" iWi .", J P - irilfw Ltti..- rWahtar Qahafat ft. n.!:" ; i- .Mii pbHt.titi wut:vui i? tGO.OOO annual saiw , - Wfr ?i Jhs director general of the Whs lltee" iht a Tcemmnndln flp . tM'"'";. " th.t the Place bt Znll te cKCta M. Schwa. IS? name that' has been mentioned EnUen with the.pe.t, net Mclud- 1 rr : . rrA.vt HnnvAr mBKcn. a appeal te thla cemnjunUy and "!.4i...ii Miit te the country ft ?-":.. than that of the man" whose .ration "?."'Yh. World War. - in Tierinn 11111 a.im ' ITS. .dm ration of the United .ts and amated Europe. xiTarlea M. rJchwae weuia no -dSble head of an enterprise that -'i.- an innrn iiui biuiiq iv -..- i.e but te civilisatien. His ap- KSttoenfweuld solve at once theprob thepreb JrSrliT. 1. ..nii.lnr mere or lew anxiety Italthe minds of, the earnest men en ttaaiwiin the preliminary work of the SfiKVinn recardln the attitude. of the E51..I nnvernment In the matter 01 . ..l.ilAn nna nmtnfifl ,SrwTthTtb of 7n .ent 1 :.i.i.n-irf.)nininMnce. it weum uu ('aute "than'that, fer'H would assure an rX-L.. ..4 i rn. ahtud-ltlvcncss (if I f.2K,timJh an cx'Wresslen) that a lke many Philadelphia belli ifef been displayed, te an extra eve have trnerdlnary Kit" . i .!, kfdrtree up , . Several ether excellent names have Kfcerti mentioned- from time te time uur- r ". . 11 .1- . Urn nmnn mull Pa..i nnr Heanui-Centciinlal n premt - Qtwnce In the mind of the. world that Its Vinrpese contemplates.; aui 1 i wer-7,Li-K.t ktitv nne of them would join ''E applauding; the choice, of such a I'Sant as Charles M'.'SchtfMi and In- Herse the Bek Idea that he is tne logical pleader of the splendid project. A Many who are awnrc of the public ,4 for thewcerclse of genius and talent XxTiz. i.Olna,! Ytn . believe he would net If Stcllne the pest of director general If th can enme 10 nini wim luuiuiira Jtrerdlallty. Of course the- salary offered H.Mr nnk means nothing In the est!- Iioatlen of a man of Mr. Schwab's flnnn- rlal standing and temperament, wnat viihteded Is a hearty and Insistent call .'v nunv business intcrestn that en- ?! him and in which he has wrought 'i .MMiAtnita1w flnrl TA hetlll llltl Alt 11(1 !jand heart and hand- te the task' of 'niHni thi observance' of America's one aundred and fiftieth anniversary of in-. JtUeptndcnce nn event wnicn win mini 11 r (Deve nnyiimiK innc nun ever uviurt- ilten seen in the way of world expos! '.rt i.j.1.1.1. a 11 it moo V J The Fate of Condercet mtlm Vjtlinr tt fit Kumnhtn PuTiTIa T.Aart l 'Kin TTntv dlstrpssltiff thnt nur dear old, lovable Dr. Keen eheuld have con- " alrned Condercet' te the guillotine in the columns of Inst Saturday's EVKNlNd LPcBLtc Lkdeer! Indeed, the dlstln- fittnea scneinr ana secretary or tne rencli Academy might never have iKuncu tnc bcanem 11 tie nau net iajx.cn I 'ulu. I.. AliA l.nllA 1n4 tin ...nl.lfl 11 jlWllUJI III VIII' UCIIVl IUAI I1C VIUIII. I '.the, closing days of the terror. If It is curious that standard historical 'jeuriYn in rviiuii iiiii;iiu no line ui 'ebllit.v te Condercet's name, while L'Enilisli works de. The Fifench. bow- Ler, attach the particle te his name. iUe was of gentle birth. r.'i ' Conderret wan thp hreHipr.ln-lntv of 'Ifarshal dc Grouchy, who is execrated Lin ..French annals te this day for his npse. either ny intention or stupidity, at Waterloo, where Nnnnlenn nwnltwl I'ttlrn In vnln. E. P. IIKNHY. , rniiadeipnia, April 17, 1IK.Z. (The manner of Condercet's death has nevrr been positively determined by the historians, come attributing it te apo plexy, some te exhaustion and ethers te ..poison. Editor. ..Serry for Mra. Zander, Hepe for Blm jre tin Editor of the Bvcnina PubUfi Ledetrl '-Sir Am a dally subscriber te the EVEKiira PDni.ie Lkdeeb nnd enjoyed iVAndy nnd Mln" Immensely. Mrs. 'Zander hns my sincere sympathy. If 'ftJncle nimbe has net started back te Australia, would It be nesftlhln tn li. Jrert his attention te some of the cllgi- lUOBlunle. Pa. Fer hnre. T nasiini lil,n Be would be treated revnllr. Kllirlhl mnge from twenty-five te liftv. n , , , A DAILY READER. Coaldale, Pa., April 14, 1022. constitution and Dry Lawa e tht Editor e the Eventne PubUc Leietr: Cff H1L. ttr -mm - ',, x,". x-iietei Hound" used Sensiderable space In your vnluable pa )r, but te my way of thinking put up i very lame argument In fnver of pro pre pro linitlen. Ne doubt nrehlMHnn le .. .l hlug te force en a few people such as T"1' """ iu meKe pigs et them elves unless they are, restrained, but I mi i'.uuu ui uuy tne average American iiui ut-ieng; te that class. icn, anil the elffhtppnth iniun.im.t aa pns&cd br thn remiit-iui. i...nu. states as provided hv Inw n,.t ...e- n ! ..t,! ct that the. majority, of Ur CltlZOnn wnnte.l l9 w. . . .f,kn.0.w'1, U.wa8 net- J ni gglng tU,tPinf'riiier-, , Id0 net.thliik the Con Cen Con Wutlea Bheuld be nmcnilcd or changed II finV Wn . . 1 111 ... 1. ,7.,n! limit", suDraiitcu te a ir Wt vote of Uie neenle. Tf am v. n in... t-EK.18??1 H 'wpul, . ..Hfeguard the lriffih. i 'V,vie Ier which ourfere PET"" tuugin i mine lnciu fOllvltf l..n !-.. -11V . 'linr.flwm'ikerLH se,nntB( of the fiJm tefcd of the peen, swvants ?n?bt w, mH hnve ,nw te regu- "il"". "Ex-Hetel Ilenmi ,.,.- .. SKK w"" et,IOr,, wbe don't need i ".ii'iuu, April je, 1022. Htt."!,'.,l?. b Du 8lri , il; r've.mn' rwie L'lletrt -- , vtujiiiiir s n'Arum - m, w Ulll . sas " v wa una m. iuiw wmmsmmmmmm I Most Powerful and Economical ETHOUNF Greater Mileage Lew Carben H SHERWOOD BROS., Inc. 21 at and Meyametuins Ave. Telephone. i Oregon rtr vsyyyjyy' wk a, .,. r z555? i Ii dC t-w J u j. a.'l J. .1 4 V J ' - J '- ' "'"l!(l,jMI"" 'V!y ';"'.'. ". i1!.'1' ' T? where a doctor etalms that Dumaa wrote a sequel te "Mente Crlste." I think lit Is rafstaken,-,asI am familiar .with all off .Dumaa' Works published by Little, Brown ft Ce,, and no such title appears as written by Dumas. There la a book with the title he mentions, alto tome with the titles of "Wife el Mente Crlste," "Daughter of Mente Crlste," and "Sen et Mente Crlste" ; nil supposed te be sequels of Dumaa work. Xhese were written by a party by the name of Cox and published, I believe, by the old firm of Petersen, in Phila delphia, under Dumas' bamn. I may be wrong, se if any of your ether read ers knew anything of this great werK and its supposed sequels, I would be glad of the information, BOOKMAN. Philadelphia, April 18, 1022. "Mr. J. J. H." Kxplalna TO Iht BMer of tht Bvento'PbUe Ltietrt Sir I read my answer te Miss R, J. 8. In the People's Forum and I think you are trying te make a wemnn out of a man. I am Mr. J. J. H. Please Srlnt this se as te let the readers and lias R. J.'S. knew. Thank you. MR. J.'J. H. ' Your column la one of the best in the world, and the whole paper, tee. Philadelphia, April 17, 1022. , Questions Answered, ' the "(Rainbow Dlvlelen" Te the editor of tft Kvertne PubHc Ltderri Alt Will 'you Dlema tell line what troeM composed the "Rainbow Dlrlilen" of the American Army in we worm war7 . v V. S. W. neaillnir. Pa.. April IT, 1022. The Rainbow Dlrlilen was made up of the National Guard of twenty-flve different Btatea and the District of Columbia. A Query Answered .. Te tht Editor et the Evtntng PuWe Ledeert' Sir In anawer te Mra. W. I. French's request for he name of the writer of "My Vli-oreug Ensllah" end the title of the poem. I wleh te Bay that the title la "The Ensllah Lansuase." Its author Is William Wetmore Story, and the publlahera are Houghten. Mifflin ft Ce. , M. A. COYLK. Kcadlrur. Pa., April, IT, 1022. Ne Set "Custom" Te the Edttor.ef the Evmtnp PitbHe Ltdetrt 8ir wilt you pleaae tell me In your In valuable People' Forum when It I; cm cm temary for an author te pay ht publlaher for the correctlena he I having- made thla In a work the author Is havlns Printed at his own , expense? J- " K- Chester. Pa.. April 15. 1922. There la no set "custom" In the ease stated. The matter Is arranged between the author and hla publisher. Poems and Songs Desired "The Kld'a Last Fight" Te the Jfdlfe'r of tht Bvenlna TubHc L '"Jf" bipi-..b print In the Peepl&'s Forum ,h.81pmc"lledP'iThe Maklns." or aemetlme. "Th. Kid's Last FUht. READKRg Philadelphia. Can I trouble you. pal. for the maklnsT Much obliged te you. I hav- e match. I'm liken te choke-for te want of a smoke. Fer I Just get away by a scratch. I'm out en the cruiser Mn Bhe'i lying out there In the I ain't one of her crew, but I came along Per i well. pal. It happened this way. When Blll and I Joined the navy. Our mother went en pretty bad. Net thinking of me, I va elder, you see. But BUly wag only aad. Who's BlllyT Oh. he' my kid brother. And hla face la aa smooth as lrli. He's twenty at that, and a brave little chap. But he never grew out of his curls. Well. 1 premised mother I'd watch him. I'd keep a sharp eye en the kldj And keep him as geed and aa straight ai I could. ' I told her I would, and I did. Just a year age we were neighbors. There wasn't no sign of a sterm: It was only a Jey and a lark for ft boy Through the pride of a new uniform. Till the Mexicans started te mix It. And we steamed Inte old Vera Cruis And a long time we lay In the laiy old bay Without feeling the sand In our aheea. At last we get tips through the wireless, They were orders te land the next day. And the boys were aflre with burning desire Te be found In the Drst beat nway. The kid was aa wild as the ethers. Just craxy te Jein In the spiel; But X made up my mind I r.euld leave him behind. Fer I knew hew our mother would feel. Se I put some cut plug tn his coffee He neer get wise te the trick. 'Twaa the evening befere he waa going ashore. And I figured en making him sick. Well, he paced en .the deck In the morning, With the whites of his eyes turning green; He was sick as a pup, but he wouldn't give up; I'.e waa spunky clean Inte his spleen, I saw him salute the ship's surgeon. With the manner a Bailer enjoys; And he said I "Fed Qed'a aake, give me something te take; I get te go en with the- boys. .They pumrcd the stuff out of his stomach, And ha went o'er the tide with the rest; And he cheered at the race of the beats te the place Where the dockage laid low In the west. He ntoed In the bow aa they wharfed her. Wet through with the tplash of the ears; And he sprang when ahe bumped, with a laugh aa he Jumped, The first of the army ashore. Then he charged up the long avcnlda, At first It was llke a parade; Then a shout and a shot, and I kinder forget . Te leek after BUI, I'm afraid. Fer the next thing I aaw he was standing Before me and grasping my hand. "I guess they have get me," was all be could say. As he limply fell en the sand. It was only a brush with the snipers, A shot from a icet nnd a runt , It wasn't a fight, by a hell of a sight, But we did what there was te be done. The People's Forum will appear, dally In the Evening 1'iihlle Ledger, and also in the Hurilny Public ledger. Letters discussing timely tenlre will be printed, aa well as required poems, und ques tion of general lntrrcat will be nnsnered. Moter Fn.. StlO - SlTli Race 0110 X 'A A Vi.tattll'efBla ihriuA if 'ZZ1 " "naaira the peer fellow hetnei whS!. ftt uy,, ,h0 "' ,mvni Won't you pat all of thla In a teem. 1'rt kttphur my weather eye open, Fer little old tidy In black) f She's a stranger, la town, sad It you tee . ,her around, Just tell her we're bringing him back. Tes" J"0 at a glance ah.'s our mother, The family rewmbUnee s strong; Much bmi'."1 mlH """ M ,, Much obliged for the makla'a se lefigl Clean'Ua Week y' ' Te th Editor of tht EvenUit PubHe Ltdetrt llcatten7h ,"tew'n ' ubmlltodfer pub YANKEE DOODLE t r . i. . W Cean-Up Week) Yankee Deedle came te town Riding en his sprinkler;' m n,wher he aaw the dust He made It nice and clean, air, Yankee' Deedle keep It up, Yankee Deedle dandy; Hind the dust en windy days And keep your sprinkler handy. Anilj?2 a, ' wept In pile And dumped Inte the aewert And scen the children will be well, Diseases will be fewer. Yankee Deedle, keep It up. Yankee Deedle dandy; , Keep your pavement free from -trash And always splek 'and spandy. M.H . . w. . "DITH HOLlfl-COHEN. rtilladelphla, April IS. 1922. SHORE MAN FOILS ' PLOT ON HIS LIFE Attributes His Escape te Ab sence Frem Restaurant When Bether Entered "!-) e.1 ..' .. " " -. n, I - - Special Dltpateh te Evening Publta Ledger Atlsatle.Clty, April 20. That he ewes his. life te bis absence from his restaurant en Tuesday night, was the declaration this morning of Btephen Hebs, 23 Seuth Kentucky avenue, whose brother Geerge shot himself after he nnd murdered his sister-in-law at the little farm occupied by the family at Smiths Landing. "Frem the Investigation I have made, and comments of my brother which, while Ignored at the time, have been repeated te me today, I am convinced that Geerge came te Atlantic City, after having killed my wife, determined te take my life and his own," Resa de clared. It Is his belief that his brother meant te attack him in his restaurant nnd thai falling te find him there, committed sui cide, fearing early detection of his pre vious crime. Drinking a quantity of kerosene In mistake for water. Jehn Squibbs, twenty-three, of 2204 Missouri place, was taken te the Atlantic City Hospital this morning and Is in a serious condi tion. Hew the mistake occurred, ei why he did net discover It before he hnd swallowed enough te injure htm, physicians have been unable te learn. Stomach pumps were used immediately after he reached the institution and it ib nepea that he will recover. At a well -attended meeting last night tne Chelsea Union League, n powerful Republican political organisatien in the Fptuth Ward, by a unanimous vote, adopted resolutions urging that the At lantic County county seat be re-located In Atlantic City. 1822 j GENERAL GRANT CENTENNIAL SOlTVENIR SECTIQN Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of General Grant's Birth THIS beautiful illustrated supplement portraying the life history of General Ulysses S. Grant, in new rotogravure, will be as unique and aa enthusiastically received aa the Special Rotogravure Souvenir issued en Washington's Birthday. There will be four pages of unusual pictures of the famous American General and Historical Placea with which he waa closely associated, including: A large portrait of General Grant in his uniform as Commander-in-Chief et all the Union Armies in the Civil War, embellished with a drawing showing Grant's supreme iMIKAN FOR MEMORIAL DAY ' ; .v ' "' , ' Seventh District and, Spanish War Vrtefanste MsitWsd- nssday it' McCll Pest " The seventh' district of the American Legien 'and the''. United Spanish War Veterans will eet,Wednesday at'the . ., ' Heward C. Mc- Call Pest head quarters te com plete arrange ments for Memo Meme rial Day. At, this meeting' the marshal of the American Legien section and the aneaker for the American Legien will be selected. The following la n list et cemeteries where graves are te be decorated by the different pests :, ' Prince FerBe Pest, 'Ne. 7, Hely Cress Ceraeterj1 t McCall Pest, Ne. 20, Woodlands Cemetery. ' " Barry Pest, Ne. 83, Fernwood Cem etery. Reche Pest, Ne. 21, Mount Merlah Cemetery. ' , Greeley Pest; Ne. 01, Old Cathedral Cemeteryj , ? Breen-McCrackcn, Ne. 270, Old Ca thedral Cemetery. Gress Pest, Ne. 302, Fernwood Cemetery. ' Pest Ne. 202, Eden Cemetery, Pest Ne. 056, Montrese Cemetery. Colonel Themas F. Mechan has been selected as master of ceremonies for the services te be held' In Fernwood Ceme tery. , "All a Mistake" is the name of the play-te be given a week from tonight nt Knights of Columbus Hall, Thirty eighth and Market streets, bji the members and Vauxllliaries of Prince Ferbes Pest. The play will be fol lowed by a dance: t William T. SheUltne Pest, Ne. 00, la erganising a band, which thus far premises well. Ex-scrvlce men with geed lungs nnd appropriate experience are requested te get in touch with I. Klarnetsky, bandmaster. Kensington Pest will have another "Father's Night" tomorrow nt head quarters. Invitations have been sent te virtually ail business men of the North west District. Plans for the Ken sington Pest Auxiliary's minstrel show and dance are progressing. Harry L. Greenwood Pest has an nounced that it flll Jein PeHt Til G. A. R. Toyler Camp, Ne. 2, of the Sens of Veterans, and Kensington Pest in the Memerial Day ceremonies. After June 1 Greenwood Pest wilf have nn open charter. Harry Ingersoll Pest hnd its regular monthly meeting lust ulcht in the First City Troop Armery. Twe large items of discussion were the pest dance te be held May S and the preparations for Memerial Day. iBeatfis L ALLEN. April 18, 1922. ALONZO W.. husbind of AnnU B. Allen, (nee Culp). Bled 82. Relatives and friends, also E. D. aker Pest. Ne. 8. Q. A. It., are Invited te auciiu luneriki services. fc ins ime r.siuan. , 2041 N. Park ave.. Sat.. 2:30 P. M. pre-1 '''Vi,1"!! .M,i XB,BPn c"m' Frlend way eall Frl.. I te 9 P, 11 ,.,? ' ib i SV i -V s . . .. el " V" ' . ' r.-. . m s(-5jV-; " -V-T' v! "-V si,s" Ss !t'f v XZfyt) !"-" XP VL flBHSeWr, Special Rotogravure Souvenir THURSDAY, APRIL 27 Al V? Uin fe limited, you are advised te procure your copy of the Evening Public Ledger as early in the day as possible. Euentng public Stedger TileEvn,nf PuDHc Ledger prlnta mere entertninlnir fenturn nnH n, of 25 per cent MORE NEWS than any Kr PhltadSlJIS evenft 'Make H &&& MIZrtlUW '7'fLiU li&wjj;A& ijSSSsSseS istemzmsnism s&vgs&msti ib. i laj-arBi. an bhbi sen jbi i aHHmarij sunaiii bibbsb mbtii sru sir u izibkbl. ;naan - i . la. : J Ba....ai - . . e a a . a . a a - mm tmrnm m eaa ei ffl& ti!VBRtiL.1SaflX!&nR w.'iTft11er;. aSViD Ivtf&FgE:'2 E&warCT.Sl PhllS. Intermitrt private, tlrea and frlenda are lnv:tea te fsnjrsL m. "- JXtJSirili' UOUttJA tf. f VSPlVI hhirtir Ne i. aSd'MU ,BlaaY.rBuddnly.lT.Js, JULU P, f ""fixJS S? Se?32iffi.lbA0A !g$gSW &' fijv? T&!S C' wife of Bernard Jj Buggy. Jtelattrea aad wynae are.t v-jearnew. ini. msi t eiattM ul frlsnSc m iiu m BSS e. hi., from nla late) reside. : Rimy. .Re I l.tla fnvltaft Im fltnAral Wrl 1 R:SB A from Tat.' residence, isai prrtn t. BeUfmn qulem mass at The Cathedral 10 A. M. Int. ely Cress cent. ' '" BURNS. April !. ., Tflinvi.r.A wife of late Stephen M. BkrnS (nee Carr). Funeral, Zt-E te .wnicn relative ana inenae ar. . in viite. ft.ff.v a3A A.rlt- lnA rMenr.ii. 1ROAr N. Rth tie Helemn maaa of requiem Church of at, Orecery, 10 'A. M: Int. New Cathedral cem. CANNON. Ot Aerll 18, 192 J. BLUVe CAM, CANNON. Service en Friday after. neon, at 2:30. o'clock, at the Heme. 3815 ChCAnnOW.-On April V18. JOMNH, CAR. HOW Due notice of the .funeral will be stven CABET. April IT. ,MART,B widow, of Jehn Casey. .Relative andfrlend. Invited te runerai, ti., S-W"''' .:' Jl,""l--J..;-V..L.iTi m riiiu..! bi B.in.1 a. . rmm n,pi lata I . Solemn reautem mai St, Marsar.t's Church aence. smei nuggnuv. ,., -.,M,i... , v;ev a. M. int. ei. swni viu., &.. ford. COLPER April . .ALMA, C Inleved wife of Lawrence i. Colfer, (nee. Lesan). Relatives and "friends are invited te attend atten 'sldenc funeral, fiat.. S:SO A. M.. from residence of her father-in-law. Jehn W. Colfer, 2440 W, Nerrls st, Helemn requiem mass St Kllaabeth's Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely Bepul ehre Cem., ... . COLLIN. Entered Inte rest, at West Haven, Conn., April IT. TERESA OU1.E8HT. wiaew or vavia unmenaen .ejiins, aneu ua. CONI.EN, Suddenly, Anvil 12. HAD1IS, wife of William Wlllla Conlen and dauxhter Harry and Mary H Wells, ased 2. Rela tlvea and friends Invite. Services, Frl., II A. ,M. a te auena itinera at tne pariera ei 0422 Oermantewx TTIII1HIII a, MVUUlUIH.Hi U ave. Int. Northwood Cem. CONROY. April IS. WILLIAM, husband of Anna Conrey. 'Relatives and friends, all societies of which he waa a member, invited te funeral en Thursday, at 0:80 A. M.. from late, resldence, 180S St Paul's at. High mass St. Stephen'n church. 11 A. SI. Interment Hely Sepulchre Cemetery. DANIEL. April 187 Dr. WALTER DAN IEL.' husband et Emily C. (Daniel. Rela tives and friends, also all orsantsatlens of which he waa a member, are Invited te at tend funnral services. Frl.. 8 P,' M resi dence. A3S E. Thompson at. Int private, DAVIS. On April Is, 1B22. MARY C8. HIN, ilauamer et llarhel Casein and the 'late Therrihs C. Davis. Kelatlves and friends are Invited te. the service, en Saturday mernlns. nt 11:30 o'clock, at her late residence. TT W. Daltlmore ave., I.ansdewne. Pa. Interment private. DAVISH. At her residence, 14S8 N. BDth" St., en April 10, 1922, CATHARINE A., wife of Jeslah Davlth. Netice of funeral later, FARRBN. April 16, 1022. OIWROH -J.. husband of the late Marsar.t TV Farren (nee MuCIellnnd) nrd ion of Michael and the file Alice1 Farrn. Relatives and friends, also U O. O. M.. Ne. 64, and Lecal . 1, HhMt Metal Wnrlnn. are Invited te at. te.id funeral. Frl., 8 30 A. M.. from hi late' resiaenre, i'ui'j H. siet st. solemn. requiem mass at tne cnurcn et at. Kamena m a. M. int. iteiy i;res uere F1TZPATRICK April 17, JAMES F husband of Elizabeth Fltxpatrlck (nee Tralner) and son of late Themas and Jane Fltxpatrlck. nged CO. Relatlvea and friends are Invited te funeral. Sat.. 8 SO A, M from hla late residence. 1214 William at. Solemn requiem hlah mass at Our .Lady of Mercy Cburch 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem. FUCH8. April 19. OTTO, husband of Carrie (nee 'Zimmerman) Fuchs, ased SI years. Relatlvea and friends, also all so cieties of which lie was a member, Invited te funeral e'TVleeH. Sat., 2 P. M., from his late residence, 1812 N. Hollywood st. Int. private. Friends may call Frl. evening-. T te 9 o'clock. aiLBnRT.-i-Aprl! 19. ANNIE M.. daush ter of late WIMktm and Annie M. Gilbert. Due notice of funeral will be given. . OIVEN. April II), 11122. ANNIE V., daughter of Archibald and late Annie C. dlven. Funeral Sat.. 1 P. M residence. 2809 W. Lehigh ave. Int. private. Remains msv be viewed Frl., 8 te 10 P. M. HALLOWEI.L. On April 18, WILLIAM FRANK H. 1IALLOWELL. Relatlves and friends Invited te funeral services en Friday, et 2 o'clock, at hla residence. 123S N. GOth at. Frltnda may call Thursday evening, 8 te 10, Interment private. Kindly emit flowers. 1IKINOLD. Suddenly. April 18, MART C, wife of the late Jehn M. Helneld. Rela tlvea and friends Invited te funeral services. T,hurs. evening, 8 o'clock, from 920 Wynne Wynne weed ave.. Overbroek. Int. at the conven ience of the family. , HOLMES. April 18. KOSSUTH, husband of Alice Helmes, relatives and friends, also Kensington Quoit Club and. Court Pride of Kensington, V. of A., arc Invited te attend funeral servlcea. Sat.. 3 P. M.. residence. 1211 E. Allegheny ave. Int. Ilelvue Cem. IRONSIDE. Suddenly, April 18. Dr. CROMWELL IRONSIDE, husband of Emily C. Ironside, aged 4.1. Relative and friends are invitci te aiuna runerui, in,, 2 v. M.. from hit Inte residence, 824 nth st.. Hadden Heights, N. J, Int. private, Harlnlgh Cem. rrienun may can inurs., t te n i ai. JENKINS. ELIZABETH JENKlSa, died en April 17. nged 03 years, mother of Julia Jacksen. Relatives and friends are Invited s?r?,-. i j-,- '.':v 'x;;i tx , V' "S, ' V ' 'Cmi' & 4i moment, the surrender of General Lee at Appomattox. The history of Grant told in pictures from early life in Point Pleiisent, Ohie, until his death at Mount MacGregor, New Yerk. And in addition, notable monuments and relics of Grant in Philadelphia and views of the beautiful Grant Memerial te be dedicated in Washington en April 27. F5VPr ly"1' woman,' chi,d' J weH os very schoolroom and institution in and near Philadelphia, will want thU supplement m un important contribution te its historical S&WS. of the grca 0Ut8Und,n en an avenur evening newspaper. a Habit" . . el leeh. aad,TT year. Relatives ajgd -trienaa Invited te the serrle, et nutsdsL sfwr; gien. at lie o'clock; at the Oliver HjIW" id.. 1S20 Cheetaut st. fiursasat st Mt erlah Cemetery, .. . re MARKLET. At Atlantie Clty.xj.-4' AprfiTia. NKLLlfa B wife of CharieS'B. Marklev and dauahUr of Mary . ?. "w Krank J, Datnviae, Int. Hely Cress Cem., I'ftiM... sat, neon.. . v .. h TiJARTIN. Suddenly. April 1 emiA m.. widow, of i. a. .mi 122. V1R- :artln. Rela. tlvee.and friends Invited te AsftU-'SaaF P. M.. from her UU reel.eenee, JW Cejar a v .st rtlla. Int. private, West Lnt Ulll d.m. fUitimera naeera pleaeeewy. . ksjtimere. papers M-g5Hnc.. April 16, 1022, Dr. FRA JKj TERN. t th.llrina.0, K? re. J. ranklln W''''."! . MATTBRN.- MATTKRN. S'"nr' - . " . ."""l-" ?-" u.lr - ....:. - .2 at S.le p, M Mani.wncHi tva.. uerrnsnuiwn. r - ' re., eerrnanwwn. -, at S.le p. M.y Thursday. .jt- . M, Nam Society arrinTltedte funeral. Frl x are inviiea w i""1""!-' & Vmi 8:e-A. M from late-residence, iww. " high ave. Solemn requiem mas at at. d ward' Cburch 10 A. MT Int. Hely Cres CeffALAtIOMf.lN Abrll 10. 1922. JOHN, husband of the iste Mary. McLaughlin tnee Harley). Relatives and friend, also Naval Pest Ne. 400. Q, A. R.. Invited te funeral. Men,, 8lI0 A. M.. late realdenee. M4U ereenway ave. solemn reamem "'? cnurcn et the Meat Bleated Sacrament 10 A. M, Int. Hely Cress Cem.. .,., MebNEy. Suddenly, April IB. BERNARD C eon of the late Jehn and Mary Mooney (me Riley). Relatlvea and friends are In vited te attend the funeral. Frl., B:80 A. M,, St brother's rMlence.'2e80 W. Fletcher st. Solemn requiem maea at Most Precious Bleed Church 10 A. M. Int. New Cathedral NEWMAN. On April IT. FLORENCE M.. wife of Walter B. Tlewman and, daughter of Mary M. and the late Dr. Rubin H. An. drews. Services en Thursday, at IP. M.. at her resldence. 4627 Ureen t., Oerman town Int. private. PFLOUK. April IT. JOSEPH O.. husband or Mary Plleck (nee Clune). Funeral, te which relative and friends, also airard Grocery Company, are Invited. Frl. 7:30 A. St.. from late residence, 1816 S, 22d at. Selsmn mass of requiem at Church of Bt. Edmund, 0 A. M. Int. at Hely Cress Cem. POLIN. April 19, MORRIS I... beloved husband of Rebecca Jacobs Pelfn. aged 83 years. Relative and friend Invited te fu neral services, Frl., 9 A. M., from the of. nee of The Veerwart. N. E. cer. Bth and Pin sts. In:. Redef Sholem Cem. RACE. April 16. JOHN A,, husband of Laura Q. Race, seed 68. Relative and friends are Invited te attend funeral serv ices. Sat., 2 P. Jr.. at hi late residence. 608 W. Lehigh ave. Int. private. RASb'K April 18, 1922. at her late resi dence. 41)00 N. 13th St., Anna C. widow of Lavan 11. Raser. Relative and friend are Invited te attend funeral services, at the residence of her son. William L. Raser, 2317 N. 19th st.. Frl.. 1 P.M. precisely. Int. Mt. Vernen Cem. Friends call Thura., 7 te 9 P. M. REDD. April 17, 1922. WALTER S.t husband of Alice Elsenbrewn and son of Rebecca and the late Philip Reed. Relatives and friend, alie Vaux Ledge. Ne. 893, F. find A. M.: Harmony R. A. Chapter. Ne. S2; PhUa. Cemmandery. Ne. 2, K. T. : Phlla. Consistory. A. A. 8. R : Lu Lu Temnle. A A. O. N. M. S., are Invited te attend funeral services, at his late residence. 41 W, Rock land St.. Oernuuitewn, Frl., 2 P. M. Int. Westminster Cem. ' REILLEY. April 10, ANNE, widow of James M. Rellley. Remain may be viewed Thure. eve., at her residence. B4B8 Norfolk st. (65th and Baltimore ave.). funeral and Int. at Centralis. Pa. REYNOLDS. April 18. HERBERT REY. NOI.DS. M. n., of 6003 Penn St.. Frank ford, aged 80. Remains may be viewed Thure. eve. at Adam C. Stanaer'a, 4346 Frankfgrd ave.. Frnnkferd, BALtJB. April 16, BARBARA, wife of th. late Abraham Salus. aged 70. Relative and friends are Invited te attend funeral serv ices. Thurs., 2 P. M.. at her late residence, 441B Baltimore ave. Int. Adath Jeshurun Cem. 8CHAUDT. On April 18. 1922. GEORGE, husband of Elisabeth Schaudt (nee Blsen hardt). aged 71 years. Relative and friends are Invited te the service, en Friday after noon, at 2 o'clock, at hi late residence, 128 N, 21st st. Interment private. Friend may call Thursday evening, from 7 te O o'clock. SHAW. April 19. CATHERINE A., widow of William A. Shaw, aged A2. Fu neral services at residence. 381 W. Karlham terrace, Oermantewn. Frl.. 1 P. M. Int. private. 4 PNDEBTAKPH SCH"S BROAD DIAMOND 1922 iftemAT&ij?Weri& affi? ERXI rear. Relative sjm irienae are attsas fssssral, frl.. J, P. M.. from her late residence, inbs isciage st., rranaiera. int. Cedar Hill Cem. Remain may be viewed Thnr.. froth S te' 10 P, M. . ' STELL. ApTOlS, KLORENCR 0., wife of ReVr'Benisn J. Steile. Relatives and rrlenas are) inwiente iiesa.tunerai. nt First Baptist Charel. JCsjwjtt'rMuare. Pa., Frl.. ln.lt 91. at 1-r, P ... iTain leave lrn,1 Ht Btatlen 1S.-40 A. U. TROUOHTON. Arll 18. WILUAM If., husband of Catherine Treughtcn. aged 80 tiaiatlvea an irienaa are invitee te xuneral Sat., 2 P. M.. from the rest Idence. of his t. (FrsnirfereV and. Erie rratuuin irownien, zvem K. Aiaright aves.l Int. afnunt Peace Cent, nemara may be vieweeTFrl, "WALSH. April IT, 1923.SAJlAir, daush. ter of Margaret nnd late Therhaa J. Walsh, - A at -- faJ AOta.ahas aaaa aA ..-i.- ai aaed 17. Relatives and friend lnvlt-d te rnur.1. rn.. n ,ai i. ml at, rn.j . ., irem ner metner s residence. 1BIP Stile st. Solemn requiem mas at Church of the Qeau 10 A. M. Int. at Hnty Sepulchre Cm. WEST. On April .18. FRANK R. 8. WERT. Funeral service, en Friday,, at 8 J M.. nt the realdenee of hi eon. liir rt. Randall West. 18'H. Madisen ve., Celllngs- STKAMHHIP NOTICBS BLACK DIAMOND LINES REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE . ffSsVr'ittrbAM sra maiieu.v (VS3M.S SS rSTORM KING" (UJJ.B.) 8a -INNOKO" IV3SM.) TO ANTWERP S 8 "EDCEHILL" (UJ JJ!.) 38 "WESTERN SPJRrP (UJS3.B.) S "ANACONDA" IU3J&JB.) ter Katf ana fartteuiart nppiy Geyelln & Company. Inc., phaa. Agent. 108 Seuth Fourth Street, Philadelphia Lembard S144 Main 7820 KERR LINES Philadelphia te YOKOHAMA, KOBE AND NAGASAK HH "BOMSDALSIIOBN" YOKOHAMA,. KOBE and SHANGHAI 8H "HUFTEBO" (via Panama Canal) HUDSON SHIPPING CO., Inc. 615 Lafayette Bid., PbJJa. Lembard 8264-M g R00SEV1JJ LINESj e Philadelphia te HAVRE and ANTWERP Direct SS "GOLDEN GATE" SS "KEY WEST" HUDSON SHIPPING CO.. INC. Agent, CIS Ufaratta BUg., Phlla. Lembard 8284-8 Maim 8t8S CUNARD A ANCHOR UNtt Fastest Steamer te HAMBURG Frees New Yerk vta Bestea Celllag at PIrmeutk Cherbourg CARONIA 988 NEXT SAILING MAY 18 N. T. te CborteursT and Boutbampteo (i&KTANIA ...-Apr. 5 Mar 18 June 6 MA AeiTiTANiA ? Mr s "" !? iiHKNUAKIA .war sv suae xu iv i RrVe Plymouth. Cherbourg and llambura naxeS?A ........MuySOJely I Aug. .1 f'AROMA . 17 JulJr 29 Aus. 3 Vft"!;"!. r-K. (Chiaanatewn) and I.lvarnnnl HriVTSTLA (new)..... Apr. t8 Mar 14 June SI LACONIA new). . .Mar 31 'Jens 28 Mnly te salllnxjrem Bosten. N. T. te Londonderry and Olaacew rAMERONIA Mar 6 Jane 3 July 1 COLUMBIA Mar 27 June 24 Julr 22 ALGERIA ..... . . .'one 14 Julr 15 Aug-. US NTYte (Mbraltar. Naplss. Patras. Dubrovnik and Trieste ITALIA June 8 ASSYRIA Mar 24 July 6 Hmt. 15 Philadelphia te ainraiiar. Constantlnepl, Salentcn. Plrasus and Smyrna RIVTS ARAXES SKAa.r, ................ Philadelphia te Londen Apr. t TABAMTIA .Mar It Cnnard and Ancher Ntramahlp Line. rsaaenajer Offlee. JS00 tValnnt Htrwt. Phils. Frelsht Offlre. Benrse nids.. Phlla. TeThe Orient Quickest Tiase Acress Pacific bj Largest and Finest Steamships Veer mimlfient Canadian Pacific liners Empress of Canada Empress of Australia Empress of Russia Empress of Asia Rrjtul.r Fertnlsbtly Serrtce te JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIPPINES Frem Vancouver, B, C, via Victeria. Only 10 days te Japan 14 Days te China 18 Days te Manila As easy aa a trio te Europe Afply te Lecal Aarntt, or It. C CLAYTON, City Pasieng-er Agent 620 Chestnut St,, Philadelphia, B. T. STEBIUNO. Otn. Ast , Pass. Dept. Madisen Ave., at 41th Bt.. N'w Yerk CANADIAN PACIFIC ALGERIAN AMERICAN LINE PHILADELPHIA Direct te CASA ILANCA, CEUTA, MEULLA, 0RAN i MARSEILLES S S "VILLE D'ORAN" Asril 31 PHILADELPHIA te NORTH AFRICA, MARSEILLES, IARCEL0NA A GENOA S S "VILLE DU HAVRE" Mar SS "VILLE DE DJIBOUTI".. Msr 27 HUDSON SHIPPING CO. Inc., Amente LAFAVETTE building PHILADELPHIA, PA. Lembard 5264-5 Main 8166 n AMtfUGA UNE kW NKW VOKK lO ROTTEKUAM I Via rtrn.ath, Beulsn-Sur-Ucr N. Amsteraasa Apr. JSJun. (Julr s . Mr a .un.lU Julr IS ll"" .Msr II Jan 11 J.lr is Ikrawss . ........ .BUT Jiiar 14 Jslf IS i rassaagar IMUs. 1M1 Walasl St.. PUU. l " i a- KJ Fi Atlantie at. Int. NertawDS WlLLiS.-'Suildenlrv April .irllmHH iiiAN E,. wif et iehn wiijis imWmM of llarry i.nd Fredericks AsnmerF,;a9sEVnH Rela'lVe and frltrid alie mmbm7aKfl ft; ! Chirch and Sunday Scnaef tllWll nYve Division. Ne. 14. , efrTWgtP'r '& te erv ees. .Thur., 1.-30 1 . U.. .UsW f. reildtnca, 841 W. Indiana ave. jMt'jLm.wiri, . , vie v Cem. Viewing Wed. after IKMTiJyfat,. ' " V.I.VM1N.-At FelleWBhln. N. 1. imril'fr'1 IS 1922. ALBERT M. husband of fiSSM urt.iii aha aen or wiiuam ana WnrkmJin. In Mt Wtn year. RiaiiTs - aa4 ftn. friends Invited te funeral, fti,. a P,l '.i.A. iv a f'fe'mhlij.t. r..ld.ne...r.llew.h1?. ji, AUtO. Will meet tre leys .at . Uhure M orestewn 12 M. ini, at naaaennei tlst uem. ytJUrJK, numicuij. 1?, JAMES T., beloved huibaml of'Flei Ymler. Relatives and friends, also feawiwta I.n.1. Ne. 040. F. and ." .!..... A A LI t . f ST' PhllB. pnsi.twry. ... ."- "-r " til. A A J ,, L1"V. V. . 1 funeral services. Sat., 2 P. M.. U dence. 2454 N. Bia st. Int. private. call Frl. eve. rlTr.AMHHIP NOTICKW SAILING APRIL M ..SAILING MAY 19 . .SAILING MAY M .SAIL1NO APRIL 21 . .SAILING MAY 8 . .SAILING MAY IB .. ' ...MAY 2 ( , .APRIL 3 Agnta Main 9189 ..APRIL 25 ...MAY 25 M A L LORY TRANSPORT LIHES REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE Te BARCELONA. GENUA. MARSEILLES NAPLES, and VALENCIA SS "Careace" (USSB),Ar.25 tSS"CityofSt.JeiePIi'' XUSSB),Mart Mar$ttlUt Direct via New Yerk 1 Genea Direct Fer Rata and Particular Apply GEYELIN & CO., Inc. Philadelphia Agentt 108 S. Fourth St., Philsu mmmmLembard 8144 Main 7R2n EXPORT Transportation Ce.. Inc. Oriele Steamship Llnea ' PHILADELPHIA te LONDON, HULL & LEITH SS "CAPULIN" Apr. 26 SS 'WEST NOSSKA". .May 16 Fer Information and rates apply te HUDSON SHIPPING CO. Inc., Agent LAFAYETTE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, PA. Lembard 5264-5 Alain 8166 J JOINT SERVICE WITH TO PLYMOUTH. BOULOGNB BAMBUBG By New Amerlcan-FUa; Steamers Resolute May 2, May 30, June 27 Reliance May 16, June 13. July 11 TO HAMBURG DIRECT Sailings eery Thur lar. br the pope, lar tteamen Mount Clay, Mount Car Car eoll, Mount Clinlen, Hanaa, Uay.rn, Wuerttemberir, with special cabin and imprered third class accommodations. United American Lines, inc. 39 Broadway, N.w Yerk or ly -a Agents FLORID By Sea JACKSONVILLE (Via Savannah) Frem PHILADELPHIA! 'rrtdnesdar, NaturtUy, ft r. It. 34.38 ?I 161.88 Mala and .uuroeat mtuiumutU lien. Inrludrd. Eitr chars far rramtnad Deck Reans. Tlcksls geed (a rftnra nntll Mar SI, rrrlsht enlr, Antomebllra rar rim iriai r Tftfl, Htrckssit Ic Miasrs Traa. Ca, tUr 18 8. Plawsr Are,, PhUa. i Dixie Steamship Litis PHILADELPHIA te Briitpl, Manchester U.S.S.B. SS "Easttra Swwd" Expactad te Sail April 24 AT CONretBNCB KATaaf Harrits. MailJ Ca,. Ia,v t bWai-ssBH y eM WJ.'sW;: ;. Z VsPip4 W "J nmikrKt.tWim VB:ffM mwfim ssra 'A I I mm s ,( I VI ,, '; '; i a V aa . i :m m It ff v J, m m .( it uks. l: WvWiJl m v - 'm mssitM. ' T-VY '., Jrf tmh.&Jn!&&h.f .., . . I S-j 'Mi&il. Mm&.t mmmvL. i&mm . .. h & .,'?x i 'i 'II IM aata.il lisKI h li l VVSJ.'kaM 4.UUsbbbbbbbI