: 'mMLWTMmLwmmmmmmmmm7mimLL iiafl.qngg'flwWaa1Hftar - i-rwLwm wx:: .71 .""..'. ...... . ,.,.-i,.,.JMiaJftI-uJj-,i! ,A ntxJaiLa ' M stt j ?jkyrt- fa 'L&MMF'miltMJf(., ''.".fM . ". ie j EiIlS, V w,"k uLXi aT T.al-.'-I ,'i - -li?. " i-' MMUMWtiWi ' ."I h M ' i- rtr 'm . .a . - - . t . . . . -. . 'li fly wr KiOii&L5 , ', 'WtaMat SMi UUUTUZKlin bl'M' '" ry lOTVlJVM - , ratt aWNHMT r ( r"?.' V'SOTLSSITa: tMf JOt,vemfZ)lt ri ' "B '"!' i .'". iS2' BSftta . " 'i. ... aJaUaft m ' ate jw tsk&&&n wL'-"" flHttry '- . .a.Il JB W1MI. SSuRraSLfJftKJfffll. ,m lw naar btui vnfT " " i rwi-. 5ub!wh hSJuSmJ VrmSMii- ta i.". . tvunuli aratail jvwne " ."-V-. ii.-Ztma:. Ilwl Mb ujivr urn r. w--- -'i.- -r - Hm - WJT!"25E: pi Miiri nm nw jwirvuj &&s.tm SirW ' cte-jwr ,M. ;iV&5S thkk -va W.T i.aaib'k JME .. Mfli ? 'Sw'i'SAi; Tii'TK WSXwit till Jarreman. M Mllr. Ejin.H w cektujt;. vt uWthpxEHB. Walters. I lAHkV the courtesy, titie ef'tady Ube applied te any one who callt "tfAefflce;" he Mid wltfi, entle freb -' TMd. tnt five a name . P'ttt tave tbe name or wen,, snvana Ul fiat yen would knew her." Fh7 ah, indeed!" Mid Thd fln!.-.,i-' H w fnrmallv certain identltr. of hi; ca !. but lad .te, conceal ibbi , r tVT 1 I wonder who he can be? I'd " . l.fW YTai altnM HA !".?- S?JUi.-." fKeienceef WaltcMNeir. 5 was ateny, .."? ,"'"""-. iJ . iv llk nr tn 1BICO- 11 wbb en li l,UC. -f . .- 1....J ..IlkU itlAM 1U W,H ia hywiir rninxnii. tier .vjcd vuuu uvuj - -'. -'j .-- i ItkimlDf led amuemcui euu vuuiuuB. Rlcrumbs, Soapy 8am, you alnjt 'arf Micit.en 'em1, you ain't t Some.pee- UMi.DOrn iucjr. m-j. ."j.--",.,- riregonte ainceiyeu iu" "" Elri'the Waterloo read." Ien re quite wrong, m ucr, u iiifihly. "I'veV had .thla, office for . ine oiecr ,wue ,mi "?"" Jl've only, recently amm up. wenr, linrnjind teli mewnyyeu ve come., tfiren't In trouble, rheper .. nda what yer. cnu troueie," lKtll. arra'nclpg.lthe ruat ..red taf . Uirith care before sittlnd down. Ma, It s a .bit or. oil rignt, wnere Income in useful,-' and maybe It'a rye, whicn if it is you won't get; tout of it till 'I've earned Jt up fiterT.!' n ' .. j . MJtjlme everything,' ald.Theed In Liknew that It will.1 be a great tare I might any a privilege te tKrvlce te you in any, way that Ilea power." t. i reunds vteeay ler xseu eed was Valtlng for- Nell te "ex- ii the reason ter ner visit. ,tme l4 miI tMmnirtn ri nlna trtt f teetlly feathered hat; regarded them rnlnfly and tnen taewereu ner ncaa ncaa pnvere firmly Inte nlace. WI let a father, see? "3 done twenty MCO ier raanmaugnier, seei. xu b gei 9 e' dough; and 'last week one of it, ii it wan t 'ia own sen, comet te my place, telle me all about B.'e'a going te ieaume wlth'dia jand the rest of It,, and leaves IMNbt quid deposit. L-tT blown the eight quid, Soapy," nwireed him.' "I'd have brought I V b H.W.a WU -.B.. if..dear. teu must really, try net EvM'thit ridiculous nickname here." M3d hen "It's all .right when itif ey ourselves, rnur, nere iti mi nt,;, leu Knew my proper, name, plHMiUse It. New, let me seer a utBtn.' came te you, said he was I your fatherS" ' . , set It. Rrmnv T mrfin Afr. Betd," she interrunted him enthusl- ulr; "Ben said you was. a wen- Tilt WAS lnif WednaailaT. tvua r'l'M 'attMn' 'ra' S'.'Slace Wednesday. ' ahe added lm- MMtrtly. "I've net seen nor 'card Irwd of jm except I've seen !ls tee piper, or leastwise wet llita'lm. hnllffh ulrl If iin' " fntt wis a little tee much for Theed. jfcnr cress lines en a pad and she said ii ' "urRUU " ehl as tee tan btftn te unravel itself he asked queer ole bird, which I dida't let en. a,ltW6uMii't. 'avf. bin polite." . j'Tpu, art eulte right thtrt," 'aald Theed, "He le--as ,ycm aay a auter old 'bird. ,, That ls, he Ii a man' of peculiar and eccentric habits.. One of his peculiarities ll that he dlsllkee Mag hurried he llket te de tblags la his own .way. s . "It ha Is. aaxleui te. de hit duty by you, ,w.a, don't want te spoil it all by patteriajfJUM .And hurrying hl, of avtn wrttlng - te him; Let hint de , tht thing In "hi ,ewn .way;. "And uatU he cornea te; you again 1 propeee acting In accordance with the power, he hat left In my hands te make .van anal. lewance which will be suclentfer your, uecua.x duu v,e hut iwo.peunus every week? Alt you will hara.te de it te call here every Saturday and my clerk will hand you the money." rer long Hnte Nell waa silent. It, wii omjena Jieeea.s imagination te guees i that the waa merely heelutlng at te,: whether her pride would allow her te, accept the, money,'! even from her father,' In .such circumstance. Hit own explanation wat that she waa dUap dUap peinted with the offer. , "Ofceurte, when1 your, father .re turns I have' no doubt that hd will make the allewance larger," Mid Theed. "He might even' allow you double the amount though if you were te expect mere than this you' would "leave him very little." s t "I didn't ask 'lm for money," pre-' tested Nell, hotly. "It was 'lm wet started It." , 'Pray don't misunderstand me," Vald Theed. "TherOls every, reason why you. should allow your father te de all that hoi wishes for ireu. I'm merely giving you an idea'ef what 'he CanT and win ae. i nave suggested two pound! a yeek It is In your power te demand mere." "Twe pabnds a week money for Jam' ana me complaining eaten me I ' an swered Nell. Jarracean Is Better Theed' knocked' at the deer of Clau dlne'i house. The 'Jananese hutlep.whn admitted him passed him en te a weed en -raced maid, wne in turn led him te Claudlhe'a boudeirr-a lacquer and Jade .tpuartment against which Claudlne's orange rust gewn: gleamed ' balefully. The air ,was heavy with' smoke and the tcent of orchids. - "Goedafternoon;" said Theed. "I have Indulged 1n the luxury of a walk across tbe park: And tell me, bow Is thepatientfr' , . CTaudine looked at him enigmatically through the hase. Theed had perched himself en a nearby' divan before she answered. -' VHe's practically' all right. He's net able te walk or mevemuch, but he can speak. He Is clear-headed. He Is asking 'for you;" . Theed 'a smile vanished m if he had wiped it from his face. He Gat star ing. ' "H sent a message te you," con tinued Claudlne. "I didn't forward It, of course. It was given te Nina." Theed recovered his speech. "What has she te de with him?" he asked with unwonted sharpness. "She's his nurse," answered Clau dlne. V"I get rid of the proper one as seen as he showed signs of recovery. "It'a all rliht." she added imea- tlently. "He' doesn't recognize her ana even tnen i aent tnina tney ever actually met." "At the same time I think It Is a lee tie unwise," said Theed. He bad re covered his outward serenity. "I never approved of having her te help you' with the card-playing business. That mask she wears" when she plays people' tnink it is a uttie. tneatricai and. mere than a little ridiculous. I assure you her pose , irritates them particularly ithat everlasting liqueur. I've heard mere than one comment te the effect that It makes the place leek like a provincial gambling den." "What about Jarreman?" said Clau dlne wearily. "What are you going te de?" "About Jarreman? Yes, Indeed, a marvelous recovery. Marvelous, with your permission, dear lady, I propose te see mm at once." Claudlne put out her cigarette viciously. "i asked wuat-yeu intended te de," t'aai,lAi. &tVhat' paper?" w answer Nell dived' into the re l0 violently, beaded bag and pro pre M the aWt nf nn'nAi.' Bwdtoek the paper-gingerly and h inc. strong clearly defined "".of Jarreman were instantly ieiiaDie tnreugh a splash, of fish He waa thlnlrlnv m.lM.1., ' rru- ItlMU'was" fnlrlv rXAr. Jamman4 been- te see the airl'. had shirked- ijwr that he was her own father, S-J1" bad shrunk from asserting her KTTt u?" 1Ten ner w under- "a Uat she had n fah thn i.kui Provide for her. He toyed with the li. n 1 ,0 convince the girl that HLhZl.i. ". euii story, out ue BfStSi.l.,ih,s weuId net be safe. . , Km'' n.ih')? 5'0U want me t0 de or jjJttcre anythlnk in it, Mr. vVAhcfeiln n .a.. j..i , tt. ..,, St 'vV.8 tortunatc7-mest fortunate P you cbec te cbme te me." . I Impressed girl leaned forward, visibly lm- lw ''DAriftn. In? UPW 'ne. advantage of WSSi0' T?. .,be m,nd of "ck; liMurt .? nry term,t negotin negetin KKTS L.iia (,0.c.tV can Perfm mir Ri ThBliln.g "be really wishes te W' V .l,n.'Ln femendeus respect StA..!1'1 be girl would believe r ",u.,l""'8 lie UKCd te tell her. Mtamn0Ui bc nirlsed te hear 'WftParfi".1' f.0' of mlne?" i'S'J" se d Nell. "Pnl fak.u tea?z?.r :," " frii-l ii -""""' wmen you will " S Thcir en-nw,'n ypu knew '.'wiTieed cryptically. hef.ve,, ,ubci?.n..near mc W fe'ieu ;in?d,t. ""5 has net been I te se f'DC,p, then bccl"e ''e has . I don't l arl1 en. Ilrt biiBl-i-Li:01?' kew hew long he will be Kill iLV.r, nt knew himself." Nly. Bt ine sociter autpl- IN In a aV .no. I"01' tblnit!".8ttld BtebV fl10cked t0"e- "I take It riS.t0 nersuade your father tn WMSr of ,lv,ni you men- W then. C ISCI1 Btru"'ed Hh Paij.'te eft'Wwwd. "Well, wet WF'-te iii l dnd c.nme a ng and &'.'. f'Te y.er a chauneeV my B ",:,M ,Tel, "left his ?? ie cemn tn ' "r- nT0 mn lhfch, i " i0 E.?1r"1:!lnt with '. new? TXil5, wr,ll" . de, T 1 by p i.0" "al that your Theed's nellte ecrplexlty exasneratcd Claudlne. She raised herself en her .purple cushions, her hands tearing at tasseis ana cniDreiaerics. "Yeu understand me perfectly. Why waste a geed pose? Yeu realize as well as I de that nowadays one can't keep a bale and hearty man a prisoner. As seen-as he thinks he Is fit te be moved he'll speak te tbe doctor about it, and the doctor will speak te me, and what then?" "Let us deal with each emergency as It arises,' said Theed complacently. "Tbe day te which you allude Is yet some distance away. Take comfort In the old adage and never meet trouble half way." Before Claudlne could prevent him he was patting her hand. Claudlne tore her hand away and, turning a little, picked up the, receiver of the house telephone. "Mr. Theed Is coming upstairs," she said into It. "I think you'd better meet him." "Yeu knew your way up," she added, and lit another cigarette. Theed bowed but made no movement te leave. "When I called tbe ether day," he said, "our friend had spoken but little, and had. net commented en his sur roundings. Has he done, se since?" "He asked two days age whether he were in his wife's house. Nina told him he was sand added that you had brought him there. I won't repeat' his next remark; It might disturb that clerical atmosphere you're working up for the sickroom. Itut it decided me te keep opt of hi way at any rate. I haven't been near him all the time he's been here'." She rose te her feet with one of these panther movements that made Theed blink. Tbe bitterness In her tone con firmed a conclusion te which he had come some time age. "She tried te link up with Jarreman again and he re fused," ran his thoughts. "And new she hates him." With a twirl of misty orange, Clau dlne began te pace the room. As if the had read Theed's thoughts, she spoke JtiKt above her breath, "I hnte Hcnrv 'Jarreman. I hate htm. I hate him 1" blie wheeled back te Theed again. '"I was n feel te acquiesce in this dilly-dallying, We planned hemetblng m different. Jarreman was' te .be get rid of as seen as the girl and Ejtraneck were well involved and unable te fact exposure. We could, have get a, grip en her that nothing would have shaken." ' ' "I explained te you. thai that sit uation had been spoiled by. Jarreman finding' out, Just after the wedding, that, Nadla wasn't his, daughter, but" Cam den's,' said Tbeed with a beautiful patience. "I hinted te you when I brought .Turreman. here that a new sit uation had arisen." "I won't work by hints. I'll de noth neth Intf 'mere until you crystallize the whole utatc of nffulrs," ( ' He left Claudlne smoldering en a heap of cushions, and. began n leisurely and obese ascent of the stairs. t continued tomerrow: - -t-a k. .kk - -' MteSteMa.m ".itiv-J.. . m xJLf&ri 4 WJ utnf i m iieOSd mmsLWWz&KRE5mffimE5 wm&kt issr.i msmgB&fc . ramn ii --:, . iim iTaaww vavnamn " - - - - ii,. t-'"- - v - -. -- . kniKi ww- im. ininai m. crv.v r .t-.wv.,.. mmiw . ,i i laVBBawavavn-r T itinniTr ri I ' -r r'..' i AaJ ft Uiui. - i aara x. Jfur "T '. . ...... yi7( r v.t m- - ..'JUS1 MBff' ' I 1 1 ' aKnPaH ' "Bw . a I - &'' Mi H ' rZm it B."WaHlBla( ' '' Vtkv aatatatatatatataV ...M. atatatatataaltataV-'atatatatatatl ' ' " TatatataV, .tW afafaff afafafafafafafafafafA II MaMaMMaaaaWaa-' t ft. r. - tftmWW afafMK' ,aa ft Jkw, M " ' (J ) .aflafa- tttaHtatatatft , c a adrift .HLnmir nu. ' Yim-z mmm n i ii vpr ... .mi4 rm a ' tz: , m aaWaWaWaWaWaW.. -afafafafafafa. ntaWaWaWaCS taWaWaFWWJ" ', fP. taW BWaWaWaWaWaWaWa KtaWaWaWaWA B A BMMBia.BWaWaWaWaWaWaar M A aWaMBaaa faWI at ,aaaW kaWaWaWaWaS aWM .HZ I ? .. ' iATl C" "Lataf 1 J J' -SaWaCO. aMalaaBal WPg lMh JutLuuuLuukmmmmmmm mmmmmmmL. HllHBlaVW'''''llllllvllltateit.ftabllMl .aaHBalA .SSiilllPSasStLj T IB . I ..WV U,M,M.g.jy,gg:La - IH Mil 'I I flfc I II 'I iJII HM,7ri SOMEBODY'S STENQGBetideM, It a Yeung Car , ': ,.' : ; : - h,i.. u. . rt e ByUayward 'r!,r-- lrhliQRNiNGtrHftl--OH-,,1 rJ WHAT? ' 1 , I -" SUMMER TIMC5 fe 'H g :sr - iDHt5S"T WHY N0-5AY,B055. I -4 WHY LOOK t- COMIN - IT CflN fr " , M Zl -.. ,:, ' : -r liiSOTirJAl W COST Of WHNING H Of 5H0C5 ftLONU RV -5SC V . , JJKWHff 1 ' ''' IBM rC p 's7 IT J fH Nv X" J I - : ' . . 'y 1 ' '. ' . The Yeung Lady Acrett the Way ' ' Itaiiophene U Anether Came for Family Strife By Fontaine Fex SCHOOL DAYS -:- -: :- By DWIG . u. ..; ' ' - ,,-. I v f P n lA DlD ' 5W w,,Hr,w& Awur BHBMBWMr"nptrT """1 f'1 te tee aii this criti- jf jL V6 jt ' I'l ji i T eS.it ) wLwKKKSsBtHIUSIKmKSHiKm I dsm of Darwin at this late day and lH'tilH' " 'll i I III I i 'Ssll . vv Wi&Mffi&2P?2m9E33BSmK& ' A if the geed old man wanted te be-. 'I ill1" V" TStSm? lleve the whale swallowed '?' lOTHisiii.l.l.Htlll.1. 'i Jenah he had a perfect right te. (frtJ'SSb " - PETEY This Idea Given Away Free With Every Cepu ei T eday's Paper : : ; By C. A. Veiyht tlAfinrJNK AT.T.W.Y Hid fiintna Cknehn.10J . . . t I ' ' ' i : By King . I u I Si MSTA WALT. YOO SMOOLPN'T OUCHT SKECZIX SEE VOU CeACKlH' NOTS WfTM YOUR YVTeTH HEtL BE 7VIN' WHATCVfcTfc H6 SEES YOU OOIN . tlTTLE PlTCHFPi HAS BlC EARS. YOO KNOW J SO THC1 SAY, r2ACW6L, BUT WHAT HAVf: EAI2.S tfeT T n IAJITU IT ? ANYWAY HAS BC Small Potatoes EYES ! V p - V J - .a . iSJ i&i -J L.?!.-fM'r .i.i.ti- m&Mtw bJISJIVN -V MiW -tOTiM VtFt MHteikUyfetf w. t , .1, .Kit .aiBK. . . . ... j .j .. , J ,v v xt'i'Mivsfe-.!. v.x. . -. iftk.i'tjabStr.f. 5v M imjivii JWitJ. wiJi.iflHi1Vi..AHaiVASkTe ii i! ,U i ' ii a i'l ' Ji iiitiMMgiiTMiitlliiiiii i ill i ii i ii 1 ittlaii i nii W-?. .J fci li .Ut M T wTl" f ... iea . . r . . m. wf ftflf jm . ' ' ." A I i j w ' ,J,.i,vji7;-,wc. ,- -. viaBiBaBaaaaaaBBaaBaaKaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaiaaBaBaaBMBBBMaBaaBiaWBBaaai 4S . m,:' (d