ii yi SBHBBjBBBJCaBflBjrJ , RjF ' ii ! li ' . . "'', I" Kxhmmm 'a'BBBMl U,JULM.MMC l- v mmxm 1 V '. i " " ..v.-,.' - vr tf -..- xwv,ij si i i ' &?$: 9 acturtrs rMltlnp staff of, experienced mtn N Pacific Coast territory Will co. 1 aerate with you en a commission i lit, lbdekr erncr. "" r ,uticuraSeap - atwvta itheut Mug l,tBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTBBBBBBBBBBBaaBJBS bbS4Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbk9!22bbm .trim JrtBSPfcs ' m.1 S.,t VliTp te . . REFIN13HING ... ; 24-HOUR SERVICE , A finish that will net craza ,.er-crack. Durable, acid proof , and of high lustre. Such it .. fliafee, applied in all color. The Chat. W. Schaffer Ce. MM Ch.ataat at THE MASTER OF MAN :-: By Sir Hall Cane An Outspoken and Moving Study of a Dcen Sex Problem bv the Noted Auther of "The I Manxman," "The Deemster," "The Eternal City," ."The Weman Theu Gavest Me." Etc. Is Man a Law Toe Hard for the Weman in the Case? Is Conscience Enough Punish' ment for Him, While She Pays the Legal Penalty? In This Frank and Griming Story the Man, as Judge, Sits in Sentence en the Girl Tried for Their Sin, r-w F?-tf WtV a 'K ' W IvW h h r Cat W yv IAj Ru 7 . DREER5 Lawn Mower and Rellers Early and eenalant mewlnt and rolling t will keep the lawn In perfect condition. 'In by rvJclnc off the litter, then sli draeelnc of Sheep Manure or Bene Meal and thicken up the turf by raking- In a Ilberal quantity of Lawn Oraai Seed. iav the best Mewera and rtellera. alie Lawn and Garden Toels of all kinds. Sweet Peat If you bt net planted jet, de It new m Ait slant will make a gerxi (tart. Dreer'a Orehld-I'lewered Sweet Ten are atlly arewn and preduce lance flew era en Iena items, excellent for cutting. A collection of one packet each beat 12 arlatlee Dreer'a Orchid-Flowered Bwcct raa for 85 cents. Vegetable Seeds Plant new, Het. Swlsa Chard, Carreta, Kndhe. I4k, l.ettup.. Onleti Seta, Early reaa. Radian. Snlalfr. Hnlnach, Turnip. 8e- our OAHDKN HOOK for varl'tlea nd cultural directions. A copy free In' mall or at afore Seeds, Plaats, Toels 714-16 Caestaut St. DREER V I ' ??" , in BS h. W U fc I y k & J?. '& im ' fr (., t v v '.-a. GAS RANGES p- saeaaaaaaaaaaaaai I Sva aTaW R wtral nlf All Sim, l I la gu tkat Btkat witk, frtta tJ? ad redacts rr gu kills. Caal ne fi.ia Water Heatera BaaAa laauntarwraa Water Heatars Acme Fllterlns Fine Crrata! Whit Refrteeratara ,Wm. Akers Jr. Ce. 10th & Filbert St. GAS APPLIANCES Xaial mad Baatanrant Sa-tpUaa, Cklaa. Olaaa and Rltrerwar. TABUS AND BBD UNBMS EaV, vBMbE HALL CAINB i! 4000 Square Feet Storage Space REASONABLE RENT 612-614 Chestnut Street Freight Elevator Immediate Occupancy Apply , Mr. Dallas ' 606 Cbestaut Street P ti r I Itt ?lri v. IV s fei f; The Dessert That Saved Betty's Party "Betty wants m? t give a party I for her en her sltth birthday next , week," eished Mrs. Ferd, '-and I t just dread te think about it.". "I knew just hew you feci," , aympathired her neighbor. t "It is se hard," alie continued, "te knew what te have for re freshments that won't hurt them. ' Custards are no treat for them, my rernstarch puddings are alwaya. . tbin and lumpy and ice cream is se expensive." .'j "Have you thought about having !& Puddine?" questioned her neieh. ber. "My children love it, and it's ae pure and whole-eme." "What is Puddine?" "It mules a wonderful creamy meld of dessert. Costs 13c a box, nd one box of Puddine serves fif teen people, or a 10c box seven people." "Is it bard te make?" "That's the nice part about Pud dine," replied her neighbor, en thusiastically. "It always turns out right, and it ii net a, bit of trouble te make. All you need de Is te add milk, either fresh or con densed, and sugar, and bell for three minutes. Pour it into a meld, and after it has cooled you have , a firm, smooth meld of delicious dessert chocolate, rose vanilla, orange, lemon in fact, whatt-ver you like bjest, for Puddine comes ,.in,a number of flavor. " "Pre a mind te try it. and let -Betty have her party after all," ,ilrt Mrs. Ferd. "As a matter of fact," suggested her friend, "you could have some beme-madr Jve cream, Puddine hialvcs ice cream em nineth as ri vet. And net only that, but for cakes and pies Puddine makes a Wonderful filling." Berne time later the two friends -Bet: "I've been waiting te call you lip,"' exclaimed Mrs. Ferd. "Pud- i dfae Is wonderful. I had the party ier Betty, and I don't knew when Hl.f ' Mfn O'lflW" enjoy any- , 'v.Neylt;.U much ,i thnt- .11.1 .1... "T " -- ., if,,, IIIOI ddinr. J bad enough left ever supper that night, ami Henry lj he bad never tu feted such de- v s " ,eie. ruddint) with U ' THI& BEGmS THE STORY I fetor Sletecll, 3011 of the Detmtter or Ghief Judqe of the Itle of Man, t'j handteme and of fine nature. He i in love iciih Fenella Stanley, daughter of the Governer, a beautiful girl and with advanced tines en the rinhts of women. hi a moment of mutual passion he has had illicit relations with Bessie Collister. a handsome peasant girt, stepdaughter of Dan Baldremma, a harsh firebrand. She is loved by Alick Gell. Victer's chum atid fellow at torney, Victer feels he must marry her, especially when he learns she is trying te educate herself. Alick says he wishes te marry Bessie. TVith the burden of the wrong of! him. Victer proposes te Fenelta. Alick is driven from home bu Af- choleric father, Victer and Fenclla's , marriage t set jer six mourns nence. AXD 11ERE IT COXl'INUES II MIOME immediately. Important news V7 for you," It was a telegram from the Governer, who had been in Londen again. Stewcll went un te Douglas by the first train. "It's about the Dcrmstership." "Ah !" "Old Tnubman. as you knew, has been complaining of overwork ever slni'e your futhcr died. The winter had crippled h 1 in and he is down with rheumatism. Fort nightly courts be ing postponed, cases in arrears It was necessary te de something. Se I went up te White hall last week and told them a suci resser would have te be appointed. lacy asked me te recommend a name and I recommended yours." "Mine, sir?" "Tours! If was all right, tee. until I had te tell thera your ng, and then phew! A Judge and net ret thirty! I steed te my ground, said this was the age or youth, quoted the clabsical exam ples. Anyhow, there was my recom recem recom mendateontake it or leave it." "And what was the result, sir?" "The result was that the Lord Chief was consulted, and then our insignifi cance saved us. "Yes, there was precedent enough for young judges in colonies and de pendencies. And this being a cn.c of a worthy son succeeding a worthy father and ee en and se forth." "Well?" "Well, the end of it is that you are te go up te see the Heme Secretary after the Heuse has risen at Easter," SlewcH's heart was beating high, yet he hardly knew whether he was mere proud than afraid. He mumbled some thing about the claims of his seniors at ih bar. .. "Ob, yes, I knew ! All the old stick-in-the-inuds! But kceryeur end up In Londen and ill Keep mine up here. "Yeu are vcrv geed, sir. Yeu have always been geed te me." The Governer, who had been rattling en, in a rush of high spirits, suddenly became grave and spoke slowly. "Net at all." he said. "And I'm net thinking of you as what you are going te be. I'm thinking of you a. jour father's son. and cxpectins you te live up te your traditions. We want the ttplrlt of the great Deemster in the island these days. Violence! Violence! Violence! I ngree with the Lord Chief. It seems as if the world is getting out of hand. Juhtlce is the only thing that can save it from anarchy utter an archy and ruin. Let's have no mere I recommendations te mercy ! When pco pce ipl, commit crime Jet them suffer. When thev take life no matter who or what they arc let tbepi die for it. "And by the way" (Stewcll was' leaving the room), "your father's per 1 trait is finished. We must unveil it before you go up te Londen." Trembling all ever. Stewcl! went into- thralibrary te tell Fenella. "Hew .splendid!" she said. She I was glowing with excitement. "You've ' done magnificent work for women as an ' adiecate. but only think what you will I be able te de as a judge! There isn't a peer, w renged girl in the island who won't knew that she has a friend en the bench!" ill WKB, aalillill bbbbbbbbIbUI HtlUHlM N'fcl U I liBlAILHisilBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjJ aBBBBBBralBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBwVBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBulllBBBBBBBBBWBBBBBBBB sP25 If Bessie's terror increased tenfold. Dread of what Gell might de sat en her like, a nightmare Bessie in bare feet going out te feed them. "Bessie, what nre you doing?" tbey cried. "It's nothing," she Mild. "I'm used of it. jeu knew, 1 was right years old before I wero hoe or stocking." Meantime she wns putting Gell off and off.. "Time enough yet, boy," she would say as often as lie asked her. "She's thinking of me again," thought Gell, and he began en a long series of fictions te account for his1 new found prosperity. He was getting along wonderfully in his profession, and was better off new than he had been before he lest his allowance. But still it was "By-and-by! Time enough yet, boy!" One day Gell came with an almost irresistible story. He had bespoken , i.vnii Ktanii... '.. h . wnn.n (., h house in Athel street. It was jubt j thc werid whom ehc must ncm. cemc mini lutv nuui'-IJ. JU&C 1U l"C J.IIH fnnn in fnni, th slowly up the a'.h'c from the western end of the church te the altar steps. , Their carol was nn account of the Nativity, scarcely less crude than thc carols that had gene befere It, though the singers seemed te knew nothing of that hew Jeseph, being a just man, had espoused n virgin, and finding she was with child before he married her, he had wished te put her away, but the angel of the Lord had appeared te him and told him net te. and hew at last he had carried his wife and child away into the land of Egypt, out of reach of the wrath of Hered thc King, who was trying te disgrace and destroy them. A little before midnight the, clergy man rose and asked for silence. And then, while all heads were bowed and there was a solemn hush within, thc great qleck of the Castle struck 12 in thc darkness outside. After that the organ pealed out "Hark, thc Herald Angels Sing," and everybody who had a caudle extinguished it, und alPstoed up and sang. The bells were ringing joyfully as the congregation trooped out of the churclii but for seme while longer they moved about en thc crinkling snow in front of it, saluting and shaking hands, every body with everybody. "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year te you." "Same te you, and many of them." They saluted and shook bauds with Bc.ssle also. Then thc verger put out the lights In the church behind them, and in the sudden darkness thc crowd broke up, one mere Ole'l Vcrry ever, and under thc slew descent of the starlight thc cheerful voices and crinkling footsteps went their various ways home. Back nt Derby Haven, Bessie, who had been en thc point of crying during the latter part of thc service; ran up te her room, nung ucrscit race down en her bed und burst into n Heed of tears. If she, tee, could only fly away, und stay away, until her trouble was ever!) But hew (.euld she de that? And where1 could she go? II Twe months passed. Bctsie's time was fast uppreaching, and thc nearer it ciime thc mere she was terrified by thc signs of it. Thc svmntems of com ing maternity which arc a joy and pride te married mothers were n urcad anu a terror te her. Had' she brought herself se low that she could net live through the time that was before her? At one moment she thought of going te Frncllu. l'crybedy said hew geed Miss Stanley was te girls in' trouble. But when she remembered Fenclla's relation te Stew cll, nnd Stewcll's te Gell, and her own te all three, she told herself that "MOVING PICTURE . AND JAPAN" Admiring "girl of Japan" has immortal' iced "The Life of Cowboy" in this apos trophe te the American movie in Japan. "Vast wilderness which centered by the canyon of. Arizona, ' ; Shining white sun of desert, and there, thccowbeysl like living. , . Vigolens black-horse,. naighlng . under the Augusi tun, Sun burnt fellow intexcated .by ' M strong lioruer, , .11 Seng of Arizona, and the dance of III , surefire." Se Sadae Imsda writes, in his own de lightful English,? the story of exactly what our movies mean te young Japan, la the May ASI Jjhe Asaerieaa MAGAZINE en the Orieat; ,. .Mere thaa SO Ulaatratlaa ' '' ' i Out today all n'cws-starids-gS, cents v Galvanized Beat Pumps Hi faMeaAltieaw l I.. P. Beraer Ce., '. t . Vnin an Vnrtct tiSH SHIRTS TO ORDER Snggtttieat for Stoat or TsiivMta " Excluaha patterns of alllt nnd (Imported Siadras, or have ynur own mat'rlala made up. Streitfeld Custom -Shirt Ce. 11 N. 13th St. Lecuat' 85-25 THREE CONVENIENT POOLS Open 10 A.M. te 10 P.Mt Weter. doubly filtered. and lieated. Competent In In atructera en duty 'all the time. All stroke taught. THE Y. M. C. A. of Philadelphia 1421 ARCH NT. , .I'll) ft SAN80M T. 1013 W. I.KIIKIII AVR. CHAPTER XIX 'Hie F.ve of Mary Bessie Collister had passed through a verv ditfprcnt winter. When she read in the insular news paper the long report of thc trial of the Tcel fisherman she was terrified. Men did net forgive their wives, then, in such case?"' On the contrary, the mere they loved thera the les3 they forgave Gcil came bounding into the .sitting room while she hnd th newspaper in ner hand, and before she had time te ijierary anu nearly opposite the new Courthouse. Twe rooms en the ground fleer for his offices, two en the first fleer for their living apartments, and two en the top for the kitchen and for thc maid. It is the temptation that no woman can resist thc desire te have a home that shall be all her own and for n few weeks Bessie fell te it. Evening after evening she and Alick sat side by side in the sitting room making cata logues of all thcr would require te fcet up a household. Gell took charge et the tables and cbntrs and sideboards. Bessie was tbc authority en the blan kets and linen. It was such a delight te construct a home from memory ! And then what laughs and thrills and shame faced leeks when, in spite of all their thinking, they remembered some inti mate and essential thing which tbey had hitherto forgotten. "Sakcs alive, boy, you've forgotten the bedstead." "Lord, se I have. We shall want a bedstead, shan't we?" But even this fierce gambling with her fate broke down at last with Bessie. The certainty had fallen en her. The natural strength of her constitution had withstood all thc attacks she had made upon it. Whether she married Gell, or did net marry him, there was nothing before her except suffering and disgrace. Hew could she keen his love against the shame that was striding down en her? (Jhrlstmas had come. It was Christ mas J've. 'I he Manx people call it Oic'l Vcrry (.the Eve of Mary), and during the last hour before midnight they take possession of their narisb churches, ever the heads of their clergy, for the singing of their ancient Manx carvals (carols). The old Mieses Brown were te keep Oie I Vcrry at their Church in Castletown. They had always dene se, and this time Bessie was te go with them. It was a clear, cold winter s night. with crisp Fnew underfoot, and over head a world of piercing stars. As thc two old maids in their long black boas, nnd Bessie in u fur-lined coat which Gell had sent as Christmas present, crossed the footbridge ever the harbor and walked under the blind wall of the dark castle, tbc great clock in the square tower was striking 11. But it was brisbt enough in the market place, with the light from thc church ! windows en the white ground, and peo ple hurrying te church at a quick trot I and stamping tbc snow off their beets at the deer, i It was brighter still inside, for the altar and pulpit had been decorated with ivy and holly, nnd, though the' church was lit by gas, most of the worshipers, according te ancient cus tom, bad brought candles alee. The church was very full, but the old Misses Brown, with Bessie behind them, walked up the aisle te tnc pew under the reading desk which they had always rented. The congregation about them j. hide it away he saw what she had been I was a strangely mixed one, and thc .. .v..,.nl,iA .t-nc half tnlAmn nn.l l.nll hilarious. The gallery was occupied by lads and fisher-lads chiefly, and leading "Terrible, isn't it?" he said. "Peer devil. I was teiry for him. When a woman deceives a man like that thc law ought te allow him te put her away. lie did wrong, of course, but be had no legal remedy net an atom. Old Vic made out a magnificeut case for the woman, but she deserved all she get, I'm afraid." Bessie gave a frightened cry, and then Gell said, as !f te conciliate her. "I'll tell you what, though. If thc woman was guilty there was comebedv else who was ten times guiltier, and that was the ether man. 'lhe sceun- iirel! The treacherous, ucccittiu sceuu drel.' skulking awej in the lnrk! I gene before them. farm they were craning tneir necKs te catch glimpses of the eirls in thc pews below, wbile the girls themselves (as often as they could de se without being observed by their elders) were glancing up with gleaming eyes. In the body of thc church there were middle-aged folks with so berer faces, nnd in the front seats sat old people, with slower and duller eyes and cheeks scored deep with wrinkles the mysterious hlcreslypbics of life's troubled story, sickness and death, hus bands lest at half-tide and children S? TRUSSES ALL KINDS Expert Fitting Kxamlnatlen and nth lew free. Competent lady attendant for women and children. Rcasonable price. PHILA. ORTHOPEDIC CO. 49 Ne. 13th St., Phils., Pa. At length, thinking death was err- tuin, she saw only one thing left te de te go back te her mother. It was net thus that she had expected te return, but nothing else was possible new. In her helplessness and ignorance, having no one te reassure her, the high-spirited girl became u child again. Twenty years of her life slipped back at :i stride, and ehc felt as she used te de when she ran bnrcfoet en thc reads and fell and bruised her knees, or tore her little bare legs in thc gorse und then went home te lie en her mother's lap and be rocked before thc fire and com forted. But going home had its terrors also. Thcre was Dan Baldrerfina! What could she, de? Was there no way out for her? One day thc elder of the Misses Brown (she gave music lessens te old pupils at their own homes) came back from Castletown with a "shocking story." It was about a witch-doctor at Creg naish a remote village at the southern most extremity of thc island, where the inhabitants were supposed te be de scended from a crew of Spanish sailors . who had been wrecked en the rocky I coast below. , . The witch-doctor was a woman, seventy years of age, and commonly ' called Nan. Hitherto she had lived by , curing ringworms en children nnd bleed-letting in strong men by means of charms that were half in Latin and half ' in Manx. But new young wives were going te her te be cured of barrenness, i or for mixtures te make their husband love them; and worst of all, the jeuug girls from all parts of thc island weic flecking te her te be told their fortunes whether their beyB at thc mackerel nsning were true te mem, or going astray with thc glrln of Klnsule. "It's shocking, this witchcraft," said old Miss Brown. "In my jeung dujs it was given for law that the women who practiced such arts should stand in a white sheet en a platform in the market plsce with thc words Ter Charming and Sorcery in capital letters en their breasts." Bessie said nothing, but next day, after breakfast, making excuse of her uced of a walk, she hurried out, took train te Pert Erin, nnd climbed, with many pauses, the zigzag path up the Mull Hills te where a Druids' circle sits en the brew, and Cregnaish (like a gipsy encampment of mud huts thatched with straw) sprawls ever thc breast of them. Car need new top? We'll build you a new top right here in our own plant.. Teu nre assured of absolute satisfaction. All styles nnd sizes of tops at lowest possible prices. Get Our Estimate Ne Obligation Phene Poplar 4697 Larson01dsmebile Ce. 800 North Bread St. . RTRAMSHIP NOTICES JOINT SERVICE WITH Te be continued tomorrow (CewrlaM, lOtl. tnttnxaUenal Magmine Ce.) Comedy te Be Given for Scheel Fund The St. Lawrence Dramatic Asso ciation will present the cemedv. "A Popular Millionaire," tonight in St. CeJuniba's parish auditorium, Twenty third street and Lehigh avenue. Pro ceeds of the affair will be given te St. Jean of Arc's parish school fund. The association is composed of members of the St. Lawrence Council, Ne. 8, of the Knights of Columbus. rVrEAMSinr- NOTICES ' TO PLYMOUTH. BOULOfiNE BAMBUBG By New Amerieaa-FUt' Steaaeri Resolute May 2, May 30, June 27 Reliance May 16, June 13, July 11 TO BAMBUBG DIBECT SalSaxt every Tfaur:day, br the potm petm lar ateamera Mount Clay, Meuat Car raO, Maunt Clinten, Hanaa, Baytra, WtMrtUfabarc with ipecial cabin aid improved third class accommodations. United American Lines, wc. 3 Broadway, New Yerk or Lecal Agenta CUNARD ANitHOR"" Fastest Steamar te HAMBURG Frem New Yerk via Bosten Calling at Plymouth 4 Cherbourg CARONIA V060nS NEXT SAILING MAY 13 N. T. te Cherbourg and Southampton HADKKTAMA Apr. US May IS June 8 AQUITAMA Muy 2 May iiS June IS HEKEM1ARIA May SO June 20 July 11 N Y. te l'lymeutn. Cherbourg and Hamburs MAXOMA Muy US July 1 ,ug. a CARONIA June 17 July 20 Au. 3 1 i K T. te coon tuueensiewni ana unerpoel SCVTHIA (new).. . . .Apr. 2J May 24 Jane SI LsAHAKIt (new)...Muy 3 'June 7 July 5 CAKMAMA . .... J""" . . . - I.ACOlA inewi, . ..iiwj di -dune e -uuiy zu Hulling from Hoaten. N. Y. te Londonderry and Olaaew CAMKllONIA May 6 June July cnM'MMA May 37 June 24 July 22 AM1KRIA June 14 July IS Auc. 2S N. Y. te Gibraltar. Naplea. ratraa, Dubrevnlli and Trteata ITALIA ............Jan S He-ion te Londonderry. Liverpool a Olaacew ASSYRIA ...... . . . .May 24 July 8 Kept, u phlladeli'ila te Gibraltar. , Conatantlneple, Salenika, riraeua and bmyrna RIVER ARAXKS Apr, 2 Philadelphia te Londen TARANTIA May 1 Cunard nnd Ancher Rteamahlp Llere Paeeenaer Office, 1300 tYnlnnt Street. Phil. FrelrM Offlfe. Renrae DMa.. Phlla. .l.AiiM iiVp te choke the life out of him That's what I said te Stewcll going up in the train. 'If I had been in ths hus band's place de you knew what I should have done?' I said. 'I should have killed the ether man. Ttnc.ln'u terror illCieased Dread of what Gelmight de sat en hei like a nightmare An opening hmn had just been sung. thc last notes of thc organ were dying down, the clergyman, in his surplice, was sitting by thc side of the altar, and thc first of thc carol singers had risen tenfold, I ln ,lls Icw candle in hand, te sing bis cairai. Te marrv him Keemed i He was n nigged old man fiem the Crewell & Thurlow INTERCOASTAL LINE IVW Dispatch from PHILADELPHIA te LOS ANGELES HARBOR SAN FRANCISCO and SEATTLE SS "A. L. KENT" April 30 Phila. Reading R. R., Pier 24, North Wharves LAVINO SHIPPING CO., AGENTS Bullitt Building Lembard 5600 te be impossible. et net te innrry htm. 0W that SUP loved mm ae umcu, Fi-cmcu te be impossible also. A scciet hope came te her. It was carlv days yet. Peihaps something would happen te her by-and-by, which, being eer and done with, would Irave her free te marry Alick with u clean heart nnd conscience. Te help it te come te pass, bhs stayed indoors, took no exercise, and ntp as little h possible. Her health declined, and her face in the glass began toMeok peaky. ,, She took njiicii'c joy in these signs of - Increasing weakness. The Misses Brown Kept a few chickens in-their back.fsuUa. ani aae mersing, after isusa WeT7a'w,l"jP iBB4tWiJSbw BWif iauiey mountains of ltuslieu. liulf landsman and half seaman, and his carol (which he sang in the Manx, while the tallow guttered down en his discolored fingers) was a catalogue of nil the bad women mentioned In the Bible, from Eve, the mother of mankind, who brought evil into the world, te "that graceless weneh, Saleme." After that came similar caiels, sung by similar carel-slngcrs and received by the boys in the gallery with gusts of laughter which the clerk tiled in vain te suppress. But at last there came a carval sung in chorus by twelve young girls with sweet young voices and faces that were I chaste and pure and full' of joy all ' carrying their candles aa they 'walked NAWSCO LINES Agents Admiral Line TirE S. 8. II. V. ALKXAN'IlER (formerly the S. S, fire.it linear and faetet American ahlp afloat, will nail (or Lea Anielej, and Honolulu May 23. t Northern), the Nan rrantlar J)e luxe paaaenaer aecommedationa. 31127. IS day le Ben Prantlace, raiienter will aall from New Yerk City Freight received dally t Pier 10 North (feet of Vine Street), lreliht for Hentiulu delivered without trana-ahlpreent. ' ' "' Fer Rates and Information NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. Owners and Agents V. 8. (MnpUig Heard Steamers 13t 8.,f-urtB St, Phila. Phene Lembard 5701-2-3; Main 7711-2 pejQw' , iii .BBBBbVbBBVbbbbHbw'' eSBBssSBl r " bbbV- f Br liSai JkBTsklIBBV i:Ira aBBBBBi wmjSBnm&nBtBlHr aH V aflBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBM aBBBB.' -laaBBBrTjaBBB1 "laV BBBBB& alQEaBBBBsBrV VaBBBBBB. " atBBBBBBBm AbbY aBBBaXflaBBBBaR V CHRj VAbbbbbbbU jILY AlSHnf, VPaT TsPP' .aBBBBBT ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBa. The Sign -of- Greater ) 1 . ' v" ' , "WHERE ECONOMY RULES ' r' maaF . r FOtfTOIlJftbELPHIA, CAMDEN. READING, LANCASTER AND VICINITY 27c 'i or.. Every Egg Guaranteed Big PRUNE Sale Medium Size 60-70 te Lb. I Large Size 40-50 te Lb. i c 12 Save 3 Cent Lb 15 Save 3 Cents Lb c 3 PELS NAPHTHA fl A SOAP I 4 Save 3 Cents bbbbbi bbbbb. C Cakes Va NEW Peek POTATOES Save 4 Cents IT New Yerk State Creamery CHEESE Lb Save 4 Cents Lb C California m PEACBES-18 Save BBBBBBBlaBBBB 17 4 , BABBITT'S CLEANSER CERESOTA FLOUR Save 6 Cents 12-Lb Bag PREMIER SALAD DRESSING"0"" 57 Save 8 Cents Bettle Star -'P&GNXTHEASeapc.u.5c LllX .... Package IOC Minute Tapioca ? 13c Kellogg's Cern Flakes) 0 and Pest Teasties PkB 8c 29c Pure Olive Oil Ammonia Shaker Salt . Aunt jemima .PANCAKE aal VA1ip BUCKWHEAT BlUUI Can nt 29e ie. or f A Bettle M-Mlt Package IOC 2 ". 25c 8 CRACKER SPRHTAT.fi Spiced Wafers, Iced . . lb. 18c Chocolate Marshmallow Creams lb. 28c Uneeda Biscuits . . . Pke. 5c The Largc.t Retail Grocer, in the World PiciFic TED 9 m A r- r- i Vrt .!'- a' iSS&bSi iftS' aBBBBBJBBBBBB