . Ken. 5i BOTH PBONKa'' Ujfl ) . "." ' Canwfi n LIBERTY ELECTRIC ST0VM Fer Teaatirif, Ceakla tmi Ffj FREES aar ae waa caa , tmat taU ii sat the CI UIERTY ELECTRIC It nlflkal.nlated ataer.eenatruetlsn i amtsr, TH.' with S.foet cord., H plas far all attachments Quarai te give sansisctien or men SPECIAI m niw.r t 'nrert Pett.lssl G. W. HOFFMAN A I isss cnntavflT., phila, We Can Fill ETery ReqairtMtl REFRIGERATOI GROCERS, ' 3UTCHERS, kOTELS and CAFE MEN Ceaintnu Seel.. Meet Grinders, Cttk Rttlm. Cash prlcea with pri of Easy Payments. Itluetrattd Circular en niymj HOWE Scale CpsfflLfflff Plaver Piane Music f will get tern but can eajUX'i menaea wun a ituniman J Kit Complete outfit, inel enough material te make t' namuged rolls ar geed a eent prepaia rer 60 cents, a kit today and put your rolls back Inte service. RiihlmaB Made Ce., Dtij 74 Wait EaJ Ave., Trealce, WW REUPH0LS1 of the llteher I Racenttructlnr, It plil parlor or llilni-roef ture eqiisl tn new, Jl J IVHb-LAlWl in ueauuru. atsisiwi .vlAs VAlnuri mnA Plueh te order at manufacturer'! rrlej,' Blip Cevrrs and Awnlnis ear apew Quaker City Uphebtiriir Leinbara 4BSS ioe-iws DIAMONDS BOUGI B ii.nv.r.nV'".R' rea rlh sat flue rleaT hsfere yOU Mil-. Wa say 18.6a te 1100.00 for eeB I mere ere than ethers pay. . Rea ua and ba convinced. . Hi W. 1,v anv alaa. atiana or ceief, t4 Pawn tickets for diamonds heusjt KKU. ;kuv a co. call t PKeDei WnTBHtU44 rival aMfs, 14 leer. LLVU CHBat! ii Pi ever OLD ROOFS ft? . I will eeafrrtir reef and mm 10 ream or wll !! the eeaUSt 1 Pur nallnn sir K fiallOMi I r.SWuM nWDIWI t "?.'- Hoeflna, Iloef Palnllaa eaa v 1?4M244 North 16th 8k. HON1 l)ll.l...,'ITvraVtal I ipiiiiiur KHOM H.ftJ.r n IV. at II I) f."! .IllaatJi v.A-;:.. 'z:.,i.ffiw n iv.- -eiiin ijaii I til.. J.uw M st' . "S".1'' ""::i";.ind. S.. K. Haaaetlar. aUUte Ma"SJ s leeii ur ii'j ...-..- KREITZEB'SSJ for Cerpsaells. CarbuaclM kaScia. Pai - -seji term) SMS' EMirric K.eBsrrsr wm wi MILLER'S .ft,'. ih, a Wm M.r ; te&Mji"ja'' i ( "hr ar.Mifi A