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V HA. r JLb 4ns , HBIf aMl sfflk V lL V JmmSc tBaBaBaBaBaBaBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBasaBasm 7 v.rfcaaaaaaaaa -4mm f Added Beautv Mi r j , w Hi Life Benefits Mifliens of children have learned the vny rte life-long teeth protection ghey will live in a new. dental era. Stains Gene Men everywhere show glistening teeth' free from stains, like tobacco stains, which tiie film-coats held, IWherever you leek you tee beautiful teeth. And women smile te show them. The 5 Year War en Film Over 10 Millien people ,m of "some 40 races -have found abetter way te clean teeth. 1 'New Cleaner Teeth Carehil people the world ever new enjoy them New Prettier Teeth Have come te millions you see them every day This war en film began five years age. Leading dentists everywhere gave their co-operation. In many languages, people were urged te clean teeth in a new way. And a ten-day test was -offered te every home that asked. About ten million, homes made that test. The re sults are new seen the world ever. Yeu see whiter, cleaner, afer teeth wherever you leek today. And everywhere these people tell ethers hew te get them. Years of research Teeth troubles had been constantly increas ing. They were almost universal. Despite the teeth brush, some of these troubles had become alarming. Most of these troubles were traced te film that viscous film you feel. Den tal science worked for years te find ways te com bat it. Hew film ruins teeth Film is that viscous coat you feel. Jt clings te teeth, gets between the teeth and stays. It forms the basis of dingy coats, including tartar. Then month after tfjenth it often remains te threaten serious damage. Film absorbs stains, making the teeth leek cloudy or discolored. These unsightly coats, if left long, may de much harm. Film holds feed substance which ferments and forms acids. It holds the acids in contact with the teeth te cause decay., Germs breed by millions in it. They, with tartar,' We the chief cause of pyorrhea. Alse of many ether troubles, local and internal. Thus film is the teeth's great enemy. Old ways don't end it the ordinary teeth paste does net effectively com ft;film. go brushing in the old ways left much film met, Even careful oeenle had unclean teeth, and . r - - - Clearly this condition had te be corrected. Se den tal investigators made long research for a daily film combatant. Twe effective ways Seme years age two effective ways were found. Able authorities proved them by many careful tests. Dentists began te employ them. A new-type teeth paste was created, based en mod ern requirements. These two film combatants were embodied in it. The name of that teeth paste is Pep Pep sedent. New leading dentists almost the world ever are urging its daily use. t And careful people every where have come te adept it, largely through their advice. 10 million home tests A 10-Day Tube was offered te every home that asked. Fer five years the offer has been published continuously. Seme ten million people have already accepted it, and seen for them selves what Pepsedent does for the teeth. That test is a revelation. The results are convincing. It has brought te countless people a new dental era. This is te urge that delightful test en all who have net made it. Make it for your sake and your family's sake.' When teeth dis color and decay you knew that new methods are needed. Then test the method which authorities advise, Learn hew te keep teeth cleaner. ' frm Learn hew well it pays. Pearly teeth add immensely te the charms of men and wo men. And everyone knows they are sanitary. Anether result is glistening teeth teeth you envy, maybe. Yeu see them everywhere. Teeth which once were dim and dingy shine like pearls. Film removal reveals the natural luster. Then Pepsedent gives the teeth high polish, in a gentle but effective way. It does this without scratch ing. With that high polish, film-coats cannot easily adhere. Every woman ewes herself these benefits te beauty. Se de men. Other vital effects Pepsedent brings two ether effects which are al most as important. They are also based en modern research. It combats the starch deposits which cling te teeth and gum them. When the starch ferments it forms acids. Pepsedent multiplies the starch diges tant in the saliva, which Nature has put there te digest these deposits. It combats mouth acids, the cause of teeth decay. Pepsedent multiplies the alka linity of the saliva, te neutralize these acids as they form. These are Nature's great tooth teeth protecting forces. Each use of Pepsedent, in a natural way, gives them manifold effect. Why people enjoy it The removal of film and starch deposits makes the mouth feel clean. The natural alkalinity created gives the teeth an added protection. Used at bedtime, it creates agents te fight film and starch mmmmmmmmmmm pat. OFT. Pfinseaeml BMBSaBBsHSBBflSBSHBSSflBSHsassMBflBMBS REG. U.S. The New-Day Dentifrice Made by experts te comply with five new dental requiremente. Based en modern research, endorsed by dental authorities, and new advised by leading dentists everywhere. Made te combat the film, starch deposits and mouth acids which dim and ruin teeth. Each application brings five effects which old ways de net bring. All druggists supply the large tubes. and acids. That gives a new feeling of safety. As, teeth grew whiter they assume a beauty which film coated teeth don't have. Te children it brings new protection. Dentists new advise Pepsedent from the time the first teeth ap - pears. That te combat the lasting damage which few children have escaped. Men who smoke should combat the film before tobacco stains it. Thus they keep teeth white. These results involve no extra effort. Simply brush as you de. But ap ply this new-day dentifrice instead of soap and chalk. Modern authori ties advise this. Leading dentists everywhere pre scribe it. People all bout you, every day, show you the geed effects. One week will show The Pepsedent results are quick and apparent. Seme are almost instant. One week will show you distinct effects which are most convincing. Yeu will gain a new idea of teeth cleaning. Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Nete hew clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence el the viscous film. See hew teeth whiten as the film coats disappear. The book we send will tell the reason for each new effect. Then judge by what you see and feel, and decide for yourself what is best. This is tee impor tant te delay. Cut out the coupon new. 10-DAY TUBE FREE THE PEPSODENT COMPANY, Dept. T-103, 1104 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Mail 10-Day Tube of Pepsedent te . 4 'M fJ .58 j.7m .f.?fi yj, ' ? :m 'M y rti.a rt KIT "', !.' M, .. ''&mat' - a $ :Jm n.aVatt?- WM n a AM ...... .... .....ys 5 1fliW?'TI .VfW.W'-J 'If' 1 i A, .....! - w A i .., ' , '.t iiV ira.n, . " i-" .r tww ' - -w it . -t : " . . . 'i 'riSKXtt. f rmWW't?':!t'PMy ' &V wwfrW iinj , ty-$t ft V'?'rt-$:. '2, - Oml au tuba te a flfclll. ' "1H iti :lCi&W,. j lTi.fMi.f . n w T ' . .. f.,M" .V f .u7rf! '.)