rc . ytST GOSSIPABOUT PEOPLE, r i Nancy Wynne Speaks of Several Weddings Taking Place Today Dancing Club te Have First Meeting. , A New Philadelphian f fTtfinilE arc several interesting wd I dlngn today.. Virginia Heckscher &k and "arriny .Mer nuuen nm iur- Ui rled nt neon at tlic tinurcn 01 me c- decmer, tit Hryn Mnwr. Irglnla WW 1 most attractive bride, and she had hr younger sister, Ethel, as' maid of honor and twelve of her frlcndH h hrldesmnld" (all of them unusually pretty girls), se altogether It was a charming redding. Thru at 4 'o'clock this afternoon, at St Aeaph's Chutclft In Ham. Miriam He'berts nml.Npcnccr Ervln will be married, quiet y. Emiy rniiicr anu Miriam's niece, little' Mary Roberts, will 1)0 her only attendants, and Cap tain llebcrt Crvln will bu his brother's test man. Thctc will be no ushers. At the same hour there will be .the Page-Starr wedding In old Ht. Peter's Church, nt Third and Pine .streets, where Edith Page's sister Mary and Jehn Plntt were married en February C. There was quite a snowstorm that day. tee. I am glad Edith is having a better day, though the bad weather did net seem te keep any ene away frvera the first Page wedding. St. Peter's has an especially fine choir, nnd I hear that they will sing this afternoon at the eddliig. I remember at' Evltf Smiths (Mrs. Harry AUnini daugh ter) and Freddy Lee s marriiige at Ht. Mark's the cnr before laxt there was some lovely music, nnd also at the Packard-Church wedding last June there ..ah. tee. At this wedding the chimes will play, which, I think, will be especially beautiful. This afternoon, and nt thin same popular time, Katherlnc Coffin will ber come the bride of Stanley Welsh nt the Church of St, Luke and the Epiphany, e, altogether, most every one will have a very full day. Tonight thcre will be no large parties, but n great many people will e te the last performance ex the Mask and Wig (though, if I am net mis taken, there will be a special extra performance next niaay night). All next week "Why Net i022?" will be given nt the Little Theatre, with two matinee'', one en Wednesday and ene Saturday. They sny that it will be even better than it was last yenr and, of ceuise, an entirely new show. mHE Redman Pages' dance at the Ritz last night was a great succer. and Banning Orange, their niece and the guest of honor, looked perfectly stun ning in a geed-looking dress of silver nnd white brecade, made en straight lints. There were about two hundred at the party and every one had a won derful time. Almest all the debutante parties (no ever new, but this coming Saturdnj, the 20th, there will be the first meeting of the Dinner-Dance Club nt the Green Hill Farms, and this year's debs and lust year's are invited, n well as the "jounger marrleds." I hear lhat a great many people are planning dinners for the affair, and It sounds a though it would be lets of fun. The committee in chnrge of the dancei Includes Mrs. Alexander Brinten Coxe, Mrs. Theinnu G. Ashteii, Mrs. William T. Clothier, Mrs. Wlstnr Merris. Mrs. Resell ' Duane, Mrs. Walter Waring Hopklnsen nnd Mrs. Matthew Balrd, Jr., who Is chairman WASN'T it Interesting te hear that Cntlierini) Coxe Perter and Andy Perter hnve a small daughter. Cath erine Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brinten Coxe. you knew, nnd . popular nnd attractive. She and her husband nte living at Fifteenth nnd Pine rtreets new. He Is a brother of Mrs. Billy Clothier nnd Is the son of. Judge nnd Mrs. William W. Perter. Cath erine Perter's sitter, Mrs. Standley Mekes, iins two of the cutest llttlobeys, uhe mutt be muchly thrilled and in terested in the little new cousin. "A CERTAIN" young gentleman whom you would recognize if I Kave his name, had just begim te study French and was takins home sort of an "in lelllgejice test" in school one day. One 'it the question a te define several long words. One of (he words was avoirdupois." nnd when our here came 'e that, he hesitated net a moment be fore writing in a large, firm hand, Avoirdupois. French, nnd it means have some peas.' " This is n true story, believe it or net, ns you will. NANCY WYXXH. ' SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ?71,V'SieBt?,,ThS.nttcnded tne dinner EU,ih-,En,eh r- aml MrB- William nan Ellisen, of 18JI Delnnccy place. ??lJ n.'"'!ler i thclr n!l'ce- Mlsa Kath !., sle.K Perter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. l'erttr. Jr.. of BhMniI1I1V,1.nclui.ed; MlSi telabath Ml. i?'?.0, .Ml8! Eve'- Drayten, J inh:M!Utyn oe''K0. Miss .Tane Shaw 2'."S "e. Mr. H. Gates IJeyd. Afirwl "J"1"- M,r 3lMW" Beattle.' Mr ntnJ??, Hd'r- Mr. Frederick Snvage. n w& merS J'd-: 51 r. anrl Mrs. Jehn f &,...' "'v.1?0 KneBts later attended BmIlncS wnlch Mr- ttnd Mrs. Iiula thei2 ., the 'H''Carlten in l.oner of Uueh.."iCCC; x?,l!B Banning Orange, DnvinnV Mr' ttnd Mrs- William "riyten Grange. hu itV "'rtinc'fane. Chestnut Hill. m t, .1 T,,d Invitations for n luncheon ift?'Jnm5 nl' ,,,olec,c n Wednesday Th. ?.n.' "; ' ,26' for ,he "Wecders." M Cien ciiinc,ua8 t,,e memberB of Hlff'wnVm.end, '' ret,''. of riifHtnut itthiiiRitt''nl ,"-" matron of honor aleth ?.f I ln,f ef1,,e,!: eual' KH Mr. rii(?L'ore.U(;1.! Knight, daughter of wui. smr,d J; Knl. of 2210 Ultten. J hn.q ar"' f,0""01-! nf Trentten, K. PineeL..8 marrlaK8 te Mr. CharlcB U lS;,5 son of r. and Mrs Henry Mill u? ''. 'f SlJrlnir !KW C'lWHtllUt Juie n ,Xa ".I,lc,tthe middle of 'hi i Sea v ' r Jei?f " hurc1'' Avon-by-PaVceiMf .i . M'B Margaret Mudsay Wtemi nl' i8',"' ef.ih6 bridegroom, will IJeniainin mS.," 1S!!P J"a r'af te Tlnrr Pl-MyMuy ChVamutuTii .!!' "oeI.of Wolverton n h..i'...1 HI".' has Issued Invitations for beth'B iviXL ln honor of mIm Eliza MrS. Je.hnA d"hter of Mr. nnd 1II1L eeepU Wayne. Jr., of Chestnut 3l5trkatd rwnB,nry v- Rehmann. of i.. V?-1 t'ergaa ane. c hentmit um lm SB? Iwued in5K,i' VV "t ' ergaa lane. Chestnut Hill, hlr ten n'ig',?,a,j; ' '" honor of hfere thl; JL1!:; "''''tram Rebmann. "Ill Acaduny. "C0 of Ul c'l,eHtnt ti. Wllllnm Sinltli. nf nv.,i,.nni. fuwten'rhfil ,.l?5.,!r.n. followed-by a"n "ay aftornoen ' ll "me ea W'i wclte,ni!;,,lI",",r" ' entertain at iMendv Vf.'JU.B0 'larl ul her home " includ.r i."'u" l."""' Tll guests tb. a lle members of her card fthli,and.?!r- C. Fluehr. of 12S0 West Fanf of thJiH i enounce the engage- fcttfiwmtittR.r:;' rr" w'vitimimKrtmMi x"and Shs rpa.itponee,t 'latter of -t street wn ul sPt'.n"'. of 2044 Lo Le Lo ihewer -mVi it'i'i nteitaln ut a linen neon v, f1!111? Pnrty en Thursday lha? n en..Muy -.'n honor of Miss Mai- Mr. lmmwm Allen ane. Chestnut Hill, will rHn a smflll 4, "o'clock tea In honor of her ??e Bh.!?r M.r.?- Jasper W. Nleells. of 138 Weet Highland avenue. Chestnut Hill, en Friday afternoon, April 28. c..Wft' hnd Mrs. Henry U MeClay, of Sherwood, read, Overbroek, will enter tain .at dinner at their home, followed y an auction bridge party en Friday evening. April 28. The guests will in clude the members of her card club. Mr. andMr. Jehn S. Oustlne. of 6438 woodbine avenue, Overbroek, will enter i"i,nt.tttd,.vn?r. tonight before the dance, at..!".e Philadelphia Country Club. There will be sixten guesta. .?,irs,rT t,ewl" Themas, et 23S Pelham fPA11, Ocfniantewn, has Issued Invlta Invlta t'ens for a luncheon and bridge party en Thursday afternoon, May 4. Mr. nnri Mru . WmUa. vt t rul'SlZ' ?n,,8l W"'t Durham ntrccii Chestnut Hill, have returned from a fortnight's 'atay in Atlantic City. nfMh.n,1dK.r!!.FrcderlcI: Pur'y Bills, of bhanghal, China, formerly of New KnJn'i,r?i..i.rec.lvlns nratulatlen Wen lheWrh,elt aSn M,B- U1,IB wan Miss Virginia Themas Hawkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lene Ila.wlcinB' i "lewlld, near MedlS. Mr. KL51.1 pMy have been living in Chjia for two years. h,.Mr'nndJlitj;H-ur- " ,w'nler. of-Celum-bus, O., who have been traveling In e.ur,.fie f.?r, several months, will aFrlve at Idlew Id. nrar M.wiin .iV. J iS"? They will iem.tln until' some time in Mrs. Alexander Van llenssefaer gave ,VJI.,Thur,adiy afternoon for the i?n.ir.i,,Clu,y tot Vne Omen's Church ?. ".I.V' ". at ''er home, northwest cor ner Eighteenth nnd Walnut streets. Miss Kugenfa K. Casatt. the treasurer read her report, showing n, list of 3G0 active member. Most of the members, n cludlng Uie officers and managers, were fhaim;Vlin..f"df8 .f the new building for thej '-fl?1 tul- ,0 be erected at Second ftm? Jv1,ut streets were shown, after 1Vic1Jum...w.bi' fcrved The members also decided te glve a Bazaar Boutique t.t..lho.P0l,.a.vue-?!rfttferd' the 4th. 6th. 8th and 7th of riext December. The officers and managers of the club are Preildent, Mrs. Uouverneur Cadwalader treasurer. Miss Eugenia K. Cassatt secretary. Miss Peggy Thayer: vice Mrs. Kbbert K. Cassatt, Mrs. T. Charl ton IIenrv. .Mrs. Amlretv v e-it .i Mrs. Alex Coxe Yarnall. The Beard of managers arc Mrs. Nicholas Diddle, Mrs. Richard M. Cadwalader. Mrs. W 1 llam B. Churchman. Miss Jeaee F. Da COhta. Mrs. Antelo Devercux, Mrs William M.EIklns, Mrs. H. Orlaweld HS"'3- "corgeHarrlsen V?k ilcr'M'fr:,rs,THarr5'. Wnln Harrison, i;'. t Inify LBiv..rs- Ournee Munn, Mrs. C. Lethipp Mtchle. Mrs. E. Ltnv vr rrnh lIr W' Standley stokes. Mrs. Carrell 8. Tyson, Jr., Mrs. Henry Pepper Vaux. nnd Mrs. Dannie! L. xiuiciunsen. jr.. chairman. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. llernard Kane, ulieae marriage took -place March 23. have returncd from their wedding tiln through New Yerk State and nre nt i10,'6 at "57,erth "utchlnren street. .r3?!?.,. TriS- n.6 wl.u l0 remembered stroet Wclnatein, of C461 Pine Mr. and Mrs. Jehn J, Ceylo and their son-in-law. Mr. Charles M. Town, have returned te their home, 911 North Slxty-th rd street, after having spent the winter nt Mnmi vu ,.. i.L... and her small son are spending seveial weeks at Atlantic City. "cai MrS. GeerA N. Dnre'arV.A... l.. .. turned te her home, 2404 North Fifty- aKIUIi 8f l- after pending a week at Atlantic City. ..in"8 ?gther Detchen, of Crawfords Crawferds vllle, Ind.. who has been the gue of M..,?nd, $lv".- Paul Itebmann, of 813 North Stxty.feurth street, hai left for S,r. JlSr-' JX!lerefihe w' remaln a short time, ftha ulit mun. . ki.. .. te spend several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Rebmann before going te' her home. " Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hamilton Mat thews, of Johnstown, Pa., will return te their home today. They were the gueats of honor at a bridge party ami supper given by Mr. and Mrs. F. Ed-w-ard Nelan, of 2J9 Seuth Fifty-third street, last evening. Among the guests were Mr. nnd Mr Dorff Jtoere. Mr. and Mrs. Bellln Richardson Meyers. 2fc,ia,?d Mrs-, "a"y Cadwallader Htandbrldge and Mr. and Mrs. Burr Sampson. Mr. and 1 Mrs William II. Feelker, 123S Seuth Fifty-sixth street, nnnnun h engagement of their daughter, Mlaa Mar- iuii i i-oeiKcr, ie air. cnaries Arthur BJerklund, of thin city. Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Evans John John Jehn eon announce thn m.irrhi-a r.r hsi daughter, MUs Uthel Mae Jehnsen, te Mr. Oeergn Nerman Mcllhenny, April 19. In St. Andrew's M. 15. Church, the Rev. Arthur C. Jamei officiating. The West Philadelphia Auxiliary of iiui utei ncuri (uarretien; Hospital will glve an operetta and dance en Thursday. April 27. In the Rese Harden of the Belleuc-Stratferd. NORTHWE8T PHILADELPHIA A dinner dance was given lust evening at the Progress Club by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marks, of 3231 Clifferd street. In honor of their daughters. Miss Fran ces Marks and Miss Johanna Marks. The guestn were MUi Ruth Cehen. Miss Eleaner Aarene. Mis? Anita Dcgcnsteln, Miss Helen Lees, Miss Fannutte Hern, Miss Madge Marcus, Mlaa Hertenso Neufeld, Mies Florence Rice, Miss Fler. once Walters. Mr. Harnett Dald, Mr. David Farbman, Mr. Arthur Harrleen, Mr. Morten Kahn. Mr. Milten Klmmel murf. Mr. Leuis Wasserman, Mr. Leuis Relchlln, Mr. Morten Sickles. Mr. Leon Leen ard Smearer. Mr. Matthew Sharp and Mr. Jereme Snclger. Engaged Photo by Uoldnl Ueldnl AIISS MAHIK LOUISi: KKKTO Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. de V, Krefe, of liala, wheie en gageinent is announced te Mr. Kob Keb rrt Merris Xewne, son of Mrs. Ed ward Clifferd Towne and the late Dr. E. Clifferd Towne, or Merlen, Mlaa Kacfa ,1a a fTwuMftBtbUr f BBBB,B,,,r fi, i TaBM XvJsfliliiiH KaWfc;iTiiwii;tJB,J,,M wk tJRVXs Mrs. Barclay McFadden who was Miss Virginia Heckscher before her marriage at neon today Photo by Phillips' Studie MISS EDITH PAGE TO WED DR. ISAAC STARR Miss Heckscher Bride of Mr. McFadden Miss Roberts te . Marry Mr. Ervin A weddlnar of unusual Interest will take place this afternoon, at 4 o'clock, in Old St. Peter's Protestant Episcopal Chureh, Third and Pine streets, when Mlsa Kdlth Nelsen Page, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heward Wurtz Page, of 1013 Clinten street, will become the bride of Dr. Ieaae Starr, Jr.. ten nf Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Starr, of Chestnut Hill. The church will be decorated with dog wood, Ka&ter lilies and palmi. The Rev. Edwird M. Jefferys, rector or the church, will perform the ceremony, as sisted by the. Iiev. Jehn Chapman, rec J8T yt;. Iau' Protestant Episcopal Church, Chestnut Hill. The bride, who will be given In marriage by her father, will wear a gown of Ivery white satin, ombreldered with pearls and trimmed with old family lace, with a court train of satin. Her veil will be of tulle with a crown of old lace caught with orange blossoms. Hhe will carry a thewer bou quet of white lilacs and tea roses. Mrs. Jti!n. ' ..Platt. a sister of the bride, will be the matron of honor, and Miss Evelyn Byrd Rage, another sister, will be maid of honor. They will be dressed allke in apple green crepe made en simple lines, and will wear hats of cream-colored geergette faced with apple green, with plumes of the same shade at one e!de. They will carry arm bouquets of apple blossoms. Miss rnne W'ster Barclay, a cousin of the brlde; Mlsa Catherine Arms Everett nnd Miss Mary Ethelyn Tyler, et this city, and Miss Lucia Tufly Chapthan, of New Londen, Conn., will be the brlden- maldS. They Will wnnr trnnlm nt rnu crope and hats of cream-colored geerg- w)f1h P'umes of the eame shade, lYi " ci wiiii (jinK. uise irunmeu y"! carry apple blossoms. Dr.' Jeseph Stokes, Jr., of Moorestown. N. J., will They be best man, and the ushers will In clude Mr. Henry C. Barclay, an uncle of ,.thf. bridegroom i Mr- Jehn Barn well, Mr. b. Davis Page. Jr.. brother of the bride; Mr. Ernest C. Savage, Mr. Henry Lyttlolen Savage nnd Mr. Sydney h V1"'"1, .f this city; Dr. lltuart Mudd. of Bosten, and Mr. Oscar A. de L?.n,r4 .?r- ? New Yerlt- A reception will fellow the cetemeny. On their re- i.V".ff?m a,.T'?ddInr trl 1r- Starr and his brlde will live temporarily with Dr. Starrs parents, at Stenten avenue, Chestnut Hill, until Oielr home at Chest nut Hill Is completed. McFADDEN HECKSCHER A pretty wedding took place at the Clturch of the Redeemer, Bryn Mawr, at neon today, when Mlas Vlrirlnh, wt. acher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ledyard Heckaeher, became the bride of Mr. Bar clay aicFadden. son of Mr. Geerge H. McFadden. The bride, who was given In marriage by her father, were a gown of ,uie uuwn nmue in piiun lines, trimmeu with old family laoe, and her veil of lace was fastened with a nnrav at eramm blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley and white erchtus. Miss Ethel Heckscher, who attended her ulster at) maid of honor, were a gown of perlwlnkle blue chiffon made evr atln, of the same shade, and picture hat of the same shade of blue. She wero spring flowers. The brldeamalda were aprlcot-celoTcil chiffon fiecka made ever satin, with sauhtn of periwinkle blue and plcture hatu of the same shade. They also carried spring flowers. They included Mls3 Clntra Ellis. Mlsa Jane Shaw Hepburn, Miss Anne Asiiien. Miss Augusta Wain Harrison, MIbs Ellen Wain McMlchael, Mlsa Dorethy Brown ing Redgers, Miss Rita Heckscher. Miss Anita 8trawbrldge. Miss Sarah Barrln KF' tM1?8 Uen Douglas Lloyd, Mlaa hllzabeth Beau and Mrs. Reginald Jacobs. Mr. Geerge McFadden acted as best man. and the ushers were Mr. Charles Davis. Mr. Ledyard H. Hccltseher, Mr. Edward Browning, Jr., Mr. Henaru a. Kntedler. Jr.. Mr. Ilarrv 1L Nnllnnn Mr Jehn C. Hell, Mr. Geerge II. Eaile. 3d! Mr. L. Sisntt Landreth and Mr. Redman unison inempsun. Tlie Rev. Hiehunl Onlrnv nt fit Mn. tin's Enlsceuul (Iluirch. 'llndunr nm. elated. A leceptlen fcllewcd the cere mony at Mollnghreke, the country place of the brlde'H parent;,. , Aiitr u weuuing inn in tnis country Mr. McFadden and his bride villi sail for Europe, where they will spend the summer. Upen their return lu the fall they will live nt Rosemont. ERVIN ROBERTS Anether wedding or interest wur e that of Mlsa Miriam Williams Reberts, daughter of the Ut Mr, and Mrs. Geerge U. Roberts, of Mlnfferd. Bala, and Mr. .Snenoer Ervln. son of the late Mr. and Mrs, HnencT Ervln, of this city, which will take place quietly at 4 o'clock this afternoon In St. Asaph's Church, bam The brlde will be attended by Miss Emily W, Pnlller as maid of honei, nd Mlsa Mary R. Roberts, a small niece, will be flewer girl. Cuptaln Rebert Gilpin 1?IVln Will .Lit I1H twHf (nfifi fnn l.lu fllllllllllllllllllllllllllllalilllllllllllllM fsTB rBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBy'J? rBBBBBBJBBBBBBBBBBBM W illllllllllllllllllllllllflSaBllH9(KH pllllllllllllllllllllllllHPfflllllHl MeTH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'''!-'BBBr Ty IBIIIIIIIIIIIIIJp'; reggtep VftLorether. There will be no ushers. A llinil ,:i.il,vti ,u, iiiu ittllllllt; UZ1U a few Intimate friends will fellow the cero cere cero meny at MlmKrd, Bala. After a wad ding trip Mr. Ervln and hla bride will live at Bala. WELSH COFFIN An attractive wedding will take place at 4 o'clock this aftornoen In the Prot estant Kplacepal Church of St. Luke and the Epiphany, Thirteenth street be low Spruce, when Miss Katharine H. Coffin, dnushter of Mrs M. Runk iv.ffln of 251 Seuth Sixteenth street and St. Davids, will bacome the bride of Mr Stanley A. Welsh, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles W Welsh, of thu Alilln ir,.tl The Rev. David M. Steele, rector of the church, will perform the ceremony. The brlde. who will bu glen in marriage by her brother, Mr O. Wlntlimn Coffin, will wear a gown of whtte beaded chif fon, with a long court tialti of white satin extending from the shoulders, anu a veil of old family lace nrranged In a coronet of orange blossoms and lace She will carry a bouquet of white efc. phlds and.lllles of the valley. Mrs. Wil liam Steele, d, will act as matron of fit- SSteliLai3J&tt2m!tJ!LP&!Z.. a. rf VT'Jl'Sl2 aT-SIIalin aaV (laaTi laaBBISaHaOi aa.aa.al tat. aa aa sal - I. r -a . . I r a. an MteVMM matrix mrxrxncrirjH mmifmSmirBssu'zsr'sss' '.; -m .. -: . m f. with hats of brown tulle, trimmed with blue. They will carry spring ilewers. The bridesmaids will include Miss Adelaide Pyle, Mrs. Frederick Hcmsley Levis, Miss Barbara Shoemaker, Miss Dorethy Painter, Miss Elizabeth O. Deak, of San Franolsce, Calif., and Mrs. Paul Emery Thurlow, of Bosten. They will wear frocks of shell pink chiffon, ombreldered In crystal beads and hats at brown tulle, trimmed with blue chif fon. They will also carry bouquets of spring dowers. Miss KUzabeth Steele, a niece or the bride, and Mlaa Elizabeth Mitchell will be (lower girls. They will wear yellow organdle with organdie hats te match, and will carry bankets of spring tlewers. Mr. Fergusen Mehr will be best mnn and the ushers will Include Mr. Charles Carrlgan, Mr. Wil liam Steele, Sd, Mr. W. N. Seymour Coffin, Mr. Kenneth Kltsen, Mr. Henry F. Walten, Jr.. Mr. Frederick Hcmsley LevIb, Mr. Wlnfleld Dougherty and Mr. Rebert Oantert. A rocepllen will fellow the ceremony at the Rltz-Curlten. On ineir return irem tnelr wedding jour ney, Mr. and Mrs. Welsh will he at home after May 22 at 5233 WIssahlelten avenue, Germantown. CROWTHER VAN RENSSELAER A quiet home wedding will take place at 4 o'clock this afternoon when Miss Olive Maria Van Renscelncr, daughter of Mrs. Charles KUllan Van Rensselaer, of 131 WeBt Washington lane, Ger mantown. will become the brlde of Mr. Cyril Irwin Crowther, of Yemkers. The bride will be given In marriage by her brother, Mr. Charles Kllllan Van Rens selaer. Mr. Walter Hall will be the matron of honor and her bister's only attendant. Mr. Elliet Van Hennlk, of New Yerk, a cousin of the groom, will act as best man. The Rev. Dr. Frank Parkins will efficiate. After a wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Crowther will live at 2741 Sedgwick avenue. New Yerk City. SUPER-RAPP The marriage or Miss Kathryn L. Rapp, daughter of Mrs. Charles e. Rapp, of ArdmeTe. and Mr. Geerge W. Super, also of Ardmore, will take place at 7 o'clock this evening at St. Stephen's Lutheran Church In this city, the Rnv. Henry M. Werta officiating. Mr. Charles Barnes Rani) will elve IiIh uletr tn marriage. Mlsa Jeauette L. Campbell of Ardmore. will be bridesmaid. The best man will be Mr. Rudelph Lawaer and the ushers will Include Mr. D.ivM M. Weht. Mr. Rebert J. Uevrt. Mr. Hn.. ard G. Kuttz.ef Ardmere, and Mr. Wal ter S. Mertz, of Wnyne. After their re turn from a wedding trip, Mr. and Mr. Super will live at 12 East Athens ave nue, Ardmere. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. James F. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Jehn 11. Mar tin, of 2328 Seuth Bread street. have returned te their home from their cettage In Atlnntlc City, where "they spent the Easter holidays. While in Atlantic City they had as thir guests Mr. and Mr. Jehn O'Donnell nnd Mr. Jehn O-Dennell, Jr.. Mrs. Jehn S. Scan Ian, Miss Mary Scanlan. Mrs. Jehn J. Curley and her granddaughter, Miss Kmmulla Curley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hack, Mr. and Mrs Frederick Williams, Mr. and Mrs. William Lewe and Mrs. Themas Satterfleld. The members of th PvrmM nnh win enipnam mis evening at a recep tion and dance at the Roosevelt Hetel. Twentieth and Chestnut streets. Among tnose en me committee are: Mr. Fran cis Mullln, Mr. Alfred Coldwell. Mr. Michael Deyle and Mr. Edward Ciissy. Mrs. Jehn W. Busch. of 2300 Seuth Eighteenth street, entertained vesterrtny afternoon at a luncheon and bridge party. The members of the Alpha Kappa Frnternlty will entertain this evening at a recptlan and dance at the Aldine Hetel. These en the committee are: M,r: Weley Ayars. Mr. Charles Dabb add Mr. btanley Shields. GERMANTOWN Miss Charlette G. Stlmpsen. the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Stlmp Stlmp eon, of 7216 Creshelm read, will be married en Tuesday, May 2, te Mr Leuis Hasbrouck, of Amherst. Mass., at St. Martin's Church. Chestnut Hill. In the presence of the Immediate families and a few Intimate friends. Mr. C. Stuart, rector of the church, will per form the ceremony. SIlss Stlmpsen will be attended by her sister. Miss Winlfrea Stlmpsen, as maid of honor and Mr. Oraliuni Walker, of Washington, will be me ueai man. w .T,h8,. Women's Club of Germantown V.cla J-tP charter luncheon at the Pel hnm Club yesterday. About 300 guests were entertained in the Goerglan Roem. Mre. Richard Davis, of 302 West Scheel lotto, will gte a theatre party followed by tea at the Bellevue-Strat-ISrd..?n Wodnesday, April 26. In honor of Mlsa Genevieve Dltlcnbeck. of 209 Pelham read. The gueste will include the bridal party. The engagement of Mien Careline Hess, daughter of Mr. Walter Weed Hess, of C147 Wa,ne avenue, te Sir Frederick A. inr nf fu,. .;,... u... has been announced. NORRISTOWN i.moJ?,ttneso w."c' wl" take the prln tIRh1 TSnrt".. '"u.'l!6 "ht opera, "The Pfcd Piper," which wllf be Presented at the Grand Opeta Heuse en May 8 8 and 10 under the auspices of the Yeune bach, Mlaa Uuainne F slier. Alia, Aid. Peacock. Mr. Kenneth Jenea. Mr. Bland Tm" Dal5! "areld PftIsen ftnd Mr. wPu ,dn Ir"i rrank c Perker, of Mil"-Ha ' rSad' are jruests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Thern, of New Yerk. Mr. and Mrs. It. A irm,, . n.... hem, haye returned home after belnK the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M Daub, of 1336 West Main streei. Mr. and Mrs. Richard II. Lane Miss Dorethea Lane and Mr. Richard H Lane. Jr. of S19 West Muln street will go te Washington. D. c. en June l where Mr. Lane has been transferred aa a representative of the HeuUier Hallway Company, wuuiern Mra. Cliarlea Walnwrlght, of 1212 dA&nwV:V" v"ftln Wvl2 a an iipii MHnif ra ----,. ln .--.-- . m,m, mt f ! vr -Sj'"'!"" XtX THE Letters te the Editor It Wat Sen, Net Father Te the rJlter e tn f!vine PubHe tedetr: Sir Your yesterday evening's edition contains an nrtlcle. headed ,'' Late Than Never Ira Jewell Williams, Pepper Campaign eV .n5it"VlVr Primaries," nnd atntcs that Mr. U Hams fnlled te register last Wednes day nnd appeared befere the Beard of Itcglstrntlen Commissioners nnd was " n.i x-.. tatnmpnt is lHCOr- rect. Mr. Williams was one of the first of thorette register In my dlv''" "cd nesdny laat. Ira Jewell Williams, Jr., his son. registered yesterday before the Heard of Registration Commis sioners. . ... ,. ,. Mr. Williams, Jr., is a " ; n. .... i r ..... Mnimni. nnd wns absent en reclNtrntien day. He Intends, how ever, te make u special trip te I HI ndelphla en fay 10, in order te vote ter Henntnr l-epper. ;"' ; may be sufd that Mr. Williams. Jr., at the nge of seventeen, sailed for Europe in May, 11)17. and Mrwdln the camion service of the French Army. Yours very truly, August Milllnghauber Chestnut Bill, A, April 1W, 1022. Anale-Amerlcan Fellewahlp Te the Kilter et the Hventna PuWe I'eerl in. it. ni..i. V Pnldwells let- tcr. which' you pubtlshed in Tuesday's Uhhi. mimt hnve come as a complete revelation te the many persons who, during the last few weeks, have been se senselessly nrculng pre and con tnc Angle-American question. There can be no doubt that the Amer ican nnd British peoples are linked to gether by mere than ordinary ties et friendship, nnd the petty prcjudlcfM or a few can. fertunntely, linyc but little bad effect. Nevertheless, It is Irritating, te say the least, te find people who are se lacking in average Intelligence na te brcnthc fiery torrents of words against the mother country, accusing Englishmen of being brutal rulers, Im perialistic, boastful, etc. Mr. Caldwell Is te be congratulated In putting ever what I will call the "coup de grace." ..,VT HOttACB n. HOUSTON. Wilmington, Del., April 19, 10.2, Against Moving Liberty Bell Te the Editor of the Vventtte PuWe Ledeer: Sir Yeu are perfectly right in your objection te the proposed removal et the Liberty Hell from its shrine In Independence Hull for the -purpose et exhibition nt a local festival in Chi cago. It has alwayH beemed te me that flievr. rw'cnwllitinl tWTPCrlllllt lOHS Of a priceless relic were calculated te cheapen It. net alone in the city where it first "proclaimed liberty throughout the land." but in the estimation also of the people of the country tlueugh which it was transported. These people turned out te bee it very much as they de when the circus comes te town and the elephants parade the streets; they nre prompted uy curiosity anu mc .!'". te get something for nothing, rather than by the leverent patriotism which animates the (spectator who mukes n pil grimage te the home of this venerable symbol of our glorious heritage. There nre tentimentnl reasons against tnklng the Liberty Bell te Chicago or anywhere elbe: your editorial makes an admirable point in the suggestion that the utilization of the Stene of Scene ns r.n itinerant exl iblt. or the institu tion of a junketing tour with the de tached drums of the Parthenen, would net for a moment be cenldered by pco pce pie who treasure these antiquities. Doz ens, jes, scores, of similar exnmple3 might have been Instnnred : but the two jeu mention nre Bullicient te prove the undeslrabllity nf again placing our sa cred Liberty Bell in the category of "Cheap Jehn" nttractlenH. And if this sentimental, or shall I say patriotic, reason were net wiffieient, I held that the physical dangers te the relic In railroad Journeys of this price less relic nnd the possibility of acci dent, te say nothing of the damage that threatens the Bell every time it is mnveil. should warn our Cnunrllmcn ngainst granting the request for another shipment covering thousands of miles by the promoters of n local exhibition. Let the Liberty Bell stay where it is nnd where It belongs Independence Ilnll. I strenply indorse the EVKXlNCi Punue LEDem's nttltude. JAMAS MADISON CLINTON. Philadelphia, April SI, 1022. "Peer Mrs. Zander" Te the Editor of the Evening Pub.He l.nier; Sir Your paper is of unusual inter est nnd is also eduuiilnnnl, yet I am net satisfied with Mr. Smith, who has caused the trouble between Mis. Hcn riette Zander and I'ncle BIm Who is new going te pay for Hen rietta's wedding gown and her ether olethes? Boer soul, hew will she get along new? Oh. Mr. Smith. If I had my hands en you ' M. 1UDOVA. Philadelphia, April 20, 1022. Demands New Laber Leadership Te the Kdlter of the Kvenlna Public r.fiteer: Sir In a convention of 200 delegates, representing local unions of the mine workers, held at Wilkes-Uarre, Pa., April 17, a platform of principles was adented te be used in the coming con gressienal elections. Three outstanding principles were adopted : First, the condemnation of the Eighteenth Amendment. I am a former mine worker and n resident of the mining region. My welfare is bound up with. the welfare of the mining region, and I feel I have thu right te criticize the actions of these be-called leaders of the mine workers. Any Intelligent, unbiased observer will tell yen that the ei-t enemy of the mine worker Is the Icleus liquor trnme, uetn new ami preueus te pro hibition. It is an tiudisputed fuet that the mine workers who are least pre Mired te withstand the rigors of n strike nre these who havH spent and i ere spending it large part of their earn- J ings ter uoeze. When the mlni workers' lender, ally themselves with the vicious booze trnf fie, they de net represent the views of the intelligent, sober, industrious labor clement. The second principle ndenteil U. i I 'Condemnation of the State Censtab- iilary nn.l oijiiesltlon te any Increase I JENNY SELTZER'S SALON I 0 nt,1 ? f1n'-'t, ...,,, , 'thu Chestnut Keem 2O0 Vhiine Wal 714t 'Ibis Is another benjla-ad iilny en the , " ""' 714' nne f tll. tironenf laniliira rtf .l.nl& " I'll, m w. ...w ..vv..v iimivia ii. illt I --- w m m -a -at a. e. a Sb ai a -ft -a. -a. a -a. a, -a, a. a 4 unions. The Statu Constabulary stanila 'J -, . j-,, t for the upholding of the law and the , ftlll'lllP' llAaitina i)rpscrntluu of life nnd property In the t -M-t 11IK VlCCtlllllfil ' Htnte. Any impartial ebsener In tbe.t t a. r . 77 I coal regions win ten you that lire, nnd property are Immensely better protected alnce the. advent of the cenwtnbulttrv. The third bencbead demand la "Con demnation of imliifitrlal courts such as is found In Knni-nH." The leading nations of the world to day, renllilng the telly of war aa an Instrument of settling dispute, are ear nently trying te ehtablNh international reurta te take the nlaee of un. i,.n t r these se-cnlled leaders of the mine workers are htlll slieutlne for war tn settle their disputes" with the mine uw nerM, I have talked with different mine workers who rill soy, "If the iniulltlena get tee bad the net minium ill have te take held." ln ether words, that nra nlll appear dally -.. Vft siu .ir& The Feeple's Fer PEOPLE'S FORUM the Government would arbitrate tbe dif ferences between the employers and the empleyes. If arbitration. Is u geed thing at the end of a strike, would It net be a better thing te tiae befere the strike, with nil Its suffering begins? This country has shown by every constitutional method of ascertaining the will of the people that tbe United States Is overwhelmingly in favor or the abolishment of the demoralizing liquor traffic. Yet such labor leaders as Oempers and some of the mine lead ers deliberately flout this sentiment by trying te hitch the labor element te the discredited liquor business nnd try ing thus te defy the' Constitution und laws of the country. Laber unions hnve done wonders in the way of securing adequate wages and fair working conditions, nnd It would be nothing less than a calamity te labor weie they destroyed. I fear, though that labor history Is about te repent Itself and labor unionism be led into Mich a fnlsc nltuntien as te lead te Its destruction unless some of the un wise lenders are removed nnd Intelli gent men put into their places. A FORMER MINE WORKER Aahland, Pn., April 18, 1022. Questions Answered Mount Vernen Te the Editor et the Evening Public Ltdetrt Sir Was Qeorae Washlnaten's hemn of Mount Vernen, a shrine of American pa triotism, always known by that name? A ns It rrttx nut. n avu It was unit that the name wag teUewed by CenrRD Vh Vh Inaten whpn he took p-jMoMlen nf the property. Which Is riant; INQU1RCU. Hirtlburt. I'a.. April 10, 1!)2-'. A. Is rljtht, The erlclnnl name of the estate was Hunting Creek nnd wan elmneed te Mount Vernen by Laurence Wnnlilna-ten In honor of Admiral Vernen, a dlstlnaulahcd officer of tha UrlUa'i Navy. Children Resigning Claims te Estate Te the Editor et the Evening PubHc Ledgtrt Hlr Will you answer In the Peepla's FWum ttiese question,: If a son or daugh ter wishes te realm sit claim te their father's or mother's estate and If there I a paper written te that effect and alened by the son or daughter and It Is wltnewieit. If It leaal. DAII.T nBADBIt. Pemberten, K. J April 14. 1622. If a aen or daughter wlhes te asslrn any and all claim te tht estate of their father or mother this could be done In a properly prepared Instrument, elcneil by the said uen nnd dauahter. In any event there rlieuld lie u confldjrntlen for the assign assign ment and If the asslgnment Involves real estate. It shculd be under seal nnd should be recorded. Ur.less this paper has already been executed the proper course te pursue would he te eneane an attorney In the Htulp in which the renl estate Is situated se that the Instrument may b draft-d In the proper form end the transaction handled In a way that Its legality would be beyond question. Three American Admirals Te the EMar of the Eventna Public T.rdaer: filr will you pleas-) tell me hew many admirals the American Navy haahsd. I mr.n full runk admirals. JACK TAR. Philadelphia. April 19. 1922. The Navy Department eas there hsve hn entv ihpei. fnlt admirals In the I?nltel State Navy te date. Tbe first was Ad- mlra! Tarraeut, who was nppelnted when thli Brade was established fur hlni by an act of Cengrem en July 20. 18C6. The ether two admirals were Perter nnd Pewe. Of these the latter received en even hlener rank, having been aranted the title of "The Admiral of the Navy," which ha been crante4 te no ether man. Spanish Wives Retain Surname Te the Editor of the Evnylne Pub'.li Ledger: Hlr T have heard th-re are countries In which the wife does net take thx husband's name at the time of marriage. Is this true7 ANXIOCS. Marietta. Pa. April 19. 1022. In most civilized countries the wife chances her surname en marrtace te thnt of the husband, but In Spain she retains It and the son may adept either the ma ternal or tic paternal nam. Poems and Songs Desired I "The Trailing Arbutus" Te the Edtter of the Evening Pi'WIc Ledger: Sir Inclesed please find ceny of "The Trailing Arbutus" reauested In your paper. It affords mn great pleasure te b able te sund It te the Forum. FLORENCE a,tNDT. Germantown. April 1. 1022. THE TRAILING ARRL'TUS By Sarah Helen Whitman. There's u. Miwer lhat grewH by the Green wood tree. In Its ileiielHtH beauty mere dear te me Than nil that bik In the noontide tara Through th- lenr, brlsht summer by fount and stream. Like n pure hope nursed beneath sorrow's wing. Its timid buds from the cold mess spring; Their dellcatn hues like the plnlt seushell. Or the shaded blush et the luuclnth's bell. Their brnnth niore sweet thau the faint perfume That breathes from the bridal orange bloom, It 1 net found by the garden wall. It wreathes no brew In the festal hall. But It ilwejln In the depths of the khadewy weed, And shin like a star, In the nelltude, Neer did numln Its nam" prolong Ne'er hath It floated en wings et tens; Bard and minstrel ha. patned It by And luft It. In btleni- and bhade, te die. Uut with Jcy te Itn (.adle tha wild t-efs come. And pralHe Its beauty with dreny hum; And rhlMren love, in the season nf spring. Te watch for Ha earlle.it blossoming. Fer me. sweet blessnm. th tendrils cling. Round my heart of hearts, as In child hood's spring. And thy brratli, as It floats en the wan dering air. Wakes All the mualc of mrmery there. Theu recallest the tlme when, a fearless child. I rewd all day through the weed-walks wild. Seeking ih blosaems bv banks and brae Wherever the snowdrifts had me. ted away. "Londonderry" Te the Editor of tne I.jralnj Pub,'? Agu Sir I am eendlng senu asked for b a i BEE WHAT "THE ODSERVFJl" HATS l.li: OllHKIlVr.U la r.rsenn,- when it renvs te Snorts, and has u nay of tuttlna '..I. nla, a.iav.i n ...III .. I .. . . n.. .T AnVVle"1 oesrcnvKR i mil u.w ",ri inn will ,ll,rruiuitlt nlBri r Mere ii etriKe tout" ey THE Tvhtitl anninr, alj.r ia a the Sports Partes of the Ervivn PcBUO Livna. "Make It a Habit.' Adv. T J e r i lairuressing -, I BOBBED HAIR 75c I MARCEL 6c CURL t .m vuuaaae or every neusewtte ' can be made a pleasant atTalr If the . i trained men of the ' KEYSTONE Heme aaa Win- J daw Cleaninr t Comeaav de the work for yau. Entire rJeenlnr . 4 done In one or tne doe. llta.uiii.ule ' 4 pru-ee. RADIO Antenna Erected Fer best results ht us erect your Antenna 7 J l"7B AiEl i&Vt 3 Iay r - j '" ? ' . Forum I te, as near as I can remember It. aa we used te sing It In tondenderry, ( Could soma one send There was a man came from tftrabant, The people knew him well; And he went up te f Jerry town, An oerceut te mil. Or "On the Ianks of Clandy" or "Cuddle i-'hii a , ... "AVID 1IILL. Philadelphia, April 19. 1022. I-ONDONDEfinr ON TIIK FOYLE. There's a dear little spot and lf built en green seli; It'a the land of my birth, and I'll fell jeu ita name' !t my place of birth and If built of green soil, And It' called Londonderry en the bank 'of the Teyle My parent they died when I was quite a t had net much pleasure and net much Jey; I then took a notion te cress the deep sa, And te leaie Londonderry en the bank of tbe I'eyle. Hard, hard was my earning and hard, hird wa my tell, Far away from Londonderry en the bank of the Foyle, I courted a wee girl, her age wa sixteen! She was the finest wee creature that I have eceni Iter eyee they were blue and her figure waa email. She wa. the pride of We,h Margetaen en the bank of the I'eyle. i!j neI T1C.'U,?9' n,! " 1nlh my song. wrong? ,"i"1 rve "" nethln 15,11 "cal?1" by chanee you gheul'1 aire us a Teu'll see sweet Londonderry en the banks of the Foyle. Better Leeks Lenger Wear Frem Corsets That Fit IJNLESS you hnve a pcr '"' feet form no corset fits right unless it's altered te your individual require ments. Let us fit you with Redfern Corsets. The Corset Shep 121 S. THIRTEENTH ST. Arenad tie Cerner en Sanjem St. Every fitting receives the personal attention of Mite Pauline Campbell ACAnEMY OF .ML'5ir. II A. M. IIiN PALL H ni:iVClt ON "rnvmr. i'IANISM ANI. i-HINEs" llt'MANlHV Unitarian FIRST rXITARIAN tTILHCIl 2123 I hestnut st. ""-" Rev. Frederick It. Griffin, lllnlster. U A,i M. ;U.V. Pierce; mln of All Seuls' Unitarian Church of w liwten, 1. (.' . will preath. r " minister asn- IMTARIAN CHURCH OF fiERMANTnini (Ireene 8t and W. VhelUl, ITrJ Sunday. April 23. 1022. Services at 11 :()0 A. i!. The Mlnlslee n... ier t .Kirle. will nreun u..v..l.V. . "The 8-ivlnir Grain preach. Subject f'hurcli ecboel In the parish house ntrv Sunday morning at the same ir "e B at the same hour. All are Invltid steam.iiip NenriN WB'I-iT2r:iTJJT.Vi.TPf J t'4fi!'b'AfVT P I MM mjj HKLIOIOfM XUTICErt Ethical Society BLACK DIAMOND LINES REGULAR mEIGHT SERVICE , ..e. ... TO ROTTERDAM S 4 f A-?TV(,HB') SAILING APRIL 2S - f 'i f frTVs.'J U-S J.B.) SAILING MAY la SS "1NNOKO" (U.S.S.B.) . SAILING MAY 28 TO ANTWERP . V.?.?"1-" "-SB.) SAILING APRIL 25- I'.l J.SSE SPIRIT" ( UJ5.B.) SAILING MAY SS "ANACONDA" (U.S.S.B.) SAILING hUY IS Fer Rates and Particulars Apply Geyelin & Company, Inc., Phua. ABent. 108 Seuth Fourth Street, Philadelphia Lembard S144 Main 7620 fe NAWSCO LINES fe liV Otrneri and Agents V S Shipping Heard Steamers lf"Sl 100 American Steamers 100 American Crews 100 Direct Service Express rrcijjht Steamers from Philadelphia the 6th and 20th of each month, via Panama Canal, te him Dlecii. Iiih Anrrlra, San Frnnrlsru. Oukliinil, eiittle, Pertliuiil, Akturla, Tarnmn, Vnnreiivrr, II. t'. 18 days te Les Angeles -May 6 S. S. Hlue Triangle S. S. Artiga! May 20 Team freight recelvril ilally ut Tier 10 North (Feet of Vine St ) NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. 136 S. Fourth St., Phila. Phene Lembard 5791-2-3; Main 7781-2 Great Eastern Railway of England CATHEDRAL ROUTE Kut Anirlla 11 ire of the PI rtn Fathers DleWens ami 'lennxen Dis tricts 5earM Uei orts Oi If THE FELIX HOTEL fei ixsteu'i:. :mii..m The most magnificently atipnintiM eatahllelinieii i,n the East Coast nf Enaland. owned find ttmmit-J t.y the Oreat Eastern Kaliwnv Com pany llluniriie.l lirechni-e in renunt HARWICH ROUTE r.ntlund the Continent via HARWICH and HOOK OF HOLLAND Alie via HARWICH and ANTWERP DIRECT TO BATTLEFIELDS VIA HARWICH ZEEBRUGGE Pullman Car Trains. Luturieuj Slearaeri. .Xpply fur lllii-trutril hneklrta. II. .1. KETtllAM. (,in. let. Sit llfth Aie. (at aid Mt.), ni Yerk lJAI3!MinilJTlllTyl.iii:ftl WiNrU-fliLSERVicETFTTTOTn MmmmMMMvjnH f-iii'w.'ii TO PLYMOUTH. BOULOGNE HAMBUBG Bjr New American. Hat Etesrecrs Reael nte May 2. May SO. June 27 Reliance May 10. June 13. July J I TO HAMBURG DIRECT .?'.? tr"L Tliu" '. br the poen. roll. Mount Clinten. Hens., Beytrn. uapreved laird data ccoiarBCHlatlea. UNitee Ambrican Lines, wc. iiy,E tli ' V3 at 3 WEMoieitff Set Baptist Tilt-: TKMI'I.V. llread a:u Uerks sts. (1009 rf.J.f 3(100 Seat. ;M1 Heme of the Qrae t'.aptlal i nuastfLL II. CONWni.Li raatefj yv'rn. Dyre .MeCurdy. AesecUis T u, .Muriin nanus, Aiusicai Uir rreuericK n. marks, uraanut. t'0 A. M. Early prayer MMUM"!. 10 flO A Vt W...hl ,a prearhes. Temple chorus alnaa.V jS J u S." """ "-niiurrn a wnurcn ,m yi.ivcj truiiJin. . 2.30 l M. Hlble Bchoel. Jr Jj. C HUPl. if :se P. M. 'Christian Endeavor (I y-.. ..-.... . ." ;,vv i; jvi, ;nriuan icntieavet (I "'1IJ. I, M. Org.m recital by K, Htarke, ' 7:43 P. V. .Wnrahln tr ltn preach. Tonple Combined Cherua ins -rempie Chorus will repeat the prrgram en .Sunday, iwth mernla ... .t . y wining. r!ends "," Ctl.MTJtKMlK. IBth and lure ta. I Methods of Church Ifenslnn In ths. of Ueergn l'njt anil !! Fellow. Lender. Kdllh M. Winder Meeting ..,r'iip in..!!,, visuers. welcome. ONE OI' THE nl.DKHT ANTJ MOHT Inrlral STK.ts fn PnnnHtlvnnm 1m ftt CJUAICI.'U Mi:r.TINO itOUHR. nstabllaMCV In I IIS 2. nt Merlfin Mnnlinm.ry fib m a 1 William Petin worshiped here, an rnaantv , m ether noted Quakers of the day ;! services are neia eiery nrsiniay ibui morning t 11 o'clock. Cordial InvtU extended tn all. rreehrtrrlaa ARCH PTTtEET rilt'RCII. 18th and Ai Ir. UMIIKACK KIJWAHIJ 1IACAB In view of the visit te our city el Cnnan Dejl with his propaganda for lliinllam Tr. .MnrArtnev'a aerfnim "Hplrltuallsm and the Werd of Oed." Ilvred ul tha tint or the visit At Oliver Ledire. ha been reprinted and lx secured from the ushers at th. Bui imce, iir. HUKii j.cnnex iieage prunh at lOMfi and S HKC'dMI l'KF.JBYTKKIAN CHURCH fityt 21st and Walnui ats. . .XjJl iiu Ai.rvivnni t.riM.i. n n . V m t-.i1k5 , ..-. . . . ?. . . ' ....... .- ww... ....... , . . ri v. iiev a vim ii. iii'ni.r.v utAnt. Evening subject "A Post-rtesurrectlen JlB-t j'Ufej rlilent. and Its Suggestions for the Um "'.'T&9 t-kp M.nfnll U'lll h,e..h B 11 nnH 8. 1T-. Today " Hrtllnn frrtm T!natep tntlaln Brlll IMS peated morning and evening aa fellejeRKJjjM', 11 A. M. "They Have Token AwMAjitlKvX My Lord" B,',,wji'fl "Christ Is Arisen Fehrmiuta. KftvU 7 30 P. M. "He Is Illsen" McWNTOZrwL-J "fhr Wnm.n T'ent Knrth" MatttMWi'tFJi 5 "Light's Glittering Mern" WatttTCt 'AM "fhrlat la lllaen"7 Bc iMM 1 "The Day I Past and Oene".. ..Warrfet ' JB'I Instrumentnl tries lelln. harp and eraaVS4'5iX All seals fice nt the evening service. -., .I"tvV; A rerdlsl welrn-n" at all service. J7?'i IU.TIII.K1IE.M I'RKMIIVTEHIAN CHUBC1 '11 llrnud und Diamond sts. t.tkj '.1 Rev. WILLIAM L MrPORMICK. PalM,"t Tib.. u.unL'i n fii, nv a l.m.'- . 10.30 "Our Del te the Jew." ,.,A,i '-. w.. .... ... v.u... ?,..,W f, 2 HO Sabbath Hcl-nnl VJV'Bl ? "Kternlty! What? WhreT" -MtJUiKl "If n man din shall ha. Uv again." la antAMJ old nuestlen, p. r new Kaeh generattTa'"ii,ilaB nwke te iwr vi l thin the -veil ana awi iw xSiKt rer useir an nnsw-r mH5',!l Protestant nnlM-epnl silJHl 'tiirRcii or the holy apostle. v.&n& 21 si unit I'hrlsilnn sis Jlev RKOIIQE II. TOfJP Recter. ."ERVU'EH ON KCJNDAY. Tmybreak Carel bcrvite. Recter' Ul Injc und ile'y f'ommunlen. 7 A. M. Hely Communion. 0AM Hei" Cumrnunletl and Sermon. Rscta Annlver-irv of the Sundsv Scheel aM m W3 llll.lrt 1'taa.uM.. lip Tri1... Weed, or rW t j .AA1 ;.u t..l ne .,. 1l.nartmi.nt nf &?! ? I A. ?v?. I'll It. llni, ii. . t- ..-.-...... ..- - r. ?' IV Hums te unvrr in- auur',e. ni4 sj4" CIll'UCII OF HT. 4t'DE t THE ITTJ? jJl'T N. W. car 11th and Mt Vernen sts ' '-"J1 1 REV JAMES COPE riiu:-.M.-.. Iicviivnlt L ' in. mi Mnminir Praier and Sermon. ..i - --:.- - . ... i..i- u . i t a. Ta,isc' i.j Craft-men's riuh. ,r, VI L. .. Ka,, 1t.lnnrne. T(- . "S , I". ..1 . 'I.IIII1E UCI IV.TT. a .B .. ' ,'a r-"' ' "- jjtjr n civ. a.t.-itr1h: ntl'tiril II na nina. EDWARD M .IKKPERYS fl, T. D.-Raeteri-Vi- 'Jj 1.70 A. M Hely ijnmmunien. . x' 11 00 A. M. iiernini mtvic una sermon a. . hv th- rector. Choir will sing: - 'Vfl Ael "Te Deum In C" jeraan ' . "Awake. Aw '', WJHJ i'V; 8 1. M. iinei service, sneri auarvs anil . recital by cheir: (.' "As It Uesan te Dann" Martin , 4 "lA-t Net Tour Hcirt He Troubled". FetrfT 'lfj "Te Deum In C" Jerdan -Vi 'U I're leccatis". . . JLJ ; . . . . . iwrew r,- i riimrti of tiif7iiei.y apostles - TtY . i 21st and Chrlstlnn ets. Jl'i'i e A t Mtilv Pnminimlnn - 1. ln.irMnrTilni I'raier. Sertnnn , rtWlW Recter... . . t 'Jfy. ; S r.') Sunday school . .ii T T -if Tiinw tWnln. R.vtii. TaaNtal fl-JfLT 8 I'. M - E-enlre Praier and armenirrT''7lfl3l Re. William O. Roeire Jr. ..?..' liy.T!ti 'J RTRAMSIIIP NOrirES MALLORy TRANSPORT LINES, REGULAR FREIGHT SERVirr Te BARCELONA. GENUA,, IIIMKataalLLUb. NAPLbS. and VALENCIA fS S "Carence" (USSB),Apr.25 tSS "City of St. Jeseph" (USSB),Myf "NarttilltM Direct via New Yerk t Genea Direct Fer Rates and Particulars Apply GEYELIN & CO., Inc. Philadelphia Agents 108 S. Fourth St.. PKII. Lembard SU4 Main 7620 Dixie Steamship LinwRj rrfiLAUtLfHIA te m Bristel, Manchester U.S.S.B. SS "Eaitcra Sword" Expected te Sail April 25 USSSB S ' S "OPELIKA" Expected te Sail Early May s AT CO.VIKKKNCK RATBM Harriti. Magill & Ce., Im. 425 Ufayette Uldg, PhlladelDW. - - Ma I ----'i-- -M-aaaBaBBaaBaaajBBaaaa.H. M IB AMUIICA UNI U fc' Aartr 'tmtmsiSZJM gfv!-- v ' i .f.u iHiim fwjMiaaV 'fiitBIHHI i f avE9MB9nH a 4w lay rill Xit. m 'ft.i --ir . fx 4 w"-". 'a, r.l WT ; K-rt,($Sa at- n'.ai, a.i t -&: i..y. i i Y i A,' ' ' l i IV W t V' ft' m 1 ' " Vjti iSMT.Ciri?. IS 'xi