Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 24, 1922, Night Extra, Image 5

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    HT "vgEf-'jy
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flB' '
Receiver Seeks $500,000 Frem
p Thirteen New Yerk Breker-
s... iiera i- rms
M t
& A dividend or from thirty te thirty;
re cents en the donor mar new nc c
netted by creditors of the defunct brok brek
Sle firm of B. D. Dltr & Ce., ac
inline te the receiver.
Furthermore, nn additional $500,000
for creditors willvbc demanded this
cck of thirteen New Yerk brokerage
e" i i. rierlnred these firms nc-
rtPted commissions from the Dler firm.
knewlns it te be a bucket shop, and
without performing any rcui service
m commissions. Saul S. Myers, of
i?. Yerk, counsel for the rrcclver. wit
Say "ne firm alone jet $300,000 of
Salt Te 'recover commissions in such
I fM i, said te be semen upg new. j
01 inc kaivhi., iy . -
were swept away in sucn
Amissiens has only recently come m
Roem Filled With G Accident,
s the- Police Believe ,
What is believed te' be a case of acci
dental asphyxiation' by pas was re
ported te the police yjesterday by Mrs.
Anna Conrey, who has a lodging beuse
at 1020 Filbert street. ,;
Mrs. Ellrirbcth Barr, sixty years old,
wag found dead Hi her rdeni at 1 o'clock
yesterday afternoon. The room, wus
tinea with gas, ana it is tneugut mat
thri wind had extinguished the flame
from i gns jet Mrs. Uarr had left burn
lllg upon going 10 dc(i.
Penn Faculty Tea Club Meet
The Fcml-annual meeting of the
Faculty Tea Club, of the University of
Pennsylvania, will nc nem at sergeant.
Hall. Thlrtyfeurth street and Weed
land avenue, thin afternoon. Mrx.
llclen Buchanan."Hltner, soprano, will
givq a program or Bengs te a piano accompaniment.
4-JU A i a me) liiiA-
Meeting Tonight' to.ponelder'Help te.ponelder'Help to.penelder'Help
Irig ' Pafaatln' Fund "Ove;
Preparations for launching the local
drive of the national campalgp new
hlnr rnnriitrtrri ih tlin ,Jawa .Of. the
.couhtry'te obtain funds for the rebuild-,
mg ei raicitinc, win ee maac unupni
at a meeting of the Palestine-Foundation
Fund Committed in the Conference
Roem of the Victory. Building, 24 Seuth'
uentn street. 'i.ne meeting nu uccn
called hv Judce William M. -Lewis.
regional chairman, and B, F.' Miller,"
chairman "of 'the 'Philadelphia section)
te select aNcampaign committee and out
line' a plan .for the enrollment of Inlla
delpbla Jewry in the fund. ,. - '
The' committee meeting wl'il be fol
lowed with a conference of representa
tive women of Philadelphia and nearby
cities tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock
in the Bellevue-Stratfefd, for the pur
pose of forming a woman's dlvlsiomfer
the fund. Judge Lewis and Leuis
B.rcnncr will address the meeting1.
) .... Jfit -
If you want te knew hew te,drawta straight line
or illustrate a story ;or runa lathe! l is
If you. want .te, Itarn'ithe furid,ameitufsi'ln,elec
: tflcllV te. help you 1m your 'business oMpre-
fesslenr ' ' , ' t
if you want te underi(and'rtne mechanism of 'your
. automobile and savelexperise bllla for repairs,
etc. or want, te learn aurncienv.aoeut xne uu
mobile te secure
mobile 'business;
a. job i or start, in me auie-.
11 '
- . , , ',. ' ' " .
Inform Tinnelf of the; facilllles.whlc Our. classes
' ' ' brter atv nominal "ceiU V' ' '
Visit tie Ami! ExliibH.01 ef Werk; April 27-28; 8 te 10 P. M
' Aticae tkemmeKeneitExerdiet April 28, rt 8 P. M.
. ' ' ' ' ., .ifE.,Cer. Bread arid Spring Garden Streets
Ir JiAAvitrr
, fcler a!ts were swept .away
Uinswei --- -. .' . 4L
. ,i . inrnnsivn hiiiiiv hit
Xr accounts, according te Mr. Myers.
I. Mere than $:J,000,000 belonging te cue-
, temers was mystcrieusjy uissipuu-ii
miny brekcrngp houses of repute, he
Tits, are nmeng the beneficiaries.
At the last meeting of creditors it was
. .nneunccd that from the wreckage of
I the Tier concern It seemed possible te
Lu-t nbeut SOOO.OOO. The chance t.f
recovering damages from Bcvcral
wealthy firms which hnd transactions
nlth the Dicr company, knowing It te be
n bucket shop, mnde It likely thntBCvcrnl
hundred thousand dollars additional will
"be recovered. Mr. Myers said, se that
net assets of $1,250,000 or mere may be
!feuml te offset liabilities of mere than
M COO.OUU. AUOUC iwcniy-iivu renin mi
the dollar was in sight fr creditors nt.
tlielast.anneunccment. This new devel
opment, according te Mr. Myers, makes
possible a dividPnd of thirty te thirty
live cents en the dollar.
In a statement issued yesterday en
behalf of the protective committee of
creditor?) of thc.bankrupt stock broker breker
nte firm of K. 1. Dler & Ce., Daniel
W. Hlumcnthnl. attorneys, of 2.'J.'I
Broadway, attacked the action of the
receiver for Dler & Ce.. in agreeing te
accept $200,000 in settlement of all pos
sible claims ugalnst Charles A. Stonc Stenc
liira, part owner'. of the Clnnts, nnd
made known' hli Intention of insisting
upon n Fcaxching ptiblli' inquiry into
Mr. Sleneham's collections with the
cue. ''
"It is absolutely imperative that n
oempletc lncstigatlen be made by mir
remmittee and its counsel," Mr.
Blumcnthal Mid, "respecting the fol
lowing important elements in this bank
ruptcy nftHlr with the end in view of
recovering for the creditors the roeiify
due them : ...
"First. The real cause which brought
about the expulsion of Colonel Hurry
U. Hughes from the Philadelphia Ex
change at the time lie was a member
ef the firm of Hughes & Dier,. and
what relation, if nny, he had te the
precipitation of Dicr,& Ce. into bank
ruptcy. ''Second. The pecuniary Interests, if
any, of 'Dec Dier und his associates
and Charles A. Stencham and hi as
sociates in the little business' transac
tion, involving $5,n00.000 whereby
Charles A. Stenchnm '& iCe. transferred
itveustemers' .accounts te Hughes &
Dier -A
;.TJhlrd.rhft pecuniary Interest, If
asyuiat' Charles A. Stencham and his
aiaeiiit'cs nnd "Dee' Dler and his as as
iedttes had in thc.purchase en the part
-of, 'Charles, A. Stencham from K. D.
'JWerTeV. Ce. of home $2,400,000 worth
it cuMemcrs' hccurltles.
'f-'Feurth. Just what 'effect, if nny.
the transfer of Charles A. Stencham &
Ce,?a "accounts with or without the con
sent of,Stoneham's customers te E. II.
Clarke & Ce., who are new in bank
ruptcy with liabilities exceeding $100,
.000, will have as te my contention right
a) that. Stetjclwm should he held
neionsible te the customer.-, of Dicr &
'Siir. Blumcuthal further stated: "Our
.committee has been culled upon te per per
fe'rm'a big job and we are going te de
jit.' Eight theufanA men nnd women,
""Hturjng in every station of life ; widows,
orphans and heroes of the Civil as well
as e! tbe World War. find that thej
hare been driven te' destitute financial
lireumstances by reason of the wrecking
of E. D. Dler & Ce."
Regarding the assertion thnt Mr.
Stenehnm had transferred his accounts
ie Hughes & Dier upon the consent of
hli customers, Mr. Blumcnthal said :
"I represent many clients who lg lg lg
oreusly deny tltet they, ever consented
cither In writlns or etlicrwi&c te per
mit Mr. Stenehunt te transfer their nc nc
teunls. 1 represent many ethers who,
If they did content, did se only in re
liance upon the Utencham statements
nnd declarations that after n thorough
investigation it was found thnt the firm
if Hughes & Dicr was ubselutcly re
liable and financially tafe."
P. C. A. te Hener Six Men Who
Saved Animals' Lives
Silver cups will be presented en May
10 hv the auxiliary of the Pennsylvania
S.P. C. A. te six men who distin
guished themselves during the last year
in Mvin? the life of some animal.
The men te be honored, two police-
sen. two firemen, a Park guard and a
civilian, were selected from a large
Buraber of persons whose uames were
recorded by the society for some con-
kPicueus act of bravery.
pi ?,f0 nn0 wl" receive the cups are
? Ca,nta'n L. Pancoast and members
JT truck company Ne. 14; Patrolman
Wilmcr W. Williams, Negro, of the
nineteenth and Oxford streets station :
street Sergeant Ernest .1. rtutlcdge, of
,?. twenty -fourth nnd Wolf streets
(tatien; Mrc Lieutenant Edward Stuart
ft ..'," '-'well mid Frank Kaubcr.
-nJ.Ti l Ne?t1' Woodstock street. Hon Hen Hon
erablc incut cm will he given te the men
l8tancc rendered in emergency cases.
. Ridley Park Wemen'e Club Meets
Tm n"ll,JH, ,unchcen and installation
,lM.ac'f? (or the Women's Club, of
'w eyninrk' ,nkcil P'ace this after
noon, lheic will he speakers prominent
Skin, Vresnm will be vendercd hv
Haenl i;-llMcK"ncy. Mhs FlerencV
Muti1 i ?i .Ju"'Hhlnn Inlsky ami
WenY,W 1 ?','ls- ","'"''" Club will
leLIn ." c1,,ay fl,,,lllc,1 "Toe .Much
Mui'ri A,nul.,B tlm H'cakers will he
St.ir,c"ep,,,,bc,t' 1'rcsldent of the
Slri iii1'?11;''" ."f Weman's Clubs:
he r.'i- i"Ir,L,ll,.k,c' vlce President of
'"roekL J-cdermleii, and Mrs. A. A.
Ceiini.. I-' 1 I. ,l Ul ,,,e AJeinwiirc
wiity Federation.
IW'll.lfillT I II tnm, -....r...... .
'Ir. .... ' tillli?
NiJ Mtt,,'!l!1l,;,l,"l,l tm.cball smenu
..:. -".'"'. ". !
Sue 1
." I.RrMiiii " rei'iiiun. II1Q Vhn
Wi. e'.rv ",ZXuW."L '?':
ery inurnln
Of nk " nwram
Anniversary Menth at Heppe's
C. J. Heppe & Sen
Ceatfal Stere
1117-11 It Chestnut Street
Uatewit Stere -'N.
W; Cer.tth A Tkomyien SU.
t '
Florence J. Heppe
(Sen of th Founder)
H. C. Schemacker Piane for $390
Here is a real and acknowledged high-grade piano which sells for $390. We de net
merely advertise this piano with an idea of attracting ye'u te the store te sell you some
thing mere expensive. We actually sell these pianos at this price.
Furthermore, we guarantee A i i t . A ' . 1
-ma nere is -neiner
Anftiversary Menth Opportunity!
the H. C. Schemacker te be
the greatest dollar-for-dollar
value in Philadelphia if you
can find a better value we will
refund your money.
This piano is fully guaran
teed. It is made in a very
attractive design with genu
ine mahogany veneers, ivory
keys and the best of materials
and workmanship through
out. .This is an opportunity
you should net miss.
The price, en players is $580,
en grands $695.
Call, phone or write today for
full particulars as te prices,
terms and catalogues.
During this month we
will allow you 20 mere
than the actual value of
your piano or player
piano if you wish te ex
change it for a new
piano, a Grand or a
Pianola Piane
Among the prominent instruments that we have the
honor te represent are
Masen fc Hamlin Grand Pianos
Steinway Due-Art Pianola
Pianos Stock Due-Art Pianola-Pianos
H. C. Schemacker Pianos
Aeolian Due-Art Pianola
Pianos Stroud Due-Art Pianola-Pianos
Henry P. MUer Grand Pianos
A 1 I 1 1 fV C saved through elimina-
H-LLLkJLLO en Qf non-essentials.
When buying Certain-teed products, the pub
lic is net forced te pay, in these economical
days, for waste in needless items. The sixty
different shades of paint often found in a
single store, are replaced by two dozen at
Certaih-teed dealers', and ample selection
is allowed. Beth dealer and customer profit
by the saving effected in cutting out un
necessary stocks. Our tremendous output,
wasteless distribution and relendess elimina
tion of frills enable you te purchase highest
quality at a price you can afford te pay.
Certainty of Quality- Guarantee? Satisfacti en
' I ...'. !' V . -V fr, , ',. , . v r- I III H
- - - ... - .i r a - mKmmmmmmmmmmmjmmBmm
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm L jp-r-""--:. " ' , j. . n -wHHHBiMHaBMaiaaBBaBHHBaBaBaaaaaaaaHaBaMi bbim. . : j. , . ,, : - ,,..-:
- ,
STRXR1laE glqthiei
... lift
. MM
HHen' 8 and Yeung Men's
That Meet Our Idea.
of Real Clethes
Value at This Price
If you are a young vman or a man
who likes te keep young then these
smart sports styles will appeal te you
instantly. Or, if you prefer the mere
conservative effects there are trimly
cut styles, tee, that will please the man
of conservative taste. The fabrics' in
clude brisrht-nattcrned cassimeres and
tweeds and the always-geed blue serges. ,
Suits that are, in fact, worth much-
mere than this price -if one is te judge
by prevailing value standards.
AH sizes and proportions in the .
Serge Suits, and all regular sizes in the
ether materials.
t'r.r-y PtmwbrMce & Clothier Second Fleer. Kwt
Helps Special!
Here- arc some sprinRtimc specials that will
help thrifty women in their sprinj? houSeclean heuSeclean
injj and ycar-areunl heusekeeping:
100 Bars of Classic Laundry Seap$i.85
A WHITE .soap, lathers freely in all waters
and will net hurt the hands.
Six Packafcs of Weel Seap Flakes U0c
Made of pure wool soap excellent for
laundry and kitchen purpose. One-third under
Felding Ironing Beards new $1.85
On a stand. Streng and well made. Lcs3
than regular price $1.85.
Mrs. Potts' Laundry Irons $1.35 a set
A s-et contains three irons with stand and
handle. Less than regular price.
Aluminum Frying Pans at $1.15
Of heavy aluminum, with hlack weed handle;
10-inch size. Less than half price.
Electric Toasters $2.75
Fer toasting two slices of bread.
Galvanized Iren Garbage Cans 75c
Streng and well-made. One-fourth less than
regular price.
Mail Bexes $1.25
Black Japanned finish, one-piece construc
tion; with slit in the top, and a glass window.
Garden Toels
Lawn Mowers, Flower and Vegetable Seeds,
Rakes, Hese, Spades and many ether small Gar
den Toels, all at low prices.
Jj StrawbrlJKc Clothier Bailment
These Axmipster Rugs
One-third under Price
In the Department of Lewer'
Priced Fleer Coverings New
Here is an opportunity te secure Axminstcr
Rugs in wanted sizes and patterns, at consider
able price concessions because of very slight i
imperfections chiefly in the matching. Scan.,
these instances of the values afferded: i
Size 0x12 feet, under price $21.75 '
Size 9x,15 feet $33.75 and $42.75 l
Size 11.3x12 feet $1,2.75
Sizes 9x9 and 9x10.6 new $24.75
Size 6.9x9 feet $18.75 and $21.75 "J
Size 7.6x10.6 feet, under price $21 J5
!, Mniv brides Clothier Fleer 4'J. Fi!brt timsi-
Enjoy Spring Days en a
Mead Ranger Bicycle
Yeu will find here one of these famous Mead
Ranger Bicycles in a model te your liking, for
we are factory representatives and sell all
models at exactly the same factory-te-ridcr
prices you have noticed in magazine advertising.
Premium sets included.
Ranger models for boys and men $46.00 te $35
Juvenile models for the youngster $39.50
Girls' or Women's models $49.75
Other Mead Bicycles $38.50 te $40.00
-?-y Stnitt bridge & Clot'.iler Teurth fleer. Market Street
Hard te Equal These
Beys' Two Twe
Trousers Suits
at $13.75
Yes, you can get lets of
Beys' Suits with extra knick
erbockers at a lower price
than $13.75. But we don't
believe you can find any
where a better Suit for $13.75
than these.
Exceptionally well tailored
6f all-wool materials, in the
new smart styles and shades
with mohair-lined coat and
full - lined knickerbockers.
Sizes 7 te 18 years $13.75.
New Khaki Sports Suits,
in sizes 5 te 14 years at a
very special price $2.95.
Mrawbrldse C lethier Second rioer, Filbert Steet. Eil
Switches and Transformations
Notable Value at $7.50
Just what se many women require te achieve
a becoming coiffure. These are particularly de
sirable at $7.50 each, though they are worth con
siderably mere.
Three-stem, Wavy Switches, some with gray,
and all-around Transformations $7.50 each.
Anita Waves of fine, wavy hair: for the front of
the head new $635
Stiawbiids 4 nethlT Firm Fleer. Halcom. Tllbert Stret
Men's Striped Madras
. Shirts at $1.65
Me.i will agree that ihis is a very low price
for su:h fine Shirts. Made of Jlnc striped madras,
with soft cuffs, and in a wide range of geed
colors. It will pay you te stock up at this ex
ceedingly low price $1.63.
rrr-- Straw bnde 1 Clothier Kait Stere. Eighth Street
Manicure Tickets $4.00
The price of one manicure is 50c, but many of
our customers prefer te buv a ticket entitling
them te TEN MANICURES 'at $4.00.
Nete the saving of Sl.00!
Strawbrlds A Clothier First Fleer. Rj.eeuy. Filbeit Slieet
Fer Summer Cooking
a Florence Oil Steve
Summer is net the time te fuss and fume
with a coal range, they take tee much time and
keep the kitchen tee het.
With a trim-looking and practical Florence
Oil Cook Steve you get all the heat you want
for cooking and they aic easy te care for. The
heat they give is even,vstcady and concentrated.
Fine for baking delicious pics, cakes and bread
or cooking steaks, roasts, etc.
Prices vary according te size $16.30, $121.50,
$26.30 te $46.00.
straw Drl4e . cietjiier uaj-ment
rl'i inn lHjt.T jit Tf"iSSnBfTiTySavrwt'iT
This Reed Fibre Suit is $128
The illifstratien can Rive but a faint idea of the charm of this 3-Piece Recfl
Fibre Suit, enameled in a choice of several colors, with seats and backs upholstered
in attractive, cretonne. Loese spring cushion seats ever springs, en all three pieces.
The large settee, the rocker, the chair for $128.00.
Three-Piece Wicker Suit$85M
Consists of large and roomy settee, chair and
rocker, all with loose cushion scats and backs
upholstered in tasteful cretonne. Prettily enam
eled $85.00.
Twe-tone Enameled Wicker Suit $205
A really beautiful 4-piece Suit consisting of
settee, chair, rocker and oblong table. Seats and
backs upholstered in smart cretonnes, and the
Suit enameled in mais and green. Price $205.00.
Enameled Willow Suit $81.00
Four pieces te this choice Suit a 4-feet
settee, chair, rocker and round table. Finished
in frestnl mulberry enamel, the seats and backs
upholstered in attractive cretonne.
Enameled Weed-and-Cane SuiC-$280
Particularly lovely Suit of 0 pieces, suitable
for the sun parlor or summer living room. Enam
eled in cheery tones and the pieces have cretenne
upholstered backs and loose spring cushion scats.
Suit censibts of full-size settee, low-back chair,
high-back wing-chair, steel, oval table and daven-pert-end
table $280.00.
Natural Willow Pieces
Finished in Celers te Suit
Yeu may cheese from a creat variety of
natliml Wtllnu' nlitr.ni iyn nneu unit 11Ln un tirWB
IUM MMIVM ,F.WW.W, t. V. I . . h. JWM linf' 1 1 y " "
will upholster them in cretonnes of your ew
choesimr. and finish them in colored enamel tn
harmonize with the cretonnes, or any decorative Im
twbrldge k ClethUr Third Fleer, Uut
-. -' '
mi inn:
-vijh th
.. ."J..1