rw 'Ml' im&m&m fc.'aSU,' . (Fk ta, '. " 1. ..rf.L Lw IfirtWl r-Ttm r VWf i j.ii- tAi: rii it ,1 v ' 1 - - r-fsassTm . Ta " ' mr m a s. " - 1 . T W!i li'MiT ' 'ii: i MKv' ijJ am p ,1. " ?' A I KO-A I W lav . men r.istf etflA' fa L.v. .., IU'JlU V fcl wmKmt I jraMI!-.flPSl'cQPAMT OF $ m Bite? ar "j?:.. . fc CA TrUJHT CET1FICATE8, SERIES 36, k ?'Kete a hereby lven that pursuant te iViiiki orev sleni et Article IV of the TniM .-.. - .ni .... .m. -! -& aa Union Trui Cemtfttiy of Pittsburgh, uttt. and Standard Tank Car, Company. tia hiv it lmv unutr winy "" RMht Btandara car Equipment, wernpanr nvi .fflf Trust Certificate. Serif L, The Union ' ( IiiVr ih. V.r. r'.f.rrei. te therein at the price w'jpAWclfled thereby, and that said Trustee will ; Sanily the proceeds of said sale te the pay SfrJSmt anS redemption en May 1. 1022. belmj 1JnMn!.S.?.uZ&"Xi wan imriy u ."'. .V"- -.7iV..i; urcnaae money. 01 an 01 me "'-'-" kaitnmil illlM till Dty able, and from and after said date amtienas tn said certificates wilt cease. Upen the Presentation and surrender at Mi. office of said Trustee, 837 Four h Avenue, fltttburth. Pennavlvanla. en or allir JlMl, 1M2. of said maturing en or 'liter Nev. 1. 1022. together with all In. tureit ciupVms aiDP-rtjilnm-; thereto ."'' n -,, nttmr Mav 1. 1022, and the usual li . wcvviii". V-- ..... eTl m-ii,ifi H-ruea ana eutstanaina; """r, "!"., .,-" I P?J Atreement. exclusive efcertincatea maturing M. an May 1. 1022. at the price of one thousand i KiL tin (It.OlO 00) dollars for each certificate. $& tluettie amount of all dividend warrants SyjT. . thereon maturing- en or before May 1. IMA i klk. hiK ., m certificates and ulvt- i'i r .a . . kit 1 itT uinn wmrrmiiB aujii IVuHV.V -mernhln certlficat required . under the KpK Kder'l Tnepme i Tax Act. tlw holder thereof iWBSl entitled te receive the sum of one WSi 'ihmsand ten f 11.010 CO) dollars, plus the rVl amount of the dividend warrants tnsreen JV. . . The certificates maturing May 1. "22 wll I Be paid en sam aaie hi me '" """'?,:"";" I1 thereof with ttie dividends accrued thereon. tipen presentation and surrender at alder. flee of the Trustee of the respectle certifi cates and. dljldend warrants VTfTsnrR.m.TRCSTm' i ' ' " Netice Te the llondheldcrs of the Southern Traction Youirre'liereb netlfle.l tht a meeting of ! the bondholders of the MJ company M, " , held en Alay . 10J-'. t 10 o'clock AM. at the office of Heed Smllhi; Shaw A Beftl ! uVen Arcade. Pittsburgh. Pa . te jet.; ' for or analnet the acceptance of Pent of all overdue coupons attached "la?i?"; at par. without Intercil upon the oupens ( from the due d.ite thereof, a; eet forth In the cress bill et complaint fl ed by the lie- iinyet al. against The Union Trujt Cem- ?ettXOrfTeJmbUirUBlh0 Z'miuM "SurlS thmUnledrnstates for the Wesierr. Dl.trtel of PennsUanU. nl' the declaration that the principal of said bend-, w ta due and pa able, restore and reln-tat Mid bends te the ?nrVitlAn thel were in lwfer the were e- .lv..a ftf IhP l'ltlBDUrgn WUIja V.V.M- i.r.rf Hue nnd naNab'e withdraw and uis- eentlnue the forecleiiire preieedlngs. upon I the nTSfuag or Srid of trust gHen by th 'd cemp"nv te The Union Truat B f Pittsburgh. Trustee dated . Octeb. r 1. K.niwuuiiii! .'.;v.T;..'. nr,l, . of I Alegheny Count. l'ennia ni-i u-, "ij urgh. in Mortgage Heek Vel. 019. lw-. ami res ere and reinstate the S'xld twnds nnd mortgage te the .im. condition thej were Were fortUlesur- proceedings - begun, with the same ferc and effect as though the Brlnclpal of said bends had reier ueinde. ?U?ed du- and paSable and there had been W defauli or '"""VlLSOS. hecretary rvondhelders' Protects e Committee. MUNinrAI. FRVICK OMPAN V riBJJT 1, 1042. Pursuant te ttie previsions of the Indenture at Trust executed by Municipal &erWc Com Cem Jany te the undersigned us Tru-tee te secur, an autherl2-l Issue of TwentJ Millien Dollars nrst Men Celliten.l Trujt Twent-flv-Year (leld Henda, due March 1. 104 J. the undersigned hereby gives nelle" that It new has en hand the sum of Seent-fhe hundred ."?. I.!!. nnd Sixteen C-nts jtfUUi run urn ... ' . , ... ..i..u (17524.10) in the Sinking Fund provided bj "aid Indenture, and thjt It Is Its Intention te apply said sum. under the previsions of I the sild Indenture, te purrtiase of eitd bends Offers of said bends nre Jnv'ted nt a rnc net te exceed par. accrue 1 interest an 1 .1 tr cent premium. Sealed tenders should N iddressed te the Philadelphia Trust Cempinv Trustee. Sinking Fund Municipal Service Company. N. K. corner Itread nnd theiitnutl fts , PhlladelPhli. and will be received until P. SI., Thursday. April J7. 10--. rillLADEUMllA TUV-! CDMI'tNY.TrJ:. Hy JOHN C. WALLACE. Treasurer. Philadelphia. April 0. 1U2J. GCNF.R.I, ASPHALT COMPAM Klght Per tent Ten-er Hlnklng Fund Convertible (old llenile 'ihe undersigned as Trustee under Trust Agreement between General Asphnlt Unm any and Hankers Trust Company js Trustee. dated December 1. 1020. hereby gives notice that It will receive sealed offers for the ale for the account of the Sinking Fund nt aufflclent of ti above mentioned bends te axhaust the sum of "4.243.13 new en de posit with It as such Trustee. All tenders must be for all or any part of the bends offered, must state the price at which the bend are offered, net exceeding HIV", of their principal amount and accrued Interest and must be received at the Corporate Trust pepartment of th Trustee 10 Will .strert. New Yerk Cltv. before 1 o'clock P. M.f en April 20, 1022. llnndu accepted must te delivered and will be paid for en May .1 1022. and Interest en accepted bends will cease en that date. The Trustee reserves vh right te reject any and ill offers In whole or In lurt Date.l at New lerk this 1 ith day of April l'tSJ HV.NKEKS TICI'ST COMPANY Trustee Il II F. Wtl.'-OV Jit Vice President. T. PlTTEn'SIU'RC, T.IfiHTINft (OMPM FlK.NT .MOKrtiAt.K lis Under terms of the rflnklng Fund sealed proposals will b received until U neon en April 20. 1022. at the office of the PennsM anla Company for Insurances en Lives and Granting Annuities. Trustee for site te It at the lowest price net i xreedlng 101 and ac cru-d Interest of as man of s tld bends a 17310 will purchis-. Proposals should l- ddressed te TUB PBVNYLVNIV COMPANY FOP. IV OTJRANCrs ON LIVES AND CHtANTINU ANNUITIES. 017 Chestnut st.. Philadelphia. Pa. Tenders for Sinking rund St. Petersburg Lighting Ce. Proposals SCHOOL nl'ILDI.NO PROPOSALS Sealed proposals will he received by Clarence W. Brazer, Registered Architect, nd R. M. DlclCiut. R. A . Associate at their office In the Creier RulldlnK. Chester. Pa . until Tuesday, Mar lfltli. 1032, at 3 'deck P. M. te tie publlcls opened about S P. M. bj the Joint Scheel Ileardi of Gltnelden and Norwood. Delauarn County, PnnsUanla, for tie erection of (a) the General Construction, etc. (b) the Heating and Ventilating, (c) the numbing and (d) the Electrical Werk of a new rlxteen-rnem brick alen-Ner Hlch Scheel Ilulhllntr wltl alternate bids, lncludlnK Gymnasium am Assembly Roem, te be erected en land re enflv nrnulred nn the M. nt ln...K Avenue, between Sylvan and Trltes Anues i In Ridley Township, between the Horeuehs nt rilenelden nnd Norweol. mirth nf iu.i.. Pike ! All prnpeatls must be in strict arrnrilinr. with the plans and specifications prepared for same hy Clarence W. Ilrazer, Reulsterel Architect, and It. M. Dlckhut It A, Associ ate, Crnrer Ilulldlnit, Chester. Pa. te whom 11 applications for plans and specifications and ether Information must be made se proposal will be considered thst is net (ubmltted upon the blank forms as prepared by and te be obtained from i'ie Architects with the proper envelope In which same l te be Inclesed. N'e alternate bKis w j ,e recsivru nt luiiBiiiriru, excepr mese called for en the authorized form. All proposals for the General Construction ' must 1 accompanied by a certified check for I2S0O, and all etlier t ropesals In- a rrtl-1 fled check for I10O as eldnce of cend faith I ferfeltab'e as noted by the specification A fcend for SO", of the ami ant of the eentrsrt I III be required of rbe successful contractor I Vrepies e. ne P'sns ana specincntlcns cin I w-r " "j,,"'. z:l"-r ui ma Arcntteets . Creier Ilulldlnc. Chester Pa, or at llTI ' Broadway, New Yerk City nr a set ma be borrowed from the Architects for the personal use of the Contractor by d-peiltlnc with them the sum of 12". On J2n 00 of I Which will be refunded uren ttie return nf 11 prints. JVOO deducted helnc te eeer the cost of blue printing, malllnir, etc The Joint llearls of Kducittlen of the Scheel Districts of Cllcnel ten and .Vor,eod I Delaware County. Pa. resere the i aecect any or reject nnv or nil .U... ubmltted. If deemed for the Ust Interests It the Heards se te de ereets Dated April 14th.in22. (Blirned) FHA.N'K HODf:rtTj ' J (Attest) H C WTMOIIT HecreIJttVltiCn' P. O Itex .111. Norwood, Delaware Ce., Penni. T11E -VeA0I..,,'aVI,I"UI North Amfriciin Ulil., Phll'id'elphlii, pa. The Annual MeMlmT of the stockholders of the East Hread Tep Itallread nnd Ceal Cem. .nlL'er "' I'ctlen of a president nnd Beard . wlrectersi te eere for the ensulns will be held at the iKTIee nf ih e... .,,.. . theabee address en Monday, April 21, leg. THE 101O ANNHAL MKI7riNO OK thA ADnrentlcMi libntrr Cemnanir will held at tha Llbrarj, Hread Street abeva uaxc-en. en lurMUi aura co. i for tha election of offleara ter tta . r. na etntr puaimaa mt vm s CADB' ft T 1 99MmiBfh .uv u nuv .1. . ....,,..,.. rtur.i i-u, toss a M , rfiid a 1 ether orcHnlzatlena of which "l,;'7jr,i:K Suddenly April IS, Kin. , JOHN aiLHERT. Secretary. At a r;su Ur n ''llnr of t he He.r. of ut h Mi nemher are Itrvlte.l te nttend fu , A a " . beloved hUHl.'and of I'lerenre s . r,Tc"?r,", ,"f,i?hj,n ,.eJ .,'!. ' !.'.. ",ml.,nn,"l nernl Mun i! i' M from the rnxldence of -1 ltelMlvea nnd frl. ndi nlee VIm, f... durlns the ear tndlnit .May 81? "ip'.'S . of record AP.I1 i.1). 1022. --iutr y i f , N A ,n ,; I0N funeral 4rVN Hd .' Hit ! prlvit. i'rlenda" .SSL dra""V,h,'. VPKlSEl ."?.,! cl(swlilbernMed Sr. "'. Pr vate. I rl.nd, ... w. . . .. .- v.-AI,. ,'" '"' '''" ' "" "". uier llnt lie ativen nun inenni mi ,'avui - II. II. aCHULTA (Steward. ent Ne 100. O, A It. Invlt.d te funeral I .,.,.. Hiieflnl Meellnae " S I 1 . Exceptional Investment A local organiza tion about te start production en $1,500, 00000 worth of con tracts received in three weeks, and whose year's output will mere than likely be sold in the next t w e months, will offer a limited amount of its 8ce cumulative preferred stock, car rying a geed bonus of common that will show unusual earning capacity. Unless you are in a position te invest at least $1,000.00, please de net reply. We have no bends nor mortgages against our property and de net ewe any money te banks. In plain English, we are free from debt, and the money received from the sale of this stock is te be used for weking capital and te complete the orders we have en hand. Fer details address A 905, Ledger Office. Netice Most Complete Boek ever published en trading procedure, dealing solely with market and diridend possibilities of New Yerk Curb stocks. Jaatoffthe press, THIRTY EIGHT PAGES frtw ea request. Net potable In this spaa for adequate description of con tent and purposes of this important pud (et investors aad traders. RESERVE a copy and sea for yoerself.fio chjtrge orebUgaticm Call, phone or write Jenes &. Baker Memberi NewVerk Ctirb Market Direct Private Wires NcwYetk Chlcire Boiten I'hiladelph rtrttburih Detroit Biltlmerc Clevrlinl PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widener BuUdlng Tcleohenes HU ' Lecuit 4'. JO xcitpnenes Keyene . r,. Ja61 BALTIMORE OFHCE 433 Equitable Building Telephone Plaza S451 iiimi S-axaJLs s.................n. Treasurer Wanted With $5000 te $10,000 te Invest A uell-estnl)llshed, suieessful, r.iplrtlj srewlnB local nianufn -turliiK encftn with lilcli-elam porientul desires a iiuallllid business matt ng tn.tMirti who rati InvHst JJOOO te lufjen, with his monev absolute! uml r lus own Ltiiitre A H.14, Ledger Ollli e II Illll i1 HEWBURGER, HENDERSON & LOEB Members New Yerk and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges 1410 Chestnut St; - . Annual Meellngs y nFFICU OF TUP. WILLIAM 'ltMI & ciik 6HIP ANDENOINE DDIMUNIl COMPAM Richmond and Nerrls HtreeM Philadelphia April 12, 1022, The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of The William Crump A bona Bfaln and Knsln. llulldlng tempuny will be held at the office of the company. Richmond and NerrH streets In the City of Philadelphia, en Thursday. April 27. 1M. at 12 e'clwh neon, for the purpose of electing directors te serve for the ensulne year, nnd transacting; such ether business as may be breusht before tbe rneetln. CHARTS T. TAYLOR Secretary ?S?"0KHrK 01' TIIK 1 Ml Kl, "riAS c imi'kem:mi-t i mii'wi N. W. terner Hryiiil and .reli streets I'liiiuueipniH .nrli in. lu.'J Thu Annual M' tit -X f the StoekhoMrs of The Inlted ti-in linprntement reinpnny Y, hlil It tile or n rr tne t nmi,.m v w Curner of H Mid and Arch slrclH Philadelphia Memh., Mn l, ma.', at u o'clock neon (dajliirnt aa ip tlmn), when nn election will 1-" held for a Vrtsl I. nt and six ill) Directors te -tu for tin msuiri; Jeir and such ether lusliics 'Mil i tranntttd as may be bruunht It fore the meeting Th-j stock trunsfer books will in, . laser) from 3 1' M. Wednesdax April Id luj, until 10 A. M.J;, w - IO..' 15 CL HHAN Hecrelar. JF'CON'blMlIf' liltr.WIM, unil-AW i. inleiphll April .. jpjj Th Annul "eetinir nf th -.t, kieller nf Cmstinms r.r"vlntt Cnmranj iv I! I fnd nt th etlkr. f r n cemninv neil I"it;v. tr.r .. PMInde Vll Pa TuedlV. Mm llril nt 0 'fl o'llerk . M., for the purpose of el, ct 1' K ' ril ""' "n ' rer "18 trans eien of cucli ether n us ne!1 as may prerer.v Leme i.n.rn tl a a.J meetlni; i II llALimWTH Sieretar DlvidelhN SUPERIOR STEEL CORPORATION April iij in..', ' At the regular meeting f the lilre.tera . of f.e steel C irp. ran.n a quarterly ' dIMdend of f - v ''"'5. 7.J i'c was d arJ rn the Pirst Stock. ij viln 1 iy I-,. moo. , i sie kheldets of reerrd rav 1 l'i.. l U ll.WEV .Srerlnr., Till. HI Al. l.llll. lltlhr tOM!'A. III- I'llll.AIII.I.IMli t -""'- lirnud and t lu.tnut Mreetn April 'e tn Tie Tleird of Wire tern has" tlnV ,i,w I ,le lured . dividend of thjee (I) p '? nii thi, I'ref.rred .-itek cf th i rT,.,,. Ivab.e r Via. I. 10-3 te atw l h. m'p"". eVerl i,t th v1eh "r im.iniw v lr" of r.r'.rl ' Jl, .M he' ,.?.T" -r" -' " : .T , .....? l.DWAKU i Ut Jit ireuaurer TIIHtll .NATION L HUK BJi'flli: KKdl'iail OIAKTKKLV tlhhl. -3J im; of tie Inline ltemen'a Christian Ainnrliillpn nf l'ltllaili luhlii will te held Monday. April Jllh. 1022. rl MiltU I. M ar the Leauua Uranch, 1222 Lecuit Street, All active member of lia Aaaoclatlen ar urtta te e prwent IvA T. 1I7LE8. dltur Srcratary. LONDON STOCK MARKET Gilt-Edged Issues Buoyant Oils Hard Industrials Streng Londen, April 21. More optimistic dispatches concerning the conference at (lenea led te a greater degree of con fidence throughout the city today, nnd the stock exchange market1), in the main, were firmer. Gllt-cdgcd invest ment issues were buoyant. War 0s I w ere favored the most. French leans i qIhe mecd upward In sympathy with i I'aris. The oil group was linrd. with sentl- M.AMf ll.AAf.1 T. nl .inn .fit. mini. Liav.iuii jtt'jiii itiin TXJ,JI, Shell Transport ntirl Trading, 01., and Mexican Kngle, 3 11-10. The demand for Industrial issues was broader and the croup wus Htrmic. Hudsen s Bey :as0. j Heme raits also gained ground en I buying for Investment account. Dellar .descriptions were etilpt. but well main tained. Argentine rails were irregular, I but better en the whole. Changes in Katlirs were narrow. Ktiubcrs were dull, following t no staple. JBeattjs , ALLEN. April 18 1022. ALONZO W.. husbind of Annie 13 Allen (nee Culp). surea bz. neiaiives nna rrienas, also E. I). , attend funeral services at bla lata residence, 2041 N. Park ave.. Sat.. 2 30 P. M. pre cisely Int Mt. Vernen Cem. Friends may call Krl.. 7 te 9 P. M. ASHMAN In Plalnfleld, N, J en April ie. inj.'. n asiimAn.' nViativVs and friends are Invited te the service. Krl.. 245 P M . et the Oliver H. Hair IJIdg.. 1820 Chestnut St.. Thlla Int, private. liLOOD prll II)., husbind of Annl. lllersl. need no rielalhcs and friends, also Muskoka Tribe. Ne. 20S, I e It. M , and empleveH of Mldvale Steel Ce , arn Invited te attend funeral services Sat . 1 P. M preclsel. res'dence. S320 N. 20th et Jnt. private Northwned Cem. llemalns may be viewed Krl eve. HKANT April 10. 1022. 13MEI.INE irtlCK. wife of Jehn Mrant. Funeral serv Ices Men . 2PM . nt the residence of her husband 14.11 Wlldwoed ae., Camden. N. J. Int. private. Hirlelgh Cem. Krlcnds .mu call Sun , 7 te 0 I' M. BUCKI.13Y. April 10. JAMES JOSEPH, son of Mary A. and the late James P. Duck ley Relatives nnd friends, also West l'hlla. Cntinrll. Ne 514. V. nf I' fnmr, vrt 11 1 j Woodmen of the World' cmplnves of Phlla' Electric Ce. nnd all ether societies of whl'h he was a member, ere Invited te attend fu neral, Hat , H 30 A M . from his late resi dence, 5411 Woodland ave. Solemn mass of requiem at the Church of the Most Hlep- Sicrnment 10 A M Int Heiv Cress t'rm cAimcnv. en April 10, john s. caii HOW. aged 1 ears Ilclntlves nnd friends Invited te services at the resldence of his niece, Mrs. Ellinbcth II, Hartley. R4N N 24th st . Saturday. 1 30 P. M. Interment private. CI.AHKE April 10. AUTHUP. E hus band of the latw Mfgaet ClarKe Ilelatlves and friends, also empeses of Henry Dlssten . Sens, are Invited te attend funeral serv-' Ices. tat.. U P M. at his late residence, 3H1T ueweu pi , vv issineining. jnt. private. He mains mav be ewid Vri . 7 te I) I M, COLFER April IS. ALMA C. beloved wife of Lawrence e. sulfur (nee Legan) Itelatlvea and friends are invited te attend funeral. Sit.. 30 A. M . from residence I of her father-ln-lavv. Jehn W. Colfer. 2410 I W. Nerrls st. SeUmn requiem mass St. Kllzaheth's Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely gepul chre Cem. . DAVIi On April IS. 1B22. MAItY CAS- I "slN. daughter of Ilachel Cussln and the late Themas C. Davis Relatives and friends are Invited te the Hervlce, en Saturday morning, at 11 30 o'clock, at her lata residence 77 W, I Raltlmere ave.. Lansdevvne, Pa, Interment private I liAVISIt. On April 11. 1022. CATIIA RINK A., wife of Jeslnh Davlsh. Rela- I tlves and friends are Invited te the service Krl, N P M . at her residence, li.-. N S'Jth st. Int nt Greenwood Cem , Lan- . caster Pi , en Sat. nt 10 30 A M. IJl'FFIKLD Suddenly. April 111 I CHARLES son of the late Leuis and Rosanna Duf field, aged 40, Relatives and . rrlends are Invited te attend f mural. Sat . I s 30 A M. fiem his brother-in-law s resi dence. Jnmes Smith. 210S 13 Ontaile st J. auem lilcll trass Church of the Natlvlt 10 A M. Int St. Deminic's Cem KirZPATItlCK April 17. JAMCS K. husband of Elizabeth Tltzratrlck (nee Trnlnnr) and son of late Themas ind Jane ritzpatrlck aged no Relatives nnd friends are Invited te funeral Sat., S )0 A M.. from his late residence, 1214 William st, solemn requiem high mass at Our Ladj I of Mercy Church 10 A. M Int. Helv Cress ' Cem 1 ITCH" April 10. OTTO, husbind of t'trrl" (nee Zlmmernnn) I'uchs. n-red M venrs Relatives and friends also all sod- ties of which he was u mrali r, Invited te . funeral strvices, sat . J I' M , from his lat 1 irisldncr-, 1312 N. Ilollvweod st Int prl-' L vate Krlenda may call Krl. evening, 7 te ! I fi'rtt i T OAl.t.AOHKK April 20. PATIUCK OAL- i I.AUHKIt uKCd CO ItrlatUss ami friends are Imlt'il te uttpnd funiral. Sat.. S 3 A M , fren 1211 N Bth st Solemn requiem mass i Chunli et the Astumptlnn 10 a .M Int I HeI 'ress. (SAVNON April 10. 1022. CATIIAHIXK flXNNON (nie CJIjnn). Mlfe of tin- lat.. Jame tlannen of Utrren Hill, Montsemen i,kiinf I1 Tiiririil rtrt .knln.ln, innrniH. I from the rislJence of her nltee. JIrs T.Jn nth Uhennej 1271 21 h st Solomi requiem iii iss ut St Antlien s Church nt lu o'lIecI. Int. Heb Cres Cem MAN ta W'llmVn ii;a"-N..V: .' nnd a r In.lfpil te .! If.- wn., .uti L- i: -M , at inn nv len.e nr Ibmnis It Wall S"" Stratford ae , Aldan I'a Int private Mt 1'eace (HUlI.IiT Anrli l'l ANNIi: M, d iuu-li ter of the lute Wlllu in and Ann e M GllUrt Kulatrics and friends nre lnitid te attend runcral (.nrvlccs, .sit 30 I M , litti retl tlencc. 5430 1'entrl Ike st (lelcm lilr,w3 ave ) Int, prlvite GIVEN. April 10. 1122 ANNin V. dauchter of Archibald and late Annie C. Given Tuneral Sat, 1 P. M residence 2S09 W, Ihlirh ave Int rrlvate Remain" mav be viewid I rl S tu 10 V M GP.Ai:rf On April 20, ri:uRail (iRAIirr. iu-jI 73 I'uneril p. I vices en Hit urdas at J I' .M at his latu ildenie 1010 N' 7tli e- Interment lirlvate. Seuth x.aurei mil ' emeierj I HAI.l.OWEM, On April 8. WII.I.IAlt 'THANK H HAI.I.OWUI.I.. Relatives and friends Invited te funerul services 1'rl . 2 1 Jl . at his residence, J230 N. fltli at Krlenda mat rsll Thurs eve , 8 te 10 Int private Kindly emit Doners MA-MUIV-N April 20 11)22, ALVnV S wiuuw ul jttiui iiniiuiiun rrienas inviteu te runcral P. 31.. at her late residence, Int -! I nta IIAHLKV - April l'l, SXRAH It Rela nd U.rcenwuy ate m .ui, .uuuun i em. tlves and friends are Invited te attend ser peON'9 April 18, JACOI1 huaUind of Iris, 3Iei L' P 31. Parker Mud lYnr n wte Lena I'oens aifed 73 Rtlntlves an 1 aves . CelllnKdale. Trlends mey call Sun. I friends are invited te attend funeral scrv evr I !ee Sun . 1 10 1. 31 . at Ashnr ., Hread St HOLMES' April IR KOSSUTH, husband -i.".".! 1900 N llreail st Int Red-jf or Alice sieimes iieintives anci rrieni" also ltliUli4ia tUI SII4UII aced t He HtUeH anil frlen In are mMiei tw uiunu mnerdi rri , : . m from his lat rcslib nce, 3J4 5th st. lladden llelchts, N J Int private H irldtrh Cem Krlends may call Thurs . 7 te It I M lit. IN JOHN II . at Miami lit , April in lli'.'.' Netice of funeril win bi nltn later. JACKSON At Atlantic Clt V J , April 20, HAMCI.I, husband of Annie Jickeen, aued SI fermerlj of Olrwy J'jilti Services Sat 2 I" M a. his late ti h lence, 3712 Winchester ave. Int. I'leasinivl Ie dm. JOIi:.-TON April ill ( riIKItlM: A. wife of Albert V Johnsten ) ureral Mt n , h .lit A M irem MtU I'unstnn st vi nin m.iss t Church of uyr Lily i' Vic lur it in M Int at St rienW Cliii KIllfHKlt Airll 2n MAIIV A widow efihirlisL lnli-r lie ,i hi and fi lends are tnvltid te attenl funi ral services. Sat., Jl A M 'liaic! of Audi, i J l.ulr .V Nm, Arch and lUtl stv Int i.-rite LVNCii ri,, April 17 111.'.', THOMAS II husband if Annie I; I.,n h IUlatlv and I frli-rds of the family and all societies of i which he was n mmler Invlnd te funeral en saturuj morning ut ti o'clock, from lit latM reNldence. Rl Iffn mUe lt.irmenv llle. i-eletmi li Kh mass nr renin, m In ht. Ma! then's Chjrch In eki n nt 10 o'clock '.'.T-.T-'r ?X i.!,.,1,T.," V.-w H?.!?- , April 10 VI.LMi: K wife of Chnrlis III Mnrk'C and diuchter e! Mary IJ and late ""ran.. J iuiww t "' 7 ' H"UI1 i Ap.ll 1. 1022, vm. MA 111 IN Sudden'v I OLNIA M. widow of I. Q Martin Ren. I tlve nnd frlcnda .nvlled tj funeral, rrl , 2 ' I' M from her mtn r eldonce 4tU)R Cedar i eve , w hi nui liu private vv est t.atirai Hill ''"n Haltlmore papers pteuae copy. , Vd-llltMONl. -Apt ,1 l'l tyil.l.IXM W I 'isUi'id '( Miruuret I( Dennend (ne " " " "' A,r" -" tl1 lr l'-"-t Fn, '.Kullt.r owed i im ntln ninernl servkan 'at -' I'M . l.ld.t.ce '.flSI.I'enel u Iit Vi . i tun i fm h'rlf nrlw 1.1I1 kc .... LI If. JlfDOWr.I.L prll 10 WILLIAM T hustnnd of l.dlth Mi Uenall Hi-latlvert und Men. N SO A. M. late renldence, rifllfl ilrennwnv nve Heleinn reiiulem man fhurch of the Most H!eed hnirament 10 A M Int Hely 're Cem MeNAMlli: April 111 WILLIAM, hui lutil of AnnU MeN"amee (ruu r-kern'tti Ililatlvei nnd frit mix nnd nil seclitles of which he vvaH a member, nnd itnuluves nf Olrard CnlieKe, invited te fuieril, Hat.. II a. jl teiemn requiem mis m m. t runcn nui yavler'a Church in A M. IlealdencK. i i w, t-eiieae ave. nt, iieiy wre cem. iuu u.,1. veuib j. ma ui i i iitii li I - ?.uaiieiii . l'l .1 i tr i.i.i.jv ,,cii.iniuit, mi , ..i v iiii iicu in uiiriiu nn liaUrthter OI riaran ami :'i late ,vn ' funeral M-rvlces Sat.. 2 P M . residence. . ,,'", n Quint UelatHes anl friends are 1-V,,E..A.1i?Sh'n0,AW,t.I?.t' ,lelJV8 em. ., ' Killed te attend funeral Men 8 30 A. M . I ,,nV.vLDB "i,i'u- April nn, her moth, r's rts'dence 1237 W. ' ,9rr.n,iMv l-r?S,M- i rrT,v .. ,lt ' VenanBe H. Helemn requlen mass St HO-KI.Nh April IS JUMt I. 1H). I i, v,i.. rhurrh 10 A M Int N"e Cathe. KISS, wife of Technical frcreeant J imes Ur 5 Jt,,nh'na ch " a M" uu" Uel lis HeltleH .ind 1 nl IHIH ti I 'Jr'V.,m Anrll 1rt 10H A hu.hinl nf funeral Pat at 2 P. M from parlors of', RA-1,,-"V, aired irt Il.-ffiue, ..nrl Janus ' ibbx .. .- r. . '..: Frunkterl us 1 Hurf ?. 'iStiiede attend funirnd "rl n'lIlOV-Di:-sud!enl" 1UAprlV IS. Dr ,.,."1.1 ftV nil " '0 "aU.Vst II hus CROMWELL UtONSIlJl: huhand of Hmlly . IV'1.".1? .' 7 A?,r, ' kTi.-1 wV.,J.. i1 u". C Irene de ate. 1 lie atilew and frlen 1 ninu 1 1 i. ':", '.";," V.',"..''l "'.'.." 1 l. mlu n in ' uriit.u 1 .ulirn . , 1 .1111 K ,. n1 li iLiiuni uiriii iiik''iij awwnvi 'iu nini USED AUTOMOBILES ISettsr Uixzbtem& rr txjpb& j xjpiu 1 Aumu- axu&s j mji ju ,jmfi v j&cv&D mSL y &&& j&smssk y ujj un smsutt .JsfiSEaW w Mm M 1111 LIQLIIK i Bi2H m& WPW imn M . 1 r U LSjUm m eiiiaaLVwr s B. IIW VCr1 ff V.l i r?w .&. IHvvJ Z t9 UK rU I IfitfvVn mm I V sSOsK' I I 1 ix g g niiij r net vguttULj', u'Bt Giant OVERSIZE In Original Wrappers Manufacturer's Name and Serial Number en Every Tire All Latest 1922 Type MAIL ORDERS TO OUT-OF-TOWN CUS TOM HUS: We de net substi tute, and j ou (jet only what you order. We ship C. O. D , subject te jour examination before ac ceptance. 2"c discount for cesh orders. MONHY BACK IF tirks no xet suit. F1ri'l'lllliPIIIIMIll'PllllllllIllliLIITIirilllll,llllilllllllllllM HllllllllllllMlMllillMllllllllllilllim PARCEL POST Wall Brushes While they lest. 6-Inch genuine Horsehair Wall Brushes, made by the celebrated I'ushep firm of Bosten, at prices ou can not afford te oerleolt. Painters, Paint Stores Everybody, Buy New! KAI'II Ji7'22D'l,"re" J.OZKX HAVERSTICK & COMPANY Telephone, Lembard 0306 123 S. 5th St. Phila. i I Tr...T7. ,. '. Mc U-OH - IlKATIIS April 10. JIAUV i: . ' wKe of McVauKh, .iBd i. .jih. ,iuiatlu7 ari.l friend, -re Imlwl te fun nl I Hut . - 1 M . r0!11 l.ti" reslilerce lj&m line, lteslvn. I'a. Int. I'rlends tru call rrl "ve ....,-,. . . i MORKI.S April 1", GIlOUGi: bon of the late GoerKC and Mar Murrlx Reiaives and frlinds an. Invited te attend funeral. Hat. ft 3d A. M. fiem the resldence of his b-ether. Themas Merris. BtlSd Morteir st.. Germantevvn. Solemn mass et requiem Ht Vincent's Churtli 10 A. 31. Int Hel Sepu chre Cum I Ml'N'iOS In 1'ilmer, 31 iss . April 14. MERVYN s Ml'NsON. fnnnerl of this clt NICHOLAS U the Lnnken ill Hospital m April in. ie jj .u:KASimn r NICHOLAS, late of 1300 I'lne st v. urs .Memberi of 1'est Ne L' tl A. R ' Pennnvlvnnlii Council Ne 34. RpJiil Ar lanum, lT S. Custum service nud friends are Invited tn the sjrvlce. Sat.. April '-'. J I M . at the Oliver 11 Hall UldK . 1W0 Chestnut st. Int. tirlvatn , NICHOLS April 10. 1 '(... JOKHH NICHOLS - RelMlves nnd friends nr.) In Mied tn funeral burucea. sat. -' P. 31, at the parlors of David II Hewcn & fen. VA Relative. i Outh and Catharine sts Int pilvate services Men PARSELS. April 10. 311st CAROLINE p'lTs asd'.t'M'AlCsKLS, nued 01 IMncral services Sat. s. Sed st. ,'.Ap'i"M', at Preebyterlan Heme, r.sth st t,u,lem Cem Nvv yerK pipers pie m r epv M,itdileni nnd late Frederick Plclliel ltel-v lives and friends nlse feni. rdln Ledge N'e 17 K and A M nnd (inpleves or 11 Wnvmann Ct hone, tnvltut te funeral serv. Ices Men . at -' P M . at res dence, 2521 S. 07th st Vhvvlnit Bun eve HASlll April 1H, 1922 at 1 er late resi dence 4'iOu N 13th st . Anna C. widow of Lavan II Ilnser, ltelatle and friends are Invited te attend funeral services at the res denct et her son Will am L P.aser. 2317 N 10th at. l. I'M ,fv!"l -"t Mt Vernen Cem Friends cill Thurs . 7 te 0 '''lU.r.D April 17. 1H2.'. WVLTEft S. husband of Alice i.iarn.iruwn nnd son of Iteliccia and the late Philip I'.Q.d Ilelatlve, and friends also au Ledge Ne a'1.1, r nnd AM . Harmony It A. Chatter, .Ne r,'., Phlla Cuminanu-rj.. Ne 2. K T : Phllt Cni..lstnr A A .4 It I.u Lu Temple. A A O N. M H,. are Invited te attend funeral sen Urs. at his 1 it" rtsl lence. II W Ilnck "and at . Oermatituwn. Frl . .' I' M Int NFOHDhuddenl,. April IS. 10J2 MAItY A . wife of SamutI Hanfnrd Itela tlves i ind friends Invltid te funeral, Sat. li A M . front l"r dauithtir's renidence. 1301 1" feller st HlKh mm St Joachim's ( hurch 10 A M Int private, Hi. Deminic's Cem ....n hi fiiTilrrnvp . hiiaw .."". ";. " ;'.-i ' avrrnantevvn. 1'rl.. 1 1'. M. Int. prsVVI)i:il April L'l, TIOLI II, vvlfe of . ..' ' u Mnvder Itelatlvea and frltndii imh invited te funtral Nei-vlcce .' r 'e.lencc 2J1 elumbhi ave. wri. nda m 'all rl i vh hrsTI "tMW April !H. 1UJJ. ' MA(wni.i:r ,.:.., .hi. wiil t nuries r St. mme tn , lunn il v li I. n itrlch) ru "utlce ut Kl!.-r.sT On April IS ritAN'Iv II W'UHT ,...-. . , UA, iu nn ,. i ,, .. I'llliriei r'Jin.n u,. .,, n iw j sun wie ..rv. u Jtiimii i lnen iivi. ollinKsneid J)4 j' Int prlvate. ' . ...- I 'urn sat. morn , nt West g BROAD Ahm DIAMOND rflUYLERs L BROAD Ahm 1 fctl 0 ll,4tl t ilD ATJXOMOBH.M STRICTLY "FIRSTS" ALL NON-SKIDS IN ORIGINAL WRAPPER 1922 MANUFACTURE OVERSIZE TIRES AVERAGE 8000 TO As this is unquestionably the greatest SALE offered the auto aute auto mebilists te get the famous nationally known BIG, MASSIVE, GIANT OVERSIZE PORTAGE, all brand new, guaranteed strictly "FIRST QUALITY" at really wonderful Bargaifi Prices, it would show geed judgment en the part of all customers te COME IN, WRITE, TELEPHONE OR TELEGRAPH THEIR ORDERS AT ONCE BARGAIN PRICES ALL NON-SKID BARGAINS IN FIRST QUALITY PORTAGE Spae-v am TW0.YEAR NEARLY ALL SIZE 8000-MILE HEAVY NATI0NALLY- 77 VlBrl KN0WN mES 30x3 $6.75 $1.60 30x3'2 8.70 1.75 GeSSU- 32x3' 11.55 1-85 .... United States 31x4 13.65 2.00 .... Hendersen 32x4 15.65 2.15 .... Trent 33x4 16.45 2.25 .... CaI, aml i00u 34x4 16.90 2.50.... them ever. 32x4" 20.60 3.00 .... 33x4 i'j 21.70 3.25.... T T 84x4 K 22.90 3.50.... Dealers 35x4! 23.45 3.75.... aH(f 3Gx4V- 21.40 3.90 .... . 33x5 I;" 25.95 4.15.... Agents 35x5 1 ... 26.40 4.25 .... Wanted 37x5 1 ... 26.95 4.50 .... BETTER TIRE STORE CO. 300 NORTH BROAD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Northwest Cerner Stere at Bread and Vine Locust 4888 Oien Sundays nnd Kentnfrg PARCEL POST U.S. Army Pup Tents URAM NEW AN PERFECT Parcel Pest, 25c I'.xtru Cost (iett. $0.00 U. S two men Army reitulatlen Issue Holds . Guaranteed waterproof. Used children. Complete with two h- all leldlnit poles Fer Ijtrcer S.e. Semi fur Prices. BRAND-NEW U. S. Army Khaki Breeches Officers' stle Duubla seat nnd button en eld? nf lee. Verv rtrentr. T.iller made, llrind new and pcrftet. All sl7es. $1.35 Werth S.I.0U Panel Pest, 15c L'tru Reclitlmrd Army 70r hliukl llreethth w w . Slyew up te 3A taes5 m ,1 ',' J ROOF PAINT High-grade paint with geed wear ing qualities. Red : Brown : Green $1.75 Gallen Black, $1.00 per Gallen HOUSE PAINT Cevers 700 sq. ft. te the gallon. One coat. All colors. $2.75 Gallen We deliver and ship anywhere. Phenes- Poplar test; Preston SJt Send for color cards gDISKAN , l2TH,ANO GIRARtAVEr-PHItAM WALL PAPERS 10c, 15c, 20c, Deuble Rell Theueanda of homifelka de their own lapeihanelnic "Jur vvnllpapera are of soed nu ult and eas te hans. heud ler tain. pie lineU. Window Shades mn 45c Geed Paints ', $1 Gal. WALL PAPER COMPANY ,JW N. HE(OM) ST.. 1'llll.t,, V.r 1$ Hew About Nema Meney en I)la v menda uml JewelrjT Kntra Lew aa I'k. Hlter'a Pannahen, Out Vina , St. Ilended te the I Ity. EVENING CLOTHES- T IllltU AMI FOR HAL1! 1 nil Ilrraa und Tmede mill Cutaway (or Morning Meddlnn iraieej .iieuri or jiisueai lliiailiy SAMUUa LUUPEH bone Peulue Mai 1010G1RARD E. , Evenlara MX v pdC0MPLETE Vy Cui .(,, u'SlssW J JBBe"ara Sal li PUT 471 I BeBlaf aft affaV 1 l en Market st Phiia.Pa i 1 KmMsmSasmi T TJBEb AtTTOMOBILXS 10,000 MILES PABCKL POST THE EASIWAY Scrubber Mop Cleaner & Polisher The best and most useful article ei us kind en the market Sat isfactien absolutely guaranteed or money reiunciwj Men dcrnbber imnlre Palmetto nr iirisne iirose. Tntnpde Ilrtiah with Mnpt complete i-aimettn llriish with lepi rempine rtele fteinii l'. fent rnmnlet FRANK B. HENRY, Distributor 88 fl. TniRU ST.. rniLA. Westinghouse Aeriela, Jr. Receiving (25 .00 Outfit! Westinghouse Antenna Outfits Vario Varie Coupler $7.50 5.23 Kectigen liattery $!, Chargers ID 50 iiereaay storage Kadie $1C95 16 uattery Radie Lightning Arrester Antenna Copper Wire, per 100 feet B-Battery, 22', Volts $1.95 $2.50 LENIHAN'S 45 N. 13th St., Phila.- Fer Teatting, Cepking and Frying 1701717 Te any one wlie cm prere T KKiRi ,k ,ni ' l GENUINE """ LIBERTY ELECTRIC STOVE nickel-plated (iteel coimtructlen D. amter. 7'4 with 6 feet cord, 2-nlece plus for all nttacliiiientn Uunrnnteed te uive eniieini nun nr money rerun leu SPECIAL PRICE.. Parcel Peit, 4.85 Phlladilttili electrical Mall Order Hiuh I0e Eitri G. W. HOFFMAN & CO. IB1 rHI.UKV ST fllllt, I'A COIN MACHINES Hell, Fruit and ethers. Card lleela (102J Medels). J a e knot Poker Card, Ueweya; 100 new and rebuilt. All bi.rt.alns. Lantern Office SLOAN 1SOVI.I.TY MFO. CO. 88t N. 8th 81. Phnnft Hell. n"Hr ,774 AUim ,vS.rfTl fMmmf.fmnWmn1 InlwMslB ' u. Easlway Toel.rom' S1.2S at I Inc. Melt Combination VTIItl Tr mm I Genuine A ' & LIBERTY ELECTRIC STOVE W 1 fir yJv 1 IJKnrWfB VfMD ATTT0KOBIL1W ,. , iVMP:ATOOMh REAL ESTATE POBSAXB v V v s Cv SI Nf v v s HELP WANTED, SITUATION WANTED, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES AND LOST AND FOUND ADVERTISING WILL BE FOUND ON PAGE 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY " S. W. Cor. 1 6th & Oxford 10 ft. en 16th. 173 ft. en Oxford -10 ft. en Willington. Ideal location for apartment house, club, piivate residence, etc. JOHN H. SINBERG 1218 Chestnut SPRING GARDEN ST. 1929 Six Apartments Financed te Suit TURNER & McCOY 420 Perry Bldg. Locust 4939 1530 Chestnut St. GESU PARISH Vncant: 12T N. Orati at.; 2uatery. B rooms, ' newly ronevatea; no reai.onable elTer re 1 1 used. H.J.FASY, 18th & Thompson Su. Fncterlee. Marebeineii, Mnnnfucturlnr Floeri Ililllllllllllll'IIWIIUIIIIIIIIIllllllllUllllll WASHINGTON AVE. Factory Property FOR SALE OV At'COUNT or Itl.MOVAL Nenrly the entire block between 21d und 21th sts und WimhlnKten uve. nnd Cnrpenter st , Philadelphia, Suitable for mnehlne liep, foundry or general manufacturltur I'ennnylvnnlu llallread sldlnu iiliin-henrth uted tneltlnit furnace held with propel ty If dealreil IMMIIDIATH POaSSI.'SHIO.N' JOHN S. WURTS Attnrnev.nt.L.w 12.T. LAND T1TI.K IILDO ,, , PiiiLAnr.i.PHiA Membi r I'hlln Ueiil ltm,, iinril MW I IIIIIIIIIIBII I Ulllll IIIIIHIuiliii 923 LOCUST "ST. 023 LOCUST ST .1 Merie, and , 10.800 ac,. ft.j barualn, villi ; nnanw I hi. STEVENS0N& SON1-'' ! FACTORIES & WAREHOUSES" ! 1'i.oeks run urnp Ground for Industrial Buildines E. S. T0MLINS0N JnJ-;!, , lliilldlng I Ih. I'i!ilnnj.ti. Kle j niiuii II Ml KIVIIRTOHY and basement brick Meles an' w nehouhe .'in-ii , A 3u st ; 55x00. iimulte of owner' Continental Leather Ce. 311 N. 30 sr. Miiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihij iiifiiiiiuimnii,,,,,, BUILDING "FOR SALE" fit u nr. Tlren Merbs imien ft brv floors, l.-.'.unn. lirimVu ,itn ler Info niHilen npplv ' Kl Oil f.ic lusm fi ill """"" 'UI.I.MKI. 327 a,.,,,,,, I ftteneji. Sites & Fleer Sp J. LEE PATPON i,R? i"."i ni, are Jl, LINCOLN I CS ll Geed Values In USES CARS The truest kind of economy is warranted in the purchase of a Used Car of established stability and value such as the Dedge Brethers. s The Used Dedge Brethers Commercial cars we are offering at these very fair prices origi erigi nally had built into them that strong rugged ness of construction se necessary te long life They have very -faithfully upheld Dedge Brethers' High Standard. Belew are some value's that will net last: Panels and Screens, Dedge Brethers, $300 up. THORNTON-FULLER AUTOMOBILE CO. USED CAR DEPARTMENT OPEN SUNDAYS 24th & Seuth Sts. Spruce 6735 REAL ESTATE FORsjj' west i'nii.Aiir.i.riiiJi west riULADKLrma McClatchy's New Hemes One Square Frem 69th St. Elevated Terminal aavssavaaaiaa iMeaiaaissiiaiaiaiaiasaijiMsaasaiM 10 Minutes te City Hall One Fare Many New Unusual Features Westlncheuse Sr. Radie Phenes Hullt In Klectrlc Ventilating Fan In Kitchen. All Copper (luttcra and Speutlnc. Ccdar-Llncd Clethes Closet, HlKht Cleseti In Heuic. Cntlre Hnuae Sletal AVeather Stripped. Breakfast N'oek Inslenoek Fireplace, Ihree Oolf Courses Nearby. Only $49 a Menth te Carry te this add (15 a month te pay oft our mertcace. this Includes your GAIIAOK Come tedas and pick out our future home. JOHN E McCLATCHY Builder of Hemes COth St., Opposlte Market St. Elevated Terminal Open r.venlnua till 0 o'clock ' I'hene, llelment T423 CITY Dulldlng Leta. Factory Sites, Ke, Factories, Sites & Fleer Space! AT WAYNE JUNCTION Space for rent, Address Jlr, Dirlal J. I.IJi: ATTON. Lincoln B!d, i wkbt nin.AnKi.niiA 69 th Street Section 17 Minutes te City Hall One Fare Has succeeded in securing thl enlarging of the tet initial fa cilities at COth & Maiket SU. What does this mean te you! liJIIUBllllV MOUNT AIRY VERY ATTRACTIVE MODERN! Semi-detached atone heute, 1 jciuare fw Allen Lane atatlen, ,'i bcdmnnii, 'I bathroom, het-water heat, .! 1'ltlCi: IIII .".ill) JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CO. v III pii.i'i' iiiiii,, i-nii.-. , Chcntnut 1 1 HI ma? Chestnut Hill ! ' LOtiAX 5100 CAItLIHLi: ST.. 21 Bierv nl Iladley built. 1000 bllt. Itetltland rtl f ulnru it iii-tfrta 1 ti 1 1 li I 41100 noeo hlk, 12th: 3 Bter med top! 4000-MMIO hlk. Marline St.. B rnll . bll-l 40111 N. Camaci 2 ter. "II cemeni.1 iw, rx Miiimene ,e W. V. LHAMBLrte iiheadJU CHKSTNIIT HILL ,..-... , .i.v ntl v-wu.i.i. uermantevvii aim ",; ui larite old manalen an.1 ureunili "JI 117 0x141 fl : oppeslto loop of 1 ". B 'I nnd adjacent te Chestnut Illll ,b,tVJi I'enna. II It.i aultuble rer aw -or business purpenes, no restriction' 11. C. IIIVIN. 721 Walnut OLNII1 " BAUER-BILT "ALL-LITE HOMES" J!, Pa. $6300 With Garages tVltSlSIWD hAlll'W iievsf C807 N. FAMHlLh ST. $5200 . ..iin. e,i -t rvnrin w ,i mi .! III (tauiple heut-tt open, ft rooms. uau. rn temenlenres Apply 0LNEY REALTY CO. (111. N. nTHST, , OAK l.NK. M47N. BTH ST. Detached Homo-Let 60xJjJ vi. ,.i. ....... ,Jnect! 2 car "IS iivi ii iii u.r , r -i "vi... iiir j Iniinvdlute tiesstssluh! Pr,tg J ale, $17,000, .j?il i.,v.iL mt.- i.ivc eaOOJ-9 Jtl.r. '. aaaaa.a- -- K' t 'vtituip) k4. ,;-.- ' . J. '1'aW.v ?ji?, m&m .S. fill: tifefet.- . JS a. . a&yJJj' rit.'ii 'SW..