V WfWKL2S AUTOMOBII.IL OPPORTUNITY .. . r unil have held r. I' m.Ki. aitfens with ieme of the most I SenW. P2KJ2SL. if, AmerlMl for .the past gr.'.rVl havi devpted mytlm exciuiiviiy '".-Eat automobile concern in ui wenai ' KtfJiitfen I nl' remarkable record. in this PJIL" Vniif. United Btates In sales ?S S?T.r,ffln"coanlT,.cYTer PhH.- IrS'. ILVhii; secured one' of th. meat promi premi Ilyiendi'nM en Bfe.d street. nl '" e?J 5;i have sold evsr w nisciuiiaa, W w.& li t prefent rnln a 'r .VhVr auWtltless "we "prow 7' " B.V2f.,Si. .company te .handle this ", 'VVara?. company te handle" this "ttlW5 sdlnstad of lsulng stock te 5!?ffi!'r..t.'d SSUdJpartl.a. who have no dlilnteresiea ,.-, returns en liv.ikit except te secure large rm; Ifigftl ,e Merest fatpotatlenl wa ,7XW honorable young - -. ---.- it .I... cPO.V,enii.w . rade honorable young men. 1 c"l'.?lf .-and Sbllltv will atand ln: vara. WHOM CMWiar .-"" h f IFi-VaS te hbt only Invest their money al..n... in' ihla anterprlae, but te become """J.1. A ih. cSnettn, "and te daveta the r ".E? nml and atwnt en te tha builnean IlHwant man eapaSR of nillntr Important SLi.TnnV aueh a "ice preildent. treaaurej, Kfliun- aealatant Secretary, accountant. "Jul m'anaiSr. itera manatr. aervlce "SvfT?a.,,9coUnn.?.'trertn!,hwe SSK.. euM,. dollarate handle ,h.; PrRS-ua 'dieartmlnt of the bualnaia In . Tiifaetery manner la the nrai coniiaer ceniiaer J.AV with ui: thla propealtlon aheuld, pay hireturne. and li Tene that will atand the . fieteit lnveatliatlen. and effera a very H.i.im futurS te ihe favored few who jWfSSf'wItSWf n0..r'.Y.dmjnv?K OToS?.ulen .LP'flnei te you in , dtuiC SfflSalHr. mP.rrrl.d"'er-.lnlj. 'ind ilv. iir hittery or your pnm uui" - HtliBca alie atat.Tha averaa monthly aal irr you have rned durlnc the past 3 Jtart. B 10S. Ledger Office. A WELL-KNOWN mtehanlcal engineer of Philadelphia la new ready te atart "pre- WMlfn,.,.. ". ffi.wK S""in.V.7"i9Xa IaI.iii iha .tnalM.t and meit economically ieerand delivery car ever built; ; own mami fKturln ..pretrmcall. for 160.000 addl- Km'pS? ... who wlllcenild?, .n7auracl.v, ET.'V..via!..l.. of nrafarrari 'and common .lick In unlta of KW and upwards prefer tibial with Individuals! a demenet ration of Ifca ear will be given partlea raaldlng In pr near Philadelphia: thla car will undoubtedly be the poet popular and hest-nelllng email Silvery car n America; manufacturing Tvftr".g n f .4an OfflM te r ivi. "- u",' An unusual opportunity is available te purchase a Ladies Apparel Establishment in the best Walnut street busine?s section. This carries a well- known name for Impert and Special Designs. Name and lease for sale. Stock optional. P 1436, Le'dger Office PHYSICIAN Phvdrlin In Penna. or Md. can make an iiLamueeua connection with reputable mil- iA.4.iiiar rnrnoratlen new ana-atari in tha nanufactura of a remedy .of unqueatlenable Kirlti Invaitmant. of 18060 te tle.OOO rV kulnii); unique selling plan creatine national mind will enhance purehaaa 100 per cent tit a yeara. inereaiiar in aama proportion, linnaeaiiary te quit practice If profitable; liau invaittaatlan lnv. : Inquiries treated In ItrlttMt cenHdenca. Fer full particulars Iddri.a M lit. Ledger Office. WO A MAN of culture and refinement, who it a wide acquaintance among man of nana and high atandlng. we can offer an iiceiitnt opportunity te uae mia Knewieage e great advantage te blmeelf and acquaint- neaa, rspuea eiricuy cennaenuai. a em. .taiir unice. BUBINESS OPPORTUNITY ,an with A f.w Ihnuaanri Hnllara ran taka Btrantaaa of an opportunity of unuaual aaractar: the offer cornea from a corpora lan wheie reputation la unqueatlenable. bj ae, iMger Office A PROMOTER. LAWYER. OROAN tZE5.HiailE.Tr FINANCIAL CON SECTION. .Pl'BN PX)R ENOAOE JttNT ON PROPOSITION OP !StU7j PROPOSITION MUST BE SOUND AND STAND RIGID IN. VESTIOATION: REKERENCES DEMANDED AND OIVBN. LBDOER OFFICE. A 831, tANUfACTURER8 of apeclnlllea and up- i- Vi. "T "" wvua nana a your ae I n.,.,Jn.l.,h, enral. aeuth and far weat: we aVa tha arntialntanra.kln .Itk .I- .' ? mFr:"i"ZMSl iSWV&l"?'X . . -.W. Jn..our""e"wS "' of ..meiyende'rfu V p'rl-STtlen'SS n electrical entlnear with gannn ,..,.., ftmjv&v&g SKl ."SSff mTn" warnt --- 48 0001.J?yrf ln ,nls vicinity 14000 e :8JAB"SJED BUSINESS W.T a&.W3i?,MT:"urs R..-n. fsva? eung : 11000 caih Inveat Van n"" T ern K :"' J 5f .i-L?SlV: .eee??' ffi'i- Lir r.p. unnec, r.P. unnec. Immediit; kp.i ' 2se ,n,er. ertunlty. P. eg'V.'S.Ajdr.MOp. innivi.. " a r....-- ..-I. i-i. naaalaa n law n I'S ?u.r. '?n'Pny. under mm..,. tela iB.ik.:.. '.""" no Miate fee; ,in .... n nd nnanJ;cpVfI.niear7 'rpe7a. P-?J.N?S8 OPPORTUMITVj-..- l".?J a email Vm..i. ri" ." 9 .Weil 'vcimtent; real eatata liin m ".'-"Pitai let rnununr. P 13Q3, Lea.,r-V.'i" '' I " ar; maklnrJ0iliw"h '- of merch'aT kmand by Udiea.'iJ'1 m?"ey: new: great ffiLaS.nuV'J''. Roenio0'1- ""'"mSn! f rw?n aFgrU.h'-nrfui L "man Inv.itnVnt ' el" "a Blal er renf.rM.'r,,m.. "wncr havlnir rroeerv IIOR-rTaTSTriJ r-friIJiL-!''ne., for milm- ,,- L22n!"ii..,w,a?i K'aja'vpjep.w. SVVr!!n K RADIO T.ynTiinn lw'c?INSJ!wll.eh nelnta. awltrh i.,: r.mi.. iV. .'.""macturera an. ....L ..:." fcCT? ff,T8.C0- M sa " rfiifJ. W . .... .aJB " ?ISn;.5ftl" ths manufacturer that ws nHtrt cP !. n mn v h mrk,t a "KtPn!imtlcii Sir. te sell In cenfl wjft.L'Jith the Ferd. and we have as- Millien Wlin 5nB .li ..i..it.ia .tila ma. imr ;!. u i mire Bex gan. qi.i'.1. ',?." Jobbers. In JVR bu.ln... irr TT 18000 te" Ifo.'eoo" te takell.,f,urni',h fm lfh-Uii bualniaa In Phifa . ", chre of luit rewe Ten reneniSl.iyr,c" tlen: Jty oed .alary Br?dnrn1imt? ,.h', rlfht W'Ww Tf?W ; t v !nHwllillllllllllllllllll.lraSIHpalllllHHKtpllllBiallH "I-M- --L ' " '!r 'n1' ' a'vv r 7 i vv-.,, r- , "", I l"si MowrrTexoAy PIGNIRED LOANS $300 OR LESS, fJOOD REPUTE. .iwud ur SECURITY. W,T"VT nBAI' C3TATB .'j5J5i? EXTENDED PAYMENT' PLANS STRICTEST CONFIDENCE. ',1"vi"D I.II.'KNSKn AMI1 MITPIF.nvttlttlt nv I STATU llAWIflSTll nltAI.ri-vi el established 25 Years GIRARD INVESTMENT CO. 1435 Land Title Building Bread Street Entrance --...... ...w ..... ........... A, PRIVATE 1X)AN8 TO HOUSEKEKPEnS THE BEST PLACE TO GET $15 TO $300 EASIEST TERM IN TUP! nt-rv CALL IN. WRITE OR PHONE FILBERT 8051 SECURITY LOAN CO. 1114 CHESTNUT ST. 2d 'Fleer. Roem 20. Next te Kalth'a Theatre PTinM 421 Te mnn QUICKLY AND QUIETLY -fe ewnera of furniture, of real eatata or je married mn keeping heuae, OUR BUSINESS Is FURNIHIIINO MONEY at Ifgal ratea and we de without a let of unneceaaary red tape. HAJWY DRAKE. 20 8. 17lh ANY AMOUNT promptly Write or call M. STADLEN 1208 PENNSYLVANIA lil.fjg. Spruce 3S02 MAOHINERY AND TOOLS WHEN YOU NEED ELECTRIC MOTORS DYNAMOS MOTOR GENERATOR SETS or kindred equipment: tell u our require rnenta: we will furnlah t'.ie right equipment at get the order" prlcea and rmmher each machine la backed by an Iren-clad guarantee, which aaaunyi ou aatlafactlen. R. SCHEINERT COMPANY 123 NORTH THIRD STREET MACHINERY BARGAINS Beiler, cheap. 5 180 H. P.. before remeval: t:eueratera direct connected te englnea 2 12 C. W. 230O volt, 8 phnas, 60 cycle. Fert Wyn O. E. te Erle City 4-ah eraliiea; 2 niter tanka 6x0 and 8x0 MOTORS AND DYNAMOS ALL SIZES Gee. Sachsenmaier & Ce. Office, 926 North Third St. WAREHOUSE AND SHOP P2H-30-32 NORTH THIRD STREET " ELECIKIC MOTORS ELECTRICAL REPAIR WORK ANDREW I. MEHAN CO. 309 RACE ST.' PHONE MABKET 0 NEW and id-hand machinery bought, aeld, exc: plums dismantled. Qrew. 1300 N. 3d. CARPET CLEANING HAVE your ruga and carpets ahampoeed. eceurert. purified net mrly denned. Ph. Tiega 4S02. Thn Orlg. Hamllten-Bencb nice. Carpet A Rug Waahltur Ce. f. B. TAYLOR, auccgaaer. ffeai.. n. ameeiey ai MODERN Elec. Rue Waahlng Ce.. 2071 E. Elkhart Colera reatercd te original bright. neaa: Hamilton Beach method. Kena. 1388. REAL ESTATE TOR SALE CITV 1023 RACE ST.. 170x140 te rear atreet. 2041 Spring Garden. 17 roema. J hatha. 110 N. Slat. IS roema. 5 hatha. 1728 Mt. Vernen. 0 apartments: modern. 212-228-280 N. 21 Pi: large let. 8035 Diamond, brownaten front, 13 rnema. 1817 Green. 14 roema, 2 bntha. aide-yard. 1818 Green, 4 aterle, 18x180 te Urandywlne, 1A23 W, Lehigh ave., perch front. 1624 Poplar, 17 roema. 2 batha, aide-yard. 1844 Master, 10 roems: vacant. Hibberd B. Worrell & Ce. N.Tr.h N. W. CORNER 18th and Mount Vernen rieti puituuin ivir iirus Piurr 2410 N. 18th at., 3-atery corner linuta. 218 N. I7th at., rarltway aectlen? Hi?. Mount Vernen at . 8-atery dwelling. 1701 Green at., cernjr apartment house. 1222 Je!en.A!" ? ,0.r' rcr atreet. 828 N. 10th at.. 8 atery; new uaed for manufacturing purpeaea. MAGEE & R0DGERS 1200LOCUHTBT. PHONE BPRUCE eaft. 1007 AND 1000 VINE ST. auxiai te I'eari jst. 1108 VINE ST. 10 2x110 te Pearl at. 300 N. 10TH ST. 17x08 8 210 N. FRANKLIN ST. 31x100 420 AND 431 N. 8TH ST. 32x67 ESTATE OF DAVID M. HESS 904 Walnut st. 2100 BLOCK Ciimac at 14780 l!200 block Camae at 6000 2S1K block Camae at 280(1 2200 block N. 13th at 11000 !60Obleclc Colerado at 2R00 mw niecit uievnanu ae 2ime 1000 bleilc Dauphin t .',360 1900 block Dauphin M.: It rooms.. .. 6200 SALUS. 1903 W. Dauphin St. "fiFlfl Htlllrmin ns-rh 41 nr.ana.. ...Aa 8011 N. S4th Pch.. 7 rms.. nhed; nil cenv, 2411 Indiana Perch, 7 roema; ritedern. Eif? a"'1" i urcn, t rooms nnca; meaern. 32S4 HalUy Pch,, 7 rma,, med.; end heuae, vaiua -v(a 'evai.a t ma e lltvii,i VilU IIVUCU, HUTZEL. 25th & Somerset Sts. :B5ivV.uTERN':,, 5 loema, 2360 ..2900 black Benaall at.. 0 rooms 2800 211! fiHlmnn si, 0 roema 3000 2821 N; Taney. 1 rooms S40U 294 Bambrey t., 7 room 370(1 2780 N, Doter, 7 rooms 3800 28111 Marsten at.. 7 roema 6300 JOHN I' FLETCHER. 2802 W. Lehigh ave. TO CLOSE ESTATE. Rtnutement park and Ice munufacturlne plant, both near Phila delphia, can be purchased reaaenable nnd en aatlafactery terma. ZACHARIAS A WALLACE 1480 Seuth l'cnn Square 22D & JACKSON STS. Beautiful 2-a'eiy pur;h dwelllns: II roema and bath, wuehtrnjs and tlettric IlKhllng: fine condition, A. T. RUSSELL N. E. cnr. 16th and Tanker ata. 174Z GREEN ST. Large cernci' property; 25 rooms; geed for stores and apartments P 1320, Ledger OHlce 518 s IIRO.M) ST. I-erih front. .1 story, het-water heat. pntrl,v l,b.ln..H n..n.k rt iMsdroenis. lutli. Dutch hall laundry Iri cellar: MS.OOO. WM. C. HEYDE, 13th and Snyder ave. "? ,Vl2i;iL DIAMOND hT Six roema, bath. $3(100; ened-aUeit vanl, BERGPvlAIER. 2202 N. 2D J3200 Six roein and bath, perch, hack kitchen; eend cenilltlnn, cenv hntna: near III I a office J. H. KANE, 3237 N. 2l)th at. Tlona 01 III MODERN fncterv building-. 23.000 aquare feet: central section, passenger utul freight elecalerw. (I C. HKIDEL &. CO., Inc.. 4th and Callewhlll. 480 N. 3D ST Through te Orlannn- l-etery bulldlna: let 20xl7H: poaaeailen: murt be aeld te aettle estiite. (! C. rElDEL & CO., Inc 4th and Callewhlll. MERIT SQUARE 1317 E. Caiey el., 0 rma , iMlh perdi, elrri' soed cend. JL K.' Cmllh, SOO W. Erie ,ii l DAnm t A-m ' I T .. - : : : : i L By Jack Wilsen I 'IT Adjust CembirC3t Whisker. fell. Come On! Ah-rVh! Bear SWr! 'ats Class! 'Smaller? 1 I JBBaPaSsaM IScSSsT --sf JsTlBf 1 aslaB laSgaSSaSSaSSaSSaSsT l Jg Mt fSSJ ' aSSSSsasasa. M gJ S J g ( I f3 H IHi THT WL ftgf r HKa H J SUasisasssaflRffel fB jH I Jf H I . H m I AJL a. gfc B.a4Bast Ja J J asaaaaaaaaaaaaV asasagEasa. A '" TBTT'"SSSpaaasaapasasasaaa 1 asaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiak M MJA iteATIVOK lAXS CITTf AUTOMOBILE DISTRICT. Ridge ave, at .Breidi rent 11201 111,0001 atere and i.iuiiriuai win nnanc. ABERNBTHY. 1828 Chestnut WHY pay rent when n email amount of i...? .""I. "u. u nerinwtei-aecupn home at a bargain price? iv, 1TUTZBL. 2Sth and Semeraet iviu k. CUMBERLAND ST. 3-atery. brick, . 1A.roen". n1 'th (T bedroema), running M.&T:fiact.rn'Sii i,m h1 wed, condition. Hucklcy'a. 1080 b. t:mberland at, 650 NORTH 17THST. pfi.?? SAMUEL POLDER, FINANCE BLDO. 2II N. I7TH SAMUEL Q3LDER. FINANCE BLDO. 2129 SUMMER ST, .SAMUEL POLDER. P.07 Finance Bldg. OARAOB and 4. room dwelling; et 3x0: tnW& i'Vatf-RiOa "'. Raf- r, , -'" J " MMiiiumijun irr,. 2214 MORRIS ST. Twe atery. atectrle light. J. NELSON DICK. BIB Land Title Bldg. ..' .'M.c,t,iAIJ "T. Poaaeaalen: 8 roema! r'fP'f'r "ret-claee conditien: 18000. w,M. i-. HEYDE. lMh and Bnvder ave. N. E. SECTION Bargain. 12780: lm. pees.. Lr"f.- a 5tUot.te Bt- I" rear: eaay ternm. Owrer. 022 Chaatnut at., gaeend fleer. .":?J?y orewnaton-. e rma. 'and bath: , r V -. -T..-W..T-, v rma. a.ni mn llrata nhnv. T.,lr ... V tnivnu "..."::.' "."-"-""" "iranem. ..... n rr.m.ii, aim i.incein Building. CORNER 8d andOxrefd. 8 prepertlea: rent irf'i'lYJi J?!"J. for ."man,: JOSEPH FELDifAN, 200 Lincoln Bulldlna. aue houses for aal, all parte of city, 110(1 lS !v.. i, T1 " rem KENNEDY, BROWN8TONB, 0 roema and bath, Bancroft ,rS?t, JIu1itn,enL.el'ePI poaaeailen JOSEPMrFELDMAN. 209 Lincoln Bu en. Building. KOFI HALiR 9 mtnrv. nnrnh nn iaa 1.1..1. r-?' AT,h?.tV iiui renevated: 8 rma. A bath. Jea. R. Whelan. H. W. cer. 17th fc Summr. rlJ 1 aim, a ... .... .1 .. , " 18TH ST. oppealta Phlla. Ball Park: 3 3 alerv ainra mil .lti.iiin ViLr.. ' H Brown. 810 Llnreln Bldg. Sprue 7301. !!aiH ?J. PAntr AV1 ni...l..i , -. ' 328 N. PARK A VIC R..i,ilfi n" ......' perch. 2 batha. hardwood floera, tp.: ga raae apace. Oatz A Sena 115th ft Yerk ata. 1022 N. ?. V?A tP. AN.D 10, N- AMERICAN L5i.."5.80j 3-tery atere and dwelling. O. .SKIDEL A CO.. Inc.. 4th and Callewhlll C. ON 1BTH ST. cppealte Phlla. Hall Park uJXfi Sf tera anJdwalllnt. Albert F. Brown. 810 Lincoln Bldg, Sprue 788i: 'NVE8TORS 1410.18.20-J2 S. Newhlrk. Fer riPtnlla nnnault ritiWu M. lMn... V....1 F". ra..vihk VvV. oro-,eh 4(180 " -"' Bna aVnLSZP1. LbJH!l'Li roera MEIXNER. 8100 N. 22, 'tilVLZtai. i,-' iet MYERB ft BARTH. Rldae ave. and' 10th at. NEAR 13TH AND RACE STS-Stere front en main etret. with heuae en rear atreet. ARTHUR ROSWELL. 283 N. lath at DIAM0NP 8Z" "00 blk" 11 rma.: 20th. 3300 blU.. H rma.: E. Stella ave.. 33 ill 'eetment heuaea. Getnala. 2837 N, 10th. U0-40T I. 8TH ST.. let 30x111: nlll aell ".I"'8! make offer. O. C HEIDEL 4k CO.. INC.. 4th and Callewhlll. 314 N. LAWRENCE ST.. 2W-aterv dwell dwell dwell 4nc'.5j'oem,i eacrlflce. O. C. HKIDEL A CO.. INC 4th and Callewhlll. APT. HOUSE. 1847 N. 17th.. anlM k.. atone front. 14 roema. 3 hatha; new. hard hard wned floera: elec. R. E. HABIAN. 1707 N in ''O'tCtl FRONT, 10 roema; electricity, Dutch ..,. v.it.ueiu nt.r mini eargaini I4300, j, .ml. anil 1QTK tJi'it NG GARDEN ST.. near 18th: large 4 ".ty,,RrPrl'i brownatene frent: 20x117. ARTlltm BOSWEI.L. 233 N. 18th it 1 20S,.WT. VERNON, let 19x100 te Lemen atT; with ahen en rear. AllllHIll I1U8WKH, gas y 13th at 28i4 88D Pprch. 10 rma.. h -w. ht., hdw .... uuiiii nan, mane en. cany. 2547N.33d "22. W.r. -..NOJSJi?. BTi. room., aacri: " y...i.. gu., lam ana lerK IBiy W. HUNTINGDON fl roema: modern bath: main at.: 11000. Oeta. lUth ami S 1203 W. SUSOyEHANNA 10 roema: med. rrn, pargain: 1BUU0. UKT7.. lth and Ynrlt -3&ti Eyg7a7.hran'3'Yerk?t ir'M 3002 N. BAILEY 7. room., perch; J350O; bHrgaln. OETZ. ISth and Terlc. ''"" "AaiKRlOl- JLH5--..S!-! med.: peea. .... ...., ... rnuK, jua.en a maiana .'804 EMERALD ST, Nine roems: bargain. 1 1700. OETZ. 13th aral Ter urn, -3. J N. SYDENHAM Aaaeaaed JI800; rent 816: prlc 81800. OETZ. 18th and Ynrlr. 235J N. 19TH. Three-atery. 10 rma me" .1..., tHKnn fc"r .!. . ". e' -..... .......... .wi-jtt.. nun an, 1 lerK. HrECUlwVTION 4 heu.ea. 2800 blk. Hepe; .8 Yma : t2200 ea. OETZ. 16th and TnrV ....., .Ty..v. ue t ft, mm una lerK. .82200; bargain 12800 OETZ. 13th A Yerk! "a..- 'V."" ,r,m"-. ".e"-'- med.; vacant; ...... !.", men. uuqieiT ana inelana 8100 N. BAMRREY ft rma . hth a.. 1VI' ,n, x S3200. qeaa n-ett.- ..r -' .-- r.-'-. wmw.. n"'."i junaen ana inniana ave. MBO mjrris. Juat off Bread at 9 roema, in,- murr. ui.nn, loll WQIUIPDia. 27,'.8 N. 24TH 2 atnry. 7 roema. ahed. elec trlf One home Glenn 1317 Columbia. 1605 DIAMOND 2 btha, elec. Dutch hall fine erder: h w. fla. Olenn. 1617 Celumhla 3318 N. ISTH Perch front, 2 batha: 19x111 ,,,,-. i.,m,.,w,i. v., fu, .,,., v.uiurnnn 26S N. 16Tll-a stery: mnclarn .Im. . h.. weed fire.: 2 batha. Oeta. 16th and Tnrlt 1800 BLOCK W. Dauphin 7 roema; home wAi.iinnt cm.. i aviiF. ueis. letn and Yerk. 41 N. DELHI ST. Or., bath, perch frent: dea. nelahb'd. H.E Smith. 800 W. Erie ave. 213J N. ORATZ Perch front, 2 batha, elec elec trle: apartments Olenn. 1617 Columbia. 1714 N. 18TH 10 roema. h.-w. heat: apart. ments: geed loc. Olenn. 1817 Columbia. 3040-84 N. bTII ST.- O f.. l . p.. geed cend.i n.nv. ti'lg'd. U.K. Smith. 800 W. Erie ave. BAROAIN 2700 blk. N. 23d: 7 rms.. perch: A-l rend. Themas. 2117 W. Ihlgh ave 2231 HUNTINGDON 7 r . perch: let 18x00: nnanre. RAFFKRTY. 233H W. Huntlnsden. 2317 .MOUNTAIN 7 rma: geed cend.: vac. lerme: iehh. Jehn Delaher. 22d Taaker. 2210 ClbRRlTT 7 rma. geed cend; i.; lerma1 reaa. Jehn Delaher. -'2d A Taaker. i4n;i N. I8TII Three K-rnem apta.: J800U. Wm. Badler'w Sena. 1620 Columbia ave. Hulldlnr Tails. Fartery 8ltea, F.lf. blTES, railroad. Fanna. and Reading: 12000 per aere and up. DIETKRICH. 737 Walnut Bitalneaa Properties and Stares OROCBRY, variety atere. In the beat busl- neaa aectlen of Phlla.: enormous trade and (reed living quarters. Fer Information call 744 H. 4th at. . 2313 RIDGE AVENUE n&TrTue SAMUEL POLDER, FINANCE BLDQ. Factories, Warehenaes. Manufacturing Fleora I-ACIORIKS. warehouses, fleer space, cenault Muert nan. Land Title Bldg. spruce 23 1 1, FACTORIES warehouses, floera, land. JAS. L. STEVENSON ft SON, Land Title Bldg. FACTORIES, warehenaes, railroads; can finance. DIETER1CH 737 Walnut at. Stores and Dwelllnga 1288 N. 7TH 8T. Iirge atere and dwelling. facing 8 ata.: excellent location; $6800. MRS BRA.M. 1431 Spruce St. WEST PHILADELPHIA AS A RESIDENTIAL QUARTER SSth nnd Willows avi la most dslrabe; near the Park nnd Boulevard, with the Sherwood Field Club. Sherwood Improvement Aaaecl- ntlen, many churches, echoela, stores, etc., It la an Ideal community center, with trains unil ttelleya giving ample service: we have K few heuaea for aaie here and some of them nt reduced nrlces. ('. P1SMBERTON. Jr.. 813 Harrison Bldg. WE HAVE OTHERS, BUT If vnil buv 1U80 S. Salford at . 7 looms, for J4000, or any ether I have listed veu vlll alwaj-a remember "iron smiuis rnr an that's geed. Real Eatate, 69th and Larch Larch weed ive. lOU cannot eiuiil these within $"in of tuv mice: npw home, with Karaffe. inclnsed heated perch, built-in llle bath and built-in ennwer; nnriwoea noera inruuvneui, uuju Warrington nve ' 437 S, 44TU ST Detached, 10 roema, 2 all- tile baths inrlesen percn, launerv, sleep. Ing perch, hardwood (lenra, electric llghta. ateant heat; 27x100: 114,760. W. II. f,ON, Land Title H.dir. .Spruce 600 HALL, tt, .,, - , .. j - , .j mULZ. MI ACT TO AL1 WKWT FHnPKtrHIA, 800 MARLYN RD l roema, bath. ... 1000 ith.,.. naoe nS12 8anaem at., 8 roema, bath,,..,.. 5700 1721 H. ftdth at,, 0 roemei make offer. 608B Wlndaer terraca. roema. aaraga. 8200 LLEWELLYN q. HILL i... 228 Nt 8d at. Bell 21QO or 8113. . OTSH Hunter at.. 0 roema, .n ...t. nnr.h tl4l LESS THAN RENT paa fixed phargea and mtge. Inatallmant after amall caah payment: fin perch-front hpmea, 7.rpema: Oeajm av . ft.tri te n4lhi CI eee te B2d and Mark .1, MM rfaiivt aaaoe. 14700. ieuw, ABET4NETHY. 1828 Cheatnut at. S, W. COR. Slit and Mt. Vernen 12 rm. and balh. perch, geed cend.i epec for atere: valuable bualntaa property, 8033 Aipen at., 0 roema and bath, perch, atatlenary tuba. feed cend.i lelS-N. Felten at.. 0 roema and ath, perch, modern, geed location. Antnony Gallagher. 8700 Haverford av. Preaten 1807, 0642 Plr-TE BT. Will aatlafy an buyer who wanta a 4-bedroom, aeml-detaened, modern home of aturdy conatructleo and 1J' I Srevemenla. See it, then aee SHORTLIDGB. 11 S. 6th at. THIS IS SOMETHING GOOD "A Crawford lIeme In, Sherwoed: and bji; sauaa owner la lealng city tha price la only 18800. W. Earl Yonker, Blat above Balti mere ave, MODERN HOMES IN WEST PHlLA. Bend for our iaiai nai MR. 8HUL1.MAN PEMBHRTON REALTY CO. 812 B. 66th Woodland 6023 IMnur VarAnf 80O block S. Yewdall at. HOW Vacant, net.water heat: excellent : ! excellent condition, prices right, 8207 Baltimore ave. JOHN M. ENBURG, 5537 OSAGE AVE. ftMwd.-nV: Immediate pees,; 3 bedroema: laundry In basement. Owner. Call Mmday or evening.. 4229 REGENT ST. 3 aty.. P rma., perch, laund. tuba; near Clark Park: aelevt neigh borhood; peaa, 60 days, McClure ft Ce., 18 8, 40m 0346 CEDAR AVE. Semi-detached porch perch front heuae, 8 roema and bath, het-water heat, electricity; price reaaenable, D. P. Mc Kenna. 1882 Ft. Breeze. Oregon, 4214 6047 COLUMBIA AVE. Three atery, 10 roema, 2 bathat garage; meat attractive corner location In Philadelphia; muat be seen le be appreciated; owner 38TH WHITBY AVE. -Vacant; 2V4 -atery ( eemi-flaiacnee; moeern; roema; 101 jeia; In excellent conditien: price, only 87800 Camae A Ce.. O20O Woodland ave. 089 MARLYN ROAD OVERBROOK RBSI. DENCE; 0 ROOMS, TILE BATH: OA- RAGE. C. C. BKfNKERT: 300 LIBERTY BLDO. LOCUST 2082 4111 PINE ST. Three atertea. 12 roema and bath: let 18x100 feet te atreat: rent ilAi price S830O. WALTER C. REDDING. 3ft S. 17th at. 942 8. PAXON ST. Airtight, modern, hot het water heat,, electricity, hardwood floera; quick peaa.; ener muat aell. leaving city. JOHN M. liNHUIWi 04'U nammerj wvw, 10800 WILL BUY a modern home en wide, main atreet; geed condition; cenv. loca tion. JOHN M. ENBURQ.0207 Baltimore ave. 4027 CHESTNUT 3 aty.. B2r.. 3 hatha: ault. for apt. heuae; geed Imeatment. GEO. M. AMANB SONS. 1218 Cheatnut at. $3000 te $10.()00BDFAD'rL1? BAKER A BON, pgil and Baltimore ave. ONLY J630O, with gnrng: new home; 6617 Wlndaer ave.- convenient te Cheater ate. and flOlh at. cara 01 N. SALFORD End heuae, 8 roema; geed locatien: price reasonable. Leenard Frlea, 8420 Market at. 0323 THOMPSON Perch. 7r. and b.. newly falnted A papered: new roef: peaa. 30 dayn: ce 1680(1 Wm. C. Heyde. 16th A Snyilr. 3305 WALNUT 8 aty.. 13 rma., elec. lights; suitable for apta.; peaa, 80 daya; thla Is a bargain. McClure A Ce.. 18 S. 40th at. 4027 CHESTNUT Three aty.. 22r.. 3 bathe; suitable Jnr apt. nouae; n-ena invceimem. OEO M. AMAN'B SONS, 121B Chestnut at. 188 N. 84TH ST. rerch front, modern; 6 rooms nnd bath. E. J Martin. 140 N". 04th at. Belmont 8684. 0420 LARCHWOOD AVE. 7 roema, medrn featurea; Immediate poaaeaalen: price only 000. OREENWELL A DORNAN.422 S. 02d 4818 CHESTER AVE Seml-detacherl. let 30x1.18: 2 batha Phet e Lecuat 3879. ARTHUR BOSWELL, 233 ! 13th at. 394R PINE ST. 3 aty.. 10 rma.: sld yard; near .are; aelllng te rleae eatate: make of. fer. J. B. McCLURE A CO.. 18 8. 40lh 42D AND PINE STB. Four-sterv aeml-de- tached realdence: 818,000; early peaae- alen. ARTHUR BOSWELL. 283 N. 13th at. FOR SALE 8. W. cer. 60th and Catharine ata.: atera and dwelllnr- all modern; pea aaaalen. Apply Joaeph Flaher. 4th A Merrla, 4044 PARKSIDB AVE. (fivcintr the Park) I'ercn. n.-w. neat, eiec., e nearenm, . hatha: 18600. Wm C. Hevde. 16th A Snxler. 48TH HT.. B.. 000 Thirteen roema. modern; 812.000: eaav terms. POWELL. 262 a. S2d. 4829 BALTIMORE AVE.: 54x100. CUTLET. 006 B. 12 roems: 4th at. let 2524 B. 60TH 7 r.. h -w. heat. hdwd. fire., cleg.: pea.; reaa F. X. Daly. 22d A Snyder $77(10 N!n at.: let 16x122: medern: bar P''uwraln. Civ) McOIII. 6619 Serlnadelil. 14000 1027 8 60th. 7r.. nerch. eteirin, peaaea. F. a. uaiy, -.1 e anyeer ave. OVER 200 heuaea. 12200 te 110.000; will uuaina, s"i yur iiai. r.e..i...t. iej a. Pirn. 3-8TORT. perch-front houee, 11 roema and ; paina; rcsannaniF. ii.rnent una j, 0100 BLK. DE I.ANCEY Perch front. Dutch hall: aac. $4200. OETZ. 18ih and Yerk. ai.a.nj jvve sty., n r. ana Dam. eiec.. n. w. ; near L. Kerahaw fc Crewl. 821.1 Cheatnut. $4400 Twe atv.. Or. and bath, elec . hdwd. floera Kerahaw A CreU. 6216 Cheatnut Bnalneaa Prepertlea and Meres 0603 WOODLAND AVE. Stere and dwell ing: nn: Juat built; geed business aectlen; 2 atety; nbaelutely medirn; already financed; little caah required; poasesslen. Woodland 4043 J Ritllrilng Leta BUILDING LOTS 68 lets north aide of Walnut at , both aides of 67th at. nnd th aeuth alde uf Saneem at Apply te I. BOYLAN 320 Welghtman Bldg. OEtnlANTOiVX BEAUTirUL detached home, 9 rooms hot het water heat eiectrlcltv, hdrduoed floera: front lawn, $8280. lOd E. Walnut lane. Ow ner. $3000 0 RMS, i. bath, laundry tuba, sd. loc. PARKER & SPAETH 2012 f helten ave. 3817 Qtn, ave. 8228 ARCHER ST. Excellent outleok: .1 Story. 10 roema and ' baths: mmt.ni. anrni conditien: bargain WALTER C. REDDING. 39 S. 17th at. 9 ROOMH, h .-. he.it. tiled bath. med. 2 te'V, 1 q. te Otn. ave.; $0800: no agent". P 1314, Ledger Office, BPitlNOFIELD One block from station. ..Jf'.S11"" Plirt0.f sPrlngeld: let 00x130: $13110; owner. Caljnejs8ia3W. 11S I-VJA JJ JLTnisai I Station). $18,000 and upT ARTHUR BOSWELL. 233 N 13th at. 1.I(I.N HANDSOME semi-suburban Tiega home, with 12 roema, 2 tiled batha" 2d fleer aun parler: house In A-l corMltlen: well appointed and thoroughly medern1 In everv reanect, Thla home 1b out of the ordinary, which a careful inspection will show- A and Tleea ata. la an excellent location,' nd near 3 It, R. atatlena. posaessleu July let Inspection by appointment only. Phene owner, O. R. Wright, Tiega 3472 WEIDNER PLACE Nlmv roema. perch, h -w ,'e.al',.J.li'c,Ilc"y- l)lll'ard roem: garage E. , HOffSON. 3628 N. Bread at. OLD YORK ROAD and Boulevard "mTn .nV'l "U mdern. WEI8MAN ft MELOIN. 4908 N, Bread at, Wyoming 4004 022 WYOMING AVE. -Two-.tery. het wlt"r heat, electrclty. hardvoed floors, tile bath; rcai.nn.ihle, owner en premises "h3"w h:,1.OT.,1.c0p:4 p2rk perc"' 7 repniaT n.-w. neat, elec, hdwd. floors, near train trolley, eaay terms Cooper. Otn 2(122.1 22 OiTH AVE. Seven rooms, aide ard and Min parler: let 2ixl60. Apply en premie"" CHESTNI7T HILT. MODERN ' dwga i Ir, i Wvndmoer; $8000 and up JENKINTOWN TRUST CO. MOUNT AIRY $7800 Semi-detached 8 rooms and laundry. 1 mluuta te tram and truilej. It. it.n. lead. r . 1.9, ...-tiger . nice MAX MTATB tOK tAXJI WAWKfOKD PRANK FORD Modern Encllah. dwelllnaa, priced lew: cenv. location! Pllllnt at,, bet. ?rthodek alid Arrett sts., 3 blocks west of rankferd av,: lets 80x128; garages, nreby 4 Evans, 1007 Lincoln Bldg. Spruce 7390. HOUSES, 67 rooms; convenient location aema electric: vacant: price and terms rea- sormeie, Mann, ei aenn si,, a.te s r. , lnTNOALOWS with rae.t rooms first fleer, lateat Improvements. Purr. Fkd.0522 TOERKWDAMC Bull4anjrrs 1 AND 5 ACRE TRACTS 1700 per acre: main read: adjoins golf clubs Ut T. BEECHWOOD. 1611 Arch . OLNKT NEW RUSCOMB HT. HOMES, between 2d and 3d ata., 1 block north of Roeievelt Beulevard: 8 rooms and bath, h.-w. heat. In In eleaed perch: eaay tarma. EMIL P, BTAHL, 8209 N. 3d at. Wyoming B723 J, . 1800 CASH buya beautiful modern home, 224 w. nanera ave., cleae te incarnation Church: .7 rms,. Inclesed perch, wide atreet, Jted section; Imm peasess. s 47 ami 76 trol trel y. ABERNETHY. 1323 Cheatnut at. PENNSYLVANIA gUBUKBAN PROSPECT PARK $5800 Semi-detached atone-and-etueco heuae, (I roema and balh: reed location. 17800 Ntaw mineral stucco house, 0 rooms an.JA,hi1e8llant neighborhood. 18000 Bunralew, living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, 4 bedrooms and bath, open fireplace, etc.; large Jet. . . BIDLBY PARK , tOOOO Detached heuae, 0 rooms and bath, modern cenveniences: garage. .,. . OLENOLDEN 16300 Detached heuae, 0 rooms and bath, modern, het-water heat, etc: financed. R. H. ALLEN, 810 Prospect ave. Moere, Pa. Phene Ridley Park 41 W. COLONIAL farmhouse. 13 roems: large barn and outbuildings; 60 acres of fine level land; en State highway; thla Is a geed buy: can alvs Immediate possession; must sell tiulck. 100 OTHER FANCY BARGAINS BENJ. T. LEVIS. 21 SOUTH AVE.. MEDIA. PA. PHOrTR MEDIA 438. COUNTRY STORE property en Philadelphia Harrlshurw State highway, wltn Philadel phia trolley line passing; atone building with larg storeroom. 12 living rooms, bath. electricity, garage for 3 ears, old shade, fruit, gasoline atatlen, let 180x300 ft.; pries I800O for real eatate and ateek. J. M. FRONBKIELD, Wayne, Pa. COLONIAL heuae. 20 rooms, bath, wide perches and targe lawn: M mile of creek frent: 130 acres of land: this would make a fine recreation or church heme: low price for ?ulck sale; immediate poaaeisien: loe ether arm bargains Phene Media 488. BenJ. r. Levla, SI Seuth ave.. Media, Pa, ATTENTION. CLUBS! Twe dwlllnga, quarter acre of greund: main read: aarage: cleae e Neahamlny Creek: price J2200. DANKELMANN. 2830 U. 6th at. HALF twin brick heuae. 9 roema. all med em cenvenleraies: 6 minutes' walk from depet: beat neighborheod: muat sell en ac count of change of position. Price I620O, terma, one-half caah, JOHN RORER. North Wales. Pa. HANDdOME plastered brick heuae. 8 rooms, with central hall. bath, attic, kitchen, front rear pehea, h.-w. floera, elec,. ateam heat: let 00x160 ft: garage & stable; IfiOOO. Owen B. Jenkins. 121S Land Title Bldg. BROOMALL Fine bungalow; let 100x130. . X.1!" 0l ahade. 1 aquare te cara: price $8000: carrying chargea $28 per menth: only $1000 caah required. CHAS. W. RUSSELL 306 Real Eatate Bldg.' COUNTRY hornet large heuae; garage, barn. chicken heuaea: fine lawn, beautiful ahruh- bery: electric And running ,p.i.. in n bulidlnga tenant heuae; 32 acrea; near Cyn wyn, ii.ii, ,., i". r-i,np uynwyn aev w. SUBURBAN home for sale: atone residence; large perch: let 60x200 feet; en edge of Yerk read golf ceurae. Phene OsenU 82 W for parttculara ROSEMONT Meat attractive realdence. con taining 15 roema 2 batha: might consider renting. L. M. Hudnut. 824 Resl Eatate Truat Bldg. CHEAP BUY In Delaware Ceunty: will eacrtflce. 4 Ieta for. caah: geed building lean can be ebtained: location near Swarth- mere: geed transportation 1 me, , p AT r A SACRIFICE: building locations IS ml ea from Phi erixlnh a? mnn .......!" tlen: improved property; can arrange for building lean. P 1409 Lartg.r OfflceT BRYN MAW Montgomery ae., large at. tractive stone heus. 17 roema. 4 hatha TruafBldk "" "UdnU, 32 ""' LAST I.ANSDOWNR. 63 T..t. ... r-. lal atone and shingle, 8 roema. hath, attic, a perchea. gaa. electricity, het-water JiVT.i lai-ge let: priced for quick sale. ' MILIBOURNIJ-Med. atone and atuoce semi semi nJS5,w"emV "'.' ImPfyvemsnta: flniT CleVv. B42Q West Cheater read '. POUTIIAMPTON 12r. frame dwg.; cenv.; .$9.h l?,e'WTl?v- 'J ahade; near ata.: $7(100. W. Ferreat Magea. Southampton. A. Dw!S. X!h.TAl' f.1r ,0giaphlcl map of r.J SM' '-heel'r , Pike and Larchmont. Chaa. V.. Ru anil. 306 Real Eatate Bldg. L0.IrS.,.es., V'f1 Chr Pike. 80x200. "only . 600; atreet lmpreements In. p u" Ledger Office. ' DJ?2r .peu.', rr topographical map of Weat nfi$VTr, plekrf. "Jd Larchmont CHAS. W RUSSELL. 80,'. Real Eatate Bldg. uaasuuh.nk Elecn rooms and bath- us. tlon.he,..a-,erheatr'93'r:i1rn':; .,E.Y-II?SDetl,enI.'1 8'0n rejldenc.. con . '",,""?? U1 .r0S'T."'2 baths: near atatlen. L M. Hudnut, 334 Real Eatate Truat Bids Building Leta GLEN0LDEN Lnts 60x110 $330: $10 down. $1 weakly: epp high school. w. .. uccviiHuun. ion Aren. ''AeOOWNi: ,-.0-ft. leta en Imp. streets, $1000 "Pi corner $1200: will build for purl .. .. ...,,...nj. j inmw ,,ansaewnn ii.T UOLLINupALE. PA. Desirably locatedleTs; amldat Improved property; eewera, water." r.i.. ri"c,tTlcl.,i-'..mp:' transportation fa Itiea S. C. ADAMS. 1418 Walnut at. ,,J.N.'!;J20W Nn 3-'t' ,0(" or Impr. atreeta. $1 W0 up. corner. 11200. will build for purchasers. CLAYTON. 81 S. LansdewS. ave. Open Sunday. Phene Lanadewne; 1971. AI.D4.N fllE lllfKIEST BAROAIN In Delaware County; 2 Rldleytve.; opposite park: $10,000 home for $8500; new. single, corner 7 rooms, treakfact room, tile bath, oak fleer, fire place: 2 squares tn train anrf trlli,v IK mln. m.lnu,t'! from 60th at., 2 equarea vv'cat from Aldan trolley atatlen. Ol.Olter: M. BRICKER en premises BRYN MAWB $8800 Attrac. email home, dot.: geed order; near eta. K. F. SELLERS. 1201 Chestnut. 11URHOI.MF. '142 OAKLET ST. II -w. ht . elec. Duteh l?l.'t.!iJ"PU!v-i lv"n: t,lln house, let 33xS0. RAPFE'ItTY. 238S W. Huntingdon t rei.LINODALE $J390i) VvILL BUY an up-te-date house in Celllrurdala, terma te ault. 6 r., balh, mod ern. PURDY, t Cheater pike. Darby. Darby CYNwyn CYNW'YIJ Cor.. 177x150 ft.: Ideal location. 1 10 AC1 1. 410 8, Bread. Spruce 02U3 DBEXKL HILL THE OPPORTUNITY of the aelsen. gentfe" man's hema en let 120x120. overlooking Arnnlmlnk Country Club: 0-ruem house and double garage, het-water heat, eiectrlcltv. hardwood floors, tiled bath. 2 perches, open fireplace, sunny breakfast room, etc. Man alive, It's a buy! SHORTLpOE.811 S;J56thst. DREXEI. HILL HOMES. Walter C. Reddlnt. 39 S. 17th, Philadelphia Founded 1S32. ELK1NH PRK NEW Colonial type, en cer. let. containing 10 rms . 2 batha. het-water heat, hardwood floors, cenv te train or trolley, financed te suit Mccormick 4 McCermlck. Lincoln Bldg or Elklna Park. NEW Colonial tvpe, en cer. let: eent'g 10r.. 2 baths, h.-w. lit., h.-w. floera, renv le train or trellev. financed In suit. Mrt'ermlck ft McCnrmlck Lincoln Hide, or Elklna Park. SAI ESTATE TOltlAL.. PENNSYLVANIA BPBtTBBAM KRDENHEIM TEKKACB. ERDENHE1M TERRACB, PA. Suburban leta; gas and electricity: cement walks; train and trelley: low tax rate, JENKINTOWN TRUST CO. FOLCBOrT IS ELMWOOD AVE. Beautiful 7-room tucce home,, near P. R. R. station; elec tricity, Dutch hall, plpeleas heater: garage; only l year pi a: can no an ni. BCHWARTZ, 2S0B W. Lehigh ave. FOX CHAHK COTTMAN AVE., home leta near nialng Sun 1 ave,, $23 caah, $3 monthly; choice, loca leca loca teon: Vend for plan" C. PEMUERTON. Jr.. 4 S, 18th at. . OI.KNHIDK $8800 STUCCO, 7 rooms, bath with built in tub, hardwood floera, open fireplace, breakfast nenk: IH Wecka te center of tewn: excellent bargain: It will pay you te consult our llt we have henica ranging from $5800 up. Holcomb t Furman, Olen side, oppeslts station, Open dally and Sun day. . NEW 7-room beuse, thoroughly modern, $6300; twin heuae, new being erected. 7 roema. open fireplace. $6800; new 2 -atery Colonial heuae, 4 bedrooms, het-water heat, open fireplace: large let: near atatien: tiai tain at $10,600. Holcomb ft Furman, OIn aide, opposite atatlen. Open dally and Sun day. OLEN8IDE A home with spacious grounds, beautiful trees and shrubbery; near train and trelley: splendid surreundings: large, attractive Hiring room, with handsome stair way: white and mahogany trim througheut: electric, h.-w. heat, hdwd. floera: large 2 2 atery garage; priced at $21,000, HOWARD B. WH..BON i;u., 312a uermaniewn y, BRAND-NEW alngl 7-room dwelling: large roema: excellent locatien: price $6600: alto new Colonial alngla dwelling, 4 bedroema. $7800. RENNINOER ft RENN1NOBR, Qlen- side, Ps.. opposite station, ogentz 7Q A NEW OFFETUNQ at $16,600: large, hand some H -atone dwelling en Eaaten rtmd nea' atatlen: A-l conditien: garage privilege; see this aYid ether. Rennlnger ft Rennlnger. Olenalle, pa. Open every day. DETACHED realdence. Roberts ave. Seven roema, bath, large IIMng room, fireplace; 3-car garage, let 80x130; $10,000. Phene Ogentx 1243 R. NEW buslneas sites In heart of Olenalde; Ideal location. FEROUSON JOHNSON 2666 Oermantewn ave. Phene Diamond 7163. Ttulldlng Leta QLENSIDB The heart of Olenalde. Watch for our open ing of 600 fine building sites. Send fur par ticulars. FEROUSON JOHNSON 2686 Oermantewn ae rhene Diamond 7163. HATRORO MODERN, brick dwelllnga en Byberry ave.: one-third of an acre; geed locatien: te cleae an eatate. Jenklntewn Trust Ce.. Tr. DESHIABI.E dwg. en Yerk read. 10 roema. med., gar. and eutbuildings: large let; te cleae an estate. Jenklntewn Truat e . Tr. HIGHLAND PARR S -STORY detached dwelling. 9 rooms, elec tric, het-water heat, laundry, hardwood floera. fireplace; le; 60x123: 810.300. II, S. MILLER. 1182 N. 62d at. Belmont 0778. HIOHLAND PARK Modern shingle bunga low. 6 roema and bath; let 80x113; $7780. Oeo. L. Barnes. 1201 Cheatnut. Walnut 4888. HIGHLAND PARK Modern shingle bunga low. 8 rooms and bath: let 60x118; $7760. Oeo. L. Barnes. 1201 Chestnut. Walnut 4683. JENKINTOWN 3-STORY DETACHED HOUSE and stable. let 110x200, 13r.. 2 batha. e'ec. and gas light, ateam heat, oxcel. cend.. pesaJune 1. J. L. Stevenson & Sen ffrSOT'13 OWNER leaving; quick aale: det. stone, 10r.; large let. 7O220. TRANK. Jenklntewn. MODERN atone dwellings. $8800 up; geed 10 10 catlens JENKINTOWN TRUST CO. UNHIMLK LARUE RESIDENCE and greunds: large perches: fruits, old ehad-. modern conveni ences, within commuting distance of Philadel phia: furnlehed, eummer or all ear round. P 1032. Ledger Office LANSDOWXK NEW Colonial dwelling, modern througheut: 8 liedroema: let 73x125, nar trolley le 69th at., $12,000. Clayten Realtv Ce , SI 8. Lanadewne ave. I.ana 1971. Opn today. LAWNDALE CORNER property and garage, containing 0 rooms, bath and attic, ground 100x140. well planted with fine shrubbery, fruit and ahade treea: 6 minutes' walk tn train and trolley, churches. eterea. schools and meUea; price $12,800. Apply 0428 Uakly at . STONE AND STUCCI i dUched hnu. all conveniences, let 7."xl2H: price $10 sen. Apply owner. 910 SI Vincent at. Iiwndale. MERlOrt 100 CAR..FULLY ratrlcted building Ieta. all atreet Imprevementa. high ground, 13 minutes from Bread St, 'Station. Hugh 8. Walker. 625 Land Title Bldg. Spruce 4237. HOLLOW TILE, Colonial, ID rooms. 2 bitlu, let 68x143, price $14,000 WM. C. CLAOHORN. I2IS Chestnut at. NORTH WALES MNOLE brick house. 10 rooms, all newl remed'led and nil modern conveniences, brltk5?rac'. for"..car'" b,rn and ether euibulldlnga. let 90x132 fet. 2 aquare from trains and trellev. aaerlfle: price $6WO JOHN RORER. North Wale. Pa SINGLE br'ck house, all modem conveni ences; 2 acres of greund: near trains and trelleys: terms: price $4800. JOHN ROriER, North Wales. Pa I'AOM ONE ACRE with 12-room house, bath, heat elec. gas. chicken heuaev garage. 10000. T M. FRONEFIELD. Wavne. Pa. ROSLN PARK Building Lets "SnT.?. r,A,RK.(.?,ft Olenalde) -fTirn' and trelley: lets 1200 up, vvatar. gap elec iSfv JsrJIL0W."' .w?0'. L0....e.-. wn Suburban I Pheti- fnd Ce. 2086 Oermantewn ave rheri WYNCOTE A DE,2.,5,AJl!!!r.LS:e'v,r'ea in WvntSte: JENKINTOWN TRUST COMPANY NEW JEKSEV SI BlIKWav "" FINE Colonial home in plcturcsqu vlllaL,i en edge of Dlanar Valley beautiful 1 jmiln. an.4 , I.m a aI.I ........ ...I . ' . HY, j. .. ,.."". ... -li.ev, wtcunru. out buildings, 9j a,re rich lend. I acrea wiwiils 12 rooms, bath fine water supply store, posteffice and modern hatchery poultry farm nearby; geed fishing vlclnltj. a M-hole golf ceurae could 1 made at amall expen. geed toad te atatlen. l'i mllea, 48 mlnutea te Trenten: !' heura Iv nute te Philadelphia, "vcupien ey owner pr ce .111100 Owner Bex 9'.', Trenten N .1 v..... . , '.j.-ttT. i" ,,N I -. -. ,, i"ivu,n u.tv.ttiia, nun ii.ni ,.iiu ... ..."""' land Light-room ,lwe nr ullh rnnveiiieiicea. I a,.. i..j .-1... ;...,. ,...,...-,'.: finil llfirh achn,ll .. ..-",. t,,I1 .JUl, l'IIIC, llC.ir UCICl ' One-acte leta, near depot and high school, ether property of ever description LOUIS R. LEDDON Clayten. N .7 FOR SALE Furnished bungalow at Beach Beach weed. N J,, large screened perches, sun parlor, garage cellar lit 80x200, a few min utes walk from atatlen and beach, sell at a aacrlflce un account fettling eatate. Ad dreas (.' C. WARREN, Suite H04. 203 Hroud Hreud way. New Tork. BROWN'S MILLS LOTS 43-17, nmenneil pun for sale, will encrlflie. A M. Hlnirt 2039 r-emereet at. CAMDEN ABOUr 1 acre. Coopers Creek and 17th at . Camden: attractive factory site; reasonable ADAMS. 932 W lhg, .1. i'OLi.ixt.swoen !J. , h en "n Improved street, with rt ..r,00"!' l7,n: UB'1 (UlU'' "" modern -en venlences Inclesed perch just being em rini"" ?SRL tan lwnnaiic.,le. $10.10 Cd of ifSl ?e IkC," L"n !'""ll"n " ''he 01. lffV.t or lll for Sllnii.l amvilnl,,!.,,! BRICK HOUSE with 0 moms bith-remcnl enres. that Is within 1 euuar- of tn.ln " trellji can he. flniinced en t00n CeliincV Ce.UUtV, t '-" -" - fhone STOKES AVE.. ' '$fl6eiir:.sv7r fraTTie 21, ' J Black. Penna PYt "hlppeVJ' Fiif." u"!"1 I ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED med house spiry. 11 looms and bath, all renvenien.e. fl 1 r-vm t h . . S ' rl w I U ..Jvla In Melrise Park summer months, large 0? X&l ,0noedM803rh0nB ''nneun,30ni'u irnX.$ ";' V'.Va'pfeWy ?' -- 'T JliluIttrLi, I TT 1 i ' asiaas I MAT WTATK TO AL WKW JTtMHKY HPtlPlfAW CLAYTOW NEW 8-room atone dwelling, with conveni cenveni ences: acre land; geed location, near depot and Jtlgh Scheel; also ether properties. 1.QU1H R LEDDON. Clayten. N.,J. FAiavnw FAIRVIEW We are selling and renting new S sndiO room brick dwellings, with every convenience, in this beautiful suburb; call and allow ua te explain our terma. Office. Ceilings snd , Kearsargs reads. Falrrlaw. Tieilev and bus from Market St. Ferry, Camden, direct te deer. Open Sundays, m.jn.rw m jnurnnjn. DETACHED 4. room house, large lawn: en easy terms. ROSNER. Alabama and Col Cel lings rd. Bell phone 8103 J. Patrvlew, Camden, . MOOKIMTOtVN EXECUTOR'S PUBLIC SALE OF REAL . ESTATE On Tuesday, May 16, 1922, at 2 P. M.. of following desirable real estate In Moorea Meorea Moerea tpwn, ?. J., belonging te Kstate of Jehn C. Belten, deceased: dwelling Ne. 243 W. Main at.: dwelling Ne. 239 W. Main at.: double dwelling Ne. 24S-2A0 W. 2d at.: 2 nne build ing leta with bulidlnga suitable for altera tion Inte dwelllnga; for further particulars apply te UUHLLNOTON COUNTY TRUST COMPANY Executer. Moeraatown. N. .T, WKST COLLTNOBWOOD SIX rms. and bath, het-water heat: en Col Cel .!.ln? av" orlee 18800. Sen Leuia Hlaae, 400 Rlchey ave. (Hadden Helghta car.) WOODBURY HEIOHTH MCDERN, fine realdence large roema. h.-w. r.nlah and h.-w. floors, open fireplace, gaa, water elec,; parage for 8 cara: ever an acre In grounds; right nt station; 06 tralna dally; fine lawn, shade and ahrubberv. Fer par U?ul5,r" "V.ly le JOHN MAYlfEW, owner, Woodbury Hlrrte, N. J, NEW JKKHEV SEAHHORK 1 SALE 2032 Aabury ave.. new bunga- low. complete, bath. gaa. electricity; nar station and beach. Owner, en .premlaea. tj ayv i a nullum, V OC.lCAN -ITY We hae a wonderful selee- A!?.V..i'-Fft!aen '0'". I" nd up. TOWNBLNp ft CO Kth and Have Sthand Haven ave. ATLANTIC CITY ATIANTIf" CITY - Seuth Stratford ave nu' .t0"m 4 baths: garage; near ocean. WORRELL. 688 N. 17th WH.I)WOC)D CREST NhW up-te-date cottage bungalows, n roema, bath with lndlldual garages, $1000 each. Palm read and Pa Idc ne Ms rtle. read and Philadelphia nve .Kfr".p.,,"J,.,."t,v" en premlaea Sundav or FUI.D. MOORE ft COOK 3218 H at. Oar. 0413 Kensington and Allegheny avea , Phlla PENNSYLVANIA FARMS PUBLIC SALE Improved 03-acre farm for eatate James IJurnMt. Saturday. May 6, jl 2.30, located outskirts Trooper. 1 mile Chest nut Hill trolley and William Pnn hllchway. within 1 narefara Norrlalewn; 19 mllea Phlln City Hall, handy te Valley Ferge, real cen tral suburban location for commuter or mar ketman: borders 2 atone reada extended Iwb, Colonial sten dwelling, complete act farm bulidlnga. fruits, ahade. stream, trac ter flelrta. unlimited peaslbllltla: obtainable In neighborhood $00O, detailed circular, ap pointment te Inspect through Recae ft Lin derman. agents. Airy and Church ata , Nor Ner Nor rtatewn. MODERN FARM 230 ACRES 26 MILES FROM PHILADELPHIA On hard read: near atatlen and trellev: atone heuae. 14 roema, heat, electric light, hatha, modern plumbing, hardwood floors. uvru ,iiia,-?R. pgrencs. iawn eia anaae, artesian water, atone garage for 2 cara. atone barn for 28 head: buildings hae alate roefe: 130 acrea In cultivation, balance In meadow orchard and woodland. A S??.'?i..?I.ea'u'tle farm, and prlrad right. OWNER M llll. LEDOER OFFICE. FINE FARM. 187 acrea. 17 miles aaphalt reads te CHy Hall. Philadelphia; owner's realdence. electric llghta. het-water heat, cp n nrplcea. beautiful lawn and hd, jxtended view; large atable and carriage house, modern cow barn. 48 head: tnant heja.s, purest water in abundance: all nee earary bulldlnra. macadam reads each aide and through farm; 14.000. buildings could net be replaced fei $30,n00. FARM, 2024 N. 10th t . Phlladlphls. Pa. MODERN rAHM near State read and trel- lej all cennlences. fruit, weeds, mead- ew. stream 204 W. Court at.. Dovlcatewn NEW JERSEY FARMS FINE HOME In suburban town, H hr. Phlla hy electric line; stores, achwila. church's; reflned neighborheod: .-acTe let: 63 fni't treea all kinds: berrlea. nicely painted dwelling with 8 roema. bath, running wi5""! iliralrf. KV' electricity, flephene; old shade: poultry heuae for 100 hena; ewnr Includes garden crops and 23 laving hena: price ,. .00. part cash: poa.esalen. muat N an le b appreciated. Othr farma. Wal ter DeCamp. 27 Cooper at , Woedburv. N, J. FINE HOME In suburban town, u hour PMIa by electric line, stores, erhoeu churches, refined neighborhood, s. -acre lef 88 fruit trees, all klnda: brrles. nicely painted dwelling with S rooms bath, running 2"E .neater. ca. electricity, telephen. pld shade, poultry house fur 100 hena, owner Includes garden crops and 25 laving hena. prlte L.eOO. part cash, poasesslen. muat be een te In -ippreclated: ether farms. Waller Pef amp 27 Cooper st . Woedburv. V J OniO FARM WRITE for our big farm catalogue; 300 har Balna; 20 counties represented, big State map free .MASTERS FARM AC.ENCY. Cambridge. O. B. E. SALE OB EXCHANGE FOR SALE or exchange for Phlla. real ea- I tate. a med furr. or nnfiirn in....- . fluicc.".J!S!,;8.5n !et ,M,I'!s u" w ngfl'W Del. County. 12 mln. from 09th it Terminal All particulars at 802 S. Ith at .Phlla -i - ' "" BEAL ESTATE SALE OB BNT 4020-31 N8TIL Rapidly growing bus. ac : beautiful modern ateres, apta , cuneer scrcerwri sun parlors, gaa kitchens, hwd floors. Il.-W. h.at. senarata ! ... ' U's" .l'V1".' """"bl ny bualness. financed "r satisfactory leaaes Apply 410 Ru.cnmh reilT WASHINOTON'. PA Mansion house. IK rooms. 2 baths, atable garaga. "ft acres, suit eanltarlum, etc easy tnns I KENNEDY 400 5 Van Plt st OARAOE and dwelling. Apply L. Realty Cn . 71S Spring Oarden at. Fine BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE PRACTICALLY new 6-rdem heus-. all enn-1 Mill Ml St asala.l .- a. . .. ' veillentea. lecited near Orrrnn anr Ifith, '" "HI consider exchanging for sedan. vu eiuuj v 01,, j-eeer umee. BEAL ESTATE WANTED wr n ,.-t. .,. .. t ... . ...,(..," , n" J" Purcnase homes ' .of H-uad and aeuth of Locust sta , If '" ,.eu' it, e-11, 111 veur nOUS.M Mllh US n.i chaig) unlea successful Whiteside ft McLaiialinn 1.MI, .... ni.T. ... w & ' "'" nlJ UiVTI'll. Fnplnr, 3rt eon . .. . ,,;. 1 ...-'.."'.'""''. " ' ,.; ,. e,r kruunij, must nave H. R. aMi2b.- wJ "."'.. Zi,h eptl" ,0 Purchase. 1 Ailert Hall Lund Title II d Spruce 2818 i0,li.M- .mfrlci1 ceuPle. wants furnished I -.Tiiii.. ...."'"" "erniantewn, Chest- Hill Vlcltlitv. ffaraea rtr.n....l ...... 11 ms P 1407. Idfer &neV. ""' """, ' l26ne.ughrVen.ra-e.,'"'-"5 ry,N7,,Aw'.1.'.1.' PUnhaae for" Investment ""'".. O . C. bElDEL t CO ,"'" 4 h 1 ann lauewhlll , ANTED Furnished bungalow- or fTrnT- .h - 'n. -Montgomery County, net mei 1 office cm -1U M '" '"1'r 3.0,rc.n.'JJO l:vET"ln iiniall andHrsTTTtP c. 'r- PHl.lnr-'In'1a.t'Wc,!l.v,.rnmn, "nsw.r e. t Hhini.Ii A CO Inn. 4th & Callewhlll CAN SELL rent, exchnira nr .Mptn.v. veur property eillck re.nll. men..... charges c l. SCHI.ICHTER 2(10 S lKlh 1 vv ii.i. open a branch erfic t seilj N ath our listings solicited In N i: section llenry C. Slnex. Realtor. 16111 Paasvunk a?" u .i.'i8 "alllns for apt property; ever 180.00 central or Wait Phlla - ILKIN HAIVTj 3 24Vh, "i t n u t PROPERTIES wanted m flfttn wi rd PbuJeT; valtir.g rents end In.ere.t cel.ecea "' li iriiLTJJ cjnsiM-.ivi 21nr. Catharine .ai 111 lir.AIl from owner h.,i.. . ' ... n.i-r. i.ihk -results waas V Huntingdon st. "' 5T. ilARTINH akW.xe a. a. - - X J 2. i mivr. sWtawi WANTED Centraf real Mtatei'maM,! """ " a. waney, isssi nsj ,fi RENTS and Interest eellfctMi rslaH,l turns. OlBSON. 629 B.Tferead, 'V raewles. Waretsaw. Mas FACTORIES and warabnuaaa far aArJ.nJl! w'lh n. n. or wtUievti from 80.000 sq ft; havj.ByrgwatlnsJ. DIEtERICH.-TST WalnilL ' ' - i mil BqJLUlflX Itg WANTED Let for steraga of lumbers I contractor's plant, within 4 m!av renter of city approximately 10,066 Makl font. Rebert K. Lairib Cn,, 843 N. IttV s) PENNSYLTANIA SCBPaVBAlT 80 FT. LOT near Otenslde. with walsr , in s.rcei, i- lam, linger umee. WILL TAKE let as part ns.ymi'nt for air , f. atn. house, thorenghly med. P 1818 L. Q73i , k FAKWW BEAL ESTATE FOR BENT CITY DESIRABLE floors for, rent; light manufssle luring or office; Includes heat; low ratitv 10 TO 20 ACRES, either Improved or unltml preed. suitable for poultry; locate Ti Pennsylvania en main read within SO mtlM of Philadelphia. A 028. ledger Offles. 7 A 10IH-102Q Arch at. Apply owner, en vnmsf'ii 7 LAROE re-ima and bath, electric light. tan"f; Vkl "fi netacnea, rsirmeuni r-arg iec.; rent ISf ;r. . v!'5 rt.-f'f j. m,.v.. ...a eiir.ui.L, y,. FOR SUMMER months, furnished, 9 wtn sna eiumDia ave.: rers. t iev.v. WM. SADLER' SOr?S. 1826 Columbia ave J?f. ' A 3137 N. BROAD ST. - Stere, 20x63: suitable.-; -J.!ti'm for deltcateaaen immedlste possese..ii!5' Appiy Crunble. 3143 N. Bread at. CHESTNUT ST near 19th Dwelling Mrtfif'' ever physician's effice: oeaaesalon In Juaat. " .Ht: ARTHUR BOSWELL. 288 N, 18th at. 'T fC ui.ibi'ai,mii purcn irenc; 11 roeme; g-yi .IjjrA batha: third fleer auluhle for apartment. JVi ceniain.ng a rooms ann nam, pel. U8M J.?V.ilv2 4128 LANCASTER AVE ,fssf!T,m.msm rent, sue iimie rt. ANTHONY unK.ii. aiuq iiaverrerq ave, Preston lu9Jnri 9$i?4 rujijj. Jiuiit, in ytn st. section of WMr 'JWifl Pnlla.. reasonable rent; for 1 jear: vSSiT lW4iS aeaalen June IS, P 1603. Ledger Office. j. fij?J Mat renovated rent tl'JO: ein for lnspsc2f .'MV tlen. Klllltu'er, 731 Walnut et.t j V.ft 401 N. MTU ST l.ir. amp an mm .a)-. rms. 3 hatha, tin and elen In wan, rm - ,f 716 SPRINT OARDEN Stere and 12-rearail V5fTC dwelling 604 N. FRANKLIN Dwelling. 12 rooms andtj. ,Ai bath, gaa and elec. In vsry room. 'Jt( 1318 W. ALLEGHENY AV 10r. ft 2 batKsH 'ivi $100 per me. Crumble. 3143 r). Bread st.'f laa N bread r, 20xtui, juat completed!" lb: geed loc. rcstaur't. Crumble. 3146 N-RreaS,-' . .''J . '"- "I- " . -- -"-' si -- 1 , .. at A readi Bnalneaa Prepertlea and Stares SHOW ROOM for rent. North Bread at ft. frontage, a noere, 8000 sq ft., elevator and rear entrance, suitable for automebths- agencj or accesaerlea. located Inr heart ef-f automobile dlatrlct P 1401 ledger Office. "' ONE-HTORY IJUILDINO. 10x100 Ne. 2jfI3 N, 16th at. (above Race): suitable ahep.i garage, service atatlen. BOSWELL, 233 N. 13jh st. ' i' FOR RENT en Ien; lease bualneaa preptrtyTii en north side of Market at. below 60tb st. Apply EDWARD J. KIRCHNER. J' 1201 Stephn Qlrard Bldg. Phils. STOIIE """"? Very desirable atere In the Hanscom Bleek. 32d and Market ata.. at reaaenable rental. T Appiy c. iu. iiyyeucji. ?as Market st. DESIRABLE OFFICES for rent In mek)rn, uuiiu.us. .'. .. corner vm ann WMnufiT sts Apply Superintendent. Roem 200. -r" CENTRAL OFFICES nf lights: able. Wllla-Wlncheatar Ce 21 real n a. 16th at-j Facta rles. Warehouses. Manufacturing g ry,. r? SECOND FLOOR. 6200 square feet. mederaS) factory building light en all eldes. hlgn, celling, heat and watchman airvlce. low In 4! aurance ample power- special InducemcnUui te tenant using a quantity of power ssid-' ateam. geed ihlpplng facilities. 1310 n.rf Livvrence st .", u 1027-1033 CALLOWHILL 8T. 2.1 NEW FIREPROOF DAYLIOHT BUILDIWO-? Ureund fleer 11.100 sq. ft. . Upper floera 80x120; aerlnkled Every modern cenvenience: light 3 sldM Pnieeialen August 18. 1933 .ill WILLIAM J. HAIME3, 101 1 Chestnut stB' 6O.000 sq. FT for rent In new modern een: crete bldg.: centr of city; r. r. sldlnrLI 76c sq. ft. Albert Hall. Land Title BldgH Spmca 2318 ; RENT First fleer, vicinity of lf.ih .nil ...'-M ats.. 36x130. with heat: $6000 per ysari'J suitable for storage or manufacturing. JD."'., bert Hall. Land Title Bldg. - 1619 CATHARINE ST. Three floors. sult&l able for light manufacturing, XT3 J. B. JARDELLA, 1638 chrlatlan at. 'Si IREE-STORY bldg. 1131 Race, store and. iippr floors suitable efflcea. light mfg..U.' 6 month. Apply 022 Chestnut, eecnnd nnerJ.. A NEW WAREHOUSE. 8 alerr. 20 erm ( I Avar raVTll Haas tTaenaa ft a,aia1 aSa.a - ? s 1. a i"jsj 1--.IVS iis3bi r iuiii ivi uirrq Kra.is Call or write A. B. Fraser. 21 8. 12th at. . ii A FACTORY warehouse and fleer specialist. -i ARTHUR B. FRASER 21 S. lith St. . WILL ERECT building. 80.000 tn I0O.Ot J square feat. DIKTERJCH. 737 Walnut sL OtTICKW. BL'SINKSS ROOMS. KTC. BUSINESS ROOMS 128 S. 18th St.. atere 130 f 16th at., flrit-floer cfTlcts 1217 Walnut at . store. K06 chestnut at floors. 2027 Arch at., efflcea. 19 S 7th at.1 building. - J A. PATTER8QN. 130 3. 18th at t 228 8 4th at : BOO aquafe fei't and iqVrdS .,,,.. , h.-t, .,..., Ii ..... Li..""-"" .jim v., ..- ,,. " i..r, nrai Qoer.i: ht; office, or lltft Bifwnt'yAV ",,U" nmv.Ti- ..,.. T7 . PRH ATE off 'ce. turn., with use of etaneg.; rapher. telephones and waltlnfl roem: alaeii seml-prl efffc. Real Estate Trust Bldur-E? ...In. Q.,,.,4 A OH. ...a..- .-..- V'. , "V"1 ....'... ... r. wjmt Lmi.rr unic.. f& DESK ROOM for saleaman or accountant!3? dealrable central office. 1001 Cemmi."i wealth Bldg. "i DESIRABLE office apace, fireproof building:", elevator aervlce moderate rent. Apply M.W J Elliett. 11U Chestnut at. P ,-W Stores and -elllnrs m H0,..', 213T. Large atere and dwellln.t eultable for any bus neaa. Apply LawTa Cehen 2. 17th and Balnbrldge MWI"A ilnbridge, 1,1111 IULUII.V.M1. cer. atom I .1....T r.V elec Jand A Menkln. 4711 N. ttmA W Wyoming 107P 1TESV rniLDELritlA TWO STORT. perch, 6 rma. bath, elec PrtIllS'l- .. "."' ' " ' tan ... 6030 Walen av. Phene Diamond 8Q w!l jnEItMANTOWN rrnN !'BN arttatlr heuae. 3216 W. Penn at"a", vj-AJ' 6 bedrma . 2 baths, iv , .elec gas. 's 1 OERMANTOWN- TRUST CO, Ai LOOA.N 473tl N 3tl N 1ITH .9 rms. enrage; $83 Aevt'"' H. C SINNEX- 6013 N 6th at PW ?. OK LANK " 8 ROOMS and bath, b-autlfullv finished- with . 2-c,ir Karage sample house 1181 N. Bread et. Phene Oak Lane 1037 rearer 1. Telhrnan! w rFA.NS I.VANIA M'BI'RBAN 'J LONliACRE PARK. PHILA NEARER' SUBURBS 13 mlnutea from Bread St ' .multra. hum, vpith l.ca-.. .. -Z..M i L" . '.' . 5" i&$. 6t7. M.SK? .''.v,'4 "ei" .'"".; faTO,"?,- '? ?. 5. Pr c.U....' .i",r '"" " or ' Brumbaugb. f. 12 ROOMS 1 hath stone house, also Y7 rooms 1 hath bungalow, furnlihed or un- furnished at Wesltewn Station, Pa C M. . WALN Westtown P O , Ps ' t FURNISHED RESIDENCE 10 roerru: Hertter at., near Upsal Statlerr; June la September ARTHUR BOSWELL. 233 N. - 13th at FKRN ROCK " ', STORES apartmerrta. furnished heusea. H. Hepe Wit N Bread at. Wyoming 4117. I.ANMIOWNK FOUR tadrviuma. lerchej fltep el con. venient te trolley and train te PhlladsU Phla June 18 te September 16 $ine par month p i:,00 Ic-da.r i)f.'. I URy for eummer cer house, s bedrrnsT. Iresslng.roem. 2 baths. Ph. 1. II. 0611 WVNNKFIKI.n ' ' FROM MAT TO OCT med. heaullTuUJr furn. horn 11 rma and hath . Incl poreh. garage I'h;na Ovarbr'. 8516 J after coy. JSjiJY-RJtKV HUnURHAN FAIKVIK.W ,FVERAL apartments consisting of S and for root ImniMll.,. 4 moms with balh '.oseeavlOM . Itl.ateil ,,,l Vn.L.hln ........ -T J 4 8 and H room houses, all convenltnefg. 3 und J 11-r.a.in detached tmufea for rent. vppiy j ti i loud Yerkshlp inuara. Fair. f amdun NKW JI.RHF.v. SF.Kt)RK WM.DIVIKID 128 BAKER AVE. U-room collage, modern conveniences, garage Incleaed perch: 10. Julv I call en preinieea, or 3133 Frank. ford ave WILDWOOD CREST in? F..i,... .. bungalow and garage. Idea) locallem epe . gOR RElvJT--yUKWI8HgD FOR RE7r FURNISHED-May IB te Oe Oe teber 1 Owner's house at Brea4 Arr iij. near I'lemlnglnii, N J.) 1(1 rrama. uiriueing 1 ryiirenine, modern Pluming. 1 e ectr n ht. l.l.nK... ,....:: 1 f'Jlr'Wl 1' garage milk" ,m.7 peuilry' ani VnZiZiii .St f ,m.". W- Dulry and vegstlbfas .iVKii wme nibert 2243 ..r Wsyns $69. p,", I J$tfi )UNTRY. IIOMK-Lurg. house. saiasaUZr. -5 fe COUNTRY HOME Large heuisT 1 'Jli rrM waaa-'i ici7 !"V tt f Vi," J ?A r"-'4 mi i. 1",'? .y, V-,T W m Vi. ..14 dm m . 3i! XM m m Sr?? 3 ie-Ti 1 ,Si -irfa .8M rH SJ v .. ' -tv v& bh vsa x' ?Mk ?! : m AJ ffl 2 K' 1, n m V A PS i ffl -1 n. .V; "A JJT .TSM ,-. V' W 15. V? i fa "V3 'vs w. nil bulltl.nffs Mravt. tbU; luiniiiinu. rivuinn inn lunasj ?, i?Mlm&$k& "jiff m jiavitc.-t mmimm mfcA- i?.1;.' .y ,.":- ... 4 : ZssaTB-aaaaaBagaaaaaaasssaaw- l' U -..."C If -l-sssaasi L '. " . 1 IT - " ! , ill! ?HS kW .,. :&,vi4,. . r., 7.. Lk t: ,M-: :m v 'v. ,.AA7iV. ;x . ., . , . . - 1 j--:p: X'BATr I . .- JW. JS a rV." r Vt't .1 J I ? I t -. j.. ,'f . '" J EJl V ?T. . r.aL 'rsJL'''.T.,ir', 4' 13 t - A. . n. .I . . J-..IJ ii X. .. . I.TlIn 'i1 T.. . . .H . '1. "1 ' "j " t a. 1 .M) - jr ' t 1 asaas.ss.assaias ML. 4