Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 26, 1922, Night Extra, Image 16

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,t"k" .vtr "in . .' t
i .- ,-- -, tn 7, -,-
iV7N3fc(' jr.vw.iv'
" jj!WMBXia ,: u-rwuwjr.
j -j.- y ... .-' y ,. ' ..
. ;iy w, .
jy&w .
f' -, i -i i. .
Wmmrt jNwull tlck Teether
f'ftYkiimiiir of in KvinMrnWc Maw
fe(ri-.The cliarse Hint. the new Inrlff
yi. .!,'. 'i.i....t. tn tow iintimi en Tiiniui"
lv?f.M.wi aftte1d hatil en American
;iW?WMitet iitoancjllen. while 1ttll en
tWteltHral prwlucts tire based en
BTrtlwr; nseii for farmers esMnjt csfch
FSmiK!,,Wh5r -fle' wc net tli;k te-
m' -::.? OY.fnjcnt. was teumc., 0Il
T.i'Sk new- Vie
...-. --...- ,-. ..l.lnli.ml
n,.,.i-n.1 lll.nt.lv- TIIIIE IS. Wl- liumim"
.ftMilenv from the oniiresors who wen
'then Hqiiuczlng
Ir.itlriv nil nlnntu llie Cult rinnp. llh til
1 1lls wcll-ordercil row.. He thins ' Iheirf
out ns Mm mltlirntle books en the sub
ject trll blm ttfile. Wert tlietigb the Jeb
N the most tmliifiil one that he per-,
,fernm. Afttl lie wases war. Incessantly
en the insect menaces that begin with
the llunnlsli cutworm anil entl 1well,
they never end until the frosts come
and there is nothing left te attack.
In recent years tlict'b have been liiin-"
clnils of home' fiat-dens in' the euth'thir'
section's of Philadelphia and'man.rinprc
in tne near sumtrbs which nave been n
I trcdlt te the Intelligence and Industry
or tncir owner.", xne number was
largest perhaps during the war. It fell
off Immediately after the war, but since
then it hris picked up again. It should
Incrensc materially se materially that
- . A T ..
tw.fnni dm end of next- month every-
.available lilete, of ground ln'PhlliH
nma nnu ua suoures win nave us iiru-
during gardener. , UUH IN UHUE
Ucrmantewn, April ai, 1U-"J. -
11)1 C IJU ' " -
ni one would ti
Questions Answered
Pydmallenand Aphrelltfa-
Te 'ie Krfller of I he livening tuhUe fMetrl
Sir In th "What De' Teu KnewT.",'f
the tivKMRia Pi'KMO I,nnin. Suturdiy, ApHl
22. p(t-iirpli Ne. B. It. Id lated! "Pytm "Pytm
Hen fall In' ,leve with ;"hla ewn'' status of
Aphredile!" Was net th'a mythical statue'
named .Ualatfa and was net Aphrodltea
nymph? . IIAnnY, IIILUKH. 4
llrldcshurc, April S3. 1D2S.'
There ate sen-eral versions of the, mylh.
One Is that r-mallan fell ,ln leve with
Aphrodite (Venu). Anether Is that .the
sculptor fell In leve'wllh n alatue 'which
he carved, and which was endowed with
lira W Venus and named dalatea. There la
no nnclent authority for the Intler atdrjv
-,r t viv . V.-lffX
which' 1. Irte one Wed W" W..''0t 1a'!
fcla comedy. 'PfmiHaiand 0ta1V,..5i1,r ,
'Aphrodite, la the ,QrV nama. rt tlW'tH
dcaa Venus, and Inmnholeti-AphroUarf
from the sea. , f
Race Populate of thiWAfM .
Te the Kdller e'liJ Bv'ctJs PMe-tftr-
nil- itnw Ann the Caucasian race corn'
pare In numbers with' the. MonteiUuii an.
; 1'hlladelphla.. April S2, 1923., J& i
The si, a-reat racas of mankind, Ms
vldnt ty enthnoleclsta as fellow) Mongolian,
SS.oeo.Ood: Caucasian, 84.OO.0pf f'Kecre.
iso.tieo.ooqi Semitic. ,.alioeo,own 'Maiay.
62,000.000! , Red Indian, In NeYtn, Cantrtl
and .Seuth America, 2l.0pe.0O4K '
Poems and Songs Desirti
"Chrtat In Flandari"
Te Hit F.Mer ei'ne Ev'tntnb Public J,tigtrt
Sir Kindly print "Christ In Planderi.1'
Philadelphia. April SO. 1022.. ',
'. J
'- lut the liberty we secured from on en on
fallriile gave liberty te every mm
te oek out for fils own Intcrw w. It
m prdgresscd until low; "m""B LJ 3
jMnen arc at liberty te leek nf cr the r
Wn Interests. The "?"? '!?,
this by "sticking together 'i '.', S
lone as the farmers centnuc te stick
hart." se long, will tMrfflg be
overlooked. HIUAM HAVahtU.
I Conshohocken, Pn.. Aril 21, 1U .
Tide of Democracy in China j
T thr tumor et tht r.vtKbw rnhUc- f.crfef r: ,
air.-1'nibnbljr nil IwJIns "
phia Journals of tin- H yrck brought
Jn.t the fact tliiil the c eui of. -Ml
war Ih about te break out li m.
l.'nfertunately many of our 'Mnpatbetk
Amerlenn friends have taken this fact
merely as the proof of our ntlnl
hopelessness- ami , nerpcttml Icthnrgy.
One of the I'hlladeiphia papers of the
20th went se far even as te "'
China la net yet prepared for ""occi
dental form of democratic government,
that we need, at present and for tin
indefinitely prolonged time te come aa .
e-nergetlc despot, even tK"',.
BUbdue all militarists and dictate the
country in order that China may have
This statement, is se unjust and far
from all Tart that l cannot accept
it without a grcnt deal of wis wis
Tilcien. We npprecinte the sym- j
yinthy of the writer, but he is cI-,
dentfy net aware of the situation of
ewr country; for i was ms cij -
of our need of a btreng despot that n
few years age gave un Shl-kni n
chance te enthrone himself, and stirred
Chang Sun te restore the child em em
perer. Thus, this method of coming
plied and failed again and again ; and
the enlv result wc obtained was the ,
retarding of the pregrs of the repub- ,
Jle and douhlingkef the work el the
reformers. New. should either Chang ,
Tsae-lln or Wti IVl-fti succeed in gain- '
ing supremacy you will see that there
In another, tenner or later, who springs
np (e defeat him: because (lie Chinese
people as a whole, including the mili
tarists, nre tired of it despot. e one is
mere familiar with n despot than wc. ,
for wc have enough of It in the last five
thousand years. New we want a chance i
trf guide ourselves with our own wins3. j
which we never have had before.
It 'would be well te bear in mind
that the failurn of Yun Shl-kni was
net due te the shortness of his life ei
the attack of nnetber despot who was
superior te him in power, but the pco pce
pla'a hatred of despot and pretest from
nil parts of China. Chang Shim was
net defeated by the army of (-encral
Tun Chl-ju, but the outcry of "Down
With1 the traitor" of nil twenty-two
jwevlnces. Therefore, China falls te i
attain the stage of prosperity and peace
net because the people arc net ready i
fdr a democratic form of government. ;
but because' the militarists are in our
iray, but fhe militarist does net, repre
sent China. Would yeit'say that China
Mould net, at present, have a demo
cratic government because there are ten
or twelve men who are net rendy for j
It? i
Tt Is true that China needs a rest
from the militarists' annoyance which I
had se long ravaged the country, but
we will net employ a lien for the pur- I
pose of chasing out a tiger. It is the
-responsibility of the Chinese people te i
wipe out all shamefulness of the mili
tarists, and thnt Is the very task we
art accomplishing in Seuth China
wader the leadership nf Dr. Sun Ynt- ,
sen. It may take a long time or many
mere failures, hut we will net adept
tie let-go policy until we shall have
get what wc have se long been trying
te get. There is no honor for a battle
wen from a pillow-case.
Dr. Sun Tat-sen, en the oilier harm.
) net a militarist. He is merely the I
director of our people te overthrew the t
militarists. Se purely Americanized,
honest, upright and patriot is he that
we Chinese of all foreign countries are
TUshing te help him in his recent ex
pedition against the Pckin Government.
The rent of all Canten city's dwelling i
places for one month hns been given
te him for his soldiers without his '
nsklng for it. A large contribution from '
the people of Hupeli province residing ,
in Shanghai reaches liiin unexpectedly. ,
Ha was, a month age. welcomed je
Kwal-Un te form his headquarters by
tha people of Kwangsl province, which
was conquered by Sun's troops net
long age. te say nothing about the
support given te him continuously by
Chinese In various foreign countries.
Various helps of these kinds enable
lilra net only te carry en successfully J
his expedition, but te enlarge the edit- 1
catien plan, read-building and cutting '
out of all evil business such as gam- 1
tiling, the tax en which would add te I
. the Government mere than $18,000,000 1
annually. Remember, that our present ,
support te Dr. Sun Ynt -son means te ,
shed the bleed of our own brothers, mid I
you may de well te imagine that wc de
it 'only because we have '6. '
JOHN A. I'AAl'. '
0-0 Snruce street, Philadelphia. Apr.!
2, 1022.
in his garden a tliey arc en top of
ti I "i.-'i 1.7. ...
1, S-j""'"1 f"i"
p' '3Sl JiaMuK'nvrr. h( docs nut make the ill's-
l.'uiuuiyn n nni. ij!'Klliii r,i, "i.
a- i
.IVrta Ptaple'a Varum nlll aniwr dilly
,iji(, Kvvnlna- Pulille Irdcr, uM ,n'a
Ijrwr. l.fllfrn
xwsm A.r
,!' '.I
It U ThlfitrFlbie (million! of him In etch
ScotTluueTewtl) who abeerbt four timet
hli weliht In water and It rcipenilble for
that.eiwntltl, thlraty, abtetbent autlltf
found enlr la ScetTUtut Tewelt.
PHYSICALLY clean hands have always been associated with the
thought of morally clean ones and the Scott Paper Company has de
voted its best years te making physically clean hands easier te attain.
ScetTissue Towels are synonymous
with cleanliness. The drying qualities
of ScetTissue have been accomplished
through Thirsty Fibre the medium
that gives ScetTissue and ScetTissue
Towels alone that most distinctive,
thirsty, absorbent characteristic se es
sential te a real drying towel. It is
Thirsty Fibre (millions of him) in each
f;cnuine ScotTissucTewel that instant'
y and se satisfactorily absorbs the
moisture from your hands and face. Ne
ether towel is like ScetTissue because
no ether towel has Thirsty Fibres.
be sure
.atakat aaa
M&vsc:Qatat mm.
,. 'A -ilUMllJ- 1-UV Jj'l-LZ bU.lf' .'
Ten M HMxlVtaa te teei'.iia,Va"eWit
VOt er.araiMwlrlaiMtttvTMW'atf
rwelllv'.l'l-Wv Ahia-ASiVAmlklaU.!' '. J
We r Knew 'that ten ara"-oea'inl-t(aivof
ytTJ8 &7 '' 7- ? vvrf-?
And, tai'Krsws a'tWaW ether talata'ti
' aktakaVU S t . , , i
Thert'll''ret;.-et,Mhma't a man.Jia'a otVte"
HlswBTk.'firMint; his '.bUasnrs' aadtWa
AnA 'aai
r.v y',.7"
r l n. .t '. ,
' wm: a
la'ieaatrjr lana.la ell;itrHt;?t htthwarr
tUti MLlfc4 Mnu
(H l(aVli'HrJarWi1Slefci!rTbii;w Flah- .'Ahrdadllii
' ,. .9n)Xi 't .',4&I"fV:.ifl , -w. kaew l
ttila'hiaus wrfariMMj.te mle thins if anythlna
iK'wmtfLriA- vkz
ku.'.atL.'iik.,. 'iA!iiiiWhW.tf.fBAM,.iu. m. ...k ,l uiuw.Ji iMteViiiM. eMt TtBU9 'eiaaaL, Mm,-.a .ff2a JCsal
IWIts 'Stii . . " .' i'iv s "".TS-iM"fj''w'?'7!(wT;v.''" iru' "" rain ti m iwtniit "t ; Ki.,'iatm wmMW Jt lsaal
Mmiheiaiht or 0ii.n ifleuJaVfei. U- yM-.? .'ZWfl&i-rf -tf ' .. ''.'. ..". . J.M.i? f&t23&23M&&aPU
prhairet svtn en a,Buai W;.tf iliW.lllW.TM Ml .rtowh.ws'farwt.Tp-Tea-wlll net fM, iSU. 'Majr 'fi.rtalaaiiairsll
there's alwaya Ieta te Bll, er'a llfv. nwffi ' . .'V.ifmiiv . : -f,.'i . . ea- -: . - - .-.. .. . , - a m
SaalaaiMapaTaaMSWWSSaaaaassaMaaaMaaaaaaaaaaMaaiM - " - - - ipu y, BBB",JlTgMajlJB
yfd ---" . " 't',' x y'Jj' ' ' ' efiSglaSftiSi' . j
jmTx uoed tninQS trem , -i
' aW&m ' - ' Bai-al aaaMsaK'. P 'aaak' aaV.'al YiaVX M
Mr z) ClimGS DOUrGCl - lrai
WLJ i -vTjiMk m it mfMJiW
t.IakJ 4MI4IJ k -j' - 4ABb1 (lhaUaaBsl '4k aaBa'akiaaa' faaaaaaB. eBeaet 'aeaeamiaWVI, V .' ' .
b. aaiem avaa aarnai n aaaaaai. aaaai . bthhbbi aaian ' airasi aaa fvaa . win .' avsaaaar-ti' - - j ar w- r - T
T&mPr,' mmmmmm smr&
f . z. a .. .- . '. 'ib? w i-i .. .....r- -. - '- . i -. . i ' t. ' ' r -.- .n.iAii
Heir eiO- wm,iii. ,aef iOTKBrmia,e ear
y.t , ; aavanatmaT .'KV' j V 1
ea,.,tMt,M-MMr teittaiai
i u " i . f. . .
1 ra
'fef.uSiBKOn the Crew llgei'.WHgslBlni.BllJ
ceuia make us.Blafl'.td bear it- WmWWW.mtVwwm:!'A
?the knelf wat ten, winae. luniiwfrMiMMt. aMaMJiUiT
into a sindle dlass
Aside from Its nreat drvlne rower, veu can
ScetTissue Tewel only by the imprint of the word SCOTTISSUE en
every ScetTissue Tewel. If the towel you use is net imprinted SCOT
TISSUE, it Is net genuine.
Write or phone te the following
address for full information.
afk ' '
, L iUIUUMIlia Sllifc.., 'Ufa tvuiULUiail tJlUK
Phene: Spruce 1852
Other ScetTissue Products ScetTissue
aSiaVaaMW,atajaaaaa,, ''''SSSSjl.t.Ottt
X, iLW: into a sindle dlass m 1
a? , !'. v" i. . l .: ' -;..'. llAlwfl
aaV faWffaWI ' ' , ' -j -Vj , v WilBllkaal
' aWfaafl 1. ' , f" IMKHMBai
t' fill gfi-- ",' "";'"-iL., '''.".,v" IfllH
aV BBTalBl ' v t"Y'Tva ii IHilaa,' n I 2 ' ." V r KIbIbbBbI
m IUm YVd M'lWnrffi ffimlPJ e.s..,t -. IlilaBai
m llTl m TM'Ilil&iKi afiaf M ' ;"V"1: bUiIbbbbI
a ilul Delicious. and , l;ft -' --';.;'' . fill
I 1SI ' . - -' (mlIj$Mti&J7m ..'xEv. . Kmm
1 fflavl ' ' : vHNE&AmWJii-fwz-- ,.r ;;4w - i JOT"
f Wb : I '!? 'rf iillilrnBMV vws. . V . ffl 1
b vcWiVl ; '. sii - iTaaVul'llUIII rlnilaaaVrirm. ; B.'irJ .. KMtKmi I
of a eenulne rzaaaaaaaaMBaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaSn mm . f .iff'l rllaVt4llBll!liPIH BBBMffJS. . i.rl.jf '"'aaA MfAW ' ,'
BBBalalalaK BaalalalaB VCCVNVV Vfjlk BaH'I'UaBfl I 1H1nlaHlrlSaS4a'l '' f.VWJjAT
IAIHgl llsSCTaa - . VL-- )hi YW&WBMklnm..;- T?1
. . - Lri aaaaaal ' - aTl SS ft. nr"- rilM a. .f 111 lljail V 'T. aTaWgaTaaM 1 1 . aa .aaj- alal
agagsT - - ' ,w' A L gaaV -' w -w w.. vv...f ICafinAf i -. Vf. an ,- aTtafl
leweis .-'. tbw-j
mMbt jmmn
.'":-: '' ::?:-lv;f!';--' 4
av 'WL?
Waldorf SaniTissue Toilet Papers
Protecting the family
served as trustee
An Osculatery Opinion
Ta Off l'Mtar e (fir Bi-eiliin J'ub.'ic f.ttleer
Rlr Having eWrvcil n Rtalenimit te
the rffrct tliet twenly-Plght Mniert nt
the Princeton Univert-lt.v inake the claim
that they have never hlswrt a girl. I
ii m brought te the cmirliislen t hat the
rest of 'em tell the truth.
Camden. April 31. 1022.
Philadelphia Gardens
T fat KdKer of thr Kvutfne rubllv I.uletr: '
Sir "If garden in the country." '
said an expert gnrdener Ihe oilier dnv,
"received the same enre (lin,t pntcliis in
this city niul its suhurhs de, it would
lie iiesflble In raise supplies for the
whole population en a comparatively :
few acres."
The city gfirdcrirr. confined le n
Munll MPflce and fe, by necessity, forced
tq apply Intensive cultivation, puts i
brains na.ivell as brawn int.e his hiber. '
He plans his plantings in order tn mnkc ,
every aijuare feet of ground count. He j
selects only the, best seeds because he
Vnewn by exnerlence that they returu ,
ttrhlghest dividends, They assure- lieth '
quality mid (iiiimtltv. prevde that they ,
Wcclve every posalble encouragement le '
aVvelejt and produce fully. 'Therefore '
, nlf ambitious city gurdeiier uses ht j
. hoc; or his cultivator itccerdliiz In .vh-
rjj5.if tCM. and ordinarily weedn are us .scarce
Terms if Desired
This low price includes new
upholstery design, improved
window-lifts and ether added
The Busy Man knows that the
Ferd Coupe is the most prac
tical car for quick transportation
at economical cost.
Dollars and Sense both say: Buy
a Ferd-and Spend the Difference.
Electric starting and lighting, demeuntable rims,
extra rim, and non-skid tires all around.
. Authorized Philadelphia Ferd Dealers
i:. m. n.MtTi.nrr
4310 llrenn Si.
Il.irlnc I 'Ml Vvt
.1. ,. (TNMMill.YU
ll.VV.-,; Kyuth llruail SI.
Orreen IIU7 Ktue 0.1 J I
;illl.;i KMne S-sn Me.
lv CIijhe IIBH-H"
lill ikluril ,.
Kriskliinlini r.'HHOa Kin) 1
MMJa ITatrlir. IwW hII Im- nrlnlrtl, I
gfrM ,aa, rMMlrrd liemw. unrt iiur. I,
MMTBMfrsUulrrry will lia.ananrrrrd. 1rTr
IWpBaiaBlfe".!' ii i i'i 1 BBjBBBjBal
I0:il-ni Nnrid llrrniJ SI.
Ufiinlur flIPO
:i:i Nertli llrn.nl Nl.
Sprurc C0I3 It'irt :
tin: iiewi.hv cempanv
MID Seuth HI.
Sl'riUT 81511
fi(10 IVesilUlns Air.
(UrrliroeU VM t 2010
7'ilO Wm!jml At.
Wenill'ind 83IA
Onu'S-iU (irrmmilenn Ait.
(IrrnunleHii lO-J.V.'O Nrrlli 03
Yurli n;rf it .(" I.lnt
(Mi l.iif lesn
SIS1-I.1 Nerlli llre-'H St.
Tlucn IKfl-U IMrk M',3 '
Slilli erk HI". : ' t
IIUiuniKl TM'J I'urk .In IS.
,i:ic! A ll.ililiu-jre Arr,
U'uvilbml 4HU7-OS r. IUM
' .Ult-it Markrt M,
l.annlenne 1017
4131-30 Krnlniten Ave.
Frankford S7H7-8S Kut lOit
iri CTietlnut St.
rrt'ileii 32H Wt 1160
AVAHrtK a KAni-p.f.KS
SSlli & (lir nut St.
llrlnient S'.5I ; V.t 1717
WKST lilltAltri AOKNCV.
WI7-I0 W. ilr.ird Ae.
I'eplnr n7l . Rare JIICI
ID lllRlilmul Au- , Clinilnul lllll
ChrMniit lllll 4SI9
K!llff Ate. ,V lliittent ' 1 1,
llp.Oiurcncli 0770
ion iiAKlir:it
073t HiNllrt:n Ave.
ItUHllrlen K050 s
,. ,..Lconscrvater of family
estates for rnbfe than a ccn
tury. This pfein is the pro
duct of an agefeld endeavor
te solve a fundamental
human problem protec
tion of the family by assuring
the proper management of
family funds.
The 'proved ways a trust .
company can be used te solve
this problem arc tee little
known. Many men unfami
liar with the protection
should keep always at , which hundreds of years of
hand. It explains the Wtt! thnuirlir 'and .nmrriral
e -e . 'I
experience have placed at
their disposal, have left their
Let us send you
this new booklet
'"Protecting the Family"
is a booklet that you should
read a reference that you
many things that your will,
can be made le accomplish.
May we send you a copy?
families dependent en finan
cial inexperience and exposed
te personal jealeusyT -
This is the first of a series
of advertisements that will
set forth facts that every
member of a family should
knew. They ,.will tell hew
this Company helps conserve
family property.
This Company can bring .
te the protection of your .
family and te the fulfillment'
of yeuV intimate plans, ex
perience' and conservative
judgment developed through
many vcars of active service.
Our officers invite you te ,
call for a confidential discus
sion of any fiduciary matter.
Philadelphia Trupt Company
(i 5 Chestnut Street, Bread and Chestnut Streets -i '
. tftjMiAj, (- jVj,t .j.-tytVj
v : -. . , . : . ,t. . - :fc?n
' "' - j urn i ?n fVi:lfTf'"iiiK '""" -: '-fff - f$m