-2 ' ' --- v . '' ' . "'- V , WREJTHE CUfiTAIN GOES UP T - TAc Artiste Who Submerge Their Personalities and These Who ftp , Don't "Welcome Stranger" Coming Back Has- liSv ( sian Opera Other Notes ' p IJPPOSB TepsyTurvy ruled tlie theatres for even se short a time as a single p At this tnenire me iragTjnuj ueauuiui nna stately Elsie Fersusen Is play (f hut Julie, the downtrodden sfectheart of Llllem; nt that lien he Al .Telsen Is put :'? iTT. mnnimv songs into Pctruchle's lips durlne idle ninmpntw !,. i. ,i,. Ihf tlwer little Georee Sidney as one of the romantic heroes of Zoe Aklns' "Varying' K Shere"! there, Mr.'8etliern is kissing scores of shepgirls In the guise of the K fetid-mouthed barker of thq Molnar play. ii iiuaicreusf wciuiii.ij., uu .in-ivn.in:u. jicninps, out Illustrative of a very a . wnniic biuic ui iiiiii" . mv uiuu.u mu. i uuitueiinians see teuny, & i"N TUKSDAY NIGHT Mr. Bothern l-t'V -and his wife gave an especially able performance et 'xwciun iigut, ' ' -Mi-h net only brought the Shake- ,' irpeaMnn characters Inte ruddy life but preAtllOd a geiuen giuw unu mu nii.ua- .. riens. 5' 'fiethcrn's playing of Malvolle, the pempctis steward, besides being wholly Mlrhtful ns a portrayal, marked the '?tenly time during this year's repertoire which tlie star entirely huemergcu As Hamlet, he is Sethern, I- In 11 V.lfnsclf under an alias, sonorous, cicnr( iu enunciation, scholarly nnd sincere; as Petruchle, there are flashes of n distinct character, with the man himself always poking tlfreughj In "The Merchant,'; he' is almost nhven Sothern giving a perfectly logical, plausible version of -SSSr-NIAt-' h. k- hl; If entl-elv, se completely in fact that i rcerefccntntivu audience given no "... n nilfiinpn announcement , "be at a less te guess his identity unless tncy were vif.ww ,.;. with hi?, work. And tms "" ui'' "",,, yit ? t ' J E2f!l-Mn.--- Hfl liATfW-RKTH-lTi WtffflPJ U 1 Iff 'j fw .,. n. K -a ' liTi.. ,- w-JFraBV3-rt-i w? i& r; . is Tf : '.ftt sf ., " - r wi - ' Hi-J t - SARS OF THE STAGE CMlNG HERE NEXT WEEK ' r . , t t Shows That Are Coming te Philadelphia Soen MT 1 "Haunted." with Rebert - Edeson. Walnut. Mn3r8.r:."Tnc "ream Maker," with William Gillette, Breud. "THIRD OF A CENTURY" CELEBRATED BY KEITH'S Many Feature! en 8peclal Program Here Next Week J.ne several hundred vaudeville theatres owned by und affiliated with Jte M K' Kc,th dwult will celebrate iu iiiiru-ei-n-ccntury anniversary all next week. The program at the local house will begin with a special bill Monday night, when Mayer Moere will Vi '. uuure nnu tue extra nttrao nttrae .,!?." n" ibc,tt. concert by the Phlladcl- Illlla I'ellPn Itnn.l ' (1,Purln.l. the entire week special fca-' tw.va iviii un nriHPtirn.i nvnvif ntnii. nH.i S;X fflcln .' m.cn Prominent in the v.?!- Ss tind. 80cI?1 werI(l '""I heds of Z V Jnt,c,nu, o'KOUlzatiens will .i.i ,""" " xncatre will be clabQ "', decorated for the occasion, nnd holds for cwr se many wine names aiueng the novel settings will be a which .ire blaenl In the i electric flights photographic display of many of the 3." . ,i..u Tlmt ! net te sav that they de net give notable renditions of their narts Often the htnrs whose personull persenull ties stand out the most prominently can V nl.i n7 V -..-jj.uj hi ninny ei me eiu-tinm 8tnrs wlmsn Mm. ..... in ternatienally popular in the old days et variety. ei.H"i K' Kcitl1,- n circus man, first de cided te go Inte vaudeville In 1S88, but it was In 1883 that the inspiration came which was te revolutionize thu most of the younger school of ncters en, '" T . i rW0H .'" th,H ;cnp SfpJrfectlen. of his art; Otis Skin-" j, f; .- "'ft ?c,r:ulte " SJ. 'probably the most perfect prolog- X ?:'" f:. P. Ith , ." ? Pf"1 '' IL the hPNt trusted te act with vivid nes and technical polish. Geerge Arliss Is always Geerge Arllss, but he tan give cards and hpndcs te lit nt (In. rnmnntlc Hurt 1111(1 nluy new acting, could net efface SklnnerJ . when he played the Toreador, but that r did net ruin the effect of his general characterization; for many years, ex rent that he has aged of necessity, Jehn , Drew has been expected te play a cer tain definite kind of role, nnd when he stepped out of It, ns in "Itlchard Car--el." he failed. ' Mention was made above of Geerge Sfdnev. "Welcome Stranger" (which ' rcturiiri te the d'nrrlck Monday) was his first definite legitimate success. Is it te be imagined that he will piny n much different role in plays that come later? The experiences of Ixiuls Mann and 'Barney Hernnrd nnd David Warfleld answer that iu the negative. There w'as one star who came here this ear who was quite different, and that was Lionel Atwlll. Hjs Grand 'Duke (whatever one may think' of Its excellence eh a characterization) was as different from Ills Deburnu or some of , hif elder supporting roles as night from j day. Aim it wanet a matter 01 ninice sp either. Thevtwe young sturs in "Lillem," whose success at the Adelnhl Is a mat ter of rejoicing, ere also of a different I trteu. iiiesc wiiadeuut wnctuer.iesepn BchiMkraut would be ns effective in any but his present exotic and atmo spheric role had but te sec Ills Chevalier hi "Orphans of the Storm" te realize that, whatever his defects, nnd they are chiefly imaginary, he can efface his ' personality as he pleases. The same Is true of Eva Le Galllenne. The anver might be made that their personalities arc net of the outstanding nature that makes Mich people as Lee Dittlchsteln, Otis Skinner and Geerge Arliss interesting te study year after year. That may be se, but it Is probably rather that these younger artists, net having been acclaimed in any une-tpc part, arc t-tlll trvlne te lit tlicmselvcH tn various roles rather thun adapting these rales te their personal muke-ups. 'AS IT happens, KIsle Fergusen, In ler present vehicle, "The Varying Snore, ' at the Bread, gives iu one Jingle pluy the answer te any query n te whether bhe can sink her personality Whee her part calls for it. In the earlier nets tihe is w sonorous senorous sonerous Toiced. rich-blooded, very sophisticated Weman of the world. She is Elsie t er er psen much us .we might Imagine Elsie Fergusen te be off the stage. She is, ether words, both Elsie Fergusen and .Madame Lelund. Hut iu the net wnn-n reverts te her childhood, she hasn't even tauggcMIen of 'Elsie Fergusen. She is. very met, quaint, . plaintive, re pressed little .Tulle Venuble, enlv sixteen Tears old. misunderstood by everybody, reaching out wistful dream hands te eiutcn at the flowers of romance that she ?5.M?,1,ci.,n,t"c f '"Brant pages of her terbldden Shakespeare. That one act stamped Elsie Fergu n as worthy te rank at the top of her profession. And It comes with such .iluri,r'.N! t,,llt llcr nrtt words, iu that "In llttli'-Klrl voice, nfter the sonerltv 5. bn earlier speech, is nothing less win uuieiy JiUHcum iu IJosten. Te er1iPfJ,V?lnL,bH,r- AIbce ensanlied Srhnac;n cJim?"ny ejut en tanceus success, and in 1880 Mr. Albee took the opera company over'te Provi dence, where many famous light operas were produced, and the venture added mere success te the Keith and Albee vnU nf?i8.,Ir,,.Kcith. dcel,Ic1 te in vnde Philadelphia, and obtained a site en North Eighth street, where the old Uljea was erected. The UIJeu was on en on ether step In the revolution of vaude ville, nun rnr upvprnl mntitl... r ii jlellvcrcd a short address ta the "nai lery ireds." whlrh'hn.1 .... .....ii..t effect upon their manners. In 1803 .ur. avcitii leased the fumeus old Union Square Theatre In New Yerk, and the BBBBm' y,jBBBBiPBilllBPiS.'iiBE5tiBB tKm., BMBWBBJV BBW bbBbb'vHH9P' smt"wiML. avHLLWrN chilekraut, BBBBm ':-- tK' ' JtUt2OKVlVf' BlBBBmVIWr BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTt i ?i 4 v- v ts. v$ tr J&S&iKEaGKjtf W BBBBBBaZ? Jw .BjBBbBMEVv jr BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBm'U ' ' Wk V:- '&t"-S Vi'-,IW BBBBBBBmM&Jt-, -' 1 ?ZAt1BmwBBB J I JKmB;i TFbbbW m " BwB&arm 'KS3 V' ! S &jBtV ' iiHMrV.ivABBi xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbwIbbbWbbW' mZ;MJi $8rJrLm.m. bWb ybbbT kWWkWmi J-.r-'Bafrrr-nw. ; fl XH ' MARIE W?Hr.?WF . EVERTON I BBBBBBBWrWKm 'W1 BBBBLV NICHOLAS BBf7T39f:7vr 7 Yur tKrjin. l BBBBBBBBv BBBWiri "Wr.jml I & ...am. a.i W3'2m nbJv7n.MW I jBKYf'W VA?? IbbbbbbV' kuwh mt'JLtiUBMBBBMm. "SHORE BMBBMBWS . VsV'iJS'.fM W .IBBBBBBBli OneriM ZL 8re4-- laaK;V'bV:W MBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW- Qvn& .mMMMMMMMMMMMMMMk. BMtBMMMMtA"&-'f BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm w """-" bmbbbbbbbbbbbM bmbbbmW &ifr JbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW 1""r' c- BMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm al Hni mm ffaSittKtjMf mBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBh Tervt LLLLm "bombe" BBBBBmijmmr I strgnw KSiBDUHLH i. MM. i . , . ..FiLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLHPIHr' 1" t BbBBBBBBBBBBBBBmvT' BBBBBb1 FLORRIE. LA IHE ilKSilH ,vJi.-. .... Ki 'AjaBBBBiBflBBBBBBBBBBBflBflBBBBBL BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk JwBBBBBBBBl n"'n mw ?yB!r;JZ2ZSj3BMBBBBBBBBBBBm BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW!9MBBBaml "BMBBBM AiBk MlBTM" " "Jn iffaBBBBBTNl ' ' '"HfJlBMBBBBm tBWffBBBBBWs. WWM, - - -, BBBBB WBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMm Wa? '' ' mvBMBBBMm ffPBaX i -MC '.' , V- BbWWWWW WMBBBBBBBBBBBBBW""-' mSt-BBBBWM M ..i , ; ; U-btMb .' t ,aiaBBBH bbbbW'"''' :aalH M ; .- ':mv:KJ1 . : 'tHmlBBm W' 5- BM IbBBm J"''' JdUBPwBMBBMxvifwBW ' ,'' :BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBEMMBBBBBBBBBm.:'--'.'' 'dBMrnfrMBBBBBm ;'PHK1-'' '' BMBBBBBBBBBBm WbWW-- ' IBbbV' ).4BiP;VaISBYaBl aaH 'b1ibbbbbV " 'BBBBwi' Bi' Bmf,WBMWlhwBm .mmr'fMBBBBBBBBBBBm ' ' ' mF- ' l.-Jt. V VfBBm - $mtWx wbWJBBMW IBMBBBMk . "TM" ' ' -BBBBBBBBBBBBBW ' '' .? " , I vSiiEw1 i;BWWWw ' BBJBBmSbW im. , -:-, --dJBBBBBBBBBBW te"0 BENNETT. Sriubffc Vaddevilfe BBhI wBBWBBBBBBw Bfc i'BBBBBBBBB " k9fkW 31 ' MbbbbBHA s . WIbT BMBM WBBBWm '( WPW. V-' ,.wr'(" n;..- -;; -'?;. iji xw"b1mbbl v a aa. IflaaaBflBflat aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVS ,?JV . .eapnpn'. .w?.'" BaaaaaaaaaaaaaBflal m-p ciulia K' .. JB W MARLOWE 'TAMING r"'' ; m. BBBBBBBM m OF THE SHREvyMLMWe,.--lBpPBp-;.; y JbWWWbW "W&1mf? EVELYN GRIEG. -ANGEL FACE "vjWiiriuir mmiw''','" 'j with GEORGE CIDNEV "WELCOME STRANGER "Garrick CUSHMAN CLUB BENEFIT Many Artists te Appear en Program at Walnut The annual beneiit of tlie rimrlnUn Cublimnn Club will be held at the Wal nut Street Theatre en Tuesday after noon next under the auspices of the Theatrical Managers' Association of Philadelphia. Among the features of the entertain ment will be E. II. Sethern, who will maKe tue opening 'address; Julln Mar- ?r-ii.f0Ji!.ii,K '1 (V.'C".CU the 'beautiful lewe, who will auction the' boxes ; Elsie immT ' vawa CQSt "Maid In Phllly" Cemlna" "Maid in' Philly," n Frank Orth in .i '. ",:v,,,cn tne performers arc Phlladclphians, will be the .feature ut Fergusen nnd company in un u.i 01 "xne varying anere" : Viela Allen, Rebert Warwick and Mortimer White in a playlet entitled "Aristocracy,"' by Leuis N. Parker; Geerge Sidney from "Welcome Stranger" ; Marguerite Zen der, Jehn E. Yeung. Norn Kelly. Jee iuucii, j.iiniwi leuiig, cveiyn urcie. elnninr Mnv 1 t i, fcn 1, iiUH? De: Jel,n '''"hard, of "Angel Face" Whm&rflrir?kml''le't Scck'y m nnd company anil tlw IfefflSS, ??'..??"' .'". .' Keith's. - niiiiiiui niiun iiii r nriiv irnin inn hiiiiitnnt inii.....iii.. vau !' Kill- iiiiiiuri L 111 ini'viiin Here several years age. In the com pany are Flo Here, nml l.'l itr...7..i Johnny Deeley and cempnny, Veeln.,' danscusc : Hareld Ilrvnnt. hm-ifimn .. Jenes, Jenn Meznrt, Jack Iteland, Billy Starr, Madisen Sisters, Edna Wallace Kinney nnd L'Ament Lewis. Guide te Photoplays for the Week te Come MARGUERITE ZENOER . Cusliman Club BMc?rit RfT?ormrce April 2S Walnatr.... at the Chestnut Street Opera Heuse; ?S" " ''" ". . Vi1"! . Socially prominent women of Phlla Thei treT the Kl'iVc Sisters tlZ "c I"la 'lll Impersonate well-known WieP known ente,nluersbCSl,,;S thCr We,,H IIR"?? ' 'rcl1 ll Nlien-NIrUUnger 'and Harry T. Jerdan. RADIO IN THE HOME By HENRY M. NEELY Ne. 6. What's All This About a "Detector"? i.a,le, U'"K Shern" isn't likely re live long In our memories, but Elsie rerguscm s work In thnt one alteration J Personality will net seen be for-rotten. . N ADDITION te the return of "Wei- - tC0ilnCiSilr""R,,'r'" "(,Jtt Monday will ... .1 . f ! ...v .liflll4. Will "W tlie (lOllUt Of n pmillliinv ( !.,.., I.... i ODern ti.icrn,.e ''':",'- ...'"" .; i v:.r " " " iiire 01 seiaem !... r.nn. ,,, n.i ! t .. inisHiaii eperim and novelties, at , 7 Ae, it(",l'"st .Iheatre. This cempnny. t0 brass tacks- flBBBB -"Tl Jti&s. These pictures show the two types of detectors. On the left, a crystal the "catwhlsker" hind, with a bit et mineral tn a elemp and a thin wire list touching It. On the right, an audten bulb, ft'ie modern "Aladdin's Lamp" of science. We have already spoken of the great difference between the two kinds et radio receiving sets. One kind, we said, uses a piece of mineral called a crjstal for n detector; the ether kind uses a specially designed incandescent electric light for a detector. The very word "detector" sounds technical und the average layman, net particularly interested In electricity, will say impatiently. "Oh, cut out in) .W x- rn-ti Today's Programs Jhich ,pped into the country freln tile I rtclfie. had been touring the Orient -yr 11 nlllMher nf venru Imrn .,.i.i AmiL"r'tlR.j"",' ,nt0 'e puddle of eni. ,1"l,ireB was inUhlcnge re & "n1 ,tllere ,hey creat'''' lulte a or twn u!('l' N,u; nt. t,,e Fe"ct is "Wras the second wecic net given the I L.."" V",rh" has been canceled, but the daunted " yW," te.wnn "ml- w,th w th it ,h ,U 1?, W llUam Hnrlbiipt piny 0lUet 1. ,' ,nme ,Il,,('' '"! William 8 Al,be",S('(1 for ral en Mi" S in. 1 mi'"wcrt " C0U,)I of mer' emedlan mm "ht Mny ,,,,.",!Cr if the Uttle nf 1 J1 ,1C I'cri"'ll te forge a "e et ldMhummer vncntlen. 8childkraut and "Hamlet" 'n ?Xutm"',llnlkr;,,,,t' T, f " "tnrs dmlta I,?. 1 at t,,e Adelphi Theatre. Cr f,, re "' -r My llam " ' " aajs .. 'lrp-. I he Theatre Guild," he three S ml' '!'""n8 ll'1', P'wntat in of tuture ."1. : ."'V'"' .!"' s in the near nd 'ltlc , i 1 it , ' 0,,,,'l1. "ml .Tullef'n f. Pale. 1 1, '" ln " "f which II A I werc, ami 4i.,,i,. 1. ' "-"""i nnu e so se L ferenm 1 . "kH'lc,,ru. .' everywhere ?" Mlliibr . Z " ine repertoire." fTpred0uSJfi'aW "!S Y'.' ": But it's se easy te understand the functions of a detector and it's se much better te knew about it that a few minutes spent considering the subject will repay any one. It really shouldn't be called a de tector. It doesn't rcully de the de tecting. It simply btrnlghtcns out the currents in the receiving set se that thu telephones and the human enrs can detect them. Radie sets might be likened te the breud main street of a great city. Stand en the pavement nnd wutch the auto- but we'll assume 5000 as best. Se we tinve our condenser chop up the incoming currents Inte 0000 bunches, much like suusages btrung en a long But the pulsations ln each bunch are still first one way and then the ether. They still go se fast that they would neutralize each ether's effects en the diaphragm. Se we have (e lind some thing te make them all go the same direction ln ether words, te eliminate these in ene direction and use only these In the ether. Then the bunch of one-direction currents act together en the telephone and the ear and we get 1)000 pulsations n second, which is just what we want. The detector is the traffic cop en this one-way street. It is like ,n water or air or steam valve ln Its action, it iwsses curent in one direction, but blocks the current coming ln the oppo site direction. Using again the simile of the one ene way street, the mineral detector is a narrow, badly paved and hilly one ene way street. It lets traffic through, but the vehicles can't speed up very much. The electric Unlit known ns the nnd. Ien bu'b or valve Is a one-wav street that is wide and smooth and well paved. In fact'. It might be said te slope down rhllndrlnlila Station IWFI) (Stmubrldxe A t'lelhlrr) tj.i.:Ifl P- iI- I'n' new a Itwia from the Pcni.ii1 LunuKK. P. M. straw bridge & Clothier Male Quartet. Ivery" 31. Seprano sole. Helen B. 1:i'?. PM. Tener sole. Jehn Owens. 4:20 P. M. liass sole. Jehn Vander Vander Vander sloet. 4:23 P. M. Strawbrldae & Clothier Mala Quartet. i;?5 J- Sonrane sole. Helen 11. Iery. V.V A1-: Jener sole. Jehn Owens, J:i? .? .?,'-l!,as ele. Jehn Venders bet. wuartej. compeBcd of these nell-knewn -. ,. vmm riuiuen noDrane: iieien iir. reltlniter Laird, contralto Herman (latter, nep William Miller, baritone; Albert C. Williams, pianist. Philadelphia Station (WIT) ((Umbel Drethera) che!30 P. M. Several selections. Glmbe) Or- 2i;3?. Pl M,-rVe" ftr-d nlane recital. Mr. and Mrs. A. Or.ilnim llarnes. ii!;atTSo.?,rnne s0.101 Emllv Gress Karnes. tmSi'1":"8110 b"!,01 A- Qraham Harnes Tv rrU,rSV.,!!;ane ?101 Emily Gress Harnes. t?u.t.tnlrf lnne ,0lP' A1, ambiirn Harnes. 5.',fih7itk)?.ra.n1 ""l?1 Umllv are" Harnes. 2-l5rH..Ual , by Efwaru A. Davles haSuserT " nS" from Tann- jUMtTn(1 "Mther " Mlne-" Tours by " 'I'hird "Melly," Herbert. 3. dU Seprano sole. Elizabeth H. Corne Accompanist. Charles . Halsall. -0Ta8- t.av Mini items, ceunimv nf n,-,,.,. Lkiieick 1 .as p 7:05 l radio. M Announcements. M. Final baseball scores a 1 :ie I1. M. Prof. H, C, Dalley win irii p ,fhei;,t ,falkK ",5 ltl lrieineaisreVeHes ones nml i.tl- . .... !. .... t (111.. l IIIUUIIVS Ull HIU OlICLl, XIIL'IU Ull! U1UU- (.III n, . .1 .1 ". -- sands of them going in both directions I n",. 1. u . . frafflc' . f,er lt net ?ly -speeding up and down se fast und tn I ritv",'fj','T ';'", '"' trI ft .-nt- Um such great numbers that it almost L7 " Tn. f .l? ewni b" terles' boe3ts makes veu dlizv te watch them. them along and. sends them en tncit That's the way with the electric I ay S0Lme thlrtyer mere times stronger run'enta" 1. fl radio t. The current ! fh?. they were when they' entered the Is what is called "alternating" that "", is, it swings from one direction te the ether und it docs it m rapidly as tn be ul meat inconceivable. When an amateur set Is working, the current alternates at the tremendous rate of ;i,000,0()0 times each second. Ne telephone diaphragm In the world will respond te such Inconceivable vapidity. Mechanically, it's impossible. iViul tne Human car. Doing imicii uxe 1 telephone dlanhraam. also refuses te function mi fast. Se the clever radio enitlneera nut in their sets a yitie gaugct caned a ceu ir..".vi"vrri' "vr111 . me standable terms. '"" a" l under 7:20 P. St. Dnnce music. "De I.uxe hv O'lary's OrlBlnal Southland Herenaders First Fex trot. "Dear Aid Southland " SecondFex trot. "OeerKla lle " ' Third Fex trot. "Wabash IUues EP.7E,hTrWn,,Xl "Swnee nivw lliues Eft.6 R 'ret1 "Geed-by' ShantrliiV "' nin rex trot. "UM-rashlened Girl " P?lh"nlm0.x. W ' "Arkansas' Hlu"-11 I'lane, James O I.eary: irummt ah... Fiisklne: Molln. Arth,i'alfc7.mPtl.A".'leny Jehn Helgrean: banjo. Geerie Cehan- drums'' Fred Terry; saxaphene. llebert Cupp. ms Newark. N. .1., Station (WJ2) (WeNtlnibeuse) V, .M -"Uncle Wluallv'. NEW PHOTOPLAYS STANLEY "The Seventh Day." com edy, by Perter Emersen Browne, with New England sea-town background, starrlnjr Klchaid Burthelmess, sup ported by Frank Lesee, Leslie Stewe Anne Cornwell, Teddle Gerard, Tam many leung and Gladys McClure. '17.mV; "Th0 Sheik's Wife," foreign feature, by Henry-Houssell, with ,cs. taken in Arabia, and 'a cast headed by Emmy Lynn and Marcel 'sernen " Shew," with Larry A'iRaAr"?,CaU'.r8er.'' "!ff lri A,fl,,nii Mar'?n Navies featured In tlie leading- role. henfcr'?1!? ;CradIei" adaptation of hi ,ri?iVi,n thiJ lc',i,dln cle, supported by Charles Meredlthund Anna Lehr. riIPlAA'lTen te' Geldi" based en ?iv,S,by.acerK0 wen Baxter, with iu ,!cr". b.ickirreuiul. Dustln Knrnum pdinsSlSd, " JIarearet Marsh his REQEXT "A Teer Relation." nlcturl U"!."1 Edward. R. Kidder cc"edy. with win 1, ' aml.th "ussell starred, with Will Hecers In th ipn.iinc- t.i Ci!'tft?Z"?hS, SIn of Martha Queed," written and directed bv Allen nn. wun irank Campeau, Georee Hacka. mam ' X"eS Welh a"d Tlary Thu?- PREVIOUSLY BEVIEH'ED STT00J FT. Wandering sons; a Heartinter" hlmTwlVhTuir en Landls and Patsy Ruth Miller. PALACE "The Four Horsemen of the sVe?yal5flPlm Y,nt?,nt H' lban Awry' "'med by Rex Ingram, with nrt TCry anU Uelph'vSienfiia 0ILEAT.. XORTUERX "Wemnn's Plnce." latest Constance TalnTadie comedy, by Jehn Kmersen and Anlfa fc ,,h Kcn,lE,h Harlan m lead Saturday, "Telabl David,1 Richard Barthelmcss, A LOCUST "Tyre Kinds of Women," Western- story by Jacksen Oregerry, with Pauline Frederick In the leading rele; also, Buster Keaten in comedy, "Cops." BELMONT Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, "Leve Never Dies," atar cast feature. Thursday, Friday and (Saturday, "Pilgrims of the Night," dramatic subject CEDAR Monday and Tuesday, "Peter Ibbetson," with Wallace Held and El sie Ferguscn. Wednesday and Thurs day, "Foel's Paradise," De Mllle fea ture. Friday and Saturday. "Playlns L With Flre,'r with Gladys Walten. COLISEUM Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. "The Hhelk." with Arties Ayres and Ilodelph Valentine. Thurs day and Friday, "Five Days te Live," with Bessue Ifayakawa. Saturday, "Peppy," wljtli Nerma Talmadge. Rl VOLI "Peppy," plcturlcatlen of Cynthia Stockley story, with Nerma Talmadge in leading role : also, Char lie Chaplin ln latest comedy, "Pay Day." STRAND "The World's Champien," adaptation of stage comedy, with Wallace Reld ; also, Charlie Chaplln'il latest comedy feature, "Pay Day." SIXTY-NINTH ST REE T Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, "Leve Boomerang," with Ann Ferrest and David Powell. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, "The Idle Rich," with Bert Lytell. LEADER Monday and Tuesday, "Leve's Boomerang," with Ann Fer ' rest. Wednesday and Thursday, "Shadows at the Sea," with Conway Tcarle. Friday and Saturday, "The Fourteenth Lever," with Viela Dana. Jolsen May De "Othelle" Al Jolsen, new playing in "Bombe" at the Shubcrt Theatre, is considering playing the part of the Meer in Shake speare's "Othelle." At first it was be lieved that the comedian intended some sort of a travesty en the Hard's piny, but he new insists that lie In perfectly serious in his intention. Tltte Iluffe, his friend nnd musical adviser, and he ara hunting down the history of the ete for details of costumes nnd back ground. Ne time hnsfcen set for the comedian's singular attempt, but It is believed that It would first be made at a scries of matinee performances. "Angel Face" Leaving Victer Herbert's operetta, "Angel Face," presented by Oeerge W. Led crer. starts its third and Inst week at the Walnut Monday, rinying Its sec ond engagement here, this musical com edy lias berved te show the merits of Jehn K. Yeung nnd Marguerite Zen derm, the featured playere, ns well ns Norn Kelly. Jee MaA. William Cam Cam eeon, Sam McVlckcr. Bertha Hclmore, Arthur Van Slyck and Evelyn Grelg. Travesties at Dumept'a Emmett Welch nnd his minstrel fav orites will have a varied nnd fun mnklng bill next week, headed by the burlesque en the coal strike. "High Life ln Dnrktewn," with Itlchard Lee and Leslie LnMur, Is another feature. uennle Franklin nnd Huppy Thompson have a skit, "Our Old Irish Itose" ; Heward Cenner is seen in "The Giddy Old Girl." There nre ether olio fea tures. Pastime Players te Present Clarence The Pastime Players of Glenolden nnd the surreundine locality will nri. sent "Clarence," by Beeth Tnrkingten, tenignt. Among tnese who will take part are the Misses Marlen Denutv. Ann Butter, Helen Brown, Mrs. Bertha seititz, .Mrs. .Mary Bonsall Ceble, Reger Shuw. Daniel McGugan, S. McConnel, Heward Davis and Jehn McAllister. LEAVES $950,000 ESTATE Rebert E. Hastings Estate Includes $90,000 In Liberty Bends An Inventory of the estate of Bebcrt E. Hustincs. of 1720 Snnipp nrriPt. who died .Tnnunry .11 in the University Hospital, was filed today. Ht h-fr nn estate of $!r0."38.14. It included $00,000 iu Liberty Bends, 300 shares f I.chk'h Ceal nnd Navigation Cntnnnnv stock, and IL'0 shares of American Tele graph and Telephone Company stock. Other inventories filed: Almira W. Hnmpsten, $12,230.04; Fnnny Vnn Prevschen. S14.034.fJ0; Geerge K. Reln Reln herd. .$10.051 .8T; Mary J. Downing. $31,340.75: Elizabeth Melcher. Sllf 23(1.011; Mary C. Kaufmann $31 -573.07; Eliza C. Eldrldge. $40,310.7". Herman B. Stern, $155,120.00. ' i.i-ii-in in iKiiiiiiiiMrntien wprp tfttAKCTAt. " tttnn Wmm$. ,Vl . - m-Kirui RKen trntiNnnew tamjcv meht rewm I ati.at'c city w, i&IAWMFSimrSvltEZESR mreT witiiect itut, Netice Is hereby given, pursuant te Artle.s !"- .. reurth nf "hi Mertsaw. te TUB I'HILA- fT T Hr 13TP rELPHIA TftUCT, HAFR DKl'tlfilT ANU KmJXJLUV JBsl JjC M. ' rNHUHANCBOMNy, d.Ud Jun. I. WSJ. Kentucky aTT .18 , will rtcelve-ssW Proposals up te 12 e-clncu vatad and refurnlihedl near riepeti, 1 ..'" I VZ S.ll a nf Anrir. iHt. far th and dUcm of amusenant! all entaMa feiismptlen of bends at . the next Inttrtst rooms, comfortably fumUhHl alcctrtt period. June 1. iszJ.-as nescriwa as auore, at once net exceeding 102t and accrued Interest, surtlclent te exhaust the sum of I20O0.DO, preierence 10 w iii uj nw " fee te bends offered at the lowest price. The trustee reserves the right te reject any or inuresi un uvu tuv..v II laM.ri .ulll ,. nn Jllna 1. 1922 Proposals aneuia ee uirrcicn fellows! ns.AMAMMl. le. lh rriftmntlen or r. IlOflOS of the Huntlnaden Valley lAthl and Power Company. Philadelphia Trust Company. Bread strjet office, N.B. corner Uread and Chestnut streets, Phlladelpnla.'' PHILaUISIJ'HIA tJiust COMPANY. Dy JOHN C. WAL.UACE. Treasurer. Phltartelphta. April 1022 PITTBBBBCIH AND WE8TMOBB l.ANt COAI. COMPANY FIRST HORTOAOE 8 PER CENT OONDH, DUE NOVEMUER WR8T, 100. Purautfnt te terms of raertiraire. dated No Ne wmber " 1. 1005. 138,000 of said bends, as folTewI. have been drawn for redemption it earand accrued Interest, as of Mr 1. I0t?.ut of meneya payable te Slnklnt Fund, when all Intereit thereon wUl ceaae. vlz.i ... ... .. ,.. B2W VLV lw ww 714 042 1HTB lnt)H Ul S4S 1B07 178 800 94T 1B40 S2R net 1841 Oil 668 1B42 ende. with all unmatured coupons -u.tM k. nrantAd far eayment it '-. p"i- ?;-.--".--- .-!. st the-'tijnce ei me iruswn .. Hay 1. 192. OIBARD TBC8T COMPANT. Trustee THOMAS S. HOPKINS. Treasurer. Philadelphia. Pa.. April 11. 1022. 11 88 SB 120 127 180 A." attar:. i 527 228 287 240 18 'te tub itr)t.Dt:n.s or BRADFORD ELECTRIC COMPANY First Mertruae nnd Collateral Trust Series "A" Ueld Donds, due January 1, 1919. Netice la hereby niven that Guaranty Trust Company of New Yerk, Trustee under Ilradfent Electric Company First Merta-ace and Collateral Trust Deed dated January 1, 1010. herebv Invites, pursuant te Hectlen 3 of Article Fourth thereof, proposals for the sate te the Sinking- Fund en liny 1. 1022. at prices net exceeding 10B of par and accrued Interest, of as many bends of the abee Issue an ran be purchased for the sum of Fourteen Thousand. Nine Hundred and Thirty-three Dollars and Twenty-flve Cents (114.033.23). . Offers will be received at the Trust Deportment of the undersigned Ne. 140 Broadway. New Yerk City, up te 10 o'clock A. M. Friday, April 28, 1022. The right Is reserved te reject any and all offers In whole or In part. GUARANTY TRfPT COMPANY OF NEW YORK Ily WILLIAM C. 1'OTTKR, President. New Yerk. April 17. 1022 fSTHE REGULAR QUARTERLY MKKT ;3' Ins of the Vetinr Women's Christian Association of Philadelphia ulll he held Monday. April 24th. 1922, nt 8r00 P. M.. at the l.cacue Branch, 1222 Locust .Street. All uctlxe members of ttie Association are urged te be present. KVITJ T. MILKS. F.scnrdlns rWretaeT f, . Ppeelnl Meetings 7C7r Te the Stockholders and llondhelder of ts QUESNEI.LE HYDRAULIC GOLD MINING COMPANY! Netice Is hereby Klven that a special meet Inc oil the stockholders of the Quesnelle Hydraulic Geld Mlnlna- Company will hn held at the principal emce et tne company at perches, tun parlor, elevater: het and RIMINQ WATER IN EVERT Fsmillea accommodated. Truly a hotel at most reasonable rates. II. M i Special weekly. Kurepesn plan. See as belsre askls'l reservatleasV OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT. HmEDISi Mil IIIGAN ATE. NKAIt UK llRAilt . . . ..i-- ""i-r " - ""--r"-- ---." - j IUAHIIWSI,K ... ATLAM1C ( MOHI HKAUTirtL HOI EL Rl I UNNING WATKR IN EVERY uret.v vftDMicurn Frrrate Baths, Electric Llshts. Elerater I European flan J 5Z up Ualiy ueuDie Im epean Plan J 32 up Dally , hj IVm nble Roem J $10 up Weekly" & " icln Iloetn, SI. 00 Far Vmw 'yfyfrS f'MM ixftlt? i'n"rt, -eMlce nnd CuIstM J1 J f KA1 MB sa .ask. W- , MIINIII M III 'ri ivkl-kv Kentucky n.v. nr. bt-ach Atlantic City's itf"i ftmt luPtrnet ami t-nrtett nnntita rnntnta(a.siaA V 'letel. 13 SO up dly.. peclnl wkly. Am. plan.' )'.& DtlMMIMO IVATCB III Aft ertvaasi ,.-.1 nvnninu nnisr. ill nkb lJjmm-?V : A Prlv. baths, elevator, nrnhcMrn. dinclrsi.fi,' mu ivner-im mamt. re'ler w liwilHlwr.')Vfa KENTUCKTf KENTUCKY AVE. NEAR BEACH j . i .... .. ... ..... . .- hmwkm run sj eu e esiiy, jw.ie s weesw ,ie- fesew IsrsMse Retet Elerster te itreet. El-trlelty and pheees In all reeaal. Pflrste bsthi, Hennlnir water. Flre-nrenf addHlqa. White service. Ownership mirm't. KINO KAKllAif m- !":; 'A. nr ll I r :m essae W I Im Wm Imb , W. .Most select, beautiful, homelike. unnv -..i .!. T ' iM' W0 rooms with het and eeld rutin n wster; brldst sahesl inn sssr istlSfas- AI.I. TOD'O KXPKCT A HO' NEW ENGLAND Rrleats and public baths. Orchratrs, danctnir, sen irs, conaervstery, garage, eelf prirlleges. Pen ownership direction assures nnd ausranteea aarii non. hpedsl Sprini rates, la SO week up. Ameriafa Dlaa. Wonderful rn.aV THOMAS M. O'BRUssf ALT. TOO'D KXPKCT A HOTEL TO M I 3. Carellae Aw. juit off M'vfc. Improved as e) con ,xcttd,ng fSO.000 HOT sad COLD HUHRINB WATER IR ALL ROOMS Gelf privileges. Moderate ratal, beginning- at Ml. oealet ST1TZKK A bHIZEB. Owmeie BOTHWELL i -' " .mil e from llunrdnallc and Hteel l'Jcr. Every appointment. Highest munuarn in cuisine una service. Uoeklet. Sjk-cI.i1 weekly rates, J. ltnthwell. Prep 1 .4- fiH un ucenn irent at Mentpvllnr ave.. new open. Suites with hath, running water all roems: elevator. Hprlnn rates S4 day up. 124 up weekly Amer plan H. M. ItnEVES, GRAND ATLANTIC Virginia ave. & Beach, net it Celd runniaj watar Prtv hatha Ke.a. a ... .. siTT tn-i rtriVAP rJrwn. T)nr. TjliiWire. nn fh . ut -. nnn nt'.te - v. u2 Pr1 il-Ti Ha, f MV'1M2. f I l.ilr P " -" " """' """ """ "- -'af- Ut: -$M ,. . v . for th fellow Ins purposes Te take action en the following- resolutions ndepted.by the Beard of Directors of Ques nelle Hydraulic Oeld M'nln Company at n. meeting: held Mn Philadelphia en April 18 ins'.1, and unanimously recommended by said Heard for adoption bv the stockholders. HE IT RESOLVED by the Beard of Dlrerters of Quesnelle Hsdraullc Oeld Jlln Inc Company that In the Judgment of this Beard It will be advisable and most for the benefit "f tn's Company that lt be dis solved, and ttie officers nnd directors of this corporation ure hereby authorized .te take such action as shall be necessary under the luw te effect aaid dissolution, BnnE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a meeting- of the stockholders of said cor poration be and It hereby Is called te be held at the prlnclnal emce or said Company, located at 1D-21 Deter Green. Doxer. Delaware, en the ninth day of May. 19BU, at 1 o'clock P. M te take action upon this resolution and te transact any bus! nes which may be pertinent nnd Incident thereto, nnd that a notice of the adoption of this resolution shall be mailed te each stockholder and a like netlc Inserted ln a newspaper published In the City of Philadelphia nnd In Kent County. Dela ware, at least three weeks, successively ence a week next preceding- the time ap pointed for the heldins of said meeting of stockholders. Te transact such ether business as may properly come before said meeting. By order of the Beard of Directors. April 18. 1022. J. HENRY SCATTERGOOD. Secretary. Annual Meetings OFFICE OF THE UNITED fJAS IMPROVEMENT COMPANY N. W. Cerner Bread nnd Arch .streets Philadelphia. April 13. la"' The Annual Meetli.g of the Stockholders of The I'nlted laa Improvement Cemuanr will be held at the oft Ice of the Company, N V . Cerner of 111 cad and Arch sire..i ... i .1 . . . .. -- ..a.. j tit, Inilalnh tl .Innilll Inv f ...... . .'. F "mP.'' w J "lPS ? nry K.Ollin- 'i.Veck neon (darilght-sar .lm.Vii,. H D1I10. l.).M outlrJJrea(l htrcet. !?1,0M): I election wlll'lw held for a President and six .lehu J. l)ak's, 1021 Wotiueruluud ,',lJlrit0" t0 fer tn the ensuin. er. Street. S10.000. UllertlUUU and uch ether business w,lLe transacted i dLi ii uy uc i uiuuk u LriuiH ina r nt nn s.1 .-!, .-. r..7."" ..:l".v""i 7fe TR AfMORE "ctxT I worlds Greatest Hetel Succts id- n RIO V.V 1",'.i at lleucli. 100 rooms VV "''' "1"" water. J1.50 day up. RR ANDF ""Proof. Elernter. (.ante. HOTEL CONTINENTAL Alwnss epn: alwajs ready: terms moderate. Urlte or phone. ,M. WALSH DUNCAN. ' til. r?i THE LOU VAN Tennessee nve. nr. Bench. Rurep. nln. Ont. awe mil, Kunnlna water. MRS. E. OUNNKIL KAVENROYD "elea Ave. & Boardwalk. . , . .$4 Uy un: '-'5 week UP. Including meals. Ph. 3002. W. Isaac Bewer. Hetel BeSCObel Kftucky A,, nr. beaca WfcU. rates. 118 un Ph " U7. A. ' fi.w.Ag.1ca ' ." Westminster cintucky Ae. nr. Beach. I. levater: private baths. running water. Open nil ear. A. V. KOr MAKTJNIQUE Kentucky Ave. A Beard. .. . j .. - walk. Eurepesn plan. SLflOjjpjIally.rnfe nml restnurant attached. CHESTER INN New Yerk Ave. , ... beach. American plan All conveniences MRS D. KNAURR. New CIarienr,Ken.,uck" AVB- Ju nriniH iik n iv. iieniracv OCEAN riTT. X. J. -k mt ALllAMnilAilenilay. Tuesday nnd Wednesday. "Peaciek Ailevl" wlUi Mho Murray. Thursday, Friday and Keahefmer btery, with Itlchar Uar. utt T-hVP' K.I,dttr ttn a"" W&e Rem"01"1'1'1 C,,""lei" with Jf nmPw ?r'?i;r Men'ay- Tuesday and WedneHday, "-Fer These We Aiiej, with Mno Murray. IUPERIAIr- Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. "Peacock Alley;" with Ma .Murray. Thutsday, Friday a, 3 Btorles.11 by llewnrd R. a.irls. the i.VhS i.VhS ef the "Unde Wlgglly" tele, lnrln""heJ many newspupers nnd f renu!lnii i,1'A. Jn n K n. K. m ,r umiOV. ' "VPrllnnj denser which sturea up a let of these Just as the autllen bulb In nhnnf thirty times as strong ns the crystal, se it is about thirty times as expensive unu as ceinpucatcu. If you are within nbeut five miles of n bl broadcasting elation, you can hear the concerts en u crystal but you cun never vninplify the signals or put them en a loud hpeuklng horn. The best you can tle is te put four or five sets of telephones In the circuit and thus let your fi lends hear. With thu million bulb, under favor able comlltleus, you can hear the con certs for three or four hundred miles aim, uy auiiuiK weat is Known as am- ll nit lantlnliu ntl wnaa jva AftAtt rui'u JUieni4uun unu viKiy ou uiiviit '! ine art Inn ..""' "r. i'?iwi reicuoce a yuiiuu u. iucui mi hi uiicu. iiuners, you can iuuke tne Bicnal- hut te&Cr: AMmteii WNs-d&Lv i. vv . -vstimwwiM ?.ki. mi. e Brums. """ raaln Pre oJenrTllM," pfefftf""' W''u,e." by l):ln tterltnl bv u. McNamnra bsritnn. Caruso's only Anurican pupil. ' lJ,,rUenei l'lttsburali Stiitlnn (KDKA) (Wt-stlnsheuse) 2 P., M. Concert by WurltiK's Pnni van am. Pred M Wirin-m.iJ enngyl- afrer'iBfa'l.Terl!;?1""110 lmcn'als "" 7 Busehall scurea 'ae "The Kox and the Little Red Men a bedtime story for the children. "n e -Baseball sceres: "Commercial Devoid ments en tie Ohie' Rlver"' by Majer S' Fniliklln He I, corns of enirlnner. itii. J States cnglneet ernce. PlitSburen1' "piIV"1 burgh's Public Hclioes,",lfy William UV iJnvlilwn, saperlntemlent rittsburih ...wW1 tue0' h7hJiUnw "f, fwuKl-iU Cn'i0. !"gr? dcS,nin,t..'.li,,!DSlr1!,r' 8 J') te J .10 -Musla by 'mmhr- . SKLKCTIONS 1. "aiieite," errhestrn, a. "Ili-rci-UM)." h,mll O. Wolff, !l. J llnuett In a, crchestra. I. "l.e, llwnr the tlen-le Lark " vui.. Hauuek nnd Mr, Ricerete. ' victor rarra. ucleuer Ale Bena." Ottavla Little Benny's Notebook By Lam Pap The Park Ave. News Weather. Toe ilnmp. Swnrts. A chest ixpnnsien contest toeh placii lust Hatlililay In Slil Hunts bnck yanl. I'mN Slmkhis wlnuiiiB It by ixpaniline 'J Inlches, nml slutf, then he s bin beIiib crreuml with his mothers tape iiit'zzutu iu his peckit te prove it te peeple. Slsslety. Mr. Shi Hunt had n berth day party last Friday nfter sunpir. limine the presents re.sceved by the I est being ii ,i0 cent pitchers glove from Mr. iu y-si "ey scout hatchlt with HS i,lkrs firem Mr- IJcnn' !". a "- iMuii.ii wiiicu irem Jir. i.erey Hhoester, and n mouth organ from Mr l.erey Shoester, slppescd te be new. Pome by Skinny MnrUn ' Hut .lest Hipiws.e If I was u ilee us big ns mn I could jump 10 inlk-h, (i wixz, Hut Mitch Is net my ambition ! or lm Nitlslifd us It is. Jntrlstiis- Facks About IntrlMiiig Peeple. bam Cresses baby bister Tdeen is crawlling allretldy. Sntn saving no" ueuy tuwt ner espusliilly and she jcat sceiued te pick It up by herself. J Wilis admitted te nrohnte fniin-. Hugh Cellins, who died In the Phila delphia Hospital. .$3500: Henrv Firn stone, who died in the Unlversitv Hos pital. .$200,000, of which $10,000 gees te his secretary, Wilsen Townsend ; Emily II. de Ganay. who died in Paris September 1. $17,500; Margaret Mc- rauuen. voie ticrmantewn nvnnna $14,500; Emma T. McNeal, 138 North Twentieth street, $30,000. This N left ln trust for her brother. Themas H. Mc Neal. At his death $000 gees te St. Geerge's M. E. Church, S.'I.IOO in pri vate bequests and the balance te the Presbyterian Ileipital, te found one or mere free beds, preference In use of them te be given former service men. Elopes With Ball Player te Elkton Announcement has lust hnen mn.i. nt the recent secret wedding of Eugene II Lewis, Jr., twenty jears old, 07 Par rish street, and Ilelene E Snaneler 12000 Parrish street. Thev piet while Lewis was p!uing shortstop en the seml-profes,ienul Franclsvllle nine. V trip te Elkton followed. The stock transfer books wll L.. closed frerr 3 P. St.. Wednesday.. April 10. IU1 until 10 A. SI. Tuusdav. sjiv 2. iu"" " Q W. CL'nRA.V. SeireTary. 5S Ot't-'ICK OF " TIIEWILLIAM JRAMP SOJ SHIP AND ESaiSiK . nyiLDLVa COMPAN, Richmond nnd NerrU Mt-u ' Philadelphia, April 12 1B2? The Annual Meeting of the stockholders i The William Cramp bens Ship il?d KlS. Building; Company win b, held at thi effl?J of the company, Richmond and Nerrit streets, in m tuy of Philadelphia, en Thursday. April 27. 132. at 12 o'clock neon for the purpose of electing directors te erw for the ensulnc year, and transacting suer ether business aa may be brpusht before th. meeting. CH.VRLE3 T. TAYLOR. Secretary SPRING RATES Ppeclal weekly rates of twent Inllars and upward, America 'nn. Running water. Keldcr fJINCOLN OCEAN CITY.N.J. i:.(.i.ks mi:kk park, pa. Desirable furnished summer cottages near lake and golf course for rent bv the month i- einn, Write If. V. YKAtiF.R. Slr. TOrRS l ''.'I n V M jnm 1 - 1 FINAXTIAL DUIdrnds UERMANTOWN TRUST COMPANY ntllh liulilrml "" Phllmlellthl.l. AnrM ll mm At a meeting of the Heard of Olrec'ters'held (SgTO THE STOCKIIOLUERH OF Til " 1'ennsylTunltt Ceal and ( eke CanST. tlen: Take netlcu that the annual meetln of the stockholders of the Pennslanli Cei end Coke Corporation Hill be held at thi principal efnee of said corporation en the sixteenth fleer of the Land Title llulldlng. In the City, of Phlludelphlu. Pennsjuima 05 the 1st day of May. 1022. at 2:30 o'clock m the afternoon, for the purpose of electing: a beard et nlns directors te sere for one year and for the transaction of any and all ether buD.n'.d ApVnTyiS?" Ufore ,a,d m"n1 ALljEhf G UDWARD3. Secretary jiui.jri.A.im i.nai ana t-nice Corporation 87 v VAJIHBU .STKEL COMPANY .Tt" Annual sre-ting of the r-tockheM 0v,r1i0f."! Cainbrla Hteel Company ulli h held at the office of the cempanv .Ve inje dener Hulldlnir. Juniper and Chestnut Mreet-i Philadelphia, renneha'nik en T tei day. Ma, 16. t(ri, at 2 o'rle.k P. m" Vien m lrtlrtn lull K.. ...!.! ..- .."1 '!.11 ""en .J. :.!... . 1T-i-' "r inie Directors Clark'i Cre'lit by C. P. R. S-mm CLARK'S 3rd CRUISE. JAN. 2S ia ROUND THE WORLD y tha Specially Chartered Superb C. P. at a. "Empraaaef Franca" lsal tnmtmm A Seealai pslacs for the whole trip. Routes rV y.Ik' nJmi n Fraoeiice, Hese Inlu. 14 days la Jspaa, Chies. Manila, Jsre, BiDjapere, Burmaa, Optloe el 19 dtys Ijdls, Csylen. 4 dsys ie Cslre. Nsplee. Havre, Southampten: (step evers! Quebat Ry. te Montreal sad New Yerk. , 4 MONTHS. $1,000 and up Iaolediaa Heuli, Drives, Culdss. Fees, eta. CLARK'S 19th CRUISE, FEB. 3, I8l TO THE Bv fle-flt-llv ClimTtA Q..-rt ..... a a "EMPRESS of SCOTLAND" oil burner. 20 OW OMteas!65 DAY CaUUE. $00 sad up) 19ya te Egypt sod Pslsitles; SpslnTllaly, Greece. mZ BuaerB Pa.iloe Play Tours, $00 up? Ilartiet Tour. te. 200 h. Ulli M. CiUlesple, Klnperls & llrurd. 111 Wulneg r rl . 01 -,.ii "151 MEDITERRANEAN nrss V.l I In MrtrlA fnr th .-, . ' v"'r' tbU d.iy. ii luurierb- illvhleml of TI1HRK vi-cd theso ho-ie turn. in .h.-5"? '" "uc ,- a- a - ---- ... . . . . t ihvii nn ir. r ii. lUMiTis Ann , rp( r ii'jl: .vi..-. .-:-.". ..:. ' iiui.ii.iiiii a im nii.inr. .iu n rT n sn.i .. ubl en May 1, lilil, te stoaiielders ei record en the Inieks of the mmpany at th. .nml, ' ,,Wr":1' 1U"- Checks will JtNOTICK ANM-AL MKKTINtl TtoaMayrllel!2.,,'ll b9 C1SCJ fr0m Apr" "CLARENCK C. liHI.NTO.V. i reasurer. THE LiVNU TITLE ANU TRUST CUMPINV -. ,. , -March 31,'luij rPl a 18,000.(100.00 Surplus 0.000 001) nn Undivided profit .,, j 3"i'S2! "2 The Heard of Directors of the Land Title uut.. v , j -.... ..v,. pia AUIISrS Th.r .).,,. n.i..h. li. 1 1UQ? ... ...t.".jr - lw ..... ...- . .. .w. eru a r "JT 'OTn,mnv V.'l d h"Ui M Iho off re i,f A"" ?mr;n,-U r.ltln ,V,d W,,'"h "reel,, 'n the Cltv of Chester Pa . en the 4th dv of Mar. 1022. ut SiSu e'rlnek. . w - .V. .,. .ui Ljin election ni Directors ana the transacts of any ether business that may come before the meeting. M O, MITCH. secretary. At S P. J5pTIIK ANNUAL MKET1NO or THU iiiemeers ana loanneidurs of tht i 1. 1922 tn kin-UKiH..J. .uiws.fi r-i-i-iru win i neia en Tniirsdui .M.'-Aprli-ls': fwl? andVr.Vra'n.: l a.'I.OTV.,l?4. ". "I". ?." CnSSnei JU.UIHI te the Sllinlun .1 . ... ' "'! fc .",-,,-, ferrtd Jl.oeu.ooo te the Suiplus Account, in in creaslne the Surplus te 510.000 oeo LLWIS P. UKU1EH. JR . Treasurer FEDERAL TRl'riT COMPANY 01' PHILAIii-.i.iiiiis Ilread und Federul Streets hlch ttmn un eleellnn ,uin .. held for si Directors te sre a t.-rm of rtirce sears. WILLIAMS U. CADWALAUKR. Secretary. Kjyi'HB ANNUAL MLKTINO OF THE i """ Stockholders nf ti -h...n... t.r: .vH,.,,. mirri. .....i, r-...n...... r. ; ..--' rirrri . April 'JO, in'' ' ""'" uiiii.n unci election or Directors of Dlreteu hine this day I t0. '.'J Pr "i" 'n8iini; ear HI be held ins nearti or uireteu hme this day u. .7."' m"r "'"'nauinir eer ulll be held declared a dlMdend of no (3) per crel upon ?,' th,' emc,) 15 ,h,9 Cemptny, 1001 Merris the Capital Stock of rtie Cempanyl painbie ".u U11inB' 0n MeDUar. May 1. 1088, it 19 May 1. 1022. te stockholders of record ii ' ,"' n00n" r,.. . the close pf business en April 20. le H QILLINOHAM. Secretory, I'neritfa will lui riielln.l - - v Checks will be mulled H. K RICHARDS Treasurer TI1E SIXTH NATIONAL HANK Philadelphia. Pa!, Apr U l" 1B-- .e.9nnJise,C,d,;".d.htsref,h fx fcr cnfe ? KgrWr'B'.lV.llg?- te &? Checks will be mailed. WILLIA3I SALTER, . Cashier, LEE IlimilER & TIRE CORPOIIATIIIN New Yerk. April 20. Ill"' The Directors of the Leu Rubber V "Tir Corporation hae this day declared annii erly dlMdend of l'lfty cents (BOc) ''l1. "L1' rtte capital stock of this cempan?. ajsbls June I, 1022, te stockholders of ., , J? the close of business May in, 1025. d ' imi-niHS, Jit.. Serretarv Proposals . SPRINnRCSOHTS , LAKE HI'NAPElNH. ( " 35Crr rirK-i rtrW1 UR a'5-,, LfvW rY-lfrr-jy. y 1 j s! rVJKaiNUDENnOTRI. MAMirACTURERS AND ESTABLISIIl. T, Atalera desiring te bid en STppufs TrSfHbJ ftaTe Hospital for the Insane at baavlli. fay. during the year endln . n"VlU! mu rssssa bms EN LAKE SUNAPEE, N.H. On the "Ideeil Tour" SEASON JUNK 24 TO Ot'TOUKR ''c'leif t.i Ul""''"'lns rilentele. iielf, Tennis, Ileatlne, Canoeing, Bathing, Flshlnir. Saddle Horses, Danelna Attractive July nnd Season lutes. a:u,e.?gN.-vr,,! o.Ii.cek,e, ""t '" " mS Bl I A5ik 0f,ce! Het Weylln. Mtn Bt. Madisen Av. Plata 3042. FRENCH TOURISM CO. offers three exceptional tours including; all expenses FRANCE BY MOTOR (v. ilu from pert te pert Chateau teun-rj Pjremes Riviera, Alps Jun Us.un Lurrnlne Hattleflelds. 1 Irst Class Truvt-l Throughout I'rs. f270 t tin-sent ran about 1741.00 FRANCE BELGIUM ITALY SWITZERLAND PASSION PLAY ll Rail mid Aute SallltiB- Juls 1st riMurnlriit Sept. 0th. Frs. 710(1 pi -i 1211.1 iin-ui fMtes Tutal at prt-miit r.ite ubeut IHOI.OO, UNIVERSITY STUDY TOUR t r-i-eniy-te ilss Inrludlng six weeVs1 Sm-i al Suminur Courses ut Tinneh ifi. crslty and ituiia-rnus incursions by rail und auto I'rs. 4303 plus 1255 ocean fares. Tetnl at prestnt vxchnngu about 1000,00, Rutes fiuntnl In fr-inis te give you full bcnrllt of the rxrlinnge, i'reffratns eiui I'attlmifars front RAILWAYS OF FRANCE 2HI I'.ftli Ainue nt 30th Street, New erk. Kt 'VTIONAL, Itelli hesj h Banks Business Colleges TS! "' 'W sMklullat In the branch of business i Sail f J J'l chepw. Only socialist, have sT JhVne M ii business today. Day H-hii wi-ir.:'-'?..'"".' 1200 Walnut Street. Phllade STRA1 ii. 'r" m i tJS. il'Jl Jant mhm?Mw.il ,. v .,C.I5 SZifP'l rtj!t'i -i WW tr T l mmmmmmmmmMM mmMmmw srr- $!JI ''' ' SSS-Ve' , Tj WSJ u-fj .fi-fi-SkaLsrft' l-4.t. ri- x-n tJ.u lSmi 1 SMM ir rtShliaa Kiht n-.'-S,!!- -ii ' T'M .- atrratajf.T. MLWLWLmLWLWLWm