EI23i Kfekaet sHBSH'T. PRSnl; Rfln r r llrS I KIANu Active Aute Bandits Uptown Make Off With $60 in Beety EVEN TAKE A LAST CIGAR Four meter bandits with a taste for tobacco last nlgM cut n wide nwalli In the northeast 'section of the city, hold ing m n clrar store ami two wparatc tnd bdntccl wnyfarcri. and get booty Tilucd at about $1000. .' x At 11 :30 they drove up te the t-1 biiee store of F. Kuhn & Bie.. 437 ' West Glrnrd avenue, and broke In the front deer. They found $700 in the till, and en their way out annexed a box containing (en carton of cl.nrclle. s thev were leaving, an nnlenuiblle (Wren bv Alphense Mc.Vei-. 13.17 (Jor (Jer (Jor ntaatewn avenue, chanced te draw up In the ctiib fn front of their machine. Thinking lie intended te cut off wnrie. thr fired etic idiot at him, backed out n(i drove rapidly away. He reported i. mttr te the police of the Trenten irenue and Dauphin street station. An hour later Jehn Haggerty, 23 .Vi..lr- ctrnivt nil Imlil tin nt 'I'nllli W&.JiT-E'i- r Wl'SS lilUp who i n..1 fmin nil aiitnmnhllp lirensnl five I Xl TninU"' IsTer KtalHlnn..W. .?. valunhle, be Ua.1. They departed with a god knife, n ge'd n.ti'Oi n cold uln anil some ensh. all mined at $78. He irperted the less i te the police of the Fient and Mnstcr streets station. An hour aflcr that, as Brnest Stein meycr. 5I-- IJuffleld stieet. was wend ing his way homeward, he was slopped by four meter bandits who backed him 'alnitt a wall 'and took n cold watch ' tnd charm, n diamond Mlckvhi'and $15' in cnsii. inert nicy leunu one geed rirar in his vest pocket. which was lighted at once by the leader of the (ing. His less, estimated at $115. was reported te the police of the 1'aul and Kuan ttrcfts station. THALIAN CLUB GIVES SHOW! "45 Minutes Frem Broadway" Fel- lowed by Dance at Lu Lu Temple ' Vxhalian Club of tt.r, KptaE.1 1 LTVX ii""-CTi" Std dance at lA Lu Temple tait "'';;: . .. .. .. . -rerty-nve .uinuies i-reni Hiead- way,. was presented uy a c-nst Leaded hr Miss Mary HureueliH as Mary, snd Hareld AVricley ns Kid Uurns Tbe stazinc nnd rue cestumm? were ex time. mm. r I teur pro - pre - cfllent. and one was inc ined te forget that It was aii'nnin durtlen. , The production was produced by Itob Iteb frt T.ecan Haney. who was assisted by Rebcit II. Itred nnd James ft, Tajler. TDCIT rl niincOTCD liiDTcn ' ferent kinds of trees ami birds were TREAT GLOUCESTER WATER i B'ven In ether schools of the city. Chlorine te Be Used at Request of SEEK GIRL IN SHOOTING CASE State Beard of Health j Gloucester, City's water supply will , Many Persons Witnessed Affray In be treated with chlorine nt tlie icquest Saleen but Let Asii.. c. .the New Jersey Statu Heard ef1 a,een' u , Let Assailant Escape Health until tbe new waterworks are,, A Renernl flier was sent out yestercm.i completed. I J?" the arrest of Uorence Fiagj, of The request was made leday in a c!ree" Ktv'ef "car 1 wentleth. accused of letter te the Water Werk,. Department rem Hie htate lieaiil. It U a vecau- t 1Af1A( 1 ll1linUII.l llm. I.tr. l.n .l..n,1. .d" two residents of (Jleucester City with ,,w..n.(. ...v..mu ,u,.f,,..K (in- 11CUIII Ul In a week from typhoid fever. An effeit it being iiiudu te trace the neurcc of the tjplieid. CORTELYOURIGHT ON JOB Trip te Ball Game Results In Re meval of Toppling Sign Safely Director Ccutelyeti annlles hi tense of duty whcicvcr he gees even it a ball came. Attending the Athletic-Motion c-.une jwcrdny afternedn, Mr. t'oiiclyeu Uled n bis ten-feet slcn uebblintr liie- .ctrleusly in the strong wind atop a steie bulldlne at tbe unit Invest miner i.i Twentieth and Somerset streets. He cilled the file bureau. In a few min utes a fire truck arrived and the hign removed. They said the suppeits hacl Mea weakened by the cale "FELONIOUS FLIRT" JAILfeD Weman Gets Year and Half. Hus- band Five for Held-Up Cliarncleriyed tiv .Tmlvn n.iv n n ' "MeilifMIS flirt."' Kilnn (ifnun nf Thirteenth and Federal Miects. was1 nt te the Heuse of Correction for n JCar mid a half teilav. Him una nc. 'tMd of complicity in the held-up of. Rebert Ilartel. of 701 Xeith Thirty fourth sticet. at midnight, Miucli 25. ; sins nuniunii. Loul". it win IWtilied. Inn) bcilten Ilartel uml robbed ilm, lifter Ilartel had met (he girl and ll MlllKcil ns fnr llu Plftii nn.l linen greets win, ,e... jt()!.s wa; sv(.,, se te seven imk in i i.i. v..w.... i..; ., .-... Ml IHV ,IMI(1 I 11,111,1' BAD MONEY BRINGS ARREST PhHa. Man Held In Mlnneannll nn Counterfeiting Charge l.euN Harris, of ihiu ..itr li .,.,.!.,. "fiest in Miune.innlU i liiii-f.1 .i-iil. lOSTSsill" ('(Mlllt f 1' f. 1 1 linnuini. iw.ln. rpnii.n.:.. c... ... .. v ! --HI1IIK is-U,.HIW. III. nna 'ned befeie u I -uttcl Slates nr- ' Olll- a da action n SKMMI0 bail le await ' the (irand Jurv. "l?,.'":""'" STIIBKS. n IHKKT H li cll.rt r .,.?n",m JIMInrtle .law lint. !gw --- .! -'"lllul Bl'i Listen, Sen- I knnw Kj... "Ifcisv. jeu can square your- "Put toreIMliyeur ?8t and ff tha' ,l0'e I told you about. l. i Lih.eBl JUi wht Mildred he ,i.hi :: "t ,n,ey w, Bupp'y jut i U"! rl.",t Pair of stecklntra ,: ii.l ttiiirsirJari,d tfcen ( " ,he name of the place is I rl Stocking Star, fine. ill' J'OSUMV wt have ,t." ' ?5aMefuw Twlflh Street 'BB-'-JF" "' . "ill,.,, J' 't"fiVlf-'"--" u mJff - ' " r " MW ( rk 4. -. .- - L . . - ' lT lillifllAHM 'a . tAI-A-tit? ''--. Va jnmfcnrunu alumni Mtnt ,, . FOR ANNUAL REUNION Sohelar.ahlp Award, and Other Mat' 'terj te Be Discussed, at Seialem Graduates from alt'parta of the United Btntcs are arriving at Haver ford College today te attend the third annual parliament and reunion tomor row, i Many wibjccts of vital Importance te the graduates and undcrginduntes will le,(llscuM(l at the morning session. The Kxtensien Werk Committee, which lias charge of the awarding of four .annual scholarship)!, will discuss plans for milk ing these awards. Practical means of assisting the un dergraduates will ,be discussed by the Alumni Vocational 'Committee, composed of, graduates prominent in industiial, business and professional circle. In the afternoon there will be n cricket game between the nluinnl and llaverfeul elevens en Cepe. Field, and an Interdnss traik meet en Wharten Field. In the evening there will be an entertainment in the gymnasium. SEARCHING, FOR YOUTH WHO VANISHED TUESDAY Samuel Reberta,, 5714 Pine 8trtet, Started for Scheel Disappeared Hearch is being made for fifteen -year-old Samuel Rebert's, who has "net been seen by family or friends since he left 'his home at fi7H 'Pine street te go te hcnoei Tiiciiay mm mug, lie is a nupll ipll fty In tlie William Harrity Scheel, Fi seventh and Cliristian streets The boy left 'home at 8 o'clock with I" ' lc irurncr VAUliaillK Ills mic- '".e - H that day... He is believed te have Mnr,rd ,0 wnlk n 'JunkertOWH. Pa.. ?T days W" .'I ' ," ' YX ,7',". ",',?. et mere no etlier way He is 5 feet Inches (all and weighs 1,15 peundK. lien he left home he were a llcht cap. brown coat, khaki breeches, leu cines, A pink shirt nnd a candy tic. He can led a haersack which he uel as a schoelbnc. ARBOR DAY IN SCHOOLS Talks en Birds and Trees Feature Programs Today Talks en birds and tree life marked the program airaneeiP by the ntib'icv schools In celebration of lilnl nn.l m-lim 'dtiv today. ! The observance, while cenernl. vniled according te the facilities for outdoor exercises. Many schools plumed trees i,mtl, b,,sl,c ,en '!!els adjoining their .MJSSSl&l TlSSiV-?thP" tnWm ... A the James O. Iflalnc. Scheel there VrZnZttC 'tXhy KatSSKi "tan. aciuicse, ( he mini n mi l r,lc nn.l , trees of IViinsilv.atili i,. n. ...Tm ... of ,lc M.il(M)r. Tlllrl,Hl I,,r"v"V: sirceis. i iilldien of tlie nr inaiv ciaile. --...... ....... i cave leeitatlens. suncs mul fnlki ueiilnt-1 Ulvi ' 'J."" "SH for censervinc the form i ?! ty S,,,,p n,ld Nh,Ie- At Hie Hem v I . . j.,.,, St-liec.l. Feity-setcnlh nnd f.e- icust streets, the children planted twelve i tiecs. , Plays and sketdies by childien in eds 1 1 nines tliat rcni-exenr unlmi. tlm ,nr. """UI.,,,B -V"- -inei atewart. of Fifth anil l.ecnst streets. Wei nesilnv nltrlif in saloon at Ninth nnd Knnwn'm c.i. Mrs. Stewart is In Jeffersen Hospital wiin a goon i-nancc of recovery. The bullet si nick her in the face below the no.-e, was deflected by tbe jawbone and pafcsed out the right cheek. About twenty peuens witnessed the sheeting, but made no efferi te prevent the Flagg girl's escape, which was made in an automobile. ANNUAL CIRCUS TODAY West Philadelphia Girls' High Scheel Holds Spring Event The circus is alrenilv hern t,,.ln.- .,. the Ucsl Philadelphia tlitlH' "High , Scheel. That !. today the girls there ' are holding their annual spring event. ' which is a circus in the school gym- ! nnsliim. All the gills In the g.vmiiasiinu cliif-ses participated. Uoiethea Kern, athletic! direct i ess. Was rng leader. The receipts from a sale of article will go te the scholarship fund. $40 Extraordinary Values in Suits and Topcoats fl Today, as an object '.lessen, we are featuring our splendid val ues in Spring Suits and Tep Coats at the popular price of Forty Dollars. fl They arc made of high-grade fabrics in desir able models, and all arc tailored in accord ance with the rigid exactions required by Reed's Standard of Tailoring. C If you arc interested in a Suit, 'Tep Ceat or both of them at this price, we strongly urge the merits of these exceptional garments. - . 1424 ltt$W kfla - - ' CAUSE OF FLAMES Four Little Ha-has Indirectly Blamed for Chestnut Street Fire BORN IN HUYLER'S CELLAR When the four little kittens of Mlnne-ha-hn become old enough they'll probably be proud of the excitement I caused ever their birth for tlielr ar rival in the world this morning was the Indirect cause of n lire In Hurler's tandy shop, 1320 Clictnuf stieel. Minnc-ba-i'iH. a lajher seher-minded cal.'niakes'.hcr henu in the cellar of the store and. nit heugh cnnervatlre. is veil liked. When the store opened this morning Geerge Maxwell, an empleye, heard Mlnnq ineewinc. II vAis net n wall of wee, but one tinged with pride. He struck n match and found Mlnne In merry mood. Nestled close te her weie four little Ha-has, who seemed te he glad they had been let into the world. While Maxwell Mas admiring the fam ily the lighted match fell into a pile of waste paper. Hmeke quickly obscured the little family while flames" iumned from pile te pile of paper. Maxwell quickly car ried the" Ha-ha family te -afcty and spread the tiewc The empleyes who had ,iut reported for weik a few min utes before II o'clock Kepi tool and went quietly te the street. - "(""1"" ,''nf, " ''ieMl : HIT lfFII !!- F! j, . (( IIK'IIMIKI neliceinen, automobiles nnd ""tenegs.'' The blaze, which was the second in thli establishment dining the last two weeks, was been subdued with small le. Minnie and her little Ha-has were singed, but safe. FELTON ELKINS TO WED Plans te Marry California Divorcee, Says Rumer Rumer has it that Iclten Klk'n. ni son of the late William L. Klkln-. of ' this city, is seen te marry Mrs. J.anstnc I K. T'evis. a divorcee. Iteth Mrs. Tevls and Mr. Klklns are at pievMit nmkliig their home In New Yeik. Mr. Klklns Inherited n feitune from I his father, who was a member of (he . tVl.lni..Kllitm SVIllllcnte llinf nnmncia i linen fei tunes in street rnilwn.s. Mrs. ' I Tevls was fermeily a I!o-ten clil, but has neen uviug ler a inimuer or jcnr-l In California. I FINE FRAMING Etchings Prints Water Celer Palntlnii UE RCSENBACB GALLERIES IStS WnlBQI ttftt In a Rogers Peet sut your mind's at rest you ( knew your outfit's right. Rogers Peet suits and , overcoats are identical with the best custom - made in everything except price. FERRO & COMPANY Rogers Peet Clethes Chestnut St. at Juniper v.i. vn " i . w' ' BHIF KITTENS I I " I JACOB MEEDS SONS - -r . - 1426 Cteestaml: Shreel TT.f V77-1 r ii" 'i VMM OflSMRVMt I Uts-On whtn II cAmta te Spertf, and tiaa a way or paitiaji 'em evar vrv fan will tpprcclat. Slrt rMdina rte 7$,i2,lt itrih. "tee?" py.THK tna Fperti Phm et M EtRXIKO vI'fBUO LanaSK. "fak II ITabtt." Adv. ROAMER I'atrielan Smartness and Quality Plus $2785 Delivered Philadelphia HhawrM-i Oiwn ,Kntn- PHILADELPHIA ROAMER CO. M3 NOIITII nitOAl) HI'. ' ADAMS 3l Benth llretid Plrtet Special! for Friday and Saturday BLACK-and-WHlTE SQUARES' A Dclluhtul Confccttetl. 49e C lb. Most city men die much younger than country men. They don't get enough cxer- cise. Cellins men outlive and outdo all ethers. Fer they get adequate exercise de signed te meet their indi vidual needs. Trial demonstration free. COLLIN'S INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL CULTUltn 219-25 North Bread Street t : THERE'S an atmosphere about The Helmes Press printing that we will be glad te share with you. The Helmes Press, ftinttrs 1315-29 Cherrr Street Phll.delphl. V. Making u p the big cata log m a y be done leisurely, but the photo-engravings are gen erally wanted in a rush. We're prepared for just such orders. The CHE'TNurTpEEn- ENGRdflNC CO. 'ii E.COR.IiaeCHETNUT.T metmucr micrwe Every Weman's Need! SUPERB VACUUM CLEANER. VlT'iril the famous Klew-npeeil TT "Carpet bneeper Brush" Unit pli'kN up the linen! thread nnd lint wllliuul Imriiiluc I he eerpet. TIiuI'm Juki one nf the niuiiy line point, alinut the "Kmer.v 4 Superb" we'd like In tlieu y oil. CHAS. W. EMERY AND SONS llnh. tee; iii.i. asue vt uiamenu ei. w" W k X I m) X E ftBaaPapPP ' ..iY.""-???1 i rr5:7Ti JJiiVi v1 i 'a.'iii'j W Wl nc . - . -j. - : The Vlue depends entirety- upon Quality The Polished Girdle Diamond -, noted fbr' Supremacy of Qualty-ta available 6nlr-em (Aia CcmpaJV (ISBJ TVsCrssiiiiiiii3siiiHfn ' lasiuHl asiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaTtM Jvfl FACTORY-TO-YOU r illiiMrale lirre n beaullful reproduction wf llie Qiifen . g Amir IVrled. msde if ttne selected teniihie Amerlrnn wfl P J IVnlnut, rurefully flnlslied mid of iirlv cabinet work m L. 1 Nlilpped In tin by one of the leadnjr farterle (i..r wlilrli fkfBv we are Hie riilladelpliln represenlalltes) te dell nt a pe- Bj BJBJ ilnt prlre of SIJIS.U0. Kxartl.r n iliet. abete. .J WW WW 1 tulle nbnuld nppcnl te the discriminating purchaser. 7 sj EHRLICH & COMPANY Whelesale Distributors nt Furniture of Quality Office and "I 1 A QA 9m J Gt Wurelieusei "liowreonu " iJO. Alia Ol. 201-103 Ionic. Stret Nert te Pest Office Open Dally Philadelphia Entrance te Parte M XJT I r I n AVE MUfe. " V tttlt SGth Street S7th Street New Yerk Offer Tomorrow Very Pronounced Values in Dresses for Street A fternoen and Evening Wear 25.00 35.oe 45.00 Formerly $85 $95 $125 CHIFFON. TAFFETA. CREPE. TWILL AND GEORGETTE ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER AT THESE PRICES &ttCavlten L?: BROAD AND WALNUT PHILADELPHIA Docter Cen well's Earnest Appeal te the Generous People of Philadelphia m A; X OPPORTUNITY uch as l'er thirty-five years you have maintained tlie Temple Uni versity until it has furnished an education of College grade te mere than 1UU.UUO industrious come te give its great advantages the common school grade. In and Jew are alike te be benefited. With its full-time and half day departments for working people and present enrollment of 8100. you new have the chance te make Philadelphia the best' educated city in America. Hach of the lollewiug departments' imcds at once another building: The College of Liberal The Teachers' College The College of Commerce The Scheel of Law The Scheel of Medicine The Scheel of Dentistry The Scheel of Pharmacy and Clinical Research The Scheel of Music Who will construct as a memorial or endow one of these iinmiiiigs.- i resilient cenwell will generous citien concerning this of a Diamond 8 te A Saturday until 0 1. M. Jm STS. no citv ever had is nrm vmir. students. The time has new te all the young people above its success Catholic, Protestant Arts and Sciences be glad te confer with any great object. SfWPRwwi , MW - i i i i i i i i T I - qp i Nothing Is Our Super -Value Policy (selling fine quality clothes at prices you are willing te pay) covers everything we sell. SUITS TOPCOATS SPORTS SUITS JUNIORS' SUITS EVENING CLOTHES CHAUFFERS' OUTFITS SEPARATE TROUSERS Just think for a moment what that means a clean saving of many dollars en any thing you buy at this store. Is it any wonder we're making new customers every day and holding old customers by the in comparable attractiveness of our Super Values at $28 $33 $38 and $43? PERRY'S SPRING SUITS Yeu never saw such a beautiful collection. "Variety i the spice of iifc.'' We don't knew what inspired this line, but it you could sec our brilliant assemblage of Spring Suits, you'd see an i n s p i r a t i e n. $e many different fabrics! Se many color combi nation! Se many style touches te please every individual fancy! Men of every size and shape arc provided for. Just tell us what kind you want. Tnd in a jiffy we Perry & Ce. 16th and Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men iMn FOR VDser On Ih-KO.. -..- The Collegiate With the New Design Tip and Lew Flange Heel. our Slteea a viiinrani-that ? W Kiht Cuban Brown or Black Calf I 2tf A smart walking pump that brinfirs (.ul the DALSIMKR ability te com bine binait appearance with utility. Value anil variety in ether up-te-the-minute footwear style-? at this moderate puce. uisna unr it, strund Silk l!jwiM Excepted can hew it te you. Beautiful new over ever plaids fine quality tweeds, checks, plaids, .stripes and mixtures. Clese-fitting cellars smooth backs coats closing with one, two, three or four button-.' Every wanted variation in lapel, pocket and ether s t v I c anneals. I mill unr Miier Prices arc S2S. vaiiir $33, S38 and S43. Try them. te equal TRODUCES YOUNG WOMEN $ 6-90 'TIS A FEAT TO FIT FEET THE BIG SHOE STORE Four Floert With Stating Capacity for 09 Mev, Women, Mistet, Beys and- Children 1204-06-08 Market Street Hosiery 1.U6 -iH V . X r 4 'I "i 1 1 ." -ati "V,l 'A I m - rl j&i -.a T I .' il .U m m km r i ISiSSBSfeC,? w 'S ill .: : MA,mUix ,S .:yU -t. ' S&A ,11 ffl&xiji vr .i 1.. ' i i .a, H. -. 'Iv . rwas$.tLAin M&. ? tt 1&&&. . . ' mm: v ''nWJl,jliw i f y,r? -j yyw .. aMnff.. ti lk.hYH rl iV m !-. nitm 'Ylf lrSL :e.u vr r fH.Oi , . " n.FJw.K.v.r,,:i.Ji.j.n,wT)r.-i . T f mmmMmmim j6?f"(V ttMF&M,,KZm'f m4.iX i WM 1S!K?faWitM.'S 1-Hr ul ! ' ' t IT.l UUIEL' VjX.-HTZtbX JJU ft .!. fryv.'1 JAreSf T i .1.R