Hi; 'WLum i ft;7;W i .! v:m :i"L.'.-ii.Jb.l..;.:'itU ree"-w j i,, a manatmvrtn ""'17 - -m .. '.!. . 1 wv MvviMMiMtiMMttiaMMssMaMMMiiMataMMMai t i MS iMBIs-Hl WW iBHiliiJ'""" ' TMIAfc 1mWUflt- - JUMM ",a'1 ' -' '"' ' MMtMtittS 'Mft. 'A'M4yT.taUkii: wKBaM MTB . ..i.y wiwwwyw . ttfpfyHl ; "" ',; i.w ,'' rA . f ' f ;Ced B?arcl Conduct Their Business Accordi iviemeers . ' ' I. ' .... . ."..,.. ..,,, 'l' ft' THTSl rettTn OF WTWTriSi TIAQ PTPintJ Anniyrwh uv mTi xr'AmTnxt at. dignity of a profession and the pUMuf can leei fassurea,.oine,mesT; Mraignweiwai:a. , ASSOCIATION OF RBALBSTATE BOAJRDS.OF WHICH THE.PHILA-. DELPHIA REAL ESTATE BOARD IS A CONSTITUENT MEMBER. IT IS BASED, ON THE GOLDEN RULE. it r Hima ama 1aii M -A... T)l1 S ..!, T) ..1 Ti1 !.. T . i . V i t H f creacmenc. wnen n aeais wiui wiese iiciimcd. ,? ; V AllHhe members' of the Philaddphia ReaLEstete Bdard are"RealrsMid-nei V ' ether Real Estate Brokers except these whearemismbers of local Beards affiliated '; with the National Association of Real Estate JBeards may use tms aesignauen ft . xfc "ICM1MC4D ux uie jTiumueipnia, veai jbiw ueara are cempeuea te (jenaucu j ,j their business according te this Cede. 'It automatically, raises their business te the , cewi. . ' ' 1 ' ' .1 ,-. .M."" t ' - - ' ' ' The Real Estate, Brokers Whose Advertisements, Appear en This Page Are Meiiibefe of IT? PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE t, I 'B' 1 ' i- -f 1: m W, I ft! ai f r-.r.ir- rig Kb' BH55 wVPEWU7B .-iM7r7 m. a 4 I'yiw GVlrir I HE LJf 1 Ui;i m ' L fmm k I ik , B F ; . -. , - - M. , , I""" "" ----.---l--------i TrnirilllillinilllWlllMllllilW iyMmHMWyiMilMWB"Hfi1P';-"Mn1'Mii.m mm 1 y-rn, w-wi? , ,,- r- " -- i-. -- - -. .. '. ..J.. ...i . . . . .. . . . " , . ' t ' J "'' .1 ..yi 1 a ( MaHMMiBBaa MaMMMMMaMiiB--m-- " m &: 4, f f r 1 CHARLK8 W. MIM.CR KEKRT T. aULMANN CHAB. FRKD MILLKR GHAS. W. MILLER 1 R3R 1201-07 Commonwealth Bid;. Chestnut & 12th Sts. Philadelphia t. ,. icim Barber j Hartman & Ce. 1201 CHESTNUT STREET We are Real Estate Brokers r, AMD .f t ! Net Real Estate Speculators ; AND tye Can Negotiate tjiat Deal for Yeu ?r 'KuiRnHHrilRBMRHRHilHninHlhMWl hi- c- 212 SOUTH 15TH STREET i IN THE HEART OF THE MOST-RAPIDLY IMPROVINGSECTION OF CENTRAL PHILA. ATTRACXIME MARBLE, FJIONT BUILDING . L.OT40 ft. x 80 ft. POSSESSION CAN BE ADVANTAGEOUSLY FINANCED Richard J. Seltzer N. E. COM. HJT- AND LOCUST STRfifeTS PHILADELPHIA HORACE G. REEDER Realtor NEWTOWN, PA. 100 FARMS FOR SALE '.' All Sizes All Prices Se Us or Tell Us What Yeu Want WE HAVE IT Our Dwelling Heuse Sales in LOGAN Since February 1st Ekceed $250,000 Atk th. Mm w Hv ReprMtRUd. .Pallas & Hartley, Inc. k ' 4709 N. Bread Street ( Wyemlnj 08T1 0S73 Suburban Hemes Country Estates Farms Building Sites TN EVERY part of the Sub A urban Section north of Philadelphia we have te offer an attractive list of most de sirable properties it will be te your interest te consult with us if you are looking for a high-grade home, country seat or a farm near Philadelphia. H. J. DAGER AMBLER, PENNA. Bell Telephone, Ambler 137 Walter C. Redding Realtor 39 Seuth 1 7th St. Several Attractive Central Offerings Meney for Mortgages Drexel Hill Hemes Ybur Heme in the Suburbs , We have the largest list of beautiful suburban homes at every station en the Pennsylvania and: Reading Railroads. , Our Mstt includes Colonial and 'English resi dences, country estates and farms, from' $10,000 te $75,000. x We can suit you. Hundreds have bought through our, expert service and long exper ience. Let us knew your requirements. Wa H. W Ce. 1617 WALNUT STREET Phene' Locust 7880 i BWWTOIUJwHHmlweWIi MMftORl ST. MARTINS i We are offering for aale in St, Martins a very attractive stone mansion. Garage for 4 cars, with 2 roeftis and bath for chauffeur. Three minutes' walk from the Philadelphia Cricket Club and St. Martins Station en the P. R. R. ' LOT 200x322 lit 'floer: 1111. Reception Roem, Library, lvln Beem, Dlnln Roem, Pintrr. Kitchen, Summer Dining Roem. Idtundry In -Element. 2d Floer: 0 Bedroemi, 2 Bathroom!, 8 Servant!' roemi and Bath. 3d Floer: S Bedrooms, l Bathroom and Linen Clout. .Het-Water Heat, dae, BUctrlclty. Open Flreplacei. Vegetabli Qardena, Fin Old Shade, Fruit Trees and Tennis Court. ' WE ALSO HAVE A LARDS LIST OF PROPERTIES FOR SALS-IN JIT. AIRT. CHESTNUT HILL AND THE WHITEMAR8H VALLBT. ALSO D-8IR. ABLB RESIDENCES FOR RENT FURNISHED FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS. JOSEPH M. JENNINGS COMPANY 8812 OERMANTOWN .AVE., CHESTNUT HILL; PA. 2228 LAND TITLE BLDG., PHILADELPHIA, PA. PHONES: Chsitnut Hill 1837 and S0BT pruea 888S mmmmmmmmmmmmmmA jBMrf-WM WWBWBBBiEHaTwHaB it 'iiiiiiiniiBiin 1 t '&mWmmmwimmnn,m,,m,3 ,,..--. --: -.--.-.--. CENTRAL and i PARKWAY REALTY J. EDWARD LUTZ 240 N. 17th Street Magnificent Country Seat at Whitemarsh, Penna. Adeining Phila. Cricket Club Facing en the Proposed Wissahickon Drive Large stone Colonial house; three story; 82 acres of ground. Main Heuse Basement; laundry, billiard room; first fleer; sun parlor, living room, dining room, reception hnll, servants' dining room and kitchen and pantry; 11 bedroemi, Larg garage, barn and tenant house. Price $110,000 Albert B. Mills WEST END TRUST bEdO. PHILADELPHIA PARKWAY AND CENTENNIAL LOCATIONS Spring Garden near 21st Race near 17th Green near 23d Fairmount Ave. near 19th Wallace near 19th Mt. Vernen near 20th Many ethers HIBBERDB.WORRELL&CO. 555 N. 17th. Beth phones BALA STONE RESIDENCE AND OARAOE This desirable residence, located within a rew minutes or the station en a aesir able corner let et nearly an acre; ill rooms, 4 bathi; het-water heat; large perches; servants' dining room; stable and Harare with servants' rooms; the owner has placed this property with us at a, moderate figure (or an Immediate sais. CYNWYD Detached all-stens residence; slate root old shade and shrubbery; sleeping perch het-water beat; conveniently located; let oexzao. WYNNEFIELD Tills Is a new Hating In Wynnefletd nml Is worthy et your examination; a larve modern DricK colonial residence, con' venlent te the train and trelley: con structed by the present owner and un ueually well bullR 14 rooms, S baths servants' rooms with seearata ualrwav large perches, excellent heating system; a verr comfortable home, situated In the best section en a let 10 feet front; imm.mii. pun.eseien, inspection ey aP' pelntment only, EXCELLENT LARaB LOTS AT AT tkaijtivk 1'ltIOES: convenient te ir.iu., irons,, cnurcnes ana icnoeis. JAMES E. DOLAN & CO. CTNWTD. PA. Overbroek 4813 Cynwyd TB2 aiHMimtiB;imi;mi!:uiii::nj.iii!imna!!!!iim;u!KiuflLUEiimmmnfl;ramm!t!inin .BUCKS COUNTY FARMS WE HAVE A NUMBER OP VERT CHOICE FARMS IN GOOD LOCATIONS PRICED FROM 5000 TO 830,000 Several of these, are beautiful country home, with nil modern convenience, close( te train and the new Doyleetewn concrete pike. They comprise from 60 te Q ISO acres. Any one looking; for a country citate should 'Inspect these offerings. B. B. LISTER & SON 5612 Germantown Ave. Telephone, Gtn. 6391-99 Herkness Stetson HIGHLAND FARMS OLD YORK ROAD EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR BUILDERS LAND TITLE BUILDING E. A. HAVENS CX. 1 SUBURBAN HOMES it. I Main Line P. R.R. Wynnefield Airy Old Ybrk Read Section Spruce 0261, ' Sprce5026 tiiMiWf--Byria mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVmmmWmm 6 NEW HOUSES NOW BUILDING $12,500 . Washington Lane and McCallum Street - THOSE WHO APPRECIATB QUALITT WILL BE rNTEll JCSTED IN THESE) BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL PHILADEL PHIA BRICK HOUSES; S BEDROOMS. 2 BATHS; HARD WOOD FLOORS AND ALL THE UP-TO-DATE CONVEN INCES THBT ARE BBINO CONSTRUCTED OF THE BEST SELECTED MATERIALS, UNDER AN ARCHITECT'S CARE FUL SUPERVISION. MAKE AN EARLY INSPECTION AND 1ET THE PICK OP LOCATIONS. GLYNDON PRIESTMAN SOLE AGENT 500T OERMANTOWN AVENUE OTN. 0415 Emimmmimi A HOUSE ERECTED BEFORE TOE WAR ONE RECENTLY ERECTED We especially offer a cut-stone, house' of 13 rooms and 8 baths; aarase; 4U acres, mera than half In areve. at Media; house end driveway alone cost 128,000. Priced for Immediate sal at in.cne. Several views at Office. . I88-AGRE FARM AND COUNTRY SEAT ON STONE ROAD. 20 MILES FROM crrr hall, e from? citt line Stene mansion; 8 baths; h.-. heater, elect, llahtlna; elevated, larva lawn sur sur reundlna; farm house, 8 rooms; 8, tenant houses; barn for 45 head; large, he and poultry houses;, and complete, bulldlncs; 850 fruit trees; rich loam soil. Fer Im mediate sale and possession as owner Is mevlnc te western l'enna. 330 Acres Divided by Lincoln Highway & N. Y. Div. of P. & R. R. R. Wonderful Advertising Possibilities for NURSERYMAN, SEEDSMAN, FLORIST, HORSE OR CATTLE BREEDER, OR ANY ONE DESIRING PUBLICITY Modern Farm Bulldlnas; 2 Miles et Creek Frentage: large Orchard. A Beautiful. Rolling Tract: Right at Station. C. P. PETERS AND SON E.ahsh.d ,88e 608 CHESTNUT ST., PHILA. Member Philadelphia Real Estate Beard mwinnn ne KmmmmmmmwMKMti j ! E.AHAEN5 CO ; 1 mwi wiiiiiwsMJ:l 4; V ' LAW TfTU 106, a i ' f 5 , wwwwffl , IIMIM!lllMlMinl!IIM CENTRAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE EDGAR G. CROSS 141 1 WALNUT STREET NOWIUIIIEWHIIlinHllliUIIIIII Lembard 62-67 Main 3&-90 Several Attractive Locations for Builders Ed. T. Floed & Sen Realtors Bread & Venango Sts. IMMITOIM .i.Mi.iiMruaijiiiiiuiBOiMramwji.inm g -ttl Limekiln Pike y Twe-story rorrti-fre.it divelllng; excel- lent conditien: 0 rooms nnd bath; het- '- water heat, gas and electricity, hard- Vi weed floors; .white and mahogany B flnlsh. Only 15300. II Nr. Lincoln Drive, $12,500 1 A bargain for the pereen sctlng 3 quiekly. Near Upsil Htutlen ana a Va-ne aye. trolley. Three-story twin. 8 het-water heat. NOTART PUBLIC INSURANCE FRANCIS J. DOYLE 1MIM Mortgage Breker KENSINGTON & ALLEGHENY AVENUES PHILADEDLPHIA Anrthlng you have 5n th nertheaet section can be handle! properly by this emce. gas and electricity, n.ruwoeu , noun, own nrepiace. He- 1 auced te IIL',500 for quick sale, fiest 0 buy en West Side today. Price Reduction Near Lincoln Drive and Henry Scheel. Desirable twin all-stone dwelling lo le cated at BOt Carpenter St.. N. w mr. MeCallum st. Delightful southern jjuurw, ruum ier garage: steam heat; gas and electricity, hardwend floors, open fireplace. Kxamlne thl ohelce Hating promptly. neduced. Open for Inspection. 110,500, FOR QUICK RKSULT3 LIST TOUR rnepERTr with Smith, Dalgliesh & Russ ! 6001 aRrANTOWN AVE, ' .'i.i.i.i,l.iinii.i,)r- s 4 . if YORK ROAD SECTION ALL TYPES OF HOMES ALL PRICES BUILDIN- LOTS BALTZ HOMES-CHEW ST. f NEAR BROAD STREET. GARAGE PRIVILEGE. 8500. " Kelly's Hemes in Oak Lane Park ) 64TH AVE. & FAIRHILL ST. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES HERBERT HOPE 5904 N. BROAD St. Open Sunday Wye-mini 4637 RAYMOND G. FRICK Realtor Specializes In Northwest Section and Olney Real Estata OFFICES S. W. Cor. Judsen St. and Indiana Ave. and 102 W. 'Wyoming Ae. Vacant Houses 2927 N. 2th, modern IB800 2042 N. Dambrey. perch J380O Specials 2001 N Judsen, perch, modern. . .$4,100 8020 N. llenaall, S rms $2S.'0 204 N. Rensall, 3 rms $3000 28H0 N. Bambrey, 8 rms $3200 3003 N. Stlltman. a rms., perch. .$4000 D1S5 N. 2(!th. thorely modern. . ..$5650 8100 N. Dambrey, B rms $3200 8130 N. Hemberger, 6 rms $3200 2800 N. Bambrey, elec $4000 Olney Beautiful 8-story. 10-room-and-bath porrh-frent home, fine outlook, entirely modern; bargain, $10,000. Large Lilt of Others Sent en Request. OUR LISTINGS cover all sections of the city. We can buy, sell or finance anywhere. We Iirve eleven successful Build ing Associations at your service. Send for one of our printed sale lists of dwellings and stores at prices'-, ranging from $1000 UP. EDWARD F. McPEAK Realtor 2024 Frankford Ave. . Kunsingten 6755 East 8447 mBsis CENTRAL PROPERTIES MORTGAGES Willis Winchester Ce. 1 25 S. 18th St. j OAK LANE Wm. H. W, Quick, Raymond W. Itedgers, President Secretary Thes, Shallcress. Jr.. ir. Mackey, Vice Treeident Treasurer Specializing in all classes of ;Vest Philadelphia Real Estate ' Wm. H. W. Quick & Bre., Inc. 8 Seuth 40th St. ln4lt0r:;:B (flMDKs. 'VM"iliJ I , - 1208 68th Ave. l.arse 3-itery drtached itwelllng; built et stone; 10 roeme, 2 1ths; steam heat, electric and gas; 3 large rooms and bath en recend fleer; 3 large rooms and betti en third Oper( plenty, -of closet uacr laundry trays; let BUH&j ro'em for Jarge. garage. ;$ Lit i-fci I. '.I "' i i H : . UNNON & REILLY iii(ia;ieiKui!iiiiiiai:inic:i.'iii:ni:siiiuiiiiiiiiii!i:jxuu1-iiafflij: biwiiuiiuiwi'jiurattwxiiiin'iiminuiuuiwttMnuiuBii 402U TUI1K KU, OAK LANU 1WI WVA ,.t t wwmi 4 ' - f. . lSS1r !- H J. i. kv .1 ""1 ST ' 1 C aliii s Lt4 '" , jil't i?ii fcfei!ll'iJ'3 i .. . . .11 U4l Ky-.-'1,e!lA.1.1j.i. . j, .. " Mtimi WnwrimMffrrf-r -m: JW-i-iiiiM