KHwS ! JtX. "rv.W rii-'i ' Jlat ,rA"Ti j-.Trm "Kj n x t .1 . r v- ini :. wt r-. ; j". -;' . fit-aTi . v asn'i 7,.;alAr'St, ,r: t " ' S.ww'ii.,,2k(la--ii.'i"34SS& .wetW'WiVfe' KVKNimf , t. .'Cf M'fivyr ,- ' , - - - 'f.iivAn B-i?i LS. ' WJBHBW8SSSm5aBSBSra pen and Other Stars Will Shine at Germantown Academy Tomorrow T MACK, AS SUB, GREAT APPLAUSE FOR J. DUGAN ..-k WOP LEONARD m't res Four Knockdowns and Cemes Near Stomxlne Lad Ur.f.. n e F$$ft Matched With Champ V, UiVP MFT RFVFN TIMFR n- 1.01'IS II. .IAI-TK BATTLINO MACK found liN lir-it half-rtozeil buttles with Kattllwc , IJeenanl the lunle-t. nlglit thc; i renewed riiiR rt'IutleiiMiip for tnc Mrenth time, mid en thN nec.ixinii, In tle wind-up nt tin- 1c I'nlnce. the Mack battler liniillx iiiiveeili'd in win ning from T.pennrd -net nnlv bj a wide margin mid dpr-Mxely, hut In two dlf fflrent rounds the Camden cleuter emiie pretty near adding "K O. b" after the Phllndelphlnnt-) name .Four times in the third -e-len Mack ncered knockdowns. Leenard wns in had shanc xxnhbh dizzy and till but out. He took founts of right, nine, nine nnd two. The fourth time Hef eree Floxd practiced nrlthmetie both men were en the fleer, Mack lmxlng stumbleil exer Leenard's body. Again in the M'wntli round. Leenard was buffeted around prstty hard and often rocked and dazed, hut Mack s overanxteusness caused him te miss with n number of blows that might hare landed with knockdown power. Leenard In Game In defeat Leenard proxed himself u game buv. At no time did this lad flinch anil he nlwas fought b.ick hard. After being floored se often in the third period and punched around fairlj hard in the fourth. Leenard came hue; with a great burst of xpecd in the hftu and sixth reundn. outbexlnp and out punching the rugged Cuimlenlte. JBut Leenard's fust pace tired him and his chin became a target for the Mack left hooks and right swings, that staggered him in the seventh. Hi" eighth was a grueling wslen. lletli lads whaled away at each ether, trjing hard for a knockout, but I,eeniird was tee fatigued te score heuvt'x. while his cleverness in ducking and side-stepping made Mack iiiIkh. Mack's victor and near-knockout was even meie linpreaslxe when it Is considered that lie stepped In as an emergency boxer. Leenard originally had been "matched te meet Jehnnx Huff, the champion. Huff reported eeral days age with his threat Hexerelj Mvellen and Pete Herman, former title holder, was Mibftitutcd. When Herman stepped en the scales last night at the P.ilaee he weighed 125 pounds, six mere than Leenard. Leon Leen ard refused te meet IVte. Se it was necessary te get another substitute, and Battling Mack, 120 neunds, came forward. Overnight Mack has earned for himself n reputation ceed enough la atand out today as a worth opponent for the best of the bantams. Lynch Is Victer Jee Ljncb, llft'j. and Jimmy Mcnde, H8Mi, ere razzed in the first few rounds because of the lack of action, but it wasn't Lynch's fault. Mende 'waa entire y tee careful and In order te make a tight of it Ljnch was forced te take se mnny chances, urged en by Uef rree Floyd te show .some stuff, that nt limes the former champion looked fool ish. Even though Lynch missed with a (lock of punches, he wus clearly entitled te the decision ever the Philadelphia Italian, finishing up in the last two rounds with a grandstand rally that had everybody up en their feet Jee O'Donnell. 1221, put en a con sistent battle against Jack Sharke.r, 128, and nt the tonelusien of eight rounds the former was entitled te the honors bv a shade. Sharkey fought in Hashes. "When he did tlare he uncorked I let of hooks and swings en O'Dennell'j jhln and at close quartern piled In a bunch of blows. But becnusc of his consistency in punching, O'Donnell. despite a no count knockdown In the fifth, was able te go along holding his own, and then a brilliant rullr In the last minute and i half of the finnl round, during which Bharkey was shaken up, enabled the Gloucester caveman te leave the rlug a iTeae victor. Jee Nelsen, 1'Jl. saw mere gloves, than he ever has In his jeung life when xeung Montreal, 120. left-Jabbed his way te a win in eight rounds. Mon treal had his If ft in Jee's face centln- ' ually, connecting with half a dozen punches te Nelsen's one. Jee tried his utmost te keep up with Montreal, hut the -latter, a real classy boxer, was en tirely tee fast for the local lad. In the opening bout of six rounds , Benny Bass, 121. wus a winner ever I Chick Kansas, 12.1. Kncli seared two knockdowns, but Iiass wns mere clever and he found lodgment with the harder punches. Havre de Grace Entries for Saturday three- aaar . --aW SrtftMfajlMnnlffTC' Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa&WaiS-S! saT Daaaaaak m spigs? xiSis, elSx 3 if ' .j 9'ajEBBBBBBBBBBsy' r '"-9aBaaaaaaaaaaaPBBaa"" 'A I a m-wt PvwaaaaWRR. wv -$. .BaaaaaaaaaaaBaMA,"s,,s' Jl i wHutiLtecj: S" f jisaadlasrBaaF a. TMSHBlBaaaaaaaaK0 w t jbbbbbbbbbbbbsi . vi aBflBsnallJaBBMBBBBBBnFVt$S94BBBBBBBBBBSiBBM SBBE7M9BBn?V Hi& vviBaaBsaaaaaaaaaaaaVjBaaaBafBaaaaaBlBVh- (REanKKaaaaar' VfHaakiiBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBERKaP 'tytBSSIl HiBBbKhIKBUbL4 af XaBBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBalBBBBBBBafti a5HHBai4& Ssms flRlwBalBT9Baa9laalBaaaaaaBaaaaaV3SrXBS1P? -bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbMbbw&bS3bMi'4 v ;';- 5 I iflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnHliPlSV ''ii," "i" ' '- 43 1 PIS B M BIG TENNIS DAY AT OCEAN CITY Organization of New Athletic Club Will Beest Baseball, Ten nis and Track Meets : BIG CAMPAIGN IS LAUNCHED The disappearing one reappeared at Slilbe Park estcrda. The crowd K! him the merry "ra7" and he cave the crowd an enjoyable after noon with a home-run wallop, etc. Many Tennis Champions Get Start en College Teams R. IS'erris Williams, Washburn. Whitney. Alexander, Church, Wallace Jehnsen and Tilden Himself Laid Down Fundamentals in Scheel Competition AT GERMANTOWN Mrs. Mallery, Tilden, Richards, Jehnsen, Williams and Wash burn te Play "OUR BILL" ON THE STAGE T By WILLIAM T. TILDEN. I'd TtnnU Champien of the World, 1920 31 L'N.VIS Is wlewl.v but steadily gain- Princeton, with tlirje singles and four lng the recognition that is its due in deubles: I'ennsjlvaiiin, with three of jthe colleges of America. The leading ed ucaters recognize ench : Columbia, two and two, and Brown, one and one. complete the list 1 Ba tW' cf 1 K' 1 jS I 1 thA liniwtriniiiM. .if r"1IlRls llat have wen both titles. Ffl !,,..,, hT the ,nen (- M- nrl"le-v br0K1,t Trinity one & ml hevs ttraduat- "elnt ,n t,ie lnRls vU,lle ,1" fu,,,re I "ing fwm colleges seven-times-champieii of the United r. ?L ". L if .?.i? State. William A. Larned. wen the 'ciiiisjih-unid claim Wiillece '. Johnien. Dr. K. 11. Dctehurtt. 11". f. 7)(ifi, H. M. Tilden. viy hrethcr, and 11I10 mywlf. .1 ti 1 1 ei.hjiATb iIlt ilUU B1.41UVI'1 1 liil ft f 11 some form of uth- ""- or v era, letic exercise that Seme of the plaers nationally fa they may continue 1 meus In later years who phijed in the In nfter life. Ten- , intereellegiates were 51. Ci. Chase, tils fills this want Karl Behr nnd C. S. Garland, of Yale, better than any1 while the Blue hns a pla.ver new in ether form of college who will be famous in a few sport. Thus the jeurs in the person of Arneld W. Jenes, tendency during former American be champion, the last decade has Harvard has had Williams. Wash been toward mak- burn. Whitnev. Armstrong nnd hosts It. N wiluams '"B t,n' a major of ethers. Punceten beasts of 1. U. npert nt schools Alexander. (J. M. Church. Deam ! aPd (',elRl", Already the colleges of Mathey, Carlten Shafer and mnny the v est give the major sport letter for mere, tennis, and the day seems near when ' - . I Harvard, Yale. I'enn nnd Princeton will fellow in the same path. 1 The annual inteicellegiate tennis tournament has been steadllv growing In Impeitanee. The number of colleges I represented at the recent events are far elum the T that period many future national chain- An(I(.Vnn. and the California colleges 'iV. 1 ,1" tu ,' " , , "',."""1,, have sent us R. L. Muirav, Llla Fet- itltlehelder went down te defeat In the lrcll nml mnnv ,)f thp etlier Ktarb trem I finnl round of the intercelkgiute sin- u,,. ;(,lden Oate gles when. In 1011. It . Williams, The growth ..f th. game and its pep- who had just thrilled th- tennis world umr,. ami,ng t;R. ,()lltll n( th(. country b his marvelous defeat of M L. Mr- shellM maKl. (ill interoellegliite tham- Leughllii in the national Mugles was j,iensi,j, , ( ,i,0 most important defeated i-i four sets bv Geerge M.vers eu.,)ts , ,,. nmn((M1P SI,rtlnK world. 'Church, of 1 rinceten. j efk ,0 S!0 a tremendous increase in Harvard m the outstanding rellfije. the numher of entries in the inteicel- I hi (Ac annah of the intercollegiate legiate championship in the next ten I championships, jear-. and I also pet te -ee tennis a major sport throughout the fntire THE Crimson hatf wen the ..Ingles title collegiate world within a shorter period sixteui times and the doubles an 1 e t"ne" equal numher. Yale is her enl rival, I for the Itiilldei; has a reierd that In- Mr. Tllilen's net article will lie eludes eight -misUs titles nnd eleven "Junier Tennis." doubles championships te her credit. Cepjright cm, ij -uiu l-Jje cwvanj 1 jriirrseijn u uc lut" ris'uiii v''ius ure iiir .mere than were thought ei ten .vcars ORNKLL has Bill Lamed, Celli age. The championship wns innugu- j ,ia. Rebert LeRe.v . and new In f-rated thirty-five years age and ever Vincent Richards and F. thai, nerind manv future national chnm. .."-.. 1 .1.. ,.i 1. ..u EASTERN IB. TEAMS I "-"tliesl, LEAVE FOR MEET Club New Yerk Chlciure . rhllllm. .. K. Luuta WtUbiinli Reden's Athletes in Final for fS3enn NATIONAL I.K,0tTE Wen Leut P.O. Win Basketball Title at Colum bus Tomorrow n n H 4 1 1 4MLKICAN Club tlrvelinil XttiktlfN ! St., l-eiils 1 niciile ,183 .114 .GOO S7I .ATI .33 it .'.'00 .144 l.KAC.l'K .HS1 .067 .311 .410 Hen Lest P.r. Win Hid ?fr.nett.i 101 '! runtu k 101 I.HIIh H'a V s,i, U 1 'U-tnlnila 110 lmi lu 11.' Ml I "2 lu ll ll.l pursy jl.'O) Vtrat rac. pur9 ll'JOfl dalmli.K fearselda unit up, 0 turliinaa rilbbrtiflhtt U.'i feik sut Lloyd Oreru lmi riillnts Pnarean . 1IR Fumi Qj-ii Tlckllah .. Ill 'llevprlv W Leuin ited . UH Itlslil An Bl 3atna Cncbet Htauncli Charlie Hummy Turnabout Second race. Hi.. lllu Grt,: lwa-veurelda. 4 furhinKu Cncnantment . Mil Herk llrt Daniel . . .llil Tru. Tllir 111 Adventurtan 113 (MjKunai ion (alBruahnueil 1ml ( ma Inn Irian Pat lfl Ciinnali I'antifH 103 kljxalwth llrtce 10 J (a)VVIlaen nnd Malinen cntr. Third rac the I'nmrad pjr S IS0i Ihroe-ycur-elda, il furleniti Kecket .. Hi ix II llj Lucky Heur UJ in). h llat.niurflU calReulvttr 101 Uri'Ukr in; Brilliant Hay lei. In-xtf-rnua lfi.j Maryland Hill- UU l itlmata in I; lajl.en.ifli mubie rr.ii I. Fourth rac. p.irfe $i',(m 'ii Climax '? Hanatcup, inrw-jear-e ua .ml jh e fur iji' , jiunfai W (a)Star Veter 11J (aiHIWur 101 t UMnmibr HIS l,lkli hr..m ,n 1. Mlaalenary i"') s. rapis in-, - Bilper . 10e Mucl: uraiitte . . 93 -7 jiainjniit u'i V faXJ, K 1. Huia fn'r Fifth ram pura J'uue GIRLS WILL ALSO COMPETE 'Vne Iletrelt ,HA7 .714 ..-.71 .371 ..of) ,4.'0 .01)0 ,K71 .750 ,r.t:, 371 .171 in Athli'tii team- ani Kast rn Region et il 1 nQiimls of tlie . 1 1.. ,. . 1 . '.V'i .' "' I L'llU i um j linnAle INTKIt.MriO.SAL LKAM K . I.. I' I . W. Ix .714 Mil .300 ,4 .167 .its Ixine 730 .K5 .noe .in .'.30 .000 Uailrnad hit here e.ulj this morning ' intlmer, for the tiiiul iliauipieiiship indoor meet j the entire sj.nm n m.ijsisi v , mi. CelumliUs. ( . toluel nivv. Seviul hull- I 0 I. OOO Newark O 1 O 1.000 Ss rue iik.-. 0 1 II 1 noe Terente 11 1 0 1.000 Rerlwtcr 0 sei'tiikr.v .msocivrieN U.L. l'.C. Hm L n S .f,M7 M..n...l.l K MeWIr 3 3 .AM lllr'gluim 4 lliir.tii r. .1 irii v 11-1. ., dred rooters will depart tonight und will I NhIuIII. 4 !33il ( linlt'ua;ii .mive in Mine fei ih. lust .vent te-' AMKHICAN ASSIKHTION morrow ... , Mln'upelU 6 ' l" ,wvi (eluinlnea. V The Eat has 11 . iiaiu-.- t,. win the 1 Kan. nty n .1 '.mi i3Mii 1 basketball eMiiiiiluensiiip ier mu urn ."jrjir' '. - i' "' '"Hi tune in histeiv Munugi r .In. k Redeli h Auditor of Rev. tine ti-ani wen thf title In this Ncctinii and ex put te 1 op in the .WTienvi. i.rUi.i h Iiual u.morievv. The) will oppeie ( an- ' 'll"I'?;j' '2,1'1Vi,nr',1 r 1I11 en. 1 . the . hamiiiens of the West (Vfe.?.1 MY.';.,,1,,. , The teams phi) und r iltfferent I'liubiireh, ie it. lAnm Mill's. R.ideil'h athletes hnvu hem play- I AMKHICAN LKAGIK ing under Kustein League law. and Bekien iv Aihiitiie. t. i..... ..11 -.,1.1- lmv. us...! iii 1 " iirk, lOi Wihlilncimi r. umriiiPK-Kiui,- -.. I'leielnd. K, iiiri." V I hcaite, J, t. ruN. I'l . .OOil .INMI .000 .000 L. I ind'nell, 1 3 .371 To'lwle I ii YESTERDAY'S RESULTS .114 ..173 I'.I'. .300 .120 .-J38 .143 Several hundred admirers of Occau City, including Philadelphia summer commuters nnd ear-round residcntx, gathered nt the Hetel Lerraine last evening te discus the organization of a new ntbletlc club and te Incidentally honor the coach, Hill Zahn, and mem mem bera of the champion Princeton basket ball team. Gathered round the festive beard were athletes that have sitcceHsfully de fended the fair name of Ocean City In all branches of nperta for jearn, nnd they were Hanked by bankcm, btiklness men, hotel men and just plain citlzcim who were there In order te dtxeuss the pieject of raising the necessary $50,000 for the new venture. J. Stanley Theman. who is well known In Philadelphia sporting clrclcH, nnd who will be recalled bv old-time fol lowers of the came of basketball us manager of the Stratton team, of the Philadelphia League, wns teastniuster. and put the affair ever In big st.vle. The plans disclose that a large tract of ground covering an entire aqunie almost in the center of the residential section has been purchased between Seventh and Eighth streets at Bay ave nue, where the Daseball games have re cently been played. It Is planned te ere. t a clubhouse nnd build a grandstand which will accom modate ",000 persona und te place In Ocean City one of the best baseball teams along the Atlantic Coast. But b.iH'b.ill will he enl.v a part of the pro gram. Tennis will be another sport te be promoted und nt lean a dozen courts will be laid out. A track will be built and Mime of the biggest meets in that section nre planned. As a starter It was announced Unit the new rl'd would be dedicated en July 1 with a track meet which would include tenms nnd athletes from ever 100 miles around. It in expected te be the biggest sports event en the Fourth of July calendar nnd a committee has already been appointed te work en the affair." But the most important part of the whole program is the raising of the neeessnr) funds, and this will he the easiest, judging by the sentiment dls nla)cd by these In nttendance last night. Subscriptions from diners in the 500 denomination Hew thick und fust. It was decided te appoint a commit tee of Phlladelphlnns, headed by Mr. McClatchy. the local real estate man nnd one of Ocean City's residents, te conduct u campaign, and according te Toastmaster Themas, he saw no reason wh) the whole amount should net he subscribed in one month ufter the cam paign was under way. ROPER HURLS STOOL AT FULTON WHEN STOPPED Captain Beb Knocked Through , Ropes Fred's Purse Attached Denver, Cel.. April Ul. Fie.1 Pul ton, of Rochester, Minn., wen from Beh Reper, of Chicago, in the fourth round of 11 scheduled twelve-round bout heie1 last night. In the fourth round Reper, wns knocked through the ropes. I After Reper had been pushed hack , into the ring, Fulton walked ever te , shake hunds. Reper hutled his steel at Fulton and then tried te mnke a spiech, sa.vlng that he was net knocked out, but had struck his head when he went through the lopes. , An attachment was tiled again -t Fill- ten's share of the gate receipts h.v an attorney en liscelpt of a telegram from Tem O'Reurke. of New Yeik, former)) j Fulton's man.igei. lie claimed Sl(i.'!:. The attachment was filed at the bej office nnd the district court. VILLANOVA PLAYS BOSTON ! Beth Baseball Teams en Edge for. Clash en Main Line Yillaneva College baseball team will encounter the Bosten Celli ge nine en the Mnin Liners' diamond thin after- , neon, and both teams arc 011 edge. Viilaneva is smarting ever tnc de feats administered bv City College of New Yerk and Lehigh. That thu team nt viunneva is im proving is evident by comparing their last two performances. At Wilmington, against Salesianuni. tin, Vlllniinvii T'rpn hnsehnll ten in ulll make their initial nppearunce in the' Catholic, Scheel League. TURNERS OFF FOR NEW YORK Lecal Athletes Will Compete in Nd 1 tlenal Championships There Philadelphia Turngemeindn athletes, te tin total of six, departed for New Yerk teadv. te repiesent thi Itv in I national .humplenship events, wrilch will be held tonight and tomorrow. Three men gjmnasts and three women swimmers comprised the local nggiega nggiega tien. Johnny Mais, Max Wnndciei and Jee Woelfrum will compete for the va rious individual crowns, besides the all around honors. I The inernmidn who will w.ur the colors are Elizabeth Becker, Frames Clarke and Margaret Raviei. Ilv PAUL PKEP GKKMAN'TOWX A C A I) K M Y'S spring athletic season Will be opened tomorrow afternoon. "While the athletes nt the German town avenue nnd Scheel lane Institution have been using Academy Field for the last six months, the new let hns just been completed. Under the direction of William T. Tilden, 2.1., world's tennis champion, preparations for u gain opening day have been made, Tilden has uriangcd te have several of the world's foie feie foie mest stars te take purt In the festivi ties. Watsen Washburn, It. Norris Wil liams', Wallace 'F. Jehnsen and Ylnccnt Richards will play. Tilden will make his last appear ance in the Enst tomorrow. Next Tuesday he w-111 leave for Sun Fran Fran iice, te play In the Enst West matches aguliibt Jehnsen and etheis May 0 and 7, An attraction of unusual interest will be Mis. Mella KjtiiMiilt Mallery, national women's tennis champion, who will sail for Wimbledon. England, en May It!, te challenge MNs Suzanne I.englen. the French Hash. Mrs. Mallery will meet Tilden In the opening match at -:lfi. It will 111,11k the lirst time these noted champions have opposed each ether. Tilden will net be allowed te nd lant e be.v eud the hae line nt any point during the tentest. The new courts, en which the tnrs mention. d above will be the lirst te play, are in the best condition. The) are new. und have been made bv one of the best tenni.-.eurt architects In this vlcinit) . There has been such n great demand for tickets that verv few are left. The city's steel grandstnnds have been leaned for the occasion, and this makes it possible for evu.v spectator te get n geed view of the mat.hes. Tomenow. incidental!), is the first Graduates' Pax ' the history of the school. Theiefeie. the opening of Academy Field will net be the enl) affair en the program. In the evening the students and grad uates will give the pla). "Alias Jlmmv Valentine." In the Orphcum Theatre. Chelten and (iermnutewu avenues. Here. nNe. "Our Bill" will lake the leading role. Bill will play the part of "Jimmy." The tennis pla.vers will eceupv (in main bex: nt the Orpheiim during the .veiling's perfeimnnrc. and will be te give Bill the "glnd hand" when he step, upon the stage. Hew Tctihis Stars Will Play at Gtn. Academy The exhibition tennis matches nt Gcrmniitewn Academy tomorrow, starting at 12:15 IN XI.. will he as fellow s : Mrs. Xlella Bjurstedt Mallery vs. William T. Tilden. William T. Tilden vs. Ylnccnt Richards. 11. Norris Williams xs. Watsen Washburn. Wallace Jehnsen vs. best opponent obtainable. FRANKFORD HIGH AWARDS SPORT LETTERS TONIGHT Insignia Will Be Qlvcn at Scheel Dance The Athletic Association of the Frankford High Scheel will held a dunce In the gymnasium of the school this evening. Following the dunce let ters will be awarded te members of the bevs' nnd girls' basketball teiims. nnd meclaJs will be given te the winners of the different classes In wrestling. The men te receive letters are Cap tnin Bebby Wetter, Nelsen Lehr, Mike Bennett, .fee Cefnll nnd Jim Illanchard. The gills arc Xllsses Elder. Klrkpatrirk. Keck. Taster, Reed, Dcnberger, Wiser and Kennedy, The medals will be awarded te Cham bers, fcuthrrwelght ; Schnefer. light weight: Pedrick, middleweight; Roll out, light heavyweight, and Timlin, heavyweight. Wilsen Leads Tiger Wrestlers rrlnretnn. N. J Apr'l 21. Alfred t-eenn XVIIann. of PUtaburah. Ph.. lins been elected te lead the Tine in the mat for next ceaaen VSw '.Vl .H""'1 IH'iH "" Jr S'n. BfSTiTjii' Vl' 1 iiniyiiiMIPWjpjgia College Baseball THV. COMFORT HAS Shape it titty ttay you vhh UNITED HAT STORES, INC Geed Wear or a New Hat t 1217 MARKET ST. HERE'S The Comfert, a hat for every t occasion rolled into one Made for comfort like a soft cellar Yeu can shape it te just your own style Fer metering, golfing, business, it if sup reme. Light weight and in four Attn shades, it embodies smartness. Wonderful values in 'various styles a $245 $3-45 $5.00 THE LATEST CAPS $1.45, $1.95, $2.45 YKSTBIUIAVM mSU'ITX C.eiirxftnun. I); Kerdlinni, ti. I'rliirelen. 4i Drewn, 2. Ilerxurri. 4i fleerala Teeli, 3, Delaware, A FrueuH, ,1. Clethes that are distinctively Yours aie the only kind xve make. Jf you prefer peas-in-a pod suits und com cem com menplucc suitings, you xvill net, of course, appreciate the distinctiveness xve put into our creations. Re better dressed. Our prices are moderate. W. S. Jenes, I- Custom Tailoring 1116 Walnut Street Treuaera A Hpedall j aaaBaaaBMMaiMMriaaMaH.MMBr I Tan Oxford $10.00 And Socks, Toe Mere men cverj day are realiz ing that it pays both in the end and in the beginning te buy from a house they knew about. d rV w zeiqQrwait sS. 'Soot Shep f 1420 Chestnut Si. SAVE 8 te 1 2 Scraps About Scrappers Handicap tnllea: KiUrmlnaler Jlunia, Hue). Mlaalenary Hllppcry Ulm J) foil e Ida Slith race eeaf-elii and Hi- l'lnUJ ih.a three )ur ulils ,ud up 1 1 10 131 Hinlfic ljj llu 1'elU iin Ins tint Jil 101 104 I.untllu nil 101 X -Winder . . 10.' purae, 11200. rlnlmlnj. threi- 1 iii.le and 71) nrda UD. Kins' ChamufenlH 'Lurky H Kar Nete .. 114 'King- Jehn .. ur Illrthday . 113 nnieraar . Dark Hill .... U" 'Tan Hen awety 10S (.'tankman ft-. Mvenlh lace, purae aii'ui. clalmlns i7'""ret.r-ein ami up. ft .Altemey Mulr ' aaxmmy Jay 'iff knajnark . I' ' I.i-v ICain lS(L .fTrlrk-ter 2d JiltV 'ThUIIn Quean Fi' f'fLfttl Dear LVaSSTHS ..y?. V 1'. mllea l7 'AuMrnl III' 'Hns at" let Mnn li.l fHun'nv in-' "l i llnnlin Ml lelly c US M.izs Il "i II ir (ni U.'i Jltrl( !tieua Apprentice allenane claim, d Wtftther cloudy, iruck faal , a t M'frJ 111 114 M lert 102 fuur- 10 tin UVxt This will i'iiu".' some con- fiiien, but it ih inl-Me tliat thej xvill iilti-riinti' iilujint! .Hie n't nf rult in i tin- tiiK lmi f un.l the 'tlnr in the final jii'i mil Tin- :lrN' t.nin in llif otlice of the hill ( intMi.Ii'iit of phi n'lwc.' wen the KiihU'in titli- in tin diminution ped-tf-ts ami will iipixisp tin" (Jiexplaml girN Wemi-n omplejis will .emputc enl". in the basketball, xellej ball, duck nnd tt'ii iiIiin und lift nml ncxcnty-Hve jni.l (lnhln.'i ('liuiiitileii-hlp'" "Hi l'0 stQUPd in in door biiM'bull. biihkptbull, elk' bull, iierket billlnr.l-. trapsiioetinn, ixixinif, wiP'tllni;. liiirfslinp threw ins. iiuelti, I'Miiim nt Hn.ien, INTnt.SATIO.VAI. i.f:ii.ii.: .leraey Cltr I3t hrracuae U niiffnle, 1 Newark. 11. Kendlnc. 4t Terente, I llaltlmere, fli Itiiehetler, J, -OI TllhUN ASSOC IVTIO.V MeninliU, III. ClmltaniM-.i, 3 lllrm neliam. li Vrw Orleann, 7. Little Keek, 12i N'nihvUle, U Mobile. 7 AtlanU. fl. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION .St. I'ael, Oi (elumliiia, U. Mlnneiiliella, 4 Teledo, 2, Indlanapella. t Kana.ia ( lly. e Milwaukee, Id IeuBUlP. 5, TODAY'S SCHEDULE NATION U. I.U(iLK in 1 nwiniinin-'. hliiitHi beard und ritle lioet- Iiik. Tin if aNu will Im four tiatk 101 1 ( tilth int Them will be twehe biindu te furnish ,?,!! munle in uddltlen te n elf club of lift us xelfi's. It is i-htlmntcd Hint liO.OOU pir- BeiiH xill bu piesunt from nil out the ! (J) atom. aneT), (Old an en Ball Park Boxing m't. Anrll 21 The Stata liexlnc 4Mlen baa placed .1 tnin tm epen-nlr Suxanne Wins Tennla Match Mente Carle, April 21 -Mltu HuzamiA bow. Complaint- were mad te Leiutlvli """ n,'r "rslh "i'l"'""" ' aa an aa 10 ine (enuuci of eni leurnaureui ,(, ...v. ."" ., . out h"l.l at nlcht and It . liy Mr. Mella UJuratedt Mallery In. the it Hs..t i.upiei LiinuM k ku,.i TTnit.j Htatmi iui yuAr. Mnmi an Diayed 1 3 .rTTr . '.. .. .. .... . .,u I ,1 lm hara vrtrt-(4. v UKa T r.a- I , nUiau. iv.rBi urnmuictr. flail curr mi ,n -ilia. ?,.... .m.m ,- .""..u-v .. ...m- i icje. iii,v.ui,- .. .1. ' . . ... . " ...v I .,,. ..nt t.iBa. tt r-u mu ..rk.iK I..... ....... I ...... ,. i-gueda. nrk nt Hrit.iLltii ( 1 t ( IiIidkh St, I.euU at I'lttalniruli (peHtiwned A'lIIUK .N l.fil.l J Iloaten nt rtillndclphU (pealpvneil neather). tiu.lnntrlnii ut New Virk, Llexeland at Detroit. Clilc.iK.i at tt, Leula INTKKNATIONAI, I.KAOLK ISyracuHe nt Jeraei ( Itr. HutTale at Newark. Keehtrr ut llaltlnierf Terente ut Iteadlni: Mmullra tiarm yctere.yu ! ATI I- I, U , m -. tjHIIIVII II1D 1 "-' . .an in wrm jnonthe by ualnr Ien UHI nai ! came ter ether outdoor aiyaaa. -' vJ'B0- I'm . ; 1 a- , i lft,. j-v"" V ., 'Wfini.- ',i.L.,.i -, .t.. . . j. .' r t ? - .'yVtVS l .X.k, .t,.. .fci".dlTCliJCIe'itf-,L!A 7li. Schupp Defeats Weies Ivhi nulfeuKht A hcianten. Aprl'f l, -I.ry Bcliupp Ianca H.IU1IUUKU1 - at tilcnt, In XVe aa it ellht hare) llnslni: let one 1 f ill- bln.-"tt ftur i n tti,. world of lUtlmi 01 ft .r due tuda when Jiin H Hnilth u Atlantlr 1 lt dl-d lollenlim an operation at a nenplt il. Ilia Itli 'nine HUdlrnl) and mi Inur luted In tumid threuchnut tin country wire mournful Thu latu Mr smith had lien cl airman of the New J(ta- St.ite IlexliiK CnmiilMlen ler aeeral eara He vi.i a irrext Imeatnr of all hranehea uf athleilea 1 XVIth bexlPB ilwa. iipiierimut In lila mind, In, w u a rlnald Bpeitntera at kll Mr lieuta ' nnd It waa threuth hlu untlrlna- efferla thut the Biim waa plaeid en a Well ilan" In ew Jeriiey Teinmv RiiKiin, who hna he. endr I ,1 mi Xturpt 'n all of lila mntch fur fle vhbth errnei te th defense uf the West 1'hllidl l.Miiri a remit 'f hlH hfut w uli Uat rrHiic Ktitau atatei het Mut h net" Ii.b quit In hla ilien eir ut Ije.Uik an 1 that there wxa no doubt about Jimmy hinlntc Leen fouled, " tennnr" la the exeiis.. "..ran Klven for XX'hltej Kit:Kerald a demon r'rxllen, and atatea the latt"r would t Cli.' " wpolejlzo publicly. mlilillewi'lghl inaten uelweeu ,l t in, ken and Jee (li'irer uptnwr flati" rl"al will i tin lieadllner nt the wkl hint nt the c.rnlir1- Cli'h tot lulu Tb ether ruundrr wU b'lne- toa-ether ijeerae ltui- I 1 ml Vimi" I'reiini Om.hi,. Mlark" va PanM-Oerdi 11, Prtdi renneilt a Tre Darle and Johnny Kanis -, Jlmnii Ilanlen i .lark XleKnrlanil. a New 1 'k wel'er wlht. will maki hla Phlladi thlx cli'liu enine lime In May Mrl'iirland, who wnlKh" 147 peunda. haa met Hxmmv Oeil, Jimmy Kelly XValter Mnhr Hae Iteaenbertf K O Jee Daley and Huge Omenta. Ptve Beaenbera-. vrhe la litlnir 1 ned up fur tup-netrh rnlddlewelitlit lompetllleii In New Yp-'i. will npepar for the fl-t t'me nt n. Philadelphia rlnb tomorrow nlBht. llu will nt.) VrnnlrU ltrlttnn at the National A A nncem I-epea ve innie uoieirt i ins arni. lunay. Youna- Jack Dcmpnty xa Phil f.'reiv 10a uocey wiiiiama t, wick rerry. A Suit for Every Fancy, but Nene at Fancy Prices $AA JTB H f The CONSERVATIVE The SPORT Tueeds, Hemespuns, .ivrep, ',n'i .aw ,., .u Unfinished Worsteds) mBLwJr Popular Patterns 100 PURE FLEECE WOOL FABRICS Our S20.00 suits Hpeak for themselwh jet there ure scores of SalcocuHtemcrw xhe are Kliid te speak for the' They provide htle te cxery inch wear te the last wool thread value for cxery dollar anil saxe jeu $10. SALCO CITMES S.K.tor.ath&Sansem Take Elevator te I Second Fleer I'urchasing Axents' Orders Accepted Open Until 5:30 l ,M. 't Sq. Se Cheilnut St. 2nd FLOOR CORNER 10th & MARKET STREETS 400 SMART SPRING SUITS FOR MEN & YOUNG MEN 14 50 jJkflL EVERY 'line,ir"r A (US ., -evj-u MEN, JUST THINK: All - wool S u i t a for SPORT, BUSINESS and DRESS, in handsome tweeds, desirable wor steds, dependable cassi meres, and the ever pop ular blue serges, at the exceptionally low price of only $14.50. The Celebrated Menree Suits 25- Extra Trousers te Match $5 Mere tv0lir bt'1js were never mere beautiful. We Hhew rubrics and patterns at 126 that 'i.,?11.1 r,ei:o""lxe a 0 values elee r ""-'". ,fRCt' .'.n ALtt AMBniCA there nre no better huUh te be had at the Torlee than MO.N'ROB SUITS at $B. "A,Y ye'ill Und the I-XTRA PAIR (IB ndjlltlenal) xvill jUNt DOtlBIJ the xvelr nnd cut your cost In HALF. STOUTS: REGULARS: LONGS: SHORTS aarl SPECIAL MODELS FOR YOUNG MEN Cerne up where the price) it down and bujr clothe, that are tailored up te a standard and net down te price, yet priced ten dollars ! than elsewhere, because here you buy Menree Clethes direct Iren the MAKER "'a our lower rent UPSTAIRS shop I'em America largest Clothiers K CTiTfMaESi f KI tSt3 aWiWkJW. Aaarts Km$&HC&rk: 2nd FLOOR CORNER lllk ft MARKET STREETS r-.'igtj .ifcfey- y. thlhkMii i . I : t il I TV I. t 1 I j.nip.'iM. .a. . -"y?" 1 1 iBBaaMf 11 1 jn