u iJrMiyAw V ' 3$8 -swr r-jiap" v W FMPV kN;W 1 v '- -i MS t EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APEIIJ 18, 1922 ' i"l V B WASHINGTON MISSOURI BARS TEACHERS WHO ARE TOBACCO USERS Credit Alse Refuted Schools Which Tolerate "Weed" Kansas City Me.. April 18. (Uy A. 1) Student credits of echoelg In Kan sas which allow the use of tobacco In school grounds or elsewhere will net be acceptable for the Issuance, of teachers' certificates by MIm Lerraine Elizabeth TOOTHFtJIi DASH OF OEM. GRANT Weedier. state bud schools, she eald In a letter received by Chancellor Jehn O. Williams, of Kan sas City University, end made public today, This places a new ruling en her antl antl antl tobacce rule list, made about two weeks no, when It was decreed that no cer tificates would be granted te users of tobacco and that all schools and col leges which permitted the use of the weed by administrative heads, Instruc tors or pupils would be stricken from the accredited list. Iflthartn iinBuhllahm, narsenal anecdatM af America's great general, as told by his dls- rseally Conducted All Expanse Cantaeusene, will appear In the Maeaslns aranaasusmer. Section pt next Bundar'e Pesuc Laoeaa la AND II S. TEACHING Dean Jehn Fraser Hopes te In , tertwine Applied Science Methods honor or tns hundredth anniversary ec uen oral u. B. Grant's blrrti, 3-DAY TOURS Section every Sunday, m Vi J(20 1 10 vi ti -' ' Wv from PklladalpHIa SJ ii . i - $ April 20. May 4, 18, 29 '.. . m Fer rtrtflUa. nMn It. r. IIAAHR. 111. . A.. .HIT Walnut Ht. rtisw. Wateat MM m BALTIMORE & OHIO m PLANS TO SAIL IN JUNE &f& mrnmmmm , ( MAY LINK FRENCH .sastfe. Pskk av fan'' w w w t m m vj m m ikwi : neaa in aiaaaiin Bar--BS BBK. BB1 asa a iBBl fjm. .jW bbsj "Malt It a f J MM j 9 fka Jl fflWiLi &1 P& v R, ' ir- u fes m IrV T IV $0, r-J ?! ' Jh IK- t r wi m rs i?, l m OUR' aicTnnr nnnrnc eiunL unuuie .AMWtr Mm luying Qtmtiea Oar 60 rttn' aiparlsaea la evl aiift that rea are elsalraf rtta a raVaata flna traaa wkeaa ran eaa ajaaaat ererytalna as sat! In tits ftaeatBald. Onr plan enables rea a fa ta the tradlnc stores of Phil. la tali at 7aer aercfcasM. WRITE FOR DETAILS TONICHT I 1TJ SB ,! AtmieTT Bres. ,1111 CHESTNUT STREET; I El 191 nmmmmaK'A You'll taste i& difference! asce Coffee 25c At all our Stores laaiiraMTJWaiiiiJiiiiiinraiiiBiiiiii.TaiiMs; The first fixture that your guest ie when they come into your home and the latt when they leave. Then why net have a lantern in your hall like thia: Swedish iron and poly chrome with 0669 catledrai glass Visit our showrooms and see for yourself hew geed our fixtures are and hew reasonable. 'Lighting Fixtures IIDDLE-GXHMER CO. 3846-56 Lancaster Ave. Open Saturday Till 4 P. .11. Take Ne. 10 Car In Subway Phene HARtac 0760 WabbteeM to&wiy(8ex. i I at'ssssE-.s- sssssKftsssK. Bassssss!M.ssfefatfa,,Vv sssffiBaasDBH was'!' i IsHHnHsHflaiaM ''' sssDm ' 'k' aw. " k. , t-M ' 'Bting happy is largely a matter liking common things. " After work the ether dj we met him leaving a Happiness Stere. Arms full of .candy and happy as a boy I One of New Yerk's leading business men, Says he comes around every week for cheery Happiness Service. He had candy for kids and wife and mother even some for neighbors! i'eti, tee, will enjoy geed Happiness Sweets. HOP) Thtutkttr rV: CHOCOLATB A ITAUAN CREAMS OUla. United HaeDiness Candy Stores a r.Twamk bd CUestnut strain i aaata iia amat asSSajsajltawsi Ave 'v, Dean Jehn Fraser, of the Towne Scientific Scheel at Penn, who has been chosen exchange professer'to France for the coming academic ear, hopes te In tertwine the French and American sys tems of teaching applied science, e that both countries shall profit. "The French method li very different from -ours," commented Dr. Frnser, "and the difference li chiefly based en the history, traditions! and sociology of the te countries." He intends spending several uceki at each college en tils itinerary, Mudlng closely the French method of instruc tion. "The French authorities are Tcry Reed about that sort of thing." he said, "and whenever our exchange professor viits a school, they open every means te closely study the situation. I hope also te glvi them n few points en our svstem, thereby cementing tiie Ifilendship between the two countries." I Dr. Fraser will sail in June and report ' I te M. Petit Dutnillls. Minister of 1'ub- ' lie Instruction. Although he will net -be certnln of his itinerary until after " his conference with the Minister, it' III probably Include the Unlversltv of I Paris, Oreneble, Lyens, Marseilles, Touteu.io, Ilerdcnux, Nancy and Lille. "I feel the honor very deeply," said Dr. Fraser. "for 1 will net only repre sent our own 1'nlversity, but the sl ether colleges as well. The recent war has nhewn the advantages of applied science, and France and the United I States can help each ether Immensely. ATTORNEY INSISTS WILSON WROTE IN PRAISE OF REED Meriwether Tells of Seeing Letter Lauding Missouri Sen'ater St. Leuis, April S. Lee Meri wether, attorney nnd supporter of Sen Sen aeor James A. Heed, today repeated his statement tlint he had seen a copy of n letter by former President Wilsen, praising Heed's attitude en the Federal Reserve Bill, which the former Execu tive last night denied existed after he recently hnd read Meriwether's state ment in the Olobe-Demecrat. Meriwether said lip nlsn hed seen a letter from 'William O. McAdoo, son-in-law of Wilsen, written when Mc Adoo was Secretary of the Treasury, commending Reed's work en the Fed eral Reserve Bill. Meriwether's state ment fellows in part : "The Senater mentioned several Im portant measures In which lie had o e operated with the President, one of the measures being the Federal Reserve Act. "He called his secrctatj, Den Hunt, and told him te 'show Meriwether these letters.' "In substantiation of Senater Reed's claim that he had received the nnnre- batien of the President for his work en ' the Fedetal Reserve Bill, Hunt pre- , duced from the Senater's files, flm n letter from Secretary of the Treasury ' McAdoo, in which McAdoo vcrj i warmly commended nnd thanked Sen- I ater Reed for the work he had done in I perfecting the Federal Reserve Bill. Hunt then produced another letter of thp KJimp ppnrrnl mirnnrt- wrlffpn nn ( White Heuse stationery nnd signed b Woodrew Wilsen." i H Bungalow Cleck Herschede 8-day clock movement, S-tube Westminster chimes, mahogany case, 6' 0y3" high, 24" wide, Uyi" deep $250. The Bungalow clocks are appropriate, in size and design, for apartments and summer homes. The one here shown is selected from our many styles. S. Kind & Sens, mecJst. DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS Leuis E. Wiser: Qhe Quality Cfwrniturc Center 160'1(n. Se. Fifth St Philadelphia Bet. Locust and Spruce pERHAPS the best indication of the lasting satisfaction enjoyed by Wiser customers is their continued patronage and that of their families and friends. The attractive prices may often induce a first visit, but nothing short of permanent qual ity and substantial value could create such genuine confidence and sincere geed will. .nuii 'IfW rV f saassiarsel 'iTi . "V' - J&Z &SI7--' Heppelwhite Dining-Roem Suite rf OQC fit Walnut or Mahogany 10 pes. PsJ Prevailing values arc exceptional in all departments Furniture, Carpets, Rugs and, especially timely, Refrigerators. .stslaaisiHstW sisisisisisisisisisisVsanSalsisiPsisisilslsBslasM " BmBtSKil f IBilMlssisisisisisisisa ' sk IRWI Five Passenger BJss A Wonderful Skin Beautifier All who have used Beauty Bleach are delighted with the results, because it clears the complexion of all blem ishesmakes the skin soft and smooth. Black and White Beauty Bleach is a dainty cold cream'd beautifier. It will net grew hair Black and White Seap will assist Beauty Bleach in its beautifying properties. Your drug or department store can supply you Black and White Beauty Bleach 50c the jar; Black and White Seap 25c the cake. Clip and mail this te Plough. Memphis. Tsnn-, for free copy of Black and White birthday and Dream Boek. ksbjbswj .I.PW.IITIB gtBsaaaasav BasBBsssaZ8PR'' See It Today This beautiful closed car is the most attractive value ever offered by Hudsen. It is just out. Ccme see it. The Coach will cost you less even than the open model of any car te which you compare Hudsen in quality, performance and reliability. ltis certain te be the most popular type Hud Hud eon ever built. Early deliveries will be possible for these who place their orders at once. On the Famous Super-Six Chassis Phaeton $1695 7-Pass. Phaeton. 1745 Coach 1795 Cabriolet ....... 2295 Coupe 2570 Sedan 2650 Tour. Limousine, 2920 Limousine 3495 ESSEX 5-Pass. Touring-. .$1095 5-Pass. Coach... 1345 Cabriolet 1295 Sedan 1895 Freight ana Tex Extrm G0MERY SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR CO. Sales Roem, 128-140 North Bread Service Station, 2400-14 Market St. Little Benny's Notebook By Lee Pape Fred Feernet Among the Liens I Scene, Fred Feernet in the jungles I with n guide, Fred Feernet, O, these certenv are dark junglex. Oulde. The worst Is vet te tome. 1 Tbey get darlter insted of lighter. I Fred Feernet. Heck, is that se? j Guide. Yep, and the darker they get the mere liens there Is. ' Fred Feernet. Well hav, I eny get one btilllt left. Guide. Well then If a lien femes after us, watever jeu de dent fire Jill' you see the wites of Its eves, Fred Feernet. Geed nite her comes one new. 'Holev sfeakes leek at the1 sire of him. He leeks mere like a I elefunt in size. This slspense Is nwfill. Guide. Dent fire till you see the i wltes of his eyes. . Fred Feernet. Lissen te him rearing Loek at his teeth. Gesli sutcli sispense. . Guide. Never mind his teeth, wait for the wlteB of his eyes or we're both lest I forever. I Fred Teernet. G l?i tills Is feari-e. . Ive saw "eiien.e before lint never like this. I Guide, Yee gods he's get reil eves. Run like heck ! (Which the de. I The end. I After-Dinner Tricks v.. i Ne. 130 An Optical Illusion Cut nut the figute, "A" nnd "11," i hewn In the drawii.g, or innke similar figures from a piece of cardheurd. Plnce tha pieces of paper nn shown ! In Figure 1 with "A" aboe "n." Call attention te thp fact thut "1" is larucr than "A." but that vcu Intend te make "A" larger than "H. Simply pick up the papers and, after a few mvs- i terleuH tiits-set, place them with ,"H" ' abetc "A," as in Figure 2. Then "A" I will appear the larger. The two figures; ere really the same size, hut thu manner In which they lire placed creates an optical lllunlnn that is ery deceptive. HUMAN SinK OF OEN. GRANT In commemoration et the centenary of Oeneral V. . Qrant'e birth, bin arand daushter. tha Princess Cantacussna. has writ ten an Intimate story of tiltherte unpublished aneodetea te sppesr In the Masasln Section of aaat smaaay-s -rnie ubesk, rer stir- asanas, aanruiaias reatures. clean. wit mimMMSUIM-MMMMMMM Dress Your Heme for the Summer with Colonial Rugs thus freshening your rooms with a delightful atmosphere of coolness for the heated term. They are equally suitable for city home, mountain bungalow or seashore cottage. Made in a most remarkable number of striking effects (many new this season), you may spend a most interesting hour in studying the varied assortment. Quaint, dainty, artistic they are very moderately priced, far beloie former sea sons. Fer the various grades the prices range as fellows : m p 9 & Li w She 9x12 314.50 15.50 19.50 24.50 38.00 She 8.3xl0jB $11.75 12.00 14.75 18.00 28.00 She tix9 $8.50 8.50 10.50 12.00 19.50 A complete assortment of ether desirable grades of Summer furnishings. It will be greatly te your advantage te make your selection while the stock is complete. Hard wick & Magee Ce. Fleer Coverings Exclusively for Almest a Century , 1220 Market Street AVSsaV. I ssssC?tsslassssPsssssssssssssssssssTMasSssssssssss Set it side by side with any car, irrespective of price, and judge. That's the way te buy a car. See what each has te offer at its price before you make up your mind. It's the only way te be sure you're getting just what you want and it surely is the only way te appreciate hew much you get in this seven passenger Studebaker at its price of $1785. And it's a test that Studebaker is eager te have you make. Fer when you stand this new BIG-SIX side by side with ether cars, you'll find it gives you all, in quality of ma terial and workmanship, that you can get in any car regardless of price and infinitely mere than you can get in any car at the same price. On every hand the thousands of BIG-SIX owners have found in this car everything they considered essential te complete motor meter ing satisfaction. This is another reason why last month, as in previous months, Philadelphians bought mere Studebakers than any ether six-cylinder car. E. T ARNOLD. The Studebaker Sales Ce. of Phila. 847 North Bread Street , Poplar 8400 ASSOCIATE DEALERS AND SALESROOMS SOI0 M. llroeil St., I'lillu. ArTOMnnir.r; sales agency, 1101 lludden Are., Camden W. J. nt'TLER. ' ftOth ft City T.lne, Ilata COOMIAl'MMIM'ltLIN MOTOlt CO , 3JJ3- Uitlmit M.. '. I'lillu. RAY.MOM) A. KItWIN, FU.M.M, ,,0s"S ',U"""n ,,k' " 70n I.H ItldBe A., KrulioreHKli E. T. im.L. 4100 Trankferd Ale., 1 rankfer.l IIMtltls, leltm A f LARUE. il . Liinmuirr Ar?. Ardmore MNeu..KW'i.Rv.r- l,re",d m- '""" I. I.MWs"ifnNn ""d irf'nf' Oermantnwn MMONSA'in'RItek.""" ,ta0", naulaard H-I0-I? U. It I'ltlmnre Ae I.anedewne New Service Station, Slut and Thompson St The 2607e increase in Philadelphia sales of Studebakers lne i. i the new service atatien at .list and Thompson Streets, convenient e nil i. mail trolley or meter. Sun-litrhted shens. ..! mn7,l ll h"".v..e"'c"t i M nis of ic nccessaiy trolley or meter. Sun-lighted shops, evmy mode n Ymprovenicnt for nPn ." l ,city by square feet of fleer space make this fiervice station one of thi f Riet nf W-In mB .,.,n,1 aB'000 And the service behind the car is a most important "factor for the ceSLm ,n l.he celJntlujr' prospective motorist. Ier tllt! -onf,ideiation of the Waiting Reems for Ladies la '' ..V.t-'' I' , ' ' t ."sIM'aa SjrilS:-" ary WiilJiilter :!., d.; - ..,. :.a KLa,.TVi :Tv'-r-vf,-A ri--vrTT .vw .l . t j - . . - .- -..- . . .. .ir Sll I li