&n '& Ww mmm- ww ww?M-f:mn 'm&ww;q,jt' !!' jr' Fri.YSi m T i Jilt. t S EVENING ' PUBLIC LEDGER-PHIUADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APBIE 18, 1922 ". , WV'iwWir IT S71 GOSStPABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne' Talks of the Fislw Dawce or Mwsj Eleaner Hart Philadelphia Dancing Class Meets at RitZ'Carlten Hetel ' rpHAT was a bcnutiful denee which J. Mr and Mr.. Oeri?e Harrlunn Fisher --- . iiii-.iiiinH inur niirur inr nt tne "v",w,i.,'"" :"" ii..i fhrir "Wu,,tw' . E,ri,Mer . ,I,arti pi.ner Is n meet nttrnctlve Rlrl nml wi nutc ene of the FmnrteBt of the ShiitnntPS of thn Inst muibeii. On the "I? e( the family, she h the Jr.nddaughtcr of the Inte Mr. nnd Mrs. ffimr Il'rt, whew home in town wns S. the wrncr of Juniper and Walnut rtiMlBS Mary McIrh, nnd was. of entire, related te that widely con cen nwted and well-known family. Mr. IT. t waa n prominent officer in the vut City Troop mero than half n SSnrr MO. He died nbeut tiftecn mw since, and Mrs. Hnrfa death Jccurrcd five or six, years age. Mrs. Hart and her daughter. Mia; Mildle Hnrt. and Dr. CharlcH Hart lived In Ambler In the summer nnd hi eTn in winter. Since Mrs. Harfs death, however, her children linve sold he own house (which was used for erac years by the Emergency Aid, jeu member, for n Bailers nml soldiers' Souse and Mis, Hart and Dr. Hart .re new living in Chcstnu Hill all the uar round. Dr. Hart, bh you knew, has been en the committee of the As sembly for some years, lhere has al ways been n Hart or a Meigs or a Fifher en that committee. Kloaner Hart's mother was Miss Anna Fisher, and she Is one of our handsomest women, very tall nnd lately and her hair is like geld. She his beautifully chiseled features and is ry charming. Eleaner Hurt has i.ii,f immn Tinlr nud n warm, glow ing color. 1j remember seeing her in a nlny nt Sjiringside a couple of years te 'and ivat struck with her wit nnd loels then. f he Is vivacious and sweet and always dresses in exquisite taste. The dance last flight was net very lurge, leme two hundred guests, mostly of the debutante age, and supper was served after midnight. T3H llltz was gay with parties lest evening. There was the meeting of the Philadelphia Dancing Class, which it, you knew, for the married set, and ai I neatly remarked the ether day, for these of us who arc bejend the debutante stnge. I think it's lets of fun nt that cliias, and I de think it's no scnhible for thoe of us who love te dance mid who miss out en se many of tnu deDiititntc things because we have pnsed thut Mage te get up this dancing class nnd te make ef U Buch an attractive pnrty. There nere a great many there luht evening, and it was most interesting and great fun geed fleer, geed music, geed danc ing and, best of all, a most congenial crowd. WHAT an interesting party that "Alice in "Wonderland" affair is te b tomorrow night nt the Academv of the Fine Arts. Yeu knew it's given by the Academy Fellowship and it's te celebrate the Fellowship's twenty-fifth birthday. Geerginnnn Brown Harbison is te be Alice. In fact, I saw her in her cos tume yesterday, and sIie'h quite the bert Alice I have ever seen from her little Mack pumps and white stockings, her ftraight hair nnd little full-waUtcd frock, te the Innocent, intelligent Hender in her eyes. Mlns Violet Oak ley as Queen of Hearts liui grouped nbeut her in the garden Fccne Miss Emersen, Min Klauder and Miss Kay- weed, and l understand Mr. Geerge Walter Dawsen, of the faculty of the I'nlversity and president of the Water Celer Club, is te be King of Hearts. I hear there is te be a big birthday cuke and it's going' te have lets of surprises, and I am just as excited n 1 can be about it. (Jorhine 1'nuli is chairman of the party. ? ?P ncf- V00!1 ' Miss Marlen Ilellly, ttn&'V? V! rnJu,B- "' Me0re' 0t th University of Chicago; Fref, lTrnnlc 2mf,0&f ,Jenn" "Pklns University. Universlty Harkness, of Maglll -Mi'.?? Ellaabeth Heep will entertain at nn l"rP.rn,aI dinner at the Art Alliance n K1day evening, April 28. after the wedtllnir rehearsal of Miss Margaret R E"""!11' '"fhter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeiin Lytie Clawsen, of 20tn Walnut street, whose marriage te Mr. Benjn '" Heffman will take place, en Sat- THnAvaftf.ri,0n' P",,23' ' 'he HelV Trinity Church. Miss noep will attend h m cieu?"i a jnald of honor. The guests will Include the bridal party. UC-"B Miss Katharine Zeller, of East Mount A'C venue Chestnut Hill, will enter ic It, at.. e.s.mnJ' lun.cheen at the Cltr hiu,L0,a?.,.urJaX ,a"ernoen next, In S?S2h.P.f Ml? HeI2n.. K- McKlnncy, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jehn C. Me- ?"iief J438 DvPn avenue. Chist nut Hill, whose marriage te Mr. Frank pales Getty will take place en Wcdnes ?ny owning;, May 3. In the Mount Airy SiiSSLJii88 MKlnney as ene of her ?hi hlM1.1?8, .The "uesl8 wl Include the bridal party. i no wnitemarsh Valley Country Club of the new addl- announces me opening; iien ier inspection bv memhm n,i RECENTLY ENGAGED xMim their friends en Sunday. April 23. Tea will be served from te B o'clock and dinner at 7 o'clock. There will until Ve?ecrhMtn Cncm from 4 4Kr'uann,?. Mr"; clayler Erwln Tlatt. of 637 Spruce street, nnneunce the on en Kngement of their daughter. Mlw Mar-F.aretr.Jecphlne-plati te Mr. J. iKwi vt" P"'v of ,?39. Woodbine avem.e. ..... ..v..v.,i,b ,, uiKO pince in June. I Oaklnwn avenue, Oaklyn. X. j, h.ive ! nnneunccd the cngasrement of their dilUBllter. Mm MnrirnrAt .Tn -. I vr,iI,UW K- Ivl."8' 0t CelllUKSWOOd. ',i'!.' .The formal announcement wa mane nt a dinner en Sunday evening. ALONG THE READING -T,?re w"l be a meeting et the League iSS1, .Chs'tenham Township, thla after noon In the Olenslde Scout Cabin. rfn?8,;yaerT n: psen. and her daughter. Miss Louise Pa'xsen. who have been spending some time In Atlantic Uty, liiiye- returned te their home en Washington lane, Jcnklntewn. Captain and Mrs. William C Briefer, of Ambler, novo returned from Call fern la sifter spending thiee months en the Coast. enw.r nnd, Mr"; Bernard Kachncr. of Sprtng and Talk avenues, Klklna Park. fuiled n,n Sautrday for Europe, where they will cpend Uirce months. u.iPir' 1S,in, ?ykln. "f Old Yerk "'read, Elklns Park, has returned from a trip te Europe. I BH Bl alrflBaBBBBHll 1 BWBBh mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS nllllllMHH M& ili iiiiBafBaBP'ik?-'' BaBaBaBaW' Ti I ! Ill'llll Hill Wf'v M SBJBafBBBaaEi'aBaBaBaBK.i''':,tI ! BaaBaaBaTaHaTfl b1 Hflfl B !JHSBR7BaTBaTBaTBaTBaTBaTBaTMBftL I BaVflVJ mU I BaVflVaVsVsVJBBaV r BEkI'V ''C'' II I Bafin VbVbbVJ VbbW ' '( V'P-v ''' '''f I H HHbbbV 1 1 B Um bbHBbbVmVIsbV ! H' "V '' v'?' IbUbbIbbBHMHbIbbwBIBWmWBF 'i T -' "'4.rv v III HHVSYjbbIB bbMVVmbHV s wCf' v &t r IIIHBaTiBVKlBnBHIlBflBHff ' i 'f''tV""A'z$'' bbIbbbMWbIbIPJPXBbbIbbIbb : i." m 1 -(.'!&..' :. ,Hm BBBaBfl BBJBH BB BV HBBJIVHBflBHBBBBJBVrv -vv v J TJ f'-'JiA' i V t?M II aTB9lBBB'HBjUB IHBpV ' ra?".' " J?" . . 3Pj'. ...nn ....... -. Photo by Marceau MISS HAZEL COFFIN Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Coffin, of 507 Hansberry street, German town, whose engagement has been announced te Mr. J. Wallace Brown GERMANTOWN Mrs. Herbert Grantham, of 178 Queen lane, will glve a luncheon at the Union League, followed by a th-atre party, te- mmrew ,in h.oner of lrlss Genevieve DlllenbecK. of 209 Pclhum read. The f?,CSt nwi" m,cl"d0 ,Mr.B- Leslie Grantham. Mrs. IJIcharcl Davis, Mra Clarke Dlllen beck, Miss Betty Russell nnd MIsb Alice r or bes. Miss Janet ffulllvan, of Prederleks. burK.Va.. is visiting Colonel and Mrs Spauldlng. of tlm Navy Y&xA. vieM(l1nSP,"l0,yr,lklns- of Baltimore. Is wi "5 Ub? ,Marearet Lukens, of 147 West Scheel lane. Mr. and Sirs Geerge Fetcr .Vewell of Bosten, who have arrived In this cltv te attend the wedding of Miss Marrarr? t! ' ar? "'ng-Mr. and Mrs. Arthu? ufn'VuVrmanTe HVenU0 an(l WEST PHILADELPHIA Miss Catherine Perter, of CarlNle Pa. lias been t i m,, ,.- I,":le' ,n'"' brother-in-law: Mr. nnd Mrs S T HAVE told you hew Dnnuie spends ' "f euth Yewdcll htree"'renhe A much time nt night praying for his , ce ' family nnd friends. Fer Ged te Mens . Mr- nd Mr? Geerge A Par.ivliiri Jilt grandmother nnd te bless hli fnther I Lla,r,turn11 frnm tnelr wedding trln tnd mother nnd aunt nnd te make him a ! "! "p 'Jil0,'"? nt r,3n' Regent street. tod(bey. And then the ether day when eVay of t n wiih. Misa Helcn w w inethVr eTpeete.1 him te get up from his I J' of 58e avenue. I'rayera he knelt longer ami snid lie, , . r- JT0 r 4?irQ-l7Bsner ,,as returned te "And bless mine own little self. iJ" "1' H"4 ,Vln. ' aer spend Wn." ACY WYNNK sexeral veeks In Ohie. .Mrs. f.eorge T Camel, SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mr. Philip Dechci't will art as best man at the wedding of Miss Helen llope AMISOn. rtnnplltnr nt T, ti.wl Mt-u AU.i, r Wilsen, of 1841 Spruce street and. PP&r RrnVA Wm,nA VIHmAr ....,1 u, ' . - - awi.., .,..l.u,.. I'ccnerts brother, Mr. Rebert Mr. next. nnd Mr?. !'. s: tj, .. . trnn.n.i ..;:: ;.: "., or 112a a,Si rm& . " - l--4IIU t I I I It I . T-l . Shi", ,s,vJ?ltlnp '"?. iw; Ph lade": Phla. left yesterday te .spend severil da.s nt Atlantic city. sterai FRANKFORD Btreet and . A sketch entitled "Betsv Trnt.n,i- , ., ..,,"'.:,; rC. . v "."'--. ..; . . "' '"" rimiKiera i'renhv)rian .''. w ',. jjviirv i'. ucciieri. wmen cnui-pii ,,, ThnCin.. , ."l,,n" will tatenlaen en WertneBrtnv niemnn,i I -i"") cM-ningm J,y !4, at the Church of the Geed niiepherd at Koscment. The ushers will Include Mr Vi ederlci; It. Dravten. .Mr. Albert H Lucas, Mr Jehns Hepkins, , t Pinehurst. Gorden A. Hardwlck, Mr. Charles erris, jr, Mr. Jeseph J. Hrewn, Mr. rnemas Halt and Mr. Ralph Hemier. Mr. Rebert Fauloener JefferyF, eon "f the Rev. Kdwnnl M. .Jcfferys and nr. Jefferys. ulinse marringe ti Miss Barbara EngiWi Ilenseu, daughter of i "'Rev. nnd Mrs. Leuis V. Heiisen. of. H l)e Lanrey blieet, will take plnre I v.. , ,."' "-"uruay, April z. in inc 3end Piesliytcrlan Chuicli. Twcntv- ""i ana Walnut plrects, will entertain " nesi ninn nnd ut-hers at dinner en l2?h"l,I,yvr"lnK' Al'rl1 -". t the Ht Antheny Hub. nUef K11"" Allen Hitchcock Shcple. i ht. Leuis, act , mntien r,C Mi??rnl.Jhe nmirlage of her slHter. w ,Miir,1"t J)- Haker, daughter of J'. Lul P. Baker, Jr. of St At-apliH firtBa''1, ,imI Mr Benjamin Glydn MiifK'n80," et Ml' ",Ml Mrs' t'liaiiiicev M Hen QrlRKs, of .St. Paul, Minn., which will take p ace en Saturday, May J7, BH Mi0('us-a,t ,st' Asaph'a I'hurch. eltlu, Mlss IHnbeth T. Gilggn, Mr Sii'1?1;' wl ,,n lhp ,lial11 f honor. J?hn,h bHdeHinalda will Include Mis Amiift w1 ner8 , f Mlss ""Iter. Mrs1 rill v f3, ricw- ' '' -M,M Lenero A Mc m Jh1 l"ey lily and Miss Mnr Sn Vun"",r Mnfcter Jehn P Hell, Sd. fellow ... ' ViK ' . rt hn,'il1 reception will iP'ther. After a f'fp .""'I his bride will ,aui. Minn BONWIJ TELLER. 6XO. CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET TOMORROW : WEDNESDAY Extraordinary Sale SILK SWEATERS 1 9.50 Formerly 34.00 te 59.00 35 PURE SILK SWEATERS n plain and striped weaves also combinations of different colored borders. Net all colors or all sizes in this let. CORNELL-BISPHAM WEDDING Mitt Garber Becomes Bride of Mr. Qottsehatk A pretty wedding took place yeaterday at 7 o'clock in the Church of the Epiph any, Fifty-seventh street and Baltimore avenue, when Mlas Franeta Blapham, daughter of Mh and Mra. Francis M. Blapham, of 6031 Carpenter street, became the bride of Mr. Heward C. Cernell, of 6030 Walten avenue. The Rev. W. N, Parker, D. D officiated. The bride, who was given In marriage by her father, were a gown of white kitten's ear aatln trimmed with rose point lace. A veil of tulle arranged In coronet fashion wth orange blossoms ey tended the length of her train. She carried a ahewer bouquet of white resea and sweet peai. Miss Helen Oreaart, the maid of honor, were a gown of blue crepe de chine and a black hat trimmed wtlh blue flowers and streamers. She carried an arm bouquet of Ophelia reeea. Mr. Wllbert C. Cernell was beat man for his brother. The ushera Included Mr. Walter A. Dalrd and Mr. Percy C. Mearkle, A recaptien followed at the home of the brlde'a parenta. Mr. and Mra. Cernell will be at home after May 16 at 6021 Carpenter street. OOTT3CILA1.K OARBER The wedding of Miss Eleaner Annette Oarber and Mr. Ferrest Oettachalk, of this city, took place In the Christ United Evangelical Church, at Twelfth and Ox ford streets, at neon yeaterday. Mlsa Rhea Fleming, of Royeraferd, was the bridesmaid, and Mr. Lewis Oettachalk, a brother of the bridegroom, was best man. The ushers Included Mr. B. Humes Qarber and Mr. Earl Bergey, of this city. Immediately after the cere mony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. , and Mrs. Clarence E. Qarber, of 177 North Elev enth street, after which Mr. and Mrs. Oettschalk left en a wedding trip te Pettsvllle and ether points. Upcrn their return they will be at home at an apart ment en Eleventh street. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Elcner Mae Btanke, of Merlen, is spending the holidays as the guest of her grandparent, Mr.- and Mra. James Curran, of 1421 Seuth Fifteenth street. Mr. Edward A. Carrell, of 2627 Colo Cole rado terrace, is spending a few days as the guest of friends In Chelsea. Announcement la made of the engage ment of Miss Helen M. Owens, of 2041 Seuth Fifty-seventh street, daughter of Mr. Patrick Owens, formerly of Fif teenth and Rltner streetn, te Mr. Jehn J. Naughton. of West Philadelphia. The wedding will take place en May 10. NORRI3TOWN Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Kathryn Juanlta Opdyke, daughter of Mr. Frank Opdyke, formerly of 660Aater street, Norrlstewn, and Mr. Waahlngten Kirk, of Berwyn. Mlas Jeaephlne Smith, of Powell street, entertained twenty-four members of her Sunday school class of the Trin ity Reformed Church at her home en Saturday at an Easter party. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walker, of 622 Kehn street, are receiving congratula tions en the birth of a son, Melvln RUs sel Walker, en April 13. Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Hot-ten nnd their children, Miss Frances Borten and Master Samuel Borten, of 1.100 DcKalb atreet. are visiting Mrs. Borten's mother, Mrs. E. S. Fogg, of Woodstown, N. J. DELAWARE COUNTY Mrs. O. V. Hull, of .118 Harvard ave nue. Swarthmore, will entertain Infor mally at luncheon today, Mrs. Bayard .Morrison, of Swarth Swarth mere, will entertain the "S P M" Club at her home en Friday afternoon. The members Include Mrs. M. I Ayres. Mrs. Geerge W. Casey, Mrs. Jehn Carrel, Mrs li A. Gillespie, Mrs. F. W. Hadley, Mrs. Charles S, Hearne, Mrs. A. H. narrower, Mrs. Jehn II. Delman, Mrs. A. II. B. Sheppard, Mrs. William West, Mrs. Jehn 13. Fex, Mrs. Cenrad Hchette, Miss Jessle Bender and Mlas Eleaner Carrel. Miss Gwendelyn Majer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F Majer, of Media, entertained Informally at bridge en Saturday afternoon In honor of Mis' Margaret Mausen Hunter. BON WIT TELLER & CO. CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET Card Tables Cretonne Silk Peplin and Felt Tep $5.50 and $11 WnTjrkJeiRDd 1212 Chestnut Street Direction Hlanler Company of AI NINKTKCNTII ANtt MA11KI J I. 1.30, 0:30, 0:30. 7.30, fl'J iieinmT 7.. l.EONAHD PWS Ffai MAE TO. r?' BM BrBBBBl HBBk aVBLBBBf 'JBBB L M . Kt i W:' a S (6r. I WEDNESDAY FUR SCARFS Specially Priced NATURAL MINK SCARFS 29.50 Twe-skin animal scarfs, showing the beau tiful color tones that compliment the wearer and complement the Spring tailleur or frock. A i ALL-WOOL SWEATERS 3.95 & 5.00' Formerly 6.50 te 11.75 Odd let of Shetland, Alpaca and Mohair Sweaters in Tuxedo and slip-en models. Net all colors included. A'e Mail or Phene Orders filled FIRST FLOOR fjn 'i NEW FOX SCARFS Exceptional Values BROWN FOX ?0 SO PEARL-GRAY FOX 65 00 BLUEFOX-- 65.00 Fifth Fleer Si s s I RROADi -POPULAR PRICE ewwsnr MATINEB TOMORROW SAM HARRIS Announces PIEFERGUSBR "" HE VARYING SHORE"' By Ze A kirn, Auther et "l)cJallW', Orlxlntl ("empnny and Production FORRFST perui.AR fkick rUIUUal MAT. TOMORROW "MASK and WIG CLUB" CNIVBRHITY OF PKNTfBYI.VA?A 84lh Annual Production "TELL TALES" A Mualeal Hull'n-Eyn In Twe Sheti Eva ASat.Mat.fl0cte$2.n0W.Mat.r,0rtn2 NEXT WHEK HEATS THtTRHDAY RUSSIAN GRAND OPERA Frem I'KTROQRAD XfOHCOW. OI)i:SHA Mnn.. "THAR'S IIRIIK" Tuns.. "I'KJl'K IAME"( U1.. ".MRRMAin" (Rnaalkn): Thu . "SNOW MA1IRN" Krl "Rl'fiKN ONEGIN"! Sat Mat . "I)RMON"i Sat. Kn.. "CWRMKN." Prlcs r.Oc te 12. .10 GARRICK LAST 5 EVGS. I'OP. PRICK MATI.VKi: TOMORROW GEO. M. COHAN'S COMEDIANS In the Wholesome Mnlcal Hit THE O'BRIEN GIRL MARY" ni(S MCHICAI, NI8TKRI NEXT WKKK SEATS TITURSDAY BY POPULAR DEMAND nturn of th Favorite Cemdy FA.M II HARRIS Will Preant WELCOME STRANGER with fiKORfiK KIDNEY nnd the ORKilNAI, (IREAT CAST AIJDKD ATTRACTIONS $$A TONY SARG'S WBSgH rii- vin n . wamb Easter Boardwalk ParacU .' SPKf'IAt, MUSIC VKftTtVAIi , STANtOW SIXTEENTH AND MAIIKRT "'. n.30. le. n.ae. B80, 7 ae. e-m ' DIRECT FRO.M NEW YORK SUCCM. mmmm m .''-l w new is my wandering boytenight? A picturizatien of that age-old sons that millions knew that millions have sung and that millions will never forget. PHILADELPHIA'S POPULAn rONTRAirO EDNA WALLACE KENNEY M1I.OIST 76ariti&n BROAD CHESTNUT 1130, 1:80, 3:30. B 30. 7:30. 0:SO IT'S A. PARAMOUNT PICTURE) "IS MATRIMONY A FAILURE?", With T. Rey Barnes, Lila Ut, Leis Wilsen, Walter Hlera A rearlns cemdy lilt all about Wuahlnir brides and over-tenfl-rtent husbands and a gay elepe-m-nt that alment annulled ciery marrlase in town. AN ADAITATIO.V TROM LEO D1TRIPH8TKIN-8 STAOE PLAT PALACE 15T" MARKET BT. .KCIMl.,DB-,llS,.B.818P-,f' BOUGHT AND PAID FOR JA( K HOLT AND AONES AYRES Charlie Chaplin Added Attra tinn S V. S' ' METROPOUTANSS Today at 1 :30 P. M. ALL-STAR PROFESSIONAL BENEFIT U SPH I 111' Phila. Chapter National War Mothers THE GREATEST GALAXY OF STARS EVER SEEN IN ONE PERFORMANCE e If- .. m m of MIhh Itnkpr'H weililhiK trip, Mr. l0 III St. Mr,iJMrP?ucJ,le ' ."oy'e. ilfiuishter of De Lan,J .rh- ,halUPl A. Iloyle, of 2300 rtew.? nf pln5-'1'' wl" "'terlaln at a nwen "ivi, "''rt-,r"' HBtunluy nft- all.".'! '" l.t. Ill llnnnr nt lluu Mr. 1 nifL1?,",r1,?1' w',ose inarrlaKe te J Ke'nin,?"".!1 l:'8e,lbrc'- n of Mrs. " May 27. """f"ul-'f "'in ill;?.?.,,f'i.,3 Vlie wl b.i '.?'""' -Mrs. tnku pluce will attend the bridge I U'llllm,, V M,.-i., , "111 KhV. i L1.?.""8 lnTU'' 'I'fHinut lllll. . Owe,, no,1'' ? " '' neon will Include Sirs I Wit! ki r.. '.."''W Jteb."-t TeiW. Mre I ftKenneu' Mr; hi !.!,1,,V.,r' re. Kiwlerleh m ItoDerrAi,,l.ehl,,A' ""mpH, AIrn WIN fharlfs 'i.!'?' Alexander Carcr. Mih. ?' l?dttnrrt v,er', MrB' Herhprl Til Jen M. Ald5rti'!rl"; '' Arthur Maine" Mrs. (JeurRM l',iir Mr. "" Hied, W..1,. '".'."a t, ' n ,h, . - ..,: """"..Mni. .i li. v -;.ni aas,;01"1 "'. ana m. -. .?.?" Karm HivVi?'.De.r''''':?. "f ,'?'n at limni,;". .'.'"" . ' . win en-1 ''ersjrj.". In honor of. her . m.u.. .7 Eliner Derrancu. lilS ft" 4ffirSKy Themw wllf give iA BONWIT TELLER G,CQ &foe5jbeaa6hepOnyinaUoM CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET Announce for Wednesday An Extraordinary Sale FAMOUS PHILMONT" HATS 10.00 Regularly Priced 16.50 te 25.00 Last Fall we held the first sale of PHILMONT Hats, and it proved te be one of the meat extraordinary events in Millinery. We have arranged with the manufacturers of these Hats te repeat the sale, and they have made the Hats expressly for us at a price that just covers the actual cost. Philmont hats are sold only in the most exclusive shops and represent the highest type of Millinery. Milan Straw Slrarv and AeVc Canten Crepe Hair Cleth and Taffeta Tagcl Facings Horsehair and Faille ' Hair Cleth Angera Weel and Straw Black, Nav), Periwinkle, Jade, Henna, Beige, Red, Tangerine , MILLINERY Geerge Allen, inc. -Chestnut Street 1214 FIRST FLOOR 4 1214- Simple Straw Hats and Sailors for Very Little Fer every day wear there is Rethinjr mere .suitable or mere serviceable than a roll brim sailor. At Allen's may be found en model of lieere braid with a crepe de Chine scarf, in Nigger and Sand, Concord and Bisque, Pheasant and Seal, niue and Silver Henna and Brown $8.00. ' Anether sailor combines visca braid with a crepe de Chine abnSni1eTaSPKa75n.nd ' Wh,t "' inere is n i,cerBeue hand en still another sailor that ha In Jade, Periwinkle and White "THE EXPOSITION BEAUTIFUL" Se mil H K.th, i,nnn th nwi lnntlens in npn unces, miittrlam and furnlih'na. Sprml 'ur p itur.i n ai-nulrlnt: & real ctllcntlnn In BETTER HOMES Mmir Hn.lln lm utritmn - Erv Aftornoen anl KiernnK Thin ok lnlartelphIa I'.e-i ivji, I'-iar.) Heal Ktaif ami H'l i! '.xv i en rmsr iu:himknt Aiureitr llreid nml ( a, .wn II M ARCADIA iT CHESTNUT 10 A. M tc 11 :lr p, H- PAULINE FREDERICK anl THOMAS SANSCHI In "TWO KINDS of WOMEN" VICTORIA NJN7 makkt r.... ..... .A- '. te 11:15 P. It TOM MIX ' OHAHgfe TKfc CHARLIE CHAPLIN at CAPITOL 8TH MAIIKET !r ie a. jr te it in p. v. GLORIA SWANSON $ "Her Huiband's Trademark" $ REGENT "'-V'ATTn PTAQB DOOR" ULUDL VAt'DEVlr.T. ro.vnvret's 11 tp "CAVE MAN LOVE" V V A DAV I-'HIDAV l'i n Matlnee fivclal IVnturea NEXT WEEK ''nsT ijbnna. , , 7'V-' - Dempsey-Caxpentiar FIGHT PICTURES J t R- l ? 'W'. -:M a PVh n wider brim of silk braid. $11.00. If a slighlly less taiered hat is desired there is one of straw with a crescrain ribbon hnnH who.. hnj u.:. . ",,,' Blrilw. idnr nn tl. ui.lnu I- r ... ,.':,. .,VUU "" '.' ,s "iinng ann b - '" " ". uiuck, .iBRer, tanna and Sand Riffaud's Mary Garden Toilet Water Never Sold for $1.00 Before each hnttle In a teTaekt''k bfi,"' "Xvl " Hese of Many Celers uui'ii1.!'11''110 for "P1"'" l ohlffen-wplBlit Hnr -i, Heh ery i)ese8, nnvertheless. wonderful n,., lh" '"" "h,'"'0Hr n Milieu, nray. Suede. Pole (Jrny an.l Helce 3 en """""ra 4"" l"f"T',,' -...Arr'uea '"' "ttrnctlve Steclilnir Is r,'ili.V,i,i . . HelR... Pole dray, bm- Nude. H, -iVr BRINGING UP METROPOLITAN SVA'ii NOW PLAYING w"! Tnis wi:kk evl ar rr nriirn 'n .W2s. raintK r IN UAI I CTDCCT -' MATINEES: 25c & 50c NIGHTS :25c, 50c, 75c, $1 TAKF lhl' "Inillr- m unil "l (,(, -re 'MHii," In Hnl I Ife 1'IUL.A DlltKcnu.s al.KAW.NQ THL.ATREa Oh' l.KK J. J SHU II K HKKT SAMCUIIOZBT. EVES. AT 8:10 s. dnUpcKr mat. tomer. XrWUXiS GCEATESTENTEBT3lNa OLfOM GREArmunMiin mr i0i 0 ja pu M LYRIC TONIGHT 8 SHARP Sotherk-Marlewe VTS. TWELFTH NIGHT Meil.. rrl I.p. . KT Tluir... Nr.. J.Hi",M?r"vT"IiN'' nr TI,l: S"KW i!ICF fil" ' ,K"ANT OF inps anu rrct in Oeze, rnstur .Sand, mark nnd Whii.. net ' And don't fen;pt our full fa.shlen.-d lllc Tip value, at .inc. Lingerie Ribbon, Sashes and Garters Are Important l,lnperin Kibberi in W'hile. Plnlc. Blin. or t.i mn, u, fi-ein U-tnch te l-lnch ulde. a is" te "Se a in Ji fnmh,n'l,,en S.islies hae deei frliiR.. nnd I m"naur u-ilh ,2rJ,"-,ce Then, ai n parlous co'mlilnaUew VaYTV no "sVelal ."K' nn ' ' J'n' Muslin Underwear Embroidered in Celers and With Colored Edirinir $1.00-$3.00 One White Mirlit llr,...,, , ...,., , . . cdKlne. mi.se. r'"l"u'"!"'i ann Dan ldinE t'llphlnut t lOflm CnntlniiniiH 1 1 . M. t 1 1 last .i I)ses. u . M Nf I"s "HAIL THE WOMAN" 10 GREAT STARS pheci.aimu in i'itr-i whim IIM 1HK UlU.Ari.ST I IT! Ill I- i'i, Ihi Net s ii " " V ii . r ' " H 1IHriJLJ 'J ?- I tl L i MQIEstrBnr Tut wories best "-VAUDCVILLI IMII Mn. i -,.. ,,. at Hl5 JIIV1MY HUSSEY Hli l.inlrr l.llifl ll.ul llnriiK A Knrnn 1 liirrnif Itiivllrld llniri sirenirl I 'Idle lllrlif.v MiirJ. lie (urillle RATH BROS. Winter I mil, n :,i i ,,... i..... - rA ri,i,i,B,r,,rr,,,rK,ei,,KVc "THE PROMENADERS" "ii".'.." Vll.'"',r " '"''I lieriiH of IK nuy i.inii nn nf mi I'eiipli." Iluililt lliijl O'lliiidiin & iniliiinU Mfrril I Hell 'i I i ,. , i I mi Mh iril. Kikihen I'i inn hi A N tJCJIf B.F.KEITH'S iUAS'lj KATKn Wl I.K I'lSTlVAl, GUS EDWARDS' SONG REVUF. a oelored mhie Aiietner in trlinmed with embroidery. : 00 N ery new nnd nttrnitiv r. ... .. ... PlnK natUie, with Olnirhain ,iinva ll nil'l". '"ntlwi nnd Vesu In w.,"m mr nicn Kannent. with Olngrhain edglnjr. Famous Columbia Brand Yarns in Every Imaginable Shade Shetland Woel-38c . ball Iceland Wl 7K. - L.n i ninn in i , WALTER C. KELLY M.-ri.l.v MtlllKlxiis.A,.. H'lrt I irli, r, and MARION HARRIS 1'HMirlm I'henimriili H,.r r i s.. U'p.p I'CI IHK I lllh Mti1 bv .rnle H.(. lav All ., IMmI , , 0 ,r 7-TT" a K.lHIHIIIIIIIIItJIIUIMIIIIIHIIIIillllllHIIIII,,iminM)3 ADELPHI KUAV Mil vA "LILIOM" Etei. at 8:10 Mil Thuri., $l.se ni"1v of Llf N I'n diirtlen Mlth rr JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT fcVA LK GALUENNE POP MAT. T0M0R., auc IU $1,00 VICTOR. HRoaeeTto acassr vusCAi cxxsdy succiss XfALHilT y a v'ctc ANCEL FACt? OZGAlAL VFU VOW riKT ( di:m or mi sk SIR ARTHUR J x is . ! ........ . i. , i . . . jimf M. LltuiM-n ai. Juut and WAHVITt, ! J.!'.1!1.1,,,1"1.:'.1 "hiih si. .Uih;i tASiLKiiut, n.uaiu FESTIVAL Wit lII- - III l Ml I Mill', flliiHtnr ".' i-r e n.-iiir nrl.n ., ,Mf.j t i mi hhixm.i i:ms,,. .,, I0f tlt,M Lards of Adimsiien Fitly Ceats K ' lilt Hi hi in h.x " "?' Ml riinrill 'I IN (IIM l ( inil'AW , ' i .ii wrv.u , ciiurasaaca v$ SAMSON etDALILA !" M..il,.WrJW t VA llrl.m a C0NAN DOYLE In I,.rr (l.re lillck MKe,en The Proofs of Immertalitv Heat 3.1c te jw.nii, nt II,., HIP'. ,,, ,, Iflernoei, M , -lte',v'.'l.",.,r.r.',lJ "A.. !", MesnW'vr;,',:", .,, CARMEN PhiUdelehU Omiralir- Q:.... L ""USI". c,iStJ?ni1 Uheru with lliiiui Widiirwlny Ktenlec, April IB. i i,i jiWl . I 1TTI B TUB A TOP 7rr77-r- '"" "'""' "ir.et - 'iPVymt UM lbi.ur ,,,,, r. .,,,,, ,.(i ,,,. ll-lmaaj; SJi ' """ V"2 t 1 Harvard Glee Club llr. ,1. 1. HmMn. '...j.... Af'ADK.MY OF MUSIC T1 rj&n W!jr-.Ji LITTLE THEATRE ' taplaki nmbemd'a CaiTariiwi" I7Ui A Ita l.unetr n i in week t.a.lumv-TIia (!.. rmm T " '"""'"". "' ' w"t mppa'i.iiig r. nniLAUBbrniA . !"LjrrV;i$ "' iariaita . nv ti m A n W i 'h a fi A -A b.te I?i!:iy!afanac you win d win.. - 9-m WltbretHi 5tfasya-5!ghggSi U', ft.g ' r wr- "Pvr ..f?'.'CTC"wm-1 ., k iMCSSA C1 tMlL. iiliU'Y.V ' KARI. aIJt