iT. wvJ.c-y" rf WMfwui'te . jL. h " t f iS-1' .'irf )-- v - r . -r t ry ' . h i .. . " Vtf ' ii, ,""g ;' m fHBT V j . - ' - - - ' i I i II It- , , . . L- . T I .l i . -un9lfc . J I I . . . . J I - l -J J i. . V. . T. .-. j..l -- 1. i " - - - - . pwwTnkVfxrtcifijMw'? ;t iSTH.7aziT3K2K3KMKV3: w?j.MwsTtf a asnjg':: r -y ;- - i rair8 e MBfl,fun' sr-sssKt r ' !t ". i i i -T li l T i A, MO WCIIi aiiornejr. - T!,W t 7' . p t n 0 Mus'e. v'Blmer It. Btell. baritone US-iB ' t Today's Uregrams Kk,-'yaffil i.SSiSKBSSl UtfiSV ! ' ?T ? : ' Thy p BlimbJr. yffnBlfc HMeVtlVnaT 'i-A ; . , wp, wewierj ii'iut en." from "ThiO. Mliwnel la 1 rf' , , - ' P. M.Lt news Items from the Pun- fliembtrti VbIs. Imnroreptu In D. Miss BIV. i . ' i j ... .. vff".l!.'.., ... berUhy Blembsra-l 5 "Beautiful dardeq et U"": I ;::a s"nun t num er aims auanet. . , IgTjT I ' ' i 4-10 Boprune nole, Llifle Itelinitrnitd Km. S I i 1 i i . . Itrt 4 Ml I 1 , 4lln Ttvr Oi0.j..( Ednyfit Law... i- I K-J dSSl?, i:tlSirIiVnltw clothier Mate, qeaftef. i aan i i a r .. &.. . aaaaavufaaaaam. .aaaaiaw aaaaaaaaaban. epaaaiavaBaaaw ran i r i m - --r ---- .-. , a-, uiuuiiRr naa.iBi uuanar. Wm&utjJvr iw 'Vi-f.Jt The inmsmltilMK station ft the boy, tjravM va nitf In all aJIftfteilntia. tli iklll i M-k the Mnalt fttlck of weed but net the biff leg. Dut the leg would ' mttJt XfyUikr Is like ilU Jend. 'Wtferewliig tone Inte It. The w s52.r ri. Bwd" e (hb wave Zenith, but the leg Isn't. s ; ' receiving sets . ... ? ,v r ;Ve. 3. Don't the Signals Get All Mixed Up, tbrewlns the waves were. the slie of the ocean waves, Here the stick Is Bme way wiui radio 'h. "ut almost any nonrddle 'man se broadcast ' concerts and laments, and among tne -first .(Mien questions ne win bsk win i "But tien I iue uiaerciii biuuuus S .. LIl .1 ..9 rv.n'f tliav Intnl.. u, u -j' .ui i" . eacn oilier mm uiunu junk a I don't see hew you can keep from doing It." 5.Th answer is en a weii-nesignea tfttber UO net liuenerv. it iiu pruuirr iaanttnent 'of the knobs, 'one nation 'JS Km "tuned out" and another "tuned S" ?r. the first con be heard and the Seena silenced. . "Btit I don't sce hew that Is pos pes "tUt." Veu said that yourself, didn't $1V right. Let's, forget radio for a 'awacat' and talki about something se mi1 that you have noticed It your NH tdesen times. , -,lLt suppose we are en opposite sides i a pehd. On your side there is a Slr-ilzedi leg floating. - On my side 'SJrtjs a little chip. t , , (Txen threw n stone' Inte the water. It ikct l sP'aBl1 Bnd sends out little nres which spread eutfin circles all titt the pond. These waves pass the l hut de net rock It enough te be per. mtlble. The leg Is tee big. But fen the waves reach my. chip, they Mi it up and down as long as the waves gappofie I chop down 'a tree en my 'He and it falls squarely v into tne witef. It will make a .tremendous U1?'h; hah and will srnd"eut wove be" big Did JTtyeur leg will rock up and, down a tnee, . rlTiat'Sjhew radio works. Ten hear, ndle cnrclcsfcly spoken of as "air wuts." It isn't. Sound travels en it tves. But the air, or atmosphere, M wfl knew it extends only some hun & miles nbevc the BUrface of the "rth:t Beyond that is utter silence se (tru miman cars arc concerned, 'lucre h se air te carry an audible sound . But' all that vast expanse of space litween us and the sun and planets ad stars is filled with nn extremely UrMnis,,intangible something te which RUauits nave given iue name ei yncr. h'U Is in this ether that radio waves in suae. And tne etner in every -re between the atoms of bricks Hd (tones nnd weed and mortar and Baa-.' and that Is why we can set up Mrudi Inside our tightly closed houses ltd 'receive wireless signals. They travel en the ether that is distributed all through these materials, , ' '( -The sending station sends out a sig nal which Is the stone that makes the snlash In thla ether. The waves travel everywhere at the tremendous rate of mere than" 180,000 miles a second- nearly eight times around the earth while your watch ticks four times. ' Our receiving sets are "tuned" te receive only the waves of , the station we want te hear.' Yeu see in every wireless program 'the announcement of the "wave length!.' en ".which it is te be sent. If we only spoke of this length in feet ''and inches it wouldn't sound se mysterious. But It means the same thing. -' K , Yeu will henr'ef ocean waves which nre thirty-tbrce feet from crest te crest. That is ten meters. Our radio waves are much bigger than that. AVe can produce them that small, but they are net of milch use. 'Amateurs use 200 meters about 0600 feet. The con certs are breadenbt en 300) meters. That is, the waves made in the ether are about 1200 feet from crest te crest. And, se We go en up te 25,000 or 110, 000 meters for soma of the biggest trans-eceanic stations. - ' 'New, with all the concerts being sent en 300-mcter waves, you will say that the Illustration of the waves In the pond and the leg is bad, for the leg would, respond te all waves, of the same length; veu ever notlce the difference In the shapes of the'waves en water? With a1 high wind blowing jeu will find the hwaves almost straight up and down, or mn 'concave en. the wind side. 'and rounded en the ether. Yeu will see seme waves with sharp peaks and ethers with easy" curves en thecrcsts. The waves bieaklng en the beach are dif ferent 'from the rollers out at sea. It all depends en what makes the waves. He It Is in the ether. And we have sufficiently developed the art of radio that our sending instruments can be made te send out waves of a nartlcular shaped and our receiving Instruments can be tuned te receive waves ei any length and any shape, and de It se sharply that they will give greatest re sponse only te the shape we want te hear and almost Ignere the ethers, even thought they .be of 'exactly the same length. ' It Is adjusting .the receiving set te get the waves we want that we 'call &41! isflBaaV' j . . JaaBWnaP . f .PBH alB4rB aw 4rKaaaMaaW V W M aaaaa I aaf aaL .aaaa aaaaTat Jaaal aaL aataamaaaaar BaaBaaaaaaaaarBarGrHaaaT'iw&llaaaa I -i 'laaaaaaaaBVxaaaaBBawBaaauLmaaaBTafiKVaHedBaa 1 Sectional Bookcases Prices Astonishingly Lew ii pzs? iiiiiiiiira s i wzjr WM SW mmmmmmBaLWSMLLwtmmmmmimmmmm w-- l , ' MBBEk ZZ lyraf&Klfl win ' 'r y!' -" fmOJUmtma IB iiUHttulMMTr -g-raaaa pa-----? 1 a JjfV-jV- fl t MHHBBBJBSB--Ba BTaaTaaaaTaTaaaaTaTaTaaTaaaTafBa""" aaaaaTaaaaTal .m fir w The Glebe-Wernicke Sectional Bookcase will fit niest any place in hall or bed-room, living room or eining room, library or den or the sections may be distributed in small combinations in different locations. e. G'ebf-Wernlcke Company originated, developed and JA i!?ned .ne ct-enal idea in boekcaBei. The auccesa of that idea the ability te increase facllltlea with growth of rtqulrementa haa resulted in the practical elimination of " id "M? "elld Over three-feurtha of all the aee aee Menal cum in use today are Glebe-Wernicke. DKSKB. cuiih .-..u.. ... ... ..... . u.. .... L1l-OKHn.nMir aUPPLIKS. SBCTIONAL SOOKCAilt MNrt.exLt.-wu-uT8aeei, Mvrnms-iMAiM7t-n memiGk UJHrr.satJTVJ'lfLMJJ ll'iaaaal aaTsl hi iaaaTJ 'fJam aaaTaT ' I I Oui- .... .. at;..: UiL: --- ULEKKS save employers money. Uail or tn. t!AWUARD SCHOOL OF FILING AND INDEXING " above addren. ifpheni 4:49 HtrawDTiaga ft Clethlar Ma a Ou.ri.r Te Bepra.M -ele (K) "Henes My Melhir xauant !' (Dvorak)i (b) 'MTwas .. zr"- )"... Fi -.t,ijiini-i urer. JiSCKHSJE1?.;-' k v 'Mi.bfi.ret nuiu. , . ioIe! (a) 7:39 Seprano, iole; . rlna Clrey. i Paul. It A'Mravfn' !eie et Plcardy.'f K tnr Kath- SiCO .I'lane knln.t S:t0 Darltene telj. o:i--neprniio koje, airT."' K.thi;i. air . Mabel Vega ..raui kc -..- i.jii .'; .'.j....ij'1-.i '-..lUi.u'i1 "'. j' ?" .rr..s;s,.'V"i i"v:8Fiiian-twiwniiBrBi 7r-j7"Mf? 1. an." ntmcr wr iieii; e r hi ... KrJiT --?ytai tilth JpvaBen ftmar I. Ava Marfa7vtlt.. Cecilia aiembera. l--.e0f llr --' . . . . i; . '' I BEie TTIfAT "TMI, OMEVJ" rJAlU THB OBSKRVKH la fareln whn. It come, te Spert.,and ha a War or puttln em ever very fen will aptn-ed-te. man reTdlns T "Hew Deei It Strike TeuT" by TUB OHBKnvBR wnien appear eerr any en the flperti-'faaee of the Kvr.nwa 1' IVbVim. "Make It a Habit."-4rfu. Night. Utile vaat "Valec." Newark. N. t Station (W4Z) (tVeatlntheeee) 09 P. M. Recital by Mlii Kdlth Bennett celebrated Amerlcan eoprane. Mi Si.h. noted Bwiee puSl.te. "ut be th. accempanlit. Preram "Aria d PemL. " "Dauia Duxa." Uurante: "Aria" B?rd" Bena frem.tb Opera "Paallaicl." Ieni.. vallei "Aplea un reve." Eaure: "AmiS?" Weekerllni "Bleil;." Mii-enets 'm "in' Threufh." Penns "Jey In Hummer." llolnft? llelnft? Tidy; Leva'a Old Sweet Bena- MaUeJi nelt: "Randa Oaorfccleeo.-f m.;5.S2N. "Three Wallets." Drahn.i: "IXiZXZZZ!.."! ..IIn..a, n.t . ........ 1"" SSTL. ..."il rwli "Vail iili' ",l"", J ''?. 1". M. J Arnnsten unepin: "wait-, e Mat." Choel a .Majer.- cnepin: "Drlftlnir." wnm.! Juba." Dett: "Mrch Wind." McUe.vfll: "Kv-ntlde." Sarterla: "Pellchlnelle." Bach Bach mnnlnefr. oae P. M. Second recital by Milten 3. Ore. tenor ballad elncer, New Tork Cltyi pre-ram. "Ave Maria." Krhv'lwrt: "Thank Oed for a Oarden," Tereea rel RI-(e; "Olva n Man a Herse Hn Can Bide," O'Hnra: "Little Mether of Minn." Uurleliih! "The R?l?ry,L,.Nevl1v"Th. J-'vIn aed.'7 6'llara: "Like Htare Above.' .Sautre; "Little 'Bev Blue." Nevln; "O Sele Mle" (In Italian), dl eapua: "Mernlnr." Spea!:; "Duna." Mo Me ailli "Sally In Our -Alley." Carey; "Leve'a Rhepeedy," D'hardelet: "Bemewhere a Voice la Calllna." Tate; "Mether Machre-." Ball; "The Bene That Beached Mv Heart." Jor Jer dan; "Evenaenr." Blumenthal. Mlae Lillian Rllei-oed .Fowler, of the Oullment Organ Scheel at the piano. FHUbui-h RUtfen (KDKA) (WcitlocheaM) 8.80 P. M. and at Tfteen-mlnute Intervals thereafter, baseball scores. Pl t-trnfclJfl by Au"l'n Shlndell. of nsten. N. J. Protrem "Wall K Mat P'nA "y.7 .P "at." Chepin: "ftlnn" Is. liIllJflfIlllABal llUUIUIllll'i HtJJ Morning, Noen or "Night ' A Chece-Pic Is a Dainty Delight! CH0C0PIC cVd PHILADELPHIA ICE CREAM ! iiin ,e..e.., ,KWa Yeu are Paying for one of these Machines! satfslsBs. I r I (""""HrTlirTfWBiPMFTsTisI This Is the Ne. 4 Rotary Belknap Ad Ad dressera hand ma chine for small busi nesses. Speed 1,300 te 1,800 per hour. YOU are paying for it net once, but many times ever, in leaks and losses due' te old-fashioned bungling methods in handling lists and names. Which particular machine you are paying for depends en the size and nature of your business, and te a cer tain extent en your present method of hpjidling your addressing problems. But we knew you are paying for one of them ---literally, truly. We are just as sure of it, as we are certain that there is a way te check this waste. Hew te effect this important saving is net sucl a long story, but we prefer te make it pertinent te your business rather than general Se, if you request it, we will ask one of our expert Service Men te call and ex plain the newest, most efficient and economical systems of handling and listing names for all sorts of addressing; and the heading of statements, pay sheets, route lists, shipping forms, etc. Impertant: We .will arrange te have this Belknap Service Man call entirely at your con venience; but when he does call please re member he is a Specialist net a Salesman. His mission is te help you, net te sell you. Listen te him attentively; answer his questions frankly; volunteer any information you think he ought te have. In ether words help him te help you, if you really want help. Meantime, if you wish it, we will gladly send for your careful consideration, an interesting booklet about Belknap Systems of Addressing. It is well worth reading. Yeu are paying for the addressing efficiency it tells about, se why net have it? Ask your secretary te write at once for booklet or interview; or better still, phone Walnut S641 new and request a Belknap Serviee Man te call. TfAPiD Addressing Machine Ce. Our ONLY Philadelphia Office 1208 CHESTNUT STREET Offices and Agencies in all Principal Cities Ne3 MOTOR DRIV MACHINE sH'&sU I aea'fflffiaalaeiiaVVtLttsflL Wilt-- ' HU Mlislsa f B3T ' eBKs ifY-H IceNStcinivilA Mil Egier r iBtPEATl (J This Ne. 3 Mev Drive Belknap Ad dresser addresses 15,000 te 25,000 names a day. Yeu can Enjoy BELKNAP Addressing Efficiency for te little as $9290 Don't make the mistake of thinking you can't afford a Belknap System of Addressing. If money means anything te you, you can't afford net te have one. Better have one! Get in touch with "Better Business" Headquarters if business isn't all it should be if business isn't what you want it te be telephone Walnut 5641 writeRapidAddressingMachinete. or, visit us at 1208 Chestnut St BemalSystcms FOR ADDRESSING EVERYTHING ENVELOPES WRAPPERS DUE BILLS RECEIPTS BULLETINS CIRCULARS NOTICES OF MEETI NCS ' ' ' I STRAWBRIDGE w.. -ti nv. Jitw- -s -'-'-- .i- ZlESSamSBii i & CLTHI1 r ' Sale of ; Women's Sample Coats and SUits Savings Average Fully One-third xm i tAH the Fex Scarfs MVere Net in the Easter Promenade Although It did leek like it, te be uure. Seme beautiful pieces among these: AMERICAN FOX in the cheker1 style; in brown, wal nut, taupe and black $20.00 te $46.00. t CANADIAN FOX rich ly blended skins; animal style $18.00 te $40.00. . SOUTH AMERICAN FOX Animal Scarfs; fur en both Bides; brown, black, gray, taupe, battleship gray $10.00 te $35.00. ALASKA FOX Animal Scarfs, lined or with fur en both aides; in all fashionable shades from walnut te plati num gray $35.00 te $95.00. Strawbrldga A Clethlsr Second Fleer, Filbert Street 99 Suits, new $15.00 46 Suits, new $18.75 -39 Suits, new $22.50 At $1 flO Worsted Jersey Suits in plain blue and brown jtxuMV and Jn heather-mixed green, blue and brown. Belted models with mannish cellar or Tuxedo fronts. At $1& 7K -Homespun and tweeds, including heliotrope, gray, .i.QJ.O,iO reg(J am, tan Beited and unbelted styles. Alse one-piece Dresses with smart Capes te match. A t 99 Kfi Cassavant twills, herringbone effects, Dent, Sklbe At 6'9V and Rainbow tweeds, in beautifully tailored models, belted and unbelted, and with many fine points of tailored distinction. Seme Suits of circular cape and two-piece skirt. Gray, blue, rose and tan in the let. e-VBtrawbrldee & Clothier Second I'loer. Centra Wemen'sSmart Suit Cases In anticipation of the vaca tion season women are select ing new luggage. These are the best Suit Cases available at these prices. Of surface stock cowhide, in black cobra grain, ever wooden frame, with French edges and lined with moire. Streng, practical and smart looking nn a woman requires. Suit Cases, 20-inch size, $13.00 22-inch, $13.50; 24-inch, $14.00 Htrawbrldae & Clothier Aisle 8. Centre Capes, Coats and Cape-Sleeve Coats $18.00 te $60.00 One hundred and fifty of the most fashionable Coats, Capes and Cape-slccvc Coats of the season, Loese, roomy garments, some hanging free from the shoulder, ethers loosely belted. Of mixed cloths, tan cleakings and high-grade cloths in plain,shades, beautifully lined. Sample size 36 only, but because of the grace ful, easy lines of all Wraps this season, many women requiring much larger sizes can be fitted. All one-third and mere under price. Remarkable values at x $18.00, $22.50, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00, $50.00, $60.00. sS Straw bridge & Clothier Second Fleer, Centra ' ' 1000 Men's Suits Reduced An assembling and clearance of the 'many groups, incomplete in range of sizes, that remain after the remarkable selling activity of the past few weeks. These Suits are all from regular stock and include Spring and California-weight Suits. Prices have been greatly reduced te insure speedy clearance.' Smart New Suits Reduced te $18.00 Fermer prices averaged one-half mere. Many styles, many fabrics. Alce, Wickham and Other Suits $28.00 A geed selection of sizes and patterns. Fermer prices were much mere. Wickham and Other Suits, $23 Wickham make, at half price. Others are one-fourth te one-third under price. Stein-Blech, Hart, S chaff tier & Marx, Alce and Wickham Suits new $36.50 Net every size in any one btyle, but all sizes in the let. Sharply reduced. SV- Straw brldee Cleth!er Second Fleer. East d I.lwJ 7K WW $1.00 $1.00 u iprxs' ( ' v $1.00 $t.7e Outfit Small Felk for Warm Weather at Little Expense This is the way te de il select practical Rompers and Dresses from these exceptional groups, and see hew little the cost of many of the necessary .summer garments for wee felk: White Dresses 2- te 6-year Sizes New $1.75 te $7.95 Similar Dresses have been sold for one-half mere but these have become slightly soiled or rumpled and are re duced for n quick clearance. Of lnwn, voile or organdie. One model, shown at right, ?4.75. Infants Slips Special, $1.50 Hand-made, of nainsoek in bishop style. Babies Dresses Unusual Value $1.00 Nainsoek Dresses in yoke or bishop style. Leng Dresses for infants, or iheit for tots, of 6 months te 2 years. One style sketched at right centre. Peplin Rompers Away Under Price $1 Several models of pink or blue poplin, some smocked. Twe aie shown at the left. 3 te 5 years. r - Straw brl.lse Clothier Vihd Doer. Wist New Hammock Couches Ready Many new arrivals 1 New styles for perch, lawn or open air sleeping room, with every modern, up-te-the-minute de vice for greater comfort and appearance. Khaki, French giay and painted-stripe canvas or floral cretonnes and applique effects in great variety. Ad justable back-rest, that serves as n wind-shield; head-rest, front valance, soft cushion mattress and dependable springs. Solid comfort, in ether words, without less of poed appearance $10.00 te $40.00. Pipe and angle Iren Stands, enameled in gray, tan or green $4.25, $0.00 and $7.50. Straw brldBe & Clothier Third Fleer, Centre Beautiful Pearl Bead Necklaces Under Price One never tiies of a Pearl Bead Necklace. These will be lovely with summer frocks and blouses. And prices are notably low. Of indestructible pearls in giaduuted sizes, with solid geld clasp. 18-inch note $1.00 SJ- and S7-inrh-4U0 30-inch new $5.00 Straw brldjn riethter Alslu 0, .Market Street A Special Let of 9x12 Axminster Rugs $19.75, $22.75, $29.75 If it were net for very slight imperfections, chiefly in the matching, we would mention the manufacturer's name, and have you meie fully realize the exceptional values presented. Attrac tive patterns and colorings, all 9x12 feet, in three nrice-trleuns ? 19.75, 'J2.75 and $29.75. b ' Rugs of the aame seit, 11.3x12 fcct-?2D.75. A most unusual oppeiUmity in the Department of Lewer-Priced Fleer Coverings. & Straw b, dBa . Clothler-l'lenr -I',. rilbcrtHtret Ten-yard Pieces of Leng Cleth, $1.85 Our own S. & C. quality se popular with women who like te make their own lingerie and that of the family. A let of 900 pieces at this attractive price $1.85. Strawbrldee & CJethler Alsla 18, Centre A New Toilet Seap Perfect, 10c; $ldez. And the cakes are very large, nearly half - pound weight. Witch Hazel or But termilk Seap, special at 10c a cake, or $1.00 a dozen. Klrahril" Clethlrr Alsla 10. Ccntie and K.lbrt Ht. Cress Aisle STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER MARKET STREET EIGHTH STREET ( y,?l m Mr i , ,JlZ ftj mi 1 4 J FILBERT 8TJUST V f i'n v,j sit, ,i ttt.yrt.aiit ii y ,MM, te IB&i .IKSS '.,lOl J4 ft, i?- i ii? W?l t m vMft