fmm mum ... ,.-. LH-CiRi wmr , fir,' SSK ?: w n 5 it r, B: . '&' Ar m V '- & Wr ev fjT Ik Be l'' r;r i .V 8 w. :- rv ftK'v Wf &' rav te &k f "I rnrAka.'ai'.tftln.r Jim 13. ther- 1r modern home and mirage for a a -lMa, a...... .... -... tlaaLl .. ... Jr.". "-'T -.iwiinu, eikiiip t me., t"-ei Ijand trolley. Address B-3I, I. U. Bei fj for summer, cer. house. 0 leJrin.. 2 kin ihs. near garage, l'liene C. .H.,0 1W 21'pR for rnl, furnished en river bank. wm nunmne at., nrmei, ra nlTPl.IT nM .Wlia . ... ....!. I. 1 I. .-j- - """ ...te iiiiiui nHiii .uiiiiniivu iiunr. 'Vi'ueurhn or country, p. 0. Pe -J'J, I'lilla. . MOUNT AIRY HWyMOM June 13 le Sept. is or Ocl. li coy I). BJ. '-j'- -foem modern heuaei inmenlenl te Allen -..-UBn- citatien: sne wr menin. Call Chest- 7'btmt Hill 1171 for letabs. rKNiSHVI.VAMA MIIIH.RUAX tJ90H RKNT, furnished, 1.10 K, Durham at.. (jJ9i. .Airy, .i-story semi-detached house. r ijsedroems, Inrae living room, electrlelty, C-n I,.. .....I.... . ... ...... . .....,. . W:tJ.Zlt9 2. railroad aril treilay; I2.1; posses E' jjjn June 10. Phene V. II. 1333 for Inapec- FJ5A'-iBNT. furnished for summer .New I'nlnnlal .y.'Aii&ir alurcn limine. Inrsn llvlnir room. tnrt.i. 7 6XtiT.ambcrs, ! baths; 2-car Karaite; niRli'a j'Sgi. (oem and bath: corner property shade trees, fiP.Fji, IPhrubbery: beautifully located; te.iseiiHble ('rtjf'CTr Kl""1! references required. Phene Uiyti . e yrri ..ii evenings. IIKVN MAWR JVXIAt.T. ntt-'n.tlta, fin.. , nntlmra .-,....,.,.1 - !tC ' I bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. Apply Middl- V Pen. 217 Iteherta rend. ,.. MORTGAGES C' MORTGAGE MONEY rS"'.-1 -Ska-.. a..-. ... , i .- ' V'vt uii'i-i mr ursi mm secnuil iiiermJHCH ffrtfi). f Prompt answer en desirable application. T08 Franlclln Trim ll'dir. iipruce 2032 - 20 S 1.1th t FUNDS FUNDS IV ANV AMOUNT IMMBDIATB SKTTt.BMHNT HU1I.DINO ASSOCIATION 1IONBT. PEMI'aKT l CO.. J7 S 1HTII ST. MONET FOR PinST AND SHCOND MTQS. IjAIIUU A.NO SMALL. AMOUNTS ALLEN 5c REED 1504 t.nrrsT ST. rUNDS IN ANT AMOI'NT Fert FtrtST IjORTOAHTIS. ALSO II. i. L. ASfSO. FUND? I A t IN ALL dKUe. pt,ANDP,rts WE REPRESENT p of the larest bulldln una iein associations ana ue'ire applica tions for first second and split mertKaites Jn any section of the cltv or suburbs. yril.I.IAM JAMES KEOfHI. I.ap-t Title Hldg. FUNDS for first merteanes: any amount. HARRY E. THOMSON . 2321 FRANKFORD AVE. rRIVATE FUNDS and bulldi.iB association money available for Reed mertaaKes e Jlty or nearby aubtirbin pr rrt.v. prompt al eclslens. Rebert J Nash 1214 Locust st ANT AMOUNT promptly. Write or call" M. STADLEN ?0 PENNSYLVANIA ni.DQ. Spruce 311)2 VK HAVE several geed first mnrtttnges. amount Jtfine te innoe. interest. 0 pe' cent. CHAM P. WAKEFIELD, 121S Cliest put st. . MORTOAOES Kulldlnc association and private funds for firsts second mortgages, quick service, A. F. RUSSELL. N 13 cer. 1.1th ft Tasker. MONEY TO LOAN I10IHI te $100 Oihi en accounts reee1able. notes acceptances or mortgages, quick funds, lentldentiai plan STADLEN. 12QH Tenna Hl.lg Serui e 3.HV.'. laARGE funds for 1st m'gs , $10() n(0 i or MAURICE H MATSINUER Real Estate Trust Rldg. Walnut 02n7 3.TTORNEY lias II. and L. f Invent would co-operate with broker, V ISei .Odger OfOre. UUILDINO ASSC). and prlvnte funds for 2d nilgs. r funds for building operations r S C AHERNETHY. 132S Che smut ANY AMOUNT JOHN A HARRY T.07 LAND TITLE IILDfl FUNDS for first and second city nr suburbs. ' , also New Jersey firsts: moil charges, r prompt a lien. C. (1 Sclillehler. 200 S. l.lth , .FUND of jr.i,oe for first mortgage- will divide. MAOUE RODUERH. 120J 1,0- rust st. Spruce ;os irPLK'ATIONS wanted first and ecend mortgnge funds. MAOEE H RODUERS, , 1200 Locust st. PheTw Spruce 02QS V. II HA LI. SON 43S LAND TITLE RLDO. ' FUNDS, 1st and 2d Phlla. and Del. Ce" mt W. T. laynch. lla S. 16th. Spr. 7J44. FUNDS for 1st Htid 2d mtes i nu ck returns" M. H Mnlsngr. Rel r.stale Trust Itldr XIONEY for 1st or 2d mtgs.. city e- country. Frank S. Lewis. 310 rlnance Rldg. BOOMS TOR RENT AW.EOHENY AVE. AND 12TII 313- N 12th: small room, furn . for AflCff. 3200 liungalew furn.. for working- man. 4r.. h.. ejecjiteamheatjjip.ji me, CIIESTNUT 2037- Clean, well-furn. room. electrlqlisht; teasotiable menlhl rent. LOCUST ST 3717 On." two rooms" llgh' housekeeping If preferted. moderate terms, ZPhene Paring MR3. BPRUCiO ST., 1318 Desfr. vacancies,-aTl'j bath; elecL, aguthern expos. ; reasonable WALNUT sf.. ntie Apt. .I aftrnctice room rer renneii g Walnut st Ter renneii gentleniHii. tr;1ment I2fi(j r.112'1 Three fumUhetl hfina Keeping rooms conienienecs StTII. N.. 139. HOTEL RURIO -CentraT. near stat'nn and shopping district, besutl Tullv furn risims; elec.: spetless: nred. rates 4TH ST . N . .11 Nleeh furnlslie.l rooms also unfurnished apartment elec ras MASONIC CLUB I 8027 Ch stunt st minis iJh we.'k or me. PHONE LOCUST .I.T.'H ' FURN. room for woman with rettle( employ- 1 ment- owner's he-iie M inw. lilger UfT ATTRACTIVE furn, apts. some heusekpg. I pnerwueu Apt jvgencVj vvainui si WKIT I'HII.AIH-I.I'IIIA ATTRACTIVE second-flour frei.t. southern' exposure; senil-nrlat bath also hack ppern Willi t window 1127 Chestnut si. tlKRMANTOWX ur.ll.'viA.N 1 civv ,- lira vueen nine itiait ment 7 rooms, bath, all 1 envenknees ' completely rerevate'l seeimil-flner aD.irtiiv.iii eiulilde rfflin.s and bath, all cumenl. nc' 1 Phene ilernianbivvn 47S3 w I GERMANTOWN 23.1 W Cl.elt.n nve I nr I 2 rooms and bath In prlv home, furnished tot gentlemen: ref. Germantown 01.11 W I ROOMS WANTED XJTN. 1 or 2 rooms by refine. 1 veunc g-Mitie-men; nr Upsal Sin. P R. It A H3J I. (I J BOARDINO SU.MMK'R IIOARD-"Bl"tYV MI,"H LOW BUILDING-! .ill Iliyii M.iwr Colleen rampus, single looms and suit" awnlahl. from June 1.1 te S-ptembr 11 gnn, talil talil beard beautiful surr. undlngs tennis court . nederale rates lenye-n.nt te rnlltua 1 si.i tlen:;e resf rvntiens ne.v Addle. Miss Sutten Manager Lew Buildities Hi v 11 Tawr. Pii rARTv AVE. Chrerrj rum rm r"f InT1 ness couple or ladles pret hi. me 1 i.nUIng cenv. loc , reas mvner liUmend jt'17 W PKNNM I.V XI SI'IHKHAN" "" OTN. Oretner I (la E. Wa.nut lane I llghtfut 2d fleer rms med coins 1 xi-e lieme cooking, service. Imge 1 linr room, pertlies. and lawn reas Gin iS9'' COUNTRY BOARDINO CTtENCIl fnnilh, having sineli het. I sunn APAHTMENTS ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS sei rn wi if st JtlSt cnllll.ll leil. .1 Sinn tniiilern 11.. ev,r heirders no elileet'inu te children eBs anl I'.'JJ PINE r'i Melern, furmslied .' 'Ire must be neat and of geed appearance, 1 LARUE, Sl'f d.ssri'I, CHAIN OF LUNCH milk tresh dallv Is miles fieiii I 1 ." i''n hentie and bitn. $00 per in i.tlh. , Apply lestniirant seventh fleer H1111MH GOOD iil'IMiR rUNITY FOR MEN Phla. 1.1 a week slnsl... 4J1 couples clill Ineii-t 'J.12I 1 (UMBEL BROTHER1! W'lln ARE SEEKING PERMANENT dretl $111 Write or piiei.e f0, furlh.r In I . ,,- 1 . 7 " " ,, - -.,, ,,.,,, ".,7r,rrr f-i I 'LINE OF ADVANCEMENT AND ARE a'.M- formation, l.uniberti.n Hetel. 1.1111 l-ipm. N. . .. ' f " """., Vr n , '" '.rt-1 ' BITBU'S AND F.NERGETH ENf l"lil TO J Hell i.linne Mount II dlv 7S J 1 . ,r - ?"' "'""" "" IT " " .'""'"lllL' s WORK PIR IT, PREVIOUS EXPERIEVcr; MAPLE FA Ity tile. '.tuliTplaie 10 live tin. , PFANsVI.VANIA Sllll RBN .NOT '.NTJAI.. ...,',"' B.rv'r-'.. "SL'rn., 't-:1' rlr"' Bh'- '"'!"'v 1 - " "" ' - ip. " "em ..". '" ' l ,cn' usiii mis ... ssmif 1 u llt,v ,,), mm r m0s Wa'ne 7ni, ffy respect, parilciilHrlv heui'-llke hnits. k-cplng lr 1 and bacrelni aleb one liens, k- ej. lug aiian .- r ment. 101 S lli-ua.l si Appiv owner. 13.' s 4tll St. Phene lam hard Ann SECOND flner M ej.iHisures innsisia imr, n living n nni. ilining r.1,1111 kite hen ' U d roeniN, bulh mniil n iiu.nt.'-H h t wat.r an. I refrlk'ir.itlim'. udliuent le stinlnii verj n rent. Frank p. m-Ihiii 1712 Ludiu.v t. JJ2M .V ln'lll .sT mi lid flour I minis 1 and bath, tiereennl superv sh'ti of nwnei rent ion, t. Frank r. 1721 sus.ju' hsnna ave. , J0 SOUTH ST (Bread and smith) Twe. 1 three, 3 loom upurtinents, bath. lee. trlelty,- heat, fur rent. alii lame, room suit- able fur tin oil lew vlew uf Bread st. WILL ItKf'r furnieh. d" ininii In iipintmei't 1 te 2 Protestant business women l.'l each per week, vlclnllv nut li iind llnrlir.-. ujiivm,! ent te cars A nail Ledger Off'i-e I f,iSONTK VISTA AP'IS. (Il.lit anil llnfer.l sts I IP 2 rooms luitli kllchi'lietli. llnflirll'slK il H . $2..10 month, incupantv Ma I Phene Ijyilii Oxrhroek .'l"HS iSk, APAIlMKNTSFliHt se.end or thltd floors riiSfci all nieilerii liiiptuifiiiiiils. Phene Pi.s St,V ten 2807 IV 'ifti tuna N. sail KT.--l)eslrable cnr. mt . Br , V'lijt and hath, hdvvd firs . elec, lights, all cenv. 1 v Apply B. J, El I Ml, 1112 ClieinutFJI.:i3H wmii :v. F-iiArvivi.iN' fr.--i.'ii noer hpi : r , f.i rnis.i nrlv Imth. seulheni run. furn. or piMnfurn.i also rooms, Miirltet Jt 1 in k'ifaua N. BROAD ST Apt . iiiifiirn .1 iisinis a,.";- 11 -.. . .i.. , .-.-.. . snu pant; tun; just lunipieici I ruiniiie. N. Br-vad st. : near elatien: 3 rooms, bath and lyrnianeiit rent uiu niiinin, iratn 'ii bu-ipiia arneiie; vraiiis l,Ulpll. ,rhen, Wane J J. AAanunm SMALL furn. apt. ler summer. May 15 te Pt. J8. modem apt, bulldlnir. .Apply, en Premln.2atH. 10th at. or phone Lec. 6981, ,. , APARTMKNT UK tDQUARTKRS iitnl npartmi-nts a sper-lalty. Sherwood ApartmenAgenc; 1334WsJnutML . llllN V, PASNIUNK AVB.8I toemsand ...hi!!'! medern: rent ItlO. Apply II. -'. fii.-NKx. mm w. rsasvunk ave. HANDHOMK heunekecp'nit apt.. roema. tile bath,! unfurrr.t $K.e tir me. 110 H. "in. leiepnene Hnruce gniia, S. B, cer. l.lth and I,ecut 'Will aublet cool, handemely furn, hnunelip. Jt.i with mwldi 4 eiiminermentha. Ph. lAcur 1j07. APAItTMBNTS for rent Vet Philadelphia and central Apply AMK KOL9KT A CO.. i nc, .. , . cer, nth and walnut m, e nui,r,, ivu rieimenurntl unq le e rmv.. prlr, bath, bach. arts, beaullf'ly furn.: nil .reed . I m pt e.iphenea; maid nerv. ; netiw lukpg. ATTIlACTIVi; apartment, 0 rooms and bath. ..Call Spruce oiiea, , M'HN.. 2 lara rma. and bath. eler.. f.Vl anniinM .a. a ... . . . . n n month, second flen. phone fieimt en?, TWO ajita , n and 7 rma. ; cemplete: modern K, If Itlddle lanfi Columbia ae. IjAROK A1T 7 rma.: newly decerated: only 17.1: central loc. Phene Ten ..1B33.. 20L'H LOCUST ST. Modern. AM1EIIT I. lineWN. 310 Lincoln Bldt. KITH VI.NlT fleslralile npt.. film.. .1 r.. nam- priv. perch: reaa. rrenten 4h:i ,i 10TH NKAK HPRUCB. smull hskpir. apt.: nmy rurn'slieii, reasonable, iieust mas. 20 ' I.nftlST m'UniUrn A I. n IIRT F. ItneWN. am Lincoln PMt. IIHOAO ST. H. of Krl( Sr. A b., 1.1.1: h.-w, hest elec i:.O.Hohaen.3il2S NMlread st, MOHKItN npa'tmrnt for rent. 4 roema and b-ith .1110 N Uread st Diamond BIO?, WKST PHir,AIKI.ri!IA 1UHN. npt . 3 rms, and bath: attractive neighborheod: renv. te all car lines, epe. lellv desirable for 2 or 3 women students or e.ichers; with housekeeping prlvlleesj InS. ' ' HOI T.e.leer Office, CHESTNUT ST., 30.1 F.tceedll.Iiy desir able, modern, unfurnished, rt-roem-and-rath nnartment. 3 bedrooms; Itne monthly; pe'sessinn Mav 1 Phene Preston f377, .1002 SPRUCE ST, Seen rooms and 2 hatha, furn'shed. $8,1 ir menth: unfur- lshe.1. 7.1 nrst-clas cendltl n. Sparks A Whitley, 400 Empire nldg. Th. IValnut 6'I2I, OERIIANTOIVN vel VERNON RD. $100 An unusual house. keeplnit apartment, where the work Is cut down te a minimum, new and modern, with 'lied bath. Uullt-ln tab. shower, separate pereh. ref'rlBfrater etc.: ever an acre of !nwn with old shade. 1 eauare te country club and t'eir links. MAURAN, DOUIAN llread and Chestnut : squares te station. & CO.. N. E. cer. PENNSYLVANIA smCRRAN ONE A'I TWO ItCKWf APARTMENTS aiBltllil JlULCIl."N P. J. LAWLER illTH AND J """. . r '"i"" ..""".I"!;"1."' , " . HAI.TIMORE AVE.. 0.100 Threeroema anJ n.itn, 4.i. .ansnnwnc l.imi ARDMORK STORES atiLs . 13.1 te $I3: gara mirket house, lb, -tier. 2K E Ijmciister HAl.A.CVNWVr 14TH AND CITY LINE Ilrlght eis?n fire Plnc. Inrge Ulng room. prlnle hall con necting te '.' or 3 sleeping rooms. $l'.'..-f 1.1O month. Apply -W Lincoln Jtiu. u I one. OVERRROOK M. HOU.SEKEEPINd Apt.. 0 euts'de rms. and bath, heat, light, gas, water and garage privilege: handy 2 stations and trolley cars: references requited. Fer appointment write Roem 3112. Cltv Hall. NEW JERSK.V SKAMIORF. ATIJ.NTU' CITY FURNISHED APARTMENT Cerner apartment; beautifully furnished; 7 rooms, con cen ettlm; of llvltw 10.1m. dining room, kitchen and bith .'I bedrooms, large Inclesed p'irch. garage, fine location. 4 exiMUurcs; cry reasenab priced for summer season 4301 Winches ter ac Clilse, Owner en prem ises. ATLANT1U C1TV CHELSEA Elegant unfurnished, modern, new apartment. 0 rooms a baths: garage, best residential sectien: 3.104 Pacific ae.. neBr Ambassador Hetel; full ocean 'ew; "early l-ae. Cehllns Realty, Ce.. 312 Guar antes Trust Rldg.. Atlantic City. N J. APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND TINE STS. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF APARTMENTS. FURNISHED. UNFURN'D LUNG AND SHORT TERM LEASES THE DELMAR-MORRIS" W. Chelten ave. GERMANTOWN 20 MINUTES TO BROAD ST. STATION Hetel or unfurn. suites, housekeeping apts. NEW HOTEL BARTRAM 83D AND CHESTNUT Apartments, furn'ahed or unfiirnlsh-d AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN TLAN PHONE PRESTON 2310 HOTEL COLONIAL SPRUCE AT II TH ST. ' l hctl: 2 retms and hith. C PITMAN BAKER. JR.. Manager J THE SWARTIIMCiRE. 2 2d and" Walnut . Furnished. 2 rooms end bath and 1 roem1 and bath, maid service aid linen Included. Phene J.0CUS1 3182. THE GENEVA. 127 S. lOTll ST. In the heart n f the shopping d'strlct THE TRACY 30th and Ch7sTnut Te sub- I let hotel apt of 2 rooms and bath HOUSEKEEPING APARTKENTS . I DPI ICT CT Ml". I''Sn LUV-UiJ 1 01., INV. JJJ . . ,..,,hl. .till tsll,h'e In this new 10-story fireproof housekeeping Spaitinent house. Inspectlerf Invited. I6THST.. NO. 257 SOUTH erv desirable apartments available centalnldg 3 bedrooms and bath. en WARWICK lUOfl-lD Sanson, st . tenartt will -uMet furnl'hed. has 4 rooms and bath, modern housekeeping apartment. Wh'teside ft Mi'I.nnanan. l.itn ami rine sts ,IIL , t-V.,,.' .. Un.t...- n ,a.nnn.. I II I I r. I,l.'a, IU.II MIC. t-M'V- .. , 11 (, , 2 hsth". living room, dining room, kitchen, ' pintry, maid s room and bath. call i II- Ix-rt '.'7.3 or see doorman ; !-:te RITTENIlefSF "sJI;ARE Five 1001ns and bath, uiifurni.hed. accommeda. J inns f .r maid and extra furniture posses-I . mi rt) Aptdv Relins en premise. WEST riHLADEI.I'IIIA lei"-. ,1n II ST 1 (itn-r Ht'i ae, mid, 1 renms and bath vitrent rein 17e iiREENWEI.1- I DiiR.WN 422 S .l.'d si FURNISHED APARTMENTS j BROAD ST.. S. 11.1 11. siiuares Hetel Walten Br.nd-n v.uu apartment 1 house. ' large humi! mums, bath and I kitchenette het wat-r In t cuiitinueus hoi ater. parquetrv floors, silver electric wall ' si eneea. enliir .ell-inn in gray and Ivery, fur- nlsheil b. Van .Silver. IIQ'l pruie 0Hij3, ITRN PI I rms nnl bath, electric lUlu" steam heat and Janitor serv if. new apan- rcrit liullil'iik. S. E. .or. 17th a-nl Siuiiiiier sis $1.10 p.-r iniiMIt Appl; en premises ' h'kSTNI'T st" a.0.17 "Will" furnished heiihi -e-. niir. piano hiid telcrhene ti. I 'I s 1 i,t. iiif.nil THE DOO-DADS The Great' Mystery Is Revealed GENTUEMErV! -THEV SAV SWINDLER. THAT THERE NOTHIN' IN THIS CAGE. I'M GOINr TO PROVE THAT SlEEPY SAM IS A MAN OF HIS WORO.ANO SHOW YOU THAT THEM ACCUSATIONS FALSE. BY ACTUALLY PRESENTING- TO YOU THE "GflEAT a ,&..a. .. ,-.. I " urmNuwin: ;' i'i ' X. asilll" t r-aT" r?" afV-e If -W V . MM I If attV j-'-"Ss. - .1. I ' ' " ' 1 ' I A . IBUaT -.-. sW j . ..eK . slW. , h. ' j ?',. XXLP .WAMT81V-.V llOOKKKEPKR y IVe have a very dealrabte-epenln for a welb eiluealed euna eman In our audltlnc d. partmenti hoekKeepInK and acceunllnir perb encn eantlal. In reply pteaee atate ape, oierlctice. education and salary desired. ADDftKSS 0-4I, P. O. DOX 3443 . lUJYKtt OP POnHBTS Frank A. Seder require the serlcea of ther euahiy trained woman as buier of reraeta; nens but theee having previous experience will be considered; Reed salary and perma nent position te the one abee require ments. Apply Superintendent's office, sec ond IToer. ltth and Market. CLEANERS Wanted reliable women, while, for cleaning en our day ferce: poed hours, poed pay and your working clothes furnished. Apply llureau of Employment IVANAMAKER'3 I COMPANION Wanted, refined, censcletT tlOUa lOlinV Wnmnn tin n,M S3 fn- healthy, growing girl: geed home and a'alary offered. P 1421. Ledger Office. ' COOK and downstairs work, with ref.; uu nunic. ippiy uj;i wainui at. tue net phone.) COOKINU and tlewstalra work; vnim uhim woman, for small edult family In Merlen: m.u". h" P00d fek and hay reference. An- piv urn , sprinir esriin Tuesday after noon between 2 and 4 o'clock. EMflReiIiERIjltS and wanted for Premier Embroidery Ce, hherwoel a202. inniur nn.i n'imn mtrK, ppiy Ml person. 131 S C6lli st. FOREIADT. about 30 or 35 years eld: work Involves the superWulen of wrapping and cardlnv of small metal articles; position re quires geed executive ability; experience in charge of a wrapping room preferred; per manent position for right person. Miller Leck Ce.. 4.133 Tacony st.. Frankford. OIRLS Wanted a few fine young girls past 13 jcars of nee for work In our Junier Department; must hn at least 1 sear's high school education or Its equivalent. Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S '".S ' GIRLS Geed home ter ceuple of working - i.l'I'Vr widew: rent free te leek after xe: lrBenTcecfk.'0k""frann Wrl, W" U3i Nl trntrciets-rttt- .... . . i,.. iin coeKir.g; air or eung weman: geed heme. 203 E. Ora vera lane rhene Chestnut Hill 0881). "ra',rl' '"": LEARN HAIR AND BEAUTY CULTURE Ladles' Ram big salarv or make nig profits from our own shop. Day and een ng classes new fermrng for May 1 and Jr. fall or write Rita A. iv.?.V",,..'erm.r super Isers of MAR IN hl.UJ Colleges of Chicago. New lerk and Ssn Francisce. Is In charge and gives persetral super- AC.V,?-M,y. HAm ANn "EAUTY CULTURE 1013 Walnut st. Phene Spruce 4202. MOT.KR s "EWER. ,,, , , rg.aTTf children and upstairs work, where a serv-,c.ari. k'P,: r"fcnces. Call before 12. 418 S. Bread st. - SMKr"i,t'' Pylne some executive ability, highest reference, under 40 ears; it.?. a.r, .VL"m"" Institution near the derVen.R,13rJ U'&rh-J" jj"'" " Sl'ffVr'.'' w-nlnga for" exp.. re rhiMt?n?UhfT"! ,al PhRrxe Infants or small children; highest refs ree. Nurses' League, 12LL0 JMh ,t., babies' service dept. SALESWOMEN A man 1 Jeb awaits the husin-ss woman win Is resuurceful. full of business ami wnnts te work, promotion and compensation rer women the tame ns for men; reference rcqulrid Call 0 te IS A, M. 710 Widcn'r Uhlj. STENOGRAPHER Must bate ".riMii"" , .yeara exp shorthand . dictaphene; state r.ii p,i, f'v" !'": salary is per week; t 'PitlenBrldcaburg. V 1420. Ledger Office. rK.NOGRArilERS. mat. accurate and ex. perlene.d Call Monday at the Employ- 1 ment Bureau. American Engineering Ce . Aramlnge ave. anl Cumberland st. ' , lien; real MUte office . .v5p- 7U1 l-'la": ders' Rldg. "' ..iniiMniiE-n .....,. . . . STE.VOORAPIIER. "let-alT et7t"-ex"plelire 1 and reference, P Mil. Ledger Office. TELEPHONE OPERATING 8I.I110 t WTK IT T V SriPT I THE RAPID (HIOWTH OF THE BUSINEe MAKES IT NECESSARY TO INCReCe" 1 IIUR OPERATING FOrti'K If veu are .seeking a position where permanence, advancement and geed salar.v are assured come In and make application If leu are undecided Come In am- wa and let us show veu the advantages of working with us. Ask for MISS STEVENSON THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 1031 ARCH STREET rEI.EPIIOS'E OPERATOR and ,,p(. wanted for pr vate excharge office, ir0a' 1 and Chestnut, replies station vage, extHgri en. e. at., places of pr-Vleus elliplOMIlen't -n,i ' i'"J""0' service rus 1 11 1 iy. e P"r I eme i 1 13J. ledger Office 1'IELEPHONE OPERATOR, V7ri X,Tri 1 p Mil 1-edger Office. i-rirn.u, .'Jin- Clerical WOTK; ITOtestant. TYPISTS We have 2 or 3 'ry desirable openings for llnrnn-hU atnarlan, - ,,rtl--. a...... ...a... I ,.f V...aln.-. I-...II.I. .... .... miii V WUdfl.c ,,la,iail BI1IH SEARS. ROEBUCK AND CO., jieuseveu tseuievaru W NTED Women In Philadelphia and vlelnltv te associate with Natlnn-nlde en terprise, only women of pleasing r-rsenalltj gnml character and In duslrv need apply, te such we offer permanent future and advance ment, salary and commission, A 620. Ledger Office WHITE WsITRF.ShES PARI" TIME Oprertunltles for eung women who can spare time from household duties te serve as waitresses for part of the iln.v , experience preferred, but nut necessarv. 1011 get in. si ruction, experience and pay and can qualify I'M A AIN'T ARE as regusr wu iresses 11 Mil s 10 1 1 se ee. ' .v 1: as as s ,it v ivicrim iy a rx I , i . r " "s ) s--- TlNYiy A GET READY- A BEHOLD J pcoel-n -r- WXE. T COMES J ( THE s --' n vicniLciicri: t jl 1 s e - - 1 twi. mm. i txi acmr S - S Va W VSJBB-Sjr 1 Oer.S- AlirAJ rz-r-zr i J t ' km s I't A tV.W.n agf f l-SWH J II f'J J"! - JL9S I A. K 1 U B1 m BYB& Iff V f -B. B A. ' T ri? aifmJ JxV Im (fCM JL . RrlfeJ -r- y SlVJ V w ' r un f.T.' tm aafc- fl v fW mUUUUmmW k 2 -j fiTSma OH COMMQMUf KNOWN - mmmm. . . . . , . -- . , , tt I7.i A k ii ii -. stw fK' St Ti i VSfMA.fJ"Tur ! Prtment effsrs wll k..y ""' Te" opportunity te build up a Mrrnn1?'. !!2L-,.,!rt,rt t'm-, "ouphten M I fflln Ce. 828 Wlthtrspean Jlldg. . WOMENFeur Irrtslllgent women for sales ..P.roPeltlon te1 mother- out of towniPret. AVF 10 ,0 3' B28' OBBMANTOWN flftrt XfAKK MONET AT HOME Tetl can ern -..ifPi" V ,0 a.n hour In your tpara time ?'"." shewcards: quickly and easily learned Tin V.r, nY. simple method; no ranvasalng pr ,"ll1cI"n. We teach you hew, sell your work. ami tlBV VOII ri.h nl. u.l, Ka-,l..taa tnidr.?.'??.1Jf.tJr- Write today te AMERICAN tH...yCAIlD PCHOOI. 228 Ryrle Dle., .W..IIV, Ontario, num. ... HELP WANTED omen wanted le learn nursing: demand greater than supply; geed pyi learn at horns "."Pare Ume; earn while learning; entire tuition can bn earned In few weeks: special errer Including free nurse's equipment; write fpr full .particulars. Chicago Scheel of Nurlng, Iiept, F, 421 S, Ashland Ueulsvard. '.'""in, in RKI.IADLB wholesale concern needs limited number women te de first-class fancy work st home spare hours; I articular free, Un- qerwnei aj noertr Ce., Portsmouth, e, CI.I.rtK'S, typists, stenegs,, qualify for Oevt, , positions. Write for sample test Instruc tion pattlcutars. P 1422, Ledger Office, HELP WANTED ICALB ADVERTISING SALESMEN A man who has Imagination and experience te present a preposition te bankers exclu- sltely; must own automobile, have had ever 3 eara successful selling experience and be capable of producing maximum business nut of this territory; salary and commission. M 034. ledger Office. . ADVERTISING SOLICITOR, subscription so licitor; Masens preferred: old-established heuse: opportunity executive, a N. leth, fourth fleer. V RELIAULE FIRM would like te get In connection with a capable salesman, with a knowledge of belts and belt fillers and preservatives, who hsji the ability le call en the leading manufacturers with a material that has proved Itself superior te anjthtni else of Its kind en the market; te the right man w 1th references, we can make a. geed preposition; no one but these having expcrl enee need apply. M B20. Ledger Office, .ATTENTION We are looking for C men with neat ap pearance and geed personality, who can be placed In a position of trust. Apply nfter 11:10 A. .11.. 1001 Colonial Trust. Rldg. BOYS 10 TEARS OF AGE 1 Inside department messengers. An oppor tunity te learn various kinds of work In our merchandise and clerical departments. Must be at least grammar school graduate. Kindly bring birth certificate. SEARS. ROEBUCK AND CO. Roosevelt Boulevard ' URICK LAYERS Twenty-hve bricklayers wanted rer scnoei ana apartment neus work at once; union men; steady work te the right kind: $10 te $11 Per day; write at or come ready for work. JOHNSON MILLER Procter Hldg.. Yonkers. New Yerk BRICKLAYERS wanted for long Jeb at Elm hurst. L. I.: union Jeb and $1.25 per hour. Appl) Jehn I.. Ileardman. superintendent, 24th st. and Fillmore ave.. Elmhurat. L. I. BRICKLAYERS wanted, Atlantic City High Scheel Atlantic City, N, J. Apply Mr, C. ". White. . CHAUFFEUR, white, middle-aged, experi enced In ull mkes of cara, 3 jears" refer ence required. Apply 1800 De l.ancey place sl.JLA.M' ct'STOMEHS' MEN with cllente'a for listed securities only; old-established brokerage house, have past xpcr;encc. A na.i. Led. Off. DECORATORS WOOD FINISHERS PAINTERS RIG JOB. OVERTIME- COME READY TO WORK SUN SHIPBUILDING CO., CHESTER. PA. TAKE CAR 37. MARKET ST., rillLA. DRAFTSMEN Designing and detailing men familiar with light structural and sheet metal work preferred; give full particulars regarding experience and salarj In reply, also time could start. Address P. O. Bex 83 llagerstewn, Md, DRAFTSMAN, architectural, at once; state training, salary and experience. P 1308, ledger Office. EDITORIAL assistant, for growing class periodical In Central Pennsylvania: must Invest $.100 as evidence of geed will: eung man preferred, -ddress A 930. ledger Of- flce. ELECTRICAL FOREMAN wanted: must be exprlemed en pe'e rln lonstructlen and distribution and capable of li.vlng out and es es es tlmatlnsoncxtetislen.P 1430. ledger Off. EI.ECTRICIA.VS HELPER, experienced en old-house wer. Call Celillnhla 414.1. C.vrABI.IS-IIEK automobile distributers of Knight meters desires energetic wide' .wake salesmen of proved ability and geed I character: replies confidential. Bex P. 1434 !-'lg,r "ne .ion rtisiiusiinn w' h'" x :'.'.a',y rK,,l,,,"1 'p.T 1"rt-class compositor. $4.1 per week with signed con- MKYERl. THALHKIMER 1 10 p.. Heward st, Baltimore, Md JOINERS 100 wanted ?tcad; plenty overtime Bring tools SUN SHIPBUILDING CO. Chcbter. Pa. Take 37 car Market st. I LINEMEN wanted: must " experienced nn 220l-velt distribution werk: sober, steady mn enlv need anplv Win. Fester. .S-, v t erner. 23dand. Mjirket LOT SALESMEN M"uce Sheals. AliThhiua" 1 the future Industrial center of the Seuth' ' if net the United States; water power heap eat, llal climate, manufacturing facilities unexcelled, center of Iren deposits, coal bauxite and aluminum, (lie Guvernment has p.nt $1110. Iiimi 000 ivnd must spend that much mere: that means Increase. values; R great thane; for a very small Investment, a few etr-idv men, expert. nee n,(t necessary, commission basis Write fur no. pellitlnent A IIJTi l.edg, r Office , MECHANICAL siructutnl detaller " haviTig experience In movable bridge w-erk. Call IM1 Merris Bblg . Mnndwv morning. MALE HELP WANTF.D . . .... . . 7 T-T- ,' .. ' ' " " ' r TYT I fV itfffipBJTw 'i Tf HX WAHTHVi-MAli- MAN of middle Me. geed addreff. exper). tnS!fl J", tneptliw publle bodies, for an old established manufacturing concern 1 perme nsnt and progressive employment 1 com spondsnee confidential, M 110, Ledger Off, MEN te erganise the membership of a co operative workers' movement! Intelligent mixers can earn geed money In commie alone. Call Suit T18, 1001 Chestnut at. morning, or 8 te 6 P. M. MEN Wanted, ministers and professional men for business educational work! highly remunerative for spare hours; courtesy and confidence extended all replies. Fer sppolnt sppelnt ment addres, p 1418. Ledger Office. 4W'"' MINISTERS knd professional men wanted for business educational tki hlki ... f mutjeratlve for spare hours; courtesy and ment address P 1418, Ledger Office. -,,iiiiuciiiti uinnn-n kii raniis. M'rtf at,-w,if,a- OFFICE MANAGER Real estate broker ..Sr.lJ.w0,.le". managen liberal salary! es tablished business: small Investment re- h""""' wn bid, 1011 nesinui et OPENING for well-educated man In our aalea department; advancement If he can 5Iti-lalJ aSl!,,yi MJPtlenal chance for ttPtt'""""1 library builder. Houghten Mifflin Ce.. 828 Wlthsrspoen nidi wuen PAlKTBIip, WOOD FINISHERS, DECORATORS HIOH.CIa.sSS WORK, 30 WANTED OVERTIME 1 SUN PltrPRUILDINO CO.. , CHESTER. TA. TAKE CAR 87. JfARKET ST., TOITiA. - PAINTERS BO WANTED SUN SHIPBUILDING CO.. CIIESTER TAKE CAR 37, MARKET ST. PHOTOGRAPHER flrst-clsss home portrait operator. Vanity Fair Studie, Inc.. 1881 vncsinui. PHOTOGRAPHER, first-class reteucher and etcher. Vanity Fair Studie. Inc.. 1831 Chestnut.. PORTER, colored, general utility man around office; one having some experience run ning passenger elevator preferred; state age, tf'r.1e., ,"I-ry "reeled and experience. P 1429. Ledger Office. REPORTER or rAltnr wanted te give part time te new organization with a view te making permanent connection; must be high class: write qualifications and experience; ecnfldcntlal. M 11W f edger Office. SALESMAN wanted by a bend house eelab llshed for 83 jesrs. dealing In high-grade bends; only a man with ambition, clean rec ord and forceful persenalis) need apply; this Is unquestionably a geed opportunity for the us" uiKiii ins nusiness is ujgninea ana very remunerative: the house Is progressive, re sponsible and highly successful: you will have behind your efforts the name and repu tation of a nationally advertised Investment house, with offices In the principal financial centers, offering a diversified list of bends: stale age and selling experience; replies will beheld in strict confidence. A Pif, Ueuger Office. SALESMAN Gentleman of education, refinement and so cial status, who Is accustomed te meeting men of poslt'en: unusual opening for a" thoroughly progressive man: please stats whether engaged new and give resume of business activities: Interview absolutely necessary for outlining duties of position; state time convenient. I" 1318, Ledger Office. SALLSMAN Acquainted with machine shops, garages and metal Industries, te sell nst'enslly known line of portable electric drills and grinders en commission basis as slde line or exclusively. A 821, Ledger Off. , SALESMAN I am looking for a particular' type of man, wlie Is Inherently honest, who can ssfely I?r"'nt an organliatlen of national repu tatien and record, regardless of your present occupatien: jeu miyT that particular man, whom I can place In a position te earn net .ess than $3000 a ear. Call Spruce 0413 te arrange for Inte.-vlew. SALESMAN, cement Immediate opening rer experienced salesman for Portland ce- m",eu' sPrlence selling this product or building materials anrl sunnllAs .latalpehl. applicants must be willing te take prolonged trips: single man preferred. Appl;-. giving J, 1." ..""- ' training snu experience, M 10. Ledger Office. SAi'i5.s,MN'7??,yj? B rltlen for gentleman wne can tell the truth in a rnniinni. HTm"1.'!' SUt1. 1u'y "s te character a n?."n? "l.'S'sJ?.'1 S5.wR.nlly for advance ment te man 30 le 30 sears of age; married P.1!'"".'1. Call 418 Land Tllle Bldg after -"-ii nm mvijji. HUHiiinn nerma tint .aaiI in. ie a. m. see Mr. Stevens. SAhIi2;.S,'"s?ubfCrlp.,len lFrtment of a high-grade New Yerk technical Journal re quires the services of a first-class solicitor te call en Industrial firms In this territery: salary and commissien: permanent and ex clusive territory; st-ate age and qualifications te obtain tnterVevv M 108. ldge r e f fl e MLLsMAN rer twine rope and aaserted ru.uape ler ine 1 ity or Ph adelphla. Reply, giving full particulars regarding ex. perlence. references, earnings, etc I e Bex 133,1. Atlanta ila. " l ' ' SALESMAN A live-wire sitlrsman te lep resent ur In Ph la. and vlclntiv ,n ..i ease goods te the drug stes;' liberal com mission paid. Apily by letter te Haer Gottlieb. 311 W. 34th M .New Yerk NY SALESMAN Wanted. Wharten Scheel grsd. uata for selllnt- nnsiiin. -....V.i. knowledge and ability te',. T,.--..'.' 1 Address Burreuglii Adding ifachlne Ce SAM:SMAN for Philadelphia m! vicinity: coentrnffs. oetrelt-um nrnriimtw nei... -n i CrulrkRhaMc-Chrl-itii) Company, leu Ilread r!t'1-" - " ' SALESMEN Hew can jeu be expected te Judge my sincerity or the value of an opening with tn company by (he wording of an ad? I have seen clever advertising men with the most alluring copy fur peer prepositions and se have jeu. I don't pretend te b; able te write "copy," but I knew what I have te offer 11 real salesman In comparl cemparl ??",, w", fy, ".her Preposition In Philadelphia, bar none, and all I want Is the opportunity for a face face ;e.fac talk with a real salesman. I don't care what he has been aiilllng se long ns he has mt with suc cess and has been long enough In the game te have had the burrs knocked off. If he van show me Personality, sales iiblllly and n willingness for hard work 1 will defy any ether concern te take him away from me 1 am prepared te guarantee the ever lasting future of the man vvl'.e will deliver the goods for me In the sell ing end of this bulnejs. Put jour jeur se,f in my sl.ees. Yeu knew the kind nf a man I am looking for. If 1011 fit. then by all means give me a chancu te talk with you. Never mind what ou arc te sell. It's clean, dignified mid a big money, maker rUlu new. It was born with success and Is the 11 est preposition today In Philadelphia or vicinity. If ou have that quality In you Willi h makes for business success u won't pass this up, but will In vest one hour of our tlme for a licart-te heart talk. M 114, Ledger Office SALESMEN- If ou are a "man with ex ceptional ability te put things ever, a well-establish-, 1 nrgantzstlen selling office applj. anc-s hsa an opening for you In a Phlla. lerrlter, te men of geed character and standing we offer an excellent opportunity en liberal lommlssleil basis. P 1403, Led. ger Offlte WAmT-Ii iHf SALESMEN A REAL CONNECTION This PARTICULAR opening for security salesmen Is entirely dif ferent from any ether similar propo prepo prope sltlon In this city; ter the folewing reasons 1 ' 1, Over a half million dells" worth already geld. 5. This company already In active operation. 8. rrrducts already en the mar ket. 4..Teu will stll en a rising market. 6, This la the only company In this line In the country. 6. Ne competition, T. Directed and officered by a laage croup of 'leading bust- , nsia men, several of whom are nationally, and Interna tionally known. . 9t of the big gueeessful execu tlves are salesmen. They held the r big positions because of their BALES ability. TOU want te be a success. Therefore, you must be able te sell. This Institution la an Industrial rorperatlo. It Is Increasing Its cap ital te take, care of Its necessary commercial expansion. If J'etl are an experienced pales man. we Have what you want. Here you can make REAL money sell ing a preposition that Is highly salable, dignified and honest. If you are net an experienced salesman, we will make you one. Security selling under competent leadership will fit you te sell suc cessfully anything legitimate, e We trill select the fw tnn re quired according te high character standards with a view te adding them te our pressnt strong, per manent organisatien. We are looking for a few strong men te handle this Issue of our securities en a liberal commission basis with a view te a future with this organisatien. This la a thor oughly legitimate security with a TREMENDOUS sales appeal. Tour future Is worth It. Write Immediately. M 120. LEDGER OFFICE. SALESMEN I AM laOKINO FOR A FEW TWO-FISTED. GO-GETTING JfE CITIZENS TO SELL THE PECtTRI TIES OF THE ONLY INSTITU TION OF ITS KIND IN AMERICA. ON A STRAIGHT COMMISSION BASIS. IN THIS INSTITUTION IS OP PORTUNITY RIGHT NOW POR TOU TO MAKE A REAL INCOME. AND IN THE NEAR FUTURE OP PORTUNITT FOR THE MAN WHO CAN QUALIFY: THAT IS BIG ENOUGH TO SATISFY ANY ONE. IF TOU HAVE NERVE ENOUGH TO TACKLE A MAN'S JOH. IN A MAN'S WAT. AND KEEP ON PLUGGING WHEN THINGS DON'T BREAK TOUR WAT THEN WRITE MB. OlVINO ENOUOH OF TOUR PERSONAL HISTORY TO JUSTIFY AN INTERVIEW. BENCH-WARMERS AND WISH BONE SPECIALISTS NEED NOT ANSWER THIS. AS IT IS ONLT MEANT FOR THE MAN WHO WANTS AN OPPORTUNITY. AND WILL PUT UP A REAL FIGHT TO GET WHAT HE WANTS. M 113. LEDGER OFFICE SALESMEN We have openings for r. high-clnss producers In our Philadelphia sales force and 13 In adjacent Pennsylvania' ter ritory; no stock scheme: no In vestment required: our men are new earning from I100 te 1130 per week. Write at once, giving address and telephone number for Interview, Sales Manager, P 1323. Ledger Office. SALESMEN A II. 000.000 corporation, with a real sales preposition, wants 2 live wires te work out of local branch effice: our lire has n won derful appeal te merchants when everything slumps, therefore It sells and our salesmen make big meney: many, going .above 11000 a menth: we are an old. well-established, high-rated concern and want men with rec ords for honesty and capable nf doing real werk: special training; guaranteed terri tories and commissions en mall erders: also unusual record of eales made en advertising Inquiries; our line gees In towns of all !: new device gives assurance of geed business throughout t022. Apply S2S Lafajette Bldg., Monday enlv. SALESMEN, wanted. 2 real live salesmen for the meter truck business. Applica tions held In strict confidence. Apply by letter only PHILADELPHIA BRANCH FEDERAL MOTOR TRUCK CO.. 1411-17 SPRING GARDEN) ST. SALESMEN Tite specialty salesmen ac quainted with the retail grocery, bakery, hotel and restaurant trade; work part year In Philadelphia and travel short trips rest of sear; (23 a week te start; written apnli. catien and ref. required. Add. A 813.Iasd.Off. SALESMEN who have been calling en plumbers, tinsmiths, builders, etc.. te sell hlgh-grsde and cheap furnaces. Replv, giv ing experience and line sold, P 1433, Ledger Office. SALESMEN Te place casy-selllng uutome. Kll- accessary befere consumer! llhepnl commission and opportunity for advance ment. Mr. Jehnsen. Roem 63. 1208 Chestnut. STUCK A.NIJ iiw.-mj rAi,i.n,iiA,, mis Is the first and only time this ad will appear: write for appointment at once; HOO.uoe 7 tier cent liend Issue, .veu deal direct -vth company; assets nearly 12,000,000. no debts or mortgages; bonus of common stock; 300 stockholders, sell only te present stockheld ers ana tneir irienuai wain - or e Dig sub stantial producers with records; commission basis; If ou measure up there Is a chance for big meney: experience, absolutely neces sary. Fur appointment address A 1)28, I-edger Office- STRUCTURAL DF.TAILERS Wanted tl men Having experience in nriuge anu euildlng work. Call 1811 Merris Bldg., Monday morning .STRUCTURAL steel detailrrs and checkers, first class, wanted; state experience and salaty wanted; ambitious men looking for steady position only ones wanted; transporta tion paid. Apply the J. II. Mess Iren Werl.s. Wheeling, W. Va. SUPERINTENDENT Wanted, first-class outside superintendent for large building construction werk: give references and ex perlence A 83.1. Iedger Office. WANTED An advertising man experienced en country dallbs or weeklies preferred, ler special fork In new organizatien: wrlte full quallfl. catiens. M 117. letdger Offl-e. WEAVERS wanted for nlghtwerk; Knewlea loems: geed work and wages. Apply Win chester Woolen Mills, Winchester, Va, sHjj"Uyi'--7r-'- WHOLESALE. GROCERY SALESMEN WB REQUIRE THE SERVICES OF a EX PERIENCED HALESMEN.TO REPRESENT tru rsr e-tiia r.fT.1- lun VlltfNfTYl GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR'. LIVE. UP-TO-DATE SALESMEN WHO HAVE A TRADE AND KNOW GROCERIES: AND CAN SHOW SALES OF AT LEA8T IJO.OOO AN NUALLTl WE aUARANJEB TOUR PRESENT INCOME AND CAN SHOW YOU HOW TOU CAN INCREASE IT. WITH OUR LtNB OF ' .. FAMOUS HEALTH BRAND CANNED aOODS AND VOOD PRODUCTS APPLT BT LETTER! STATE EXPE RIBNCBl COMMUNICATIONS CONFI DENTIAL. LEWIS DB (JROFF SON (ESTABLISHED 1883) BEACH AJjD WASHINGTON STS. ' new terk crrr WOOD FINISHERS, DECORATORS, PAINTERS PLBNTT OVERTIME: HIOH-CI-AS3 WORK; COMB READY FOR WORK SUN SHIPBUILDINO CO. CHESTER. PA. TAKE CAR 37, MARKET ST., I'HILA. WOOD FINISHER 80 WANTED SUN SHIPBUILDING CO., CHESTER TAKE CAR 37, MARKET ST. YOUNG MAN Interested In advertising cern; considerable esperlence net as Imper- ea.ii uuuui luinir hiiii iiiHiiuinniurinv nvn. ini ii aeiiity; write stating age. Qualifica tions, nrevleua emrjtevmenta. tvamn. e-.. changes, salary required. Address Thomsen Weed Finishing Company. 829 N. Third st. xuvu mam. Hi te ze, geed education, with about 114 in 5 venra 'sales ayn.rl.-aa -uin Ing te grew up with organization; prefer acquaintance with steel Industries; unless you l.ave staying qualities de net apply; a reel opportunity fir right man. P lBOi. YOUNG MAN Real estate office wants young man for outside work, about 3 hours' dally; salary and com. P 1433.Led.Off. General MEN Traffic Association wants reliable men te qualify for positions directing domestic and foreign shipping; 1230 te IS00 monthly; experience unnecessary; common school edu cation essential: only men of geed character need apply; If willing and desirous of m"k,n connection worth while, write, with 2H5i Sh",al,?nJi "-"n Present position, age -...a ..wr. -nuaqeipnia i'OBienice tnx at-e. "N'TKD STATES GOVE-R.VMENT WANTS -.-. aiju.ivujirai GET A GOOD JOB! !.?. rer.Uncle Sam: 11400. 11600. 11800 at start; railway mall clerk and ether exams" een; let our expert, former U. S. Govern Gevern 71V11 f!,rn,m,r. Prepare eu: write today for r.vV??Jf,JU.AJ2- I'ATTERSON CIVIL r- gnmiu, i.ecnester. n. T. SELL US, TOUR SPARE TIME We will ..-Si" you '?. .wrl,s new ""is; no can ir"Vnr...r eellcltlng; we supply you with lis. -V.LslAnse no object; ou can eirn from ?iA-T.. JR0. -aWek' W'ilsen Methods. Ltd.. Canada ' ' nlchmen-. Terente, Jrralv?vMmri.ifer, C,lv" S.'Jii" PO"llen: I1400l!W"eSn.m.i' .I'fTt. ."??.! wtefne. ice tarsi, "V.J1 i ;'"" ; i-nnama serv !,..... ! e,.Perlence unnecessary. Fer free . i. .i ' .a."'.' : Aainincr, no- Jault able Rldg.. Washington. D. n. 1 A.i."wa' 'raffle Inspecter: $110 te 1250 menthly: iiren-.. n-1-1 -- . .l.J".r.r .P-IIEiiH? 'lHiyi Plendld opportunities; po sition guaranteed or money refunded. Write ej K-188 Stand. Business Buffalo. N. Y. Training Inst., iwiUKLAYEItS. carpenters, etc., wanted: ..t?ra..:fi,m? mneyi '" blue prints and estimating; tend for free book en plan read read ldgOe Technical College. Al4 Tech. WheuJi7M,ni w'i1,ln Positions firemen, brakemen. colored tra n perters: larae inter Railway Dept. (Ida Indianapolis" ind.' we teach wgremnyjAKD repaIr r??F95 Jr.'.'1'.. complete course 12s AUDITORS I run. inner . i ... T7T: rr traniJf,t,enwpli.,lai JIy 8! ce-chlng course free n biC& isneK-"all,neIi ""tlculirs iree. Bex 163B-LC. Washington. D. t. CIVIL servlce examinations May and June: i-m.anJ'.va.canc.Mi ",ar' IMOO-IUOO: sam Pie test Instruction, particulars. P 1422, L7eJ SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAT.T! C1JA,PiiUWS.nK-,Yeun? ' ""lres posi pesi . il,Lon,i.S5ambcISerk an" mending or assist With Pfl.lrlrt-tt. Phnna fit... T -. ,7m W -'- ' " ""f" "" JJMIIQ OOBtf. rS-tfti ?oehk".bout SlSy'!.00... LAUNDRESS; white. iTTTi ..--1 .. wants work at her home; fine clothes enli: charges reas.: h.t refs. Phene l.ecust 7247 lVu weAN. Swiss, speak, French fhrr.Maa5mrSn;. " lsh" , -"len In iota 3 te 8 "ear Car 1 or 2 chlllJren, M 112. ledger Office SITTJATIONB WANTED MAXE ACCOUNTANT, high grade, ther. trained and exp.. geed correspondent, seeks responsible position with Industrial cencern: qualified te assume, tmnnrtun, ,ln,l-. D Ine . ..,,"cu. !P V.7. . '-eager PIT. ACCOUNTANT-Audlter. e.per. In public and corporation work. Is available- Mrm e? temp, engagements solicited. A 838. Led Oft BOOKKKEEPEli executive, des. po.itie' comp. and reliable: 1.1 years' exp. hang in J credits, cell.. all office details. A4.It!!t nsr CHAUFFEUR and gardener, careful driver' cltv nr miinlFv ,,l , hi.L "awiver. city or ceuntry: used te 'hlgh-grad. if.: miner repairs: geed refs. 221 Slecum.Mt ai-J CHAUFFEUR Teung man. French, ma?: rled, desires positien: best references. Ad. dress II. Vlerllnck. 6014 Norwood t dtn CHAUFFEUR, mldille.asrerl .tn.l - r long ex.; careful, willing; any car: best ref. A 031. Ledger Office, " CHAUFFEUR lUFFEUR, single, white, wants pes.1 reful driver: geed ref. A (CM) L. (i ca COOK or general housework; Japanese . wishes position In private family: exu best riference. Taku. .1IIS N. 18th at GARDENER-FARMER, small fnmll.. in utility, handy man, drive any car, wishes care or work en nrlvata place; best refs. Bex 01. Palmyra. N. J. . MAN. colored, responsible, desires summer position us hend bellman, camp manager. caretaker, club steward: will travel; best iiiciTiivp. ivn uyuwe-r m)CCi TUTOR Native French Instructor. 30. wishes te act as tutor or traveling com panion abread: previous experience. M 113. la-deer Office. ' IIIU.NO MAN of 20. consistent, who has had several jeara experience na a free lance correspondent for local newspapers, la very anxious te connect with a reliable firm or newspaper wherein he can advance him self; best references. A 022. Ledger Office AGENTS ONLY ONE SALE, dallv means $200 psr month; .1 sales $1000 monthly; main or sideline: marvelous new 3-lb. adding ma- chine; retails $15; work equals $300 machine- aaes. runiracis. multiplies, divides auto, matlcal y; speedy, accurate, riiimhi. v.." j seme: 3-ear guarantee; tremendous demand' offer and" protected" territory; "l.ljntnlna calculator Ce.. DCPt. ... drand Rapids! Mich I CWMOHOf KNOWrl Ru Arch Unit, AUJ ' . RECfc.Vl-R'B tfALB . -,',,-rt '&JZ?'!J!&"M!''M cfi2 BwrSmn,TSt STEAMSHIP AND UGmrei STBAMSHI8OTr9N'a,WA Ti Su'lVnTen," ""- ffVftnV' i HOUSE .LIGHTER. -ir, L C ma . it ft. eyer all. 12(1 net toni-aiee. ?.''' Jc furniture an ml.Tll.n'e'e'u.' SLtfj neeus un.? nrisni. ,f .iiti-a Fuli Parfteutan at the A..e.. jJvLfl Hy order of A. Bruce Ulelaiki ..?'m( Rrewn. .Jr.. Receivers. " ljWret : ii Jerei El jB w asaBL a eel Philadelphia. AGENTS CANVASSERH. nmitt-ns . ' profit selling home cie.,..Ail-M smoker a .custemer: attractive 111.V " money; sella en demenaie.ii.. 'l!, . nn CO., 1840 N. Hepe at. Pheno CellmhfflflP .-.s i AnFNTIIBall -..I.. .... . en which . k,ff" "MM hlch repeit J .dt "wiirr-al e of seaps.9 y!X I & I-m "it. nvers. coffee, tea I and ether nun, tA .....'..' necessities, w,,.. ."Y.uv-" be making plan, American Products Co1""! Ce1""! American Bldg.. pineiJ,.1,""10" Ce.. 0 big profile; $3000 yearly and i -Vr.. I6' ""eW or experlenci neided; guarantied mi.?" eM eds can be returned; "our mI products builds your own businesses L erders sure; exclusive te??n.V' "MH, FEIJERAL PURE feed inr ?&... Wim: SA'LEHMICM tri . .., "!?i!2l SALESMEN First popular nr'cn FiTfcr, . gulsher ever made: ??tSl Vsf A &.?' "ft Kv,.r neme, office or factory i:."1 sold. Peck sold 13 degen in 8 d7sCIBii!l cleaning up -In Cincinnati, iftn .1- ?' cinch, :n. he capital. Ne experienS "ViJ :?8',ne'F-.y& rMi tery co, A 'TB en. women, startling rar' msklng davles m... I....T.". mOIMt. coated ce cream confectien: ce.ts't!!! 2Hc. sella for ie; profits, is ii s'aaW. up; outfit. 3i eneurh f free chocellK ' te make. 800 bars ind "se pSnt ?A & ' iT2.ei2 ffffTr,t.ei?'asfiLrig ; LOCAL representatives hi-. -.. . .- ' cleaning up taking orders siTi. m ; blankets, light overcoats" rJlSceats.'.rlS?' 1 AQ15NTS 10 te. $13 dally: everT" wants gote initials en a de doers IT automobile; app lied white waitli.I.,Jri 11.00; prerit. fl.38. Wrlte for ip"?!. Sir free samples. special offer; . HATCHER SUPPLY COMPANY ;; Desk 27. 1213 Market streeL PhluL.,. STOP HELLING stale. overwerkedTSTTd and schemesiget a real. llvTrnen...".1 -r -, ' sen our.ueya- catchers' .lint; ch,s S.'!.i,m,rktSil eam.PLe' JSfl. v"?. sell our. Beys- Calcheftf'Mitt; Cn"a,,,r lha market; iimnl,. nr. t.ii--nJIt Si' quick. Every day means "ipaia. w-tu', Specialty Ce.. Dept. 4, 30 E .erg. MISS HOSKINS, 2004 Balnbrldge st B-V excellent cooks, kltchenmalds. "utlS couples, chambermaids, ladles' maids liflli'i nurses; wants laundresses, Pret. and KKv maids, every capacity, governess; hltheitM ' erences. Phene Spruce 3627. "" li, 60 WEEKLY polishing, staining, rsfltitshBl1 and gliding furniture. aulomebnJ?3 woodwork; also making stains, vanibS!' and pelishes: no capital or experience nS, : Philip Jampcl Chemical Ce., e eih ai.,. Mew Yerk. '" ,'f 1 MEN AND WOMEN H paid dally. -EJ ffiiaranteed solid alumlnnrti l,--ai. . .rs guaranteed solid aluminum lnnii f'-Effl set; we deliver and cellect: best sellln. 1!7; osltlen ever effered: result, certain; umKW1 free Ferd car Dlan. N. F. Aa..' ""S!sl Summit Hill. Pa. .y- -- . .vgiaL M-' 138 TO $30 WEEKLY In .veur tstrs hC doing special advertising work amens i!I ' families of jour city: no experience Vm2Z. sary: wr.t tediy for full ptrtleSUnT American Products Ce.. 3870 AHS," Bldg.. Cincinnati. O. '-uwhcm. BEGIN YOUn OWN BUSINESS wheieslin, ' chocolate bars, chewing gum. candy bub?.' , attractive, novel packages; write tediiT?' ' elusive preposition. Helmet Products rsT Cincinnati. O. ' " i AGENTS Wireless umbrellas: p 01y t.r v '"".I ""."- :."""."" ". 'r isis ntwtit t outfit. PARKER MFG. CO., 1411 Breli'i Davten. Ohie. "" "s . . TTTT' .. uiiAMMii.urii, new tauie accessory fi'-l eut: nothing else like It en the msrkt iff! I , tin .tally easy: retails at te- J.,,11JH A elusive preposition. AMERICAN 1 ie srsyTi-it IT llumtnMn.l lJ i r IjFjK, tui s-v.s e mnu, IIIU. CREW MANAGERS te organize henss-'i house canvassers; biggest seller: hhmST . SlOO Mr tLlj S.a-a..-- PRODUCTS CO.. CommeAvvcalth Blda. Cleveland. O. ".-i MAN In each town te rcflnlsh chsndslKi, , brass .beds, auies by new methed: tfi I dally, without capital or experience. Wntr Qunmetal Ce.. 83 Oht. Decatur, m "f MAKE BIG MONEY as real estate (peciiiir,, build Independent business of your sin! I free imormauen tens new. American Bbm.I less Builders. Iireadvvay. New Tttia I THE Moere Universal Gas Saver saves eVit, one-third. Guaranteed: money bark, x.w ' men wanted In every county. Ad. Wllmrl Pomeroy. distributor. P. O. Bex 2814. Phlli LIVE WIRE, aged 30 te 30. with car. sJ, eral trade Pennsylvania: $7300 jearlrsee slble. Glllett Importing Ce.. 4B0O Emit l-cveianq. k, , 1., EVERYBODY uses extracts: set DUO Dmitr ble-Strength Extracts; complete line hcas-f held necessities; big repeaters Writs toil i' uuti I'm., uept. n ii. Aitica. w. t. ! WE WANT BOO mere agents sell Red Polishing Cleths: 300 per cent profit; ri sample full particulars. Red Cap Xff Ce.. Norrlstewn. Pa. , , SELL big line guaranteed toilet, houHhebtSI medicinal preparations; 133 articles; kM nsnflls alnarlvj Hamnnil Amtntl trm fAlifl1U Chemical Ce., uai I'enn ave., I'lttseurgn. misb'urgh,lfclj T Aute W I is hi IF nmfrnWiV GREATEST INVENTION OUT Aute W J brush: every car owner buys: big cem--f siens; act quick rer territory. Aaanw Olamana M e-. f-., C-A...M .a, IHH-- RrS. Fl B A I 17aSf 1TX a-tl llnlma. -Tl ana TMnHI no 'capital required: $100 vvkly. lneal price sells them: nualltv gets reertnM Ice ilrfv Hehfies Rubber Ce.. 1500 W. K.lh. CUtaff EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. ROGERS. 317 S. 20th St. Hlgb-c.- servants supplied and wanted: nutMcw vacancies for first-class cooks. lUtchniU waitresses, parlermaids. Infant and cab nurses, nursery governess, seamstriil ' day, laundresses, butlers, temp, waltrta at once. Spruce artdfl. E. O. HARVET, 1B10 Rlttenhouse s.-, nationalities, PretestantH and Catliera n.anta.l contra nn In 10O. waitresses, chltt bermalds. ladles' maids, nursery, nu.," laundresses, butlers, couples, general msiw. I.I..I.. .M- , ' SITUATIONS wanted Flrst-class Peteltut r and Catholic cooks, rnamDermsiu. - lermalds, waitresses, butlers, neuismss. i chauffeurs, couples, housework glrli; J?'' ence: heiP wanted In all capacities. KM i'l Oil H, ll'in si, npruce asm, , - M. MCCARTHY. 2020 Sansom roilUeM - wanted for comp, and plain reeks, wui reeses, cliamb'm'ds, parlerm'ds, ladr ( ! governesses and nurses: sev. ceupm. butlers and housemen, temp, women Men . WANTED at offlce 312 S. 12th St., COeU waitresses, nurses, house gins. WANTED Competent white help In sjif rapacity; ref. req. 1010 Balnbrld it..,. LOST AND FOUND BRAClELKT lajst. geld fleilble brfrti"; sapphires and diamond, between 15th U Market. Ilread at. station or n ""Jajji Upsal Htatlen: reward. P 1418. .leiergi!-?;.! fri . ; ''..... -..- .TTInXr Tall II I uiai l-est, Willie r.saiinu "". ' '"' v ls.,rl neerai rewaru ler ins reiui" r,:lt-i'm rormatien concerr.'.nir same. Aeurcss - flni'J Msrkal st. 1 FUR Lest, brown fox fur. April I'-JJJJ nlng, from Bread St. Station le Wtiv Phlla Station by taul; liberal '"?: nuestlens aakeil. .Miss I'ajn-, ,"v -- Hall. Brvn Mavvr C'nlleee, Bryn SiH vvaii'II Silver wrisi vvairn. -.. vlchilty Kalrmeunt Park. '"SSHir. il O. P. J.; reward. Telephone Belmont -7 n.-W tvilll. AnVKRTISEMIlNTS. f2f- HINTUlf.T COURT or TIIK " .';. FOR KASTKRN IHSTBI11 PBNN8VI.VANIA. , .MnltM. Ne. 37 of 1P22 ., In W1 B e! WILLIAM UA VKR. . -V.".".',fl-n.? ,i lJMf Hleam-tus "F1MII.V MAR1L" M- ''''" i "'. '-. TU.BNBY." ,., i.n,,r,ll. . WILLIAM UANKIl. . ' ""'!.? .. Lll-W" Meam-tug "IIMILV MAR 1 1. ' ''" , "RpllKRT J. PEOPLLS.'' k. ...... . . ,"e. 38 of 102'J .. """.'-, M WILLIAM OANUlt. "-".! ,, LlfhtW Hteam-tue "KMILT MARIb ;, w Ne 40 ..f 1022 In AemirsiifjZ. niiibi JPSiiip nV. VS. TUr "VVAI'li llftHii". ,1,, CM" The Commissioner appointed by IM . 4ul le ascertain ard remrut J?";H3J!itltH''rT le thn respective llbellants ,5n W W' with leave te each and t very of J eli lants and pelllleneis te contest th si d;i te each or th- oilier ii"-;'-','n-,m lltleners. an1 te submit proofs ".""cesri, te contest the jurisdiction e a,r,,-,ctrfj'i and the. priority ,f he respectlvs Jj 'and at uch Tmeitlris t'le PPf.-T. m ' ns n nnN itrint ID 1111 "-. i ineir cisims pr w .ril ..-iiv.ii frels coming upon .me iinu ''""-,. Ml ( Ibe ?Y?.naind leewlfVy,- jueut-n .i. -e-giwH IfVaNVl. i ' -V li a I ' ' . rf.l9!i -.nT. vuA, awftsrt .ZStetWifiMPHU ,r .S.UMSJK.: .. r